The program protection key or the obtained software license was not found - Solution. No license found. The program protection key or the received software license was not found - Solution File not found 1s 8.3

"? - a similar error is typical for inexperienced administrators who are transforming the 1C platform to another version. Moreover, it appears when transferring to the senior and previous (lower order).

Checking the installation

When you specify a version on the database launch page that is inadequate to the configuration, then, naturally, the system sees the parameter mismatch and cannot launch the correct object. The program returns a notification to the user: “not found installed version 1C:Enterprise". The one specified in the settings simply cannot be launched.

The fix requires replacing its value with the appropriate configuration.

As suggested by the picture:

This means installation new platform passed without changes in the startup starter settings.

A possible relevance of the bug “the installed version of 1C:Enterprise was not detected” is the installation with errors of one platform instead of the previous one.

The 1C program starts using one of the files:

  • If this is 1cv8.exe, then the release of the directory where the *.exe executable file is stored is launched;
  • If - 1CEStart.cfg file ( standard way), then the program selects the release independently (deleting releases in this regard is undesirable). Its settings may contain false values ​​for the configuration. The consequence of this is an incorrect launch.

We need to remove it.

An example of an approximate route to the file is visible from the figure:

If the conflict cannot be eliminated, you need to delete all platform files (temporary ones too) and install them again.

At present, the difficulty discussed in this publication rarely occurs. Basically, the collision with it occurred during the massive transition to the third 1C version from the previous one.

But if you are destined to meet it, then now you are armed with the appropriate knowledge.

When launching the 1C Accounting program, the operator may encounter the message “License not found. The application's protection key was not found or the received software license" The occurrence of this problem may be associated with a change in the system configuration, as a result of which 1C recognized the system as qualitatively new, or with incorrect settings of 1C itself (in particular, the network settings of the nethasp.ini configuration file). In this material I will analyze in detail the reasons for this error, and also explain how to fix it.

Causes of dysfunction

The “License not found” error usually occurs in a situation where the 1C program did not detect a license file (usually with the .lic extension) on the local PC (or server), which makes it possible to fully launch the specified system.

This situation may arise due to the following factors:

How to fix “License not found” in 1C

Let's look at ways to get rid of the error “License not found. The program protection key or the received software license was not detected" on 1C user systems:

  1. Before starting the program, disable your firewall;
  2. Install “Alladin monitor” into the system. This product shows the use of licenses in the network version of the program. Use it to verify that your system has an installed license;
  3. When using a hardware license, in the infobase window, click on “Settings” and check the box next to the “Use hardware license” option if there is no such checkbox there;
  4. Edit the Nethasp.ini file, which is located at the following path:

Open this file and write there the IP addresses of client PCs and the names of license managers. To do this, in the specialized section, indicate:

Then in the section, specify the IP address of the license manager server (should look like NH_SERVER_ADDR = required IP), and the name of the license managers (NH_SERVER_NAME = manager name).

The name of the manager is preliminarily indicated in the section in the form NHS_SERVERNAMES = name 1, name 2, and so on.

  • Activate your existing license. If you receive a message about the absence of a detected license, click on “Yes” and indicate the path to install the license (local PC or server).
  • Then we select the option of obtaining a license initially, re-obtaining it, or updating it. We set the visibility of the license to “All computer users”, select the method of obtaining it - manual, automatic, digital media. We fill out the registration form, after which we save the data in a file that we place in the directory:

Quite often we hear complaints that the program suddenly “broke” and does not start in both “1C: Enterprise” mode and “Configurator” mode. This news is especially unpleasant in a situation where you urgently need to submit accounting or tax reports. In this article we will discuss possible reasons and most importantly, a method for restoring the functionality of the information base when one of these critical errors occurs.

We will talk about the situation when normal startup program, that is, in the "1C: Enterprise" mode, the error "Missing database file" is displayed.

It turns out that the information base was not detected due to the absence of a database file at the address where this file was previously located.

After reading, we can click “OK”, and in the previous window the “Quit” button, since restarting will not solve this problem.

When you start the configurator in this case, you will be asked to create a new database, but since you need to open the “old” working database, we select “No”.

The reason for this "behavior" of the program could be the deletion of the folder with the database, or its movement, renaming, or the path to the database was corrected in the launch window.

What actions should be taken in this situation? First, the path to the base, which was mentioned above. You can view it in the launch window by highlighting the information base we need.

It is precisely at this address that the program accesses the database, and if it does not find it there, then it produces errors of this kind. So you need to check that this address is correct. You can go all the way through “My Computer” and find out what happened to the folder containing the database. In the example under consideration, this is the “demo base” folder.

As you can see, the required folder was not in the specified location. The task is to determine whether the folder was renamed or moved, for example, to another local disk. Most often, folders with databases suffer at the moment when someone wants to “put things in order” in the data stored on the computer. Think, maybe you will remember what happened to the folder you were looking for.

In our case, it was simply renamed. When the reason has been determined, we have the opportunity to register a new path to the information base in the 1C settings.

By selecting this database, go to the "Change" button. In the first window that opens asking you to specify a name, click Next. Then the next window opens, where we re-register the new correct path that appeared in the current circumstances.

The launch window now displays the new path to the database.

I hope that the described steps will help you independently help the program find the lost one. information base and eliminate problematic situations with minimal loss of time.

It happens that when we launch 1C, we are greeted with a not very happy message that says that an error has occurred: “The installed version of 1C Enterprise was not detected.”


The user thinks: “Why? After all, everything was still working yesterday! We just gave the computer to a specialist, and they changed the operating system for us, but they transferred 1C to us....,” and other similar thoughts.

A similar error may appear when creating or adding new base, after incorrect installation program platform, removal or change system files. What is its reason?

The cause of the problem is the settings of the 1CEStart.cfg file. This file is used when starting the 1C platform through the 1cestart.exe file, which automatically detects the last installed platform and launches it. If there are problems with startup, it means that the wrong value is written there.

File path C:\Users\<ИмяПользователя>\AppData\Roaming\1C\1CEStart. You can clarify it by opening the “Settings” button in the 1C program launch window.


In the settings window of the launch dialog, we see the path to the configuration templates directory, and the Roaming folder appears in it. This is the same folder we need.


Let's open this folder through Explorer. We see the desired folder with files.



Let's open the file. When choosing a program, we indicate - open with Notepad. It specifies the directory path of the template files and additional options. When making program launch settings, the “1cestart.cfg” file in the user’s directory is changed automatically, and the common file (for all users) is changed only during the installation of the 1C:Enterprise platform. The “UseHwLicenses” parameter controls the search for a protection key when starting 1C:Enterprise. The value is “1”, which means that a search for a security key is being performed.


The following situation arises: an attempt is made to launch a certain version of the platform, but the file does not find it. Therefore, the first thing we need to do is look at what platforms we have installed on our computer.

Installed versions of the 1C:Enterprise platform

The platform is installed in the folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8”.


When installing (updating) a new platform, the old ones are not deleted and are also stored on disk. By opening “Programs and Features” from the “Control Panel” section, we can also see a list of installed 1C:Enterprise platforms. If necessary, this is where we can delete old, unused versions.


One way to solve the problem is to delete the 1CEStart.cfg file from the C:\Users\ folder<ИмяПользователя>\AppData\Roaming\1C\1CEStart. This is a temporary file and the program will create it again.

If the problem is not resolved, let's check what platform launch parameters are set. You can view this in the “Change” button in the program launch window. Perhaps there is a specific platform release installed there that is not on our list. The launch version of "1C:Enterprise" must be installed - 8.3, i.e. the program will select the latest installed version.


If there are any problems with the 1C platform, it may not even be on the list installed components. In this case, immediately notice whether it is in the “Start” button. If you don’t like something here, then another option to solve the problem is to simply reinstall the desired 1C:Enterprise platform.

It happens that somehow, when transferring data, the folder with the program was simply copied and transferred, for example, to another computer or when changing operating system, but the program was not installed and the computer does not see it. Those. This is an incorrect transfer or installation option.

Before installing the platform, you can (even need to) delete all temporary files of previous installations located in the C:\Users\ folder<ИмяПользователя>\AppData\Roaming\1C\1cv8.


Please note that when installing a new platform on a user's computer, the same platform must be installed on all other computers when the program is running over the network.

When working with 1C, an error may occur: External component file not found.

After reading the article, you will learn:

  • how to determine the cause of this error;
  • Get recommendations on how to fix the problem.

The error External component file not found occurs when used in 1C additional services, For example:

  • Bank Statement Service;
  • Bank monitoring service;
  • Registration service;
  • Morpher declination service;
  • Service Spark risks;
  • etc.

Each such loaded service in 1C has its own constant. If you open the 1C Configurator, then in the branch Constants you can see a list of these specialized constants.

When loading the specified services, the constant is “cocked” to the position Used.

If for some reason when making bank statements, declination of full name in document forms, etc. an error appears that the external component file was not found, you need to start by checking the state of the constants responsible for this component in 1C.

You can view the state of the constant from 1C: button Main menu - All functions - Constants.

The service flag must be cocked. If the service is not used, the program does not “see” the component. Set the service flag manually.

If, after setting the flag, the 1C component does not automatically load the component, you have to “load” it “manually”. In these cases, programmers write that allow you to load the required component yourself.

The full name declination service in the 1C program has stopped working. The programmer wrote external processing, which checks the state of the constant Use the Morpher declination service and loading the component forcibly.

IN program code processing, the programmer prescribed forced installation of a constant Use DeclensionMorpher Service to download the Morpher service.

Step-by-step instructions for processing the installation of the Morpher service.

Step 1. Connecting external processing in the program.

Open the form for connecting external printed forms, reports and processing in 1C: section Administration - Program settings - Printable forms, reports and processing - Additional reports and processing.

By button Add from file ...load external processing.

Step 2. Setting up external processing.

Specify the processing location section and the users who are granted access to it.

Step 3. Start processing.

Go to the section you specified in the settings and open the link Additional processing .

In the additional processing window, place the cursor on the specified processing and click the button Execute .

Step 4. Checking the Morpher service connection.

Check the use of the service in the program using the button Check .

Step 5. Installing the Morpher service.

Enable the use of the Morpher service and download the corresponding component programmatically using the button Apply .

Step 6. Check the installation of components by button Examination .

The service is loaded!

In addition to problems with loading components, the cause of the error may be the 1C Platform used. It is for components built into the program that the error is often caused purely technical parameters Platforms used by 1C users.

And don’t forget the most important rule when searching for errors: before delving deeply into the problem, reboot your computer or server if it’s not a file one. and client-server 1C. Often it is this simple method that gives excellent results. Especially if everything used to “work” and suddenly... stopped.

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