How to add a biss key. Entering biss keys. Instructions for entering keys into various receiver models

Today, almost every modern tuner has the ability to entering BISS keys (decoding) of satellite channels. For this procedure The answer is the so-called emulator (EMU), which stores a list of biss keys, keys of other encodings from encrypted channels. Depending on the firmware version and receiver model, the list of supported encodings may be different, but the most common encodings are: Viaccess, BISS, Cryptoworks, Nagravizion, Mediaquard, Irdeto.

Procedure for logging into the emulator and entering biss keys in different models may differ radically from each other. Mostly this operation can be done using the remote control, provided that you have information on how to enter biss keys in your tuner. There is also a tuner where you can change or add a new biss key, only using a computer and a certain software to work with satellite receiver your model.

One of the most common encodings used in the emulator is biss. The biss encoding is easily entered into the emulator, and most importantly, this encoding is used by about 10-20 Ukrainian-Russian language channels (depending on what satellites you receive), and you can find list of biss codes Just.

Entering BISS keys

This table provides instructions entering biss keys into certain tuner models. If you haven’t found the model that interests you, leave a request in the reviews and we will try to add it.

Entering GLOBO biss keys

Entering biss keys GLOBO 4100C
Entering biss keys GLOBO 3000/4000/5000/6000 series
Entering biss keys DIGITAL 4000/4100
Entering biss keys OPTICUM 4000/4100

Entering ORTON biss keys

Entering bis keys ORTON 4100c

Entering biss keys OPENBOX

Entering bis keys Openbox F300
Entering bis keys Openbox X800
Entering bis keys Openbox X810
Entering bis keys Openbox X820
Entering Biss keys Openbox S2 mini HD

Entering biss keys Gi (Galaxy Innovations)

How to enter BISS codes into satellite dish receivers?

Among all the satellite channels, there are many encoded ones that cannot be watched without connecting to a special paid package of services from your operator. One way to connect such channels is to enter BISS keys into the satellite television receiver.

First you need to decide which specific TV channels you want to decode on your receiver. You can find suitable BISS keys on the Internet; to do this, just enter the appropriate query with the name of the TV channel.

Most often, no problems arise, because... many users use this method. But it happens that the provider recently changed the channel frequency to another, transferring its signal to another satellite. Then the BISS code also changes. Then you will have to wait until someone posts new keys on the Internet.

How to enter BISS keys into the tuner, setting up the tuner for entering keys

First you need to log into the emulation system. You can also find out how to do this on the Internet, because For different models receivers can be different ways. Most often, entering the emulation involves entering a certain set of numbers on the remote control, for example - 9339, 9766, 9976, 9776. Such sets of numbers are relevant for Globo, Orton-4100 (7010, etc.) tuners.

Immediately after entering a valid key, the option to configure receivers, its channels and signals will be activated in the tuner electronics.

The name of the window is different in different models - “CA settings”, “EMU”, etc. It is in this window that you need to continue performing manipulations.

Introduction of BISS keys into the tuner

In the emulator, find the “Editing Keys” or “Key Edit” section and enter it.

Look for the line "BISS" or "BISS". Click on it, a window with different codes will open. If no one has entered codes there before, the window will be empty.

Enter the channel frequency, its ID and BISS keys. All this data can be easily found on the Internet. When searching, pay attention to which satellite is being used.

ID data is entered in the “Serv ID” column. BISS keys are entered in the “Key Data” column. Channel frequency – in the “Freg” column.

To enter this data, they usually use not arrows, but buttons of different colors on the remote control - red, yellow, green, etc.


How to enterBISS- keys to tuners "Opticum — 9500 HD" And "Orton – 9500 HD»

If the key editor does not have BISS encoding, then you need to enter the numbers 9339 from the remote control on any channel. After that, go to the “Code Editor” submenu, then to the BISS encoding menu. Click the green button to add a new key.

Enter parameters:

  • caid – leave the encoding identifier;
  • BISS - 2600
  • ID – SID of the channel.
  • the frequency of the transponder from which the channel is broadcast in BISS encoding.

In the “key data” item, the key itself is entered, and checksums do not need to be entered, the device will calculate them itself. If the key consists of 6 pairs, then you need to enter 3 pairs, then 00, then 3 more pairs and again 00. To enter the key, use the up/down buttons on the remote control, or enter letters using the numeric buttons on the remote control.

Since it was necessary to use a separate receiver for each channel. Developers BISS an attempt was made to create an "open platform" for encryption systems that could be used by many equipment manufacturers.

To implement protection in BISS a 12-digit “session key” is used, agreed upon by the sending and receiving parties before the transfer itself and previously entered into the receiving and transmitting equipment. Once the signal is encrypted, the "session key" becomes part of the transmitted content and only a receiver with the correct key can receive and decode the signal. IN present moment This encoding is not used by pay satellite television operators for the reason that it is outdated and very easy to open.

Satellite channels do not broadcast exclusively to the territory of any particular country, and not all content is licensed for broadcast to other countries. Thus, broadcasting in the FTA may be considered in certain cases a violation of the law. For this reason, BISS encoding is still quite popular and allows the broadcaster to formally comply with the law, while it is not particularly difficult for the user to find out the decoding key. In particular, such encoding is relevant during live broadcasts of sporting events (for example, the open Azerbaijani channel Lider TV uses BISS encoding during the broadcast of football matches).

Where can I get the keys?

To quickly find biss keys, we have created this small application for Android devices.

You can download the application from the market using this link:

However, if you don’t have such a device, just follow this link and use our biss key tracker. :)

Instructions for entering keys into various receiver models

Entering biss and CONSTANT DW in Openbox - x-7xx

Enter the emulator parameters - MENU > 8282
Master PIN code - 1407
If you enter the master PIN in the “System Information” menu, the software release date and other data will be displayed.
Press the Menu button > 8282 > (select"< >» slot with the desired provider) > (goes down to) Autoscroll...< >On
How to add Const CW
menu - 8282
green “Add slot” button
select Const CW=>OK
add a 16-byte Const CW, breaking it into two parts
then click the “Channel” field and select the channel to which you want to bind Const CW
exit “Exit” => save => YES
watch the channel
a section has been added to softcam

1 - first you need to turn on the channel to which you want to assign a CAID/PROV ID
2 - entry to menu Ш is the same, menu-8282-“blue” button (now this menu is called IDENT)
3 - in menu Ш, click on the “yellow” button, in the window select the desired CAID/PROV ID and then click “OK” (Channel ID will have to be entered manually, or correct 00 00 00 that the receiver gives).
4 - exit the emulator menu “Exit”
5 - while on the channel, press and hold the “Exit” button for 2-3 seconds
6 - in the window, select the desired identifier and click “OK” (the window will show only those identifiers that you previously selected in the IDENTS menu “yellow button”).
7 - all channels with the same CAID/PROV ID can be linked without entering the emu Ш (see point 5-6)

openboxes - x-300-80-50
entering a key using an example

menu-1117-enter KEY EDIT-find encoding-find IDENT ****
- and just edit the key (do not add it) - confirm OK and exit.
if the key is 00, then divide by gender and enter 00 and 10
if the key is 01, then divide by gender and enter 01 and 11

divide the key into halves, throw out the 4th and 8th pairs from each half
and standing on a closed channel you enter - first the first part,
confirm and leave
if it doesn’t work, do the same with the second part of the key.

the biss key is the same: from the full key you throw out the 4th and 8th pairs,
the resulting key, standing on a closed channel, is entered into video and audio
- the same, you confirm ok and leave.

master code for EUROSAT DVB 3023


enter the biss key:
In order to enter a bis key into Eurosky, you need to stand on a closed channel, enter the menu, select the “Functions” line, then “Key editor” and place the cursor on the line with the channel name, press OK. You get to the CONSTANT CW-BISS selection line. Use the > > button to select BISS. Click OK. You get to the line with the key. You stand at the beginning of the key and enter ABCDEF00FEDCBA00 (this is the key for Megasport). Enter the same way as you enter an SMS on a mobile phone - letters are also numbered keys (the keys are labeled). Make sure you entered it correctly and click OK. After a few seconds the image will appear

(Eurovsky DVB-8004 SUPER)
Enabling the emulator - Menu 2020.

How to enable undocumented features
After updating your receiver's software with firmware containing an emulator, you need to activate it. To do this, with the receiver turned on, use the remote control remote control enter the Menu 2020 code. When the emulator is successfully turned on, the following message is displayed on the screen:

Click OK. After activating the emulator, the Key Editor item will be added to the Functions menu:

To activate auto-update of keys on Nagra2/TPS, enter the code Menu 2121 from the remote control and then OK:

How to enter DCW keys from the remote control
After activating the emulator, the receiver allows you to watch many closed channels. Latest firmware usually have up-to-date keys for this. If the desired channel does not open and you have a DCW key for it, then this key can be entered using the remote control.
DCW keys are published on many websites. You can find them with using Google By keywords"B 1FFF 00" "TV8 Turkey"
To enter a key, you need to go to the channel for which there is a key, press Menu -> Functions -> Key Editor, go to the CDW/BISS line and press OK. The KEY SELECT line will be highlighted, using the buttons< >select Constant DW and press OK, the KEY line will be highlighted, then press OK and the KEY SELECT line will be highlighted again. Then press OK on Constant DW and enter the DCW key for the channel using the buttons< >0…9. After that, press OK and Menu three times, then to open the channel you need to go to the adjacent channel and go back. With the correct operations and the correct keys, the channel should open.

svec a 8
On svek-a8, the keys can also be entered from the remote control. Click menu, Configuration, OK, Input code, OK.
Select the encoding using the cursor left and right.
Next, see the hint in the ticker.
And hints for colored buttons.
We dial the satellite's degree.
We dial the frequency.
We dial the key.

Golden Interstar
To enable or disable the emulator, press sequentially on the receiver’s remote control: Menu 2 5 8 0
Entering the menu for entering codes for BISS: Press MENU button, then the red button on the remote control. To reset all keys, press “O” on the remote control. Go into the emulator and then press the blue button

MEMU+8888 is input, +8888 is on.
input biss or static
the easiest way: menu + red button standing on a closed channel, only 7 bytes are entered, i.e. key format XX XX XX 00 XX XX XX

BigSat S 67CR
input BISS
go to the channel, press “I”, then immediately the “red” button and dial the B**S key, confirm OK.

Globo receivers
dial 9339 on the remote control keyboard! Upon entering the key editor, select key edit!
enter the encoding menu! select the encoding, click ok! providers' ids and keys are shown! to enter the key for the corresponding provider, you need to know its id/ so for example polsat id 7101, digi tv 2111! you need to select a provider and click ok! after that the key entry window will appear! It happens that the key must be entered in parts! then you need to select the first part - enter the key there and then the second and enter the second half there! for example, the key has the format -. and in the key editor there is this - 2111: 12345678910111213
you need to enter b8491fdf00c618a15 in the first row, press ok, then select the second part and enter 5350f47349e7b04, press ok! exit the editor menu and enjoy watching!

Entering keys into the octagon-sf-918 receiver
Working with Biss keys (using the example of Amos):

You scan the channels you need from Amos.
Menu --– > Manual search --– > Satellite Amos 4.0°W --– >
Transponder-- > Frequency--- > Start search.
After you find the channels you need
You go--> Menu---> Module--> EMU Key --–> Use the blue button to find the Biss Key---> Red button, set ---> ID ---> Frequency --– > flow rate-- > Polarization-- >
You turn in the key --– >

Strong SRT 6155
Click: menu-installation-OK-(pin code) 0000-system setup-OK-system information-OK-4225-press the vol +- buttons, find the Biss encoding at the top-press the white button on the remote control once, press the red button on the remote control button (red ADD on the screen) -type 0017DE- (numbers are typed in numbers, letters are typed using the remote control buttons channel+ - -, - OK - in the left column Provider we find this new provider that we just entered 0017DE (usually it appears at the very bottom of the list ), - press the white button on the remote control once (we get into editing the key itself) - and now enter the key itself in the key digit entry field, replacing the numbers 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 with the ones we need 19 **** E7 All. In principle, when finished, click OK, in the pop-up window the question is to save everything done above, click Yes, press the back button on the remote control and answer Yes again in the drop-down menu.
If after this the channel does not start showing, then go to manual scanning, rescan this frequency and watch.

If stitched for an emulator


A window opens:


Use volume (+) to select:

1 P 012073 09 ABCDEFFEDCBA0000
2 P 012073 OA ABCDEFFEDCBA0000
3 P 012073 OF ABCDEFFEDCBA0000

We find a non-working key and edit it: set the key and thunder. + select the column with the transponder and click OK and edit it and save OK. We edit the transponder in all 3 columns.
Then, in the same way, edit the key itself 3 times and save it, then press the GREEN button to save all changes. We exit the MENU and look: if everything is done correctly, the channel opens immediately.

Hivision and clones
To enter the emulator you need to go to the “STB Config” tab in the menu
Press button 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 in sequence
The emulator menu will appear.
Go to the BISS item and click OK

Bisse encoded keys look like this:

Xxxx - yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy

where the number 1 is just a line number that does not affect the key!

xxxx is the provider code
yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy - key

Select a non-working key and edit it

For example, a key for Megasport

0001 - AB CD EF 00 FE DC BA 00

To add another key, press the “Red” button, to remove the “Green” button

We press the Exit button, the tuner asks us “Save?” click “OK” and that’s it...

exit the Menu and watch the Megasport channel

Similarly with any BISS format keys of any satellite.

The biss key in evo is tied to the channel by certain parameters. This makes it possible to eliminate auto-binding of the key (as in Golden Interstar you have to wait 3-5 seconds for the binding at first) and manual binding as is done in openbox (many users do not understand how to decode channels).

A strictly defined memory area is allocated for byss keys. In the factory firmware it is completely filled with various keys. To add a key, you must delete any of the existing ones. Go to the encrypted channel, press the pgdn button, press the red one and enter the correct key.
Simply adjusting the key will not have an effect, since the channel binding parameters are not edited in the ECU. As an option for adding a key, you can click the “add” button in EMU Encore (of course, after removing the unnecessary one). Then the parameters of the channel on which the receiver is installed will be “written” to the added key.

On the contrary, it is more convenient to edit keys for secu2 in EMU. We go into the section, click up, we get to the end of the list of keys. there are just 0065 keys. We enter fresh ones and forget about this menu for a month or two. It is sometimes possible to edit these keys using pgdn, sometimes not. Emu is constantly being modified and sometimes there are shoals.

@star asr3530
and others like him

We go to the channel that we want to open.

go to the menu and select: parental locks - okay.

become: emulator code and type the code (default 0000)

select biss-okay

we see: Provider 1f ff 00

key data ab cd ef fe dc ba 00 00

Select the non-working key and edit only its key.

Please note the key is written only like this: 11 22 33 44 55 66 00 00

Click OK - save the key

exit the menu.

OPENBOX-1700, F-100, 8100CI, 210CI, X-600, X-610, X-620 and POWERSKY8210 /Lemberg/ARION

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the full name of the software of your tuner, for example: S821CISKV_$SPR_A3238 – if the name does not have a $ sign, then the software is without an emulator. Therefore, the tuner needs to be reprogrammed. If the sign is present, then proceed to the following steps:
1. Press "Menu"
2. Consistently dial a series of numbers 19370, after which a frame appears, immediately dial 2486 in it...
3. Then select the “Games” item in which the emulator is actually located.
4. If a frame does not appear after the first 5 digits, then an error was made when entering.... exit the menu completely and start from the first item.


On the relevant sites, for example (www****** org), we find the required provider.

Let's say:
Viasat ticket……………………………. provider name
id:010C10……………………………………. Identification number
0E: ……………………………………………………Working operating key number
30 C5 43 D1 37 04 7C 87…………………. key directly (hexadecimal system)

Let's move on to the input order:
1. Click on the tuner “Menu”
2. Go to the “Games” item
3. Select under the item “HEX EDIT“ (Key Editor)
4. Dial “0000”
5. Set the required encoding in this case VIACSESS
6. We look for the provider identification code in the tuner in the general list, it looks like this V 00010С10
7. Select key number 0E... in the tuner it looks like this V 00010C10 0E
8. After the cursor is on the provider and key number we need, press the red “EDIT” button.
9. Check the provider number and key number again!!!

Lower the cursor to the 8-bit key and click “OK”
Sequentially, carefully using symbols, we type the working key by moving the cursor up, down, left, right, and when selecting by pressing “OK”, in our case this key is 30 C5 43 D1 37 04 7C 87
After entering all the numbers, press “EXIT” on the tuner remote control
The tuner asks "Save changes"?
After making sure that the cursor is NOT on the “Cancel” item, click “OK”
Then press “EXIT” all the time until we completely exit the tuner menu
Find the appropriate channel and enjoy watching. The sequence of actions is similar for other encodings.

It is a well-known fact that satellite television has both open channels and those that are not available for viewing, that is, encrypted. The reason for this may be commercial gain, as well as the channel’s lack of rights to broadcast outside certain territories.

How to enter BISS keys correctly

  1. We turn on any channel with encoding.
  2. On the remote control, press the "I" button - an information window appears. In this case, write down the Service ID and Frequency numbers - you will need them later. Exit this menu.
  3. We enter the key input menu - emulator. To do this, we quickly dial the activation code 8282 or 1117, 3327, 2020, 9339 on the remote control one by one - for receivers of different models and firmware there will be different combinations, you can find out more about this.
  4. Using the remote control, select the Key Edit menu and confirm entry.
  5. Select the BISS item, and a window with BISS keys opens. If there is no BISS encoding in the menu, select any one from the list and enter a new key using the special combination CAID 2600. Save.
  6. Select an unused BISS key. The list may be empty, if they have not been added or installed before, then create a new one:
    • We press the “Add” button, we see the combination CAID 2600 in the line - we don’t change anything, this is a sign of BISS encoding.
    • We enter the Service ID numbers we recorded earlier, Freq is the frequency, leave the Type field as is, and enter the BISS key in the Key Data line.
    • We save all the changes made (press OK on the remote control).
  7. Restart the receiver.

General information on logging into emulators of different receiver models and detailed instructions by login you can also view
