How to sell a deal for a percentage and not be scammed. Advertising for a percentage of sales, selling leads without prepayment Marketing agency we work for a percentage of sales



"LOGIST CARGO" - delivery of goods from China to Russia. Customs clearance.


The essence of the problem:

There were few clients for the delivery of goods from China to Russia.

What was done:


They receive 10-15 requests per day for the delivery of goods from China to Russia with customs clearance.


"STROYVASHDOM" - turnkey construction of private houses and cottages.


The essence of the problem:

There were few clients for the construction of private houses and cottages.

What was done:

Withdrawn headache from the business owner where to get clients. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey.


We receive 3-5 applications per day for the construction of houses.


"UNIPAN" - Production and sale of the UNIPAN facade system


The essence of the problem:

A new brand, not promoted in the facade market, no clients. No dealers.

What was done:

The business owner's headache on where to get clients has been relieved. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey.


We receive 3-5 applications for façade systems per day. Dealers have been opened in the regions.


"PROFI LAWYER" - Law firm.


The essence of the problem:

The company is not represented on the Internet. No clients.

What was done:

The business owner's headache on where to get clients has been relieved. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey. A CRM customer accounting system has been implemented.


We receive 3-5 requests for legal services per day.


"BUILDING MATERIAL-SPB" - Sale of building materials wholesale in St. Petersburg.


The essence of the problem:

What was done:

The business owner's headache on where to get clients has been relieved. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey.



"STROYMAT-MSK" - Sale of building materials wholesale in Moscow.


The essence of the problem:

There were few customers to buy building materials.

What was done:

The business owner's headache on where to get clients has been relieved. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey.


They receive 30-40 requests a day for the purchase of building materials in bulk.


"APARTMENT REPAIR VLADIVOSTOK" - Renovation of apartments and offices in Vladivostok.


The essence of the problem:

There were few clients for the renovation of apartments, offices, and cottages. Crews are out of work.

What was done:

The business owner's headache on where to get clients has been relieved. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey.


We receive 5 requests a day for apartment and office renovations.


"YAKUTSK-STROY" - Sale of building materials wholesale in Yakutsk.


The essence of the problem:

There were few customers to buy building materials.

What was done:

The business owner's headache on where to get clients has been relieved. The website, traffic, everything is turnkey.


They receive 10-15 requests a day for the purchase of building materials in bulk.

We can organize a flow of Clients for you in exchange for an agent commission from each order!
We work all over Russia.


We make a website, SMM, promote, requests and calls go directly to you.

1) Who are we interested in? Companies providing various services in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other cities with a population of over a million. We are considering working with companies with a small product catalog (up to 100 - 300 items).

Before sending us an application y, calculate how much you can pay us for each order attracted by our forces. If the total monthly amount is less than 100,000 rubles, it will be pointless to write an application to us. We won't answer.

We are especially looking for partners in 2019 construction companies Krasnodar Territory, Moscow and St. Petersburg

Need to, so that you have certain clearly stated benefits ahead of competitors, reasonable prices, good system fulfillment of obligations to Clients.

How to buy leads profitably?

Pay not for the lead itself, but for a percentage of the order,

which turned out thanks to this very lead!

For successful lead generation you need:

  • photo of your business,
  • production (if any),
  • reviews from Clients, taken in photos, videos, scans on letterhead, scans of diplomas, licenses, etc.

2) We determine the terms of cooperation. The percentage that you can pay from each order that was completed thanks to our work.

(usually 3% to 30% of the order amount or 20 to 50% of net profit)

3) We write down a Unique Selling Proposition, collect information for the site, conduct a photo shoot, make a logo, develop a selling website

4) We set up contextual advertising for Yandex and Google, do SEO promotion, SMM

5) Important point. The conversion from applications to Orders on your part will be very important.

6) How do we know that an application has come from our website? We will install a separate telephone number with forwarding to yours. For online applications, we will include your email as a copy.

7) Another important point. If we have generated 30 or more incoming applications for you, and you have not been able to complete a single transaction, we will be forced to look for another partner company in your field of activity.

Benefits of working for a percentage of sales:

  • You don't need to invest money in website development.
  • You pay for results! For completed transactions

Your obligations:

  • You must be honest, otherwise our cooperation will quickly end.


We don’t work this way with everyone!

You can find out more by writing: "Interesting information on advertising in exchange for agent interest!" by mail stanislav@site

or by filling out an application:

In most cases, we do not call back based on these requests; we answer email, because they come from all over Russia and most of them are simply not interesting to us due to the specifics of the work of the companies in circulation.

Be sure to include your e-mail. There is no need to call us with questions right away either. If your company interests us for such a cooperation scheme, we will respond to you immediately.

Scheme of work:

  • We create a selling website to sell your goods and services (no prepayment)
  • You provide an advance for initial promotion (from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles depending on the field of activity and your city)
  • Orders and transactions begin
  • We calculate our agent percentage
  • Gradually your advance is compensated and we switch to pure work for a percentage of sales

If you want to try your hand at freelancing as a sales manager, get ready for the fact that you will mostly come across projects where you pay a percentage of sales.

And if you are full of ambition and want to have a hand in creating a new super-duper-mega project, then don’t expect payment. Straightaway. You will be offered to work for the future. That is, you will receive money sometime later. When the project gets going. If it unwinds.

Today we’ll think about whether it’s possible to work like this or not. Is this a scam, or a real opportunity to earn something?

First, I’ll tell you a fairy tale from personal experience...

How I tried to work for a percentage of sales

There was a moment in my freelance career when I wanted to try something like this. Learn something new. Master a new niche.

They suggested trying to work as a sales manager - looking for clients for one company. For a percentage of the deal with the client I refer.

Well, I thought, I’ll learn something, I can write letters and commercial proposals. I know where to look for what. Like two fingers on the asphalt, what to do there.

First, I sat down and studied the niche. I saw that the competition in the region is hellish. Well, I think we’ll break through – now we’ll come up with a unique proposal and off we go.

I came up with an idea. I started looking for clients - those who really needed such services and were looking for someone who could provide them. Bulletin boards, all sorts of HeadHunters and the like appeared several times a day. Letters were sent out, individually to each. And not a carbon copy - who we are, what we can offer, how we can solve the company’s problem... Everything is as if according to the rules.

I spent a total of several hours a day on this work. I had to sit especially a lot at first, when I was getting into the flow.

Nothing worked out. Absolutely. I did not receive a response to any letter. Either the skis don’t work, or I’m a bad salesperson... I don’t know the reasons.

In a month I earned 0 rubles and 0 kopecks. And a lot of personal time was wasted, which could have been spent searching for new orders or spending time with my family.

It’s good that from the very beginning they had enough brains to conclude an agreement only for a month. And after 4 weeks I sent it all to Cthulhu, and swore off ever working for a bare percentage.

I was lucky that at the same time I was doing copywriting on a permanent project, and still earned some money.

Personally, my conclusions from this story:

If you know your niche, sit in it and improve in it too. Since you are a copywriter, write and don’t imagine yourself to be a great genius in other areas;

Don't work for a bare percentage of sales;

Learning something new is always interesting, but it’s even more interesting if you get paid for it;

Sales are clearly not my strong point. That’s why I don’t write sales texts either. I don’t even know how to bargain at the market. Not mine in short.

What I can advise you is to become a sales manager only when you have experience in this field and you know how to sell. If you are purposeful enough and know what you are doing. And if, in addition to interest, there is at least some minimum rate that would compensate for the time you spent.

Otherwise, it turns out like this - you waste your time, but it doesn’t pay off in any way. And this is very offensive. It’s even more offensive if you’ve been chasing a client for three days, and he’s made such a deal that your percentage is mere pennies.

And one more thing - it’s nice to work with a customer who provides all the necessary materials. When you don’t need to look for a connection with him for several days, so that he can simply send you materials for the work or tell you in more detail about its nuances. If you have to run not only after clients, but also after your customer, such work will be a waste of time.

Work for the future... Does it exist, this perspective?

The second point that I would like to discuss in this article is the notorious projects a la: “Let’s launch a startup together. We divide the profit among everyone.”

Sounds tempting. At first glance. Because if you turn on your brains, you can understand:

If the startup is looking for a freelance team, and cannot pay for your work, he does not have start-up capital. Therefore, you may have to invest not only time and effort, but also your money “for the common good.” And this startuper is a little ignorant of finances, since he doesn’t know that for his business he must first have some kind of start-up capital. And if there is start-up capital, but he can’t allocate at least something for the developer/designer and whoever else “for food” - he’s a redneck, or what?

There are no guarantees that the business will work and be profitable. That is, now you are pouring time and effort into it, but in the end you will end up with nothing.

There is no guarantee that if the project goes well, you will be given your share and not a kick in the butt. Only if you are officially registered as a co-founder... But do you yourself believe that someone will give such privileges to a freelancer?

Usually startups are launched by friends and comrades. If a person does not have comrades with whom he can create his own business, maybe he is simply not very good as a person?

Yes, you say, I can then leave and take my work. Well, yes, but will you get your time back?

What will you eat all this time? If there is someone to feed you, then there is no question.

But in general, working in a startup for the future is good for self-development, learning, for those for whom altruism bubbles up from all the cracks, and hungry children don’t cry at home. This is just a new experience, but not a source of income.

Bottom line

And there is only one conclusion - you can work for a percentage and for the future. If your husband (wife) is the owner of a chain of hotels or restaurants. You have a lot of free time and enthusiasm, and your own money. In short, if you want to suffer, you know what.

If you just need money now, look for normal projects with normal human pay.
