Defects in LCD matrices. Causes of spots on the screen and how to eliminate the defect Dark spots around the edge of the screen

Why do spots appear on the TV? There are several reasons. We will consider each of them in detail, and then we will analyze the proven ways to eliminate such defects. To avoid the appearance of blackouts, black and colored spots, stripes, follow the operating conditions of the equipment.

Many users do not pay due attention to the care of the LCD screen. You should clean your TV display at least a few times a month. Such a preventive measure will avoid the appearance of various defects.

You have to be selective when it comes to cleaning products. For example, do not use cosmetic wet wipes, alcohol-based products that are not designed for LCD screen care. Now let's move on to the main causes of spots on the display.

Manufacturing defects

If the screen works, but at the same time a bright glow appears, then this is the first sign indicating a manufacturing defect. The matrix is ​​wrong. If the TV is still under warranty, it is better to exchange it. Because repairs are too expensive.

The defect does not appear immediately. A bright glow occurs after repeated heating. The specificity of the breakdown is that the geometry of the matrix layers is broken. The cause of the malfunction was the incorrect installation of the diffuser and reflector.

If a dark spot appears on the screen, then this can also indicate a manufacturing defect. At first, the defect appears as small dots. Such a symptom indicates non-compliance with the screen installation technology in production.

Small white spots on the TV screen gradually darken and increase in size over time. Contact the service center so that the masters can repair the faulty device or change the damaged matrix.

What should I do if the warranty has expired? If you use a TV from a famous brand: Samsung, Sony, LG, then it is possible that the company wants to maintain its reputation and will meet you halfway. However, such a scenario is possible only if there was no mechanical damage to the TV and the rules for caring for equipment were followed.

Separately, it is worth talking about the availability software to restore dead pixels. However, the use special software will be justified only if the subpixels are not damaged.

Dust and small debris

White spots on an LCD TV screen are caused by the penetration of dust particles into the matrix layers. This also indicates a non-compliance with the geometry of the layers. Regular temperature fluctuations (the TV constantly heats up and then cools down) lead to the movement of the layers. Because of this, dust and other small debris enter the matrix layers. After 2-3 months, black dots or a large black spot may appear.

Experts strongly recommend wiping the liquid crystal display in a timely manner. It is not necessary to use special wet wipes or special sprays. Blowing is the best way to remove dust. This eliminates the possibility of damage to the matrix.

Not only dust can get stuck between the layers of the matrix. It is possible that there will be larger particles. There are cases when insects get stuck between the layers. However, this is rather an exception, indicating a factory marriage.

Large dust particles and other contaminants are removed as follows:

  1. Take a dry and soft cloth.
  2. Lightly tap on the display.
  3. The dust particles will gradually fall off.

Why can't you just wipe the screen? Firstly, divorces may appear, which are extremely difficult to get rid of in the future. Secondly, if the geometry of the layers is really broken, then wiping will only exacerbate the problem.

To prevent dust from getting stuck between the layers of the LED TV, you need to lightly tap on the center of the display. Tapping on the edges can exacerbate the problem.

Stained by impact

Dark spots on the TV are traces of mechanical damage. Such defects appear if the TV device has fallen or the display has been hit, a strong mechanical impact. The spots have very clear contours.

The internal heating of the TV aggravates the breakdown. Because neighboring pixels are also damaged. It is impossible to repair the display of a Samsung or LG TV, contact the service center so that the masters change the matrix. However, this is also a financially costly procedure.

If dark spots appear on the screen of a plasma or LCD TV, caused by mechanical damage, it is more rational to buy new equipment. Repair will cost about 50% of the face value of the TV.

Liquid stains

It is extremely easy to distinguish a spot on a TV screen caused by the ingress of a copious amount of liquid from a darkening due to dust. Defects appear if alcohol, tea, coffee, juice or the most ordinary water gets on the display.

What should I do if such spots appear on the display? Wash the screen with boiled water (room temperature) or purified alcohol.

Spots that appeared due to liquid are eliminated in a room without dust and drafts. Be sure to rinse the display while wearing gloves so as not to aggravate the damage.

Dark semicircular spots around the edges

A dark spot on the LCD TV screen indicates a breakdown of the LED backlight elements. This is local dimming. Defects of this type appear in the corner of the screen. The malfunction is eliminated by replacing the burned-out LED.

If the TV has not been disassembled before, and the warranty period has not expired, then the replacement of defective LED backlight elements will be free of charge.

How to get rid of stains

The main ways to care for the liquid crystal screen have been discussed earlier. We have proposed several effective methods aimed at correcting specific defects. There are other tricks to remove stains that we will share with you:

  1. If the stain appeared as a result of mechanical damage, then it will not be possible to eliminate it. The only way out is to replace damaged components.
  2. A leaky matrix is ​​another sign that it needs to be restored hardware module fail. If the warranty has not ended, then the repair of the TV will be free of charge.
  3. What to do if dust has already seeped between the layers of the matrix, and ordinary tapping on the screen does not work? Buy a special microfiber cloth for LCD displays and also get a screen cleaning spray. Spray the aerosol onto a cloth, and then wipe the TV.
  4. If the TV was flooded with liquid, then you should not hope for warranty repairs. However, you can wash the screen yourself. Mix vinegar, boiled water and purified alcohol, and then wipe the display using a soft dry cloth (preferably microfiber).
  5. You can blow through the layers of the matrix using household appliances. Many vacuum cleaners are equipped with nozzles suitable for this procedure. The main thing is not to bring the nozzle too close to the screen. Blowing is carried out at a distance.

Now you know how to remove the spots that appear on the screen yourself. It is far from always possible to solve the problem using improvised means. For example, if the defect appeared due to mechanical damage or burned out Neon lights then contact the experts for help.


I welcome everyone! Today I will share my thoughts on what to do if spots appear on the TV screen, monitor, laptop or tablet. For the past few years, Samsung has been a leader in the production of matrices for TVs, monitors, laptops, tablets and smartphones. News flashed that even Apple installed in its new iPhone matrix from Samsung. As we understand, the South Korean manufacturer is inexorably increasing its turnover in terms of the number of matrices per year. However, as you know, an increase in quantity often occurs at the expense of a decrease in quality. As a result, the Internet is full of messages and questions from users about spots on the TV screen or other display device. Often in such messages we are talking about Samsung matrices.

Stains on the TV screen from impact

We will consider in this article not only the spots associated with the reliability and build quality of the matrix. Spots from blows to the matrix in the hearts or accidentally leave for the next tip - replace the matrix. Why? Because the thin structure of the matrix is ​​almost impossible to repair. Easier and cheaper to make new display than restore the old one. Here are examples of spots that appear after hitting .

Spots from hitting the screen most often have clear boundaries and traces of cracks. Over time, blurry contours may appear - these are neighboring pixels that begin to break from heating and internal stresses.

Gray spots on a white background on the matrix

Now let's talk about spots on the screen, which look like blackouts or bright dots on a white background. Here are some photos, dug up on the net, showing these spots on the TV screen in all their glory.

Here, apparently, we are talking about a violation of the flatness of the polarizer or diffuser located in the layers of the matrix. There are also matrix layers on top of each other.

In the next photo you will see the result of installing a defective diffuser or reflector. Moreover, most often such defects do not appear immediately after the purchase of the monitor, and over time, heating causes a violation of the layer geometry.

This is what the matrix structure of an LCD TV looks like.

It can be seen that the matrix is ​​multilayer and has a strict order of the layers and their orientation. So when disassembling and assembling LCD displays, you need to follow the order and orientation of the layers.

Then we see the result of microdust getting between the layers of the matrix. This happens with poor protection of the screen layers around the perimeter. When an LCD monitor or TV is heated and cooled, air moves between the layers of the matrix - a kind of pump is obtained that can suck in such an unpleasant amount of dust in a few months.

To be honest, such flaws in the design of the screens are not surprising. All manufacturers are trying to reduce their costs and reduce the cost of the materials and structures used, which leads to such "childish" display diseases.

I even found a video that also shows heterogeneous spots on the TV screen.

In principle, dust between the matrix layers is possible, but this must be done carefully so as not to make the matrix worse. One awkward movement - a jam or a scratch - is not corrected in any way, but the image will be very visible in the image.

Manufacturers recognize defective batches of matrices

Test result: the reason for the identified defect is a defect in the liquid crystal polarization filter.

Conclusion: this drawback arose due to the use of low-quality components by the laptop manufacturer, which do not provide the necessary MTBF resource within the period of its normal operation.

the cost of the examination is 6200 rubles, the period of performance under the contract is 30 calendar days.

A person with this conclusion went to the warranty service with the intention of going to court in case of refusal to guarantee repairs. What ended is unknown.

Liquid stains inside the matrix

It is also worth distinguishing spots from dust and spots from liquid spots inside the matrix. Here is a photo of an example of such a stain after filling a laptop with alcohol.

The main feature in the repair of such matrices is the work with gloves and the absence of dust in the room.

Most often, such spots appear on monitors and TVs of cheap manufacturers and frankly Chinese firms. It is good that such matrix malfunctions can be easily repaired by replacing the LEDs in the backlight with new ones. Sometimes simple contacts help.

Garbage between LCD matrix layers

It happens that at the factory or during transportation, dust particles or other debris appear between the layers inside the matrix.

Somewhere in my archives there was a photo of a fly stuck almost in the middle of the screen - it was a factory defect. In such cases, the monitor successfully surrenders.

This happened with a new TV and this is what Samsung technical support answered, according to the participant:

Here is what Samsung told me:


The technical department has considered your appeal and reported the following:

The display case contains ventilation holes to allow heat to escape from the display backlight elements. Through these holes, insects could get inside the display. This is a TV manufacturing technology, like any other manufacturer of equipment, to ensure the outflow of heat from the display backlight elements. The manufacturer is not responsible for insects getting into the equipment.

Here's a way I found from one of the IXBT forum members:

It is necessary to take a soft cloth, such as a scarf or a sweater sleeve, and lightly hit it on the screen, next to a speck of dust. Dust particles are knocked out, and the risk of damage to the monitor is small. Especially stubborn ones, I hit a little harder - this left weak temporary traces on the matrix, which disappeared after a couple of minutes. The result - the screen is clean, the monitor is intact and regularly serves the owner.

And in the same thread of the forum, people also advised tapping on the sides of the monitor - it also helps to bring a speck of dust down when the layers seem to diverge for a moment.

How to get rid of stains on the matrix

So, to summarize and explain how to get rid of stains on the matrix and what cases fall under the guarantee:

  1. Stains on the TV screen from blows cannot be repaired in any way (the case is not guaranteed);
  2. If the matrix has flowed, then nothing can be done (if there are no traces of impact, you can try to hand over the warranty);
  3. When dust gets into the matrix, you can wash the layers of the matrix and dry it without scratching (dust ingress - violation of operating conditions - a non-warranty case, but sometimes people are lucky and change under warranty if a defective batch);
  4. If the screen is flooded with liquid, then there is a chance to wash the layers yourself (the case is not guaranteed);
  5. If part of the backlight is out of order

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

half success in Apple repair- this is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts for current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good taste for service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

A good service values ​​your time, so it offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on difficult cases other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. you give away macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

If spots appear on the monitor, this is a consequence of a serious breakdown of your device. Variants of its manifestation can be different:

  • round black, dark or gray spots randomly scattered across the screen;
  • oblong spots in the form of smudges and blur;
  • red, yellow or other colored spots (on the screen or on its sides);
  • light areas in the form of longitudinal or transverse stripes, on which the image is doubled or blurry.

Why do spots appear on the monitor screen?

There are two main causes of spots:

1. Mechanical damage

This includes shock during careless transportation, hard pressure on the screen surface with your hand, careless use of chemicals to clean the screen, water ingress, etc.

2. Matrix malfunction

Most often, the matrix and components associated with it fail. For this reason, areas of dead pixels appear. Almost always, such a problem is solved only by replacing the matrix.

What do the different colors of the spots mean?

Yellow spots on the monitor

This usually indicates a split screen. The design of a modern monitor is a combination of thin layers, between which a special adhesive is contained. Violation of the integrity of the layers in this case manifests itself in the form of yellowish spots. It is also possible to get inside a foreign liquid, most often water.

Red or colored spots on the monitor

Blurry patches of red or purple tint can indicate magnetization of the monitor, especially after a sudden power surge or thunderstorm. You can try to solve this problem by disconnecting the device from the mains for half an hour or an hour. In this case, you can hear the moment of degaussing in the form of a characteristic click inside the monitor.

However, most often the cause of such image defects is the breakdown of the power supply or the failure of the matrix.

Black, dark or gray spot on the monitor screen

If a black spot (or several) appears on the monitor, this almost always indicates the failure of the pixels of the matrix, which cannot be restored. This is eliminated either by replacing the screen, or by purchasing a new monitor.

Light or white spots on the monitor

It happens that light spots with uneven edges appear on the monitor screen. Sometimes they are clearly visible, sometimes you need to look closely to notice them. The reason for such highlights is a malfunction of some components of the matrix backlight: an inverter, lamps or other elements.

How to remove spots on the monitor?

In rare cases, bright areas that distort the image can be tried to eliminate using the monitor settings, but the likelihood that this will help is extremely small. In other cases, repairs are required. In this case, it often happens that replacing the matrix is ​​​​completely unprofitable, and in this case it is more profitable to buy a new monitor.

With the problem of the appearance of a yellow spot on the screen Android smartphone many have encountered. Usually it looks like this - after a year of using a smartphone, a small yellow spot begins to appear in the center of the screen, which begins to grow over time.

I will say more, the spot can be not only yellow, but also white. Spots of other colors are almost never found, except for burnt out pixels in LCD matrices.

Why did the yellow spot appear

The first reason is matrix burnout. This is faced by owners of inexpensive, budget smartphones. Unfortunately, in order to save on production and cost, a display is often installed in a smartphone. Low quality which fades over time.

The second reason is the display overheating. Especially often this is the reason for the appearance of yellow spots on the display for those who like to play games on a smartphone.

The third reason is the glue between the touchscreen and the display. Not all smartphones have this glue, but it can turn yellow over time and thus you will have a yellow spot.

The fourth reason is moisture. Moisture can get under the glass of the smartphone, after which a stain begins to appear. Usually it is a white spot with torn edges.

And the last reason is the transformation of the display due to strong pressure on the smartphone screen.

The most interesting thing is that all smartphones suffer from the problem of spots. There are cases where even iPhones have had yellow spots. I have yellow spots appeared on smartphones - Huawei Honor 4C, Meizu M2 Mini and on Alcatel Scribe HD.

Incidentally, most Chinese smartphones, such as Xiaomi, Meizu, Huawei this problem manifests itself after one to two years.

What is the most common reason?

In 90% of cases, a large yellow spot appears in the center or white spots appear at the edges of the display. If this is the case for you, then the reason is the overheating of the smartphone. I wrote above that spots often appear among fans of playing, but this is partly true. If your smartphone often overheated, and you did not play games, a stain may appear.

The second common reason is a factory marriage. Smartphones are extremely complex devices, just like computers. Everything is complicated by the fact that the layout of the elements in the smartphone is extremely cramped, for example, if the battery puts pressure on the screen, then you will have characteristic spots. If you notice swelling of the battery (for example, your case has begun to disperse), change it immediately.

Most importantly - Check your smartphone right at the time of purchase. Be sure to check the smartphone display in a dark room!

I'll tell you a case from life: in 2013 I bought myself htc phone 8S, which turned out to be with a defective screen. In particular, because of the LCD display, broken pixels appeared on it, which are visible only in a dark room and against a black background. From here, draw conclusions that you need to check the phone in a dark room and on a dark screen, and on a light one.

Can I remove stains from the screen myself?

Most importantly - do not believe that programs like Dead pixel detect fix will help remove a yellow or white spot. A yellow spot is a display defect that appears as a result of overheating and there is only one way to remove it - by replacing the screen. Dead pixel detect fix app won't help you.

You can verify this by reading the reviews of people who have tried their luck with this application:

Remember! There are apps like Dead Pixel Detect that are great for screen testing. The app runs different colors on the screen so you can see if there is a problem with the display or not.

Also, cooling your smartphone will not help you. By the way, as a result of cooling, your battery, which does not like low temperatures, may also fail.

And the craziest advice that you can find on the forums is to do a factory reset, update the device and change the battery. But the problem is not in the battery and not in the firmware. The problem is in the display. Such advice will not help you!

Is this a warranty case?

It must be remembered that each case is individual. For example, you carefully used your smartphone and you have a yellow spot. If your warranty period has not passed, and this is usually one year from the date of purchase, then feel free to take your smartphone to the store where you bought it or to an authorized service center for repairs.

If I were you, I would immediately take the smartphone to an authorized service center. The address of the service center is usually on the warranty card. You can write your city in the comments, I will help you. Why to the service center? The girls in the store will dissuade you, saying that this is not a warranty case, and so on.

But there may be another case, you dropped your smartphone and emerging the spot is the result of mechanical action on the screen. It all depends on the service center, but in most cases, after diagnosis, the device will be returned to you. Remember, traces of mechanical damage are very clearly visible, these are chips, abrasions, cracks.

You cannot be denied in warranty repair directly in the store. The warranty repair is refused by the service center, but not by the seller, who at least does not have the necessary competence.

What to do if the smartphone is not accepted under warranty, but you want to repair it?

Take your smartphone to a service center in your city. I was convinced from my own experience that if a yellow spot appears on the screen, then it can no longer be removed and in any case you will have to replace the entire display module. If 3-4 years ago any person who knows how to hold a tool in his hands could change the display at home, today this is an extremely difficult operation due to the huge amount of glue.

I hope my article helped you. If you have problems finding a service center or display, then write in the comments. I will definitely help you!
