The new iPhone 7 battery drains quickly. iPhone discharges quickly. Testing the standby mode

The battery on the iPhone 7 plus runs out quickly - a frequent “trouble” that electronic users encounter. Apple technology. The reasons for the incorrect behavior of a gadget are different: from intensive use of the phone to failure of the power source. If the battery's energy reserves are "melting before our eyes" at rest, it's time to act.

Battery charge is rapidly dropping - why?

The iPhone discharges quickly due to the following factors:

  1. Reduced battery capacity after 500-1000 charging cycles. If the device is older than two years, the reason for the reduced duration battery life clear. Usually, after 3 years of using the phone, the power supply needs to be replaced.
  2. Battery failure. The component breaks as a result of powerful impacts from the gadget, “hard” landings, or moving the iPhone from warm to cold and vice versa.
  3. Damage to the controller. Prerequisites for element failure are mechanical influences, force loads, and “wetting” of the device.
  4. The use of Chinese chargers instead of original devices.

Also, the battery on the iPhone 7 runs out quickly due to the owner of the phone. Many users do not let go of their mobile phone every day. Watching movies and listening to music online, chatting social networks, searching for information on websites - all these actions can “drain” the battery reserve in a few hours.

Please note. If possible, stop using 3G mobile Internet. Give preference to accessing the network through wireless connection Wi-Fi. It is less energy-consuming. Yes, and faster.

Ways to save battery power

Of course, it’s an annoying situation when the battery starts to run out instantly, the iPhone turns off at the wrong time and there is no way to “power” it from the mains. Every owner of a “junk” device should know what to do so that the device begins to consume energy resources economically. So:

  • lower the brightness level of the touch screen;
  • activate energy saving mode;
  • do not leave background programs hanging;
  • deactivate application push notifications;

If after these manipulations the situation does not improve, contact the Zamena-IPhone service center.

Quick solution to battery problems

The question is, why does the iPhone 7 plus discharge very quickly? Our repair service staff will diagnose the phone, find and eliminate the cause of the problem. Master:

  • disassemble the gadget;
  • disconnect the cables;
  • if necessary, repair or replace a damaged controller;
  • remove the worn-out battery and replace it with a new one;
  • will test the iPhone.

iPhone 7 battery replacement in St. Petersburg is carried out using original components.

If you want to increase the battery life of your iPhone to that stated by the manufacturer, call now. The hands of our masters work wonders. After a couple of hours, the client will receive a working Apple device and a receipt guarantee for the work and replaced components.

Don’t rush to get too upset, this problem is solved in 95% of cases, I’ve encountered it myself. In this article I will tell you what actions can and should be taken to understand the cause of this malfunction and how to deal with it. There can actually be many reasons why the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus quickly discharges, because it is a complex device. The model does not matter; both users of old iPhones and owners of the newest models can encounter charging problems. Let's see what options we have.

Why does iPhone 7 and Plus drain quickly? How to diagnose at home.

First you need to understand whether the battery really discharges quickly or whether it really should work like that. If the phone quickly dies when you use the navigator while talking on the phone, then fast discharge in this case is normal, because the load on the phone is high. And if the battery charge is melting before your eyes and you are not using the phone, then there really is a problem and we will solve it.
The simplest and most accessible test method at home is to fully charge the phone and leave it in standby mode overnight. If everything is fine with him, then for this iPhone time 7 and 7 Plus will be discharged by no more than 3-5% - this figure can be considered the norm. If it drops within 5-25%, then most likely the problem is in the battery. You can check the battery yourself using special program, I’ll tell you about this too, but a little lower in the text. If you wake up and find your phone turned off or with 10-30% battery remaining, it is quite possible that the iPhone 7 is quickly draining due to a faulty motherboard. Let's look at the reasons for discharge in more detail.

Why does iPhone 7 and 7 Plus drain quickly? Three reasons why your battery drains quickly.

I will list the most common problems leading to rapid battery drain, starting with the most popular ones and ending with more rare “diseases”, here they are:

  • The battery is already old and has simply exhausted its capacity.
  • Problem with software. iOS crashed and it started eating up the battery.
  • A malfunction of the motherboard is usually accompanied by strong heating of the phone. Some element of the motherboard has failed, is heating up and consuming more power than it should.

I think I need to tell you about each problem in more detail.

The battery on your iPhone 7 or Plus drains quickly due to wear and tear.

This fault accounts for perhaps 80% of calls. On average batteries They live normally for 1-2 years. If you are an active user, communicate a lot or play games, and new iPhone If you charge it several times a day, the battery will most likely last even less before replacement. You can understand that the battery has served its purpose by the following signs:

  • The problem of rapid discharge did not appear suddenly at one moment, but began to appear gradually;
  • The battery discharges quickly and at the same time charges just as quickly;
  • The phone can turn off and reboot whenever it wants;
  • The charging percentage jumps sharply. An iPhone can show 100%, and after a couple of minutes it will be, for example, 70%.

In general, this is quite normal. The battery is consumables and its replacement is quite natural. There are several ways to check the battery capacity. You can download an application that reads the battery status from the AppStore - just type the word “Battery” into the search and the store will offer you many programs that will show the battery capacity and the number of recharge cycles. Recharge cycles are a count of the number of times complete discharge and charging your phone. Normal life indicator iPhone batteries 7 and Plus are approximately 600-700 such cycles. Moreover, they are counted even if you do not let the phone completely discharge. But unfortunately, not all programs show the exact state of the battery and the computer comes to the rescue. For MacOS there is good program coconutBattery, it will fairly accurately show the wear and general condition of the battery. In general, I have a whole one, if you are interested, go ahead and read it too;) If the listed symptoms suit you, then there is a 90% chance of a replacement iPhone battery will solve the problem of fast discharge.

iPhone 7 or 7 Plus crashes quickly due to a software error.

In this case, there are even two options. Option one - the problem is in the phone settings, or rather in the backup copy. I have encountered this phenomenon several times. If you set up the phone as new without restoring client data from a copy, then it works absolutely fine. But as soon as you restore it from a backup, the battery begins to melt before your eyes. In this case, you will have to save all important data and “start life from scratch” by restoring the iPhone to its factory state.
The second option is to optimize your phone settings. To do this you need:

  1. Turn off Wi-fi, Bluetooth, and Location Services (GPS) unless you need them in the near future.
  2. Turn off LTE if you need higher speeds on at the moment No. For communication on Whatsapp, 3G will be sufficient. LTE drains your phone more. This can be done in "Settings" - " Cellular Communications" - "LTE Settings" - "Enable LTE" - "Off". There, in the “Cellular Communications” section, you can turn off cellular data for individual programs. This means that they will not be in background and when starting them, use the Internet.
  3. Turn off content updates for programs you don't use. Content updating is when programs receive data in the background, even when they are not running. This can be done in "Settings" - "General" - "Content Update" and turn off unnecessary programs.
  4. If you have a lot mailboxes, but you don’t read mail often, you can limit the automatic downloading of mail in the background mode - Push. To do this you need to go to "Settings" - " Accounts and passwords" - "Loading data". Next, you can either turn off Push altogether, or scroll down the page a little lower and set a larger or smaller interval. If you turn off Push, the battery will drain more slowly, but to update your mail you will have to manually go into the Mail application. If you set a larger interval, the battery will drain more slowly, and the email check interval will increase. If you reduce it, then the opposite is true - the iPhone battery runs out faster, and mail is checked more often.
  5. If you have live wallpapers, then it is better to install regular static ones. Turn off the parallax effect (When the background moves slightly to the sides when you tilt the phone), you can do this in "Settings" - "General" - "Universal Access" - "Reduce Motion" - Switch the slider to the "On" position.
  6. Remove programs from multitasking frequently. On an iPhone with a home button, this is done by quickly double-pressing the home button and swiping running programs up. On the iPhone X, you need to pull the bottom of the screen up to the middle and hold your finger briefly, then press and hold the program card until a red circle appears in its upper right part and also swipe the program up or press the circle.

On the one hand, it seems that all these measures are a trifle. But if you check all these 6 points and optimize the phone’s performance, then in total they can give a good increase and the iPhone 7 Plus will discharge more slowly. If you know other ways to save battery, write to us by email and we will definitely add material to the article.

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus heat up and quickly discharge due to a faulty motherboard.

The motherboard in the iPhone 7 is the most important part. This is literally the brains and memory of the phone. Looks like motherboard like this:

I hope you and I managed to understand the cause of the malfunction, now let's see what can be done about all this!

How can I solve the problem with iPhone 7 and 7 Plus quickly draining?

At home, usually the most you can do is check and optimize your phone settings. To replace the battery and, especially, to repair the board, it is better to contact good service. Of course, you can try replacing the battery yourself. But be careful, as our practice shows, if you have never disassembled such electronics, then it is better to find someone with experience. For example, peeling off the battery of iPhone 5 and newer is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. iPhone displays 7 models, when opened, open downwards and to the side, and you have to be very careful with the display cables so as not to damage them. If you do not gently pull the screen, then iPhone cable 7 may come off and you will have to change the display. We once repaired a side button controller that broke when the owner tried to replace the iPhone battery. The service provides a guarantee that a defective battery will be quickly replaced, but replacing a part purchased in an online store is expensive. In a word, there are nuances. To avoid red tape and possible unpleasant consequences self-replacement battery for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, it is better to contact the service. But if you are confident in your abilities, we will not try to convince you otherwise.
There is nothing to say about soldering, you understand - such repairs are only possible within the walls of the Service. Also in the Service you can more accurately determine on the spot why the iPhone 7 is quickly discharged and not go through all the options using scientific poking;)


In this article I tried to answer the most popular questions. If you require additional advice, then do not hesitate - call, write in instant messengers, email, or come to our services, we will definitely tell and show you everything. You can view prices for repairs

Instructions: Various factors can provoke the analyzed incorrect behavior of the iPhone 7+, which will have to be repaired in different ways:

  1. The battery has lost its standard capacity or simply does not work properly due to a defect;
  2. The power controller is broken after the mobile phone fell or got wet;
  3. The battery on the iPhone 7+ began to run out very quickly; instructions and DIY repairs will not help if there are hidden internal faults or the consequences of liquid penetration (for example, corrosion, oxidation).

Result: The first option is quite possible to do at home yourself, but if you have the 2nd or 3rd options, then they can only be fixed at a service center.

Repair at the Apple Telemama service center

DIY repair

Our advantages

  1. We always use only factory-made, original, high-quality spare parts.
  2. Price. To reduce prices for our customers, we purchase components in bulk directly from the manufacturer.
  3. Repair time. As a rule, replacing displays, speakers, connectors, etc. lasts from 20 minutes. In case of complex breakdowns, another 20 minutes are needed for diagnosis.
  4. 1 year warranty.

If the battery on your iPhone 7+ runs out very quickly, we have instructions and do-it-yourself repairs. If your iPhone needs repair, we will help you do everything necessary. We will also assist with delivery - call the courier to your home. You can come to the SC in person.

Before we begin troubleshooting your iPhone 7+, our employees will conduct free computer diagnostics, tell you what to do and agree on the cost with you further actions. For replacement, they will definitely choose original parts with a quality guarantee.

When we repair your equipment, we will hand it over to the owner personally or send it to your address by courier. In the future, we will service your and your friends’ equipment at a discount. To receive a discount, you just need to provide your order number.

We have been repairing iPhone 7 Plus gadgets for quite a few years. We also spend time advising clients on how to repair equipment themselves at home. But that’s not all: we sell original components for modern technology with a guarantee. For prices of parts, see the price list. There you will also find prices for the services of our experienced specialists. Before you start repairing the communicator in question with your own hands, carry out preliminary computer diagnostics. There is always a system of discounts for regular customers. Under the terms of our promotions, each of you will be able to repair your iPhone 7 Plus at cost and with a 1-year warranty.

We need a mobile phone in order to be in touch at any time and anywhere. But it often happens that the battery on a smartphone becomes unusable. Despite the fact that Apple company strives for perfection and wants to make every model new iPhone devices more invulnerable, it still happens that breakdowns occur.

What can cause your phone to drain quickly?

On iPhone 7, the battery drains quickly if there are many background applications running. automatic update or the economy mode is not configured. But sometimes the problem lies deeper. In addition to discharge, a sign that the battery on the iPhone 7 is quickly draining can also be that the gadget is charging too slowly. Under normal conditions, the phone should charge in 3-4 hours. But if your device is charging before full battery more than 10 hours and at the same time sits down very quickly, then this is a reason to think about the reasons for such a malfunction.

The reasons why the iPhone 7 discharges quickly are the following:

  1. The device software has crashed.
  2. The battery charging port is dirty or unusable.
  3. If the user used a non-original charger when charging the battery.
  4. The components that are responsible for charging the battery have become partially or completely unusable.

Experts can suggest a reasonable solution in this matter. service center. They are the ones who will be able to find the cause of the problem and fix it efficiently.

With everyone iOS update 10 Apple adds new features and fixes current bugs. However, the problem with autonomy has plagued iPhone and iPad owners since the very first version. Fortunately, there are several ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Check installed applications

Before you blame iOS 10 for all its sins, think about the fact that something else could be draining your battery. First of all check installed applications. Most likely, one of the programs affects autonomy too much.

Go to Settings -> Battery and use the Battery Usage feature. iOS will show you which apps are using the most energy.

If you see abnormal discharge, open App Store and check for software updates, because developers often fix bugs with updates. If there are no updates, try reinstalling the program. This may solve the battery problem.

Check out the widgets

Widgets are extremely important in iOS 10. But if you have a lot of interactive elements installed, this can reduce the battery life of your device on a single charge.

To get started, from the home screen, swipe right, scroll through the list of widgets to the very end and click the “Edit” button. Here you will see a large list of services and applications that work with widgets. To remove an unwanted widget, simply click on the red circle next to it.

Use power saving mode

If you haven't used the power saving mode in iOS before, now is the time. This mode is extremely important, as it allows you to save 10-20% of the charge. To activate the function, go to Settings -> Battery and turn on “Power Saving Mode”.

Use Airplane Mode

If you suddenly experience rapid battery drain, it may be because you are in an area with poor coverage cellular network. When you're in a dead zone, iPhone tries to actively search for a signal, which affects battery life. In this case, it is recommended to activate offline mode work.

Airplane mode is located at the very beginning of the Settings menu. Enabling it disables everything wireless technologies, but Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can be activated separately.

Disable iCloud Keychain

If you don't store passwords in iCloud, try turning off iCloud Keychain. To do this, go to Settings -> iCloud -> Keychain and deactivate the function. If positive result no, you can always turn it on.

Limit background app updates

Do you need every app to update content in the background? No? Then you should turn it off background updates, which will have a positive impact on both the performance and autonomy of your device.

Open Settings -> General -> Content Update and disable the function completely or update individual applications.

Adjust screen brightness

Apple devices use a light sensor to automatically adjust screen brightness. Sometimes these sensors work well, sometimes not so much, so if you have problems with operating time, it is better to manually set the brightness settings.

Try turning off auto brightness. To do this, go to Settings -> Display and brightness. After turning off auto brightness, you can easily adjust it yourself through Control Center.

Turn off Raise to Activate

The Raise to Wake feature is very useful, but disabling it can have a positive impact on battery life since the coprocessor will not continuously register the position of the iPhone. Go to Settings -> Display & Brightness and turn off Raise to Wake.

Restart your iPhone or iPad

The fastest solution may be to simply reboot the gadget. Press and hold the power button and then swipe to turn off the device. This often solves battery problems.

You can also try performing a “hard reboot”. To do this, hold down the power button and the Home button (Volume Down button on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus) for 10 seconds. You won't lose any data.

Reset all settings

If none of the above helps, try a more radical method - resetting the settings. Open Settings -> General -> Reset and click “Reset all settings”. After this, all your settings will be returned to factory settings.


For a limited period after updates are released, you can downgrade to previous version iOS. However, take care of this as soon as possible, as after a while Apple time stops signing firmware and downgrading is not possible.

Update iOS 10

If you do not have the latest version of iOS installed, on the contrary, update the system. There is a high probability that the current build will fix the problem.

Perform a system restore

You should only resort to this method if nothing else works, as this will temporarily delete data from your device. After iOS installations 10 you can restore all information using a backup copy.

Connect your iPhone to your computer and save the backup to your PC. Also you can create backup copy in iCloud.

Turn off Find My iPhone. Settings -> iCloud -> “Find iPhone”.
In iTunes, click the "Restore" button.

Follow the onscreen instructions and iOS 10 will be completely reinstalled.
Once complete, restore your data from the backup you created earlier.

Take the device for diagnostics

If all else fails, take your device to a professional. Perhaps the problem does not lie in the software. If your devices are under warranty, they can replace your iPhone for free.

Buy a battery case

Cases with an extra battery may look terrible and bulky, but they will often help you out in a difficult situation, especially if you go on a trip. – not the worst option.

Buy an external battery

If you value the design of your iPhone and don't want to mess it up with bulky cases, consider purchasing a portable charger. Today, such gadgets are very thin and light, but can still charge your iPhone many times over.
