Okay Yandex you are a moron. What do people search for for the query “Yandex you’re a honey but Google is better”? Results for Google

Hello, to all readers of my blog, and today I want to write you an interesting post on the topic, Yandex, you are a honey. I don’t know, maybe you’ve heard, or maybe not, about this very piquant request, which, by the way, collects quite a decent amount of traffic. It’s the same story with the Google query “you honey.”

Having analyzed this request, I discovered for myself that it contains very great competition, but since the popularity of the request is very high, it would be a crime not to write about it.

Now you can say, they say, Yuri wrote a post about some nonsense or this is complete bullshit, but believe me, with such things and jokes, if not the future of the Internet, then very bright prospects are hidden. Read to the end and you will learn how you can collect large and targeted traffic from jokes.

So, what kind of request is this, why did I decide to write this post, and what’s going on in general? Let's try to figure out what's what, but, first, I would really ask you to enter the following phrase in Google, namely: Yandex, you are a honey.

Then we click on search and what do we see.

It turns out to us that he is not a sweetheart at all, right?? Well, since you have checked and are convinced that such a joke really exists, now you need to understand why this joke was created and what it gives to its author.

By the way, you can watch my short video on this topic:

Well, look, if there is such a joke, then someone created it and that someone is Mr. X. I’ll honestly tell you that if it weren’t for this request, I would hardly have recognized this person, but this is how he became more or less famous (even if he’s hiding behind a curtain of mystery). Now, many people come to his blog, and the bulk of the visitor data comes from this request.

Now, let's analyze this keyword. Naturally, from the very beginning, this request was zero, well, who would want to enter something that Yandex is so cute, right?! Then, the number of requests was created individually precisely with the creation of this response.

It turns out that the person created an interesting answer, as if the search engine itself was responding to the request, saying that he is not your sweetheart, some kind of sweetheart.

Yandex you are my sweetheart

So, we found out that this request appeared, well, someone accidentally entered it. Then, seeing the prospect of this, some person, and in this case, a blogger, created an answer to it, which many people liked, because it is really fun. Then, the time came when this request simply began to spread across the Internet like a virus.

“Hey, do you want a joke?? Want. Enter this phrase into Google. So what will happen? You enter and then you will see.” This way similar requests are distributed on the Internet, and in social networks they're just swarming. It turns out that this request is high-frequency, which means that if you promote it to good traffic, you can get stable traffic. I am sure that the author of this answer receives 100-200 visitors per day and this with minimal effort. Therefore, if you want to get good traffic, you will have to get a little creative this way.

Of course, now this query has been used many times, and the query “Google you honey” has become just a Runet joke; it can often be seen in public pages on social networks. Well, okay, there is an interesting request, a joke, but maybe there is an opportunity to create something similar yourself?

I think there's a good chance that you could create something like this yourself. For example, enter this query again, but don’t rush to click search, just look at what other answers people are looking for.

Well, I just can’t wrap my head around what’s on this in a simple way, many receive very decent traffic to their Internet resources, so if you want to get promoted, and very quickly, you will need to apply some rules.

And so, the rules for creating artificial HF requests:
– your request should be interesting;
– of course, that it must be unique, but, nevertheless, you can always spy on competitors;
– such a request should be fun. For example, Yandex, I love you, I'm waiting for you, well, something from this series;
– you can use these jokes in different search engines; naturally, this request will be difficult to promote in Yasha or Gosh.

Therefore, it’s a paradox, but it’s really true that you can be a total 0 in SEO, but, nevertheless, promote your Internet resource to 1000 traffic. I will definitely conduct an experiment where I will create such a request, which may well give very good and stable traffic. If you have not heard about this, then I recommend that you think about this issue today, because it seems to me that it is precisely such requests that can bring your site to good traffic.

Moreover, this traffic will be very targeted, since the people who come to you will read your article, which you tailor for this joke, and will also read your other articles.

Conclusion: the Internet is not only a place where you need to study SEO and promote your requests. On the Internet you can express your imagination and use this to promote your websites, blogs, online stores, and portals.

Well, well, the queries: Yandex you honey, Google you honey are now very popular, but nevertheless, now you can still find such queries that can also be well promoted.

That's all for me, bye everyone!
In order not to miss anything on my blog, I recommend that you subscribe to my blog updates .

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Sometimes, when searching, you come across results that make no sense. Regular users, I assume that in such a case they will enter another query, but users like us who are mired in searching and search engine optimization, continue to scratch their heads.

I collected these ten search results over the past couple of months and decided to post them on the blog so that a smart team could participate in the solution.

#10 – Google's Favorite University

#9 – Wikipedia as a safe search

I was hoping they read the text inside the Flash file, but since that's completely inaccessible, I'm guessing they just paid a lot of attention to everything with “attractive” anchor text. 🙂

#5 – Your website is not here

#3 – Where is a good place to get married?

I'm a busy person, and I have to fuss about the wedding a lot. So I was looking marriage license seattle, wa.

I was stopped by a government agency recommended by this card, I can say that it is good place to purchase a wedding license in Seattle. However, why no address is shown (even if you go to the map, you can’t find the address) and why the link leads to the wrong page (the correct URL is Seattle.gov or Metrokc.gov), I could not understand.

#2 – One of these domain queries is not like the others

It is not entirely clear why Google provides URL information upon request.

In general, a query on any other domain will return standard results, many of which include site links. Since domain queries are quite popular, I imagine there are a lot of confused users out there wondering why About was getting such weird results.

#1 – Math and the Beatles

Now I'm well aware that a week technically contains seven days, but sometimes there just isn't enough time, especially when you're in love. So the Beatles gave us Eight Days a Week... But Google says something strange about this.

It’s clear that this is 8 divided by 7, but I can’t understand why the calculator came out.

You can send comments or your observations on unexplained phenomena in the results Google search to Rand Fishkin's blog.

There are many users roaming the Internet who love to search for and create various jokes. At one time, this joke appeared: when the query “Google you honey” was entered into Google, the TITLE “I’m not your honey, you stupid bastard” appeared in the second place in the search results. Now this answer, thanks to the efforts of the young blogger Alexander Baryshevsky, appears in first place.

This is the answer from Google to the query “Google you honey”

The same joke worked for Yandex, i.e. If you now type in Yandex “Yandex you are a sweetheart”, “I am not your sweetheart, you stupid bastard” will appear in the search results again.

The trick also worked with Yandex

If you use the wordstst.yandex.ru service, you can see that users make a lot of stupid requests containing the words “Yandex, you’re a honey”:

  • Yandex you are a honey but Google is better;
  • Yandex I love you honey;
  • Google said that Yandex is a sweetheart, etc. etc.

Users make a lot of stupid requests containing the words “Yandex, you’re a honey”

Such requests are, on the one hand, low-competition (NC), and on the other hand, they have sufficient frequency so that they can receive traffic.

Conclusion: Such “stupid” queries can easily get traffic to a website or blog. Another question is how convertible such traffic will be.

In order for traffic to generate income in the form of clicks on the same contextual advertising, it is advisable to write articles talking about any products or services. Users click on advertising in such articles more willingly than in an article “nothing at all.” For those who want to properly promote their website or blog, we recommend reading the article

It’s strange, but I thought that everyone had forgotten about this stupid and useless request a long time ago. Three years have passed since I wrote an article for this request, and it is still in the TOP3 for the request “Yandex you honey.” These search engines are strange, but as they say, if there is search query, then there must be a search answer.

Not much of a backstory about how it came to my mind to push Yandex’s sweetie onto the Internet. I in no way claim that it was I who came up with this stupid request, but it is my merit in promoting it to the masses.

And it was like this. I came across this request purely by chance, and an idea came to my mind - why not write an article about it and bring it to the TOP. By the way, there was no competition at all at that time. I wrote a rather primitive article, spammed it with the key “Yandex, you honey,” and that’s it, after a while the first site in Yandex was mine!

Well, then the SEO people woke up and decided to push me a little, which I actually didn’t resist. Traffic for the Yandex request you honey was useless, the main contingent was schoolboys who only wanted swear words and boobs.

And now to the heart of the matter, I looked into Yanedex Wordstat and gasped! It turns out that in addition to the main request about Yandex, there is a lot of interesting junk that is also being searched for. And so, I don’t have enough patience for all the requests, I’ll voice 5 pieces. Well, let's go!

– request frequency - 38,765

To be honest, I was blown away! That these people have nothing better to do? But as they say about tastes, you can’t argue, although you should. I, personally, am interested in another “query”: what people want to know when they type a query into the search bar.

"Yandex Google honey"– request frequency - 6,607

I’m even more crazy, what if you try Yandex Mail Google Bingo Sweetheart? Is there any logic to this request? Or is it better to find out immediately whether Yandex and Google are sweethearts. There is no point in arguing, although maybe it would be better to ask separately - are you Google honey?

“Yandex is sweet but Google is better”– request frequency - 5,535

Until some time I agreed with this formulation, but lately both search engines have made me especially sad.

New algorithms, new ranking methods and other nonsense.

“Yandex honey, I love you”– request frequency - 2,129

Not a bad result, in my opinion, but what does love have to do with it? I had a wild desire to look at the person who asks such a search query. If anyone knows such people, I would like to ask you a huge request, please let me know.

“Yandex, sorry honey”- total request frequency – 172

There are very few people who want to apologize to Yandez. But, as always, I am concerned about a completely different question: why do people ask Yandex for forgiveness? Although it’s just a matter of chance that they may have once offended the search engine, but how can you offend Yandex?

There are still a dozen and a half variations of this request left, they are less interesting and with less frequency. If you're interested, you can see for yourself. Perhaps you will select a request for your site, but in principle there is not much competition, but such a request is of no use. And perhaps you will find a use for such traffic.

Over time, we begin to be surrounded by more and more information, from entertaining “memes” to quite serious popular science articles. How not to get lost in this sea of ​​content and get the most relevant answers to your queries? Of course use search engines.

Today we will look at the two most popular search engines from all sides and analyze them “piece by piece” and answer the rhetorical question - which is better, Yandex or Google? It is worth mentioning that the research will be based not only on statistical data, but also on a purely personal, subjective opinion, and the final result may differ from your preferences.

But before we begin, let's dive a little into history to understand how the Internet giants developed and whether Yandex is actually a “domestic” search engine.

A brief history of search engines Yandex and Google

Starting to work with search technologies, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich (the founding fathers of the company) assigned their brainchild a very “modest” role - searching for information on hard drives users. And only 4 years later, a web version of the search engine was ready, capable of indexing individual documents on the Internet.

In 1997, Yandex.ru began the fight for the Russian-language segment of the Internet with the leaders of that time - Rambler and Altavista, and in 2001 it overtook its competitors and became the most popular search tool in the CIS.

The name “Yandex” comes from the English phrase “Yet another indexer”, which literally means – Another indexer.

On at the moment, the company is 20 years old, and it still occupies a leading position in the “ru-net”. The legal address is located in the Netherlands - here you have a “domestic” search engine.
The company says that to build search results, the bot uses more than 1,300 algorithms, but the main focus is on the content of the page and text, in particular.

The beginning of the largest search engine in the world was laid when writing a dissertation by then Stanford student Larry Page. Its main topic was building index results based on the quantity and quality of external links to a document (PageRank algorithm). Later, Page’s friend Sergei Brin, a child of Soviet emigrants, joined in the writing.

The first version of Google became available in 1996, at google.stanford.edu, and only at the end of 1997, the search engine acquired its current address - google.com.

The name Google comes from “Googol,” which is a number with one hundred zeros. When registering a domain name, there was an error in the spelling of the address, which the founders liked and decided to keep it.

Just like 20 years ago, the PageRank algorithm is one of the main ones when constructing search results. Therefore, it is much easier to manipulate them than in Yandex, despite constantly updated filters that punish sites for such actions.

Visual component and “Usability”

Ease of use is an integral part of determining the best search engine. Availability of advertising, additional services and recommendations will distract users from the ultimate goal - obtaining the necessary information.

Turning to the main pages of search engines, we see:

  • Minimalistic design of Google, the basis of which is the “search bar” and “Doodle”, and all additional services are available by clicking the button in the upper right corner;
  • Full of information, from the level of traffic jams to the search bar in the center - Yandex. I deliberately do not take into account the same minimalistic page - ya.ru, since the main one is yandex.ru.

The goal of any company is profit. The bulk of Google's profits, thanks to its widespread presence around the world, comes from advertising units in search results. Yandex, not having such extensive traffic, has set a course to conquer all sorts of niches on the Internet and displace its main competitors in them, disguising such activities with concern for users. It is worth noting that some services are very worthy and “have the right to exist.”

Although the search bar is in the center of the user’s attention, the whole page load and imposition own services, make me give Google a well-deserved final score for Usability.

Google and Yandex search results, which is better?

The main component when evaluating search engines is how relevant the search results were to the user's query. Several types of search phrases will help you be more objective in your assessment:

  • Informational;
  • Commercial;
  • Ambiguous requests.

The purity of the experiment can be spoiled by “personalized results” based on earlier requests and site visit history. I hope it’s no secret that Yandex and Google collect, process and store information about each visit. Also, the results will not include the issuance for mobile devices.

Information requests

For information purposes, for our test, we chose “how to check ping” - a fairly common question and quite unambiguous. Search conditions for Yandex - Moscow region, desktop version of the browser, for Google - Russia region (it is not possible to specify the location more precisely), desktop version of the browser.

Yandex search results, are constructed as follows:

  1. 9 out of 10 are very informative informational articles.
  2. A page from the search engine’s “help” page also made it into the top ten.

Bottom line: the search results fully meet the user’s request, but there are no videos or services for verification.

Google results, look different.

  1. In the first place, we are greeted by the same page from the “help”.
  2. 5 out of 10 places are occupied by informational articles.
  3. 2 spaces are reserved for video instructions.
  4. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the service for verification.

Bottom line: the top ten results are 100% responsive keyword, entered by the user and does not force him to make additional clicks in search of information.

Commercial and Regional requests

We chose “pizza with home delivery” as a commercial request, without specifying a specific location, but implying Sochi. In the search settings we will set automatic detection locations based on IP address.

Results for Yandex:

  1. 10 out of 10 places are occupied by pizzerias that deliver in the specified region.
  2. There is only one thing that confuses us - in addition to the search results, there are 8 advertisements on the page, you must agree - this is too much.

Results for Google:

  1. Only 3 out of 10 places match the request and offer delivery in the required city.
  2. 6 out of 10 places offer delivery in Perm, Buzuluk, Moscow and Tula.
  3. The first and second places were given to the same site, but with different regional affiliations.
  4. Only 2 can brighten up a sad picture advertisements(although they offer delivery to Sochi).

IN Google search engine, under the search bar there is a button “I’m feeling lucky”, which redirects directly to one of the search results. Try it, maybe you’ll be lucky to find the answer you need on the first try?

Bottom line: Yandex.ru confidently coped with the task, disappointing with the amount of advertising. Google failed to cope with the task, leaving us hungry :). The situation can get worse if your location is not determined correctly, this often occurs among Rostelecom users.

Ambiguous requests

Technologies have reached a serious level, but there is still a long way to go to fully-fledged artificial intelligence, capable of correctly understanding human needs. Therefore, we will try to mislead search engines with an “ambiguous query” - Napoleon, meaning not the commander, but the recipe for the cake.

It is this search phrase that appears in the description of the “Spectrum” technology, used to rank similar queries in Yandex. But will it do a better job than Google?

Results in Yandex:

  1. The search results are dominated by information regarding the French commander (biography) and only one result allows you to prepare a cake.
  2. The page contains an interactive map with the address of the confectionery and an honest note that the establishment is no longer operating.

Google results:

  1. The output looks more diverse, although it mostly relates to Bonaparte, but there are links to both biographies and journalistic articles. P.S. You can also make a cake :).
  2. I was confused by the link to the English version of WikiPedia and the map with 3 marks of the same establishment, which also does not work.

Bottom line: in a specific experiment, the “Spectrum” technology is sent to Yandex for improvement, because significantly inferior to the opponent in results.

User choice. Who is more popular Yandex or Google

Many analysts and bloggers claim - based on Google statistics overtook its domestic colleague in terms of attendance back in the spring of 2017. But is everything so clear? Or are there pitfalls that they are silent about?

Indeed, looking at one of the few available sources - Liveinternet statistics - you will see confirmation of this.

These are statistics on transitions from search engines to sites with an installed traffic counter. This information directly indicates the number of users using search engines to find information rather than access mail or maps.

But why does everyone forget one very important fact - Google has this advantage thanks to operating system Android and its own built-in search. The mobile device market is constantly growing, and statistics are also growing, but only because of the lack of awareness of users.

Indirect confirmation of Yandex's leading position is their own statistics - Radar.

As we see from reliable sources, users prefer Yandex and its search algorithms over their foreign counterpart. Whether this situation is due to more aggressive marketing or actually better quality results is anyone’s guess.

Summary and comparison table

It is impossible to say with certainty that Yandex is better or Google, because the world consists of many shades, not just black and white. Same with search engines, one is better at searching for regional queries, the other for informational ones. The purpose of this article was not an exact definition of a “leader” - there is no such thing, I just wanted to show the subtle points during the search that you may not have paid attention to.

And in the end, I have summarized all the results in a table to help you decide which is better, but I have already decided a long time ago, and the Google search is in the address bar.

* All ratings are subjective and for illustrative purposes.
