Installation of yota lte internet antenna. We make an external antenna to strengthen the Yota signal with our own hands. Antenna for Eta using an aluminum can

The Internet is an essential thing for a modern person. Many people cannot even imagine their life without access to high-speed Internet. Yota is a modern provider that offers its clients the most favorable conditions. With this operator you can easily find a tariff that suits your cost and connection speed. Some people think that by connecting a modem they can provide Internet to a huge apartment. In this case, an external antenna is required for the yota modem. It will help make the signal strong, thereby increasing the coverage area.

At the official level, Eta does not recommend that users install additional antennas on their modems. But if you still need to increase your connection speed, you can use some tips. If you follow the instructions strictly, you can increase the data transfer speed and reception quality. With the help of modern antennas, you can strengthen the Internet signal over a radius of up to 15 kilometers. This allows you to speed up your connection to the network and provide each user with a stable and high-speed connection.

Before installing the device, check whether the external antenna is suitable for the yota 4g modem. Not all antennas work with this cellular operator's coverage. To do this, consult with the seller before purchasing. If you don't want to take risks, use third-party help. Many organizations are willing to help you for a small fee. A specialist will accurately set up high-speed Internet access for you quickly.

Some users still want to try their own hands and try to connect the antenna themselves. Sometimes their actions do not bring any results - the data transfer speed does not change, and the money has already been spent on purchasing components. The cause may be a suitable device, incorrect installation software or incorrect installation with your own hands. Because of this, we recommend using the help of a specialist.

How to use a signal reflector?

Internet signal amplifiers will help speed up the Internet and increase coverage area. These are devices that take over the Internet and distribute it over long distances. You can purchase the device at any electronics store. Keep in mind that not all devices will really improve your connection speed. Many of them do not show any results, despite the high cost. The signal reflector works like this:

  • Insert the gadget into the USB connector of the Yota modem.
  • Prepare a slot for installing an antenna.
  • Use an extension cord to connect the cable to your personal computer.

The antenna must be installed directly next to the data transmitter so that it can more actively distribute the signal. Despite the manufacturers' statements, using the device does not provide a powerful improvement in communication. The improvement from using the antenna is not at all better installation a regular tin can or colander. Because of this, the antenna for the 4g modem is less popular.

Connect an external antenna to the modem via a contactless adapter

It is not always possible to amplify the signal using an antenna. The method is only suitable for devices that have a USB connector. If it is not there, then you cannot use the method. To increase the data transfer speed on a modem without USB ports, you can use contactless adapters. They work like this:

  1. Install the antenna outdoors. Set it as high as possible, the direction does not matter.
  2. Using a high-frequency cable, connect the antenna to the adapter included in the kit.
  3. Connect the modem and computer to each other via a USB extension cable.
  4. Install a modem from Iota inside the antenna adapter.

If you have the slightest knowledge of technology, you will be able to connect the device. Keep in mind that it is impossible to guarantee an increase in Internet speed and coverage in this way. Many gadgets are ordinary dummies designed to pump out money. They may reduce the quality of data transmission. If you need faster Internet speed, change your tariff plan. This way you are guaranteed to get an increase in 4G LTE speed.

If you have a desire to learn how to work with Mikrotik routers and become a specialist in this field, I recommend following a program based on information from the official course. The course is worthwhile, read the link for all the details.

This article is part of a single series of articles about.


In the warm season, and not only in the summer, just more often, I spend a lot of time outside the city in the Moscow region at the dacha. That's where I work. In order to be able to work normally, I needed a stable Internet, which I didn’t have for a long time, and I frankly suffered. I was forced to stay in the city for work. My house is located in a very remote and quiet area, next to a forest, which is a definite plus in terms of silence and desertion, and at the same time a minus in terms of communication.

Directly cellular It works more or less normally, you can talk. But there was a real problem with the Internet. All operators are caught, but there is no internet. Barely catches 3g. And the prices have never pleased me. To work normally, I need a lot of traffic, I didn’t really want to pay for it at the existing rates, so I didn’t really look into the issue.

Everything changed when I tried the Yota operator with her unlimited Internet. As soon as I saw that my house seemed to be in the coverage area, I decided to buy a SIM card first and check the connection. I can install 2 SIM cards in my smartphone, so I started using it as a second one. I liked eta’s tariffs because there is no roaming throughout Russia, which is very convenient. I used the Internet on my smartphone when I left my home region.

I came to the dacha with this smartphone and checked the connection. A miracle did not happen, since it works on the same base stations as the megaphone, so the connection was the same as with the megaphone, practically none. It was very inconvenient to use the Internet; the connection was constantly interrupted, although from time to time it was possible to download something. Basically I was in the zone uncertain reception 3g. I decided to do the following thing: I climbed into the attic and put the phone near the window that faces the side where the nearest base station is located. I started checking the connection and was very happy. It became much better, the Internet on the phone itself worked tolerably, sometimes the lte signal was caught.

This inspired me very much and I decided to turn on the access point on my phone, leave it in the attic, and connect to the point with a laptop from another floor and work. This is where I first met Yota limitation.

Yota limitation

The essence of this limitation is that it has different tariff plans For different devices with different prices. I had a SIM card with the cheapest tariff, which allowed unlimited Internet use on my smartphone. If you try to distribute the Internet to other devices from your smartphone, then yota detects this and displays a page with a warning that this is prohibited on your tariff, but if you want to use the Internet, you will pay for it separately.

I went on a search to see what was out there on this topic. It turned out that the topic was very popular. To bypass the restriction at that time it was enough to use a computer set TTL 65 if you have an Android smartphone, that’s all. The point is that on the smartphone itself TTL of packages 64, if the computer is 65, then these packets will fly out of the smartphone with TTL 64 and it will not know that you are distributing the Internet to someone. It helped me. I used the Internet like this for a while. But over time I decided to change something. I was tired of constantly climbing into the attic to install a smartphone, I wanted to distribute the Internet to other devices, the smartphone was running out of power due to its operation as an access point. Its battery is powerful enough, it lasted me a day of work, but I still didn’t like this design. By the way, I learned how to distribute the Internet to other devices. I had root access on my phone. I installed software on it, which already on the smart device changed the TTL of all passing packets.

It was necessary to resolve the issue with the quality of communication. Here I seriously delved into the topic and began to select a solution for my situation.

Choosing an antenna to boost the Yota lte signal

I read forums on the topic of lte signal amplification and began to understand antennas. Hope for success was given by the information that if you can somehow get a signal from your phone, then the antenna will definitely help and will be much better. That is, improving an existing signal is not a problem. Problems arise mainly where there is no signal from a regular phone at all.

In the end I bought myself - panel antenna directional MIMO 3G / 4G LTE, 20 dB (1900-2700 MHz)— It comes with 5 meter wires. This was enough for me; I didn’t buy additional wires. But separate adapters were needed to connect this antenna to a USB modem. I bought these - To attach the antenna to the wall of a building, you need to buy a separate bracket. I bought this one -

For high-quality reception, the antenna must be installed in direct line of sight to the base station. It should not be obscured by terrain folds or other buildings. In this case it will be of little use. I was lucky, my house is high enough and from the attic the view of the base station is not blocked by anything, just above the roof next door.

Unfortunately, I was unable to attach the antenna to the bracket. I simply don't have the ability to do this. The height of the house is high, prefabricated stairs are very unreliable at such a height. It is impossible to work with a tool on them, much less attach the antenna, it is heavy. In addition, then you need to adjust it correctly, check the connection, turn it, and possibly do this several times. An option would be to call a lift and install it from it, but I didn’t go for it, because after the lift leaves, I won’t have access to the antenna at all, I won’t be able to position it differently if necessary, or check it .

It was necessary either to collect the scaffolding along the wall of the house, or to somehow attach it to the roof. In general, it's difficult. I escaped with little blood. I installed the antenna in the attic next to the window and pointed it at the base station. I twisted it a little, turned it, tilted it in different directions and chose the optimal position.

This turned out to be enough to ensure reliable reception at the lower limit. That is, out of 5 sticks, I consistently received one, sometimes 2. The signal was stable, the speed was 1-5 megabits. This is enough for me to work. And for everything else. But of course I want more. I think the signal will be even better if the antenna is taken outside and mounted higher on the bracket. But I haven't figured out how to do it yet.

Selection of usb modem for Yota

The antenna needed to be connected to the modem. Based on reviews on the Internet, I chose a model that was guaranteed to work with Yota SIM cards. It turned out Huawei E3372/ 827F / M150-2 – 4G LTE / 3G USB In the store I bought one already stitched for all Moscow operators. I inserted a SIM card and everything worked immediately when I connected the modem to the computer. Or not right away. I don’t remember exactly, I did everything more than a year ago. I will try to reproduce the entire sequence of my actions. Most likely the modem worked with some other operator that I tested on. I had a SIM card from eta for a smartphone, it’s unlikely that it will just work in a usb modem.

I found a more convenient firmware for the modem on the Internet and reflashed it, simultaneously replacing the IMEI taken from an old broken phone. I found all the information on working with the modem on the forum. I tried to look for the instructions I followed, but couldn’t find them. There is a lot of information, but I didn’t come across exactly what I used. Therefore, I will only describe the sequence of actions that I performed. You yourself are looking for the latest instructions for this, there are a lot of them, I just looked, you need to take a modem and try. I don’t have anything to check anymore, I don’t want to tug on the working modem.

  1. I asked Huawei modem E3372 with fresh firmware HiLink.
  2. It seems that I installed some more convenient web interface separately, I don’t remember exactly.
  3. I changed the IMEI of the modem, taking it from my old phone.
  4. Installed TTL fix. It was in the form of a small patch.

After that, I could simply insert a Yota SIM card, modem into a computer or router and use the Internet. At first everything was fine, but the further, the more often I began to receive a page from the website with a warning about limiting Internet distribution. I began to read the information and realized that only the TTL fix was not enough. Yota began to determine who was using the Internet based on the resources they accessed. For example, if you have a SIM card for a smartphone, and you go to the Microsoft update server, or play online game for PC, it is obvious that you are distributing the Internet and you need to limit access.

At first it was enough to make changes to hosts file on computers, limiting access to resources. I looked for a list of resources on the Internet. But over time, restrictions appeared more and more often. For example, I noticed that Internet access stopped immediately as soon as I updated the ports on freebsd in virtual machine. In addition, they began to use the Internet from other devices - phones, tablets. Setting up restriction lists for all of them was very difficult or impossible. I began to resolve the issue radically. Eventually .

I got ahead a little without talking about connecting a usb modem to Mikrotik.

Setting up a usb modem from Yota to mikrotik

We have an antenna, the modem is programmed for Utah and is ready to work. All that remains is to connect it to the mikrotik router and set up Internet distribution from yota. Using adapters, we connect the antenna to the modem and plug it into mikrotik. I got it like this:

My Mikrotik RB951G-2HnD with OS version 6.33.3 identified the modem without any problems. I didn't have to configure anything. A new one has appeared in the list of interfaces with the name lte1:

Since HiLink is already built into the firmware dhcp server, in Mikrotik you need to run the dhcp client on the lte interface. You will receive an address from the network range

That's all for me on my Internet via yota in a country house.


Let me summarize what has been done. I will build the entire sequence of actions point by point.

  1. I bought a Yota SIM card and made sure that at least some signal was received at the dacha.
  2. I bought a usb modem and reflashed it to work on the yota network, replaced imei and installed ttl fix.
  3. I bought an antenna to boost the 4g/lte signal, adapters and connected it to the modem.
  4. I connected the modem to Mikrotik and set up Internet distribution via wifi.
  5. I set up an openvpn client on Mikrotik to mask Internet traffic from internet.

Currently, this configuration works successfully. I have no doubt that after some time the Internet will come up with some new scheme for blocking unauthorized distribution of the Internet from tariffs not intended for this. We will then think about what to do.

I already have an idea on how to overcome future blocking from yota. I even thought about using it now. For example, through this you can connect via rdp to another computer and work on it. On local computer disable all connections except rdp to the specified address. Of course, this is not so convenient, and you won’t be able to access the Internet from other devices. But it's not very scary. I mainly need the Internet for work, and through rdp it’s even more convenient for me in some cases. I use a ready-made and configured work environment that is accessible from anywhere. If the Internet is stable, then working is almost as convenient as at a local desktop.

And let everyone else take a break from their gadgets and the Internet in nature. Good for health. I'm looking forward to advice, comments, and hints on what I've written. Perhaps someone will offer a simpler and more convenient option. I’ll also add that when I leave, I take the modem with me and use it as needed in Moscow or somewhere else. Very comfortably. I consider this a significant advantage of my decision. Paid unlimited Internet always with me.

Just in case, I’ll also provide a link to one based on Mikrotik. The topic is relevant just for a country house, since the seamlessness of the solution based on Mikrotik’s capsman is very conditional and will not be suitable for an enterprise everywhere. But for home use just right - budget and simple.

Let me remind you that this article is part of a single series of articles about.

Online courses on Mikrotik

If you have a desire to learn how to work with Mikrotik routers and become a specialist in this field, I recommend taking courses according to the program based on information from the official course MikroTik Certified Network Associate. In addition to the official program, the courses will include laboratory works, in which you can test and consolidate your acquired knowledge in practice. All details are on the website. The cost of training is very affordable, good opportunity gain new knowledge in a currently relevant subject area. Course Features:
  • Practice-oriented knowledge;
  • Real situations and tasks;
  • The best of international programs.

Yota LTE modem for working in the networks of the provider of the same name mobile internet with connectors and adapters that allow you to connect an external MIMO antenna.

This version of the modem was specially prepared by our engineers. Access to the MS-156 connectors located on the modem board is simplified and does not require opening the case. The delivery set includes pigtails (adapters) from the MS-156 connector to the more common SMA-female connector. Based on this modem, a full-fledged 4G mobile Internet amplification system can be assembled.

The kit is based on the branded Yota WLTUBQ-108 modem - a new revision of the Yota One modem, which replaced the popular models LU150 and LU156. Externally, the modem has remained virtually unchanged, but the hardware has been significantly updated.

Unlike its predecessors, WLTUBQ-108 has a removable SIM card in Micro-SIM format. The card slot is located under the flip-out USB plug. The modem also received support LTE standard Cat. 4, providing download speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s.

Connection to end devices is possible either directly (the modem is inserted into the USB port like a keychain) or using a Micro-USB extension cable.

The modem operates in CDC/RNDIS mode and does not require installation of additional drivers or software. In other words, after connecting to a computer, this USB modem is recognized as a regular network card. When connecting, the Yota logo appears on top panel modem lights up blue.

Operation in mode network card ensures compatibility with most modern operating systems, including Windows XP SP3 and later and Mac OS X 10.7 and later. To operate the modem on older platforms you will need manual installation RNDIS drivers.

The Yota 4G LTE modem uses the operator’s proprietary firmware, which allows you to view detailed information about the signal level and connection speed through the web interface at There you can also change the range of internal IP addresses used by the DHCP server. If desired, users can install the proprietary Yota Access application to control the modem.

Yota modems are compatible with many WiFi routers, including popular model.

Modem characteristics
Communication standard 4G (LTE)
LTE category Cat. 4 (reception speed 150 Mbit/s)
SIM format Micro-SIM (removable)
Connection interface USB 2.0
Ports and connectors USB plug (male)
Micro-USB (socket, for connection using an extension cord)
2 x MS-156
Memory 64 MB
Transmitter power 23 dBm (200 mW)
Power consumption < 3,5 Вт
Working temperature from 0°С to +30°С
Size (without pigtails) 82 x 28 x 12.3 mm
Weight 45 g
Equipment Yota modem
2 adapters SMA-female - MS-156

ExternalYota antenna - a simple solution to a big problem

The Yota amplifier, as you can guess from the name, is nothing more than an external (installed outside the case) transceiver module, made in the form of an outdoor or indoor antenna, compatible with modems and routers produced under the Yota brand. It takes over the functions of their standard low-power antennas, increasing the integrity and speed of data transmission.

Wireless Internet from Yota is such a thing... it often does not reach the speeds promised by the operator. It is not surprising that Yota amplifiers are in such great demand among the population, which not only remains unchanged over the years - it is steadily increasing. Indeed, for many, strengthening the Yota signal has become a real “headache” - a problem that seems insoluble.

However, that is until they visit the online store site, where you can always buy an antenna for Yota, and not just buy it, but do it at the best price in the city! Solving a long-term problem with the Internet, as practice shows, will probably not take you not only a lot of time, but also money. This problem turned out to be not so serious, if you look into it...

How not to make a mistake when choosing an antennaYota

However, you should not assume that absolutely any antenna for Yota that you purchased on occasion from the metro will be able to resolve it. Such purchases rarely turn out to be successful, and therefore there is no need to place high hopes on them.

What do we mean by "good"? This is a signal amplifier for Yota that will be equally effective within the city, where neighboring buildings block the radiation base stations, and beyond, where base stations are very remote. Problems with use wireless Internet arise everywhere, but you no longer need to worry about them - they don’t concern you now!

By choosing an electronic store site, you are guaranteed to receive an effective Yota signal amplifier, since there are simply no others in our assortment. All that remains for you to do is to decide on the technical characteristics, which directly depend on technical characteristics the Yota device you are using (modem or router).

Objective signs of a good antenna for Uota

Not least important are the materials from which our amplifiers for Yota are made. An external antenna, even if it is used indoors, and especially if it is used outdoors, must be made of high-quality weather-resistant, but not interference-free materials. Otherwise, the yota amplifier will not only not provide the required efficiency, but also will not work for a long time.

Distinctive features of antennas forYotaLTE

External antennas designed to strengthen the Yota LTE (Yota 4G) signal have become widely popular relatively recently. The fourth generation wireless networks that came to large cities in Russia did not do this to the fullest extent, which is why many subscribers were unable to enjoy the traffic and connection stability they were promised.

In its design and principle of operation, the antenna for Yota LTE is no different from antennas intended for use in networks of previous generations. The difference lies in the data transmission standards it supports, which are more demanding on both the receiving and transmitting capabilities of the antenna, as well as in the technologies and devices developed for them.

However, to the same extent as the Yota external antenna, this applies to cable products and connectors used to connect them to modems and routers of the same name. An LTE amplifier for Yota, if it was connected using low-quality cables and connectors, can lose up to 15% of received and transmitted signals, thereby negating all the advantages of its use...

About the harm low prices to antennasYota 4G

But let's return directly to the Yota LTE signal amplifier. All of them are developed taking into account the most modern advances in the field wireless communication and therefore do not cause any complaints. They are being developed by many companies from the USA, China and some other countries, because LTE, according to international experts, is the future, and its commercial use is a great benefit!

The situation is being spoiled by small manufacturers who, wanting to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible (including Yota LTE antennas), use completely unsuitable materials that can turn any, even the most ingenious project, into a “non-viable monster”. There are thousands of examples of this. The lion's share of them are Chinese-made antennas intended for use in conjunction with USB modems.

External antennas for Yota (to strengthen the signal of the mentioned operator) are very widely represented in Russia. Buying a Yota 4G amplifier today is not a problem, the problem lies in something else – in its choice! The latter is greatly complicated by the innumerable variety of brands, of which very few are trustworthy. Often the buyer has to choose between bad and... bad, which in our opinion is unacceptable.

Amplifier for modemYota at a competitive price

Fortunately, you are on the website of an electronic store, a site whose customers who decide to purchase this or that device for Yota (a signal amplifier, for example), do not encounter such problems. The Yota LTE external antenna purchased here will certainly not let you down, providing ideal data reception and transmission regardless of the distance from the base station.

However, this is not the only strong point of our antennas for amplifying the 4G Yota signal - their favorable cost also excites many, attracting more and more new customers to the site. Precisely profitable, but not understated; this, let me note, is not the same thing! We don’t deal with cheap antennas made by someone unknown, and we don’t advise you to!

The same antennas for Yota LTE amplification that you can see in the catalog of this site are sold at the best prices in Moscow, which we rightly call profitable! These antennas are not here by chance - they are made of high-quality metal alloys and modern polymers, with the strictest compliance with the requirements of the LTE standard and related global standards.

Modem Signal BoostYota by technologyMIMO

Antennas that support Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, which recently appeared in the line of external devices for Yota, deserve a special mention. MIMO antennas are characterized by a more complete use of the bandwidth potential provided by the LTE standard, which became possible due to the division of the transceiver device into two parts - receiving and transmitting.

A MIMO-compliant Internet signal amplifier for Yota, therefore, is not one, but two antennas that must be installed so that they do not interfere with each other, creating frequency correlations. Similar antennas for the Yota LTE modem provide at least twice the data transfer speed, and this without any changes at the standard level.

Today, the MIMO signal amplifier for the Yota modem is the best solution problems when using radio frequency communication channels of the LTE standard. Its disadvantage, and even then a small one, is considered to be only the need to install two antennas instead of one, but this can also be successfully eliminated thanks to the use of frequency selectivity technology (by connecting these antennas in one housing).

Your choice - antenna and modem (router) in one set

You can purchase an antenna for the Yota 4G modem, as well as an antenna for another popular yota device - a router, from us not only separately from the modem (router) itself, but also together with it. After all, the electronic store site sells not only a variety of antennas, but also other devices designed to work in wireless network Yota operator, as well as accessories for them.

Buying a yota modem with an antenna is, without a doubt, the right decision. You will have to purchase an antenna one way or another - not now, but later, after spending a certain amount of time selecting it to match the characteristics of the modem, which is not at all as simple as it might seem at first. It’s better to do this in advance by purchasing a Yota modem with an antenna included! This way, by the way, is not only more convenient, but also cheaper.

Please note that we also sell antennas with a built-in Yota modem. Such antennas are predominantly indoor (intended for use in rooms with normal humidity and temperature); they are optimal for use with laptops and tablet computers, at home, at work, out of town, on the road - there are no restrictions!

Sale of antennas for modemYota and more

We not only sell, but also install Yota antennas. This service is one of our most popular: it was used by more than 80% of those who once bought these same antennas from us. Considering how well the specialists of the electronic store website understand Yota devices, installing antennas does not seem such a difficult task for them.

Here it is necessary to clarify that they are not always compatible with each other - a Yota modem and an external antenna. Many modems of this brand, as well as many of its routers, do not have connectors for connecting such antennas at all, which pushes their owners to experiment with a soldering iron. What could all this turn out to be? Apart from losing the warranty on the device, nothing...

From us you can not only purchase modems and routers, but also modify them by adding the ability to connect external Yota antennas. Buying a signal amplifier and not being able to connect it to a modem is, of course, unpleasant, but not so much as to ruin your mood. Just contact us and we will eliminate this annoying error from the modem manufacturers.

How to choose an antenna for Yota?

Yota communication belongs to the 4G generation, it uses a high-frequency signal in the LTE 2600 range, which by its nature (short propagation range, attenuation when passing through walls) is similar to WiFi signal 2400 MHz. The main advantage of Yota is the high speed of data reception and transmission, the main disadvantage is the short range of base stations (usually up to 5 km). Fortunately, LTE antennas for Yota are designed to eliminate this drawback.

The 4G standard implements the technology of in-plane signal reception and transmission, so to amplify Yota we recommend two-connector 4G MIMO antennas. MIMO antennas show an increase in speed (especially Upload) compared to single antennas. It should be noted that dual antennas are more expensive to manufacture and also require two cables to connect to the modem/router.

This section lists the following single-connector LTE 2600 antennas: ,
So are various dual MIMO antennas: , LUNA 3G/4G BOX, MIMO
