Windows 7 programs do not work. What to do if the application does not work on Android. Invalid path to executable file

Hello everyone dear readers! The exe extension is an executable file; any installed program has this extension. Some users encountered an error when, when launching an application, a window was displayed on the screen where the system prompted them to choose which program to open this file through, and in some cases the system may produce other errors. In any case, if exe files do not open, there are several ways to solve this problem. If you don’t know what a file name extension is, you can read the article “”.

The cause of this error is often caused by viruses, but there is also a problem with opening the executable file; the user who made changes to the registry may have been negligent.


Method 1. First of all, check your computer for viruses and the question immediately arises: how to scan your computer for viruses if not a single program starts? Everything is very simple, you need to download the LiveCD (with built-in antivirus), then burn it to a CD/DVD disc and boot from it from under Bios. If you do not have the Internet at hand, you can remove hard drive and connect it to another computer as an additional hard drive and check it for viruses on another computer.

If exe files do not open after scanning with an antivirus, then try the methods below.

Method 2. If your computer has the Windows XP operating system installed. Download the file. We launch it, agree with the messages, click “Yes” twice. After that, we try to launch the programs.

Method 3. If the operating system is Windows Vista/Windows 7. Download the file. Open the file and make changes to the registry, agree, click the “Yes” button twice.

Method 4. Open “My Computer”, go to the C:\Windows folder, find the file Now you need to delete the file and reboot the system. After restarting the computer, go to the registry editor, Start-> Run-> enter “regedit” and click “OK”. A tree is displayed on the left side of the window, find the branch HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command and check that the value is “%1” %* .

If programs still do not open, then one of the solutions is to perform a system restore using installation disk Windows. If you have encountered such a problem, then write how you solved it, I will be interested in hearing from you. If exe files still do not launch in Windows 7, then watch the video below.

Be sure to watch the video:

Sometimes there are problems related to startup computer programs. In general, programs may not work for the following reasons:

1. The computer configuration does not meet the system requirements of the program.
You can read about this.

2. On the computer, not installed necessary drivers or necessary additional software for a video card.
You can see which driver and whether it is OK by going to the “Start” menu, right-clicking on “My Computer” and selecting “Properties” from the list. In the window that opens, go to the “Hardware” tab, where you click the “Device Manager” button and select “Video adapters” in the tree. If you have a driver from Microsoft, I recommend replacing it. If exclamation mark, the driver also needs to be replaced or reinstalled. If there is no “Video adapters” item at all, but there is a question mark, then this means that the native video card driver is not installed at all and the system works with the standard VGA driver.

3. The program requires updating the DirectX module.
Usually in this case, messages appear about the need to update the module or about the absence any file for example d3dx9_42.dll or something similar, which should be part of DirectX. In this case, you can find the missing file on the Internet, download it and copy it to the System or System32 folders, which are located in Windows folder, or completely install more new version DirectX.

4. There is not enough space on the disk where the program is installed.
In this case, the program may not even be installed, and, as a rule, no messages are issued, but the installation of the game simply stops (freezes). In this case, you need to check if there is enough disk space and clean it up if necessary.
When cleaning the disk, you should also take into account that system requirements indicates the required space for installed program, and program files on CDs are often in archived form and during installation, disk space is required to unpack the archive.
In such a situation, you need to prepare free disk space to install a program approximately twice the size of the program itself.

5. There is not enough space on the system disk.
The point is that for correct Windows operation it needs so-called virtual memory, that is, a reserved area on the system disk or disks of the required size to accommodate the paging file.
The Windows operating system places the paging file on the system drive by default.
If free space If there is not enough disk space to accommodate the paging file, programs may not start or may not work correctly. Typically, in such a situation, the system issues appropriate warnings on the monitor screen.
To restore functionality, you need to clean the disks and remove unnecessary programs. About cleaning system disk can be read.

6. Insufficient virtual memory.
Some programs, especially games, require a large amount of virtual memory, and you need to install it explicitly. This can be found out from the messages displayed on the screen, from the system requirements of the program or from the description of the game. To change the virtual memory size in Windows XP, you need to open the Start menu, right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties” from the list. In the “System Properties” window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab, and then click the “Settings” button in the “Performance” section.
In the “Performance Options” window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab and in the “ Virtual memory» Click “Change”.
In the “Virtual Memory” window that opens, you need to check “Special size” and enter the required dimensions in the fields.
In the “Original size” field, usually enter a size equal to the size RAM computer, and in the “Maximum size” field either the size required by the program or the size of RAM multiplied by 1.5-2. After entering the size values, you must remember to click the “Set” button and then the “OK” button in all windows in order.
The settings will be accepted after the system reboot.

7. Damaged or dirty CD.
The cause of freezing or copying errors when installing the program may be a CD with a damaged or dirty surface.
If the surface is dirty, you can wash the working surface of the disk with warm water and soap, then shake off any remaining water and let it dry, or gently wipe with a clean soft cloth.
Scratched discs are difficult to repair, but you need to keep in mind that different drives read damaged discs differently.
Therefore, you can try to read the disk on another computer and make a copy from it, unless, of course, it is copy protected.

8. The program is incompatible with this operating system.
You need to see if the system requirements of the program include the operating system you have installed. In addition, in the operating room Windows system There is a tool for enabling compatibility with previous versions.
To use compatibility mode in Windows XP, you need to right-click on the program shortcut and in the window that opens, go to the “Compatibility” tab and check the box next to “Run the program in compatibility mode for:”.
Then select the desired operating system from the list and click “OK”. You can also try some of the other options offered in the Compatibility tab.

9. Damage to the operating system and the effects of viruses.
Everything is clear with viruses, and if they directly interfere with the launch and operation of the program, then they are needed find and destroy using antivirus programs and utilities. To restore the system, you can try cleaning the registry.
You can use the system recovery tools of the AVZ4 utility.
There are other means and methods of system recovery, but they are complex and time-consuming.
Damage to the system can have different causes and nature, and it can be difficult to identify and correct them. In this case, a clean reinstallation of Windows is easier and faster.

In the process of working with Microsoft Windows Often a situation arises in which it becomes impossible to open a file for editing, the file cannot be opened, for example, loaded into the editor window Word document, because the system reports that the document is in use by another application. Most often, such phenomena are observed after the user has forcibly canceled a task (for example, unloaded a frozen Word from memory) using the Task Manager. This happens for the following reason.

What to do if the file does not open? In addition to tasks, Windows also has processes. A process is a virtual memory address space allocated for the execution of any procedures by a program or the operating system itself. One task can activate several different processes in Windows: for example, Word (one task) can simultaneously work with several text documents(one document - one process). In our case, after stopping work Word editor(removing the task), the process of processing the document opened by it remains in the computer’s memory, that is, Windows continues to consider that the document is still open in the editor window, although the editor itself is not running, at this time you can make money on Forex. This problem is solved as follows. Open the Task Manager window by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys. In Windows 2000/XP, click at the top of the Task Manager window to open the Processes tab. Click on the file process in the list that you cannot open (usually in the Username column it is indicated by the name of your account) and remove it by clicking on the End process button.

In Windows 98/Milennium Edition, the Processes tab in the Task Manager window is missing. In this case, if the process does not appear in the Task Manager window, simply restart the computer by selecting Shut down in the main Windows menu and then - Reboot item in the window that opens.

What to do if your computer freezes? > What to do if frozen text editor?

What to do if EXE files do not launch?

Files with the EXE extension are executable files for most of the applications we use every day. When installing any program on a computer, we create a shortcut for it on the desktop to make it easier to find. But it happens that a program that was running just yesterday does not open despite any manipulation.

Let's assume that you are faced with this problem: EXE files do not launch. In this case, a window often appears asking you to select a program to open the file. In this case, first you need to check your computer for viruses and malware. If your antivirus is outdated or missing altogether, the first thing you need to do is install a scanner or antivirus updated version and deeply scan your computer. If you often use a portable flash card and take information from different computers, then it is simply vital for you to install a program designed specifically for portable USB devices. When you connect a flash card to a computer, it scans it for viruses, worms and malware, due to which EXE files do not launch. There are many such instructions, but they take up few resources in your machine’s system. But it also happens that the user accidentally makes changes to the registry, thereby disrupting its operation. Of course, then they don’t open EXE files. In this case, you need to restore the registry to make the file executable.

How does this happen? Let's describe the problem in more detail. The user or malware disables the registry editing feature. To enable it and make the necessary changes, you need to:

Go to "Start>Run..." Then in the command line enter: "gpedit.msc", click OK, then " Group Policy", select from the list that appears " Local Computer", then go to the line "User Configuration", then "Administrative Templates". In the dialog box that appears, select "System"... In the "System" window, find the line called "Disable registry editing tools." After all, the problem with EXE not launching is related to the operation of the virus. It switches registry editing to the “Enabled” state, making changes impossible.

In the Properties window, disable the feature that prevents you from making changes to the registry. After a reboot everything should work. In order not to enter information into the registry yourself, you can download data for it that is suitable for your operating system.

If after this EXE files do not launch, you can enter the information manually or download the reg file. You need to name it arbitrarily, double-click on it and open it. Then you need to go to command line: "Start>Run", enter the name of your creation this file(with the reg extension) and click OK.

If after all the work nothing comes out, use antivirus utility for data recovery. If even after running this utility the EXE does not start, try reinstalling the operating system on your computer. Before committing this procedure, save all important information to a disk that will not be formatted.


Greetings to all blog readers!! I was prompted to the topic of today’s article by one woman who wrote me a letter and in it she asked why she couldn’t open the file. In her case, everything was elementary, since she did not have the desired program to open this file.

But how do you know which program opens this or that file you need? It is precisely on this question that novice users are simply stunned. But in fact, there is nothing complicated about this, everything is very simple!!

Your files won’t open, why the file won’t open, what to do, what to do...

Well, friends, let's look at this issue and understand what we should do in such cases.

Let's say you downloaded the file you need on the Internet, if it is in an archive, then you unzip it, (I advise you to check the archive with an anti-virus program first), then you click on the file twice, but instead of it opening, a window appears in which you are asked to select a program with which you can open it.

But, I can say that if the computer does not immediately find the program that can open the file you downloaded, then you one hundred percent do not have such a program, and you need to install it. The window will be something like this, maybe not much different, depending on the operating system, but the essence is the same!! See fig.

Now, if we don’t have such a program, and we don’t know what to open this file with, then you need to copy the name of the file extension (ending after the dot) and enter it in search engine Yandex or Google the following phrase (example): what opens psd. Search engines will tell you that this file will be opened by Photoshop, or in your case by some other program.

Next, we need to download and install the recommended program on our computer. But that's not all. It happens that when the program is installed and you click on your file again, the above window may pop up again.

You will simply need to click the Browse button and navigate to the location where you have your programs installed, usually the C:\Program Files folder. See fig. (click on the picture to enlarge)

Find the program you need and run it from the folder. Now check the box so that the file you need is always opened by this program, I showed everything in the picture.

Thus, we can say that you should not panic if some file does not open for you, do everything as I described above, and everything will open.

And one more thing, always check downloaded files and archives antivirus programs, otherwise you’ll have to treat your computer later and remove viruses. And it is possible that this will not help and you will have to reinstall the operating system.

Today we looked at why the file does not open and what to do about it, and I hope that you understand how to deal with it. Well now you know what to do if your files can’t open. I advise you to definitely subscribe to blog updates, there is a lot waiting for you useful information, as well as materials on making money online, come back more often, I’m glad to see everyone!! If you have any questions, then don’t hesitate to ask, I’ll be happy to answer!!

I wish you all good luck and all the best!!

Best regards, Alexander.

Alex Below Working with windows

I downloaded a file and it doesn’t open or how to open an unknown file

Hello friends. Excuse me for such a not very original title, but I wanted to reveal the entire topic of the article as accurately as possible. I want to write today about what to do when you download a file from the Internet, but it does not open on the computer, I think that if you have come to this page, then you have exactly the same problem. Well, let's solve the issue :).

Below I will show you what files that simply cannot open on your computer look like. But you can’t view them because you don’t have the special program, which supports one or another format. And among the standard operating system tools there is not such a program. Let's look at all this with an example and screenshots. I think it will be better and clearer this way.

Opening an unknown file

1. You downloaded a file that doesn’t want to come off, it looks like this:

When you try to open it, the following window will appear:

2. You can select “Search for matches on the Internet”, and if a program for a given file is found, you can download it and the file will open. Well, if the program is not found, then you can search manually.

Let's look at an example using the same popular .pdf format, which standard means operating system does not open, and which everyone needs to view.

3. We look at what extension is indicated at the end of the file. If you have hidden the display of extensions, then read this article on how to enable or disable the display of file extensions. And we look in Yandex or Google for a program to open a specific file. If, for example, you have a .pdf format, then write how to open a pdf or “how to open (and the extension of your file).” We open a couple of sites in the search and download a program that can open one or another format. In the case of .pdf, most likely you will have to download Adobe Reader.

Files with the EXE extension are executable files for most of the applications we use every day. When installing any program on a computer, we create a shortcut for it on the desktop to make it easier to find. But it happens that a program that was running just yesterday does not open despite any manipulation.

Let's assume that you are faced with this problem: EXE files do not launch. In this case, a window often appears asking you to select a program to open the file. In this case, first you need to check your computer for viruses and malware. If your antivirus is outdated or missing altogether, the first thing you need to do is install a scanner or an updated version of the antivirus and deeply scan your computer. If you often use a portable flash card and take information from different computers, then it is simply vital for you to install a program designed specifically for portable USB devices. When you connect a flash card to your computer, it scans it for viruses, worms, and EXE files that can't run. There are many such instructions, but they take up few resources in your machine’s system. But it also happens that the user accidentally makes changes to the registry, thereby disrupting its operation. Of course, then EXE files do not open. In this case, you need to restore the registry to make the file executable.

How does this happen? Let's describe the problem in more detail. The user or malware disables the registry editing feature. To enable it and make the necessary changes, you need to:

Go to "Start>Run..." Then enter: "gpedit.msc", click OK, then "Group Policy", select "Local Computer" from the list that appears, then go to the line "User Configuration", then "Administrative Templates" . In the window that appears, select “System”... In the “System” window, find the line called “Make tools unavailable” After all, the problem with EXE not launching is related to the operation of the virus. It switches registry editing to the “Enabled” state, making changes impossible.

In the Properties window, disable the feature that prevents you from making changes to the registry. After a reboot everything should work. In order not to enter information into the registry yourself, you can download data for it that is suitable for your operating system.

If after this EXE files do not launch, you can enter the information manually or you need to name it arbitrarily, double-click on it and open it. Then you need to go to the command line: “Start>Run”, enter the name of your created file (with the reg extension) and click Ok.

If after all this work nothing happens, use an anti-virus utility to restore data. If even after running this utility the EXE does not start, try reinstalling the operating system on your computer. Before performing this procedure, save all important information to a disk that will not be formatted.

Have you ever double-clicked an icon on your desktop so that the mouse cursor instantly turned into a small spinning circle, then turned back into an arrow, but no new application opened? This is what usually happens when a program won't start, and it's not necessarily Windows' fault.
Below are four common reasons why programs (or
software installer) in Windows 7:
User Account Control
User Account Control is designed to prevent malware or bad applications from harming your computer. Unfortunately, programs that aren't written specifically for Vista or Windows 7 don't know what this is, and as a result quit when User Account Control prevents them from doing certain things, like writing something to their own folder in Program Files. If their updates are not available, it is usually possible to run programs in administrator mode.
Written for more old version Windows
Some programs—especially those that interact with the operating system or rely on features only available in certain versions of Windows—will not load if your version of Windows is not on their pre-approved list. To deal with this, right-click on any .exe file, select Properties, and then the Compatibility tab. Enable the option Run this program in compatibility mode for, and then select Windows version that your software supports. Click OK and try running the program again.
Missing file or setting
Most applications require running a list of various supporting files to function. If a program worked before but no longer works, it may need to be reinstalled.
Software codecs, hardware drivers
Does the application communicate with the hardware device? If so, then before the application will work, you will need relatives Windows drivers 7 or Vista. Likewise, if there is a problem with running the video editing program or with the video player itself, one of the installed codecs may be damaged or incompatible with Windows 7.
Just mistakes
Don't rule out the possibility that there is a bug in the software that is preventing the program from running. Check the software manufacturer's website for updates, fixes, or other workarounds.
The software is constantly updated, so don't be surprised if you have to say goodbye to old software because it's already worn out. Of course, you can search the Internet to see if anyone with the same software knows how to get it running again.
What to do if the application is not completely uninstalled
It’s not very pleasant when an application is not completely removed from the computer and cannot be reinstalled because remnants of the previous installation remain.
The most common problem is a broken connection. Each entry corresponds to a subkey from the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall.
If all you want to do is remove the entry, simply delete the appropriate subkeys in the system registry. But if you want to run the uninstaller and remove software from your computer, then do not delete the partition.
At the top of the Uninstall section, you will see several subsections with names similar to the ID class. If one of the partitions is a program that you want to completely remove from the system, open the Start menu and enter the following command in the Search block:
rasiexec /x /q,
where is the ID of the program that needs to be removed.
If starting the msiexec.exe process manually does not work, a bad installation may be to blame. This is such a common problem with the program. Windows installations that Microsoft has released a tool that fixes this problem. Download the service program Windows Installer CleanUp at http:support. Then launch the program, select the application that you want to remove from the list, and click the Remove button.
If service Windows program Installer CleanUp does not show your application, but the section system registry not the same as shown above, this means that it uses a third party or own program installations. In this case, you must contact the manufacturer for instructions on how to remove the program.
