What to do if nokia xl does not turn on. Return to factory firmware and restore "dead" Nokia Android smartphones. Restoring a Nokia phone from a brick state

Hello again! :) Looking through the comments to the article, I began to notice more and more problematic issues associated with the use of Nokia Care Suite. It immediately occurred to me to write an article about alternative way firmware for Android smartphones, which everyone has known about for a very long time - using the FastBoot utility. The method is quite simple for people who know how to work with the console, but as practice shows, very few people know about the existence of the console :). But just recently I found a small program called Nokia X Flasher, which, in fact, is a shell for the FastBoot utility already familiar to everyone, after which I was finally ready to write this article, since even a child can cope with this program :) However, I’ll immediately note that you can use This method is better, however, only when the Nokia Care Suite method does not work.

Let’s insert some text from the previous article, because we’re too lazy to invent new ones:

As usual, you must understand that you do all manipulations at your own peril and risk, that neither I, as the author, nor our club (site or msgadgets.ru) bear any responsibility for possible damage caused to the device, etc. . Remember this! If you are ready to take a risk, continue reading the article; no, let’s continue to walk around our site.

As usual, the phone needs to be charged, even if it doesn’t turn on, but be sure to put it on charge for at least 30 minutes. Next, we need to get the original firmware for the smartphone. In this article I will do everything with Nokia X, but for other models only the product code will be different, all actions are the same as Nokia X."

Let's proceed directly to updating / restoring the smartphone. For this we need 2 programs:
1. NaviFirm, which will help us download firmware files from NOKIA servers.
2. Nokia X Flasher, which, in fact, we will use to restore/update/flash your device.

So, let's get to work, download the firmware files with the NaviFirm program, I already wrote how to do this in the previous article, so I won’t repeat it. The only difference is that we will not need all the files, but only those that we want to flash, which means these are enough for us:
RMxxxxx_preload.img - needed if you need pre-installed NOKIA programs

For Nokia X Flasher to work with your phone, you must have drivers installed; if they are not installed yet, use our utility, also in system requirements The program includes .NET Framework 4.0 (available starting with Windows 7).

We turn off our phone (for some it turned on, for those it didn’t, we juggle the battery), then press and hold the keys decrease volume and power button, release the power button after vibration, and after 10-15 seconds release the volume key (NOKIA will light up on the display). Next, launch Nokia X Flasher, connect our smartphone to the PC and press the “Detect Device” button.

If the bootloader is not killed in the phone, the drivers are installed and you did everything correctly, then the program will find the device, it will look like this:

Next, we need to select files (from those that we downloaded using NaviFirm) for each loaded area; this is very simple to do: for the system area, you need a file containing system.img in the name. Select files for the System, Boot, Recovery and, if necessary, Preload items.

After everything is ready, click "Start Flashing!" The program will begin to load the selected areas step by step. Informing you about this in the Log window. Remember that at the time of downloading you should not disconnect the cable, turn off the PC, etc. In general, provide an environment in which the program's operation will be carefree :) Nokia X Flasher can work for up to 5 minutes. Evidence of the completion of the work will be the inscription in the log “Flasing preload done”, instead of preload there may be something else, the main thing is that this “something” coincides with the name of the last area selected for loading.

The phone is flashed, you can press the "Reboot" button or change the battery and wait for the device to boot, BUT my sample did not turn on after such firmware, the boot process froze at the stage of the blinking Nokia inscription. If you are as “lucky” as I was (the NOKIA sign hangs for more than 7-8 minutes), do not despair, change the battery and go to the recovery menu. Traditionally, you need to hold down the volume up key and the power key, this can take about 10 seconds. Select the item wipe data/factory reset (navigation is carried out using the volume keys and the power button), then we agree that all user data will be deleted. After the phone displays “Data wipe complete”, you must select “reboot system now”. The phone will reboot, and if all the stars align, after 3-5 minutes you will see the familiar first-time startup interface.

That’s all, as usual, I’m waiting for your comments, suggestions and comments below under the article!

Agent Return to factory firmware and restore "dead" Nokia Android smartphones(part 2)

As usual, you must understand that you do all manipulations at your own peril and risk, that neither I, as the author, nor our club (site or msgadgets.ru) bear any responsibility for possible damage caused to the device, etc. . Remember this! If you are ready to take a risk, continue reading the article; no, let’s continue to walk around our site.

As usual, the phone needs to be charged, even if it doesn’t turn on, but be sure to put it on charge for at least 30 minutes. Next, we need to get the original firmware for the smartphone. In this article I will do everything with Nokia X, but for other models only the product code will be different, all actions are the same as Nokia X.

Let's proceed directly to updating / restoring the smartphone. For this we need 2 programs:
1. NaviFirm, which will help us download firmware files from NOKIA servers.
2. Nokia Care Suite, with which, in fact, we will restore / update / flash your device.

So, let's go in order:
We launch NaviFirm, after launch the program will prompt you to enter your username and password or buy account by donation. If the password entered in advance in the program does not work, and you do not have the desire or opportunity to help, then click “Cancel”.

ATTENTION! On at the moment Nokia X, Nokia XL have 2 versions of the chipset. Old and new. They differ in the bootloader and other aspects that relate to the phone’s hardware. A new chipset ALWAYS has "V2" in ProductCode Deion, which means it is a new version. Therefore, you can flash ANY version (downgrade too) V1->V1, V2->V2. V2->V1, V1-V2 - SCRIPT phone. Be careful when choosing product codes! Many thanks for this information to Pavel, on the JayDi forum.

We mark all the files in the right window, select a location to save and click “Download”, after which the firmware download will begin. At this time, we will prepare for the firmware, launch the installation of Nokia Care Suite (if not already installed) and install the program. Next, we need to create a folder where we will then put the downloaded firmware. Create the following folder:
Path: Path: c:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\XXXX where XXXX is the product type, you can see it under the cover of the phone or on the box, for Nokia X Type: RM-980. Accordingly, you will need to recreate the following path there: Path: Path: c:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\RM-980 You may need to create not only a folder with the device type, but also a Products folder, after installing Nokia Care Suite there may not be one yet.

The folder was created, the firmware was downloaded. We put the downloaded firmware files into the created folder and launch Nokia Care Suite and select the “Product Support Tool” item; there is no need to connect the phone to the PC.

After launching the Product Support Tool, you will be asked to enter a username and password, which you most likely will not have. Therefore, click the “Work offline” button.

In the window that appears, enter our type, for Nokia X it is RM-980, and then press the “Open” button. Almost everything is ready, just a few items left. In the lower left corner of the program, click “Programming” and select “Recovery” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that appears, click the "Start" button, I remind you that the phone must be disabled from PC.

The program will start thinking and then display this window:

There, in fact, it is written what needs to be done. But I’ll repeat: turn off our phone (for some it turned on, for those it didn’t, we juggle the battery), then press and hold the keys decrease volume and power button, release the power button after vibration, and after 10-15 seconds release the volume key (NOKIA will light up on the display). Next, connect our smartphone to the PC and press the “Retry” button. If everything is fine, the program will start flashing the smartphone’s firmware, it will look something like this:

Sometimes the program may produce errors, for example:
"MSG_INVALID_SIZE_SECURE_FLASH_RESP: 0x00040006" In this case, try changing the USB port you are using, if you are using USB 3.0, use USB port 2.0. "You have chosen not assigned product code for this device, do you wish to continue?" It says that you are using a product code different from the factory one, there is nothing terrible about it, just click “OK”.

This procedure may take 5-6 minutes, after which the program will indicate that the recovery is complete, and the phone will reboot and make a sound familiar to any owner of Nokia phones, and the word NOKIA will light up on the screen. All you have to do is be patient and wait. The first launch may take up to 3-4 minutes. After launch, you will receive your favorite phone in the same condition as from the factory!

This is where my story comes to an end; as usual, I look forward to your comments, suggestions and comments below the article!

Agent Return to factory firmware and restore “dead” Nokia Android smartphones

XL Dual may be needed by both an experienced user and someone who has just purchased their Nokia XL. For example, you bought a new gadget and installed graphic password, and they did it completely by accident. An inexperienced user needs time to understand a new device, and if you have not had time to properly study the functionality of your gadget, then a similar problem may arise for you. So, your phone works, but you can’t use it because you don’t know the password. This password, by the way, can be “linked” to your Google account, but most likely you were “lucky” without such manipulations.

This problem happened to me too, and it needed to be resolved as soon as possible. First of all, I started looking for information on the Internet and found one special forum, where many similar situations were described. For example:
1. How to remove graphic key on Nokia XL Dual?
2. My wife entered the pattern key incorrectly several times, what can I do?
3.I installed a pattern lock on my Nokia XL Dual phone a few months ago and did not use it. During this time, I forgot the password for my Google email account, and I can’t recover it. What to do?
4. What should I do if the Nokia XL Dual screen says “many attempts to enter a pattern”?
5. Nokia XL often freezes or does not turn on at all. Is there a problem with the settings or is it a factory defect? And similar questions.

The only correct answer to such questions was to completely reset the settings and return the Nokia XL Dual to factory settings, i.e. hard reset. At the same time, as many users note, such a service can be ordered at Nokia service centers, but of course not for free. You can find another solution and do everything yourself without turning to specialists. You can only unlock a graphic key using a hard resert, and everyone knows what this can lead to. Resetting settings with a hard reset can lead to the deletion of all files, moreover, contacts and even notes in a notepad and calendar.

A programmer friend of mine advised me a few special programs, which save all the data from the phone and copy it to your PC. However, I can’t even use the phone, let alone open the smartphone menu. The main lesson I learned for myself is to always copy data from your phone.

It took me more than one week to find all the possible information and choose what could really return the smartphone to factory settings. By the way, these methods will also help in cases where it slows down a lot, constantly freezes, or does not turn on at all.

Hard reset Nokia XL Dual. Method 1

This solution is just for those who have constant problems with their smartphone freezing or it constantly gives an error.
1. "Menu" - "Settings".
2. Select the "Backup & Reset" function.
3. Among several proposed options, click on “Reset device”.
4.Confirm “Reset device” by selecting it from the newly appeared list and click again.
5. Overcome yourself and select the “Delete everything” function.
6. Done, now your phone is absolutely clean, as if you just bought it. It has standard settings and functions.

Hard reset Nokia XL Dual. Method 2

This method can be used by those who do not remember their pattern key or users whose phone does not turn on at all.
1. The factory reset process begins by turning off the phone. For those whose smartphone does not turn on anyway, you can skip this step.
2. Now you need to get into the “heart” of the smartphone - the operating system kernel. To do this, simultaneously press the “Volume” and “Power” buttons, and hold the volume button in volume up mode. The corresponding message will appear on the display, which means the “Power on” button can be released. Do not release the volume button for another 8 seconds. The phone screen should turn blue.

The monster Nokia XL has been on the market for quite a long time and in general, judging by the reviews, many of its owners are pleased with this device. At least, the public liked the manufacturer’s focus on Android, combined with an unusually voluminous screen for current smartphones of the brand. Of course, there is no need to talk about the barrel of honey yet, but nevertheless... But we can already talk about the fly in the ointment, or rather, about five spoons at once.

Users report that problems with Nokia XL also occur, different and in different ways.

However, the number of such messages is not yet so significant that all owners of this model could begin to panic.

Moreover, for many the most frequently asked questions Regarding the operation of the Nokia XL, quite informative answers have already appeared. This is what we will tell you about.

So, the most common problems in the operation of the Nokia XL smartphone and how to fix them.

No response to double click

Double tapping on the Nokia XL display should activate it, but sometimes the device ignores this user action. No one has yet been able to pinpoint the exact cause of this problem, but there is an opinion that the problem lies in the software.

They say that Nokia has already notified whoever needs it, so we can hope that in the near future the company will take the necessary measures and with a routine update the problem will be eliminated forever.

But until this update is released, some users are overcoming the problem with the reaction to a double tap in their XL as follows:
1. Click on the screen not twice, but three times.
2. Press twice, but with additional light pressure.
3. When you need to activate the “sleeping” screen, tap on it not with the pad of your finger, but with its harder side part.

Vertical stripes on the screen

The screen of this smartphone is large (“X-el” after all), so you need to treat it with care. It is clear that a Nokia XL case is needed (by the way, here is the new iPhone X case). But if, despite all the care you take about your device, you suddenly see strange vertical stripes on its display, this does not mean that you have damaged something.

The reason for their appearance may be a defect in certain components, which in itself is not good. But it may not be. In any case, Nokia claims that before you get upset and take your smartphone to service center, we must first carry it out full reboot(with preliminary backup data, of course).

Now, if after you returned the device to factory settings, the strip problem reappeared, then there are no options.

Battery charge level freezes

Simply put, while charging the battery, the charge level indicator stops at one indicator. Why? We haven't figured it out yet either. But those users who have already encountered this problem are advised to simply restart the smartphone, and then the indicator will again begin to show the correct charge level. The solution is temporary, but effective.

Photo quality

Some people complain that in low light conditions, the camera on their Nokia XL starts to take much worse pictures, and as a result, “the quality of the photos decreases to the level of “Disgusting” (quote from the forum). In response, more experienced owners recommend changing the brightness settings from “Auto” to level “2” or “3” when shooting with the Nokia XL camera in poor ambient lighting in order to improve the quality of the photo. You should also experiment with other camera settings to find the settings that best suit your shooting conditions.


Not often, but XL also has problems with sound volume during telephone conversations, moreover, regardless of whether it is incoming or outgoing call. They write that the trouble appears even at the maximum volume level. Unfortunately, effective way We have not yet found a solution to this problem. Sometimes restarting the smartphone helps, but not always.

“We are not perfect. Phones aren't perfect."

Steve Jobs

Yes, you can’t argue with these words of the great Steve Jobs. There is nothing perfect in this world, especially when it comes to people and, of course, phones.

Having a modern, stylish, finished design, high-quality body materials, powerful hardware and the latest operating system, the phone can be considered perfect. However, sometimes there are times when something goes wrong...

Such a story happened with the first Nokia phone in the operating room. Android system. So, Nokia X...

I worked and worked, and suddenly, after a reboot, the Nokia screensaver appeared on the display and that was the end of it. The smartphone would not boot any further and no longer responded to any buttons.

This happens quite often on Android smartphones and tablets. Usually in such cases the problem can be solved using firmware or, if the phone manufacturer has provided for it, full reset(hard reset) of all settings and clearing user data to factory settings.

Implement this procedure in your Nokia X phone, you can do the following:

1. Turn off the phone (press and hold the power button until the phone turns off completely)

2. Press and hold the volume up button (Vol +) and simultaneously press the power button.

3. After the Nokia logo appears on the smartphone screen, release the power button. At the same time, continue to hold the volume up button until the smartphone enters Recovery mode:

4. Using the volume buttons, select the menu item "wipe data/factory reset" and confirm the action with the power button. When asked to confirm this intention, select “yes” in the same way and confirm with the power button.

5. Similarly, select the “wipe cache partition” menu item and confirm the action with the power button.

6. After the completed operations, the cursor will be set to the first item “reboot system now” (“reboot the system now”). Confirm the action with the power button - the phone will automatically reboot.

When you turn it on for the first time, you must wait a while for the OS to start.

All. All that remains is to make the necessary settings

And also enter the previously created account Google entry(if there was one) and the phone synchronizes all previously saved data that is provided in this case.

Don’t forget to save all your data from time to time so as not to lose it due to such surprises from our “imperfect” smartphones.

Good luck with your repairs!!!
