Learn SEO promotion yourself. Self-study of SEO from scratch. Internal optimization tools

Currently, only the lazy don’t try to find out how to independently promote a website.
Having created his own website, the novice owner is surprised to see that an interesting and sometimes unique resource has, for some reason, very low attendance. Believing that everything is going well and the site is working great, the owner does not immediately think about the fact that in order to achieve success it is necessary to take a number of measures to promote the resource.

As you know, not a single real or virtual enterprise can develop and advance on its own. Every company needs help in gaining fame, and on the World Wide Web you absolutely cannot do without it due to fierce competition.

An integrated and individual approach to the promotion of each site

To attract visitors it is not enough to buy domain name, host on the highest quality hosting and fill the site with useful information. It is necessary to carry out comprehensive and high-quality promotion of the project. Many Internet sites try to give advice on how to promote a website yourself, but these tips are not always effective, structured or really useful, since they are general in nature. The issue of promotion should always be approached not only comprehensively, but also optimally and individually. By understanding what a particular resource needs, you can achieve maximum results.

How to increase website traffic

Knowing how expensive it is to contact professional companies involved in Internet promotion, every entrepreneur strives to learn how to promote his website for free. There are several important areas of activity that together will help, without investment, to raise your site in search engines and influence its traffic. This:

  • page relevance;
  • original content,
  • high-quality design;
  • registration in search engines Oh;
  • registration in free catalogs;
  • social bookmarking and so on.

Conventionally, all these methods can be classified as internal or external optimization. Don’t think that internal website optimization is less important or will bring less benefits than an attack on external resources. Just the opposite, if you treat it lightly, you can put a bold cross on the site.

Any potential buyer or a client who is searching for a product or service on the Internet is faced with a great variety of competing resources. It is necessary to let him understand that it is your project that is more valuable and ideal than others. It is even more difficult to convince the search engines through which a potential consumer comes to you of this, so all the subtleties of the question of how to independently promote a website should be given special attention.

How search engines work

The promotion process is long and labor-intensive, but it is worth it. In order to move in the right direction, you need to understand how search engines work. This happens as follows:

  • the user enters “keys” into the search form, i.e. the words of interest to him, which are called keywords, which implies the necessary promotion of the site using keywords;
  • The search engine's algorithm, which is constantly improving and changing, selects pages from its own database that best match the user's entered query - searches for pages relevant to the query.

Search engine algorithms are complex, but you will have to understand this issue in order to truly optimize your resource for them. The ideology of search engines is such that they can only return decent and high-quality material that can satisfy the target audience. When generating results for the user, search engines analyze a whole set of various factors that allow them to come to the conclusion that this particular resource is, to one degree or another, more important for the user than the resources of competitors.

According to Yandex representatives, the algorithm of the most popular search engine on the Runet contains about a thousand factors for determining quality. From this we can conclude: than larger number such factors are taken into account during optimization, the greater the chances of your resource to get into the top ten as a result comprehensive promotion. First of all, when deciding how to promote a website in search engines, you should focus on the most influential of these factors.

Internal optimization tools

Correct internal optimization, quality of website materials - 50% of success. The site must meet the following characteristics:

  • high-quality, maximally unique content, useful and interesting to the consumer;
  • search engine optimization of pages;
  • clear and simple structure;
  • user-friendly navigation;
  • correct internal linking;
  • valid code;
  • optimal and high-quality design.

Content optimization

Particular attention should be paid to content, i.e. site content. It should be as unique as possible. We are talking about 95-100 percent uniqueness. Deviation from this highest standard is permissible only in those parts of the text that cannot be unique by definition (formulas, formulations, postulates, technical specifications, titles, quotes, etc.).

Unique texts are valued by all search engines. This is the key and basis for the successful promotion of the project. Know: if the information posted on the site is not unique, you don’t even have to try to promote the resource. Time and money will be spent ineffectively.

In order to check the uniqueness of articles, the Internet offers many tools that you should use before publication. These can be both online services and stationary programs like the popular eTXT Antiplagiat and Advego Plagiatus ( good practice to check the uniqueness of the text in both programs). After checking, correct non-unique sentences and duplicates found during checking, and calmly fill out the pages of your resource.

Search Engine Optimization

All pages of the site must be optimized for search queries, which are set in advance. Forgetting about this important part of promotion, you will miss an important part of the question of how to promote a site in search engines, and doom your resource to invisibility for target audience, coming from search engines. The absence of such optimization will worsen the behavioral indicators of your project, which will immediately have a negative impact on promotion. To optimize pages, it is necessary to comply with the rules for creating and structuring materials, namely the presence of:

  • Title , i.e. a page title that increases the relevance of the page, attracting robots and users with content and keywords promoted on the page (direct entry);
  • H1-H6 - headings of levels 1-6 (according to significance) in the page content, containing keywords in direct and morphological occurrence (H1 is used once per page);
  • presence of keywords in the text in direct, morphological, diluted occurrences;
  • using highlight tags in the text to focus attention on certain points and increase the weight of keys;
  • availability of informative content a promoted page containing 300 words or more, graphics, photos and other necessary page elements that complement the text.

Tree structure and user-friendly navigation

Correct structure and clear navigation are a well-developed information layout. It is no secret that a user who finds himself on a “confusing” and intuitively incomprehensible site will immediately leave it for another resource. The behavior of search engines is no different.

Don't scatter information randomly. Be sure to think about how to optimally organize it. A tree structure with sections and subsections, categories, directories, and so on is considered ideal. In addition, you need a convenient transition from one page to any other. The availability of contacts, information on prices, etc. is especially important. The reference tree structure assumes that the user will find the required data on the web project in no more than three clicks.

Navigation is included in the category of behavioral promotion factors, i.e. helps the user quickly and easily navigate the resource, improves behavioral indicators and helps improve the resource’s position in search engine results.

Correct page linking

This factor is extremely important when self-promotion, internal optimization. The success of the project largely depends on how correct the internal linking is, which is responsible for distributing weight between pages. This allows you to advance using the internal potential of the project. The essence of such linking is to install internal links and anchors that lead to thematic pages. An extensive network, a web of links will not only distribute the weight, but will also allow you to shift it towards the most necessary ones, promoted by search queries pages. This is painstaking “manual” work, eliminating unnecessary expenses for promotion. Its result will be further improved by external optimization.

Design and valid code

Obviously, any promoted site should have a pleasant appearance and require minimal loading time. Loading speed is a major problem for many websites. An impatient user will leave the resource without waiting for the desired page to open if it takes more than a couple of seconds to load, and the search robot will simply reject such a resource. The consequence is a sharp drop in positions in search engines.

Design optimization means pleasant appearance for the bulk of users, and not for a few who, due to psychological characteristics, prefer deviations from the norm. The optimizer’s task is to make the design as universal as possible in order to positively influence the behavioral indicators of the resource and ensure the success of promotion.

External website optimization

If you are interested in how to promote a website yourself, do not miss important point external optimization, but remember that its effectiveness is based on perfect internal optimization. It is not recommended to purchase or negotiate for free links without completing internal site optimization. Only this will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from each link. External optimization means obtaining various kinds of links to the pages of the resource being promoted. When choosing sites where anchors will be placed, special attention should be paid to their quality.

Ways to purchase links

Currently, there are several ways to obtain third-party links to promoted portals. You can purchase them both for a fee and for free. Free ones, as a rule, require a lot of time and effort, so they are often ineffective. Don't be afraid of the word "paid". In terms of links, this is not a very large amount. In addition, by promoting your resource yourself, you can choose exactly what it needs, and not buy it in bulk. Proper purchase of links is a very important issue that should be studied separately. In short, there are temporary and eternal links. When purchasing them, you need to take into account many parameters, such as:

  • the theme of the donor site is similar to yours;
  • the presence of content on the page where the link is located, its informativeness;
  • the smallest possible number of adjacent external links (ideal - one, norm - up to three);
  • homogeneity of these links;
  • optimal placement of the link on the page, its visibility (footer excluded);
  • different anchors (optimally - one link with a direct entry plus one with an indirect entry);
  • “liveness” of the page where the link is located;
  • indexed page, preferably in several search engines;
  • donor page traffic;
  • high Tits and PR indicators, Alexa Rank - up to a million;
  • presence of incoming links to the donor site;
  • availability of a website in YAK and DMOZ and so on.

In addition, when creating link text, include keywords to promote the landing page, make the link texts different. If the created anchor is attractive to the visitor, you will receive a good increase in the traffic of the promoted site.

There is one more rule for promoting with links: you should buy them regularly, and not occasionally, and increase the link mass of each subsequent purchase. Do this gradually, do not buy many links at once, especially for a young, startup project. Otherwise, you may run into sanctions from search engines. Excellent help in resolving stock exchange issues eternal links and temporary, rented links:

Other methods of external optimization

In addition to links, you will need to register your site in free directories, both thematic and non-thematic. Placing in non-thematic directories is unlikely to increase traffic. Add a resource after registration. Please provide as original information as possible.

Almost every search engine also has a registration form. It is absolutely necessary to fill it out. Add your site to the catalogs Yandex, Google, Rambler, Mail, etc. Only after this will your site be indexed by search engines and begin to appear in search results.

You can find a variety of programs online that help you promote your website for free. You will be offered:

  • send a mass mailing that includes a link to your project,
  • post them on bulletin boards,
  • carry out automatic registration in catalogs,
  • register in search engines,
  • include in ratings, etc.

To promote websites for free, they use so-called social bookmarks, i.e. the site is searched through social bookmarks, allowing you to get free links to the resource. To do this, you should register with such high-quality services as Memori.ru, BobrDobr, etc. These methods cannot be considered effective even with an integrated approach. They will require too much time and labor.

It is quite possible to achieve high positions in search results on your own. If you approach the question of how to promote a website yourself as carefully as possible, you will certainly succeed. It is worth remembering the need for a more in-depth study of each of the topics raised above. Mistakes made during the promotion process will, at best, lead to ineffective promotion, and some of them will have to be corrected for many years.

Unfortunately, website promotion, like many other IT specialties, is not yet taught in institutes. But the popularity of this profession is only gaining momentum every year. Many people take up this business, but not many manage to become professionals. Everything was simple before. In essence, website promotion came down to exchanging links with other webmasters and writing meta tags - keywords and description.

But now search algorithms have become so complex that website promotion has become a real science. And now you need to have a lot of knowledge in order to promote sites to the top of search engines.

So where can you learn search engine promotion? There really aren’t that many options, and everyone has known them for a long time: books, courses and seminars, and the Internet.

Books. Just a few years ago there was simply no literature on search engine promotion. And only in the last three years, books by active practitioners began to appear. I am now talking about three authors: Igor Ashmanov, Nikolai Evdokimov and Alexey Yakovlev. The books of these people have already gone through more than one reprint. For example, Ashmanov’s book “Optimization and Promotion of Websites in Search Engines” has been published for the third time. This is the book that is the best first textbook for beginners and can safely be called the “ABC of SEO.” All authors are the heads of their companies: Ashmanov is the Ashmanov and Partners company, Evdokimov is the head of the Seopult project, and Alexey Yakovlev is the head of the Seo-Study portal. For beginners, we would recommend reading Ashmanov’s book first, as it talks about the principles of how search algorithms work, and then Evdokimov’s book, Website Promotion. Practical Guide”, where in addition to theory there is a lot of practice. Books are the cheapest way to learn SEO.

Seminars and courses. In addition to the huge number of useless information products on search engine promotion, there are two companies on the market that train SEOs professionally. This is the Internet Advertising Academy and Specialist training center. Each center has a special course for beginners. In the Specialist center it is “Web marketing, promotion and search engine optimization of websites”, and in the Academy of Internet Advertising – “Basics of website promotion in search engines”. Compared to books, the cost of such training will be 10 times more expensive: about 13-16 thousand rubles. But there is an opportunity to communicate directly with the teacher and ask him questions. By the way, courses from the “Specialist” can be taken remotely; if you do not have the opportunity to travel to Moscow, then you can order a service - a webinar, and take training while sitting at home.

Internet. All information on search engine promotion is in open access. But it is very difficult to find it. But whoever seeks will always find. There are a huge number of SEO blogs and forums on the Internet where you can communicate and ask questions to professionals. But there is one drawback - information on search engine promotion tends to become outdated very quickly. And what worked half a year ago is now losing its relevance. Therefore, you need to be sure to look only at new entries and publications.

Many people are interested in the question of how to learn website promotion and apply knowledge either to optimize their own resource or to make money. This is not an easy science, there is no such specialty among university disciplines, and it can be mastered with great desire, constant self-improvement and readiness to experiment. Let's look at common learning methods.

How to learn website promotion in courses

If you have free time and a sufficiently large amount of funds, you can choose the easiest way to learn website promotion - specialized courses. Advantages: minimal time spent on mastering theory, up-to-date knowledge (if the courses are good), clear presentation and emphasis only on important topics (it is assumed that the student will learn everything else with independent practice).

But there is also a big disadvantage - this is a small number of really high-quality training programs against the backdrop of outright hackwork. Moreover, the famous name of the trainer may not mean anything: the history of the industry knows examples when eminent optimizers taught how to promote websites, giving long-outdated or ineffective knowledge. Conclusion: studying will allow you to learn the basics of optimization, but only if you choose a quality course.

How to learn website promotion yourself

There are many people who find it more convenient to learn website promotion by obtaining knowledge from open sources (fortunately, there are many of them) and making their own practical attempts. With great persistence, the method can be effective - but at the same time you need to strive to develop your skills, know in which directions to move, and track trends. In general, the “trial and error” method in this situation is not the most effective, because:

  • you will have to spend a lot of time;
  • you need to understand all the specifics of the work, and this is almost impossible for a self-taught person;
  • a lot of effort is spent on attempts, experiments and work;
  • high risk of launching previously failed projects;
  • You will have to “burn” more than one budget until the optimal strategy is developed.

How to learn promotion? Practice!

Theory plays an important role in teaching website promotion, but cannot replace everything. This is worth explaining. In essence, optimization is a game of cat and mouse with search engines: they do not reveal the secrets of how the algorithms work, and the optimizer needs to unravel at least part of these secrets in order to find a way to promote the site to the TOP and keep it there without sanctions. Therefore, unlike mathematics, there are no exact formulas here: there is only a minimum of proven practices, and a sea of ​​methods, assumptions, arguments.

What's the result? To learn how to promote websites, you need to study the basic theory and then practice. The best way to do this is on your own website. This should be a resource that you don’t mind: after all, there is a high probability that there will be errors in the first stages, and this will affect the positions in the search results. Many novice optimizers do this: create personal blogs, in which they share the knowledge gained and the results of applying it in practice. This is a good way to learn.

To learn website promotion you need a mentor

Self-training for promotion has another drawback - this way you can only learn the rules for optimizing small resources. A self-taught person will never cope with the promotion of a large project: an online store, an information portal or another site with thousands of pages. There are practically no specialized courses that provide such in-depth knowledge. What to do? Where do professionals come from?

The best way to learn how to advance like a pro is to find a mentor. This could be gaining experience on a paid basis (essentially, tutoring) or working together on projects. The second method is preferable, since the knowledge gained will be both theoretical and practical, and the techniques used will be proven and effective.

How to learn website promotion? Keep up with trends!

SEO specialists need to constantly exchange experience by attending thematic online and offline conferences. In most cases, their speakers are proven professionals who come to present a case study of relevant and effective practical knowledge. But this is not yet a guarantee of success.

An optimizer must not only know how to learn website promotion, but also how to constantly stay up to date with developments. And they change very often in this industry: many practices are considered obsolete after just a few months. What should I do? At a minimum:

  • read official news feeds of search engines;
  • be subscribed to blogs of famous SEOs;
  • monitor news on the topic on authoritative portals;
  • participate in discussions on SEO specialist forums.

Usually, any innovation causes heated discussion and a joint search for new methods - this is what a beginner needs when learning. It’s also a good idea to constantly study the market and analyze the most successful resources.

So which method should you choose?

How to learn website promotion and gain quality knowledge? The ideal method is a combination of all of the above methods. The courses will provide the necessary foundation. Independent acquisition of information will allow you to expand your knowledge. Working with a mentor will provide invaluable practical experience. Communication with colleagues and tracking trends will allow you to improve and always be “afloat”. Well, while the training is ongoing - for promotion, really important projects It's better to turn to professionals.

Dear friends, from time to time I receive letters with the same question - how to learn SEO and become a website promotion specialist? I've come to the conclusion that it's time to write about it. detailed article and express all your thoughts on this matter in it, and then simply give a link. Convenient, isn't it :)

It’s not a Globator in the photo, don’t think so :) I just practiced a little in Photoshop 😉 .

Website promotion is not yet taught in universities. I think something similar will definitely appear soon.

Indeed, the question is how to become SEO specialist, very relevant. The ability to attract targeted visitors to websites to increase profits will always be in demand.

I will tell you based on my experience. Plus I’ll try to add jokes and jokes to make it more fun for you to read 😉 .

As a child, I wanted to become a clown, but life turned out so that I became a blogger and SEO :) I've always liked making people laugh. At school, university and at all my jobs, I always tried to make someone laugh. Even, I learned to transfer all my jokes and jokes to English language in such a way that it would amuse the Americans (at first it didn’t work - they have a different mentality).

I’m not upset that I don’t work in the circus - I’m slowly having fun on my blog in order to at least dilute the dull articles on website promotion with a little humor 😉 .

That’s it, I need to concentrate, otherwise I’m distracted again :)

The best way to learn SEO is by doing

In my opinion, best way to learn something new is to learn it by doing.

I am convinced that to successfully become an SEO specialist, he must have his own website. You can create a resource of any type - website, blog, forum, community, portfolio, etc. Only on your website can you learn the basics of increasing traffic, experiment with internal optimization and try different ways promotions to find out what works and what doesn't.

I started my journey as a webmaster in 2005, creating a website for maps for the game Counter-Strike, the development of which I was then interested in scorp.cs-mapping.com.ua. Then I made a website for Photoshop lessons. Then it was on the globator.com domain, then I moved it to globator.net due to a long-term DDoS attack. Then 8 out of 10 popular Photoshop sites from the Yandex catalog were subject to this attack, this is a different story.

I actively worked on the development of the site, wrote lessons on Photoshop, and within a year I achieved natural traffic of 3,600 people per day with virtually no financial investments (I only paid for registration in catalogs and then bought Allsubmitter program). You can read about this in this series of articles:

After that, I realized that I really like to increase website traffic, and I started a blog site to share my thoughts and experiences. So gradually I came to SEO.

Constantly experiment

SEO is an area in which it is impossible to say unequivocally what works and what doesn’t. Google and Yandex algorithms are constantly changing, and the effectiveness of a particular method of internal optimization and promotion always depends on many factors. Plus, there may be a trivial thing - all other things being equal, the same method can work well for one optimizer and not work for another.

That is why you can find directly opposite opinions on almost any issue in website promotion, even among experienced specialists.

My advice is if you doubt something, don’t read someone else’s opinion and don’t blindly accept it as truth, no matter how much authority the person has in SEO. If you’re not sure, it’s better to do an experiment and check it with your own experience.

For example, many optimizers argue that when articles are added to free article directories, they must be multiplied (that is, rewritten so that they turn out different). I believe that there is no need to multiply them at all, because one version of the article works great. I have conducted several experiments and am convinced of this while working. This applies to both promotion in RuNet and on the English-language Internet.

🔥 By the way! I have released a paid course on promoting English-language websites. If interested, you can apply to early list through this form to be the first to know about the release of the course and receive a special discount.

I started a separate Twitter account, in which I publish the most interesting and useful RuNet materials on website promotion. I select all materials manually and publish only those that I save for the future. There are many valuable articles accumulating in my bookmarks, and I decided to share them with you. You can subscribe to this account - @ruSEO.

So, let’s put aside unnecessary modesty and quickly provide a link to the content section of the site where I publish the best materials on my blog on SEO :)

If you know English, then reading foreign promotion materials will allow you to learn a lot of useful things first-hand. You can read my article:

Naturally, we need to mention the optimizer forums. It is useful to read them, but it is important to learn to ignore unnecessary information (flood and messages without any information value). Plus, on the forums you can ask questions and communicate.

At the beginning of my journey, I communicated quite actively on optimizer forums, but I haven’t done this for several years now - I don’t have time, I prefer to do my work. Of course, from time to time I go to forums from Twitter to read interesting articles, but in general I read blogs more often, since there is more useful information and less flooding.

I will give the most popular SEO forums RuNet:

You can also watch useful videos on website promotion and related topics on seopult.tv and megaindex.tv.

Study the websites of leading competitors

In almost any topic, the first positions in search results are occupied by sites that, in the opinion of search engines, best meet user needs.

Such sites definitely need to be studied both in terms of internal optimization and content, as well as in terms of the organization of structure and navigation, as well as the ways in which they are promoted.

To find out by what methods a particular site is promoted, you need to download it external links. This can be done using paid program Yazzle (I've been using it since 2007) or using online services(I made a detailed video on one such service -). By following the links, you can find out in what ways a particular resource is promoted. This knowledge can save you time and money.

If you are interested, you can order from me, in which I will tell you everything in detail and then answer all your questions.

If you notice any interesting points and solutions on other sites, test them through experiments to find out whether they have an effect or not.

To become an SEO specialist, it is advisable to work in a company

Another such moment. Development and promotion of your websites is one thing. Working on client sites is different. So to speak, the next step on the path to a level 80 elf 😉 .

I personally lacked certain skills and abilities to move to professional advancement websites to order. In particular, I did not know how to promote commercial sites in competitive topics and how to properly buy links, as well as deal with promotion budgets. I had a lot of my own experience, but I really lacked this knowledge.

As a result, in 2007 I got a job at a website promotion company. I am grateful to fate that I was given the opportunity to work as a website promotion specialist (this is exactly the entry in my employment record).

There I ran several websites, constantly studied, communicated with other promotion specialists (Artem, Stas and Dina, taking this opportunity to say hello! 🙂) and generally operated at a qualitatively new level for myself, managing large budgets and buying tons of links 😉 .

I remember that I was still at a time when links from Sapa gave a cool and quick effect. It was enough to buy links for several tens of thousands of rubles, and a week later the site was in the top 3 for a very competitive one-word query. But this soon stopped, and for successful progress it was necessary to think a lot, analyze and experiment. Which, in fact, is what I do to this day 😉 .

I worked in an office from 9 to 6, and spent three hours a day on transportation, but it was worth it. Having received the missing knowledge and skills from an SEO company, I quit after 9 months and set off on a solo voyage. By the way, you can read my opus, there’s just a gorgeous picture at the beginning, I love it 😉.

In the last months of work, while communicating on forums, I found a couple of clients with whom I began to collaborate to promote their sites. I worked on their resources in my free time, often working at night. This allowed me to start earning a little extra income.

At first it was difficult, but I worked hard from morning to night, gradually more clients appeared for promotion and they began to recommend me to their friends and acquaintances.

My wife also supported me very much - I am grateful to her for that. Instead of being angry and offended at me for sitting at the computer all day with red eyes, she actively helped me and is now well versed in SEO, even though she works in a maternity hospital :) For example, she collects keywords much better and faster than me, she has a talent for this. When you have family support, you can achieve your goal much faster.


My conclusion is this: absolutely anyone can learn how to promote websites if they have the desire. Everything is on the Internet necessary information. There is nothing very complicated or abstruse about SEO. Naturally, you need to work very hard, constantly learn and truly love what you do. Then everything will definitely work out!

I wish you to learn everything you want!

Guard (): You can download Joomla templates on the portal 3cms.org.

Dessert for today - video about the monkey man:

From the author: good specialists in the field of SEO promotion earn an average of 100,000 rubles in Russia. for a successfully completed order. If you want to earn great money while working from anywhere in the world, then why not try yourself in the field of search engine optimization? In this article we will analyze SEO promotion in detail: how to learn, how much time it will take, etc.

After reading the information below, you will not be able to become a mega-specialist in the field of search engine optimization at the snap of your fingers, however, you will receive a recommended list further actions for development in this topic. Discard negative thoughts that something may not work out due to lack of experience. The step-by-step plan presented below is tailored specifically for beginners who start with complete zero. Therefore, follow the instructions and everything will work out for you.

Step 1. Study the theoretical basis

The ideal scenario for beginners starting from scratch is to immediately enroll in expensive SEO promotion courses from experienced specialists who will transfer the maximum amount of knowledge during the allotted training period. However, of course, the main catch here is the issue of price. It is rare to find good specialized lessons on SEO website promotion from experienced gurus in this area, which are posted on the Internet for free access. Therefore we will go a different way.

First of all, you need to find a proven source of basic technical knowledge, after mastering which you can move on to trying to apply new information in practice. Select several options and read reviews from students who are developing using the proposed methods.

Learning the basics of SEO website promotion will take a fairly long period of time - at least 2–3 months. Therefore, you will have to be patient and Doshirak from the local supermarket to survive during the learning phase. Although it is quite possible to devote time free from your main job to this, and then simply move into a new business entirely as soon as it starts to make a profit.

JavaScript. Quick start

SEO is not a direction where you can immediately act and figure out what and how along the way. Here, customers rely on the knowledge of specialists and invest serious budgets to promote their sites to the top search engines. You can’t risk clients’ money, however, and you shouldn’t delay training either. Read several books or take several courses, having mastered a certain base, and then immediately move on to practice.

Step 2. Applying the acquired knowledge in practice

As you progress, you will become immersed in a huge variety of SEO intricacies, as well as highlight several search engine optimization techniques that are used by leading experts. However, do not rush to harbor illusions that you have begun to understand the topic.

Knowing and being able to apply what you have learned are two completely different things. An analogy can be drawn with auto-theming. A person who is perfectly aware of the rules traffic and driving a car, but who has not yet sat behind the wheel, will obviously drive worse than a driver with practical experience. This means that if you really want to practice search engine optimization, then you need to not be afraid to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, while simultaneously honing your own skills.

The main thing is not to stand in one place. Constantly develop and set new goals in this direction. Take useful training courses, subscribe to useful newsletters from popular SEO optimization gurus, select several news sites on similar topics (marketing, ecommerce, etc.) and keep track of interesting information. Always stay on topic!

We are sure that you have gained a lot of useful knowledge from this article. Do not delay the implementation of the presented step by step instructions for tomorrow or next month, and apply the information received today. After just a few months of hard work, you may be able to earn quite a good income.

You can start looking for clients with. Use it for direct sales or as a platform where you will share educational materials on this topic with people.

That's all! Subscribe to our blog, and every day you will learn more interesting and useful things. Good luck and see you again!

JavaScript. Quick start

Learn the basics of JavaScript with a hands-on example of how to create a web application.
