Change your Wi-Fi password. How to change Wi-Fi password? Changing the password in Wi-Fi routers from different manufacturers

The security of a Wi-Fi network depends on a securely chosen password. You say “what’s the difference, unlimited Internet, the speed is enough, there’s no point in fiddling around to figure out how to change the password on a wifi router.”

Today, home networks play an important role in the lives of modern people. With their help, users combine computers into groups, which allows them to exchange information and also play joint games. But, do not forget about the security of such groups, because the radius of the access point is quite large, and anyone can connect to the router, including attackers. Therefore, it is recommended to install a complex key.

If friends and neighbors simply use the Internet, and at a time when Internet access is not needed, this is not so scary. But people think about the option “how to change the password on a wifi router” after unpleasant situations. Starting from the need to quickly download an array of files during peak hours, when the ping exceeds 10 milliseconds, and ending with the banal “they got into the wrong settings and ruined it.” In addition, keep in mind that the owner, not the attacker who connected to the router, will be punished for illegal actions using a personal IP address.

To prevent this from happening, take the time to find out how to change the password on your WiFi router and do it.

Strong password – reliable network

A password is essential protection. You will have to choose a combination of 8 characters (minimum), which may include numbers and letters of the Latin layout. Wherein Special symbols cannot be used, but it is better to take care of the uniqueness of the keygen. Here, as on the Internet, the same rules of security and selection of a reliable key apply. There are many tips and programs on the Internet that generate hack-proof passwords. But when using services of this kind, don’t be too lazy to change 1-2 characters in the result. For reliability. How to remember to write it down. Believe me, a notepad for logins and passwords often helps out. If you save the data for the device for yourself, then the procedure that you just looked at will no longer have to be performed.

On most routers, the word admin is selected as the default preset for the login and password. But, nevertheless, it will not be possible to use the same password for a new login; the system will request a length of at least eight characters.

Changing the password: basic rules

Let's start with, perhaps, the most difficult option: the router was given to someone, without a box or password. This is really the question of how to change the Wi-Fi password. First, turn the router upside down and carefully copy the data from the factory sticker. Usually it says 192 168 1 1 wi fi; people most often request to change the password at this address.

The “Reset” button on the router case resets all device settings to factory settings, which is often why access to it is structurally limited, it is covered with a panel that cannot be removed, or it is recessed into the device case so that it can only be pressed using a thin and long object. This is another security measure against inexperienced users.

You have done everything, the lights slowly went out and everything else came on, after which only the network, wi-fi signal and connected devices indicators remained on and flickering. Now all that remains is to go to the browser and address bar enter 192 168 1 1 or, then the router will require factory data - those that you prudently copied from the case. Remember to pay attention to your keyboard layout and case, this will allow you to enter data accurately on the first try.

Afterwards you will automatically go to the settings menu. Most manufacturers try to make it intuitive for users so that they do not get confused about where to enter what and what.

Among the large number of tabs and subpages, you are interested in what will be called “wireless network” or, alternatively, “wireless connection”. In the subsection entitled “basic” or “general” settings, you can change the name of the router, which is important if one of your neighbors has the same model. The name can be anything; there are no restrictions on what you can choose.

If you personally still have a standard login and password on your router, or you know the ones that are used, then you can change them by going into the settings.

You do everything the same as when you roll back to factory settings, skipping the “reset” button on the router. Log in to your browser using links 192 168 1 1 or, open the settings window, select the tab responsible for managing the security of the router.

Enter the old access keys in the required fields, and the new ones below.

Specific models and examples

Let's look at basic and common router models and program interfaces that will help you change your Wi-Fi password.

Routers produced under the Tp-Link brand are distinguished by ease of management and a clear interface, not to mention the fact that the popularity of this brand has made it recognizable, and also influenced the Russification of the brand. So, by switching tabs, you can easily find what you need and figure out how to change the password on your Tp-Link router.

After entering the router management, open the section in the list of tabs on the left “System Tools” (usually the penultimate field), select the tab from the drop-down submenu "Password" . Enter your previous personal login and password in the specified fields (red rectangle in the photo). In the area highlighted in blue, enter new access codes. The password will have to be entered in two fields to confirm. Then click the button "Save".

Since each router has a unique interface, the names of some sections may differ. However, they all work on the same principle and have almost the same functions. Let's look at how to change the password for a Wi-Fi network using the D-LinkDir-615 router as an example.

D-Link routers are not so common, so there is a high probability that if you buy an older model, the interface will be in English. But the manufacturer took care of the clarity of access control, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

After entering the router management interface, select the tab in the left list "Control" , then go to the password change window. You will have to confirm your Wi-Fi password and then click the save settings button. The changes made will either be activated immediately or will take effect after restarting the PC, depending on the computer OS.

Now you know how to change the Wi-Fi security password through the router settings menu.

How to change the password for a virtual network

We figured out the router, and as you can see, everything is extremely simple. But sometimes it happens that a router is not used to implement a home network. The role of an access point is played by a laptop that is connected to the Internet and distributes it via WiFi. Such groups are called virtual. Is it possible to change the Wi-Fi password in this case? Yes it is possible. Only depending on how the group was created, the procedure for changing the key differs.

If you created a connection using the management console (computer-to-computer connection), then everything is very simple. You need to open the Network Control Center. To do this, right-click on the connection icon in the tray. In the window that appears, select “Wireless Network Management” . Now you need to find the required connection, right-click on it and select "Properties" .

The window that appears is divided into two tabs. We are interested in the second one – security. Here we put a tick opposite “Display entered characters” and we see the current key. To change the password on your WiFi router, simply enter different values ​​and click "OK" .

If you created a group using the command line, then there is a special command to change the code. Run the command line (as administrator) and write the following: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent. Instead of numbers 12345678 enter New Password, which you want to install. Then you start the network again and connect to it, but enter a new identifier.

Now you know how you can change the password on a WiFi router. Moreover, regardless of how it was organized.

Pay attention to details that are important for connection

Changing the wi-fi password requires you to reconnect to the network from all devices used without exception. If you want to check who is connected to the network, this information is present in the computer settings. Open "My computer" and in the rubricator on the left find the subsection “Networks” . It displays users and devices connected to the personal network during a defined period of time

You will have to look for the list of available networks and their settings in the tab "Control Panel" . Therefore, it was said above about the need for an original name for the router - it is difficult to choose a personal one from five identical ones.

At the stages of working to change the Wi-Fi password, difficulties arise, but they are not difficult to solve. Let's move on to the main problems:

  1. The router does not have a factory sticker with installation data. By searching the photo on the Internet, determine the device model, and on the manufacturer’s website or specialized forums you will find the necessary, accurate and detailed information.
  2. It is impossible to log into the specified address 192 168 1 1 or to change the settings. Open menu "Start" , find the line “Find programs and files” and enter cmd. Press Enter and it will open command line or registry string. Enter the ipconfig code in the line, confirm the command again with the Enter key. In the window that appears, find the line that will be signed as "Main gate" . The combination of characters after it is the address for going to the router settings.

The illustration highlights the points necessary for configuration: codes for accessing the registry and the address line of the basic gateway. Remember that periods and spaces are considered characters and enter the address without errors, or use the “copy/paste” commands.

The article discusses the basic options for changing the password of a Wi-Fi router, and what is connected with it. Good luck, and don't forget to keep your network secure.

There are two types of passwords you can use: administrator password and network key. The first prevents strangers from entering the router settings, the second prevents others from connecting to your home network.

Approximate procedure for any model

Router interfaces look different: it all depends on the manufacturer, model, and even firmware version. Therefore, the steps to change the password to different devices may vary. But general principle approximately the same for everyone.

  1. First, you need to open any browser and enter the address to enter the router settings. Typically this is or Internet access is not necessary for this, but the router must be turned on and connected to the computer.
  2. When prompted for your login and password, enter them to get to the main menu of the device. Standard login information, including the address, is usually printed on the bottom of the router. If the standard password or login has been changed and you do not remember it, you can reset the router using a special button on the case. After this, you will have to re-enter it using standard login information.
  3. To change the administrator password, find the “System”, “Maintenance”, “Administration” or similar name in the settings. Then all that remains is to enter a new combination and save the changes. This will not affect the configured wireless connection in any way.
  4. To change the network key, look for a settings section with a name like “ Wi-Fi network" or " Wireless network"(Wireless). Once there, enter a new connection password in the appropriate field and save the change. After this you will have to reconnect wireless devices to the router using a new key.

Exact instructions for specific models

For clarity, we will tell you how to change a router password using the example of several devices from popular manufacturers.

1. How to change the password on a D-Link router (DIR-620)

Open any browser, type and press Enter. After that, specify the requested ones to get into the router settings. The device must be turned on and connected to the computer.

To change the administrator password, click “Advanced Settings” and in the “System” section select “Administrator Password”. Fill in the required fields and click “Save”.

To change the password for connecting to a wireless network, click “Advanced settings” and in the Wi-Fi section select “Security settings”. Specify a new encryption key and save the changes.

In any desktop browser, enter and press Enter. After this, enter the requested login and password to get to the router menu. The device must be turned on and connected to the computer.

To change the administrator password, open the Maintenance → Administration section, enter the new password and save it.

To change the network key, click Interface Setup → Wireless, scroll down the page to the WPA2-PSK section and enter the new combination in the Pre-Shared Key field. After this, click Save.

Open any browser, type and press Enter. After this, enter the requested login and password to get into the router settings. The device must be turned on and connected to the computer.

To change the administrator, open the “System” section and click “Password”. Enter the new data and save it.

To change the network password, click “Wi-Fi Network” → “Security”. Then specify the new key and save the changes.

After purchasing a new wireless router, you may notice that the password for the Wi-Fi network is not set or it is too difficult to remember. No need to worry, you can set any password. We will tell you in detail how to change the access password on a Wi-Fi router, and also provide informative instructions for devices from various manufacturers.

Login to the router web interface

All router settings are made in its service menu (the so-called web interface). You need three things to get into this menu:

  • physically connect the computer and modem via a LAN cable;
  • any browser (both standard Edge with Explorer and third-party ones, for example, Firefox and Google Chrome are suitable);
  • login and password.

There are no problems with the physical connection of devices, but many users do not know where to find the login data for the interface. The information is indicated on a label glued to the modem itself. Find the username and password fields on the sticker. As a rule, from the factory these variables are set the same way - admin. Pay attention to Default IP. It is required to enter settings.

Once you have the information you need, follow these simple instructions:

Only after this is the user able to change the standard password on the router.

The procedure for changing the Wi-Fi password for various models

There are many manufacturers on the market network equipment. Typically, the procedure for changing the password is the same for all routers. Only the names of the menu items in which the this function. Next we will describe how to change the Wi-Fi password in various models routers on a computer.


The brand represents wide choose Wi-Fi routers (including home ones). You can change the password on the modem in 2 minutes. To change the factory default Wi-Fi password, follow the steps of the following instructions:

Try connecting to the access point through your mobile gadget, making sure to change the password.


No less popular are products from TP-Link. The interface of such routers is made in a style similar to D-Link. The user should perform the following actions in the menu:

In the same section, you can select the type of protection and other parameters. The following instructions will help you change the router password on new blue firmware:

The settings window allows you to change the SSID of the network (its name) and even make it hidden. You can also turn off signal broadcasting on certain frequencies.


A domestic company offers its own routers when connecting to the Internet. In them you can also easily change the password to the dot Wi-Fi access. To do this, follow a number of simple steps:

It is worth noting that all menu items are completely Russified thanks to Rostelecom specialists. You can change the key an unlimited number of times.


Among well-known manufacturers there are many more modest ones, of which this company is one. If you need to change the Wi-Fi password for a router of this brand, use the following instructions:

  1. Log in to the interface.
  2. The main menu items are located horizontally at the top. Click on Interface setup.
  3. Open the Wireless tab.
  4. Change the SSID item (if you want a new name), and then the Pre-Shared Key line to set a new password.

Huawei routers

Devices from Huawei are gaining increasing popularity in the domestic market. The brand produces cheap and relatively reliable devices, thanks to which more and more people are buying products from China. Below are images with notes for changing your password.

Everything is presented here English language, but you should always navigate by the words WLAN, Wireless, Security, Password and Key.

How to create a password correctly

The security of your data depends not only on the type of encryption, but also on the password itself. Some combinations don't take much effort to crack. This list includes:

  • a set of identical numbers, for example, all zeros or ones;
  • a sequence of numbers from 1 to 8 or similar;
  • a set of consecutive letters (the code “qwerty”, beloved by many);
  • numbers mobile phones, apartments or houses;
  • such standard words for the sphere as admin, master, login and so on.

Remember that a specialized search engine can find a simple code in just a few hours. As a last resort, this process It will take a couple of days. Of course, no one will spend such resources on hacking your router, but there is no harm in being on the safe side.

For the most secure password, you should write a combination of 8+ characters. It will be more difficult to remember, but security increases with each symbol. It is not recommended to use only numbers or only letters when composing the code. Combine them. Be sure to change the case, as this complicates the selection. You can insert not only a space between words, but also an underscore or other special characters.
