How to choose a HYIP for investing money - HYIP projects have longevity. Choosing a promising HYIP project - important steps towards safe investments on the Internet A lock located in the address bar of the browser

Hello, dear investors and readers of the blog about making money on the Internet on. In this article I will try to answer the question of how to competently approach the choice of a HYIP project for investment, reduce the risk of losing money and, accordingly, make money in HYIP.

There are ones on my blog that I have already selected and invested in them myself. But if you want to choose a project yourself, then below you will see a number of signs by which you should select long-lived potential HYIPs.

External component

First of all, you should pay attention to the visual component. Look at the resource and analyze whether work has been done on it. Does it look high quality, does it look like work has been done on it? At this step “how to choose a hype” you need to evaluate:

  • execution of the site and its design, usability;
  • quality of content;
  • contact information.

1. Project design

Remember that the design should be pleasing to the eye, and most importantly, be unique. If you came across a one-on-one design from someone, then you should definitely forget to choose this investment project for investing money. Resources made using the “cloning” type, as a rule, do not last long and are made only to collect money. In terms of usability, everything is simple - it should be convenient to use the resource, quickly find necessary information. All buttons and links must be working. No problems in the layout - broken texts and other little things.

2. Site content

The content should not only be error-free and unique in content, but also meet the design requirements - be readable - no dark backgrounds, no texts without semantic separation.

3. Contacts

Contact information is checked using a search engine. We found the same contacts in different projects - a sign that the administrator spared money, which means the project will not last long.

Technical component

4. Domain name

The technical component can also be easily checked by a special service. After checking in the " Registrar"there should not be Russian domain names (ru, su, rf), but in the field " Name Server"There should be no Russian hosting. What is the secret of such unpatriotism and how can this affect the question of how to choose an investment project? It’s simple! HYIPs with such domains can be blocked at the first complaint about them, and the process of returning to working order can be long. That is, it is worth focusing on resources with foreign hosting and name.

5. SSL certificate

According to the safety data, you need to check the expiration date SSL(green padlock in the browser address bar, which is responsible for communication security). The absence of SSL means that user data (login and password) can be intercepted and then used for personal gain. Almost everyone has SSL, but if you come across a project without it, then the admin doesn’t care about the safety of the participants - just go ahead and safely close such a site.

Greenbar (green stripe) is an extended version of SSL. The presence of a greenbar gives a small plus to the project. SSL must be purchased for at least a one-year period, and not be free at all.

6. Wallet verification

Many projects use the payment system wallet. It also needs to be checked for verification. This also provides benefits to the administrator himself - verification reduces the commission from 2% to 0.5%. This means that the admin doesn’t care how quickly the cash register decreases. You simply create a request for replenishment in the project, and on the Perfect Money page, to which it will be transferred where the “account type” will indicate whether it is verified or not verified.

General information

7. Project administrator

The creators of the project are a very important element. If the administrator is open, then you need to find out where he has already participated before. It is not uncommon for someone from a project team, often even simple participants in large projects, to decide to open their own investment project. It’s worth refusing, since practice shows that their ending, as a rule, is not very good.

8. Start of the project

Start of the project - its start date and type of site can provide an indication of the possibility of investment. There are types: fast, medium interest, low interest. In the last two types, entry is good even after a long period of time, but if the resource is a fast type, then it is better to refuse to invest in the project.

9. Advertising the project

Also, a limited set of payment systems at the start will also contribute to smooth development. For example, if a project works with one Bitcoin, then not everyone has this coin, or simply does not (by the way, there is a way to exchange any currency for cryptocurrency). Therefore, these people are waiting for other payment systems to be connected.

10. Marketing in the project

Investment plans must be balanced.Where the minimum deposit amount is higher, there should be a higher profitability, otherwise the admin wants money and is not going to work seriously.

11. Affiliate program

You need to pay attention to the referral program. If it’s not there, or it’s too small, too high, it’s a reason to think about it. In the first and second cases, it will be difficult for the investment project to get promoted: there are few people ready to develop the project without the main income - a referral fee, or for some ridiculous 1-2% of the partner’s contribution. But the hype won’t last long on passive players alone. If the referral is too generous, the HYIP cash register will be emptied very quickly - the person will only invest, and half of his contribution will already be spent on bonuses. Overpriced affiliate program justified only in cases of very high profitability (in fast), when the HYIP work lasts for days or hours. Sum up the referral reward from all levels - the final number should not be more than 20%. Investment blog, ABC-HYIP

Should be adhered to. And of course, in order to take part in investing in highly profitable projects, you first need to choose an investment program for yourself in which you can make a profit.

We will look at the points that we ourselves pay attention to. But believe me, all these are just recommendations and no one will ever give you the perfect instructions for choosing a hype. Therefore, the process of choosing an investment program often takes a considerable amount of time. Our goal was to make this article as informative as possible, so that everyone could highlight certain points on which to base your personal analysis.

So, let's look at what you need to pay attention to when choosing a HYIP project.


The first thing we see when entering the site is how the project is designed, what elements it has and how it functions. Therefore, the design should be unique and not seem template or already used somewhere. If the design is template and simple, then the administration did not want to “sweat” and simply came for quick money (not to be confused with partisans). It should seem to you that the site was made with soul and love 😉

In principle, the legend can be absolutely anything, as far as the administrator’s imagination is sufficient. But we believe that it should be close to reality and be interesting in execution. Invest in a company that generates millions of dollars a month in sales "pink panties" or anything else strange that we consider complete nonsense. Check the legend for reality, the more real it is in real life, the better.

Project age

Always look at the duration of the investment program. If the HYIP works for a month with a profitability of 10% per day, then it is better not to take risks and skip this project, since the risks are very high. The lower the percentage, the longer the project can work, although everything naturally depends on the administration.

Work Marketing

Make sure there is working marketing, this is very important. An inexperienced or greedy administration always presents itself with a bunch of non-working tariff plans. What we mean:

  • plans with a minimum entry of 1000/10000$ – the project will suffocate from a lack of contributions.
  • different plans with overlapping deposit amounts (you can invest $100-200 in the first plan, and $150-400 in the second) - investors are lured to the background.
  • presence of signs of a low-income, medium-income and high-income project (first plan - 10% per month with deposit included, second plan - 110% after 10 days; third plan - 10% 5 days a week with deposit included) - this is a sign of a bad project.
  • too high profitability (110% every other day) - it is better to avoid such projects.
  • marketing with deposit return We do not recommend participating in projects where only these types of plans are available( plans like: 2% per day for 15 days with return of the deposit at the end of the term; 130% after 20 days, accruals at the end of the term ), although some admins show excellent results. Participate at your own risk.

Implies the discovery of new plans

If you go into a project and see, for example, 4 tariff plan, of which only one is available, and the rest are written "expected" , then most likely the project will continue to work until new plans begin to open up. Conduct your own analysis.

Experienced administrators usually come in order to show a decent result (and, of course, hit the jackpot, of course). Therefore, they make sure that the project develops smoothly. If you hear about the project from all sides and see advertising banners on all sites, although it has just started - the project will not live long. Hype should gradually gain popularity among bloggers and advertising platforms.

Errors on the site

If you see errors on the site in the form of overlapping text or images, non-functioning buttons or a bunch of grammatical errors, it’s better to move on, you didn’t work on the project. But if you find 1-2 errors, there's nothing wrong with that . We are all human, just report it to support.

The content of the site must be unique. If you are reading the FAQ section, but it feels like you are re-reading this section every tenth time, then this section was copied from somewhere and made your own personal regulations for your "legal" companies. The text must be elaborate and unique. Also check other language versions. The version with your language may work fine, but another language will be clumsy.

SSL and domain

Make sure that the connection is always secure and that it is not a free pre-installation from a “penny” hosting. The project must have a complete, purchased for money software to protect user data, that is SSL certificate. Also check the site domain, when it was registered and for what period it was purchased, what registrar was used ( shouldn't be Public Domain Registry and


The performance of the project is directly related to the hosting on which the site is located. That is why it is always important that the hosting is of high quality, and not just for appearance, and had protection against DDOS attacks .


The project must be of high quality, and first of all, its quality depends on the script on which it works. In the best case scenario, the project should have a self-written script, that is, one that costs money and time to create. But there are also popular and working scripts from and. If the project does not have a license for these scripts, then broken versions are used, which indicates that the administrator does not care about the result from a high bell tower.

When choosing an investment program, you should pay attention to who is involved in the project. That is, which bloggers, how much advertising they take and on what resources. Is the audience involved only in the CIS space or are foreign investors also interested and engaged in the development of hype. The audience must be built gradually and smoothly in order for the project to show lasting work.

Availability of languages

Pay attention to the number of languages ​​in the project, and most importantly, whether it is a machine translation. There may simply be a lot of errors in the text, which means that the admin was helped out by the always-ready Google translator.

You can go into a project and see +100500 languages, but in reality they might just be props . And at this very time, all the Japanese and Indians will make a profit in another project. You need to check whether there really are foreign participants or whether they want to lure you, thus creating the illusion of an international project.

The development of an investment platform directly depends on the placement of advertising to attract the attention of the audience. Thus, from the start of the project you should not see a lot of advertising and hyip monitoring advertising this project. There should not be any different promotions, since an experienced admin knows that in this way positive result can't achieve it. Smooth development can also be ensured by the absence of a large number of payment systems, the presence of a simple design or limits on deposits. Each admin uses his own tools.


In any hype, many problems can arise and all of us, as investors, should be able to receive prompt assistance. Therefore, the site must contain methods fast communication with the administration . The more such methods, the better, and the main thing is that they all work and are not done just like that. The investor should receive clear answers to his questions in the shortest possible time. In turn, the questions should also be relevant. Often the answers are right on the site, so we recommend exploring the site.

Availability of documents and offices

Well, how can you not invest money in "real company" with real documents and offices)) Naturally, all these points are advantages for the investment site. Firstly, the administration has bothered to make the company really look serious in the eyes of investors. Secondly, to some extent it shows your attitude towards work. But again, never focus on these points, because all this can close and disappear in one day .

Verified Perfect money wallet

When sending money, make sure that the Perfect money wallet in the project is verified and has a low trust level (TrustScore).

Project statistics

If the project contains statistics on deposits and payments, look at the reality of this instrument. You may see the same logins with the same deposits, or unrealistically large deposits. In general, make an assessment to see if the admin is deceiving you or not;)

If, from the beginning of the launch of the investment program, you see that insurance is being distributed somewhere, then it is better to go through this project. This usually manifests itself in many identical deposits of $20-50 from 10-20 users who undertake to publish payments on forums or blogs. So if you see a bunch of identical small deposits, you know that someone is giving out insurance.

We tried to consider all the points when choosing a HYIP that will help you not fall for the tricks of dishonest projects. This does not mean that even if all these points are observed in the project, you will be able to say “Yes, this project is perfect!!”. There are no guarantees, but at the same time it will show the degree of preparation of the project and the likelihood of your earnings will increase many times over.

We wish everyone big checks


If you are ready to invest money in the development of a HYIP project in order to make money from it, you need to know the rules on how to choose it. Of course, it is impossible to guarantee yourself against failure, but in this way you can reduce the risk of losing your invested funds.

There are a lot of projects on the Internet that you may be interested in, but not all of them really have a development prospect. Below we will present you with several recommendations that it is advisable to adhere to when selecting a HYIP project:

  1. Pay attention to the visual component of the site:
  1. Analyze the technical component of the site:
  • The domain of your chosen project should not contain endings such as “ru”, “рф”, “su”. It is also advisable to avoid hype, which domain name and Russian hosting. The fact is that HYIPs with such technical components can receive complaints from users, and this threatens long-term blocking, which is “deadly” for an investment project. Choose HYIPs with foreign domains and hosting, as they ignore complaints and are blocked less often.

  • Look to see if the site’s address bar contains the abbreviation “SSL” or a green bar, indicating the level of communication security. If any of this is present, then you need to check the validity period of this security system (SSL must be purchased from the responsible administrators for a year in advance). If there is none of this at all, then you should not register in such a project, since there is a high probability that your personal data (login and password) could be intercepted by attackers.
  • Check whether the “Perfect Money” wallet that the site administrator specified is verified. This is very simple to do: you need to make a request for replenishment. A page will open in front of you, which will indicate whether the electronic wallet has been verified or not.
  1. Study general information regarding the selected hype:

There are a few more points that do not have to be taken into account when choosing a hype, but it is better not to neglect them:

We have listed the main indicators for you high quality an investment project that you can trust. Please note that they do not always provide a 100% guarantee that you will not lose the money invested, but they will reduce the risk of becoming a victim of scammers several times.

How to choose a HYIP for investment? I give advice on what to pay attention to, what should and should not be in a quality project.

How to choose a HYIP project to make money This question is asked by both beginners and experienced investors. Let's consider the main points, because more and more new ones appear every day. hype projects

How to choose a hype Key points when choosing a project.

  • Project design .The detail is controversial for one reason - behind the beautiful design there may be an outright scammer hiding. But if you think about it from a different perspective, projects with high-quality design have a greater right to long-term sustainability (more money is invested and they need to be repaid)
  • Convenient and multifunctional investor office .The account should be maximally adapted to any needs of the investor, such as: balance control, visibility of plans and the plan for which the deposit is opened, reinvestment function, statistics of both accruals and payments, as well as applications for payments and applications in processing (pending), change password, two-factor authentication and others.
  • Project legend .The detail is not particularly important, since this is just a myth invented by the administrator. But after reading the legend, you need to decide for yourself how the masses will perceive it and whether it will repel investors.
  • Site script .Usually they use HScript or GoldCoders (must be licensed), and it is best if the script is self-written - this means that the admin strives to make his project unique.
  • DDoS protection.A mandatory requirement for a HYIP project. All HYIPs are dossyat, especially with instant payments, so if the site is (put down), then most likely there will be a panic and after recovery everyone will rush to withdraw deposits, which will lead to a premature scam of the project.
  • SSL certificate .In the address bar in front of the domain there should be a green padlock with the beginning of https, if instead there is a bare domain and http you need to leave the hype because the data is not protected and this is fraught with theft of both personal data and money.
  • Payments.The more payments are connected at the start, the greater the likelihood that there will be a regular collection of money, since this is fraught with a quirk from the start. Experienced admins first start with one or two payment systems gradually connecting more and more new ones and delighting investors with long-term work and good profits. This measure contributes to the gradual filling of the project’s cash register and, accordingly, successful development. They usually start with one payment.
  • Online support I consider the presence of online support on the site to be a significant advantage; it would not be superfluous to check it for lice by asking a couple of questions and make sure that it works.
  • Registration, documents .All documents are easily purchased by administrators in the right places, however, investor confidence in projects with registration is higher, and therefore there are more investments.
  • Availability of a working phone number on the site .An insignificant detail, more of a surprise, an addition.
  • Availability of offices .Few hype projects start with offices on the ground, but many consider this an important factor for the project. Of course, we are not talking about cool painted fashionable offices in the center of the USA and the presence of offices should be treated as a legend.

More important nuances:

  • Smooth development of the hype project There are many examples when a project gradually developed into a giant of the hype industry. It is very important to find a middle ground, since too little development leads to a scam, just as too rapid development can also lead to a scam.
  • Purchase of advertising from bloggers and monitors by the admin .When an admin at the start buys a lot of advertising and takes a dozen or even more monitors, this is a clear sign of money collection. Likewise, during a long project, when the admin sharply increases the amount of advertising to the masses, this indicates that the admin does not want to work anymore and I decided to jack up the cash register one last time and leave.
  • Insides.When someone tells you that they have 100% information that the project will work for a long time, you cannot take it especially seriously, since insights often do not come true.

How to choose a hype? Conclusion from the above: no matter how good a hype project is, without the support of investors and a constant influx of fresh funds, it will not last long.
