History of the domestic electronic component base (ECB). Chip series First integrated circuit

Jack Kilby's first semiconductor integrated circuit September 12th, 2018

On September 12, 1958, Jack S. Kilby demonstrated the first working integrated circuit at Texas Instruments (USA). For the first time, electronic components were integrated on a single substrate. This device was a generator on a tiny germanium plate measuring 11.1 mm by 1.6 mm. Today, integrated circuits are the fundamental building blocks of virtually all electronic equipment.
For his invention of the integrated circuit, Jack Kilby was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000 and the National Medal of Science in 1970, and in 1982 he was inducted into the US National Hall of Fame as an Honorary Inventor.

Jack Kilby with an open laboratory journal, on the pages of which a description of the first integrated circuit he created.

This is Jack Kilby's first integrated circuit.

In the USSR, in 1963, the Microelectronics Center was created in Zelenograd. In 1964, the first integrated circuits “Tropa” (series 201), “Ambassador” (series 217), made using hybrid film technology using unpackaged transistors, were developed at the Angstrem plant there. At the Mikron plant in Zelenograd at the end of 60, the technology was applied and production of the first monolithic integrated circuits began. Here is the passport for the pilot batch of the first microcircuits from Micron on the topic “Logic-1”

And this is the microcircuit itself, the passport of which I provided

It was followed by “Logic-2” (133 series - an analogue of the SN54 series from Texas Instruments). In particular, the famous microcircuit M3300 or better known as 1LB333, an analogue of SN5400, later became known as 133LA3 or in a plastic case K155LA3 (SN7400) had a further continuation, like its American counterparts in terms of improving this series in terms of performance in the “Tier” theme - 530LA3 (SN54S00), efficiency in the “Isis KS” theme - 533LA3 (SN54LS00), etc. How can one not recall the article by B.V. Malin, who wrote: “The concepts of repeating and copying American technological experience were in effect - the methods of the so-called “reverse engineering” of the MEP. Prototype samples and production samples of silicon integrated circuits for reproduction were obtained from the USA, and their copying was strictly regulated by orders of the Ministry of Economics and Economics (Minister Shokin). The concept of copying was strictly controlled by the minister for more than 19 years, during which the author worked in the MEP system, until 1974 ... "
Development began in 1973 electronic watch on Pulsar. Scientific director of development, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Dokuchaev Yuri Petrovich. The internal view of the first Soviet CMOS electronic clock "Electronics-1" is shown in the photo.

Also in 1973, serial production of the first Soviet CMOS calculator was mastered at Angstrem

In 1980, the Mikron plant produced the 100,000,000 integrated circuit, and in 1985, the Angstrem plant began mass-producing the Elektronika-85 pocket 16-bit personal computer with a liquid crystal display.

In short, in the mid-80s there was a peak in the development of Soviet radio electronics. This is evidenced by the unique flight and automatic landing of the Buran spacecraft, whose on-board computer “Biser-4” used domestic microprocessors. And in the same Riga, the production of the first domestic signal processors on the themes “Rina”, “Wright” and “Rosite” was mastered.
And this is a photo of a unique electronic notebook that was presented to the delegates of the 27th Congress of the CPSU in February 1986.

What happened next? With Gorbachev coming to power, soviet electronics began to literally collapse before our eyes. But what’s strange is that everything this last General Secretary spoke about was progressive, for example, at the 27th Congress of the CPSU in 1986, he proclaimed a program to accelerate scientific and technological progress, but in reality something completely different happened. The progressive theft of state property began, the shutdown of enterprises, non-payment of wages, chaos and, finally, the collapse of the USSR.
However, that's another story.

In early February 2014, the fifty-fifth anniversary of the appearance in the world community of such an integral part of modern circuit technology as the integrated circuit.

We remind you that in 1959 the Federal Patent Office of the United States of America issued a patent Texas companies Instruments for the creation of an integrated circuit.

This event was noted as the birth of the electronics era and all the benefits arising from its use.

Indeed, the integrated circuit is the basis of most electrical appliances known to us.

The idea of ​​creating an integrated circuit first appeared in the early fifties of the last century. The main argument for its appearance was the miniaturization and reduction in the cost of electrical appliances. For a long time, thoughts about its implementation were simply in the air, despite the fact that branches of circuit technology such as television and radio, as well as computer technology, were actively developing in the world.

The creation of an integrated circuit implied the abandonment of unnecessary wires, mounting panels, and insulation in the production of circuitry using diodes and semiconductor transistors. However, for a long time no one succeeded in realizing such thoughts. Only after the active work of such a talented and well-known engineer to modern scientists as Jack Kilby (winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of the integrated circuit in 2000), the first microcircuit was presented in 1958. Almost six months later, the invention was patented by the company for which Kilby worked (Texas Instruments).

Of course, now we can state the fact that the first microcircuit of the German scientist Kilby was completely unusable. However, more and more later integrated circuits were created on its basis, one of which was Robert Noyce’s technology - a silicon planar chip.

R. Noyce held a high position at Fairchald Semiconductor; more precisely, he was one of its founders. Noyce's work was patented almost immediately after Kilby's patent was received. However, unlike Kilby’s chip, Noyce’s development has gained popularity among major electrical equipment manufacturers. This caused a dispute between Texas Instruments and Fairchald Semiconductor and subsequent litigation until 1969. As a result, Noyce was named the first inventor of microcircuits. Although this coincidence of circumstances did not upset the owners of both companies at all. A few years earlier, they came to a unanimous decision and recognized both scientists as the founders of the integrated circuit with equal rights, giving them the highest awards of the US scientific and engineering communities - the National Medal of Science and the National Medal of Technology.

If you delve well into the past, then you can say with confidence that before Noyce and Kilby introduced the chip to the world, quite a lot of work was done on this idea a large number of scientists who proposed no less advanced designs. Among them is engineer Werner Jacobi (Germany). His development was even patented in 1949. In the patent, the engineer sketched the design of a microcircuit consisting of 5 transistors on a common substrate. Later, in 1952, the principle of integrating circuit components into a single unit was described by the English engineer D. Dammer. After another five years, Jeffrey Dummer announced the first working example of an integrated circuit flip-flop based on four transistors. Unfortunately, English military specialists did not appreciate Dummer's invention, although they should have. As a result, all the scientist’s work was suspended. Later, Dummer's invention was called the progenitor of modern microcircuits, and the scientist himself was called the prophet of the integrated circuit.

In 1957, the United States of America accepted an application by another engineer, Bernard Oliver, for a patent for the technology he described for producing a monolithic block using three planar transistors.

Among the names of the prophets of the modern microcircuit are the initials of engineer Harvick Johnson, who patented several types of creating electronic components of circuits on one chip, but never received a single document allowing the implementation of his discoveries. One of these methods was used by Jack Kilby, who received all of Johnson's laurels.

Integrated Circuit (IC) is a microelectronic product that performs the functions of signal conversion and processing, which is characterized by dense packing of elements so that all connections and connections between elements form a single whole.

An integral part of an IC are elements that act as electrical and radio elements (transistors, resistors, etc.) and cannot be separated as independent products. In this case, active elements are called IC elements that perform the functions of amplification or other signal conversion (diodes, transistors, etc.), and passive are elements that implement linear transfer function(resistors, capacitors, inductors).

Classification of integrated circuits:

By manufacturing method:

According to the degree of integration.

The degree of integration of an information system is an indicator of complexity, characterized by the number of elements and components it contains. The degree of integration is determined by the formula

where k is a coefficient that determines the degree of integration, rounded to the nearest larger integer, and N is the number of elements and components included in the IS.

To quantitatively characterize the degree of integration, the following terms are often used: if k ? 1, An IC is called a simple IC if 1< k ? 2 - средней ИС (СИС), если 2 < k ? 4 - большой ИС (БИС), если k ?4 - сверхбольшой ИС (СБИС).

In addition to the degree of integration, another indicator is used as the packing density of elements - the number of elements (most often transistors) per unit area of ​​​​the crystal. This indicator mainly characterizes the level of technology; currently it is more than 1000 elements/mm 2.

Film integrated circuits- these are integrated circuits, the elements of which are deposited on the surface of a dielectric base in the form of a film. Their peculiarity is that they do not exist in their pure form. They are used only for the manufacture of passive elements - resistors, capacitors, conductors, inductors.

Rice. 1. Structure of a film hybrid IC: 1, 2 - lower and upper capacitor plates, 3 - dielectric layer, 4 - wire connecting bus, 5 - mounted transistor, 6 - film resistor, 7 - pin terminal, 8 - dielectric substrate

Hybrid ICs are thin-film microcircuits consisting of passive elements (resistors, capacitors, pads) and discrete active elements (diodes, transistors). The hybrid IC shown in Fig. 1, is a dielectric substrate with film capacitors and resistors applied to it and an attached mounted transistor, the base of which is connected to the upper plate of the capacitor by a bus in the form of a very thin wire.

In semiconductor ICs All elements and inter-element connections are made in the bulk and on the surface of the semiconductor crystal. Semiconductor ICs are a flat semiconductor crystal (substrate), in the surface layer of which, using various technological techniques, local areas equivalent to the elements of an electrical circuit are formed (diodes, transistors, capacitors, resistors, etc.), united along the surface by film metal connections (interconnections).

The substrates of semiconductor ICs are round wafers of silicon, germanium or gallium arsenide, having a diameter of 60 - 150 mm and a thickness of 0.2 - 0.4 mm.

The semiconductor substrate is a group workpiece (Fig. 2), on which a large number of ICs are simultaneously manufactured.

Rice. 2. Group silicon wafer: 1 - basic cut, 2 - individual crystals (chips)

After completing the main technological operations, it is cut into parts - crystals 2, also called chips. The dimensions of the crystal sides can be from 3 to 10 mm. The base cut 1 of the plate serves to orient it during various technological processes.

The structures of the elements of a semiconductor IC - transistor, diode, resistor and capacitor, manufactured by appropriate doping of local sections of the semiconductor using planar technology methods, are shown in Fig. 3, a-d. Planar technology is characterized by the fact that all the terminals of the IC elements are located in the same plane on the surface and are simultaneously connected into an electrical circuit using thin-film interconnects. With planar technology, group processing is carried out, i.e., during one technological process, a large number of ICs are produced on substrates, which ensures high manufacturability and efficiency, and also allows automation of production.

Rice. 3. Structures of elements of a semiconductor IC: a - transistor, b - diode, c - resistor, d - capacitor, 1 - thin-film contact, 2 - dielectric layer, H - emitter; 4 - base, 5 - collector, 6 - cathode, 7 - anode, 8 - insulating layer; 9 - resistive layer, 10 - insulating layer, 11 - plate, 12, 14 - upper and lower electrodes of the capacitor, 13 - dielectric layer

In combined ICs(Fig. 4), which are a variant of semiconductor ones, create semiconductor and thin-film elements on a silicon substrate. The advantage of these circuits is that it is technologically difficult to manufacture resistors of a given resistance in a solid body, since it depends not only on the thickness of the doped semiconductor layer, but also on the distribution of resistivity over the thickness. Adjusting the resistance to the nominal value after manufacturing the resistor also presents significant difficulties. Semiconductor resistors have a noticeable temperature dependence, which complicates IC development.

Rice. 4. Structure of the combined IC: 1 - silicon dioxide film, 2 - diode, 3 - film in-circuit connections, 4 - thin-film resistor, 5, 6, 7 - upper and lower electrodes of the thin-film capacitor and dielectric, 8 - thin-film contacts, 9 - transistor, 10 - silicon wafer.

In addition, it is also very difficult to create capacitors in solids. To expand the resistor and capacitor ratings of semiconductor ICs and improve their performance characteristics, a combination technology based on thin film technology called interconnected circuit technology has been developed. In this case, the active elements of the IC (possibly some resistors that are not critical in terms of nominal resistance) are manufactured in the body of the silicon crystal using the diffusion method, and then passive elements - resistors, capacitors and interconnections - are formed by vacuum deposition of films (as in film ICs).

The electronics element base is developing at an ever-increasing pace. Each generation, having appeared at a certain point in time, continues to improve in the most justified directions. The development of electronic products from generation to generation is moving in the direction of their functional complexity, increasing reliability and service life, reducing overall dimensions, weight, cost and energy consumption, simplification of technology and improvement of electronic equipment parameters.

The emergence of microelectronics as an independent science became possible thanks to the use of rich experience and the base of the industry producing discrete semiconductor devices. However, as semiconductor electronics developed, serious limitations in the use of electronic phenomena and systems based on them became clear. Therefore, microelectronics continues to advance at a rapid pace both in the direction of improving semiconductor integrated technology and in the direction of using new physical phenomena. radio electronic integrated circuit

Microelectronics products: integrated circuits of various degrees of integration, microassemblies, microprocessors, mini- and micro-computers - made it possible to carry out the design and industrial production of functionally complex radio and computing equipment, which differs from equipment of previous generations in better parameters, higher reliability and service life, shorter energy consumption and cost. Equipment based on microelectronics products is widely used in all areas of human activity.

Microelectronics contributes to the creation of computer-aided design systems, industrial robots, automated and automatic production lines, communications equipment and much more.

First stage

The first stage included the invention of the incandescent lamp in 1809 by the Russian engineer Ladygin.

The discovery in 1874 by the German scientist Brown of the rectifying effect in metal-semiconductor contacts. The use of this effect by Russian inventor Popov to detect radio signals allowed him to create the first radio receiver. The date of invention of radio is considered to be May 7, 1895, when Popov gave a report and demonstration at a meeting of the physics department of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society in St. Petersburg. IN different countries development and research were carried out on various types of simple and reliable detectors of high-frequency vibrations - detectors.

Second phase

The second stage in the development of electronics began in 1904, when the English scientist Fleming designed an electric vacuum diode. This was followed by the invention of the first amplification tube, the triode, in 1907.

1913 - 1919 was a period of rapid development of electronic technology. In 1913, the German engineer Meissner developed a circuit for a tube regenerative receiver and, using a triode, obtained undamped harmonic oscillations.

In Russia, the first radio tubes were manufactured in 1914 in St. Petersburg by Nikolai Dmitrievich Papaleksi, a consultant to the Russian Society of Wireless Telegraphy, a future academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Third stage

The third period in the development of electronics is the period of the creation and implementation of discrete semiconductor devices, which began with the invention of the point-point transistor. In 1946, a group led by William Shockley was created at the Bell Telephone Laboratory, which conducted research on the properties of semiconductors on Silicon and Germany. The group carried out both theoretical and experimental studies of physical processes at the interface between two semiconductors with different types electrical conductivity. As a result, three-electrode semiconductor devices were invented - transistors. Depending on the number of charge carriers, transistors were divided into:

  • - unipolar (field), where unipolar media were used.
  • - bipolar, where different polarity carriers (electrons and holes) were used.

The invention of the transistor was a significant milestone in the history of electronics and therefore its authors John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1956.

The emergence of microelectronics

With the advent of bipolar field effect transistors ideas for the development of small-sized computers began to be implemented. On their basis, they began to create on-board electronic systems for aviation and space technology. Since these devices contained thousands of individual electroradio elements and more and more of them were constantly required, technical difficulties arose. With increasing number of elements electronic systems It was practically impossible to ensure their functionality immediately after assembly, and to ensure, in the future, the reliability of the systems. The problem of the quality of installation and assembly work has become the main problem for manufacturers in ensuring the operability and reliability of radio-electronic devices. The solution to the interconnection problem was a prerequisite for the emergence of microelectronics. The prototype of future microcircuits was a printed circuit board, in which all single conductors are combined into a single whole and manufactured simultaneously in a group method by etching copper foil with the plane of the foil dielectric. The only type of integration in this case is conductors. Although the use of printed circuit boards does not solve the problem of miniaturization, it does solve the problem of increasing the reliability of interconnections. Printed circuit board manufacturing technology does not make it possible to simultaneously manufacture other passive elements other than conductors. That is why printed circuit boards did not turn into integrated circuits in the modern sense. Thick-film hybrid circuits were the first to be developed in the late 40s; their production was based on the already proven technology for manufacturing ceramic capacitors, using the method of applying pastes containing silver and glass powder to a ceramic substrate through stencils.

Thin-film technology for the production of integrated circuits involves applying thin films of various materials (conducting, dielectric, resistive) to the smooth surface of dielectric substrates in a vacuum.

Fourth stage

In 1960, Robert Noyce of Fairchild proposed and patented the idea of ​​a monolithic integrated circuit and, using planar technology, produced the first silicon monolithic integrated circuits.

A family of monolithic transistor-transistor logic elements with four or more bipolar transistors on a single silicon chip was released by Fairchild already in February 1960 and was called “micrologics”. Horney's planar technology and Noyce's monolithic technology laid the foundation for the development of integrated circuits in 1960, first on bipolar transistors, and then 1965-85. on field-effect transistors and combinations of both.

Two policy decisions adopted in 1961-1962. influenced the development of the production of silicon transistors and ICs. The decision of IBM (New York) to develop for a promising computer not ferromagnetic storage devices, but electronic memories (storage devices) based on n-channel field-effect transistors (metal-oxide-semiconductor - MOS). The result of the successful implementation of this plan was the release in 1973. universal computer with MOS memory - IBM-370/158. Directive decisions of Fairchild providing for the expansion of work in the semiconductor research laboratory for the study of silicon devices and materials for them.

Meanwhile, in July 1968, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce left Fairchild's semiconductor division and on June 28, 1968, organized a tiny company, Intel, with twelve people who rented a room in Mountain View, California. The task that Moore, Noyce and the chemical technology specialist who joined them, Andrew Grove, set themselves was to use the enormous potential of integrating a large number of electronic components on a single semiconductor chip to create new types of electronic devices.

In 1997, Andrew Grove became “person of the year,” and the company he headed, Intel, which became one of the leading companies in Silicon Valley in California, began producing microprocessors for 90% of all personal computers planets. The emergence of integrated circuits played a decisive role in the development of electronics, ushering in a new stage of microelectronics. Microelectronics of the fourth period is called schematic, because in the composition of the main basic elements it is possible to distinguish elements equivalent to discrete electro-radio elements and each integrated circuit corresponds to a certain fundamental electrical diagram, as for electronic components of equipment of previous generations.

Integrated circuits began to be called microelectronic devices, considered as a single product with a high density of elements equivalent to the elements of a conventional circuit. The complexity of the functions performed by microcircuits is achieved by increasing the degree of integration.

Electronics present

Currently, microelectronics is moving to high-quality new level- nanoelectronics.

Nanoelectronics is primarily based on results basic research atomic processes in semiconductor structures of reduced dimensionality. Quantum dots, or zero-dimensional systems, are an extreme case of reduced-dimensional systems that consist of an array of nanometer-sized atomic clusters or islands in a semiconductor matrix that exhibit self-organization in epitaxial heterostructures.

One of the possible works related to nanoelectronics is the creation of materials and elements of IR technology. They are in demand by industry enterprises and are the basis for the creation in the near future of “artificial” (technical) vision systems with an expanded spectral range, compared to biological vision, in the ultraviolet and infrared regions of the spectrum. Technical vision systems and photonic components on nanostructures, capable of receiving and processing huge amounts of information, will become the basis of fundamentally new telecommunication devices, environmental and space monitoring systems, thermal imaging, nanodiagnostics, robotics, precision weapons, counter-terrorism tools, etc. The use of semiconductor nanostructures will significantly reduce the size of monitoring and recording devices, reduce energy consumption, improve cost characteristics and make it possible to take advantage of mass production in micro- and nanoelectronics of the near future.

Articles, partners Miscellaneous

History of the invention of the integrated circuit

The first silicon logic circuit was invented 52 years ago and contained only one transistor. One of the founders of Fairchild Semiconductor, Robert Noyce, invented a device in 1959 that later became known as an integrated circuit, microcircuit, or microchip. And almost six months earlier, a similar device was invented by an engineer from Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby. We can say that these people became the inventors of the microcircuit.

An integrated circuit is a system of structurally related elements connected to each other by electrical conductors. An integrated circuit also refers to a crystal containing an electronic circuit. If the integrated circuit is enclosed in a housing, then it is already a microcircuit.

The first operational integrated circuit was introduced by Kilby on September 12, 1958. It used a concept he developed based on the principle of p-n junction isolation of circuit components, invented by Kurt Lehovec.

The appearance of the new product was a little scary, but Kilby had no idea that the device he showed would mark the beginning of everything information technology, otherwise, he says, he would have made this prototype more beautiful.

But at that moment it was not beauty that was important, but practicality. All elements electronic circuit- resistors, transistors, capacitors and others - were placed on separate boards. This was the case until the idea arose to make the entire circuit on one monolithic crystal of semiconductor material.

Kilby's very first integrated circuit was a small 11x1.5 mm germanium strip with one transistor, several resistors and a capacitor. Despite its primitiveness, this circuit fulfilled its task - it displayed a sine wave on the oscilloscope screen.

On February 6, 1959, Jack Kilby filed a patent for a new device, which he described as an object of semiconductor material with fully integrated electronic circuit components. His contribution to the invention of the microcircuit was recognized by awarding him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000.

Robert Noyce's idea was able to solve several practical problems that Kilby's intellect had defied. He suggested using silicon for microcircuits, rather than germanium, proposed by Jack Kilby.

The patents were received by the inventors in the same year, 1959. The rivalry between TI and Fairchild Semiconductor ended in a peace treaty. On mutually beneficial terms, they created a license for the production of chips. But silicon was still chosen as the material for microcircuits.

Integrated circuit production began at Fairchild Semiconductor in 1961. They immediately occupied their niche in the electronics industry. Thanks to their use in the creation of calculators and computers as separate transistors, it was possible to make computing devices more compact, while increasing their performance, greatly simplifying computer repair.

We can say that from this moment the era of miniaturization began, which continues to this day. At the same time, the law formulated by Noyce’s colleague Gordon Moore is absolutely strictly observed. He predicted that the number of transistors in integrated circuits would double every 2 years.

After leaving Fairchild Semiconductor in 1968, Moore and Noyce created a new company, Intel. But that's a completely different story...
