Beeline SIM card registration error. How to fix the error yourself. Beeline Internet connection errors: diagnostics and correction in Windows OS Error when receiving data Beeline set-top box

There are a number of reasons why this situation may arise, but they are all solvable.

In some cases, you can solve this situation yourself, without contacting specialized customer service centers mobile operator Beeline.

Often, this situation arises due to the fault of the user who does not use Simka correctly.

When operating, you must first perform simple rules, this is especially true for those subscribers who use several cards on one phone and change them regularly.

These steps will help you avoid unpleasant breakdowns:

  1. Do not insert the card, it contains a small chip that is subject to physical impact when changing cards
  2. Avoid contact with water or other mechanical damage
  3. Don't litter your card contacts

This information was provided by employees.

How to fix SIM registration error on Beeline

If such an error does occur, and you can see a SIM card registration error message on the display of your phone, then first you should try to fix this error on one's own.

A number of simple actions will help you with this, which quite often give a positive result:

  1. The first thing you can do is just try rebooting your mobile phone. This error may be causing the software to crash. mobile device. To reboot you need to turn off the phone and turn it on again
  2. If this manipulation does not help, then you need to turn off your phone and remove the card, then clean the contacts with an eraser and wipe them with alcohol. Look for chips and cracks; the card may have been broken or damaged. After that, you can insert it into place and try to start the phone
  3. If this action does not help, you should check the phone for functionality with other SIM cards. To do this, you need to take another SIM card from the same operator and insert it into the phone. Or insert your card into another phone. This way you can determine what the problem is. If the phone will not accept another SIM, then there is a problem with the phone and it must be carried in service center
  4. This problem can also arise due to not using the services of a mobile operator for a long time or due to not replenishing the account for a long period of time. In such cases, only a direct contact to the company’s service center and re-issuance of the card can help.

If none of the methods help, then you should contact the operator to restore the number.

To do this, you should first call the Beeline technical support short number.

How to restore your number on Beeline

These actions must be resorted to in cases where none of the methods has helped. independent decision problems.

Thus, the user needs to visit the nearest customer service center.

To visit, you must take a passport or any other document that can confirm your identity, otherwise consultation will not be provided.

It will also be necessary to answer a number of questions posed.

Which relate to his phone number, thus identifying the subscriber and establishing affiliation given number exactly to him.

After this, he needs to fill out an application and submit it to a company employee.

More detailed information You can find out how to restore your number on Beeline on the company’s official website.

Telecommunications provider Beeline uses modern software and hardware to provide the highest quality connection. If Beeline television does not work, then you need to determine the cause of the problem. Almost all factors can be independently identified and eliminated. If there are serious problems, it becomes necessary to consult a specialist or technical work masters

If any problems occur with the connection, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Technical malfunctions on the server or on the part of individual equipment.
  • Reduced data transfer speed for one reason or another, or insufficient funds in the account.

To resolve any issue, you should contact the company’s office for individual consultation with a specialist. An experienced company employee will help you find and eliminate the cause. If necessary, a technician will be sent to the company's client's address.

What to do if Beeline TV does not work?

First you need to conduct a self-diagnosis. To do this, you can log on to the provider’s official website and undergo an online consultation. You need to answer several questions to determine the cause of the problem.

The system will ask clarifying questions and offer solutions. As a rule, if the installation of equipment was carried out by a competent employee, then problems do not arise during use. Most often, problems arise when making independent adjustments.

Beeline set-top box does not work - reasons and what to do?

If the Beeline TV set-top box does not work, then you will not be able to use the service stably. Common reasons include technical work on the server or lack of cash on balance.

In order to establish the reason, you should view the news feed on the company’s official website. If the operator makes adjustments to the system, information about the beginning and end of technical work has already been published in the “News” section.

  1. Download the application from App Store or Google Play and install it on your smartphone.
  2. Log in to your personal account by providing the authorization information specified in the contract.
  3. Go to the “Balance” section and, if necessary, make the promised payment.

If the balance is positive and technical work is not carried out, then measures should be taken to find other causes.

Beeline TV set-top box does not work and does not load

Why doesn't Beeline TV work today if everything was fine yesterday? Sudden breakdowns, which are accompanied by complete failure of the device, are most often associated with equipment failure. If the router does not turn on, then you should take the equipment to a service center and leave a request for a replacement.

All buttons are lit

If all indicators are turned on and there is no connection to the server, there is a problem in the network card settings. Even after replacing the equipment, the system will not work properly. Most likely, you need to start by troubleshooting the TV. Many TVs do not see the network until the settings are configured manually.

No signal

If the image on the screen is distorted and the broadcast freezes, which is accompanied by an unpleasant sound, then this problem is due to the fact that there is no signal. Such violations occur when exposed to the following factors:

  • System overload – users often connect several devices to one set-top box at once. Uninterrupted operation is only possible if you switch to a suitable tariff plan.
  • Incorrect connection setting - for viewing step by step guide you should visit the official website.
  • Bad weather conditions – heavy rain or snow may disrupt the signal. The service is restored automatically.

In order to fix the problem, you should reboot the router and restore the factory settings. As a rule, this measure helps to troubleshoot problems.

Sound doesn't work

If the sound does not work properly on Beeline TV, you should re-enter the sound settings for the TV you are using. To do this you need:

  1. Go to the "Format" section.
  2. Select “Sound accompaniment”.
  3. Activate "Automatic Settings".

If the sound does not work, it is additionally recommended to check the settings on the TV. The problem may not be on the router's side. If the problem cannot be resolved, but there is a need to carry out full reboot consoles with flashing.

Power supply not working

If the router does not function at all (the buttons do not light up), then most likely the power supply has failed. This problem occurs spontaneously and requires replacement of equipment. If the power supply does not work, you should contact a service center. As a rule, there is no need to pay extra for replacement, since routers are issued to subscribers in addition to the one they are using tariff plan and have a lifetime warranty and free maintenance.

Orange button is on

What are the problems with the Beeline TV set-top box if the orange indicator is on? Such violations occur very often on Motorola set-top boxes and indicate not only a breakdown. The icon next to which the orange button is lit is of great importance:

  • Connection to the network/@ – failure on the part of authorization or interference with access to the Network.
  • LOS – problems on the line or loss of signal.

To solve the problem when all the buttons are lit, you should reboot the device and check the connection of the patch cords. If the steps taken do not help resolve the problem, you should contact customer technical support.

Why doesn't Beeline cable TV work and what should I do?

If the problem occurs when you turn it on for the first time, then we are talking about incorrect installation antennas. When everything worked as it should before, and then problems appeared, the reason may be as follows:

  1. Receiver card settings failure. Just reboot the device and, if necessary, make the settings yourself.
  2. Disconnecting wires. To fix the problem, you should double-check. Are all plugs connected?
  3. Receiver failure. In this case, you need to reflash the equipment or replace it with something else.
  4. Channel list failure. To solve the problem, you need to run an auto search and reconfigure the full list.

As a rule, if errors occur when connecting to the Beeline Internet, the setup wizard can help you. Just download and install the official software from Beeline. It will automatically try to fix connection errors.

List of errors that occur when connecting to and how to resolve them.

619 The specified port is not connected
You need to restart your computer and try to connect again. If the error persists, you need to disable your antivirus and other security programs, and then try connecting to the Internet again.

678 No response
You need to check that your VPN connection settings are correct. To do this, you need to make sure that the local network is turned on. Otherwise, you should turn it on and check your Internet connection. When enabled local network you need to check the compliance of the network settings: VPN connection type - L2TP, VPN server address - After completing these settings, you need to check your ability to connect to the Internet.

691 Username or password is invalid
This message indicates that the username and/or password were entered incorrectly. This error may also mean that the personal account has run out of funds necessary to provide services. You can check your balance at You can follow this link on a local network without connecting to the Beeline Internet.

718 The remote computer timed out waiting for a response
This message may appear due to temporary maintenance on the remote server. This problem usually goes away on its own within a few minutes. Please try connecting again later.

800 Failed to create VPN connection. The VPN server is not available or the security settings for this connection are not configured correctly
You need to make sure your VPN server settings are correct. Go to Start – Control Panel – Network connections. Find the Beeline connection, right-click, select the “Properties” menu. In the window that appears, or vpn.internet.beeline should be entered in the “Computer name” or “IP address” field. This error may also appear due to a broken cable or viruses.

735 The requested address was rejected by the server
You need to go to Start – Control Panel – Network Connections. Find the Beeline connection, right-click, select the “Properties” menu and go to the “Network” tab. You need to select the “Internet Protocol TCP/IP” window and click “Properties”. Check the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS automatically” checkboxes. Then try connecting to the Internet again.

769 The specified value is unreachable
You need to go to the “Network Settings” section in the Control Panel and check that the local network settings are correct. If the local network is configured correctly, you need to delete the existing Beeline connection and then create a new one using the “Internet Connection Setup Wizard”.

742 Remote computer does not support the required data encryption type
The requirement for data encryption should be removed. To do this, go to the properties of the VPN connection, open the “Security” tab and uncheck the “Data encryption required” box. Confirm the settings by pressing the OK button and try to establish the Internet connection again.

The Local Area Connection icon is crossed out with a red cross, and a pop-up message states that network cable not connected.
Most likely, the problem is caused by cable breaks. Try unplugging the cable from system unit, and then insert into place. You should also check the integrity of the cable.

The "Local Area Connection" icon has a yellow triangle with exclamation point. The pop-up message indicates that the connection is limited or absent
The problem may be caused by a broken cable, incorrect operation of the computer itself, or problems with the network card and software. Try restarting the computer, reconnecting the network card, checking the integrity of the cable, or calling technical support: 8-800-700-8000 (then press 1,5,0 in sequence and wait for the operator’s response)

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove Error 20008 keys that contain errors is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can lead to inoperability of your PC and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 20008-related issues. Using a registry cleaner [Download] you can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup, which allows you to undo any changes with one click and protects you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from misuse Registry Editor can be eliminated. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the portion of the registry associated with Error 20008 (for example, WebEx):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 20008-related key (for example, WebEx) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the backup WebEx key.
  11. In the field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "WebEx Backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your WebEx-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

The situation when the Internet does not work at home happens during the work of any operator. And Beeline is no exception. The reason may be cable breaks on the way to the subscriber, a breakdown of the router or router, network card malfunctions, driver problems and inept connection setup.

When the computer is connected to the network directly, Beeline Internet errors are displayed in the form of network fault codes Windows connections. Thanks to this, you can identify the cause of the problem and quickly eliminate it.

This problem occurs when, when connecting to Beeline, it is not possible to determine the address of the VPN server Beginner users have a question how to resolve error 868 when connecting to the Beeline Internet.

Before moving on to fixing the problem, you need to check the two simplest reasons for its occurrence:

  1. The cable is not connected. Check that the plug is firmly inserted into the PC network card.
  2. Adapter disabled. Go to Network Center and make sure your Ethernet connection is not disabled. If so, click to enable it.

If it doesn't help, run the application ipconfig from command line(to call it, enter in the search cmd) and check the displayed address of the Internet adapter. If it does not start with “10.”, then this indicates the following problems:

  • problems with network card. Try installing latest version drivers;
  • faults on the provider side. Talk to support;
  • Internet cable break. It can happen not in an apartment, but along the entire signal path between the subscriber and the provider.

If the address starts with “10.”, there are no problems with the hardware. In this case it is necessary:

Error 868 should disappear.

Error 619: Cannot connect to the remote computer

Error 619 when connecting to the Beeline Internet appears for the following reasons:

  • no signal due to problems on the line;
  • Internet access is blocked due to non-payment of bills;
  • incorrect access point settings;
  • the antivirus blocks access to the remote device;
  • router or PC malfunction.