Children's games. Children's games Games for memorizing multiplication tables for children

Hello, dear relatives and friends of elementary school students! First grade is already behind us, and the complexity of school assignments is steadily increasing, isn’t it? Now it's time to find out how to learn multiplication table with a child without long and boring cramming. "Eureka" knows several ways!

Game with cards

IN game form The child learns much faster. Of course, because this way he feels calm and relaxed, and is also passionate about the process. It’s especially fun to play if a small prize awaits the winner.

To turn learning the multiplication table into a fun game, you need to buy or make cardboard cards with examples of multiplying single-digit numbers. At the beginning of the game, they need to be laid out face down in front of the child.

All players take turns drawing cards and calling out the answer. For each correct answer the player is awarded 1 point. All participants must have an equal number of attempts. The one who scored the most wins large number points. You cannot think for a long time - for example, longer than 15 seconds, otherwise the point will not be counted.

In this game, you can use a little trick and let your child win. To do this, you need to agree with him that for correcting another player’s mistake he will receive an additional point. During the game, from time to time it is worth giving incorrect answers, which the child must notice and correct.

This game needs to be played regularly - then the student will learn the multiplication table quickly and will give the correct answers without hesitation.

Multiplication table through addition

When studying the multiplication table, it is important that the child understands the logic of this action. Therefore, each example of a multiplication table should be written through the addition of identical numbers.

2 × 2 = 2 + 2 + 4;

2 × 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6;

2 × 4 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8;

An extended version of the multiplication table can be hung in a visible place in front of the table where the child learns his lessons. In this case, he will not have to memorize most of the examples; he will simply calculate them in his head until the answer is permanently stored in his memory.

Multiplication on fingers

It is worth introducing your child to multiplication using fingers. This works well in the early stages of learning the multiplication tables. Let's look at an example: 4 × 5. Let's imagine that each finger is equal to 5. We leave 4 fingers straight and bend the rest. Now we simply count straight fingers, adding up the fives: 5, 10, 15, 20.

Multiplication tables in music videos and cartoons

All children love cartoons, so take a couple of “mathematical” cartoons and show them to your child from time to time. This method is good because you will be free at this time.

Also effective are clips in which multiplication examples with correct answers are heard instead of ordinary words. Such clips are a godsend for musical children. Let the child calmly do his favorite thing: draw or put together a construction set, and in the meantime you just play him a “mathematical” song for the background.

Soon you will be surprised to notice that the baby hums the words from the song, easily remembering examples of multiplication.

Fun ways to multiply with number 9

The number 9 is special, even magical. Tell your child about this and easily multiply any other number by 9.

Multiply by 9 with fingers

Have your baby place his palms on the table and straighten all his fingers. Now you need to assign a serial number to each finger from left to right. We demonstrate the wonders of mathematics: for example, we find the answer for the example “9 × 3”:

  • find finger number 3;
  • We count how many fingers are to the left of the third. These are dozens of our answer;
  • We count how many fingers are to the right of the third. These are response units.

We put 2 numbers side by side and get the correct answer - 27.

We look at the second factor when multiplying by 9

There's another one interesting way multiply any single-digit number by 9. Consider the example “9 × 3”. Let us perform the following metamorphoses with the number 3:

  • let's take 3 tens;
  • subtract 3 units from them;
  • we get 30 − 3;
  • answer: 27.

Multiplication table in verses

Many teachers use poetry to memorize multiplication tables. When you need to give the correct answer, the lines of the poem themselves pop up in your memory. Remember the song “Twice two is four”? The same principle applies to memorizing multiplication examples.

What is "multiplication"?
This is a smart addition.
After all, it’s smarter to multiply times,
How to put everything together for an hour.

1 × 1 = 1
One penguin was walking among the ice floes.
Once alone - alone.

1 × 2 = 2
There is safety in numbers.
Once two is two.

2 × 2 = 4
Two athletes took weights.
This is: two and two are four.

2 × 3 = 6
The rooster sat before dawn
On a high pole:
- Crow!.. Twice three,
Twice three is six!

2 × 4 = 8
A pair of forks stuck into the pie:
Two by four - eight holes.

2 × 5 = 10
They decided to weigh two elephants:
Two times five equals ten.
That is, every elephant weighs
Approximately five tons.

2 × 6 = 12
Met a crab with cancer:
Twice six equals twelve paws.

2 × 7 = 14
Twice seven mice -
Fourteen ears!

2 × 8 = 16
The octopuses went for a swim:
Twice eight legs is sixteen.

2 × 9 = 18
Have you seen such a miracle?
Two humps on the camel's back!
Nine camels began to be counted:
Twice nine humps equals eighteen.

2 × 10 = 20
Twice ten is two tens!
Twenty, to put it briefly.

3 × 3 = 9
Three insects drank coffee
And they broke three cups.
What is broken cannot be mended...
Three times three equals nine.

3 × 4 = 12
He talks all day in the apartment
Talking cockatoo:
- Trrr multiplied by four,
Trrr multiplied by four -
Twelve months a year.

3 × 5 = 15
The schoolboy began to write in his notebook:
What is "three times five"?
He was terribly careful:
Three times five equals fifteen spots!

3 × 6 = 18
Thomas began to eat pancakes:
Eighteen is three times six.

3 × 7 = 21
Three times seven is twenty one:
There's a hot pancake on my nose.

3 × 8 = 24
Mice gnawed holes in the cheese:
Three times eight is twenty four.

3 × 9 = 27
Three times nine is twenty seven.
Everyone needs to remember this.

3 × 10 = 30
Three girls under the window
Dressed up in the evening.
The girls tried on the rings:
Three times ten is thirty.

4 × 4 = 16
Four cute pigs
They danced without boots:
Four times four equals sixteen bare legs.

4 × 5 = 20
Four scientist monkeys
They leafed through books with their feet.
Each foot has five toes:
Four times five is twenty.

4 × 6 = 24
I went to the parade
Jacket potato:
Four times six is ​​twenty four!

4 × 7 = 28
Chicks are counted in the fall:
Four times seven is twenty eight!

4 × 9 = 36
Baba Yaga's stupa broke.
Four times eight equals thirty-two teeth!
She has nothing to eat between her teeth:
Four times nine is “thirty six”!

4 × 10 = 40
Forty forty walked
We found curd cheese.
And divide the cottage cheese into parts:
Four times ten is forty.

5 × 5 = 25
The hares went out for a walk:
Five five is twenty five.

5 × 6 = 30
A fox ran into the forest:
Five six makes thirty.

5 × 7 = 35
Five bears from a den
We walked through the forest without a road -
For seven miles to slurp jelly:
Five seven is thirty five!

5 × 8 = 40
Climb the centipede
Difficult up the hill:
Legs are tired -
Five eight is forty.

The guns stood on the hill:
Five eight - that's forty.

5 × 9 = 45
The guns started firing:
Five nine is forty five.

If you slurp cabbage soup with a bast shoe:
Five nine is forty five.
There will be this bast shoe
Drip on everyone's trousers!

5 × 10 = 50
Digging a bed of zucchini
Five dozen patches.
And piglets' tails:
Five ten is fifty!

6 × 6 = 36
Six old women were spinning wool:
Six six is ​​thirty six.

6 × 7 = 42
Six networks of six ruffs -
This is also thirty-six.
And a roach got caught in the net:
Six seven is forty two.

6 × 8 = 48
Hippos of buns ask for:
Six eight is forty eight.

6 × 9 = 54
We don't feel sorry for the buns -
Open your mouth wider:
Six is ​​nine
Fifty four.

6 × 10 = 60
Six geese leading the goslings:
Six ten is sixty.

7 × 7 = 49
Fools are not reaped, fools are not sown,
They themselves are born:
Seven seven - forty nine...
Let them not be offended!

7 × 8 = 56
Once a deer asked an elk:
“What is seven eight?”
Elk did not bother to look into the textbook:
“Fifty, of course, six!”

7 × 9 = 63
Seven nesting dolls
The whole family is inside:
Seven nine crumbs -
Sixty three.

7 × 10 = 70
Seven fox cubs are taught at school:
Seven ten - seventy!

8 × 8 = 64
Vacuuming with his nose
Elephant carpets in the apartment:
Eight by eight -
Sixty four.

8 × 9 = 72
Eight bears were chopping wood:
Eight nine is seventy two.

8 × 10 = 80
The best score in the world:
Coming New Year!
Toys hang in eight rows:
Eight ten is eighty!

9 × 9 = 81
The little pig decided to check:
- How much does “nine by nine” turn out to be?
- Eighty - oink - one! -
So answered the young pig.

9 × 10 = 90
The sandpiper is small, but his nose is great!
Nine ten is ninety.

10 × 10 = 100
There are a dozen moles in the meadow -
Each person digs ten beds.
And at ten ten - a hundred:
The whole earth is like a sieve!

It is not necessary to memorize all the verses. You can choose only those examples that are difficult for your child to remember.

Just without fanaticism: computer games

Even children who don't like math will enjoy playing computer game. If your teaching abilities are not up to par, then let Baba Yaga or some other character take over.

By completing simple tasks and gradually increasing the complexity of the game, the child will not even notice how quickly he will learn the multiplication table by heart.

Approach the educational process creatively - then it will only bring positive emotions for you and your child. These simple tips from "Eureka" will simplify learning the multiplication tables:

  • Hang examples where you can see them.
  • Learn to multiply and divide at once.
  • Once you've mastered multiplying by 2, move on to multiplying by 4 and then multiplying by 8.
  • After multiplying by 3, move on to multiplying by 6 and 9.
  • While multiplying by 5, it is convenient to study the clock face.
  • Give praise and be patient.
  • Your helpers are cartoons, music videos, educational videos and games with a mathematical bias.

Well, now the multiplication table doesn’t seem like a punishment to you? We believe that your positive attitude will be passed on to your child. Eureka wishes you an easy learning experience! See you again in a wide circle of our readers!

This article is about how to learn the multiplication tables without suffering and cramming. In it we tell you how to learn to multiply numbers up to 10 by each other, remembering only 36 examples instead of 100. We also show 5 useful games and a couple of life hacks that will help you learn the multiplication table not only quickly, but also in a fun way.

Turning 100 examples into 36

The multiplication table on the back of most notebooks looks like this:

It can take a whole summer to learn it. It is clear that rote memorization of the correct answers to a hundred examples is the most time-consuming way to remember the results of multiplying numbers up to 10 by each other.

The process speeds up significantly when we show how all these 100 combinations can be reduced to 36. In this case, the Pythagorean table is a much more successful visual aid:

Using her example, we can already show the principles of multiplication through the areas of small rectangles:

  • 3 * 5 = 15, because a rectangle with sides 3 and 5 squares long fits 15 small squares (count them together to make sure).
  • 5 * 3 = 15 for the same reason (we count together).

Here we clearly demonstrate the property of commutativity: rearranging the places of the factors does not change the product. Of course, it’s better to hold off the name of this property until Halloween, so as not to scare anyone ahead of time :)

Because of this, the Pythagorean table is symmetrical with respect to its diagonal, so out of 100 examples, only 55 remain to be memorized: the diagonal itself with the values ​​1, 4, 9, ..., 100 and everything that is above or below.

You can make this discovery yourself by filling out part empty table Pythagoras, in which only the factors are initially marked:

A child can start filling it out, even if he doesn’t yet know the rules of multiplication - after all, he already knows how to add, so he can easily count first 2 + 2, then 4 + 2, then 6 + 2, and so on, up to 20. Then the row with threes , and so on.

Having filled out only part of the table (for example, a square of 6 * 6 cells), you can already see the same numbers and understand that there is no need to cram it entirely.

After this, on the same Pythagorean table we demonstrate two principles that allow us to “automate” another 19 multiplication operations: multiplication by 1 and multiplication by 10:

  • If a number is multiplied by one, it does not change at all. .
  • When a number is multiplied by 10, it ends in a zero.

We subtract another 19 “automated” ones from the previously remaining 55 examples of multiplication and we get a total of 36 combinations that need to be remembered. Almost three times less than what is offered to us on the covers of notebooks!

It's easier now, isn't it?

Let's play and remember

It is difficult to remember something that cannot be applied in life. This is why it is important to show that multiplication tables can be useful. Games and exciting activities will help with this.

Big snowfall

These puzzles will allow the child to experience situations where multiplication is indispensable. In the process of solving problems, the child understands that it is not necessary to count the square tiles every time - just multiply the length by the width!

Battle of the rectangles

This simple game for two people to understand multiplication and the area of ​​a rectangle.

You will need 2 markers, a piece of checkered paper and 2 cubes. Each player chooses the color of pencil or felt-tip pen with which he will draw.

Players take turns. The first player rolls 2 dice. Then he must draw a rectangle or square on his side of the piece of paper, the sides of which are equal in number of cells to the numbers on the cubes. In the middle of the figure, its area is recorded - how many cells the figure occupies. The second player goes next, and so on.

The game ends when there is no more room for new pieces on the sheet. The one whose pieces occupy more squares on a sheet of paper wins.

Multiplication fishing game

With this game, children will easily understand the principle of multiplication: why two by four is eight, or three by three is nine. In the game, you can only catch a number of fish that is a multiple of 2 or 3. And to get them, you have to choose the right cards.


To play, print out the game board, at least 4 pages of fish, and a net for each player. Prepare a dice, counters for each player, and paper and pen.

How to play

Players take turns rolling the dice and moving around the field. If a player stops on a cell with an animal, then he does not receive fish.

If a player stops on a square with words, then he catches the specified number of fish - takes the cards and puts them in his net.

When all players have reached the end, we count the catch. Whoever had more fish in the nets won.

Board game

There are many, many useful and entertaining things in this game. But the most important thing is that the main part of the multiplication table is in your pocket! Without boring memorization, a child learns to multiply numbers from 1 to 5. The game is built on a unique technique that helps children see with their own eyes what multiplication is and even hold it in their hands. And this is so important for the first steps in arithmetic.

The game set includes cards with pictures of houses, the windows in these houses are transparent - this is the main feature of the technique! By connecting two cards with the number of windows “two” and “three” you will get a house in which the number of windows will be “six”: 2x3=6.

The houses themselves are drawn very brightly and unusually; just looking at them is a special pleasure. The set also includes task cards, a game piece, a cute waterproof storage pouch and detailed instructions with original illustrations.

“Many-Many” has two game options. Both have the ability to adjust the difficulty of the game to suit your child. Both versions of the game will be exciting both for those who are just starting to get acquainted with the multiplication table, and for those who already know it firmly.

Board game

Players will perform many interesting actions: plant flowers in flower beds, uproot them if necessary, arrange surprises for their competitors - pleasant and not so pleasant. But the main thing for the participants is to fulfill orders accurately: they need to grow exactly as many flowers in their flower beds as the buyer wants. During the game, children learn in practice that in order to complete an order for 18 flowers, they need to collect 3 flower beds of 6 flowers each. Such visual operations will be remembered quickly and for a long time.

The goal of the game is to earn as many coins as possible. The number of coins is indicated on the buyer’s card - some have more, some have less. Everything is like in life. Three square cards with buyers are laid out on the table, on which the required number of colors is indicated. During the game, participants plant three flower beds from cards with the same number of flowers in order to grow the required number of flowers for sale: three flower beds of seven colors to get “21”, six flower beds of nine flowers to get “54” and so on.

In the game you can be mischievous - give other players moles and beetles, or, on the contrary, you can give gifts. The deck also contains cards with magic watering cans - they multiply the number of flowers in the flowerbed by 2 or 3. And sometimes this is simply invaluable help!

Life hack: multiplying by 9 using your fingers

Multiplying by 9 is often the hardest thing to do. To make this process easier and more fun, you can use a hint - your own palms!

Turn your hands with your palms facing you and mentally number your fingers in order from left to right, from 1 to 10.

Now we multiply, for example, 7x9. We bend the seventh finger in a row from left to right.

The number of fingers before the curve is tens, in our example it is “6”.

The number of fingers after the curved one is units, that is, “3”.

As a result, we get 63!

Colorful posters

To make the multiplication table easier, we have prepared bright posters for you that can be printed and hung in a visible place.

To make the process of studying the table more dynamic, you can paint over or cover with stickers values ​​that are already well established in memory.

And finally

It’s not so important how exactly you learn the multiplication tables: the main thing is to do it with pleasure - because this way the knowledge is absorbed much better, and the process becomes enjoyable and interesting!

How easy it is for a child to learn the multiplication table - this is the question a parent asks, realizing that cramming numbers does not lead to an understanding of the process. Although for children with a good memory this will be the most easy way. Today we will talk about interesting games (not computer games) that will make it possible to understand the essence of mathematical operations and consolidate their knowledge.

Greetings, dear readers. I assure you that in the article you will find interesting games, the preparation of which took me from 2 to 5 minutes. If you set out to explain to your child the meaning of this mathematical process, then sit back and read carefully. As always, I advise you to select tasks according to your level of knowledge.

The first thing you want to do when introducing new material is to explain who the founder of the method is. Unfortunately, the question of who came up with the math multiplication table is not so simple. We are accustomed to believe that its founder is the ancient Greek creator of the philosophical school - Pythagoras. For many, his name is synonymous with the calculation method being discussed, but it turns out that it is called that only in Russian, French, and Italian.

There is no evidence that this particular mathematician was her ancestor! But there is plenty of reverse information. It turns out that the oldest table was discovered in Ancient Mesopotamia, its age is more than 4000 years. While Pythagoras lived 570-490. B.C. There are also facts of similar calculations in Ancient China. I really liked Professor Kruglov’s explanation, which he gave to a 3rd grade student:

I am writing all this so that you do not confuse your children. After all, many parents who firmly believe in our educational system, they won’t even think about looking into the search for information, but will foam at the mouth to prove to their offspring that the table was created by Pythagoras.

If you want to tell your children about this scientist, then you should use information from Wikipedia, where his scientific achievements are described in detail. But all this will be interesting to older students. At what age do they begin to learn the subject of our discussion?

In the Soviet Union, I hope I’m not the only one who remembers such a time, they set this program for the summer after 1st grade. Currently, in most schools, the multiplication tables are taught in the second half of the second grade. My son is studying at the French Lyceum in the Dominican Republic, in the 2nd grade. I wrote about why a six-year-old child is in 2nd grade.

I’ll tell you how they started introducing this “science”. Almost from the beginning of the school year, children began to learn the composition of numbers by adding two identical numbers.

In other words, the homework assignment could be as follows:

Write what equal numbers the numbers 26, 32, 48, 65 consist of.

Yes, yes there will definitely be a trick. The child writes down, for example:
65 – adding two equal numbers is impossible (at this stage this is the correct answer).

As a result, in a month and a half, the children easily learned multiplication and division by 2 within 100, without even realizing it. I don’t know yet how the program will develop further, but I liked the beginning.

At 3.5 years old, my son laid out cards, say in fours, like this:

It was his small victory! As you can see, the counting is done quite clearly; the child can visually assess the correctness of his mathematical work. A year later, such classes looked different. I shuffled all the cards:

And knowing that my boy has a competitive nature, I suggested that he assemble a “score line” for speed. For example, he assembles a ruler with the same fours, and I assemble it with sevens. Of course, each time the numbers changed so that everyone could understand up to 10. I had to make copies of several cards so that there would be enough to collect two lines.

So, counting by fours a year later looked like this:

Well, we found out in which class they teach the multiplication table and how you can prepare your child to study it. How else can you help me learn a subject without cramming, what additional materials will help with this?

Useful materials to study

If your child has a desire for musical learning, then a song like this will help him learn how to count by 3. My son loves the cartoon about these birds and he also loves to sing along, so after two viewings, the 3 was mastered.

You can also help your child learn the table through a book. I will show you two wonderful specimens.

The first “Entertaining table” from Robins publishing house. I highly recommend it! Firstly, the actions presented here are given not until 10, but until 12. Secondly, fairy-tale windows have never left any child indifferent. Thirdly, these are not bare numbers, but an opportunity to easily test yourself using funny pictures. And at the end there is an opportunity to actually test your knowledge.

How easy is it for a child to learn the multiplication table? In funny verses! And the second copy will help us with this. This is really wonderful book, with whom Alexander did not part for a week! Andrey Usachev, using humor, was able to reproduce arithmetic operations, tying them to the most unexpected characters. The AST publishing house, as always, pleased with its excellent quality and this small book became on the shelves of our children's library. The only thing I want to warn you about is that multiplying by 2 starts with a two, by 3 with a three, by 4 with a four, and so on. But here the “displacement law” comes into play.

And last but not least useful material on the author’s method of Shamil Akhmadullin “How to learn the multiplication table in 3 days in a game form?” The point here is to understand the principles, and this is so important!

And finally we come to the entertainment activities.

How to easily teach a child the multiplication table through a game

Everywhere they talk and write about the positive impact of playful activities, I described ours not so long ago. This time I had to learn new ones - multiplication. I compiled them and carried them out progressively, observed my son’s capabilities and moved on.

Where to start

We need to start with a visual explanation. This can be done using buttons, sticks, and counting bears. The child should see rows of objects that need to be counted. I gave my son his favorite shells, in the photo we are sorting 5x2, that is, 2 rows of 5 shells. If, after setting several examples with different numbers, you see that the essence is understood, proceed to game actions, do not delay this process.

It is also worth explaining that rearranging the numbers does not change the answer. A second grader is already familiar with the “commutative law of addition.” In practice, let him see that it also concerns this mathematical process. Ask to lay out the action “in reverse”, in our case 2x5 - two shells in a row, and five rows.

If the rule was not well learned at school, or you are teaching a preschooler, I advise you to watch a video from Shishkina School:

Game one

We will need:

  • Sheet of paper;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • Zarika cubes;
  • markers.

Draw a sheet of paper into sections. Each section will have space for one example.

The player rolls the dice and looks:

  • One die shows the number of circles to be drawn;
  • the second is the number of crosses placed in these circles.

It is interesting to play in groups of 2-4 players, so there will be a spirit of competition. You should roll the dice one by one and write down the results for each person on a sheet of paper. The one with the most correct answers wins.

My son and I played together. At the end we exchanged sheets, I invited him to check my answers, and I checked his. But not from memory, but by counting the number of crosses in each. Thus, Alexander could easily see what the numbers were made of. This is similar to counting shells, where in case of doubt, you can count the crosses during execution.

Photo enlarges when clicked

Game two

Almost all children love Lego, but is there a mathematical game with it to develop creative thinking and attentiveness? Yes! If you were wondering how easy it is to learn the multiplication tables for a child who loves Lego, then the answer is waiting for you here!

We will need:

  • Lego blocks of different calibers;
  • stands for construction;
  • pens;
  • small sheets of paper.

The process allows you to have a visual model and, if necessary, recalculate points. You can have a competition here too. Don't feel like this is unfair to your student. Better think that by watching your actions, he will quickly learn to do like you, and then better than you.

So, we suggest compiling the largest number of examples on the given board. They can be absolutely anything. Some children will want to stay in the “comfort zone” and will compose them from small details. Another will deliberately want to show that he can work with large numbers. After laying the blocks, you need to write examples and answers on prepared pieces of paper. The one who finishes first, and most importantly, counts correctly, wins.

Alexander fell in love with this activity, it is not surprising; I wrote about our buildings separately. After playing several times, we came to the conclusion that the optimal time was 10 minutes; a kitchen clock with an alarm clock helped us control it. As soon as the bell rings, you need to stop. Thus, it is calculated how many options each person has, how many of them are correct, and a winner is selected. As before, I invite my son to check my answers, and I check his.

Photo enlarges when clicked

Game three

The fight is between two players, each of whom tries to close the “field”.

We will need:

  • A sheet of paper in a box;
  • Zarika cubes;
  • 2 different colors of markers or ballpoint pens.

Game conditions

  1. The first player throws zariki. Those numbers that fell out must be multiplied together. For example, the dice stopped at 4 and 5, the player draws a set of 4 by 5 cells on paper. That is, he “takes” the cells with his felt-tip pen color and writes the example 4x5=20 inside.
  2. Now it’s the opponent’s turn, he does the same from the opposite end of the sheet.
  3. Subsequent moves have a rule: each subsequent example must touch at least one side of another example of the same player. If he uses, for example, the color red, then he attaches his “lands” only to it.
  4. When there is little space left and amounts that do not fit into the remaining space appear, the move is skipped.
  5. The first one to fill all their space wins.

So if you are wondering how to help your child learn the multiplication tables, this entertainment will help you. It also includes elements of competition. In the end, many moves are actually skipped, when, for example, there is one free cell left and only 1x1 is suitable.

Game four

These are already serious actions, albeit in a playful form. The advantages are that you can prepare cards with the right numbers as you study. It’s easy to make them yourself by drawing a sheet.

We will need:

  • Chips - I have transparent dies from . You can use buttons, circles of colored paper or any other suitable material;
  • cards with numbers, I laminated them because they were played many times;
  • Zarika cubes.

Game conditions

Players are given 10 chips, each of them must have their own color. A card with numbers that are obtained by multiplication is placed in the middle of the table. I did it until 12, i.e. Each number from 2 to 10 was multiplied by 12.

  1. The first player rolls the dice, adds the resulting numbers together and multiplies, for example, by 3. He places his chip on the result obtained.
  2. The opponent throws, repeating the action. If his piece should go to the place occupied by his opponent, he throws it away and places his own.
  3. If either player hits the number twice, he places a chip on top of his own, thus blocking the spot. The opponent can no longer throw it away.
  4. If a number is rolled that is blocked, he misses his turn. In this case, it does not matter whether he blocked it himself or his opponent.
  5. Whoever is left without chips wins.

Fifth game

Making this set for training skills is relatively simple.

You will need:

  • Ice cream sticks;
  • black and red felt-tip pens;
  • sheet of paper;
  • container along the length of the sticks.

Write different examples without answers at the base of each stick. For every 10-15 – one word BOOM! I like to put 30-40 examples and 3-4 words BOOM.

You can easily adapt this activity to any level by simply changing the numbers. I prepared this lesson last, practically for skill training. The actions are made up from 2 to 9, multiplied by a number from 3 to 15. The photo shows the first batch with small numbers. You can make one jar for 2-6, another for 7-10 and, if desired, 11-15. So, insert the prepared material “face down” so that the children do not see what is written on it.

Game conditions

  1. The first player draws a stick. If there is an example written on it, he reads it and then provides an answer. If it is correct, the child keeps the trophy. If it is not correct, he must return it to the container.
  2. Players continue in a circle, answering the questions drawn.
  3. As soon as one of the players takes out BOOM!, all of his accumulated trophies are returned to the container. This may seem drastic, but it happens often, so everyone playing will get BOOM at some point!
  4. The process can take a very long time because eventually someone will put all the sticks back down! If you want there to be a winner and the children not to get tired, or just to be able to finish without whims, then it’s better to get a kitchen clock. By winding them up for 15-20 minutes, for example, we count the sticks after the alarm rings and the winner is the one who has the most.


If you don’t want to make a game with your own hands, then to hone your knowledge you can use a purchased one, for example, like this.

Are you planning to learn fractions with your child? A bunch of smart guys have released an excellent game called Delissimo. It can be played from the age of 6, but if you include it in your leisure time at home, a primary school student will definitely not have problems solving examples with fractions. Look in Labyrinth. The video below explains the rules and levels of the game.

If your kids are adventurous and want even more math board fun, visit where she provides printable game cards.


Dear parents, I tried to show you the whole process, from beginning to end, how easy it is for a child to learn the multiplication table. I prefer the idea of ​​not memorizing numbers and quickly getting an A in the diary, but of guiding a child’s brain through a systematic understanding of what makes up an example, in what ways the answer can be calculated. After all, our children will soon enter higher mathematics, and you won’t get there on cramming alone. If you know or have used other games to teach your child the multiplication tables, please share with me in the comments. In order not to lose the article, you can save it on social networks using the buttons below. Check out.

One of the main problems for parents of primary schoolchildren is to learn the multiplication table. After all, they are assigned to teach it after the first grade. This table itself is boring and difficult for a child to remember. But if you put in a little effort, you can easily cope with this easily and playfully.

First of all, before you start teaching, try to clearly explain to your child what it is and why it needs to be learned. Because when a child encounters this table for the first time, he sees it as an incomprehensible set of numbers.

Take a piece of paper and show your child with an example how multiplication helps shorten the example. What if you use only addition, then you have to write a long example. And if this example is replaced with multiplication, then it turns out much easier and more convenient. Show a few different examples to make it easier for him to understand what it is.

Understanding the need for a table will help your child begin to understand it in a different way. He will no longer consider it just a set of symbols that are so difficult to learn.

Knowing this table will greatly help your child in the future, both during education and in adulthood. Therefore, it is very important to learn it well.

How to clearly explain multiplication to a child

Many children find it much easier to learn the multiplication tables if they have visual examples that they can sort through and add on their own. Because it’s not enough to just know the essence of the table, you need to see and feel it. In order to connect visual examples to the study of the table, you can use pencils, counting sticks, or whatever is convenient for you.

Take two sticks and place them in front of the child. Explain to him that if we want to double the number of sticks, we need to add sticks to them. After this, add more sticks and tell your baby to write down the actions he performs in a notebook.

At the same time, during the learning process, let your child work with chopsticks independently and you will see that after a while he will easily be able to remember the entire table.

Simulator to learn multiplication tables

If you want to master new knowledge with your child, then suitable posters are very helpful. Therefore, you can use such a poster to help your child. If you hang such a poster in a visible place at home, it will be much easier for your child to remember it.

In addition, you can make such a poster yourself and even involve your child in this process to make learning even easier.

Game how to learn the multiplication table

On at the moment a huge amount has appeared on the Internet online games which will help your child quickly and easily master the multiplication table.

One of these services:

By going to it you will see several options for games that a child can play and thereby develop their multiplication skills. And the fact that all this is provided in the form of a game will only help to interest the child.

Multiplication game by two

In order to explain this column to your child, first explain to him that in order to calculate the correct answer, all he needs is the number that we multiply and add together.

2*1=2 for this you can either add 1+1 or explain how 2 is repeated only 1 time
2*2=4 put two sticks in front of the child and ask him to add two more to them.
2*3=6 Ask your child to make three stacks of two sticks each and let him count how many he gets in the end.
2*4=8 Add two more sticks using the same principle. Ask your child to write examples in a notebook.
2*5=10 show that you can make either two piles with 5 sticks, or two sticks of 5 piles.
2*6=12 Using the same scheme, continue to explain and show the child other examples. But don’t forget to ask him to immediately write everything down in a notebook.
2*7=14 add 7 more sticks to seven
2*8=16 Place one more stick in each pile.
2*9=18 continue to explain further using the same method.

Multiplication by three game

It is much easier to start studying the table if the child has visual examples in front of him. Take the same counting sticks to start with. Lay them out in front of your child and show him how multiplication works. And then you yourself will notice how easily your child can remember the entire column

Multiplication by four game

It is also better to start studying multiplication by 4 with a clear example in front of you. In addition, ask your child to write down the example itself with the answer in a separate notebook. This way you can turn on several types of memory at once, which will speed up learning.

Multiplication game by five

Multiplying by 5 is much easier for many children than with other numbers. To do this, tell your child that when we multiply this number by an even number, the end result will be 0. And if, on the contrary, we multiply by an odd number, it will be 5. But also do not forget about the visual example. If the child already knows division well by the time he learns the table, then he can learn the table as the second number multiplied by 10 and divided by 2.

Multiplication by six game

From the moment you study column 6, learning the table becomes more and more difficult. However, there is one trick that you can use. Tell your child that he no longer has to memorize the first part, because he can find out the answer by rearranging the previous columns and all he has to do is remember the last four lines. In addition, do not forget about visual examples. You can also independently show your child that if the numbers are swapped, the result will remain the same.

Multiplication game by seven

In this column, the child will also only have to learn the last 3 multiplications, and he has already learned the rest earlier and will only have to rearrange them.

Eight multiplication game

The penultimate column is also very difficult to remember. But the good news here is that if the child has learned all the other columns well, then all that remains for him is to learn only the last two lines.

Multiplication by nine game

There is also one small trick to learning the last column that makes it easier to remember. To do this, you simply need to multiply the second number by 10 and subtract the same number.

9*2=18 or 20-2
9*3=27 or 30-3
9*4=36 or 40-4
9*5=45 or 50-5
9*6=54 or 60-6
9*7=63 or 70-7
9*8=72 or 80-8
9*9=81 or 90-9

Board game multiplication, description

To help a child master such a complex science as mathematics, there are now a huge number of different games, thanks to which the learning process itself is much easier and simpler. After all, it is much easier to even entice a child to start learning if he is interested in it.

In addition to the fact that now there are a lot of different games on store shelves that help in learning, you can easily make such games yourself using just available tools.

with dice

For this game you will need:

1. Blank piece of paper
2. Handle
3. Two dice cut out from a template and glued together.

For this game, print or redraw the diagram of the cube in advance and cut it out and glue it together. You will need 2 of these cubes.

When starting to play, the first player picks up the dice and rolls them. He writes down the drawn numbers on a piece of paper as an example and solves it. After which it is the second player’s turn.

At the end of the game, players exchange slips of paper with each other and whoever has the most correct answers wins.


Cards are simply a universal assistant during the development and learning of a child. Many lessons are based on cards. In addition, you can always make cards yourself.

For this game, cut out cards different colors. It is important that each column of the multiplication table has its own card color.

Once you have done this, fill out the cards on one side with a problem, write examples without answers. And on the other side of the card write the answers.

To start learning, take only one column with the number 2. At first, let your child pick up the cards and answer on their own. If he answered correctly, he puts the card in one direction, and if not correctly, then in the other. After the cards are over, he picks up the cards that he answered incorrectly and answers them again.

After this, you can play this game together, placing the cards in the middle of the table. Take turns taking cards and answering. If you answered correctly, take the card for yourself. Whoever has the most cards wins.

After studying the first column, add the second and so on in turn.

stick - counting stick

This game is much more interesting to play with a group, or at least together. To make this game, take a regular glass and a lot of ice cream sticks. Write an example without an answer on the end of each stick and insert them into the cup with the examples down. In addition, add several sticks on which, instead of the example, write three exclamation marks.

The essence of the game is that each player takes out one stick and names the answer. If he answered correctly, he takes the wand to himself. At the same time, the one who pulled out the card with exclamation marks must put all his chopsticks in place. At the end, the player with the most sticks wins.

Multiplication table in verses

There were two pairs of boots standing at the threshold
Twice two makes four - that makes sense!

Three cats are sitting near the house
Three cats went for a walk
Twice three is always six
We can count!

Four good friends
They invited us to go for a walk
Four times two is eight
You need to know this!

The hostess brought it
We have two pies
We stuck the forks
Each of them has five
Twice five equals ten
Everyone has known for a long time!

A rooster sits on a branch and crows:
- Twice six, twice six
Twice six is ​​twelve!

Seven pigeons are sitting on the roof
Seven pigeons - on wires
Twice seven is fourteen
It's easy for us to count!

We met once at sea
Two octopuses near the corals
Eight legs and eight legs
That's sixteen!

Two flocks of ducks flew by
We counted nine pieces each
Twice nine counted
Eighteen received!

Three apples on a branch
And we have three branches in total
Three times three equals nine
Let's eat these apples!

Four seasons a year
Three months each
Three times four equals twelve
Twelve months a year

Mom makes breakfast for everyone
Five pancakes for everyone
Dad, me and mom
Five three - only fifteen

The parrot screams from the cage:
- We get eighteen
Three times six we multiply!

Three friends are going to school
Seven years for each of them
Three times seven is twenty one
I took a hot pancake with me

Three times eight twenty four
We get it by adding up the holes in the cheese

Three times nine is easy
Subtract three from thirty
We can easily get twenty seven
And we’ll tell everyone the answer!

Kittens have four paws
Four times four
Just sixteen paws in a row
They're running around in the apartment!

High five my friends shouted at me
Four times five is twenty!

Four times six twenty four
The crows were screaming outside our window!

Autumn unexpectedly came to us
Four times seven is twenty eight!

Baba Yaga fell from the stupa
Four times eight
Broke thirty-two teeth!

Everyone should take this into account
Four times nine equals thirty-six!

The puppies went out for a walk
Five five gets twenty five!

Let's go hiking with the guys
Five six makes thirty
We've walked so many roads!

Broke hens
Lots of eggs for us
Five seven thirty five
Let's go sell eggs!

The centipede decided
Get rid of boots
Five eight forty
It's hard to find so many legs!

Five nine forty five
We all need to know this!

Six six thirty six
It’s so easy for us to calculate it!

There's a rumor going around town
Six seven forty two!

Let's go ask the magpie
Six eight forty eight

Mother baked pies
Let's open our mouth wider
Six nine we get
Fifty four

It's very difficult to explain
Multiplying seven
We'll get forty nine
Not forty-five!

How can we solve the example?
It's hard
We multiply seven by eight
We get fifty six

One day a bear came to us
Eat our berries
Seven nine sixty three
And there are no berries on the bush!

Video multiplication table on fingers easily

Multiplication table.
How to learn the multiplication table - thousands of schoolchildren and their parents puzzle over this question year after year.
The games in this section are designed to help children learn the multiplication tables with pleasure, willingly and without any coercion. The games will introduce you to the multiplication tables; the material is presented in a simple, exciting and fun way. By solving fun problems and multiplication examples, children will not only gain the necessary knowledge, but will also find something to fill their leisure time with. Let's learn by playing!

It just so happens that the multiplication table is very important. It helps in various calculations; without mastering it, it is not possible to study well in school in the future. And as an adult, you will use it often. Its importance is understood not only by people, but also by unusual creatures from our new game. They will check how well you know the multiplication tables. Play >>

Tigers also learn their multiplication tables by playing an educational game on a tablet. We invite you to play with them and find out how well you can multiply.

And in this game, you will have to dive into the depths of the ocean, where many beautiful fish live. And again, not an easy task awaits you, but a very interesting one - learning the multiplication table! If you're ready to go on an underwater adventure, then go ahead!

Puzzles with examples from the multiplication table.
Our puzzles will help you learn the multiplication tables better. On the playing field there are examples of table multiplication; you need to solve them and select the puzzle piece with the correct answer. If you decide everything correctly, then you will get a colorful picture from the fragments.

Cosmic multiplication table
Here you can go on an unusual journey. Explore the vastness of the Universe in a spaceship and study the multiplication tables.

Here they shoot from a bow at targets. Choose the one that contains the answer to the example on the multiplication table. Be accurate and hit the bull's eye!

Multiplication table knowledge tests
You can use these games to test yourself to see if you have learned your multiplication tables well.
Solve examples and test your knowledge.

Game "Multiplication tables"

Use this code to enable the game "Multiplication Tables." to your blog or website.

Multiplication and division problems

Do you want your child to study mathematics with pleasure, willingly and without any coercion? Then you can’t do without these puzzles. They introduce arithmetic operations - multiplication and division, and the material itself is given in a very simple and fun way. Those who are still learning the multiplication table with these fun problems will easily be able to master its basics, and those who are already familiar with it will consolidate their knowledge. By solving fun problems, examples and puzzles, children will not only gain the necessary knowledge, but will also find something to fill their leisure time with. We play and learn!

Where did the multiplication table come from?

The world's oldest multiplication tables were found during excavations in the cities of Ancient Mesopotamia. They were inscribed using cuneiform script on clay tablets that are 5,000 years old. So, most likely, the multiplication table appeared somewhere in those parts.
Although it is also possible that this system oral counting appeared independently in different places.
The multiplication table has another name - the Pythagorean table. Pythagoras - famous Greek mathematician (570-490 BC). IN European culture the authorship of the multiplication table is attributed to him. But there is no documentary or any other clear evidence of this, like many other things that are attributed to Pythagoras. The fact is that during his long and fruitful life (80 years), Pythagoras did not leave any works or treatises for his descendants (or they simply did not survive). This is one of the main reasons why Pythagoras’ authorship of great discoveries and achievements is questioned.

Where and how to study the multiplication table.

The multiplication table was first introduced into the school curriculum in England at the end of the Middle Ages. True, it was a multiplication table up to 12, which, by the way, young British people go through to this day. , which is also associated with units of the English system of measures of length (1 foot = 12 inches) and monetary circulation (which existed until 1971: 1 pound sterling = 20 shillings, 1 shilling = 12 pence).
But in India, students still cram the original version of the table - up to 20.
In Russia, the multiplication table is usually taught at the age of 8. But in English schools the multiplication table must be learned by the age of 11.

Multiplication tables are good for memory training!

Yes, it's true: the multiplication table is an excellent memory workout. But, like any other workout, it must be regular to achieve good results. Learn the table gradually and do not try to cover all the numbers at once. If you want to learn the multiplication tables quickly, work with your child a little every day.

Multiplication table in verses

To make it easier to remember the table, you can use verses.

A. Usachev. Multiplication table in verses.
What is Multiplication?
This is a smart addition.
After all, it’s smarter to multiply times,
How to put everything together for an hour.
One penguin was walking among the ice floes.
Once alone - alone.
There is safety in numbers.
Once two is two.
Two athletes took weights.
This is: two and two are four.
The rooster sat before dawn
On a high pole:
- Crow!..Twice three,
Twice three is six!
A pair of forks stuck into the pie:
Two by four - eight holes.
They decided to weigh two elephants:
Two times five equals ten.
That is, every elephant weighs
Approximately five tons.
Met a crab with cancer:
Twice six equals twelve paws.
Twice seven mice -
Fourteen ears!
The octopuses went for a swim:
Twice eight legs is sixteen.
Have you seen such a miracle?
Two humps on the back of a camel.
Nine camels began to be counted:
Twice nine humps equals eighteen.
Twice ten is two tens!
Twenty, to put it briefly.
Two insects drank coffee
And they broke three cups.
What is broken cannot be mended...
three times three equals nine.
He talks all day in the apartment
Talking cockatoo:
- Three times four,
Three times four...
Twelve months a year.
The schoolboy began to write in his notebook:
How much is “three times five”?..
He was terribly careful:
Three times five equals fifteen spots!
Thomas began to eat pancakes:
Eighteen is three times six.
Three times seven is twenty one:
There's a hot pancake on my nose.
Mice gnawed holes in the cheese:
Three times eight is twenty four.
Three times nine is twenty seven.
Everyone needs to remember this.
Three girls under the window
Dressed up in the evening.
The girls tried on the rings:
Three times ten equals thirty.
Four cute pigs
danced without boots:
Four times four equals sixteen bare legs.
Four scientist monkeys
We were leafing through books with our feet...
Each foot has five toes:
Four times five is twenty.
I went to the parade
Jacket potato:
Four times six is ​​twenty four!
Chicks are counted in the fall:
Four times seven is twenty eight!
Baba Yaga's stupa broke:
“Four times eight” - thirty-two teeth! -
She has nothing to eat between her teeth:
- Four times nine is “thirty six”!
Forty forty walked
We found curd cheese.
And divide the cottage cheese into parts:
Four times ten is forty.
The hares went out for a walk:
Five five is twenty five.
A fox ran into the forest:
Five six makes thirty.
Five bears from a den
We walked through the forest without a road -
To slurp jelly seven miles away:
Five seven is thirty five!
Climb the centipede
Difficult up the hill:
Legs are tired -
Five eight is forty.
The guns stood on the hill:
Five eight - that's forty.
The guns started firing:
Five nine is forty five.
If you slurp cabbage soup with a bast shoe:
Five nine - forty five...
There will be this bast shoe
Drip on everyone's trousers!
Digging a bed of zucchini
Five dozen patches.
And piglets' tails:
Five ten is fifty!
Six old women were spinning wool:
Six six is ​​thirty six.
Six networks of six ruffs -
This is also thirty-six.
And a roach got caught in the net:
Six seven is forty two.
Hippos of buns ask for:
Six eight - forty eight...
We don't mind the buns.
Open your mouth wider:
Six will be nine -
Fifty four.
Six geese leading the goslings:
Six ten is sixty.
Fools are not reaped, fools are not sown,
They themselves are born:
Seven seven - forty nine...
Let them not be offended!
Once a deer asked an elk:
- What is seven eight? -
Elk did not bother to look into the textbook:
- Fifty, of course, six!
Seven nesting dolls
The whole family is inside:
Seven nine crumbs -
Sixty three.
Seven fox cubs are taught at school:
Seven ten - seventy!
Vacuuming with his nose
Elephant carpets in the apartment:
Eight by eight -
Sixty four.
Eight bears were chopping wood.
Eight nine is seventy two
The best score in the world
New Year is coming...
Toys hang in eight rows:
Eight ten is eighty!
The little pig decided to check:
- How much does “nine by nine” turn out to be?
- Eighty - oink - one! -
So answered the young pig.
The sandpiper is small, but the nose is:
Nine ten is ninety.
There are a dozen moles in the meadow,
Each person digs ten beds.
And at ten ten - a hundred:
The whole earth is like a sieve!

Secrets of the multiplication table for the number 9.

9 * 2 = 1 8
9 * 3 = 2 7
9 * 4 = 3 6
9 * 5 = 4 5
9 * 6 = 5 4
9 * 7 = 6 3
9 * 8 = 7 2
9 * 9 = 8 1

On fingers:
Place both hands on the table, palms down. Then let the little finger of the left hand be the first finger, the ring finger the second, the middle finger the third, etc., the thumb of the right hand the sixth, etc., the little finger of the right hand the tenth finger of both hands.
These fingers are an infallible counter
9 * 5 = 45
To solve this on your fingers, you just have to look at how many fingers from the 5th finger to the left and how many to the right: 4 fingers to the left are 4 tens, 5 to the right are 5 units, which means the answer will be 45.
9 * 7 = 63
From the 7th finger to the left there are 6, to the right there are 3 fingers, which means 63.
