Manual Internet connection setup. Manual Internet connection setup Wireless WiFi network

Insert the cable that was installed into the room by your Internet provider into the “Internet” connector. Insert an Ethernet cable into any of the four “LAN” connectors, and connect the other end to the computer from which you will perform initial setup router. Connect the power supply plug to the “5V - 2.5A” slot. After these steps and plugging in the router, the hardware connection of the router is complete, and you can proceed to setting it up through the router control panel.

To do this, turn the router upside down and pay attention to the sticker with instructions. In the lower right corner (section “Default router settings”) the standard information for logging into the device’s web interface is indicated. The “IP” line contains the address that must be entered in any Internet browser to open the device control panel. “Username” is the standard user name, “Password” is the default password. In the case of this router standard password is missing and the field for entering it must be left blank. However, other firmware versions may specify a standard password, such as "admin".

Devices with different firmware versions are available for sale. Therefore, the router's web interface may differ. The instructions will describe the setup on one of the latest firmware versions - 2.5.4.

Logging into the control panel and setting up the Internet

After you go to the address indicated on the bottom panel of the router and enter the data account, the “Information” tab will open. It will contain information about the D-Link DIR-615 model and connection information.

Pay attention! The message " Wireless network not protected." This means that the Wi-Fi connection is made without authorization, that is, the network is open. It is highly recommended that you install encryption and set your password in the following steps of setting up your router.

Check your Internet connection by opening any website. If the connection is not established, you need to configure the connection on the D-Link DIR-615. Go to the menu item “Network -> WAN”. Next, click the “Add” button to enter connection parameters.

In this menu you need to select the connection type. Depending on it, a number of additional settings and input fields will be displayed. You can read all this information in the agreement you entered into with your Internet provider.

After entering the connection settings and clicking the “Apply” button, the system will ask for your consent to delete the existing connection. Click “OK” to replace the connection and move to the next setup step.

Wi-Fi setup and system settings

To configure a wireless network, select “Wi-Fi -> Basic settings” in the main menu of the web interface. Here you can set parameters such as SSID, country, channel, wireless mode. SSID is the name of your Wi-Fi networks. It may consist of letters, numbers and special characters. The value of the “Channel” drop-down list determines the frequencies at which the router will broadcast. In most cases it is advisable to leave the channel selection on automatic. “Wireless mode” defines the Wi-Fi network specification. The most latest version as of the date of publication of this article - 802.11 B/G/N mixed. It ensures the network operates at maximum speed (the standard implies speeds of up to 600 Mbit/s).

Next, go to the next tab in the menu - Wi-Fi security options. In the list of network authentication methods offered by D-Link DIR-615, it is recommended to select “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mixed”. This is the most secure encryption method, maintaining a strong network key and backwards compatible With previous version WPA-PSK protocol. Keep in mind that encryption not only limits your network connection, but also protects data transmitted over Wi-Fi. If a network is left unencrypted, all information transmitted within its boundaries can be intercepted. Leave the WPA encryption settings at their default settings, as they are optimal for non-professional users.

When the Internet is connected and Wi-Fi encryption settings are set, go to the “System -> Administrator Password” menu. In it you can protect the entrance to the router’s web interface with your own password. After filling in the new password and confirming it, click the “Apply” button.

Most providers suggest using D-link routers, especially the Dir-615 model. Before using the device to access the Internet, you must configure it correctly, setting not only the basic network parameters, but also passwords for authorization and connection to it. This can be done quite easily and quickly on your own, without involving specialists.

Connecting to a computer

Before you start setting up, the router must be connected to the PC. You can do this in two ways:

By cable

You need to find a patch cord in the box with accessories. This is a special cable with connectors, one end of which is connected to the router, and the other to a special connector on the computer or laptop.

Using Wi-Fi

This is done as follows:
  1. Go to "Control Panel".
  2. Open the tab "Network and Internet".
  3. Find "Network and Sharing Center".
  4. Next select "Connect to the network". A window will appear on the right.
  5. Find the network called "Dir-615" and click on the button “Connect.”
  6. If the system asks for a password, you need to look it up on the sticker on the router. The value is indicated in the WPS PIN line.

Reset settings

If the router was previously configured by specialists or was used to connect to the Internet through another provider, you need to reset all settings to factory settings.

This is quite easy to do. You need to take a toothpick or a needle, turn on the device and find the “Reset” button on the back, hidden under the body. Then click on it and hold for a few seconds. After this, wait for the router to reboot.

Login to the panel

You can open the menu of any router through a browser. For example, let's look at setting up the very common D-link Dir-615 E4 model. We perform the following actions:
  1. Open the browser, you can use the standard Explorer, or you can use the one you use all the time.
  2. IN address bar dial
  3. Load the settings page by clicking on the arrow at the end of the line or pressing the “Enter” key.
  4. A page with an authorization window will appear in the browser.
  5. In line Username enter “admin”.
  6. Leave the Password line empty.
  7. In some cases the value may be specified. Then we use the standard password “admin”.

Changing the password

First, we recommend changing the access code to the “Settings Panel”. To do this, perform the following steps:
  1. Open the tab « Tools» located at the top of the panel.
  2. On the left side we find and open the item « Admin» .
  3. In sections « Admin Password» And « User Password» enter the password you created in the line « Password» And we confirm it in the line “Verify Password» .
  4. Save changes using the button "Save Settings".

Network setup

Before setting up, be sure to find:
  • login;
  • Internet access password.

This data is indicated in the service agreement or in the network card issued to you by your provider.

Log in again "Control Panels" using the password we set earlier. Now we perform the following steps:
  1. Select in top menu tab "SETUP".
  2. On the left we open the item "Internet".
  3. We go down and find the button "Manual Internet Connection Setup". Click on it.
  4. A new window should open in front of us called "WAN".
We configure the parameters in it as follows:
  • for the line " My Internet Connection is" select from the drop-down menu "Russia PPPoE (Dual Access)";
  • User name– enter the login specified in the papers;
  • Password– enter the password specified in the same document;
  • Verifi Password– confirm the password.
To save the entered data, click "Save Settings".

The system will ask you to wait about a minute, after which you need to click on “Continue” and log in again.

The second important point is to configure the router so that you can connect to it only with a password. This will eliminate the possibility of neighbors connecting to your Internet and prevent the “theft” of traffic.

We configure everything in the same menu "Setup".

Go to the menu "Wireless Settings", located on the left. Now click on « Manual Wireless Network Setup» and fill in the lines as follows:
  • Wireless Network Name– enter the name of the network. May contain both numbers and letters of the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet.
  • 11 Mode– select a value in the drop-down list « Mixed 802.11 n, 802.11 g, 802.11 b» ;
  • Channel Width– install "Auto 20/40 MHz";
  • Security Mode – open the list and install « WPA Personal» .
After these operations, another list with settings will open. Let's fill it out like this:
  • WPA Mode– choose "Auto (WPA or WPA2)";
  • Cipher Type– set the value « TKIP and AES» ;
  • Pre- Shared Key– enter the password you created. Must consist of 8 characters. You can use letters and numbers.
Next, save the entered settings using the button we already know « Save Settings» . We wait for the reboot and click on « Continue» . Your router is ready to go.

Setting up TTK D-link Dir-615

Let's look separately at setting up the TTK router. It has a slightly different interface: it is decorated in the red and white colors of the provider and is Russified. It connects to the PC in the same way as a regular D-link Dir-615 router; entering the settings panel is described above.

To configure, select “Advanced settings” at the bottom of the panel.

Network connection

For correct operation Internet connection, setting up a router. To do this we find "Net" and open the sub-item "WAN". In the window that opens there is a dynamic IP line. If your provider uses the PPPoE protocol, then this connection need to delete and create a new one.

To do this:

  1. Open the installed connection type and scroll down the page.
  2. Finding the button "Delete" and click on it.
  3. After deleting we find ourselves again on WAN page and press the button "Add".
  4. Fill in the lines in the window that opens as follows: Connection type– select PPPoE, and Name– indicate the network name;
  5. Filling out the fields "Username" And "Password" according to the data specified in the contract.
  6. At the very bottom of the page in the section "Miscellaneous" Check the boxes next to the following items – NAT and firewall.
  7. Click "Apply."

Wi-fi network operation

Go to the menu "Advanced settings" and open Wi-Fi - basic settings. Fill in the fields:
  • SSID– write the network name you created;
  • for parameter "Channel" select “Auto”;
  • for parameter "Wireless mode" set the value to “802.11 B/G/N mixed”.
Open the menu in the same way "Security Settings". Here you need to make changes to the fields:
  • Network authentication– enter the name of the network.
  • PSK encryption key– at this point we specify the password for connecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi.
Save the changes made using the button "Apply".

If you want to wifi signal became stronger read .

Video tutorial on setting up a router

Are you afraid of making a mistake when setting up? Check out the video instructions for setting up the D-Link DIR 615. A specialist will tell you in detail how to set up the router and show you which values ​​need to be changed and which should be left unchanged.

Before working on the Internet D-Link router DIR 615 must be configured correctly. This action does not take much time. All you need to do is connect the device to personal computer, open Control Panel and make some changes to the "default" settings.

Most users have a local network at home with Internet access. As a rule, inexpensive routers – Entry Level – from the entry-level segment are used to create a “mesh”. Similar routers include the D-Link model Dir 615. Let's take a closer look at this device.

The Dir network device, which supports standard protocols PPPoE, PPTP/L2TP, IPv4/v6, is a simple router for building a home local network both in wired mode and via wi-fi.

The main characteristics of the Dir model 615 router are the same as most routers in this segment.

Features include

  • DHCP server support,
  • additional network protection,
  • dynamic DNS,
  • connection to the provider’s VPN server, firewall
  • and many others, which will be discussed below.

It can be controlled using a mobile device running Android or iOS.


The Dir equipment is a small box with rounded corners. The body is black. At the top there are two antennas for the Wi-Fi network. On the reverse side there are: a WAN port for connecting a network cable from the provider, four LAN ports for connecting devices to one local network.

Connection and preparation for work

To prepare for operation and launch of the D-Link router, all necessary parts are included in the package. First, unpack the box with the equipment, take it out and connect the power cable. The next step is to carry out preliminary configuration for its operation with the Internet.


Connecting a D-Link router to the World Wide Web is done in two ways: automatic and manual. Most often, settings are carried out according to the first scenario, but there are situations when manual configuration is required.

The workstation is pre-prepared: it is indicated on which to obtain an IP address automatically. This is checked as follows.

Automatic setup

In automatic mode, the user performs minimal settings for the D-Link Dir model 615. The main work is done for him by the “Settings Wizard”. The program is on the disk included with the D-Link version of Dir. After launching it, you need to specify your Internet service provider from the list of available ones. Then the user enters the credentials provided by the provider: login and password, and also comes up with New Password For wireless communication. Next, the “Wizard” will make the remaining settings independently and reboot the D-Link Dir device.

Connecting to the Internet manually using the example of some providers

Manual configuration of the D-Link Dir model is carried out through any available browser. First, you need to connect the equipment to the workstation. The next step is to find out the IP address of the D-Link Dir router. It is usually located at the bottom of the equipment:

The manufacturer offers two options for the user to choose from.

The user opens the main window for setting up the “Link” of the Dir-615 model. Since it is necessary to configure a Wi-Fi router depending on the Internet service provider, we will consider this process using the example of the most well-known providers.

Set the parameters on Dir-615A as indicated above. The login and password are taken from the agreement with the Internet service provider.


Settings D-Link modem Dir for Rostelecom is identical to the previous provider, since the same Internet access protocol is used.

The only difference is the fields for entering the username and password. Each provider provides unique names. In all other respects it is a complete coincidence.


The Beeline service provider uses a different protocol for connection - L2TP. To use it, you must have a supervisor VPN servers on the provider side, the possibility operating system user to support the tunneling function in VPN connections. Support is available in all operating systems of the Windows family no lower than Vista.

  1. Go to the WAN menu, then fill in the following fields:
  2. Connection type – L2TP + “Dynamic IP”.
  3. The fields “Username” and “Password” are filled out in accordance with the agreement from Beeline.
  4. After entering the data, the information must be saved and D-Link Dir must be reloaded.


Reminder on how to set up wifi router D-Link for the NetByNet provider is almost no different from the configurations of the provider.

In the WAN section, the connection type is indicated: PPPoE.

To bind the router's MAC address to the provider, you must specify it. Click the icon highlighted in red in the screenshot:

In the “Username” and “Password” fields, enter the data from the agreement with the Internet service provider NetByNet.

Backup connection via 3G, 4G

The Dir router does not have 3G and 4G backup functionality.

Wireless network

Setting up wi-fi on Dir is done in the Wi-Fi section:

The next step is to look at how to password-protect Wi-Fi on a D-Link router. To do this, click the “Change” button and go to protecting the wireless connection.

Mode network protection set to WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSKmixed. In the line “PSK encryption key” you come up with your own password for the wireless network. The rules are standard: at least 8 characters, Latin numbers and letters, mixed with special characters. Leave the encryption mode TKIP+AES, and the protection key update period unchanged. If you need to change the password for Dir for Wi-Fi, the same method applies.

After all the changes made, you need to save and reboot the D-Link router. This completes the Wi-Fi setup on Dir.

Configuration in repeater (repeater), amplifier, adapter or access point mode

Network device Dir supports different modes functioning: repeater, amplifier, adapter, access point. Instructions for D-Link Dir version 615 on mode selection and configuration will be given in separate articles.

More detailed information information about network device connection modes is available on the manufacturer’s official website.


Configuring the D-Link Dir wi-fi router to work with IPTV is quite simple. First of all, connect the set-top box to the TV, and use a network cable to any connector on the D-Link network device.

After that, apply the changes made by clicking the “Change” button.

Individual user connection settings

The network device does not support any individual settings.

Additionally configurable DNS server to Dir depending on the city of residence. To do this, go to the “Advanced” section, then “Name Servers”. For manual mode check the box “Manually”:

In the “Name servers” field, enter the values ​​of the client’s city of residence. This data is taken from the provider’s official website or found out when calling hotline provider.

Security settings (antivirus, firewall)

On D-Link Dir, the manufacturer has built in a firewall that protects the home station from network attacks or hacking from outside. To correctly configure a firewall, certain knowledge is required. If the user does not understand how the firewall works, you should contact a company specialist.

The second point of protection is the creation of virtual servers that help to route through them network traffic to a different IP address. If there is a network attack, such a server will help pass it to a non-existent host, and the rest of the equipment will continue to function normally:

To create, you need to click the “Add” button and set the parameters of the future server:

After creation, click the “Edit” button to confirm creation. This completes the initial firewall configuration.

Installation parental controls on D-Link Dir is done in the “Control” section, then “URL filters”:

There are two options to choose from: block access only to specified addresses or deny access to all sites except those listed below. If you only need to leave a few sites for your child, best choice there will be a second function. Add the necessary sites to the exclusion list and block the rest.

Changing the function of the buttons

It is not possible to change the functions of the buttons available on Dir equipment.

Setting up the printer

The 615 from D-Link Dir does not support direct USB printer connectivity. But through it the user is able to connect to a network printer.

Setting up DLNA on the router

D-Link Dir equipment does not have a built-in DLNA server. It is used only as an intermediate link in the DLNA server chain running on the PC and the final media device.

Setting up a VPN server

Model 615 from the manufacturer D-Link Dir does not support the VPN server function. It is only capable of connecting to VPN servers of providers using the PPTP or L2TP protocol.

Setting up a torrent client on the router

D-link Dir does not support a built-in torrent client; it only works with standard external programs.

Possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

  • The most common errors that a user sometimes encounters when working with D-link Dir model 615 are related to the lack of Internet access. The first step to start with in such cases is to reboot the network device.
  • If this does not help, you should carefully check the cables to which the D-link Dir router is connected. There may be physical damage; it is worth replacing the faulty cable with another one. You also need to go to the router itself and check its network configurations for the Internet.
  • If none of the above helps, it is recommended to call a specialist, and also contact the provider’s technical support services; the Internet access parameters may have been changed.

Firmware update

Like any network device, it has its own firmware. This procedure is called “firmware update”. There are several ways to do this. Timely updating allows you to avoid errors that may occur when working with a network device, adds new functions or expands the capabilities of current ones.

The manufacturer D-link offers, in addition to the new version, an archive of previous ones (Old folder), beta versions, that is, those that are in the testing stage (Beta folder).

Via web interface

The first option is to use the web interface. To do this, go to the main menu of the router through the browser, left-click on the current firmware version:

The user will be prompted to specify the file to update. You must select the file with the extension .bin downloaded from the manufacturer’s FTP server. Next, click the “Update” button and wait until the update process is completed. At the end of the procedure, the network device will definitely reboot; this is necessary for the router to work with new version hardware revision.

The latest firmware versions have a built-in module automatic update. Now there is no need to search for updates yourself, Dir will do everything itself. The only thing you need to do is confirm your consent to update the software.

Via mobile application

The manufacturer has released the D-Link Click’n’Connect mobile application. With its help, the phone connects to the Dir router. Click’n’Connect fully configures D-Link to suit your “needs” and updates current version hardware revision. It has a built-in module automatic check updates.

The list of compatible models is in the application itself in the Google and Apple stores.

Download the application and run it on your own mobile device. A list of available networks will appear on the screen. You must select the desired access point. Once connected to D-Link, the app will automatically check for updates. If there are any available, it will offer to download it and start the update process. The user just needs to confirm his consent and then wait for the process to complete.

This completes the hardware revision update for the D-Link Dir wireless wi-fi router via the mobile application.

Via USB device

The D-Link Dir model does not have a built-in USB port; therefore, software updates via flash media are not possible.

Resetting the router to factory settings

If for some reason the router stops working, for example, setting up Wi-Fi on the Deer of the D-Link-615 model was unsuccessful, the router stopped distributing the wireless network, you should reset it to the factory firmware.

The easiest way is to use the Reset button located on the back of the equipment. Just press and hold it for 10-15 seconds. By the blinking of the indicator lights, it will be clear that the reset was successful and D-Link has returned to the factory configuration.


The article informed how to connect a D-Link router model Dir to a PC and configure Internet access on it. Here's a description additional features: firewall, dynamic DNS server and others. It tells in general terms what to do if a malfunction of this model occurs.


  • D-Link Dir is budget model, which stably maintains a connection to the Internet and distributes a wireless network within the range of the antenna. The correct configuration of the firewall protects the provider's subscriber from external network attacks, and support for the WPA2 protocol creates a barrier to hacking the Wi-Fi network.
  • In new versions of the built-in software There is an automatic update function. This allows the client not to waste time on updating; just go to the main menu of the network device. If the manufacturer's website has the latest firmware version, it is easy to start the automatic update process.
  • There is support for this model mobile application D-Link – Click’n’Connect – from the manufacturer. It is available for Android platforms and Apple.


The disadvantages include the router case, made of budget material. And also there is no support for some functions, these are:

  • DLNA server;
  • torrent client;
  • VPN server;
  • USB connector.

Some buyers complain about the lack of high-quality fastening.

Wireless router d link dir 615 is a convenient “home” router that provides Wi-Fi connection at speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s according to the 802.11b, g and n standard.

Externally, the model is a “classic” stationary router with two external antennas and connectors for cable connection of external devices. Among the functional features here we can note a built-in firewall, the ability to work with SIP protocols and support for all wireless communications.

D-Link Dir-615 provides a stable Internet connection when working with providers such as Rostelecom,, MTS, Beeline, etc. The device can also be used to connect to the worldwide network via a dedicated line and Dial-up technology - in this case you will need additional customization modem

d link dir 615: technical specifications

wifi router dir 615 operates in the frequency range 400 ~ 2483.5 MHz.

On the back panel of the device there is one INTERNET port for connecting the Ethernet cable provided by the provider and four LAN connectors for connecting to a router and other stationary devices via a network cable.

Modem dir 615 supports functions and static IP routing.

The router status indicators are located on the front panel of dir 615:

  • - separate “standing” power indicator;
  • - Internet connection activity indicator (if this LED is not lit, it means that the Internet from the provider is not reaching the router: there may be a line break or a technical failure of the service provider’s equipment);
  • - wifi indicator, the green light of which characterizes the ability to connect to the d link dir 615 router wirelessly;
  • - four LAN indicators that light up when the corresponding LAN connector is active;
  • - WPS indicator, which lights up when activated.

How to connect a d link dir 615 router?

Installation of the d link dir 615 router is carried out according to standard instructions, identical to most network devices.

  1. 1. First, provide “power” to the device from a standard 220V power supply. To do this, connect the power adapter plug to the round connector on the back panel of the device, and the adapter “plug” to any AC outlet.
  2. 2. Turn on the router using the ON/OFF button and wait until the router OS loads - the corresponding indicator on the front panel of the device should light up.

If your router has ever been in use, it is recommended to first reset the d link dir 615 settings to factory settings. To do this, you need to press the RESET button recessed into the case with a needle or paperclip, hold it pressed for 10-15 seconds and wait for the device to reboot.

  1. 3. For initial setup d link dir 615 requires a “hard” connection between the router and the computer. For cable connection, you can use the patch cord supplied with the device or a piece of twisted pair, crimped on both sides with RJ 45 connectors. On one side network cable must be connected to any LAN connector on the back of the router, and on the other - to the port network card your desktop computer or laptop.
  2. 4. To connect d link dir 615, you will also need the appropriate settings for your computer’s network card. Step by step instructions for Windows7 and Windows8 OS is presented in the article, and setting up network parameters on Windows XP is described step by step in the article.

How to configure the d link dir 615 router yourself?

The d link dir 615 router is configured through the device’s web interface, and you can enter the menu from a computer connected to the router through any web browser.

To do this, enter the static IP address of the device in the address bar (in most cases this is the combination, which is indicated on the service label of the device.

Press Enter and in the authentication window that appears, enter your login and standard password dir 615.

The default password for the d link dir 615 router is admin and the login is admin. If the settings were changed, and the user subsequently forgot the router password, just reset the device to factory settings and enter the standard password.

At the first stage, you configure the Internet through the d link dir 615 router. To do this, you need to clarify:

  • - what type of Internet connection was provided to you by your provider;
  • - is it necessary when connecting to global network indicate login/password;
  • - what Internet parameters were provided to you by your communication service provider.

These parameters are specified in the agreement with the provider, and they can also be clarified in the provider’s 24-hour support service.

If there is already an automatically generated WAN connection in this window, it is recommended to delete it.

  • - for a PPPoE connection, in the PPP subsection that opens, enter your username and password for connecting to the Internet from the agreement with the provider;

  • - for a connection of the Static IP address type, you will need to specify the IP address, Network mask, gateway IP address and Primary DNS server (also from your contract);

  • - for dynamic IP, in the IP column, uncheck the “Obtain DNS server address automatically” and enter the primary DNS server provided to you.

Wireless router dir 615: wifi setup

Setting up wifi on the d link dir 615 router is carried out in the corresponding menu tab:

In the main router settings window, click the “Wi-Fi” button and go to the “Security Settings” section.

Please note that you should set a complex and unique Wi-Fi password for wireless communication security.

Router dir 615: setting up iptv

To connect iptv on the wireless dir 615 router:

  1. 1. Connect the TV set-top box to a free LAN port of the device.
  2. 2. In your personal account, select “Advanced settings” and the “IP television” section.

  1. 3. Select the appropriate device port in the “Iptv Setup Wizard” and click the “Change” button.

This completes the iptv setup successfully.
