How to set up abbyy finereader 11 for scanning. "The parameter is incorrect" error when scanning to FineReader. Pagination when adding to a package

In ABBYY FineReader, you can change general options for automatic document processing, as well as options for scanning and opening document pages: enable/disable automatic analysis and automatic document recognition, image preprocessing, and select the scanning interface.

You can select the necessary parameters directly in the dialogs for opening or scanning images (if you use for scanning), as well as on the tab Scan/Open(menu Tools>Options…).

Attention! If you have changed the program settings in the dialog Options, you need to scan or reopen the image. Only after that your image will be processed with the specified settings.

Bookmark Scan/Open dialogue Options you can change the following settings:

    Launching automatic analysis and recognition of received images.

    ABBYY FineReader document analysis and recognition are performed automatically by default. You can change this mode if necessary. The following options are possible:

    • Automatically recognize received images
      Document analysis and recognition will be performed automatically.
    • Automatically analyze received images
      Document analysis will be performed automatically, and recognition will need to be started manually.
    • Disable automatic image analysis and recognition
      The scanned or opened images will be added to the FineReader document. Document analysis and recognition will need to be started manually. This mode is usually used for documents that have a complex structure.
  • Image processing methods.

    • Perform image preprocessing
      If you want to scan and recognize a book or open an image taken with a camera, enable this option. Then the program, depending on the type of the input image, will execute it: remove noise from digital photos, corrects skew, fuzziness, perspective distortion, aligns the document along the lines of text.
    • Detect page orientation
      Enable this option for automatic detection orientation of pages added to a FineReader document.
    • Divide book spread
      If you are scanning a book spread or opening double page images, enable this option. Then, in the process of adding pages to a FineReader document, the images will be separated into separate pages.

    Comment. You can not use the image pre-processing options when scanning or opening document pages, but perform the necessary processing in the already open document using an image editor. See "

Choosing the topic for this article, I thought all day that I would write about how to disassemble and clean the HP ProBook 4545s laptop. But I thought so until they came to me and asked me to help figure out how to set up the scanner. Because, when you try to scan any document, an error appears on the screen with the following text: "".

Although, the user claimed that he did everything as before. Also, the user said that he had previously disconnected the MFP from the computer, and when he needed it, he connected it back, after which this problem appeared.

Going to the computer, first of all, I made sure that the device (MFP) was connected to the PC correctly. By the way, for those who do not know how to do this, I have specially prepared an article about:. In general, the device itself was connected correctly. Sitting down at the computer, I tried to run a scan in order to see at what stage the error occurs, as a result, only by clicking on the "Scan" button, literally at the same moment a message appeared: "The parameter is set incorrectly."

Going through all the parameters of the scan window, I did not notice anything strange. Everything was set correctly, although I still tried to change a couple of points, but this did not bring any result. Also, I want to focus on the fact that the program was used for scanning ABBYY Fine Reader 10. As I later found out, most often the error “The parameter is incorrect” appears on this particular version of the software.

How to remove the error "The parameter is incorrect"

Finally, having finished all the experiments with the scanning window, I moved on to the settings of the FineReader itself. Because, the appearance of this type of error is most often associated with an incorrectly selected driver for the scanner.

In fact, fixing such a mistake is very easy. First, open the ABBYY FineReader window and hover the mouse over the menu bar and click on " Service» -> « Options...". You can also use the keyboard shortcut " Cntr+Shift+O”, which is responsible for the express opening of the settings window.

Now, in the settings window, click on the tab " Scan\Open”, where, going down a little lower, we select the driver suitable for our device. As a rule, for the correct operation of the scanner, you need to select a driver of this type: [Model Name] (TWAIN). I have this: Canon MF4400 Series (TWAIN) . When finished with the settings, click on " OK» to save all changes.

If it is with this driver that the scanner does not recover and the error “The parameter is incorrect” appears again, be sure to try to select another driver in the same way (Canon MF4400 Series (WIA)) and check the result.

In my case, everything was a little more complicated. I've tried all the drivers and nothing came up. Therefore, I decided to completely remove the device and any software associated with it from the system. And then, download from the manufacturer's website new version Software and again (Here you can find an example of how to do it on Windows XP). In general, after installing all the drivers and reconnecting the MFP, I did all the steps described above. And only after that, the scanner began to work as it should.

On what versions of ABBYY FineReader did you get the error "The parameter is incorrect"? And did the solution to the problem help you with a simple driver selection? Leave all answers in the comments and with the help of them we will be able to determine exactly what is causing the error, the program or the driver.

"The parameter is incorrect" error when scanning to FineReader

The conversation will be about the ABBYY FineReader 12 program, that is, about its latest version. Without looking too far, we have chosen the most famous ABBYY product, which, to its merits, is perfectly Russified. Already at first glance, Fine Reader (FR) gives the impression of a program with good Russian-language support: in this regard, indeed, everything is done at a very decent level, including background information.

First, retreat. The question of how to convert all or some part of the archive into digital format is always relevant (and what, in fact, is meant by the word “digital”). It is unlikely that buying a scanner solves all problems. Of course, very often a disk or several with a proprietary software. However, already at the stage of sanitizing, it turns out that the quality of the scanning program leaves much to be desired, or the format in which the save is being made is, unfortunately, not suitable for storage. Why? Most graphic formats do not separate text from the non-text space of the document, and therefore it is not possible to copy any passage from such a file.

It is in such cases that functional “text recognizer” programs come to the rescue, the capabilities of which, in particular, include extracting text from an image.

Introduction to ABBYY FineReader

Package ABBYY Fine Reader 12- system optical recognition texts (Optical Character Recognition - OCR). It is designed both for automatic input of printed documents into a computer, and for converting PDF documents and photos into editable formats (from the program manual)

The abbreviation "OCR" applies to all data recognition applications (not just text). The source for extracting data can be printed or electronic document. Once upon a time, not very long ago, few people knew about OCR, in one form or another, and the process of translating text into electronic form turned into a real routine, up to manual reprinting of the original text. Today, having a flatbed scanner (only few people use manual scanners at home) and finereader 12- be sure - there will be no difficulties in scanning and recognition.

Starting from the sixth version, FineReader supports import and export to PDF format, patented by Adobe. Many readers have probably encountered difficulties in translating from this format to any other (doc, etc.), because indeed useful programs there is not so much in this area (only the daughter product of ABBYY - PDF Transformer deserves attention). The fact is that such programs perform text recognition only once, as a result of which the “identity” of the result is not at all large (depending on the complexity of the document), plus the formatting of the document is pretty lost.

In the case of FineReader, things are different. The ninth version of the program introduced a technology called Document OCR. It is based on the principle of integral recognition of a document: it is analyzed and recognized as a whole, and not page by page. At the same time, all kinds of columns, headers, fonts, styles, footnotes and images remain intact or are replaced close to the original.

Package installation

The demo version of Finereader 12 can be downloaded from the website, in the Download section, the full licensed version is distributed on a CD. You can find out about the methods of purchase on the same website in the "Buy" section.

On the ABBYY developers website, you can download a demo version of ABBYY FineReader version 12 (or another version that is up-to-date)

ABBYY FineReader is distributed in several versions: Professional Edition, Corporate Edition, Site License Edition, etc. The Professional version differs from the rest in that it is designed to work in corporate network with the ability to work together on document recognition. Otherwise, the difference is insignificant and depends on the choice of terms of the license agreement.

It's hard to imagine that 12 years ago there was FineReader 2.0, which occupied about 10 MB of disk space. Over time, the package "grew" tenfold and now, when installed, it takes up to 300 MB. A lot or a little - judge for yourself. The new FR supports 179 recognition languages, among which there are little-known artificial languages ​​(Ido, Interlingua, Occidental and Esperanto), programming languages, formulas, etc. Let's not forget about support for various formats and scripts. So, if for some reason you want to limit the space occupied by the package, during installation, check only those components that will be required during operation.

The choice of components affects the duration of the installation, which, however, should not take much time. During the installation process, you will be introduced to the main features of FR. After activation (on the Internet, via E-mail, using the received code, etc.), the program is ready for full-featured work. In the demo mode, you will certainly encounter various restrictions, which, unfortunately, do not allow you to fully use the package.

FineReader interface. Functionality

Access to the program's features is available both with the help of scripts that will appear in the main menu immediately after the installation process, and, in fact, through the main interface.

Splash screen when launching FineReader

Appearance program from version to version does not undergo any special changes: the developers do not see any reason to change it drastically. Considerable attention is paid to ergonomics, which is noticeable in all ABBYY products (Lingvo, PDF Transformer, FlexiCapture...). In other words, Fine Reader 12's interface is well thought out and is intended for all users, including beginners. The principle of "Get the result in one click" will appeal to those who are not used to setting up and changing something. On the other hand, more experienced users can fine-tune FineReader through the settings dialog (Tools -> Options...). The only caveat: for comfortable work in the application, it is desirable to set the screen resolution to 1280 × 800, so that all the tools are always, as they say, at hand.

After starting the Fine Reader program, a window with buttons will appear quick access to program functions. This menu also available via the Tools -> ABBYY FineReader menu, the Basic Scripts button in the far right corner of the program, or via the Ctrl+N key combination (similar to Word, where this combination opens a new document).

Scan to Microsoft Word: the ninth version of FineReader introduced support for Microsoft Word 2007, which has not yet become popular. In turn, on the toolbar in applications Microsoft Office, in the add-ons section after installing FR, a “branded” red icon appears.

Menu for exporting a recognized FineReader document
Selecting languages ​​for scanning and recognizing documents

In addition to Microsoft Office, FR supports integration with Microsoft Outlook, provides export of recognition results to the same Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus Word Pro, Corel WordPerect and Adobe Acrobat. These features to some extent facilitate and speed up the work with the program, especially if you have to work in it regularly.

PDF or images in Microsoft Word: recognize data from PDF - or another type of graphic file supported by Finereader 12 version. It should be noted that the technology for extracting text from a PDF file in FR is not just a “peeling off” of the text content (the text layer in PDF may be absent) from the graphic one. In fact, the recognition technology is rather complicated: after analyzing the content of the document, the program decides what and how to do with the text: just extract or recognize, and so on for each text fragment.

Scan to Microsoft Excel: scan to XLS (format Microsoft programs Excel) may be justified if the scanned image contains tables.

Scan to PDF : There are many reasons for scanning to PDF. One of them is security: it is the only format familiar to FR that can be configured to be password-protected. A password is set not only to open a document, but also to print it and other operations. It is possible to choose one of three levels of encryption: 40-bit, 128-bit based on the RC4 standard, 128-bit level based on the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) standard.

Convert photo to Microsoft Word: file translation from graphic format(moreover, it can be a PDF or a multi-page image) to DOC / DOCX.

Open in Fine Reader: open a graphic file (PDF , BMP , PCX , DCX , JPEG , JPEG 2000, TIFF , PNG ) for recognition by FineReader.

Working in FineReader

Now - briefly about the features of the program. The whole process is divided into scanning, recognition and saving the results. After you have chosen the type of program action, specified the file or device to be scanned, FineReader gradually performs its task, which, by the way, is quite resource-intensive for the central processor.

If you are a happy owner of a dual-core processor, then by working in the Fine Reader 12 package, you can appreciate the power of your computer's speed. The fact is that FR, having detected a dual-core processor, recognizes not one, but two pages of a document at once in parallel. A trifle - but nice.

First comes scanning, then recognition and export of a temporary document to the selected format.

PDF document recognition process

Scanning. None presets in the FineReader application (except for selecting a reader) you do not need to do this before scanning. That is why scripts were invented: they are designed to simplify the execution of the same type of actions.

Recognition. The simplification also affected other little things. So, if we recall past versions of the program, before we had to manually change the language (languages, if there were several) of the document. Now this happens automatically, although not always. In the latter case, FR unobtrusively offers to check the language of the document.

Returning to FR recognition technology: why does the program first scan the entire document, and not page by page? As already mentioned, the text is recognized based on the entire content: fonts similar in size / typeface, tables and borders, indents, etc. are selected.

Don't be surprised if FineReader 12 gives you a message saying the page can't be recognized because no text area was found. For the sake of experiment, we photographed on mobile phone from the LCD screen - the area of ​​the text document (however, knowing the result is already in advance). Fine Reader 12 did not recognize the text in the image, because it was obviously of such a quality that it is clearly not enough for this. On the second visit, we photographed the text page with a digital camera in normal lighting.

FineReader recognized the passage without any problems, preserving the formatting and marking with markers some questionable points or characters that may have variant spellings.

As you can see in the image, these are mainly dots, hyphens, commas - in general, small characters. In addition, it is clearly seen that the program took into account the bumps, curvatures of the photographed page and aligned the lines of text. Conclusion - FR did an excellent job with its albeit not very difficult task.

Occasionally, some minor points may go unnoticed by the Fine Reader program, but they can be easily corrected manually. Fortunately, the package has its own WYSIWYG editor, the capabilities of which are quite enough to make the final editing of the document. Spell check is also available.

How to improve the accuracy of recognition, so that later you have to deal with editing the text to a lesser extent? First, you can connect a custom Microsoft Word dictionary. True, it is difficult to judge the increase in accuracy, except perhaps the increase in the vocabulary of the spell checker (a module that checks spelling and grammar). Among other things, to improve recognition, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the program settings (Tools -> Options) and select one of two modes:

careful recognition- it can be selected when recognizing documents of any "complexity": with tables without grid lines, text, graphs, tables on a colored background, etc. It can also help with a low-quality source for recognition

fast recognition- this mode is recommended for processing large volumes of documents with a simple design, or if time does not allow for thorough recognition. In most cases, when you have black printed text on a white background, you can stop at a quick recognition.

In general, improving the quality of FineReader is a separate topic for discussion, the details of which you can learn from the official help, namely in the section "How to improve the results."

Saving a document. The last stage of work in Fine Reader 12 is saving the final result in a certain graphic/text format. Preliminary saving settings can be specified in the FR options: Tools -> Options, Save tab. Each format has its own settings. When saving in DOCX format, you should take care of format compatibility (DOCX files are not recognized in Word 2003<). В txt-файлах не забудьте проверить правильность кодировки (особенно в случае с текстом в кириллице).

ABBYY Screenshot Reader

Developers often like to add small service utilities to many large packages. Let's say that the well-known Nero disc burning application includes a set of 3 to 5 utilities that allow you to do things that even Nero itself cannot. Overview (here you can download as part of Fine Reader 12).

As for FineReader, one small Screenshot Reader application is found in its composition. With it, you can take a screenshot and quickly convert it to the desired format using FR. The program is available through the Start menu (Start -> All Programs -> ABBYY FineReader 12.0 -> ABBYY Screenshot Reader.).

The possibilities of Screenshot Reader are somewhat wider than it might seem at first glance. (Otherwise, it would be possible to do just by pressing the "PrintScreen" key on the keyboard). In addition to the fact that Screenshot Reader takes a screenshot (or rather, a selected area of ​​the screen), the program is tightly integrated with FR.

When you click on the "Snapshot" button on the Screenshot Reader panel, the cursor changes shape and the screen selection tool turns on. The selected area of ​​the image is framed for further text recognition (it starts automatically).

In the drop-down list, you can select the desired action: in fact, Screenshot Reader duplicates quick FR scripts, with the difference that instead of a snapshot from the scanner, a screenshot is received as input.

It should be noted that the program, along with the entire package, requires activation. When registering a product, ABBYY FineReader 12 Professional Edition Screenshot Reader is provided free of charge, as a “bonus”.


finereader- indispensable program for scanning and recognition of graphic data. The Russian-language interface and the availability of settings will not scare away an inexperienced user. Support for the latest formats, innovative technologies and, as a result, high-quality recognition make the program the best choice, especially since ABBYY FineReader still has no competitors in this area.

Hotkeys FineReader 12

  • Create a new ABBYY FineReader document-CTRL+N
  • Open an ABBYY FineReader document 12 - CTRL+SHIFT+N
  • Save Pages-CTRL+S
  • Save image to file- CTRL+ALT+S
  • Recognize all pages of a document- CTRL+SHIFT+R
  • Close current page- CTRL+F4
  • Recognize selected pages of an ABBYY FineReader document-CTRL+R
  • Open Scenario Manager- CTRL+T
  • Open the Fine Reader Options dialog- CTRL+SHIFT+O
  • Open Help- F1
  • Go to Document window-ALT+1
  • Go to Image window- ALT+2
  • Go to Text window- ALT+3
  • Go to the window Close-up - ALT+4

If you often have to work with text for work or study, then you probably have specialized software for this. For example, many decide - a program that allows you to scan text and translate it into digital format, digitize documents, edit and much more.

This software is incredibly useful. And therefore, all sorts of problems associated with his work are very acutely felt. For example, the program does not see the scanner. Or only part of the text is scanned. Fortunately, all this is solvable.

Possible problems in Abbyy Finereader and their elimination

When working with the program, the following problems and errors may occur:

  • The software cannot connect to the scanner or other hardware;
  • the program does not see documents;
  • Abbyy Finereader only scans part of the page;
  • unable to open TWAIN source;
  • a source initialization error is detected.

What are they related to? First of all, you should check the available equipment. In particular, the condition of cables and other components. If everything is in order here, then the errors may be of a software nature. Remember that it is recommended to use only licensed software. Cracked versions may not work correctly due to changes in the code. It is also worth trying to update the program to the latest current version. This should also include updating the drivers of the equipment itself. If Abbyy Finereader does not scan, then in most cases this approach solves the problem. Fresh versions are downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer. Still very often problems arise in the absence of the required access level for the user (it is necessary to increase).

Some problems can be solved in the program settings. For example, an error indicating that the parameter is set incorrectly. When this occurs, do the following:

  • open the "Tools" menu, go to the "OCR editor" item;
  • go to settings - basic;
  • go to the section "Selecting a device for receiving images";
  • find a drop-down list with drivers;
  • check the operation of the program and the scanner with each of them in turn;
  • leave the driver with which there are no failures.

In most cases, this list of actions solves 90% of the problems. Including the situation with an error indicating that the image could not be opened ”(the latter may also be due to an incorrect file format or its damage).

One of the most popular document scanning programs is Abbyy Finereader. It offers wide functionality for working with images, files DOC format, PDF, as well as with paper documents of any type. Many decide for study or business. And because of the importance of software, problems in its operation are acutely felt. Often there are difficulties with the choice and connection of the scanner, which makes it impossible to process paper materials. But these problems can be solved if we approach the problem comprehensively.

PC and hardware requirements

First of all, it is important to note that for the full operation of the software, your computer and the equipment used must meet a number of requirements or technical specifications. The minimum is the following:

  • operating room Windows system 7, 8, 8.1, 10;
  • processor with a frequency of 1 GHz;
  • RAM RAM from 1 GB;
  • WIA or TWAIN compliant device.

If they are not observed, the program may not work correctly. And this means that you will not be able to carry out multi-page scanning, set up the necessary work items, and generally run the software.

Problem solving

To troubleshoot, try the following procedure.

  1. Update drivers. Most often, the problem occurs due to the use of outdated drivers. You can download them from the official website.
  2. Check if your current user required access level in the system.
  3. Install the latest version of the program.
  4. Make sure the software sees the scanner. How to choose a scanner in Abbyy Finereader? As a rule, the program itself should detect the device at startup. If this does not happen, then open the menu, go to the settings, select the item "Driver - Printer" (or Service - Options - Scan).
  5. If it doesn't help, then open the task manager and take a look at the available devices. If yellow is lit in front of the equipment Exclamation point, then the problem may be in the technique itself. In this case, you must contact the service center.

You can also contact the technical support service of the company itself through the official website. Here you can ask a question, for example, why duplex scanning does not work. Describe the situation in detail, and you will be provided with comprehensive information.

Interface change

Two options are available for working with the equipment in the program: through the interface of the software itself and through the menu of the scanner's TWAIN driver (or WIA driver). The first item is selected by default. But if you need to change the mode of operation, then setting up the Abbyy Finereader scanner will help you. To do this, open the "Options" menu item on the "Scan / Open" tab, go to the "Scanner" section and select the desired switch position. After that, the mode of operation must be changed. You can return back through the same menu.
