Internet for 1 ruble Beeline. Home Internet Beeline for a ruble per month. Composition of “All in one” tariffs from Beeline

Beeline company values ​​its customers and therefore always tries to offer them various unique new products, amenities and benefits, new features and various updates, as well as the latest tariff plans and services at low prices. The most high-profile latest news is a promotion - TV and home Internet for only 1 ₽ per month. Unusual and tempting, isn't it?

Beeline tariffs “Everything!”

This promotion is intended for subscribers already using “Everything!” tariffs; it gives them the opportunity to save on home Internet and TV, which can now be connected for only 1 rub. per month. Well, for those who choose a tariff or switch to Beeline services, we advise you to carefully study the line of “Everything!” tariff plans, as well as special offer"Everything in one."

“Everything in one” tariff plans from Beeline - home Internet and TV for 1 rub.

Complex offers “Everything in one” give the opportunity to subscribers of “Everything!” tariffs. from Beeline to connect to your home Internet and TV for 1 rub. per month. If your tariff has been set for a long time, then the volume of services received for 1 ₽ per month increases for the subscriber.

Only 4 tariffs of the line are included in the promotion "Everything!""Everything for 1800", "Everything for 1200","Everything for 800", "Everything for 500". Home Internet can be obtained using all tariffs, but the older the tariff plan, the higher the maximum speed, and TB is available on the two highest tariffs.

Moreover, subscribers of Beeline’s senior tariff plans "Everything in one", you have the privilege to take advantage of the offer "Everything for the family". It makes it possible to share free accumulated CMC, minutes, as well as traffic by connecting five additional numbers to your personal account.

On the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, subscribers are provided with a scope of services and individual conditions within the framework of this promotion.

It is worth noting that the “Bce for 301” tariff is not available for MO and Moscow - it is connected only in regional entities, and the “Bce for 1801” tariff, on the contrary, is available for connection only in Moscow.

Advantages of “Bce in one” tariff plans from Beeline:

Tariffs combine profitable communication services, as well as certain communications in a single package. By connecting "All in One" you can get some advantages:

  • Cellular communications from 550 minutes for calls within your home region for free, from three hundred free messages and from five gigabytes of free mobile traffic to mobile Internet, and of course, unlimited calls within the network throughout the country;
  • Home Internet with high maximum speed and the ability to connect several devices simultaneously;
  • Up to twenty-five mobile television channels and about one hundred and twenty-five home TV channels digital television;
  • For Beeline family tariffs - a single account.

The Beeline company cares about its customers, and is always trying to offer its customers something new, interesting, more convenient and profitable - new tariff plans, services, lower prices, updates and new opportunities. One of latest news, promotion - home Internet and television for 1 ruble per month. Intriguing, isn't it?

First of all, this promotion is intended for those subscribers already using the “Everything!” tariffs; it will allow them to save on home Internet and TV, which can be connected for just a ruble. For those who are just choosing a tariff or are planning to connect to an operator, we recommend paying attention to the line of “Everything!” tariff plans. and the "All in One" offer.

“All in one” tariffs from Beeline – Home Internet and TV for 1 ruble

“All in One” package offers provide an opportunity for subscribers of “Everything!” prepaid tariffs. from Beeline connect your home Internet and TV for just one ruble per month. Moreover, the older the tariff, the more services the subscriber receives for 1 ruble.

In total, the promotion includes 4 tariffs from the “Everything!” line. - " ", " ", " " And " ". Access to home Internet is provided to everyone, but the older the tariff plan, the higher the maximum speed, and home television for 1 ruble is available only on the two highest tariffs. You can see a detailed comparison table of characteristics below.

In all regions of Russia, subscribers are offered individual conditions and the scope of services available as part of the promotion. In Moscow and the Moscow region, the “Everything for 1 ruble” line is represented by the following tariffs:

Subscription fee 501 rub./month. 801 rub./month. 1201 rub./month. 1801 rub./month.
Free services mobile communications
Package of minutes 550 min. 1000 min. 2000 min. 3000 min.
SMS package 300 SMS 500 SMS 1000 SMS 3000 SMS
Mobile Internet 5 GB 7 GB 10 GB 15 GB
Mobile TV 25 channels 25 channels 25 channels 25 channels
Number of SIM cards 1 piece up to 5 pcs. up to 5 pcs. up to 5 pcs.
Home Internet
Maximum speed 15 Mbit/s 30 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
Wi-Fi router There is
Home TV
Number of channels 125 channels 125 channels
“Ether return” service There is There is

Please note that the “ ” tariff is not available to subscribers in Moscow and the region - it can only be activated in the regions. And vice versa, the “All for 1801” tariff can be activated the other way around, only in Moscow.

“All in one” tariffs for some other regions of the Russian Federation:

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region

Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region

Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region

You can learn more about the characteristics of “All in one” tariffs in your city at toll free phone service hotline 8-800-700-8000.

Advantages of “All in one” tariff plans from Beeline

Tariff plans advantageously combine mobile and fixed line in one package. By connecting “All in One” you have the opportunity to get a number of advantages:

  • First-class mobile communications from 550 free minutes for calls in your home region, from 300 free messages and from 5 GB of free mobile internet, as well as unlimited calls within the network throughout the country;
  • Home Internet with the highest speed and capabilities wireless connection multiple devices;
  • Up to 25 mobile television channels and up to 125 digital home television channels;
  • Single account for Beeline family tariffs.

But, of course, the main advantage of the tariff is that you do not have to pay for several services separately - they are all combined into one, and you get a favorable price and high quality communications. You will have to pay for services once a month - a fixed subscription fee for your mobile tariff plus 1 ruble additionally for the Internet and home television.

How to connect “All in One” for 1 ruble per month?

You won’t be able to connect the “All in One” package yourself – to do this you will need to contact your operator. However, this problem can be solved quite simply: just call single number 8-800-700-8000, and the support operator will tell you in detail what steps you need to take to activate the service.

Another option is to go to the nearest Beeline sales office and ask to connect one of the tariffs from the “All for...” line along with the “All for 1 ruble” promotion. You will definitely be told about all the advantages, nuances and additional services available on the tariffs.

What's the catch?

The only catch is that home television and Internet will be provided to you for a ruble only when you subscribe to one of the mobile tariffs of the “Everything!” line. The cost of services ranges from 300 to 1800 rubles, depending on the region and the number of free packages.

In general, “All in One” is a convenient and profitable offer. According to customer reviews, you quickly get used to this state of affairs, and a one-time monthly payment for mobile, home Internet and TV helps you save a lot.

Beeline benefits from this because, thanks to the expansion of free options, it increases the number of its subscribers. And Beeline subscribers certainly benefit from using high-quality communication services at affordable prices.

Prices for any product or service always tend to rise; it is rare to find a manufacturer who would offer a product for a penny. But the stereotype is broken and the Beeline company is to blame for this; Internet for 1 ruble per month is a service that is gaining more and more popularity. And now you will find out why.

Or maybe this is a promotional offer?

Yes, such a question immediately arises and one gets the impression that this is another bait for customers to attract more attention from them, and that after the end of the promotion everything will return to normal. But don’t rush to conclusions, because now you will see that this is all a really profitable offer, the validity period of which is not limited.

For 1 rub. subscribers receive at their disposal from 5 GB of mobile Internet, from 550 minutes of calls to local numbers, unlimited volume of calls to Beeline subscribers throughout the territory Russian Federation, from 300 messages to all local users, as well as the ability to connect to the Internet and home television.

How do you like it all? Tempting? We think so! In addition, the offer is not limited to this, and further we will tell you what other surprises Beeline has prepared for you.

Who can connect Home Internet and TV for 1 ruble?

In order to take advantage of the super offer from Beeline “Home Internet and TV for 1 ruble” you just need to be connected to a specific tariff plan from the “Everything!” tariff line.

Click on photo to enlarge

According to the conditions there are only 4 of them:

  • "All in one for 501";
  • "All in one for 801";
  • "All in one for 1201";
  • And "All in one for 1801".

Suitable packages

As the cost of the All-in-One package increases, so does the number of options included in it. Internet for 1 ruble is present in all 4 products, but you can purchase 126 television channels for your home by connecting to any of the last two tariffs. The latest tariff plan comes with a free bonus of a modem, with which all your household members will have the opportunity to join the network.

Important! An additional bonus Each tariff includes the presence of mobile television (25 channels). Also, by connecting to these packages, the subscriber has the opportunity to share services with other network users.

The advantage of connecting to tariff plans with Internet and TV for 1 ruble

You don't have to be a math expert to figure out how much savings this proposal will bring. After all, if you connect home Internet and television services separately, you will have to pay up to 700 rubles per month. How much does cable or digital television cost? Calculate for yourself: how much will the monthly payment for all this cost?

And in the Beeline offer, the subscriber receives huge mobile Internet traffic, large number SMS and calls and at the same time spends only 1 ruble on household whims. In addition, in the tariff with subscription fee For 1,801 rubles, the company provides a free Wi-Fi router, with the help of which the Internet will be available to other devices.

The higher the monthly fee, the more profitable the tariff plan becomes, because the number of mobile services and Internet traffic speed are growing. And another advantage is connecting a single account for the family.

Connecting a service: how to do it?

Only the company’s specialists can help you in this matter, since it is not possible to switch to the “All in one” tariff package on your own.

But don't despair by calling hotline by phone 8 800 700 8000 , Beeline operators will tell you in detail how to connect the Internet and television for 1 ruble. In addition, you can leave a request on the company’s website by filling out a form in which you indicate your last name, first name, middle name and contact phone number. A specialist will contact you and tell you about your next steps.

It will be useful to view:

Attention! For subscribers of other networks, the company offers a hassle-free transition to Beeline with preservation of the number and connection to home Internet and TV without a subscription fee, subject to activation tariff plan"All in one."

What is the benefit for the company and for subscribers?

Beeline is a large telecom operator that has strong competitors. With this offer, she wants to attract the attention of more users and make them loyal buyers of her services. And as the reviews show, she succeeded quite well.

As for the consumers themselves, for them the offer, first of all, means big savings and cash and time. After all, to pay for several mobile numbers, home Internet and television together will cost a tidy sum, and at the same time there will be a need to spend time on the entire process of paying for Internet, television and telephone (sometimes even in several instances, if all three services are consumed from different sources).

And by taking advantage of such an offer, the client will issue a single account for the entire family and only one payment per month will be enough.

Well, now it becomes clear to everyone that such a proposal is beneficial to both parties. And now we bring to your attention reviews from users who have already taken advantage of the advantageous offer from Beeline “Internet and home TV for 1 ruble.”


The “All in one” tariff is divided into several offers, each of which has its own conditions.

All in one for 501

This Beeline option is provided for a subscription fee of 501 rubles, and it includes:

  • 550 minutes of free calls, 300 free messages and 5 GB of unlimited mobile Internet per month - all included in the payment of 500 rubles;
  • – 15 Mb/s;
  • a subscriber will be able to purchase a Wi-Fi router for 100 rubles. (payment will be made within two years);
  • It is possible to additionally connect 125 TV channels for 345 rubles. for every month;
  • the service offers to purchase Kaspersky Internet Security, which will cost the subscriber 119 rubles. monthly fee;
  • for 1 ruble 25 mobile television channels and 15 Mb/s Internet are provided.

All in one for 801

Use of this option costs 801 rubles, and it provides:

  • 1000 minutes of free calls, 500 free messages and 7 GB of mobile Internet per month - for a subscription fee of 800 rubles;
  • purchase for 100 rubles. per month (for 2 years);
  • the ability to connect 125 additional channels for a subscription fee of 345 rubles;
  • Purchase of a Wi-Fi router is available in installments (100 rubles/month for a period of 2 years);
  • purchase of Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus for 119 rubles. monthly;
  • 30 Mb/s and 25 TV channels - for 1 ruble.

All in one for 1201

For a subscription fee of 1201 rubles, the user will have the following features:

  • free 2000 minutes and 1000 messages per month + 10 GB of Internet traffic - all this is included in the price of 1200 rubles;
  • for 1 ruble you get 100 Mb/s of home Internet, 125 television channels and the ability to return airtime;
  • you can also purchase a router for Wi-Fi distribution in installments for 2 years for 100 rubles;
  • the subscriber will also be able to purchase Kaspersky antivirus Internet Security, payment for which will be 119 rubles / month.

All in one for 1801

For 1801 rubles the subscriber will receive the following features:

  • the subscriber will be able to spend 3000 minutes and 3000 SMS per month and 15 GB of Internet traffic on a mobile device for free;
  • home Internet 100 Mb/s and 125 television channels, which will cost 1 ruble per month plus airtime refund if necessary;
  • in addition to everything, the user is offered to purchase Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus with a subscription fee of 119 rubles.

To activate this option, the subscriber will need to visit the official website, or select the “All in one” tab on the main page of the site.

Below, on the page with a description of each of the tariffs, the user needs to click on the yellow button “To purchase” or “To connect" (do not forget to select your region in the upper left corner of the page: this offer does not apply to the entire territory of the Russian Federation).

The next step is to fill out an application for connection. It comes in two types:

  1. For subscribers who have home Internet from Beeline.
  2. For subscribers who are not yet connected to home Internet from this mobile operator.

All data must be entered into the application, and then sent for consideration, after which, on the same day, a specialist will contact the user.

Also on the website, the subscriber will be able to find out whether his home is connected to the “Home Internet from Beeline” network. To do this, you can leave a short application on the website, in which you will need to indicate your own address. After sending the application, a Beeline specialist will contact the subscriber.

Complex offers “ALL in one” seamlessly combine cable and cellular telecommunications services and allow you to connect your home Internet and Beeline television for 1 ruble.

Tariffs include mandatory mobile TV and unlimited calls to Beeline subscriber numbers. As the seniority of the tariff plan increases, both the volume of package minutes, SMS and mobile traffic increases, as well as functionality home Internet and TV for 1 ruble. The number of TV channels varies from 25 to 125, and cable Internet speed varies from 40 to 100 Mbit/s.

Internet assistant offers a more thorough understanding of the features of “All in one” tariff plans and clarifies all the nuances of cable TV and home Internet from Beeline for 1 ruble per month.

Composition of “All in one” tariffs from Beeline

Tariffs of the “All in One” line repeat the conditions of the “All” tariffs, but are one ruble more expensive and provide the ability to use home TV and the Internet and pay for the services received from a single personal account. Senior tariff for 1801 rub. per month includes a bonus in the form of a free WI-FI router. Users with lower tariff plans will have to purchase the router outright or in installments (up to 24 months). The “All in One” tariff family from Beeline consists of several plans with various integrated and additional features.

Tariff planMonthly feeFunctional contentAdditional features for 1 rub. per month
"All in one for 301"301 rub.Unlimited in home network. 350 min. to numbers of Beeline and other providers outside the home region. 100 SMS. 5 GB Internet trafficHome Internet 30 Mbit/s. 25 mobile TV channels. Possibility of viewing 125 digital channels for a separate subscription fee
"All in one for 501"501 rub.Unlimited on your home network. 550 min. to numbers of Beeline and other providers outside the home region. 300 SMS. 5 GB Internet trafficHome Internet 40 Mbit/s. 25 mobile TV channels. Possibility of viewing 125 digital channels for a separate subscription fee
"All in one for 801"801r.Unlimited on your home network. 1000 min. 500 SMS to Beeline numbers and other providers outside the home region. 7 GB Internet trafficHome Internet 60 Mbit/s. 25 mobile TV channels. Possibility of viewing 125 digital channels for a separate subscription fee. Distribution of package services between several numbers
"All in one for 1201"1201 rub.Unlimited on your home network. 2000 min. to numbers of Beeline and other providers outside the home region. 1000 SMS. 10 GB Internet trafficHome Internet 100 Mbit/s. 25 mobile channels and 125 cable TV channels. Free service “Return of air” to watch programs for the past 48 hours. Distribution of package services between several numbers
"All in one for 1801"1801 rub.Unlimited on your home network. 3000 min. to numbers of Beeline and other providers outside the home region. 3000 SMS. 15 GB of mobile Internet trafficHome Internet 100 Mbit/s. Free Wi-Fi router 25 mobile channels and 125 cable TV channels. Possibility to pause the broadcast. Free service “Return of air” to watch programs for the past 48 hours. Distribution of package services between several numbers
  • Attention
  • Depending on the region, the package content of the tariff with free minutes, SMS and mobile Internet traffic may vary, and in some regions the “All for 301” tariff plan is not available at all. All the nuances regarding the territorial distribution of a particular tariff offer can always be clarified on the official website of the provider.

As can be seen from our description of the “All in One” plans, the Beeline operator is initially disingenuous, projecting the possibility of home TV for 1 ruble onto the entire line of tariffs. This opportunity is provided only for the “All in one for 1201” and “All in one for 1801” tariff plans. In all other cases, watching cable TV implies additional monthly expenses in the amount of 345 rubles.

Here the user himself must decide what is more profitable and expedient for him. Purchase digital television services from a separate provider, increase additional costs, or choose one of the advanced “All in One” tariffs with high-speed home Internet and large limits on minutes, messages, traffic and the possibility of significant savings when switching to “ALL” tariff plans for all family members.

Pay attention! The “All in one for 1801” tariff allows you to insure your home for up to 400,000 rubles.

Features of “All in one” tariffs with Internet and TV for 1 ruble

Without exception, all telecommunications companies describe only the best aspects of their tariff offers. The Beeline operator is no exception, which does not disclose the problems and difficulties of omission inherent in the “All in one” plans. Mobile assistant analyzed real reviews users and compiled a list of the main disadvantages of these tariffs:

  • systematic interruptions of the television and Internet networks, which often take quite a long time to resolve;
  • early repayment of the cost of the router upon termination of the contract with the operator;
  • consumption of packaged Internet traffic when watching mobile TV, which significantly reduces the consumer attractiveness of “All in one” tariffs;
  • high risk of changes in the terms of the contract on the part of the provider in the direction of increasing regular expenses for subscribers;
  • low level technical support and the difficulty of dialing a Beeline specialist;
  • watching digital television on only one TV, which in modern realities is more than inconvenient. To be able to use several TVs, you will need to connect to the Multiroom service with a monthly subscription fee of 230 rubles.

However, “All in One” tariff offers are quite flexible in configuration and allow you to improve the quality of those services that are most important to the subscriber. For example, you can increase the speed of your home Internet network using the “Speed ​​Selection” service (60 rubles per month for each step of 25 Mbit/s), connect an additional digital television package (from 90 rubles per month), sign a licensed antivirus for several devices (119 rubles per month).

  • Attention
  • Senior “All in one” tariffs allow you to connect up to 5 SIM cards to the contract and use the same one for the whole family tariff package. At the same time, an algorithm has been implemented for switching to Beeline from another operator while maintaining the subscriber number.

How to connect Internet and TV from Beeline for 1 ruble

The operator did not provide separate USSD commands or service SMS messages for switching to “All in one” tariffs. You can get advice at toll free number 8-800-700- 8378 .

To initiate the procedure for connecting to the Internet and Beeline television for 1 ruble? you need to use the “All in One” tariff page on the provider’s website. For authorized Beeline subscribers, a transition to this tariff is available through the online self-service service Personal account. You can conclude an agreement and agree on connecting to the “All in One” tariff plan at the nearest Beeline office.
