Transition from Zik 7.7 to Zup 3.1. So how can you make the transition to a new level of automation painlessly?

Many users have already appreciated the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program, which automates the processes of managing data on human resources, and also allows you to maintain personnel records, calculations wages and generation of reporting on taxes and contributions in accordance with legal requirements. In the article, 1C methodologists offer detailed step by step instructions. It will help you correctly transfer data to the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program and avoid errors in the future when calculating wages.

  • availability of military registration;
  • maintaining a vacation schedule;
  • and much more.

Is it necessary to walk?

The advantages of “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” over “1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7” (hereinafter referred to as ZiK) are obvious and numerous, but some effort should be made to fully appreciate them.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • the ability to maintain records of several organizations in a single information base;
  • a mechanism of properties and categories that allows you to arbitrarily expand the stored information about employees without configuration;
  • expanded capabilities of regulated personnel records;
  • availability of military registration;
  • maintaining a vacation schedule;
  • accounting for the use of working time (part-time, work schedules, time sheets);
  • lack of strict regulations for the transition to both subsequent and previous billing periods;
  • many built-in calculation algorithms, you can enter arbitrary formulas when setting up charges and deductions;
  • various options for forming an advance payment;
  • wide possibilities of regulated and arbitrary reporting;
  • availability of service mechanisms, means of sharing access to data, means of protecting personal data;
  • and much more.

In order to painlessly switch to the “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” program, you need to take several steps sequentially.

Let's take the first step - prepare an information base

Let's put in order the initial database of the 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 program.

Important! In order for the actions to be reversible, so that they can be repeated again, so that nothing causes disappointment, we begin any actions on the database (DB) by creating a backup copy.

To do this, launch “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” in mode Configurator. Select from the menu Administration - Upload data.... We give the archive a name so that it is easy to understand later (for example, “before uploading to ZUP”). After this:

  • We close the billing period for which we transfer the data (for example, December 2011). We delete all documents related to the following periods that have already been entered. They need to be entered into the ZUP again;
  • Considering the reference book Divisions. Divisions located on a dedicated balance sheet in the ZUP are considered Organizations. All separate ZIK units with completed checkpoint details will be transferred to the directory Organizations ZUP configurations. Separate regulated reporting will be generated for them. If it is necessary for the ZiK units in the organization structure in the ZUP to be transferred to the directory Organizational divisions, clear it in the directory Divisions props checkpoint and remove the checkbox Apart e division with a dedicated balance sheet;
  • Let's do it Deleting marked objects. By the way, this is a reason to deal with objects that are not deleted. Perhaps they really cannot be deleted - and then uncheck the deletion mark. Or you need to delete both these objects and other objects associated with them;
  • Next in mode Configurator let's do it Testing and fixing the database.....Pay attention to the action flags. You need to install everything, including the last one. The process may be lengthy. You can repeat it, run it twice: first the first three actions, and upon completion - the rest;
  • Make sure that the V7Plus.dll and V7Plus.als files are in the ZiK database directory;
  • Check that the configuration release is up to date. Update it if necessary;
  • We exit the ZiK database.

Let's take the second step - download the data

At this stage:

  • Let’s make sure that the “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” program is installed and the configuration release is up to date;
  • If the download is not made to a new clean database, but to one containing some information, check that it is not installed Edit ban date, and also before starting the download, be sure to stock up on a backup copy, so that you have the opportunity, in case of failure, to repeat the download process again;
  • Let's define the transfer method. Select from the menu (Fig. 1):

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Method Load data from the infobase preferable. To use it, the ZiK and ZUP databases must be on the same local network.

If this is not possible, then you will have to use the second method.

...loading data from the infobase

  • Let's select the ZiK database from which we want to transfer data (Fig. 2):

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It is necessary to immediately determine the policy for conducting mutual settlements. If you check the box Mutual settlements for salaries are carried out in the context of the months of its accrual , then salary arrears will be transferred with details by month (otherwise - only the total amount).

Checkbox Reset transferred salary arrears It is convenient to display when a decision is made to take into account all debts in the ZiK, without transferring them to the ZUP for the transparency of calculations for the first month.

  • Press the button Next..

If users have already been created in the “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” database, an authorization window will appear on the screen in which you need to select a user and enter a password (Fig. 3).

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After this, the process of transferring data from ZiK to ZUP begins. Please note - it may take a long time. If errors are found during the transfer process, they must be analyzed, the appropriate corrections made in ZiK and the download repeated. You will receive a message on the screen indicating successful downloading.

...or load data from a file

If there are reasons that do not allow loading data from the information base, we will use the second method:

  • In the ZUP database, select the menu Operations - Directories - Conversion from information bases 1C:Enterprise 7.7(Fig. 4);

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  • Selecting an icon Burn conversion files to disk. In this case, the processing file Transition Assistant to Payroll and HR Management, version 2.5 and it is advisable to save the rules file for the selected configuration in the “ExtForms” directory of the ZiK database directory from which the data is downloaded;
  • We launch ZiK in mode Enterprise;
  • Next, select from the menu Service - Additional features- Assistant for transition to 1C salary and personnel management 8.
    If this menu item does not contain the specified processing, click the button Update. If the specified processing does not appear, it means that you saved it in another directory and you can run it from the menu File - Open, selecting a file PrB_Wiz.ert(Fig. 5).

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  • And further, following the instructions , indicate the conditions for uploading and the name of the file of the transferred data;
  • Upon successful completion of unloading, we will move to the ZUP;
  • On the menu Service - Transfer of data from information databases "1C:Enterprise 7.7" choose Load data from a file. Specify the path and name of the transferred data file. You will receive a message on the screen indicating successful downloading.

Third step - analysis of the transfer results

Data has been transferred. You need to make sure that the 1C: Salary and HR Management 8 program is ready for payroll calculation:

  • Let's do it backup copy transferred data. To do this, in the ZUP configurator mode, select Administration, Upload information base... We give the archive a clear name (for example, “immediately after loading into the ZUP”);

Let's check the reference book Individuals. Data could “multiply” as a result of transfer, especially from several databases. Connect them using processing SearchAndReplaceValues.epf from the ITS disk (Fig. 6);

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  • Work with the reference book Employees.“Put the fired people into the archives.” For clarity, include in the menu Actions directory Employees set mode Show employee archive. Place the cursor in the list on the dismissed employee. IN menu Actions directory Employees select Place an employee in the archive. This action is reversible, and you can always use the command Extract an employee from the archive. If you mistakenly archived an employee, the command Extract an employee from the archive will become available only after you move the cursor to another employee and then return to the desired one. If you did not move the cursor, then according to the command Archive an employee you can select a button Extract from archive;
  • Complete production calendar and work schedules;
  • Check the balance sheets. Analyze their differences. Document Adjusting accumulation register entries make changes as necessary to the registers Mutual settlements with employees of organizations And Personal income tax for credit.

Good day. Today we’ll talk about the new edition of the 1C program for platform 8.3 Salary and personnel management in edition 3.0. More precisely, let's talk about how to start working in it, if before that you used 1C Enterprise 7.7 Salaries and Personnel 2.3, and your base on 7.7 is quite large.

As you know, on December 16, a new edition of the ZUP was released, in which we were promised a transfer from ZiK 7.7. The promise was fulfilled, now the starting assistant can also transfer data from ZiK. Only bad luck, it does this only in a convenient form, namely, it connects via com connection to the 7.7 platform, starts the specified database in it, starts transfer processing in it with the necessary rules, unloads, loads... and does everything itself.

What a beauty, for an accountant who is not going to call a programmer for help. Everything is done in a few clicks. But there is a minus here. The fact is that data transfer in the payroll program does not work like transfers in Trade Management or in Enterprise Accounting. Here he carries not only the final remains. The upload includes all personnel data on employees, all calculations and deductions for the last 2 years... in short, it transfers a significant piece of data. Because of this, at the time of unloading xml file or there may be an issue with a lack of memory.

The most annoying thing is that it is not a fact that you will see an error message, because... 1C 7.7 launched in background and it is only visible in the task manager. Actually, everyone will probably try to upload “for free” for the first time with the help of the start assistant. I recommend that once an hour, if there is no action on the screen, look into the task manager and look at the 1cv77 process. An indicator for the absence of concern would be that the process is consuming memory and/or loading CPU. Making a decision to cancel a task should not be made at lightning speed, it is possible at the moment process reads data from hard drive, watch him. Although, happy owners of Windows 8 will see this defect too, they now have a new column in the task manager where the hard drive load is displayed.

It doesn't matter how, but we found out that the data exchange was not completed in beautiful view. What to do next. Obviously, you need to look for exchange rules and unloading processing. Let me warn you right away that the processing of universal XML upload may not work and crash with an error, so we take the processing that comes with the rules.

We are launching 1C Enterprise 8.3. We select our, still empty, database with Salary and Personnel Management 3.0 and click the “Configurator” button. After the configurator opens, click on horizontal menu"configuration/open configuration". After all, most likely, we are entering the configurator for the first time.

So we see our favorite metadata tree.

Expand the “General” branch with a plus sign. In it we look for “General layouts”. We find there the layout “SalaryHuman ResourcesData TransferIzZiK23”. We click on it twice.

Here we click the upload to file button. It is very important that it is not the rules themselves that are there, but an archive that contains the rules and processing for uploading. Therefore, we write the file name with the zip extension. Find the folder where you saved the archive and unpack it there.

Next, we launch the 1C 7.7 database with our salary and personnel in enterprise mode. Click the "file/open" menu and open processing from the archive. Externally, this is a universal processing of xml upload/download. But the standard one crashed with an error, because... I couldn’t find any function, so to be sure, we’ll use what’s in the archive.

In processing, in the “rules file name” field, select the rules from the archive and click the “Load exchange rules” button.

Now everything is in your hands, choose from the list such sets of rules so that you have enough memory. I will add that the start date and end date should be chosen based on the fact that we need the last two years. This period will only affect the calculated data; everything that needs to be unloaded for the entire period will be unloaded for the entire period.

It is very convenient to upload one section into one file. However, in some databases this breakdown will not be enough. For example, I uploaded the calculated data monthly, since it was easy to filter them by period using the start date and end date.

After you have downloaded everything individually, you need to download them. To do this, we launch ZUP 3.0 in enterprise mode. We do not pay attention to the starting assistant. Click "all functions". We go into processing and find there “Universal data exchange in XML format”. This processing is standard and should not cause difficulties; with its help we load all our files one by one. I will say right away that they load much faster than they unload.

After downloading, you can return to the start assistant.

Thank you everyone for today.

Transferred data in 2 databases, approximately same sizes and composition of types of accruals. One database was transferred without problems standard means, but I had a lot of trouble with second base.
The first error appeared in the general Salary and Personnel module in the Set Details in Subordinate Units procedure.
I didn’t bother to figure it out and just commented out the lines at the end of the procedure in this module:

//While SelectingDivisions.Next() Loop // DepartmentObject = DepartmentSelection.Link.GetObject();// Attempt // DepartmentObject.Lock();// Exception //TextExceptionRecord = StringFunctionsClientServer.SubstituteParametersIntoString( // NStr("ru = "Failed to change subordinate department %1 while writing %2. // |Perhaps the department is being edited by another user""), // DepartmentObject.Name, // ?(DataSource = Undefined, NStr("ru = "all divisions""), DataSource.Name)); // RaiseExceptionRecordExceptionText;//EndTry; // // Fill SubordinateUnit(UnitObject, StringStructuralUnits.Key); // If DataSource<>Undefined And ExecuteOrganizationRecord Then // If Not DataSource.There AreSeparatedDivisions And DivisionObject.SeparatedDivision Then // DepartmentObject.SeparatedDivision = False;// EndIf; // EndIf; // // DivisionObject.AdditionalProperties.Insert("ParentRecordProcessing", True); // DepartmentObject.DataExchange.Load = True; // DepartmentObject.Write();//EndCycle;

I missed this error and came across “The year number in a literal of type Date exceeds 3999.” Referred to the Data Transfer object with the prefix "ROtp". Those. when transferring the leave register. As soon as I wasn’t looking for this date. I dashed off the report and looked through all the documents by date in the seven (I found a couple, corrected the date, but it didn’t help). Then I looked through all the personnel and non-personnel documents with the Start and End details. I didn’t find any dates in these details either. It was not possible to comment out and skip this object in the Universal Data ExchangeXML processing, because the problematic date crept in not in the date of the Data Transfer document itself, but in the register of which this document is the registrar.
I had to pull out the exchange rules and edit them. They are located in ZUP in the general layouts “Salary Personnel Transfer of Data from ZiK23”. We upload the data, which is an archive, unpack and load the xml file into the Data Conversion configuration. There is an algorithm called Vacation Registry and Upload. I decided that since this was the case, I would do without the registry and quit performing this procedure.
I unloaded the rules, unloaded the processing module, packed everything again and pushed it back into the configuration. Why didn’t you want to unload it from the ZiK simply by processing it according to the rules, and then load it into the ZUP? Because I didn’t really want to understand the bunch of parameters that accompany the upload rules. What to indicate there, what dates, etc. not entirely clear.
In general, the data was loaded somehow and even without error warnings. But for some reason without initial debt. I still had to do the unloading from the ZiK using the processing and rules unloaded from the ZUP.
I opened processing in ZiK, loaded the rules, and tried to set the date to the end of the year in the parameters. Check the box to upload only salary arrears. When uploading I received an error:

Object: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, property: Individual
Error getting object property values
Object: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, property: Name clarification
I looked at the conversion rules to see how the employee directory is uploaded there. Indeed, it is written there that these properties should be uploaded, but employees do not have these properties in the ZiK, they are only in the ZUP.

As a result, I finally gave up on everything and went to directly edit the processing of unloading from 7. I won’t cite what minor amendments I made to the procedures. Each will have its own specifics.

In general, there is an opinion in accounting circles that once upon a time, data of their own free will (coinciding, oddly enough, with the desire of the accountant) freely roamed from one information base to another, but evil programmers introduced St. George’s Day and the transition began to take place only once per year at the beginning of the tax period, and then, through a gradual reduction of rights, the data completely forgot how to transfer at the will of the accountant...

Accounting departments should not be dissuaded that such misconceptions have no place in their heads. But you can (and perhaps should) before carrying out an independent transfer, familiarize yourself with the features and errors identified during the transfer from Zeke 7.7 V ZUP 8 , namely:

1). First of all, you need to update the configurations of the source database and destination database (it is highly not recommended to pull data over the network) and you may be surprised where errors like "The index is not within the bounds of the list of values" ;

2). first calculation after salary transfer discovered double amounts for personal income tax (and not in all databases - the pattern was revealed only when the billing period was not closed in 7.7, i.e. we transfer it to July, but June is not closed - doubling occurs in July) - in this case it is easier to reset the transferred personal income tax data through Operations - Documents - Data transfer;

3). Also, data on employees for whom personal income tax records were kept before 2011 were not transferred. in form 1-NDFL, and later in the tax register for personal income tax - in this case, manual entry of the document “Accounting adjustments for personal income tax, insurance contributions and unified social tax”, which can also be used to enter initial balances and restore accounting when implementing the program;

4). incompleteness of the production calendar is not an error during the transfer, but this nuance is often not taken into account during the first payroll calculation after the transfer;

5). When completing a certificate using Form 2-NDFL, an error is given and the document is not processed due to the fact that the “Address of an individual outside the Russian Federation” detail is not empty (the comma must be removed), although in 7.7 the address in the country of residence was not filled in;

6). The report "Debt Structure of Organizations" issues debts for long-term laid-off employees , calculations for which are closed in Zik (on one of the well-known 1c forums, the reason was indicated as incorrect payment with manual indication of the amount upon dismissal, and not calculation of the full payment), and because these amounts are not the depositor, then the corresponding register entries are deleted from the “Data Transfer” documents;

7). Do not, under any circumstances, copy documents automatically generated by transfer processing to create documents reflecting the fact of salary payment (the payment will not appear on the payslip).

to be continued...))

Why switch from “ZIK” to “ZUP”? Is sheepskin worth the price?

This question is asked by all accountants. So what are the benefits of the new program?

Any manager is interested in the development of his enterprise. The staff is growing and it is impossible to control the work of each person. The HR department simply cannot handle this kind of work. The manager simply does not know each employee by sight. To stimulate, motivate, analyze the work of personnel, a “Human Resources Management” service is created, which works directly with the manager and together they create schemes and methods of encouragement, motivation, formation of staffing, etc. In “ZIK 7/7” this opportunity is implemented at the department level frames. Generally this program is intended for only one thing: payroll and taxes. "ZUP" allows both accountants and the personnel management department to work together. Let's give short list tasks solved with the help of "ZUP":

  1. payroll calculation;
  2. management of financial motivation of personnel;
  3. calculation of taxes and contributions from the wage fund regulated by law;
  4. reflection of accrued wages and taxes in the costs of the enterprise;
  5. management of cash settlements with personnel, including depositing;
  6. personnel accounting and personnel analysis;
  7. automation of personnel records management;
  8. personnel needs planning;
  9. providing business with personnel;
  10. management of competencies, training, certification of employees;
  11. effective personnel employment planning.

From this list we can conclude that payroll calculation is only one of the tasks that ZUP copes with excellently.

The subject area automated by the application solution "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" is illustrated by the following diagram.

The program can keep track of several legal entities. It is also possible to generate consolidated reporting for the holding as a whole. Thus, there is no need to create separate reports that had to be processed most often in Excel. The program introduced management payroll accounting. The platform is a powerful mechanism for generating analytical reports, as well as a tool for creating any reports in user mode using data composition. It is also possible to restrict user access to any data at the system level. The program can be updated, as in all versions of the G8, by the manufacturer independently via the Internet, there is no need to call a specialist.

The first question when purchasing a program is the question of price.

Let's compare the cost of "ZIK" and "ZUP":

So how can you make the transition to a new level of automation painlessly?

Almost every organization, when switching to a new salary program, chooses the beginning of the new year for several reasons:

  • the ability to minimize the entry of information on personal income tax and unified social tax (when entering the program in the middle of the year, you will need to enter all information about the tax base and accrued taxes from the beginning of the year into the program);
  • the ability to automatically receive the completion of declarations for Unified Social Tax and OPS, as well as the submission of information for personal income tax and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

What data will we need when switching to new program year to date:

  • for accruals for sick leave, vacations, and business trips, average earnings for previous periods will be required;
  • balances on mutual settlements with employees of the organization at the beginning of the year;
  • data on rolling vacations and sick leave from last year to next year;
  • data on carryover personal income tax from vacations and sick leave accrued last year for the next year.

Let us describe a specific example of the transition from “ZIK” to “ZUP”.

The client maintained 3 databases on ZIK and it was necessary to transfer all these databases to one ZUP. The first and second bases were regular, without additional charges, time-based bonuses, the third contained piecework orders. It was necessary to transfer both employees and all their own settlements with employees developed in ZIK. We load data into the ZUP only for the last 12 months (to calculate the average), all personnel documents to preserve history, as well as accrual and issuance documents. ATTENTION! If you are making the transition yourself, do not forward the documents generated by uploading. During the standard transfer of data from ZiK 7.7 to ZUP 8.0, it will be necessary to double-check personnel documents. If in ZiK 7.7 there were several personnel orders on the same day for the same employee, then such documents will be transferred to ZUP 8.0, but cannot be posted. Such situations need to be tracked and corrected manually.

We also advise you to pay attention to personal income tax deductions and length of service to calculate the northern allowance. Most likely, you will have to enter them manually. You will rarely see a ZIK database that was maintained correctly. Without preliminary preparation base to transfer, the transition process is simply impossible. First, you need to get rid of all elements marked for deletion; if deletion is not possible, then unmark the deletion mark. Secondly, generate all statements for 12 months for comparison. Thirdly, clear the address classifier (a waste of time, it won’t be transferred anyway). And only after this can the transition be made. It is advisable that the transition be carried out by specialists from the Franchising company, then the risk will be minimized, guaranteed without headaches. The process of downloading data from ZIK takes no more than 1-3 hours, depending on how busy the directories are. In our case, the pure transfer time took no more than 70 minutes for each base. Because not all data is transferred automatically; after loading the data into the ZUP, some operations must be performed manually. Transaction templates and calculation algorithms are not transferred if they differ from the standard ones. The most interesting point is the transfer of piecework data, because... they are transferred specifically. In the documents for calculating wages using the piecework system, you must fill out some fields yourself. When loading data into the ZUP, the system itself will inform you in which documents you need to make manual adjustments.
