Poor hearing on iPhone 6 plus. The interlocutor on the iPhone cannot hear. What to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone

Sometimes the user Apple smartphone faces the most annoying problem - when you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone 6. In exceptional cases, this is due to operator malfunctions. If this is the case, and on iPhone 6 you cannot hear the interlocutor due to loss cellular communications, just wait a while and reboot the device. If this does not help, you need to look deeper for the root of the problem.

When talking on iPhone 6, I can’t hear the interlocutor: what to do?

First of all, if there is no sound during a conversation on your iPhone 6, you should update the operating system and restore the phone. These steps help you solve many problems with Apple devices on your own. However, if this does not help, and you still cannot hear the other person during a call on your iPhone 6, there is good reason for concern. However, do not rush to panic.

If there is no sound on your iPhone 6 and you can’t hear the person you’re talking to, make sure it’s not due to inattention. In conversation mode, use the volume buttons - what if you accidentally turned the volume down to minimum during a previous conversation? As for breakdowns, the first thing you should suspect is a breakdown of the speaker. Also, the reason that you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone 6 may be due to a malfunction of the audio codec on the board.

Somewhat less often, the iPhone 6 loses sound during a conversation when the phone thinks that headphones are connected to it. Try to insert the headphones into the audio jack and pull them out sharply. If the audio jack and the cable connected to it are in order, this simple measure will help. It will also not be superfluous to clean audio channel– it is possible that you cannot hear your interlocutor on iPhone 6 due to dirt getting into the speaker hole.

The fastest and safe way To find out why you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone 6, turn to specialists for help. Our service center provides free diagnostics of devices. The company's specialists will quickly determine the exact reason why the sound is lost in the iPhone 6, and then offer solutions to the problem. Depending on the specific problem, repairing the device will take from one hour to two business days.

Before you begin to describe the malfunctions and answer the question - Why is it hard to hear your iPhone interlocutor during a conversation and what to do in such a situation, you need to study the smartphone device and divide the breakdown into mechanical and software.

The iPhone has two speakers, the bottom one is responsible for speakerphone, playback of music and call sound, and the auditory upper, which is responsible for the audibility of the interlocutor’s voice on the iPhone.

Symptoms and Causes of Mechanical Speaker Failure

During a call, you can’t hear the person on your iPhone who is on speakerphone, which means the problem is in the bottom speaker.

  • Faulty Mini-Jack 3.5 mm.

Often, this is due to a failure in the 3.5 mm plug. Perhaps the contacts are shorting in it. Sometimes it helps to connect and disconnect the plug several times, 10–20. So, you clean the connector from oxides and other debris deposited on the contacts.

But this is just a life hack that does not guarantee 100% results. If it didn’t help, then you need it. On newer iPhone models, the headphone and charging jacks come in one piece.

  • - “Mute” key and volume rocker.

If you recently became the owner of an iPhone and do not understand the device and buttons, then on the left side there is a key to switch to silent mode (Mute), which could be accidentally touched during a conversation.

It's worth checking to see if you've pressed the volume control or muted the sound. Try calling back and holding down the volume up key. If you can’t hear your iPhone interlocutor, it is possible that the problem lies at the other end of the “wire.”

  • - Faulty top speaker.

Often, people contact the PlanetiPhone service with a broken hearing speaker. It fails due to the ingress of water, dirt and dust. Water penetration causes a short circuit and leaves oxides on the contacts, interfering with signal conduction from speaker to speaker. motherboard.

The mesh on the speaker, which performs a protective function, can become clogged with small particles of dust and dirt. It is extremely difficult to hear the person calling. In this situation, you will need to clean the iPhone from water and dust, and you will need to dry it and clean the contacts from oxidation.

  • - iPhone crash.

If an iPhone falls from a height, not only the speaker, but also the microphone of the iPhone fails.

During a call, it performs a noise reduction function. Due to the fall, the audio codec or cable fails, which is why the smartphone perceives all sound coming from the subscriber as noise and dampens it. He is checked by recording his voice.

If it plays with interference, noise and wheezing, you should come to our service for iPhone diagnostics. This may be the very answer why it’s hard to hear the person you’re talking to on your iPhone.

Software glitches and errors

Now we will analyze software malfunctions that we can fix ourselves without resorting to the help of a service.

  • - Bluetooth headsets.

It’s worth remembering if you connected speakers or headphones via Bluetooth? iOS may not properly disconnect the headset and think that it is still connected to the phone. Just go to settings and turn it off again.

  • - Third party programs.

On the iPhone it is difficult to hear the interlocutor due to the use of third-party software. Remember what you installed before the problem was discovered. Try removing them and rebooting. Hold down the Power and Home keys.

  • - iOS crash.

If the sound does not always disappear, but only intermittently, this may be a glitch in the iPhone operating system. Try updating the firmware.

What to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone?

From the above possible breakdowns and their symptoms, it is extremely difficult to correctly diagnose the location and cause of the breakdown. If you have little experience, it is better to start checking by checking the volume level in the settings and the silent mode key.

The best and simplest answer to the question why you can’t hear your iPhone interlocutor is to come to the PlanetiPhone SC for a free iPhone diagnosis.

Stages of repair in PlanetiPhone.

  • - Come to the one closest to you service center and tell us in detail about the breakdown or call a repairman to your home by leaving a request on the website. (Master's visit to Moscow - Free)
  • - First of all, before starting any action, a check is performed to identify all hidden problems and their causes. (This is done free of charge, even if you later decide to postpone the restoration until later.)
  • - Next, we announce all the faults found, the time it will take to fix them and the final price. (The price already includes the price of the part and the work of the master! No extra charges after repairs!)
  • - The agreed upon procedures and full testing of the smartphone are carried out.
  • - You pay for the services and you are given a fully restored iPhone, a warranty and a discount card.

*Get a discount now by simply filling out an application on the website.

Why should you contact PlanetiPhone?

Our service has advantages that clearly distinguish us from all competitors in Moscow. These include:

  • - Unlike other top workshops, we have an affordable cost of repairs in the capital.
  • - Free computer check of the gadget, even in case of refusal to repair it at the service center and a specialist visiting your home in the capital.
  • - Only original components, which are always in stock.
  • - Free delivery of equipment to the service center and back to your home in the capital.

We didn’t find an answer to the question - why can’t you hear the iPhone interlocutor? Come to PlanetiPhone and we will quickly find out the reason!

Articles and Lifehacks

What should we do if we are heard during a call, but we cannot hear the other party? The situation in which you cannot hear the interlocutor on iPhone 4 is not uncommon.

No user is immune from it, but it happens that he is able to cope with problems on his own. First, let's try to understand the reasons.

Possible causes of the problem

  • So, our speaker doesn't work. What to do? Let's start with what and where exactly is located in our smartphone. From the bottom of the iPhone we can find 2 holes, one of which is responsible for the built-in speaker, and the other for the microphone.

    As for the connector in the middle, it is needed to connect the Apple cable.

  • If we cannot hear the interlocutor, the sound disappears not from the lower built-in speaker, but from the speaker on the front panel of the device, that is, from the one located in the center. What is the reason for such failures?
  • A very common situation is that there is a problem with the headphone plug. Most often, the user discovers this soon after purchase. Usually the failure is associated with a short circuit of the 3.5 mm adapter.
  • Let us add that if a user encounters a similar problem after using the smartphone for many years, most likely, he may need to completely replace the audio connector, as well as the upper audio cable.
  • Sometimes the sound does not come out correctly after use bluetooth headsets. Go to settings and turn off this headset.
  • It happens that the solution to the problem is even simpler and is due to the fact that the user is simply not familiar with all the buttons on his device. So, on the side there is a key responsible for turning on and off the silent mode (“Mute”).
  • Perhaps the reason is the installation third party programs(both via iTunes and Cydia). It is advisable to remember which applications we have recently installed, perhaps remove them, and then try to restart our device.
  • You can take care of a normal reboot from the very beginning, immediately after the problem arose. To restart your smartphone, press Power and Home at the same time.

Diagnostic features

  • Unfortunately, it is difficult to identify any patterns indicating the presence of problems. It is recommended that you try to diagnose the problem yourself.
  • If the user is inexperienced, it is better for him to start with something simple - for example, check if the Mute mode is activated, that is, silent mode.
  • It is very useful to check the microphone as well. To do this, you just need to try to record something on a voice recorder. If a problem is found, the microphone may need to be replaced by a service center.
  • If everything is fine with the voice recorder, then the problem is related only to communication. Sometimes updating the firmware and restoring via DFU helps, but it is highly not recommended to do this if you do not have the appropriate skills.
  • If we dropped the iPhone not long ago, there is a high probability of physical damage. For example, a board replacement or other type of repair may be required. To do this, you will need to contact one of the Apple service centers.

The situation when the owner of an Apple device observes poor audibility of the interlocutor’s voice during a call is a fairly common problem. At the same time, if you put the call in loud mode, the voice appears. As the experience of many users shows, this problem is most often typical for gadgets of the sixth version. Repair shop specialists note that in iPhone 6, as well as iPhone 5, 5S and other Apple phone models, the sound disappears very often, which is the reason why the owners of these gadgets call for repairs.

If you have the problem of being unable to hear your interlocutor on an iPhone 6 or iPhone 5, read this article. It describes the most common causes of this problem and how to fix it.

Summarizing the experience of repair technicians, we can conclude that when the interlocutor is hard to hear on the iPhone 6, the reason for this is one of the following factors:

1 Device speaker failure. Moreover, the problem may lie in both the hardware and software parts of the device. It will be extremely difficult for the user to cope with such malfunctions on his own. However, it is worth mentioning some methods that may restore sound, and the owner of the smartphone will avoid going to a repair shop. 2 The influence of third-party programs and applications on sound quality. Few people think that serious violations can be caused by such a trivial reason. However, it should be excluded too. To do this, you need to look at what software you installed on your device, especially recently. Next you need to figure out which of the downloaded and installed programs could have a negative impact on the iPhone's audio settings. If any are found, the further course of action is very simple - you need to remove the programs from the smartphone. Usually, after this, the sound functions of the device are normalized, and the sound becomes clear and beautiful, as before. 3 The quiet mode lever is in the “mute” state. At the same time, the lever is marked in red. What is required from the user in such a situation? Nothing complicated - just switch the element to a different position. 4 Incorrect extraction portable speakers. Due to such a misunderstanding, of course, the sound cannot disappear completely, but its quality will deteriorate significantly. Most often the sound becomes quiet, like a whisper. Therefore, try not to forget whether you connected headphones to your device today, and was it after this action that the problem arose? If everything fits, the source of the problem, and, therefore, its solution, has been successfully found. In such a situation, it is necessary to reinsert the plug into the socket and then remove it. 5 Damage to the upper cable or audio connector. In this situation, as in the previous one, the sound does not completely disappear, but it becomes barely audible. Although, if the sound volume during a conversation is not very good, do not worry and immediately think that the device has serious malfunctions or breakdowns. You may have accidentally set the call volume on your device to low. If this is the problem, you just need to press the volume up button during a conversation.

First, you should turn off your phone and then turn it on again. If there is still no sound, you will have to take the device to a specialist for diagnostics. Remember that the sooner you turn to professionals, the cheaper the cost of repairs will be.

In a situation where the sound does not disappear completely, but disappears only sometimes, an action such as updating the firmware on iPhone 6 can help.

If the button is turned on, but the owner of an iPhone 6 still has difficulty hearing the interlocutor or does not hear him at all, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the problem is not with his device, but with the device of the person he is calling.

6 Malfunctions (not breakdowns) of the speaker. This is often caused by moisture getting inside the case, which results in a short circuit in the motherboard circuits. The same can be observed due to contamination of the element with small debris and dust. Specifically, the protective mesh is most often contaminated. And if this happens, audibility during a conversation may not be ideal. 7 Mechanical damage. Obviously, if the device is dropped or hit, the microphone or speaker may be damaged to some extent. According to the experience of specialists, most often the audio cable or speech codecs are damaged. system board iPhone 6. 8 Dust exposure. A little has already been said above about this problem, but we will dwell on it again to say how to fix it. Logically, it is clear that in such a situation it is necessary to clean the protective mesh from dust. To carry out this procedure, it is better to contact a repair shop. The service is inexpensive, and under the supervision of an experienced technician it will be done efficiently and without damaging other parts of the smartphone.

Above were the main sources of problems with sound in iPhones 5 and 6. If, after performing all the steps to improve or restore the sound, it does not return or its quality leaves much to be desired, then serious repairs are indispensable. In such a situation, the matter is resolved, as a rule, not by repair, but by complete replacement of such an important part as the auditory speaker.

The manufacturer himself gives a number of tips on how to correct the situation when the interlocutor is insufficiently audible when talking on iPhone 6. Below are the most effective of them. If you are faced with the problem of poor hearing on an Apple device, or, even worse, a complete lack of sound, take a closer look at these recommendations. Perhaps, with their help, you can fix the situation yourself, avoiding a trip to a repair shop and unnecessary expenses.

So, if you have problems implementing sound functions in smartphones, Apple advises:

  • Try increasing the sound volume. This is done simply - using the sound volume control buttons. During the process, you need to make sure that the sound level indicator appears on the display, i.e. its volume.
  • Check the audio headset connection. If a headset is connected to the device, there will be 100% sound in the speaker. To correct this situation, you need to perform only 2 steps:
  • Clean the receiver. Not for the first time throughout this article, we repeat that the reason for poor sound quality in an Apple phone can be simple contamination of the protective mesh of the receiver. To resolve this problem, Apple recommends taking the following steps:
  • Check the functionality of the receiver. If you suspect a problem with the receiver, do the following:
  • Reboot or update your smartphone. Often, doing one of these steps will resolve the audio issue on your device. To do this, you need to restart the iPhone and retest the system. If after this the sound does not appear, you need to update the operating system to the latest version.
  • Check that nothing has been plugged into the headphone jack.
  • Go to the gadget settings section, select Bluetooth and disable this option.

After completing the steps described above, the sound should appear again.

  • See if the receiver is blocked, which may occur due to covering it with a case or film. If the device is new, protective film made of plastic on both panels - front and rear - must be removed.
  • Carefully inspect the protective film, and if dirt is visible to the naked eye, you need to wipe the element with a small brush. But, it is important to remember that the brush must be completely dry to avoid moisture getting inside the device. As any iPhone user knows, moisture is one of the main enemies of the device, which can lead to serious damage to internal parts.
  • Turn on speaker during a call. If during this action the sound remains of poor quality or there is no sound, it means there are problems with the network or with signal reception. In such a situation, you can try to call another subscriber a little later or in a different place.
  • Login to the program voice recordings, create a short recording of an audio file.
  • Click the icon at the top of the display. The sound playback between the receiver and speaker will be switched.
  • Click the appropriate button to record audio using the gadget's built-in receiver.

If after this you hear a clear, clear recording High Quality, which means the problem lies in the network of the telecom operator or in the voicemail system. And if the misunderstanding is still not resolved, it would be correct to contact the device manufacturer directly. This can be done through the official website by writing to the support service.

If none of the methods given above - both from specialists and from Apple - helped, do not waste time. As soon as possible, contact one of the certified repair centers or the support service of the manufacturer of Apple gadgets.

What to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone? Practice shows that many users of such a smartphone encounter similar problems. Any malfunction in the operation of the device requires a clear formulation, a search for the causes and their elimination. It is worth considering the main symptoms and causes, rules and subtleties of self-diagnosis, and only after that try to fix everything. Separately, the article will indicate situations in which the phone needs to be taken to a service center.

In the article:

Symptoms and reasons why you can’t hear your interlocutor on iPhone

The speakers are primarily responsible for a malfunction when the interlocutor on the iPhone is hard to hear. Such people have them mobile phones usually 2 - one at the bottom is responsible for the speakerphone, music and sounds during a call, the second at the top is needed to hear the caller's voice.

If you are using an iPhone and cannot hear your interlocutor during a conversation, this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Faulty Mini-Jack 3.5 mm. In this case, the person at the other end of the reins will not be heard. The reason for this may be a failure in the 3.5 mm plug, for example, when the contacts are simply shorted. In this case, it is worth trying to connect and disconnect the plug several times in order to clean the socket from oxide and possible debris in this way.
  2. Volume swing or “Mute” button. New owners of such a smartphone may not know at first that there is a magic button on the side of the panel that turns the phone into silent mode with one click. You also need to make sure that the volume was not previously turned off by the volume swing.
  3. Breaking top speaker. This situation often happens due to the ingress of water, dirt, and dust. In the first case, oxidation and short circuiting of contacts occurs, which disrupts the conductivity of the signal to the motherboard from the speaker. Moreover, it is protected by a mesh, and if it becomes clogged with dust and debris, the conductivity of sound is again disrupted. In this case, you need to figure out how to clean the speakers I
  4. Gadget falling. Cases where, after a phone has been dropped, the operation of the microphone and speaker are disrupted are not uncommon. During a conversation, the microphone acts as a noise-cancelling device, and a fall from a height leads to failure of the audio codec or cable. Against this background, sounds from incoming call are perceived as noise, and the microphone will try to dampen it in every possible way. You can check the microphone's operation by recording your voice on a voice recorder.

In addition to the fact that the cause of sound non-conductivity during telephone conversation maybe something that doesn't work Iphone speaker, common reasons include software glitches.

For example:

  • Bluetooth – it is possible that before the call the phone was connected to headphones or speakers via Bluetooth, and incorrect disconnection of iOS will lead to the fact that the phone will not switch to the mode when it should work without a headset;
  • iOS malfunction - in this case, there is a periodic failure of sound supply, as a result of the fact that operating system needs reinstallation;
  • third-party applications - in the background of working with third party software There may be malfunctions in the functioning of the gadget, so the latest downloads should be deleted or reinstalled, and hold down the “Power” and “Home” buttons.

Only with proper diagnosis, identification of symptoms and causes, there is a high probability that the malfunction will be eliminated without contacting a service center.

Features of self-diagnosis

It is extremely difficult to independently determine the presence of specific problems, especially if we talk about recent owners of such a gadget.

To begin with, you should start small, checking that there is a normal volume level, and whether the silent mode was accidentally turned on; for this, the Mute button is activated.

After this, it is worth checking the operation of the microphone, for example, by recording a few words in your voice on a voice recorder. If noises, extraneous sounds, or intermittent poor voice production occur, you must contact the service center for diagnostics by specialists. If the problem is not with the microphone, you can restore or update the firmware, but preferably not with your own efforts. Physical malfunctions that lead to such problems cannot be ruled out. The phone may need a board replacement or other types of repairs.

When to contact a service center

In the event that none of the above possible reasons was not confirmed in fact, none of the recommendations led to the desired result, it is worth contacting the service center. In this case, the speakers will be quickly replaced, after which the updated gadget will soon return to the hands of the owner.


The article described symptoms that can easily be used to determine why the iPhone does not transmit sound from the interlocutor during a call. The malfunction may require cleaning or reinstalling the speaker, after which the conversation will be carried out as expected. If self-diagnosis does not help, a service center can help. In case of negligence, the problem will not only not be resolved, but will only get worse.
