How to work with PDO? Complete guide. Php tag How to properly configure a PDO connection Pdo expression for an sql query

  • Translation

Many PHP developers are accustomed to using the mysql and mysqli extensions to work with databases. But since version 5.1 in PHP there are more convenient way- PHP Data Objects. This class, called PDO for short, provides methods for working with objects and prepared statements that will significantly improve your productivity!

Introduction to PDO

“PDO – PHP Data Objects is a layer that offers universal method working with multiple databases."

It leaves the concern for the syntax features of various DBMSs to the developer, but makes the process of switching between platforms much less painful. Often this only requires changing the database connection string.

This article is written for people who use mysql and mysqli to help them migrate to the more powerful and flexible PDO.

DBMS support

This extension can support any database management system for which a PDO driver exists. At the time of writing, the following drivers are available:
  • PDO_DBLIB (FreeTDS/Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase)
  • PDO_FIREBIRD (Firebird/Interbase 6)
  • PDO_INFORMIX (IBM Informix Dynamic Server)
  • PDO_MYSQL (MySQL 3.x/4.x/5.x)
  • PDO_OCI (Oracle Call Interface)
  • PDO_ODBC (ODBC v3 (IBM DB2, unixODBC and win32 ODBC))
  • PDO_PGSQL (PostgreSQL)
  • PDO_SQLITE (SQLite 3 and SQLite 2)
  • PDO_SQLSRV (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • PDO_4D (4D)
However, not all of them are on your server. You can see the list of available drivers like this:


Methods for connecting to different DBMSs may differ slightly. Below are examples of connecting to the most popular ones. You will notice that the first three have identical syntax, unlike SQLite.
try ( # MS SQL Server and Sybase via PDO_DBLIB $DBH = new PDO("mssql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); $DBH = new PDO("sybase:host=$host ;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); # MySQL via PDO_MYSQL $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); # SQLite $DBH = new PDO("sqlite:my/database/path/database.db"); catch(PDOException $e) ( echo $e->getMessage(); )
Please pay attention to the try/catch block - it is always worth wrapping all your PDO operations in it and using the exception mechanism (more on this later).

$DBH stands for “database handle” and will be used throughout the article.

You can close any connection by redefining its variable to null.
# closes connection $DBH = null;
More information on the topic of distinctive options of different DBMSs and methods of connecting to them can be found on

Exceptions and PDO

PDO can throw exceptions on errors, so everything should be in a try/catch block. Immediately after creating a connection, PDO can be put into any of three error modes:
But it is worth noting that an error when trying to connect will always throw an exception.


This is the default mode. You'll likely use roughly the same thing to catch errors in the mysql and mysqli extensions. The next two modes are more suitable for DRY programming.


This mode will cause a standard Warning and allow the script to continue executing. Convenient for debugging.


In most situations, this type of script execution control is preferable. It throws an exception, allowing you to cleverly handle errors and hide sensitive information. Like, for example, here:
# connect to the database try ( $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); $DBH->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) ; # Damn! I typed DELECT instead of SELECT! $DBH->prepare("DELECT name FROM people")->execute(); ) catch(PDOException $e) ( echo "Houston, we have problems."; file_put_contents("PDOErrors" .txt", $e->getMessage(), FILE_APPEND); )
There is a syntax error in the SQL expression that will throw an exception. We can record the details of the error in a log file and hint to the user in human language that something has happened.

Insert and Update

Inserting new data and updating existing data are some of the most common database operations. In the case of PDO, this process usually consists of two steps. (The next section is all about both UPDATE and INSERT)

A trivial example of inserting new data:
# STH means "Statement Handle" $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (first_name) values ​​("Cathy")"); $STH->execute();
Actually, you can do the same thing with one exec() method, but the two-step method gives all the benefits of prepared statements. They help protect against SQL injections, so it makes sense to use them even for a one-time query.

Prepared Statements

Using prepared statements strengthens protection against SQL injections.

A Prepared statement is a pre-compiled SQL statement that can be executed repeatedly by sending only different sets of data to the server. Additional benefit is the impossibility of carrying out SQL injection through the data used in placeholders.

Below are three examples of prepared statements.
# without placeholders - the door to SQL injections is open! $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​($name, $addr, $city)"); # unnamed placeholders $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(?, ?, ?)"); # named placeholders $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(:name, :addr, :city)");
The first example is here for comparison only and should be avoided. The difference between nameless and named placeholders is how you pass data to prepared statements.

Unnamed placeholders

# assign variables to each placeholder, with indices from 1 to 3 $STH->bindParam(1, $name); $STH->bindParam(2, $addr); $STH->bindParam(3, $city); # insert one line $name = "Daniel" $addr = "1 Wicked Way"; $city = "Arlington Heights"; $STH->execute(); # insert another line, with different data $name = "Steve" $addr = "5 Circle Drive"; $city = "Schaumburg"; $STH->execute();
There are two steps here. On the first one, we assign variables to all placeholders (lines 2-4). Then we assign values ​​to these variables and execute the query. To send a new set of data, simply change the variable values ​​and run the request again.

If your SQL expression has many parameters, then assigning a variable to each is very inconvenient. In such cases, you can store the data in an array and pass it:
# the set of data we will insert $data = array("Cathy", "9 Dark and Twisty Road", "Cardiff"); $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(?, ?, ?)"); $STH->execute($data);
$data will be inserted in place of the first placeholder, $data in place of the second, etc. But be careful: if your indexes are messed up, this won't work.

Named placeholders

# the first argument is the name of the placeholder # it usually starts with a colon # although it works without them $STH->bindParam(":name", $name);
Here you can also pass an array, but it must be associative. The keys should be, as you might guess, the names of the placeholders.
# the data we insert $data = array("name" => "Cathy", "addr" => "9 Dark and Twisty", "city" => "Cardiff"); $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(:name, :addr, :city)"); $STH->execute($data);
One of the conveniences of using named placeholders is the ability to insert objects directly into the database if the property names match the parameter names. For example, you can insert data like this:
# class for a simple object class person ( public $name; public $addr; public $city; function __construct($n,$a,$c) ( $this->name = $n; $this->addr = $a ; $this->city = $c; ) # so on... ) $cathy = new person("Cathy","9 Dark and Twisty","Cardiff"); # and here's the interesting part $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(:name, :addr, :city)"); $STH->execute((array)$cathy);
Converting an object to an array during execute() causes the properties to be treated as array keys.

Data sampling

Data can be retrieved using the ->fetch() method. Before calling it, it is advisable to explicitly indicate in what form you require them. There are several options:
  • PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array with column names as keys
  • PDO::FETCH_BOTH (default): returns an array with indexes both in the form of column names and their serial numbers
  • PDO::FETCH_BOUND: assigns column values ​​to the corresponding variables specified using the ->bindColumn() method
  • PDO::FETCH_CLASS: assigns column values ​​to the corresponding properties of the specified class. If there is no property for some column, it will be created
  • PDO::FETCH_INTO: updates an existing instance of the specified class
  • PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array with keys as column numbers
  • PDO::FETCH_OBJ: returns an anonymous object with properties corresponding to the column names
In practice, you will usually need three: FETCH_ASSOC, FETCH_CLASS, and FETCH_OBJ. To specify the data format, use the following syntax:
You can also set it directly when calling the ->fetch() method.


This format creates associative array with column names as indexes. It should be familiar to those who use the mysql/mysqli extensions.
# since this is a regular query without placeholders, # you can immediately use the query() method $STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); # set the fetch mode $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); while($row = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $row["name"] . "\n"; echo $row["addr"] . "\n"; echo $row["city"] . "\n" ;
The while() loop will iterate through the entire query result.


This type of data acquisition creates an instance of the std class for each row.
# create a query $STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); # select the fetch mode $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); # print the result while($row = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $row->name . "\n"; echo $row->addr . "\n"; echo $row->city . "\ n"; )


When using fetch_class, data is written to instances of the specified class. In this case, values ​​are assigned to the properties of the object BEFORE calling the constructor. If properties with names matching column names do not exist, they will be created automatically (with the scope public).

If your data requires mandatory processing immediately after it is received from the database, it can be implemented in the class constructor.

For example, let's take a situation where you need to hide part of a person's residential address.
class secret_person ( public $name; public $addr; public $city; public $other_data; function __construct($other = "") ( $this->addr = preg_replace("//", "x", $this-> addr); $this->other_data = $other;
When creating an object, all lowercase Latin letters must be replaced with x. Let's check:
$STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person"); while($obj = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $obj->addr; )
If the address in the database looks like '5 Rosebud', then the output will be '5 Rxxxxxx'.

Of course, sometimes you will want the constructor to be called BEFORE assigning values. PDO allows this too.
$STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "secret_person");
Now that you have completed the previous example additional option(PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE), the address will not be modified, since nothing happens after writing the values.

Finally, if necessary, you can pass arguments to the constructor directly when creating the object:
$STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person", array("stuff"));
You can even pass different arguments to each object:
$i = 0; while($rowObj = $STH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person", array($i))) ( // do something $i++; )

Other Useful Methods

While this article cannot (and does not attempt to) cover every aspect of working with PDO (it is a huge module!), the following few features cannot be left out without mention.
The ->lastInsertId() method returns the id of the last inserted record. It is worth noting that it is always called on a database object (called $DBH in this article), and not on an object with an expression ($STH).
$DBH->exec("DELETE FROM folks WHERE 1"); $DBH->exec("SET time_zone = "-8:00"");
The ->exec() method is used for operations that do not return any data other than the number of records affected by them.
$safe = $DBH->quote($unsafe);
The ->quote() method places quotes in string data so that it is safe to use them in queries. Useful if you don't use prepared statements.
$rows_affected = $STH->rowCount();
The ->rowCount() method returns the number of records that participated in the operation. Unfortunately, this function did not work with SELECT queries until PHP 5.1.6. If it is not possible to update the PHP version, the number of records can be obtained like this:
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM folks"; if ($STH = $DBH->query($sql)) ( # check the number of records if ($STH->fetchColumn() > 0) ( # do a full selection here because the data was found! ) else ( # print a message that no data satisfying the request was found) )


I hope this material will help some of you migrate from the mysql and mysqli extensions.

meta tag keywords example (4)


As I see it, your goal in this case is twofold:

  • create and maintain single/reusable connection for each database
  • make sure the connection is configured correctly


$provider = function() ( $instance = new PDO("mysql:......;charset=utf8", "username", "password"); $instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO: :ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $instance->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $factory = new StructureFactory($provider);

Then in another file or below in the same file:

$something = $factory->create("Something"); $foobar = $factory->create("Foobar");

The factory itself should look something like this:

Class StructureFactory ( protected $provider = null; protected $connection = null; public function __construct(callable $provider) ( $this->provider = $provider; ) public function create($name) ( if ($this->connection = == null) ( $this->connection = call_user_func($this->provider); ) return new $name($this->connection) )

This way you can have a centralized structure that ensures that a connection is only created when needed. It would also make the process easier unit testing and service.

The supplier in this case will be found somewhere during the bootstrap phase. This approach will also give a clear location where you can define the configuration you are using to connect to the DB.

Keep in mind that this extremely simplified example. You may also like to watch the following two videos:

Also, I highly recommend reading a proper tutorial about using PDO (there is a bad tutorial log online).

From time to time I see questions about connecting to a database.
Most of the answers are not how I do it, or I just can't answer correctly. Anyway; I never thought about it because the way I do it works for me.

But here's a crazy thought; Perhaps I'm doing all this wrong, and if so; I would really like to know how to properly connect to the database MySQL data With using PHP and PDO and make it available.

Here's how I do it:

First, here's mine file structure (truncated) :

Public_html/ * index.php * initialize/ -- load.initialize.php -- configure.php -- sessions.php

At the very top I require("initialize/load.initialize.php"); ,


# site configurations require("configure.php"); # connect to database require("root/somewhere/connect.php"); // this file is placed outside of public_html for better security. # include classes foreach (glob("assets/classes/*.class.php") as $class_filename)( include($class_filename); ) # include functions foreach (glob("assets/functions/*.func.php") as $func_filename)( include($func_filename); ) # handle sessions require("sessions.php");

I know there is a better, or more correct way to include classes, but I don't remember what it was. Didn't get time to look into it yet, but I think it was something with autoload . something like that...

Here I'm basically just overriding some php.ini-properties and do some other global settings for the site

I set the connection to the class so that other classes can expand this...

Class connect_pdo ( protected $dbh; public function __construct() ( try ( $db_host = " "; // hostname $db_name = " "; // databasename $db_user = " "; // username $user_pw = " "; // password $con = new PDO("mysql:host=".$db_host."; dbname=".$db_name, $db_user, $user_pw); $con->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $con->exec("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); // return all sql requests as UTF-8 ) catch (PDOException $err) ( echo "harmless error message if the connection fails"; $err->getMessage() . "
"; file_put_contents("PDOErrors.txt",$err, FILE_APPEND); // write some details to an error-log outside public_html die(); // terminate connection ) ) public function dbh() ( return $this->dbh ; ) ) # put database handler into a var for easier access $con = new connect_pdo(); $con = $con->dbh();

This is where I really believe there is room for massive improvement as I recently started learning OOP and have been using PDO instead of mysql.
So I just followed a few tutorials for beginners and tried out different things...

Besides handling normal sessions, I also initialize some classes in the session like this:

If (!isset($_SESSION["sqlQuery"]))( session_start(); $_SESSION["sqlQuery"] = new sqlQuery(); )

So this class is available everywhere. This may not be a very good practice(?)...
Anyway, this is what this approach allows me to do everywhere:

Echo $_SESSION["sqlQuery"]->getAreaName("county",9); // outputs: Aust-Agder (the county name with that id in the database)

Inside mine class sqlQuery which extends mine Class connect_pdo , I have a public function getAreaName that handles the query in my database.
Pretty neat I think.

Works like a charm
So that's basically how I do it.
Also, whenever I need to retrieve something from my DB from a class, I just do something similar to this:

$id = 123; $sql = "SELECT whatever FROM MyTable WHERE id = :id"; $qry = $con->prepare($sql); $qry -> bindParam(":id", $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $qry -> execute(); $get = $qry->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Because I'm inserting the connection into a variable inside connect_pdo.php, I just reference it and I'm good to go. It works. I'm getting the expected results...

But regardless of this; I would really appreciate it if you guys could tell me if I leave here. Instead I would have to change areas that I could or should change for improvement etc...

I really want to study...

$dsn = "mysql:host=your_host_name;dbname=your_db_name_here"; // define host name and database name $username = "you"; // define the username $pwd="your_password"; // password try ( $db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $pwd); ) catch (PDOException $e) ( $error_message = $e->getMessage(); echo "this is displayed because an error was found "; exit(); )

I recently came up with a similar answer/question on my own. This is what I did, in case anyone is interested:

args = func_get_args(); ) public function __call($method, $args) ( if (empty($this->db)) ( $Ref = new \ReflectionClass("\PDO"); $this->db = $Ref->newInstanceArgs($ this->args); ) return call_user_func_array(array($this->db, $method), $args) );

To call it you only need to change this line:

$DB = new \Library\PDO(/* normal arguments */);

And a hint type if you use it (\Library\PDO$DB).

This is indeed similar to the accepted answer and yours; however, it has a significant advantage. Consider this code:

$DB = new \Library\PDO(/* args */); $STH = $DB->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = ?"); $STH->execute(array(25)); $User = $STH->fetch();

While it may look like regular PDO (it's modified by that \Library\ only), it doesn't actually initialize the object until you call the first method, whichever it is. This makes it more optimized since creating a PDO object is a bit expensive. This is a transparent class, or what it is called Ghost, a form. You can treat $DB like a regular PDO instance, pass it around, do the same operations, etc.

I would suggest not using $_SESSION to access your DB connection globally.

You can do one of several things (okay the worst for the best practitioner):

  • Accessing $dbh using global $dbh inside your functions and classes
  • Use a singleton registry and access it globally, for example:

    $registry = MyRegistry::getInstance(); $dbh = $registry->getDbh();

    Add the database handler to the classes it needs:

    Class MyClass ( public function __construct($dbh) ( /* ... */ ) )

However, it is a little more advanced and requires more "wiring" without the frame. Thus, if dependency injection is too complex for you, use a singleton registry instead of a collection of global variables.

Provides methods for preparing expressions and working with objects that can make you more productive!

Introduction to PDO

"PDO - PHP Data Objects is a database access layer that provides unified methods for accessing different databases."

It does not rely on specific database syntax and allows you to easily switch to another database type and platform simply by changing the connection string in most cases.

This lesson is not a description of the process of working with SQL. It is intended for those who use extensions mysql or mysqli to help them move to a more powerful and portable PDO.

Database support

The extension supports any database for which there is a PDO driver. Drivers are currently available for the following database types:

  • PDO_DBLIB (FreeTDS / Microsoft SQL Server / Sybase)
  • PDO_FIREBIRD (Firebird/Interbase 6)
  • PDO_INFORMIX (IBM Informix Dynamic Server)
  • PDO_MYSQL (MySQL 3.x/4.x/5.x)
  • PDO_OCI (Oracle Call Interface)
  • PDO_ODBC (ODBC v3 (IBM DB2, unixODBC and win32 ODBC))
  • PDO_PGSQL (PostgreSQL)
  • PDO_SQLITE (SQLite 3 and SQLite 2)
  • PDO_4D (4D)

For the system to work, it is enough to install only those drivers that are really needed. You can get a list of drivers available on the system as follows:



Different databases may have slightly different connection methods. Methods for connecting to several popular databases are shown below. You will notice that the first three are identical to each other, and only SQLite has a specific syntax.

try ( # MS SQL Server and Sybase with PDO_DBLIB $DBH = new PDO("mssql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname, $user, $pass"); $DBH = new PDO("sybase:host=$host ;dbname=$dbname, $user, $pass"); # MySQL with PDO_MYSQL $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); # SQLite $DBH = new PDO("sqlite:my/database/path/database.db"); catch(PDOException $e) ( echo $e->getMessage(); )

Pay attention to the block try/catch- you should always wrap PDO operations in a block try/catch and use the exception mechanism. Typically only one connection is made, our example shows multiple connections to show the syntax. $DBH contains a database handle and will be used throughout our tutorial.

You can close any connection by setting the handle to null.

# Close the connection $DBH = null;

You can learn more about specific options and connection strings for various databases from the documents on

Exceptions and PDO

PDO can use exceptions to handle errors. This means that all PDO operations must be enclosed in a block try/catch. PDO can throw three levels of errors, the error control level is selected by setting the error control mode attribute for the database descriptor:


Regardless of the control level set, a connection error always raises an exception and should therefore always be enclosed in a block try/catch.


Error control level is set by default. At this level, errors are generated according to the same principle as in extensions mysql or mysqli. The other two levels of error control are more suitable for the DRY (Don't Repeat Youself) programming style.


At this level of error control, standard PHP warnings are generated and the program can continue executing. This level is convenient for debugging.


This level of error control should be used in most situations. Exceptions are generated to carefully handle errors and hide data that could help someone hack your system. Below is an example demonstrating the benefits of exceptions:

# Connect to the database try ( $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); $DBH->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) ; # Wrongly typing DELECT instead of SELECT! $DBH->prepare("DELECT name FROM people"); catch(PDOException $e) ( echo "Sorry. But the operation could not be completed."; file_put_contents("PDOErrors.txt" , $e->getMessage(), FILE_APPEND);

There is an intentional error in the SELECT statement here. This will throw an exception. The exception will send a description of the error to the log file and display a message to the user.

Inserting and updating data

Inserting new data or updating existing data is one of the most commonly used common database operations. When using PDO, it is decomposed into two stages. Everything described in this chapter applies to both operations. UPDATE And INSERT.

Here's an example of the most used data insertion type:

# STH is the "state handle" $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (first_name) values ​​("Cathy")"); $STH->execute();

Of course, you can perform this operation using the method exec(), and the number of calls will be one less. But it's better to use a longer method to get the benefits of prepared expressions. Even if you only intend to use them once, prepared expressions will help you protect against attacks on your system.

Prepared Expressions

Prepared statements are precompiled SQL statements that can be executed many times by sending only the data to the server. They have the added benefit of automatically populating the template with data in the form of protection against attacks via SQL code attachments.

You can use prepared expressions by including templates in your SQL code. Below are 3 examples: one without templates, one with unnamed templates, one with named templates.

# no templates - open to SQL injection attacks! $STH = $DBH->("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​($name, $addr, $city)"); # unnamed templates $STH = $DBH->("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(?, ?, ?); # named templates $STH = $DBH->("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr , city) value (:name, :addr, :city)");

You should avoid using the first method. The choice of named or unnamed patterns affects how you set the data for these expressions.

Unnamed templates

# assign variables to each template, indexed from 1 to 3 $STH->bindParam(1, $name); $STH->bindParam(2, $addr); $STH->bindParam(3, $city); # Insert one line $name = "Dima" $addr = "Lizyukova St."; $city = "Moscow"; $STH->execute(); # Insert another line $name = "Senya" $addr = "Communist dead end"; $city = "Peter"; $STH->execute();

The operation takes place in two stages. In the first step, variables are assigned to the templates. Then, the variables are assigned values ​​and the expression is executed. To send the next piece of data, you need to change the values ​​of the variables and run the expression again.

Looks a bit cumbersome for expressions with a lot of parameters? Certainly. However, if your data is stored in an array, then everything will be very short:

# Data to be inserted $data = array("Monya", "Forget-Me-Not Avenue", "Zakutaysk"); $STH = $DBH->("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(?, ?, ?)"); $STH->execute($data);

The data in the array is substituted into the templates in the order they appear. $data goes to the first template, $data to the second, and so on. However, if the array is indexed in a different order, then such an operation will not be performed correctly. You need to ensure that the order of the patterns matches the order of the data in the array.

Named Templates

Here is an example of using a named template:

# The first argument to the function is the name of the named template # A named template always starts with a colon $STH->bindParam(":name", $name);

You can use shortcuts, but they work with associated arrays. Example:

# Data to be inserted $data = array("name" => "Michelle", "addr" => "Kuznechny Lane", "city" => "Cnjkbwf"); # Shorthand $STH = $DBH->("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) value (:name, :addr, :city)"); $STH->execute($data);

Your table keys do not require a colon, but must still match template names. If you are using an array of arrays, you can iterate through it and simply call execute for each data set.

Another nice feature of named templates is the ability to insert objects directly into your database when the properties and field names match. Example:

# Simple object class person ( public $name; public $addr; public $city; function __construct($n,$a,$c) ( $this->name = $n; $this->addr = $a; $ this->city = $c; ) # etc. ... ) $cathy = new person("Katya","Lenin Avenue","Mozhaisk"); # Execute: $STH = $DBH->("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) value (:name, :addr, :city)"); $STH->execute((array)$cathy);

Converting object type to array V execute causes properties to be treated as array keys.

Receiving data

The state identifier method is used to obtain data ->fetch(). Before calling the method fetch() you need to tell PDO how you will retrieve data from the database. You can select the following options:

  • PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array indexed by column names
  • PDO::FETCH_BOTH (default): returns an array indexed by column names and numbers
  • PDO::FETCH_BOUND: Assigns the values ​​of your columns to a set of variables using the method ->bindColumn()
  • PDO::FETCH_CLASS: assigns column values ​​to properties of a named class; if the corresponding property does not exist, it is created
  • PDO::FETCH_INTO: updates an existing instance of a named class
  • PDO::FETCH_LAZY: combination PDO::FETCH_BOTH/PDO::FETCH_OBJ, creates object variable names as they are used
  • PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array indexed by column numbers
  • PDO::FETCH_OBJ: returns an anonymous object with property names corresponding to column names

In reality, basic situations are resolved using three options: FETCH_ASSOC, FETCH_CLASS And FETCH_OBJ. To set the data extraction method:


You can also set the data retrieval method directly in the method call ->fetch().


This type of data retrieval creates an associative array indexed by column names. It should be fairly well known to those who use extensions mysql/mysqli. Sample data sample:

$STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); # Set the data retrieval mode $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); while($row = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $row["name"] . "\n"; echo $row["addr"] . "\n"; echo $row["city"] . "\n" ;

Cycle while continues to iterate through the sample result one row at a time until complete.


With this type of data retrieval, a class object is created std for each row of received data:

$STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); # Set the data fetch mode $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); # show the result while($row = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $row->name . "\n"; echo $row->addr . "\n"; echo $row->city . "\ n"; )


With this type of extraction, the data is placed directly into the class you choose. When using FETCH_CLASS the properties of your object are set BEFORE calling the constructor. This is very important. If a property corresponding to the column name does not exist, then such a property will be created (as public) for you.

This means that if the data needs transformation after being retrieved from the database, it can be done automatically by your object as soon as it is created.

For example, imagine a situation where the address must be partially hidden for each entry. We can accomplish the task by manipulating the property in the constructor:

Class secret_person ( public $name; public $addr; public $city; public $other_data; function __construct($other = "") ( $this->address = preg_replace("//", "x", $this-> address); $this->other_data = $other;

Once the data is extracted into the class, all lowercase a-z characters in the address will be replaced by the x character. Now, using the class and retrieving the data, the transformation occurs completely transparently:

$STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person"); while($obj = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $obj->addr; )

If the address was 'Leninsky Prospekt 5' you will see 'Lxxxxxxxxxx xx-x 5'. Of course, there are situations where you want the constructor to be called before the data is assigned. PDO has the means to implement this:

$STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "secret_person");

Now, when you repeat the previous example with the mode set PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE the address will not be hidden since the constructor has been called and the properties assigned.

If you need, you can pass arguments to the constructor when extracting data into the object:

$STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person", array("stuff"));

If you need to pass different data to the constructor for each object, you can set the data retrieval mode inside the method fetch:

$i = 0; while($rowObj = $STH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person", array($i))) ( // do stuff $i++ )

Some other useful methods

Since PDO cannot be described completely in a short article, we will present several useful methods for performing basic operations.


Method ->lastInsertId() is always called by the database handle (not the state handle) and returns the value of the auto-incremented id of the last inserted row for a given connection.

$DBH->exec("DELETE FROM folks WHERE 1"); $DBH->exec("SET time_zone = "-8:00"");

Method ->exec() used for various auxiliary operations.

$safe = $DBH->quote($unsafe);

Method ->quote() quotas strings so they can be used in queries. This is your reserve in case prepared expressions are not used.

$rows_affected = $STH->rowCount();

Method ->rowCount() returns value integer, indicating the number of rows that are processed by the operation. In the latest version of PDO, according to the bug report (, this method does not work with expressions SELECT. If you have problems and cannot update PHP, you can get the number of rows in the following way:

$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM folks"; if ($STH = $DBH->query($sql)) ( # Check the number of rows if ($STH->fetchColumn() > 0) ( # There should be a SELECT code here) else ( echo "There are no rows matching the query." ; ) )

I hope you liked the lesson!

  • Translation

Many PHP developers are accustomed to using the mysql and mysqli extensions to work with databases. But since version 5.1 in PHP there is a more convenient way - PHP Data Objects. This class, called PDO for short, provides methods for working with objects and prepared statements that will significantly improve your productivity!

Introduction to PDO

“PDO – PHP Data Objects is a layer that offers a universal way to work with multiple databases.”

It leaves the concern for the syntax features of various DBMSs to the developer, but makes the process of switching between platforms much less painful. Often this only requires changing the database connection string.

This article is written for people who use mysql and mysqli to help them migrate to the more powerful and flexible PDO.

DBMS support

This extension can support any database management system for which a PDO driver exists. At the time of writing, the following drivers are available:
  • PDO_DBLIB (FreeTDS / Microsoft SQL Server / Sybase)
  • PDO_FIREBIRD (Firebird/Interbase 6)
  • PDO_INFORMIX (IBM Informix Dynamic Server)
  • PDO_MYSQL (MySQL 3.x/4.x/5.x)
  • PDO_OCI (Oracle Call Interface)
  • PDO_ODBC (ODBC v3 (IBM DB2, unixODBC and win32 ODBC))
  • PDO_PGSQL (PostgreSQL)
  • PDO_SQLITE (SQLite 3 and SQLite 2)
  • PDO_SQLSRV (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • PDO_4D (4D)
However, not all of them are on your server. You can see the list of available drivers like this:


Methods for connecting to different DBMSs may differ slightly. Below are examples of connecting to the most popular ones. You will notice that the first three have identical syntax, unlike SQLite.
try ( # MS SQL Server and Sybase via PDO_DBLIB $DBH = new PDO("mssql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); $DBH = new PDO("sybase:host=$host ;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); # MySQL via PDO_MYSQL $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); # SQLite $DBH = new PDO("sqlite:my/database/path/database.db"); catch(PDOException $e) ( echo $e->getMessage(); )
Please pay attention to the try/catch block - it is always worth wrapping all your PDO operations in it and using the exception mechanism (more on this later).

$DBH stands for “database handle” and will be used throughout the article.

You can close any connection by redefining its variable to null.
# closes connection $DBH = null;
More information on the topic of distinctive options of different DBMSs and methods of connecting to them can be found on

Exceptions and PDO

PDO can throw exceptions on errors, so everything should be in a try/catch block. Immediately after creating a connection, PDO can be put into any of three error modes:
But it is worth noting that an error when trying to connect will always throw an exception.


This is the default mode. You'll likely use roughly the same thing to catch errors in the mysql and mysqli extensions. The next two modes are more suitable for DRY programming.


This mode will cause a standard Warning and allow the script to continue executing. Convenient for debugging.


In most situations, this type of script execution control is preferable. It throws an exception, allowing you to cleverly handle errors and hide sensitive information. Like, for example, here:
# connect to the database try ( $DBH = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $user, $pass); $DBH->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) ; # Damn! I typed DELECT instead of SELECT! $DBH->prepare("DELECT name FROM people")->execute(); ) catch(PDOException $e) ( echo "Houston, we have problems."; file_put_contents("PDOErrors" .txt", $e->getMessage(), FILE_APPEND); )
There is a syntax error in the SQL expression that will throw an exception. We can record the details of the error in a log file and hint to the user in human language that something has happened.

Insert and Update

Inserting new data and updating existing data are some of the most common database operations. In the case of PDO, this process usually consists of two steps. (The next section is all about both UPDATE and INSERT)

A trivial example of inserting new data:
# STH means "Statement Handle" $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (first_name) values ​​("Cathy")"); $STH->execute();
Actually, you can do the same thing with one exec() method, but the two-step method gives all the benefits of prepared statements. They help protect against SQL injections, so it makes sense to use them even for a one-time query.

Prepared Statements

Using prepared statements strengthens protection against SQL injections.

A Prepared statement is a pre-compiled SQL statement that can be executed repeatedly by sending only different sets of data to the server. An additional advantage is that it is impossible to carry out SQL injection through the data used in placeholders.

Below are three examples of prepared statements.
# without placeholders - the door to SQL injections is open! $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​($name, $addr, $city)"); # unnamed placeholders $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(?, ?, ?)"); # named placeholders $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(:name, :addr, :city)");
The first example is here for comparison only and should be avoided. The difference between nameless and named placeholders is how you pass data to prepared statements.

Unnamed placeholders

# assign variables to each placeholder, with indices from 1 to 3 $STH->bindParam(1, $name); $STH->bindParam(2, $addr); $STH->bindParam(3, $city); # insert one line $name = "Daniel" $addr = "1 Wicked Way"; $city = "Arlington Heights"; $STH->execute(); # insert another line, with different data $name = "Steve" $addr = "5 Circle Drive"; $city = "Schaumburg"; $STH->execute();
There are two steps here. On the first one, we assign variables to all placeholders (lines 2-4). Then we assign values ​​to these variables and execute the query. To send a new set of data, simply change the variable values ​​and run the request again.

If your SQL expression has many parameters, then assigning a variable to each is very inconvenient. In such cases, you can store the data in an array and pass it:
# the set of data we will insert $data = array("Cathy", "9 Dark and Twisty Road", "Cardiff"); $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(?, ?, ?)"); $STH->execute($data);
$data will be inserted in place of the first placeholder, $data in place of the second, etc. But be careful: if your indexes are messed up, this won't work.

Named placeholders

# the first argument is the name of the placeholder # it usually starts with a colon # although it works without them $STH->bindParam(":name", $name);
Here you can also pass an array, but it must be associative. The keys should be, as you might guess, the names of the placeholders.
# the data we insert $data = array("name" => "Cathy", "addr" => "9 Dark and Twisty", "city" => "Cardiff"); $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(:name, :addr, :city)"); $STH->execute($data);
One of the conveniences of using named placeholders is the ability to insert objects directly into the database if the property names match the parameter names. For example, you can insert data like this:
# class for a simple object class person ( public $name; public $addr; public $city; function __construct($n,$a,$c) ( $this->name = $n; $this->addr = $a ; $this->city = $c; ) # so on... ) $cathy = new person("Cathy","9 Dark and Twisty","Cardiff"); # and here's the interesting part $STH = $DBH->prepare("INSERT INTO folks (name, addr, city) values ​​(:name, :addr, :city)"); $STH->execute((array)$cathy);
Converting an object to an array during execute() causes the properties to be treated as array keys.

Data sampling

Data can be retrieved using the ->fetch() method. Before calling it, it is advisable to explicitly indicate in what form you require them. There are several options:
  • PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: returns an array with column names as keys
  • PDO::FETCH_BOTH (default): returns an array with indexes both in the form of column names and their serial numbers
  • PDO::FETCH_BOUND: assigns column values ​​to the corresponding variables specified using the ->bindColumn() method
  • PDO::FETCH_CLASS: assigns column values ​​to the corresponding properties of the specified class. If there is no property for some column, it will be created
  • PDO::FETCH_INTO: updates an existing instance of the specified class
  • PDO::FETCH_NUM: returns an array with keys as column numbers
  • PDO::FETCH_OBJ: returns an anonymous object with properties corresponding to the column names
In practice, you will usually need three: FETCH_ASSOC, FETCH_CLASS, and FETCH_OBJ. To specify the data format, use the following syntax:
You can also set it directly when calling the ->fetch() method.


This format creates an associative array with column names as indices. It should be familiar to those who use the mysql/mysqli extensions.
# since this is a regular query without placeholders, # you can immediately use the query() method $STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); # set the fetch mode $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); while($row = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $row["name"] . "\n"; echo $row["addr"] . "\n"; echo $row["city"] . "\n" ;
The while() loop will iterate through the entire query result.


This type of data acquisition creates an instance of the std class for each row.
# create a query $STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); # select the fetch mode $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); # print the result while($row = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $row->name . "\n"; echo $row->addr . "\n"; echo $row->city . "\ n"; )


When using fetch_class, data is written to instances of the specified class. In this case, values ​​are assigned to the properties of the object BEFORE calling the constructor. If properties with names matching column names do not exist, they will be created automatically (with the scope public).

If your data requires mandatory processing immediately after it is received from the database, it can be implemented in the class constructor.

For example, let's take a situation where you need to hide part of a person's residential address.
class secret_person ( public $name; public $addr; public $city; public $other_data; function __construct($other = "") ( $this->addr = preg_replace("//", "x", $this-> addr); $this->other_data = $other;
When creating an object, all lowercase Latin letters must be replaced with x. Let's check:
$STH = $DBH->query("SELECT name, addr, city from folks"); $STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person"); while($obj = $STH->fetch()) ( echo $obj->addr; )
If the address in the database looks like '5 Rosebud', then the output will be '5 Rxxxxxx'.

Of course, sometimes you will want the constructor to be called BEFORE assigning values. PDO allows this too.
$STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS | PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "secret_person");
Now that you have supplemented the previous example with an additional option (PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE), the address will not be modified, since nothing happens after the values ​​are written.

Finally, if necessary, you can pass arguments to the constructor directly when creating the object:
$STH->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person", array("stuff"));
You can even pass different arguments to each object:
$i = 0; while($rowObj = $STH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "secret_person", array($i))) ( // do something $i++; )

Other Useful Methods

While this article cannot (and does not attempt to) cover every aspect of working with PDO (it is a huge module!), the following few features cannot be left out without mention.
The ->lastInsertId() method returns the id of the last inserted record. It is worth noting that it is always called on a database object (called $DBH in this article), and not on an object with an expression ($STH).
$DBH->exec("DELETE FROM folks WHERE 1"); $DBH->exec("SET time_zone = "-8:00"");
The ->exec() method is used for operations that do not return any data other than the number of records affected by them.
$safe = $DBH->quote($unsafe);
The ->quote() method places quotes in string data so that it is safe to use them in queries. Useful if you don't use prepared statements.
$rows_affected = $STH->rowCount();
The ->rowCount() method returns the number of records that participated in the operation. Unfortunately, this function did not work with SELECT queries until PHP 5.1.6. If it is not possible to update the PHP version, the number of records can be obtained like this:
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM folks"; if ($STH = $DBH->query($sql)) ( # check the number of records if ($STH->fetchColumn() > 0) ( # do a full selection here because the data was found! ) else ( # print a message that no data satisfying the request was found) )


I hope this material will help some of you migrate from the mysql and mysqli extensions.

Setting up and using PDO - PHP Data Objects extension for working with databases

Creating a test database and table

First, let's create the database for this tutorial:

CREATE DATABASE solar_system; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON solar_system.* TO "testuser"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "testpassword";

A user with the login testuser and password testpassword was granted full access rights to the solar_system database.

Now let’s create a table and fill it with data, the astronomical accuracy of which is not implied:

USE solar_system; CREATE TABLE planets (id TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY(id), name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, color VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO planets(name, color) VALUES("earth", "blue"), ("mars", "red"), ("jupiter", "strange");

Connection description

Now that the database has been created, let's define DSN () - information for connecting to the database, presented as a string. The description syntax differs depending on the DBMS used. In the example we are working with MySQL/MariaDB, so we indicate:

  • host name where the DBMS is located;
  • port (optional if standard port 3306 is used);
  • database name;
  • encoding (optional).

The DSN line in this case looks like this:

$dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=solar_system;charset=utf8";

The database prefix is ​​specified first. In the example - mysql. The prefix is ​​separated from the rest of the line by a colon, and each subsequent parameter is separated by a semicolon.

Creating a PDO Object

Now that the DSN string is ready, let's create a PDO object. The input constructor accepts the following parameters:

  1. DSN string.
  2. The name of the user who has access to the database.
  3. This user's password.
  4. An array with additional parameters (optional).
$options = [ PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ]; $pdo = new PDO($dsn, "testuser", "testpassword", $options);

Additional parameters can also be defined after the object is created using the SetAttribute method:


Defining the default sampling method

PDO::DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE is an important parameter that determines the default fetch method. The specified method is used when obtaining the result of a request.


Default mode. The result of the selection is indexed by both numbers (starting from 0) and column names:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM planets"); $results = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);

After executing a query with this mode against the test table of planets, we get the following result:

Array ( => 1 => 1 => earth => earth => blue => blue)


The result is stored in an associative array in which the key is the column name and the value is the corresponding row value:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM planets"); $results = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

As a result we get:

Array ( => 1 => earth => blue)


When using this mode, the result is presented as an array indexed by column numbers (starting from 0):

Array ( => 1 => earth => blue)


This option is useful if you need to get a list of values ​​for one field in the form of a one-dimensional array, the numbering of which starts from 0. For example:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name FROM planets");

As a result we get:

Array ( => earth => mars => jupiter)


We use this option if we need to get a list of values ​​of two fields in the form of an associative array. The array keys are the data in the first column of the selection, the array values ​​are the data in the second column. For example:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name, color FROM planets"); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);

As a result we get:

Array ( => blue => red => strange)


When using PDO::FETCH_OBJECT, an anonymous object is created for each fetched row. Its public properties are the names of the sample columns, and the query results are used as their values:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name, color FROM planets"); $results = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

As a result we get:

StdClass Object ( => earth => blue)


In this case, as in the previous one, the column values ​​become properties of the object. However, you must specify an existing class that will be used to create the object. Let's look at this with an example. First, let's create a class:

Class Planet ( private $name; private $color; public function setName($planet_name) ( $this->name = $planet_name; ) public function setColor($planet_color) ( $this->color = $planet_color; ) public function getName () ( return $this->name; ) public function getColor() ( return $this->color; ) )

Please note that the Planet class has private properties and does not have a constructor. Now let's execute the request.

If you are using the fetch method with PDO::FETCH_CLASS , you must use the setFetchMode method before sending a request to fetch the data:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name, color FROM planets"); $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "Planet");

The first parameter we pass to the setFetchMode method is the PDO::FETCH_CLASS constant. The second parameter is the name of the class that will be used when creating the object. Now let's do:

$planet = $stmt->fetch(); var_dump($planet);

As a result, we get a Planet object:

Planet Object ( => earth => blue)

The values ​​returned by the query are assigned to the corresponding properties of the object, even private ones.

Defining properties after constructor execution

The Planet class does not have an explicit constructor, so there will be no problems assigning properties. If a class has a constructor in which the property was assigned or changed, they will be overwritten.

When using the FETCH_PROPS_LATE constant, property values ​​will be assigned after the constructor is executed:

Class Planet ( private $name; private $color; public function __construct($name = moon, $color = gray) ( $this->name = $name; $this->color = $color; ) public function setName($ planet_name) ( $this->name = $planet_name; ) public function setColor($planet_color) ( $this->color = $planet_color; ) public function getName() ( return $this->name; ) public function getColor() ( return $this->color; ) )

We modified the Planet class by adding a constructor that takes two arguments as input: name and color. The default values ​​for these fields are moon and gray, respectively.

If you do not use FETCH_PROPS_LATE, the properties will be overwritten with default values ​​when the object is created. Let's check it out. First let's run the query:

$stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT name, color FROM solar_system WHERE name = "earth""); $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "Planet"); $planet = $stmt->fetch(); var_dump($planet);

As a result we get:

Object(Planet)#2 (2) ( ["name":"Planet":private]=> string(4) "moon" ["color":"Planet":private]=> string(4) "gray" )

As expected, the values ​​retrieved from the database are overwritten. Now let's look at solving the problem using FETCH_PROPS_LATE (a similar request):

$stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS|PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "Planet"); $planet = $stmt->fetch(); var_dump($planet);

As a result, we get what we need:

Object(Planet)#4 (2) ( ["name":"Planet":private]=> string(5) "earth" ["color":"Planet":private]=> string(4) "blue" )

If a class constructor does not have default values, but they are needed, the constructor parameters are set when calling the setFetchMode method with the third argument in the form of an array. For example:

Class Planet ( private $name; private $color; public function __construct($name, $color) ( $this->name = $name; $this->color = $color; ) [...] )

Constructor arguments are required, so let's do:

$stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS|PDO::FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "Planet", ["moon", "gray"]);

Incoming parameters also act as default values ​​that are needed for initialization. In the future, they will be overwritten with values ​​from the database.

Retrieving Multiple Objects

Multiple results are fetched as objects using the fetch method inside a while loop:

While ($planet = $stmt->fetch()) ( // processing results )

Or by sampling all the results at once. In the second case, the fetchAll method is used, and the mode is specified at the time of the call:

$stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS|PDO_FETCH_PROPS_LATE, "Planet", ["moon", "gray"]);


When this selection option is selected, PDO does not create a new object, but rather updates the properties of the existing one. However, this is only possible for public properties or when using the __set magic method on the object.

Prepared and direct requests

There are two ways to execute queries in PDO:

  • straight, which consists of one step;
  • prepared, which consists of two steps.

Direct requests

There are two methods for performing direct queries:

  • query is used for statements that do not make changes, such as SELECT. Returns a PDOStatemnt object from which query results are retrieved using the fetch or fetchAll methods;
  • exec is used for statements like INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE. Returns the number of rows processed by the request.

Direct operators are used only if there are no variables in the query and you are confident that the query is safe and properly escaped.

Prepared queries

PDO supports prepared statements, which are useful for protecting an application from : the prepare method performs the necessary escaping.

Let's look at an example. You want to insert the properties of a Planet object into the Planets table. First, let's prepare the request:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO planets(name, color) VALUES(?, ?)");

We use the prepare method, which takes an SQL query with pseudo-variables (placeholders) as an argument. Pseudovariables can be of two types: unnamed and named.

Unnamed pseudo variables

Unnamed pseudo-variables (positional placeholders) are marked with ? . The resulting query is compact, but requires the values ​​to be substituted in the same order. They are passed as an array via the execute method:

$stmt->execute([$planet->name, $planet->color]);

Named Pseudo Variables

When using named placeholders, the order in which values ​​are passed for substitution is not important, but the code in this case becomes less compact. Data is passed to the execute method in the form of an associative array, in which each key corresponds to the name of a pseudo-variable, and the value of the array corresponds to the value that needs to be substituted into the request. Let's redo the previous example:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO planets(name, color) VALUES(:name, :color)"); $stmt->execute(["name" => $planet->name, "color" => $planet->color]);

The prepare and execute methods are used both when executing change requests and when fetching.

And information about the number of rows processed, if necessary, will be provided by the rowCount method.

Controlling PDO error behavior

The error mode selection parameter PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE is used to determine how PDO behaves in the event of errors. There are three options available: PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT , PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION and PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING .


Default option. PDO will simply record information about the error, which the errorCode and errorInfo methods will help you obtain.


This is the preferred option where PDO throws an exception (PDOException) in addition to error information. An exception interrupts script execution, which is useful when using PDO transactions. An example is given in the description of transactions.


In this case, PDO also records error information. The script flow is not interrupted, but warnings are issued.

bindValue and bindParam methods

You can also use the bindValue and bindParam methods to substitute values ​​in a query. The first associates the value of the variable with the pseudo-variable that is used to prepare the request:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO planets(name, color) VALUES(:name, :color)"); $stmt->bindValue("name", $planet->name, PDO::PARAM_STR);

Linked the value of the $planet->name variable to the pseudo variable:name . Note that when using the bindValue and bindParam methods, the type of the variable is specified as the third argument using the appropriate PDO constants. In the example - PDO::PARAM_STR .

The bindParam method binds a variable to a pseudo variable. In this case, the variable is associated with a pseudo-variable reference, and the value will be inserted into the query only after the execute method is called. Let's look at an example:

$stmt->bindParam("name", $planet->name, PDO::PARAM_STR);

Transactions in PDO

Let's imagine an unusual example. The user needs to select a list of planets, and each time the request is executed, the current data is deleted from the database, and then new ones are inserted. If an error occurs after deleting, the next user will receive an empty list. To avoid this, we use transactions:

$pdo->beginTransaction(); try ( $stmt1 = $pdo->exec("DELETE FROM planets"); $stmt2 = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO planets(name, color) VALUES (?, ?)"); foreach ($planets as $planet) ( $stmt2->execute([$planet->getName(), $planet->getColor()]); ) $pdo->commit() ) catch (PDOException $e) ( $pdo-> rollBack();

The beginTransaction method disables automatic execution of requests, and inside the try-catch construct, requests are executed in the desired order. If no PDOExceptions are thrown, the requests will be completed using the commit method. Otherwise, they will be rolled back using the rollback method, and automatic execution of queries will be restored.

This created consistency in query execution. Obviously, for this to happen, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE needs to be set to PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION .


Now that working with PDO has been described, let's note its main advantages:

  • with PDO it is easy to transfer the application to other DBMSs;
  • All popular DBMSs are supported;
  • built-in error management system;
  • various options for presenting sample results;
  • prepared queries are supported, which shorten the code and make it resistant to SQL injections;
  • Transactions are supported, which help maintain data integrity and query consistency when users work in parallel.