Basic levels of blog content structure. Creating a blog structure. Binary search tree

Hi all! My dear readers. In previous articles, I told you how to choose a topic for your future blog. The choice of topic directly affects your future earnings.

Let's say you have decided on the topic of your blog. But that’s not all, it’s too early to start creating a blog. There is one more important step left. It is necessary to work out the structure of the blog.

Analyzing the blog structure

By this term I understand the whole variety of topics that you can write about. To put it simply, you must decide in advance what categories you will have and what you will write there.

There are two very simple ways create the structure of the future blog:

  1. Analysis of competitors' blogs

In the first case, you just sit and think about what topics you can niche your blog into. It will be much more effective if you involve your relatives and friends in this process.

Then the think tank effect will be achieved, which is very well written about in Napoleon Hill’s famous book “Think and Grow Rich.” The author believes that having a think tank is the key to success in any business, especially if it involves money. Have you all read it?

The second method is simpler and does not require mental effort. Use the services of search engines Yandex and Google. Enter primary key query for your niche, such as a fishing blog or a travel blog.

And analyze the first 10 or 20 sites. Essentially, these sites are your competitors. Look at them carefully. Please note:

  • Their design
  • Blocks in the sidebar
  • How do they stand out from the rest?
  • And of course, categories.

This will give you a good idea of ​​what other bloggers typically write about your topic. Ultimately you will need to do the same thing, but better than them!

By the way, in addition to the structure, after viewing competitors’ websites, you can sketch out the layout of your blog on a piece of paper, preferably A4 size. Draw what the main page of the site and the posts page will look like. You can also pay attention to the mobile version.

This is a very exciting and creative process and you will need it if you order a unique design on the remote worker exchange (freelance or weblancer). Just saying: “Make it beautiful” is very little; you need specific layouts, like when building a house.

But we're not done with the structure yet. It will be very helpful if you break your rubrics into smaller parts. This is very convenient to do using smart cards.

I use for this online service om This service is paid, but it also provides the right to create three smart cards for free. This is quite enough for me.

As you can see, I have three maps created:

  1. blog structure
  2. algorithm for writing and publishing articles
  3. guide to compiling a semantic core

I worked on this map for several days and was never finished. This screenshot simply doesn’t show everything. If you reveal all the “pluses”, you will get something unimaginable

So. Let's summarize. When you follow my recommendations in this article, you will have a complete understanding of what kind of blog you are creating, what it will look like, and how you will be different from your competitors.

If you have any questions, write them in the comments, I will be happy to answer. Share with your friends on social networks, they will also be interested in the article.

Very soon we will come directly to creating a website and posting it on the Internet. To stay up to date with new articles, be sure to subscribe to updates.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

The article was not born by chance, because most users are interested in the question: what is the structure of a website in the form of a diagram and how to make it yourself without skills? It’s quite difficult to create for a novice master, so let’s look at the question in detail.

Having a completely made website, you need to customize its design; it is much more difficult to develop a scheme for its promotion in the future. If your site is presented in the index, but the diagram is not very good or is missing, then you should quickly present it in the form of a diagram.

The concept of site structure

The concept of resource structure is a system for arranging addresses according to an accurate and correctly formed diagram. Essentially it's similar to file system computer, where each folder is packaged separately.

For better understanding, they are divided into the following parts:

  • Where am I or the entrance.
  • Where can I go next?
  • Related categories.

Thus, the better the foundation is formed, the better and more comfortable your visitors will be. I will give an example of the simplest online store scheme.
Here you can immediately see that everything is in its place and easy navigation for visitors.

Site structure in the form of a diagram: requirements

The structure of the site in the form of a diagram and the requirements are presented to a properly developed project. They are mainly formed by search engines, so webmasters usually adapt to them. However, do not forget that the first thing you need to do is take care of the visitors, and only then the robots.

Search engines analyze a site in their own way, taking into account the URL. It must be said that site structure and URL are the same concepts. Each search engine has its own requirements, I’ll tell you about them briefly.

Requirements from Yandex:

  • Try to maintain a clear layout of links. All documents must relate to a specific section. In addition, each page must have at least one link, many resources educational institution are not taken into account.
  • Don't forget about the project map, it can speed up indexing.
  • One address should be accessible only through one link.

Requirements from Google:

  • The structure should be kept simple.
  • URLs are understandable for ordinary users.
  • Use words, not identifiers.
  • You should not make very long and complex addresses.

Correct foundation and examples in diagrams

To be honest, after wandering around the Internet, I read a lot unnecessary information, since not all webmasters are able to clearly define the concept of structure, I made examples. Some came up with a bunch of different schemes and names, as well as descriptions taken from unknown sources.

I will try to tell you everything in detail. Let's go in order. The site design is divided into the following types:

There are essentially no more options. Of course, you have probably come across such concepts as linear, mixed, lattice, etc., but these are just inventions and additions.

The structure is divided into these types:

  • Correct or ideal. That is, logically created, understandable to visitors and robots.
  • Not correct. There is no logic and no clear layout.

Examples of site design schemes

First of all I want to give an example simplest design one-page site.

As you can see, it is more suitable for small projects where the theme of each page is very similar to the previous one. If, in addition to the main one, you want to add many more additional ones, then you need structure, breaking into paragraphs and groups. Only in this case everything will be done correctly and will have a positive impact on promotion.

Next...tree-like is the most common. It is used on most large websites, online stores and portals. Here it is appearance:

Internal and external structures

What I described above refers to the internal structure. It is necessary to carefully consider what the site will be like in the future. Promotion and indexing depend on this parameter.

The external base is quite extensive. This includes usability, colorful design, ease of navigation and other aspects. However, there is one rule that cannot be violated under any circumstances. All users are accustomed to seeing the standard arrangement of blocks on the site. For example:

The basic elements on the resource are arranged according to the following principle:

  1. Cap, head and header are the names of the top where the logo, menu and additional elements are located.
  2. Sidebar or side menu. You can do it, or you can not. These blocks carry additional information and their task is to keep visitors as long as possible.
  3. Main block. In this case, the content should be easy to read and visible to visitors on the first page.
  4. The project's footer contains information about contacts and useful links.

Project Design Change Points

We've covered the basic concept, now let's move on to the most interesting. Where to start changing a resource? Let's look at it in detail.

  1. We clearly think through and rewrite on a separate sheet what the project will look like in the form of a diagram. Here you should specify the page addresses in advance for convenience (especially for an online store).
  2. We use additional categories with keywords.
  3. We distribute them into categories, pack them into separate sheets or files.
  4. We come up with keys for creating content.
  5. We write a URL for each page.
  6. We are preparing texts for additional addresses.
  7. We add categories and content to them.
  8. Changing the link structure.
  9. We redirect old link addresses to new ones.
  10. We change internal links and relink.

At first glance it may seem that everything is very complicated. But if you look at it, the work takes a maximum of a week with an average amount of content.

Online program for creating internal structure

mindmeister program best choice, I advise. The main task is to make smart maps in the form of a diagram. Registration takes two minutes. After registration, you are given an initial package of three free cards. To start making, click my maps and select a template.

Create a sitemap in the form of a block diagram and save. I won’t disassemble the intuitive interface.


From all of the above, I can draw the only conclusion: the structure of the site plays a fundamental role in promotion. If you are sure that it is bad, then be sure to gather your strength and change it. As a result, you will get tremendous changes.

You can study the design of your project yourself or use useful services and programs. However, I personally recommend treating them with caution, since they all work in a less directional way. One of them is the online service

I hope it is now clear what a website structure in the form of a diagram is and how it can be compiled. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Good luck!

Do your blog posts lack any structure and look like a jumbled collection of ideas? Quite often this omission can be observed on the sites of still green (young) bloggers. A novice blogger, as a rule, simply sits down comfortably in front of the computer and begins to click on the keyboard, entering into his new article almost all the thoughts that have visited his head. I won’t say that this is very bad, but it’s far from the best effective method creating a useful, concise, informative article.

Remember that the structure of the article is the actual frame of your post, and the stronger this foundation, the less chance that your text will sag in the middle or bend at the edges. In addition, the correct frame of a future article greatly simplifies the writing of this very article, and as a result produces a text that is convenient for readers.


Each of your articles should consist of three main elements:

  1. A brief introduction that should maximally motivate the reader to read the article in full, and also briefly tell him about what awaits him in the entry.
  2. Body of the article. The main content of the post, which fully reveals the main topic of the post. Very often, the body of an article is divided into various subheadings, subparagraphs, and the like.
  3. An epilogue containing the final word on the revealed topic of the article, with all the conclusions or motivation for some action.


If you have not used the introduction before, now when publishing new entries, be sure to use it. Remember that the introductory part must paint in all colors and advertise the main content of the entry as temptingly as possible. For example, if you are writing an article that contains some kind of list, then do not publish this list at the very beginning of the entry, offer your reader a certain amount of interesting, motivating content, and only then start listing the items on the list.


  1. Use subheadings to divide the post into approximately equal parts.
  2. Number all the points if you decide to write an article consisting of a list.
  3. Use sub-clauses or paragraphs.

When preparing to write content, think about how many and what subparagraphs, subheadings, or list of elements you will use in your post.

It may happen that you run out of ideas, don’t get upset, but open several popular and interesting blogs on similar topics to our brainchild. Evaluate how posts on these blogs are structured and whether they have a foreword, body, and conclusion. Most famous bloggers write articles with a clear, almost perfect structure, so by visiting one of these sites, you will get an example of how a good article should be composed and written.


The epilogue should contain, as mentioned earlier, conclusions from the topic discussed in the content. We should not forget about this, although it is worth noting that many, even experienced bloggers, ignore this rule. In your epilogue, you should not repeat what you have already said earlier, but only write your own conclusions or ask readers to test their idea described in the article, or ask about their personal experience in solving the problem that was written about in the body of the article.

Using the above simple rules, you will be able to write interesting, informative articles that will be loved not only by visitors to your site but also by search robots. By the way, a similar scheme will work well if you want.

Greetings, my readers! 🙂

In this article we will consider blog structure- one of the most popular today. It will also be considered key features, allowing their owners to achieve the main goals of creating these resources.

While online stores are more popular among Runet users today, blogs are in great demand among Western audiences. This is evidenced by the statistics of Yandex, the most popular search engine in the CIS - 20,794,018 queries per month with the word “Online store” versus 866,033 for the blog.

But, nevertheless, the blog’s numbers are still very impressive :) As the next step, we will look at the features of this type of site to understand how they affect the structure of the blog.

First, let's understand what a blog is. In simple terms, this is a site containing informational information from any area of ​​knowledge. Materials, in most cases, are articles or posts filled with text information and various media content: photos, videos or even audio, as well as their combinations.

The list of goals pursued by blog creators is as extensive as that of social networks. This is due to the variety of contents characteristic of both cases. And in addition to the purposes described in the article, you can also name the function of memoirs (due to the fact that a blog can be dedicated to the life of a person or represent notes from the creator of the blog).

In addition, thanks to the organization of communication, such sites perform the function of socialization, helping users find like-minded people, friends and even a soulmate :)

One of the features of blogging is the simplicity of this process, because... it involves writing and posting articles on a chosen topic. If you don’t want to waste time on this or want to improve and speed up this process, you can always use the services of copywriting exchanges.

An example of such a resource is, where you can always purchase ready-made articles on any topic, which will allow you to easily and effortlessly fill the site with content, ensuring an increase in traffic and ranking in search results.

As for the actions to open and support this resource, it should be said that they are no different from those described in the article. If you are interested in creating your own resource, I strongly recommend that you read this article, because Today on the Internet you can find projects developed in all the ways listed in them. Thus, it will allow you to make your choice.

However, when posting information on the site, you need to be extremely careful, because... The legislation of many countries provides for criminal punishment for information of a pornographic, compromising nature, as well as inciting ethnic and other types of hatred.

More detailed information You can find a hosting provider on the Internet and on the website whose services you will want to use when placing your project on a server on the Internet.

And yes, I almost forgot about the most interesting feature :) Blogs allow their creators to earn money, and quite good ones at that. This will be discussed in the following publications. We won’t take time off from the main course for dessert :)

And now is the time to consider how the features described above affect the structure of the blog. In the previous material I talked about its varieties. There, I promised in future articles about types of sites not to be distracted by their external structure.

Keeping our promise, we immediately move on to the internal structure of the blog :)

As an example of a blog structure, consider this project – a website.

1. Home page

Here, in most cases, you can find a list of the most recently added articles. In a block dedicated to a separate post, as a rule, a picture of the post, its abbreviated text, author and date of publication are displayed.

Also, to attract the attention of users, the creators take into account the number of comments, views and “likes” from social networks in this element of the WordPress blog structure. Typically, like counters are located next to the corresponding buttons for sending a link to a post to your page in the corresponding community.

This element of the blog structure is not much different from the previous one. Articles are also located here. The only difference is in their character. While on the main page they are placed in order of publication, here they are grouped by publication topics, which largely overlap with the category name.

The structures of blogs with a large audience, as well as online stores, provide for the division of categories into subcategories. This is necessary to simplify searches for users, improve the organization of the site and promote other articles on this topic.

This division is also carried out in order to improve the indexing of the resource by robots search engines, which is extremely important for promoting the site and attracting new users.

This component of the blog structure is integral and mandatory! Here is the full text of the article.

Optionally (not on all resources) information about the date of publication, the author with a link to his page and the number of comments with a link to the block with comments can be posted.

Since one of the main goals of this type of site is to organize communication and they contribute to the socialization of its visitors, a mandatory element of the structure of a WordPress blog is the ability to leave comments.

It is implemented by adding a comment form at the bottom of the article. As a rule, competent and far-sighted blog owners open it both for users registered on the site and for those who do not have an account.

For unregistered people, it is possible to add a review by indicating your email address(email) or through an account in social networks.

As a rule, the comment block is located at the bottom of the article and for registered users consists of text, date of publication and the name of the author with his avatar - the picture that he chose for himself during registration. There is also often a button for replying and special buttons for reposting a comment on social networks.

Thus, a comment is a kind of “article within an article” :) This is also evidenced by its structure, which is very similar to the structure of a blog.

An additional element of socialization is social buttons which can be located in various places in the article and look like network logos with their names, which are available when you hover over them.

This element of the blog structure is not mandatory due to the fact that the authors of many projects conduct them independently and do not see the point in doing it this type pages. Instead, all necessary information about yourself is posted in the “About the author” section.

Author pages are the prerogative of very large and popular resources, where articles are created by a group of authors and even readers. In this case, they contain information about the user (date of birth, contacts, time of last visit, various ratings), his publications and comments on articles of other authors.

My project is not large at the moment, but this type of page is still present in the blog structure. Anticipating your question on this matter, I’ll say that I made the author’s page for perspective, so that when new authors appear, I can distinguish them from other users in this way :)

But, with the growth of visitors, they will definitely appear :) In the meantime, as examples, I will demonstrate examples of these elements of the blog structure from third-party resources :)

As a rule, this element of the blog structure represents different pages of the site, but there are also options for combining this information.

As a rule, information about the creator of the resource is located here: a short autobiography, a photo of the author (optional) and how he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating the project.

To also awaken a sense of trust in the resource, information describing the author’s experience in the field of knowledge to which the project is dedicated is placed on this element of the blog structure.

Information about the resource has a similar structure: what the resource is dedicated to, how long it has been operating, and information about development prospects can also be posted. You will not find the last block often - only on large resources that may be of interest to investors, for whom such information is posted.

6. Terms of use

This element of the blog structure is a reminder that using someone else’s information and passing it off as your own is ugly 🙂 In addition, due to plagiarism, you may have problems with law enforcement agencies due to International Copyright Laws.

Also here, as a rule, a list of conditions is described under which the use of the resource content for personal purposes (usually in processed form) is permitted.

The main purpose of this element of the blog structure is to attract advertisers to the site.

Here you can find information that may be of interest to investors: the subject of the resource, attendance and classification of the audience according to various factors (gender, age, geographical location, use mobile devices etc.). You can also find reviews from advertisers who have placed their products previously.

Why is all this being done? You've probably noticed advertising banners, placed in different places on the sites?

So, let me introduce you to one very interesting fact is one of the truly working ways to make money online. And for blogs, in general, it is the main one.

Considering this feature, on this element of the blog structure you can see a list of places allocated for advertising and prices for each block. Additional conditions are also indicated here: terms of placement and discounts for extending services and ordering them for a long period.

That's why this page is a very important component of blog structure. But it makes sense to place it only on visited resources - at least 200 unique visitors per day. It is this figure that investors pay attention to first.

8. Site map

This component of the blog structure is also the prerogative of large projects with an extensive system of structural elements.

The map page is universal for all types of sites, and a blog is no exception to this rule. That’s why you can read more about this element and its purpose in the article “Structure of an Online Store”; I don’t see the point in repeating my own words again :)

On this optimistic note, I end my story. Let me remind you that this article discussed blog structure- one of the most popular types resources today. Thus, we continue our series of articles devoted to a more detailed study of each type of website that exists today. Therefore, in the following articles, expect reviews of the features of developing, maintaining and making money on social networks, landing pages and other types of resources.

Leave your feedback in the comments, your opinion is very important to me. This will help make my site better and fill it with information that is interesting to you.

Stay tuned.

Good luck everyone! 🙂

P.S.: if you need a website or need to make changes to an existing one, but there is no time or desire for this, I can offer my services.

More than 5 years of experience professional website development. Working with PHP, OpenCart, WordPress, Laravel, Yii, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, React, Angular and other web development technologies.

Experience in developing projects at various levels: landing pages, corporate websites, Online stores, CRM, portals. Including support and development HighLoad projects. Send your applications by email [email protected].

Blog structure

Before you start filling out your blog quality content, it is necessary to understand its structure.

The structure of a blog can be divided into two parts, internal and external, where the internal consists of files (something like internal organs), and the external consists of content and architecture (appearance).

Let's consider the external and internal structure blog clearly (see Appendix, Fig. 1 and 2).

From the two pictures you can see that the “architecture” may be slightly different. A blog can have one (right) or two (left and right) sidebars, which option is better - you can judge, I decided to choose the second one. In all other respects there are no fundamental differences.

At the very top there is a header (header.php), where header.php is the header file, there is a logo with the name of the site and menu buttons.

A blog is basically a file system consisting of HTML source code, CSS styles and the JavaScript programming language, all of which combine to create Web pages.

HTML code is a standard markup language that allows you to display any document in a browser in an easy-to-read form.

CSS -- CascadingStyleSheets -- cascading style sheets are responsible for the appearance of web page elements.

JavaScript is a scripting language that adds dynamics and interactivity to web pages.

Let's continue our review of the external structure of the blog. The sidebar contains a sidebar, which mainly contains navigation elements for the convenience of users, advertising units, subscription forms and much more.

The central part of the blog is perhaps the most important area for which everything else exists. Here is the content (content), what makes the site popular or vice versa.

Index.php, single.php, archive.php, search.php, page.php - files that form web pages with content. Let's look at each one separately.

Index.php - main page file. The main page displays announcements of the last few articles. If you type the url address of the site in the browser line, the user is taken to the main page, and if you type text, for example: what is index.php? and then click on the search result, then you land on the page of a category or subcategory, directly to the article.

Single.php - a page file with a separate article.

Archive.php - archive page file. The archive contains posts sorted in descending chronological order by date, month and year.

Search.php is a file that displays short excerpts of articles when the user uses the site search form, which is located in the header or sidebar.

Page.php is a static page file. These are pages that exist separately from the main page, headings and subcategories. On such a page you can place a site map, your autobiography, or anything that does not require deep consideration and continuation.

Blog content should be structured, that is, divided into categories (headings) and subcategories (subheadings), and also have separate pages. For example, if your blog is about cars, maintenance and repair, then you can create several headings: “cars”, “operation”, “car repair”. Then these headings are divided into subheadings, for example, “cars” are divided into “sports coupes”, “sedans”, “SUVs”. The “operation” section is divided into “tips for car enthusiasts” and “tuning”. The category “auto repair” can be divided into “engine”, “transmission”, etc. The rubrics themselves provide general information relevant to the topic and what this rubric is about (see Appendix, Fig. 3).

Such content optimization has a qualitative impact on usability and, accordingly, is liked by search engines.

At the very bottom of any page there is a footer (footer.php), which gives the project not only an outline of completeness, but can also contain various types of information, address and site, contain a menu, list of articles, traffic counters, etc.
