How many subscribers do Instagram give money for? How many Instagram followers do you need to make money? Activity data shows

Review the best ways how you can make money on Instagram.

Every day the number of users is only growing, despite the fact that it is just a phone application.

And, as you know, popularity on Instagram is influenced by the number of subscribers.

What affects income?

How to make money by posting several pictures a day?

4 ways to make money on Instagram

1. Make money on Instagram using advertising

Everyone has long known that the main way to earn money on the Internet is by placing advertisements on websites.

This is the easiest, proven and reliable way to get money.

4. Earn money on Instagram using various services

And of course, Instagram has not been spared by various services with which people usually make money on websites.

Names such as Userator, VKtarget and Twite are familiar to many.

The system and essence of these services is very simple: the user completes tasks - he is credited with money. And these systems have their own tricks, so before registering you should carefully read the user agreement.

A more reliable source of income is Instagram post exchanges, such as or Snapfluence.

Working as a media marketer, the user simply posts photos of the company’s products on Instagram that he needs to promote and receives money for it.

How much do you earn on Instagram?

The first condition for successful earnings is subscribers. The more there are, the higher the income from advertising posts will be. Services pay for subscribers (on average 1 ruble), for likes on photos and for the number of clicks on the page.

You should also remember that there are a lot of bots on Instagram. Out of 50,000 subscribers, only 1000-2000 thousand people can be real. This is where money will be paid for.

Possible when the account is active and popular.

There is simple arithmetic here: the more advertising they order from the owner of a popular Instagram, the greater the profit. The average income from advertising is about 7,000 rubles. This is provided that advertising is ordered several times.

Companies promoting their brands are on average willing to pay from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles for one post with their products.

Instagram today is one of the most popular and in-demand social networks both for communication and for earning hundreds of thousands of rubles a month. The main idea of ​​this project is to share your impressions and emotions through photographs. Perhaps it was because of this idea that the project began to gain rapid popularity, and in just three years of work, the Instagram service had more than 200 million active users.

Thanks to this social network, almost every girl has learned to form a duck’s lips and find a good angle for a selfie. But the platform attracts not only the number and variety of charming photos, but also a good opportunity to make money on Instagram.

Previously, users created YouTube channels to promote themselves and make money from their subscribers. Now a similar earnings scheme has moved to Instagram. But making money in this project has a number of advantages:

Ease of content creation

Maintaining your profile is relatively simple. You just need to choose the topic of your account, and it can be multidisciplinary.

You can safely alternate pictures of yourself with pictures of nature and attractions, as well as with shots of restaurant food and, at worst, your feet in the bath! These seemingly oddities have become Instagram classics.

People just love to view any beautiful, high-quality and colorful images. A little imagination and developed taste - and your profile can become popular.

Promoting your page is easier than on other social networks

Perhaps because Instagram is a relatively young project, it is much easier to attract the public here. For example, many beautiful girls have a lot of subscribers, and they did not offer any special efforts for this, but became famous solely due to their attractive appearance.

In the world of Instagram, it’s enough just to post high-quality materials, respond to the mood of your audience, conduct a dialogue with the public - and popularity will appear.

For example, Olga Buzova’s income from her page exceeds one million rubles a day.

Why is there such a strong emphasis on popularity in this article? Because she is the one who will help you earn really good money on Instagram.

Every year Instagram is growing at a breakneck pace. This is the most active social network where huge amounts of money are circulating.

Please note that almost all show business stars, entrepreneurs, politicians, and athletes have their own on Insta. People love Instagram because simple way share photos and short videos - stories.

There are very few reposts of other people’s pictures and thoughts here, as there are on VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki. This means that people are better involved in advertising and are happy to spend money on goods and services.

Based on personal experience, I'll show you simple examples how to make money on Instagram and promote your business.

Preparing your account to receive traffic

There are entrepreneurs who have a great product, but they don’t know how to advertise. And there are webmasters who know how to set up advertising, but do not have their own product. Find such a person and partner with him.

If you want to earn money like this, you need to master all the promotion tools.

  • Targeted advertising
  • Mass liking
  • Massfollowing
  • Collaboration

Over time, you will create a complete marketing agency By comprehensive promotion on Instagram. This service is in demand in the market.

If you don’t know where to find customers yet, then practice your skills on affiliate programs. Choose a product you like and start promoting it.

Cases of making money on affiliate programs through Instagram

3. Earning money from advertising

But in order for advertisers to start buying advertising, you need to have a subscriber base. Some time ago, advertisers ordered advertising only from large bloggers, for example, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Borodina, and so on. The audience of such bloggers has millions of subscribers. At first, advertising paid for itself, but now it works worse and worse, and the price per advertising post such a blogger has a minimum of 250,000 rubles.

Now advertisers, on the contrary, are looking for small niche bloggers with an active audience. They are also called influencers. Their advertising is inexpensive, and the effect is good. So don't be afraid of competition. Promote your profile and earn money from advertising.

Advertisers look not at the number of subscribers, but at the activity in the account. How many likes and comments do photos get and how many views do videos get. This is the main indicator for the customer. You can start making money from advertising on Instagram from 30,000 subscribers.

But keep in mind that it is better to gain subscribers honestly. And many resort to cheating accounts for the sake of likes and views. Don't do this. Work honestly and there will be results. There are already services on the market that show whether a profile is inflated or not.

When I started promoting my wife’s Instagram, I expected to make money exclusively from advertising. But practice has shown that earnings from selling our services bring in many times more money, and now we 100% refuse advertising to everyone. This is another plus to your profile and your subscriber base!

4. Account promotion

Another interesting way earnings, which allows you not to take responsibility for sales. For example, when you negotiate with an entrepreneur about promotion, he will only be interested in orders or leads. If for some reason there are no sales, then you will remain to blame. Usually newbies burn out on this. They promise the client leads and orders, but do not deliver them in the promised volume. As a result, relationships and reputation deteriorate.

When you take on account promotion, you are responsible only for the number of subscribers and their activity. Responsibilities will also include laying out and designing posts with descriptions. You may need it if you don’t know how to write engaging texts.

It costs at least 10,000 rubles to promote one client. Practice shows that it is possible to maintain up to 10 accounts at the same time. You can earn 100,000 rubles a month from such promotion. To scale your business, you will have to hire and train employees. This Internet profession is called: “Instagram Administrator” or “Social Network Administrator”.

5. Earning money from Giveaway competitions

Organizing and conducting Giveaway competitions is a very profitable business. For top bloggers, an advertising post costs hundreds of thousands of rubles. Not everyone can afford such a budget for promotion. And it’s not a fact that advertising will work and pay off.

The essence of a giveaway is that the organizer negotiates with a major blogger about an advertising post with a drawing of valuable prizes, such as iPhones, sea trips and even cars. The main condition of such a competition is that you must subscribe to all sponsors’ accounts, and there can be 60–70 of them.

After the agreed conditions, the organizer collects sponsors. The entrance ticket to such a competition reaches 50,000 rubles. 70 * 50,000 = 3,500,000 rubles. This money is used to buy prizes. For example, 10 iPhones, 1 tour to Thailand, and so on.

How much the organizer keeps for himself remains behind the scenes. Who has any appetites? But organizing such competitions earns at least 500,000 rubles a month. Since in one month it is possible to hold two or three competitions.

6. Unobvious ways to make money

For bloggers, likes, comments and views are a pain. Instagram's smart feed cuts off its reach with an algorithm that no one knows about. I mentioned above that advertisers look at these metrics.

If you come up with a way to increase your activity rate, you will make money from it. There are many promotion services, but they require technical skills to create them.

I recently came across an account that offers an interesting service. The user is asked to pay 1,200 rubles and join a private chat where there are more than a hundred bloggers with subscribers of 100,000 or more. A link to the Instagram post that needs to be promoted is thrown into the chat. All these bloggers like and comment on the post.

Thanks to the authority of such large accounts, the post immediately ends up in the recommended feed. Being in the feed increases your reach and views. If the account is interesting and useful, then some people will subscribe and become new clients completely free of charge.

You can make money by organizing such a chat. It doesn't require any technical skills. You take the money for yourself. You earn money, and bloggers get their comments and likes.

7. Earning money from Likes, subscriptions and comments

For people who just came to the Internet to earn money, this method may be suitable. I want to warn you right away that you won’t be able to make a lot of money on it. They don't pay enough for it.

In the sixth method, it was mentioned about getting likes and comments. Cheating occurs due to people who register in special services and perform simple tasks.

  • Subscription to Instagram – 1 rub.
  • Like – 1 rub.
“What does she do anyway?”- you think every time you scroll through Instagram some popular "model, actress, dj". No secrets: she makes money on Instagram from photos in a new brand of underwear / with new vitamins "for radiant skin"/ with basket "unique coconut water". She just has 500 thousand subscribers, and you barely scrape together a thousand. How much can you actually earn on your own? Instagram and how to do it?

A couple of years ago everyone thought that being a blogger YouTube- a waste of time, but some Max +100500 seemed like a damaged guy who doesn’t leave his apartment and does nothing but comment on stupid videos. In a year Max Already had his own TV show. It’s even easier to make money online on another platform – Instagram. And now you don’t even have to invent anything to buy a new bag, just post beautiful photos.

How much do they pay for one post?

Of course, many popular Instagram girls never admit that, for example, the company Mixit(there is an account that is promoted by Instagram bloggers) paid them for advertising. It is believed that the price of a post varies depending on the number of subscribers. That is, if you have 500 thousand, one post on average will cost from 20 thousand rubles. But often it depends on the user's status.

Yes, model Alena Esipova (591 thousand subscribers) earns per month from online advertising on average from 300 thousand rubles. Same thing with Diana Melison With million followers. Photographer Anastasia Volkova (360 thousand subscribers), according to rumors, receives for one post 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on the quality of the content and the audience your profile is designed for.

If Melison is more interesting to lingerie brands and affordable brands of perfumes and cosmetics, then Volkova is considered a premium author (hence the prices are different).

As for celebrities, they don’t shy away from advertising, for example, Alena Vodonaeva And Ksenia Borodina. The only difference is that one advertising post has Borodina costs from 70 thousand rubles, A Vodonaeva he gets that kind of money for a series of photos (from three to five pictures).

The most expensive “star platform” for advertising is the account Ksenia Sobchak– from 250 thousand rubles for the post (can you imagine that?). Only bloggers can compete with her.

For example, Katya Klap earns per post from 100 thousand rubles. But the trick is that advertising appears on her profile much more often than on Sobchak.

How many subscribers do you need to start earning money?

We repeat: it is the user’s status that is more important. If you are a popular model with an active audience (and this is usually calculated by the number of comments and likes), then even with 50 thousand subscribers you can earn from 10 thousand rubles for the post It is also important how much advertisers understand the Internet market. Usually they can easily identify those who “wind up” their subscribers using special programs. And when from yours 300 thousand subscribers more than half "bots", it is unlikely that they will contact you with an offer of an impressive amount. So the quality of the audience plays an important role.

Typically, accounts with an audience in a million earn from 30 to 50 thousand rubles per post. This, for example, applies to the actress Irina Gorbacheva, who blew up the Internet with her videos, or Ravshana Kurkova(which also belongs to the premium class).

So, of course, you can start with half-naked photos and millions of hashtags, but it’s not a fact that it will work. Now advertisers are looking not only for pictures with sexy bodies, but also for high-quality pictures that can arouse genuine interest among users Instagram.

Examples of quality content on Instagram

It is very important not only to post photos, but also to communicate with subscribers: provoke them into discussions, ask for advice, or organize small competitions that also attract new audiences. Here are examples of accounts that really work: @kateclapp @sashaspilberg @daramuscat @lyubarskaya @glebovaanastasia

And in order to dispel all doubts and find out how to make money from your own selfies, we decided to consult with an expert blogger Leroy Lubarsky.

"Earnings in Instagram depends on the number of subscribed users and their activity. If you have 600 thousand subscribers, but the number of likes 10–12 thousand(this is not enough), then most potential advertisers (and subscribers) do not pay attention to the photos. Therefore, it is important to have contact with your audience: ask them questions, respond to their mood. A lot depends on the content - the more diverse and vibrant it is, the more likely it is to hook people. Let's remember the most interesting concept #followmeto - a vivid example of an account that really works and makes a profit. First of all, the content must be adequate. Advertisers are interested in the blogger's diverse position. You need to show your life from different sides. You need to prioritize your advertising correctly. Simply promoting something through your audience is wrong. And create interesting stories, somehow involving subscribers in them, organizing competitions together with brands - that’s what’s interesting! The subscriber should not be mistaken for an oblivious fanatic. It is necessary to build on his requests, interests and, of course, general mood. This way you can open something new for your audience. Resorting to third-party cheating is a bad idea. Let's start with the fact that this is visible (the ratio of the number of subscribers and activities), and all these “mutual likes and subscriptions” work for a small number of people. If you have interesting content, sooner or later the right audience will notice it, but mere popularity (numbers) does not play such an important role.”

Hello guys! I know that many have been waiting for this article from me for a long time, but you know that I will not write an article about making money until I try it on myself and get results.

How many subscribers do you think you need to make money? It is clear that the more there are, the more you can earn. If you make the right content and learn to sell wisely, then even with 100 subscribers you can get your first clients. So, the first way.

Selling your services

They mainly sell their services through Instagram:

  • people working for themselves, providing their services online and offline. For example, photographers, psychologists, business coaches, lawyers;
  • private entrepreneurs and companies. For example, beauty salons, car services, sports complexes, entertainment projects;
  • freelancers who work only via the Internet. For example, designers, copywriters, webmasters, programmers, etc.

I am a freelancer myself and this way I used to find clients from Instagram who needed to create and configure a website on WordPress. Now I prefer to earn money the second way.

Selling other people's goods and services

Selling other people's goods and services through affiliate programs is one of the easiest and most profitable ways.

All you need to do is find a product or service for the sale of which you will receive your commission, take an affiliate link to this product and recommend it in your Instagram profile or posts.

Due to the fact that the links in the description of the photo are inactive, a separate account is created for each product, and the link to it is in the profile, and the posts simply encourage you to purchase or learn about the product through this active link.

The most common thing I see a lot is a watch. They are sold through.

Here are some CPA networks where you can find hundreds of physical products:


On average, the commission from the sale of one product through the spa network is 200-600 rubles. If you recommend a specific product through a regular affiliate program, the commission can amount to thousands of rubles. I talk about this in more detail at the online marathon "".

Selling your goods

Who makes money on Instagram this way? Online stores, various manufacturers and those who make goods with their own hands! But mainly it is online stores and brick-and-mortar stores that attract customers in this way.

For example, regular customers or fans of a brand are happy to subscribe to the accounts of their favorite stores and follow new products through photographs, and then go and buy. Also, various promotions and discounts are often held through Instagram, which attracts the audience.

Earning money from selling advertising

Another interesting type of income for those who have many subscribers. Stars, bloggers, popular public pages on Instagram with an audience of several tens of thousands of people can charge from 500 to “as much as your conscience allows” rubles for an advertising post.

Would you like to receive 1,2,3 thousand rubles just for publishing a photo with a description or a story on your Instagram account? I think everyone would like to have such a source of income.

You can look at them how much people earn per post.

Promote accounts for money

Promoting accounts is probably the last way to make good money on Instagram. Now many companies that understand how many clients can be obtained from this social network, need promotion specialists.

These specialists are called “Instagram Managers”, their tasks include:

  1. Making a company profile.
  2. Creating content and a content plan that will gather an audience and bring clients.
  3. Account promotion in various ways.
  4. Mutual PR and advertising campaigns.

There is nothing complicated about it; if you want, you can learn it in a month or two. The average cost of maintaining an Instagram account is 5-20,000 rubles. Can you imagine if you find 2-3 companies for which you will manage Instagram for 20,000 rubles per month? Your income will be 40 - 60,000 rubles. And these are very real numbers, I would even say that this is the minimum wage. I personally know people who promote one page for 30,000 rubles a month.

Method for schoolchildren

Why did I call this method for schoolchildren? Because, I believe that here you can only earn money for chocolate or ice cream.

Using special services, you can make money on Instagram in 3 simple steps:

  1. Give likes.
  2. Subscribe to other users.