Yamal 102 201. Manual satellite tuning


Yamal-201 (Yamal 201 or Yamal-200 No. 1) is one of two serial satellites “Yamal-200”, which were created by RSC Energia as part of the Russian space program of federal significance on the order of the concern "Gazprom Space Systems". It was launched simultaneously with the Yamal-202 satellite into geostationary orbit in November 2003 at 90° east longitude using a Proton-K launch vehicle.

Satellite "Yamal-201"- part of the system expansion program satellite communications Yamal, which until 2009 included the Yamal-100 satellite. Yamal-201 is equipped with 9 C-band transponders with circular polarization, and 6 Ku-band transponders with linear polarization.

Its main purpose is the development and backup of customer networks that operated via the Yamal-100 satellite. The main broadcasting region is the Far East, but when installing equipment, a stable high-quality signal is received in Eastern Europe, India, and North Africa. A fixed contour beam in the C- and Ku-bands covers the entire visible part of Russia and adjacent countries in the eastern hemisphere.

The satellite covers 98% of Russia, partly Asia and Europe. The service life is determined by 12 years - this is how much fuel reserve is designed for stable operation equipment. The mass of the satellite was 1330 kg, the accuracy of the orientation of the axes and keeping the satellite in latitude and longitude in the orbital position was +/-0.1 degrees.

The satellite allows you to organize video conferencing, data transmission and communication channels, distribution television, and Internet access. The device is used to implement a network of central and regional television in Russia, distance education and telemedicine.

The position in geostationary orbit at 90º East is the base position for OJSC Gazprom Space Systems. This position is located over the center of the Eastern Hemisphere, and is ideal for serving the entire territory of Russia.

For satellite reception Yamal 201 TV channels in MPEG2 format need regular satellite receiver, which can receive FTA - non-encoded channels, with the ability to decode MPEG4. To connect to the Internet from a satellite, a standard satellite Internet connection kit, a DVB-S card, a universal converter and a 0.9 meter antenna are sufficient.

During operation, only one emergency situation arose in the operation of the satellite equipment in December 2011, which was eliminated within 24 hours. The cause of the failure was the unoriented flight of the satellite, which after a reboot software was restored.

Rebroadcast channels and frequency ranges in which Yamal 201 broadcasts are as follows.

3539 Right. S/R: 3274 FEC: 3/4, additional options- DVB-S. The transponder shows the TV channel - TBN Russia. The Christian spiritual and educational television channel TBN Russia broadcasts for believers in Europe, Russia and the CIS countries.

3552 Right. S/R: 5800 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S. A package of TV channels is rebroadcast - TRT, TRT Çocuk, TRT Avaz. These are Turkish television channels that broadcast news and entertainment programs.

3553 Right S/R: 20000 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S. TV channels are shown on the transponder Altyn Asyr, Yaslyk, Miras, TV 4 (Turkmenistan), Ashgabat TV, and radio channels: Turkmen Radio 1, Turkmen Radio2, Turkmen Radio 3, Turkmen Radio 4. Television and radio channels of Turkmenistan, which can be viewed by everyone.

3582 Right. S/R: 4275 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S/BISS. The transponder is designed for encoded TV channels" GTRK Chita"and radio channel" Radio Mayak". GTRK Chita is a federal regional channel of Transbaikalia, which is aimed at attracting fans of sports broadcasts, news and sports matches.

3588 Left. S/R: 4285 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S. The TV channel is rebroadcast Nord TV"and radio channel" Nord FM". Channel " Nord TV" is the information body of Tyumentransgaz, part of OJSC GAZPROM.

3594 Left. S/R: 4275 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S/BISS. The transponder displays encoded TV channels" GTRK Bira" and radio channels " Radio Maya", "Radio Russia". GTRK Bira is a regional TV channel in Birobidzhan.


3761 Left. S/R: 17500 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S/MPEG-4/Roscrypt 2. A packet of encoded RSCC channels is transmitted - Channel One, Russia 1, Russia 2, uncoded - NTV, Channel 5, Russia K, Russia 24, and radio channels Radio Russia, Radio Mayak, Vesti FM.

3600 Left. S/R: 4285 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S
The TV channel is being rebroadcast " Turkmen Sport".

3645 Left. S/R: 28000 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S/BISS.
The transponder contains the Gazprom Space Systems software package - Zvezda, Echo of Moscow NTV, TNT, Peretz, RU TV, Raz TV, Russia 2, Top Shop Russia."Pepper" - Russian a federal television channel whose broadcast schedule is based on original Russian-produced entertainment programs, popular Russian and Western TV series.

3603 Left. S/R: 4285 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S.
Regional TV channels are rebroadcast OTV Chelyabinsk" and the channel "Radio OTV"

3605 Right. S/R: 4340 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S. The TV channel is being rebroadcast CNL Siberia"

3674 Left. S/R: 17500 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S. The transponder broadcasts the Gazprom Space Systems program package - TV 3 , First educational, MTV Russia, TV 3, radio channels : Family Radio Russia, Golos Russia, BBC World Service English, Radio Chechnja Svobodnaja, RNW 2, 102.5 FM first popular Radio. The “My Joy” channel is positioned as a family children's educational television channel with a religious bias.

3694 Left. S/R: 2430 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S
Union" is a channel for Orthodox Christians. It has a religious bias.

3698 Left. S/R: 2963 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters -DVB-S
Only the TV channel is rebroadcast" MTRK" is a regional channel of Uzbekistan, focusing on information and entertainment programs.

3954 Left. S/R: 29500 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S
On the transponder - Gazprom Space Systems software package - TV Centr Ural, TV Centr Dal "nii Vostok, O2, TV Centr Sibirija, TTS, Home store, TV channel star, Amazing Life, Style and fashion, radio channels Radio Zvezda, Voice of Russia, People's Radio, Russian International Radio.

3918 Left. S/R: 4275 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S. Designed for broadcasting the TV channel "GTRK Altai" " and the radio channel "Radio Russia".

3990 Left. S/R: 4275 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S. Rebroadcast package programs Gazprom Space Systems - T elekanals" ShoppingLive, StyleTV(Russia)", d ata services GazpromSpaceSystemsInternet, Classic, SputnikVideo, Lansat, RadugaInternet, TooWay.

4042 Right. S/R: 8681 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S
Broadcast of entertainment TV channels Music Box, Music Box TV, Russian Music Box, Humor Boxi"

11057 Vertical. S/R: 26470 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S/BISS/Codicryp. Serves the Gazprom Space Systems software package: encrypted TV channels STS and TV channel Domashny, not coded - TNT, Znanie, NTV, NTV Rap.ru, and coded radio channels: Radio Kukuruza, Good songs, DFM 101.2, Russian radio, Hit FM (Russia), Maximum 103.7 FM, Children's radio Moscow.

11093 Vertical. S/R: 26470 FEC: 3/4, additional parameters - DVB-S/BISS/Codicryp/Viaccess 2.6. On the transponder in the Gazprom Space Systems software package, in addition to standard TV channels, there are TV channels coded Telekanal Football, Top secret Amusement Park,Shanson TV,not encoded - REN TV, Russian Roman, Russia 24, and coded radio channels Europe Plus , Radio 7, Retro FM, Radio Chanson.

Orbital position 90° E. d., which is the main integral part of the entire Yamal system, is very beneficial and important for the vast territory of our country. Being in the center of the eastern hemisphere, this point allows broadcasting to almost all of Russia. That is why this position was taken in time by OJSC Gazprom Space Systems, and is actively used to this day. It all started with the emergence of the project itself "Yamal", for the implementation of which OJSC Gazprom created the Gazkom company in 1992. Gascom began a phased implementation of the project, which consisted not only of the space part, but also of an extensive ground part; more than 40 ground stations were built, which were supposed to work with a 90° position.

Thus, OAO Gazprom planned to satisfy its technical needs to provide stable communications to all gas production enterprises, especially to the far northern territories. The space part of the system began with the Yamal-100 project, for which two spacecraft were designed and built "Yamal-101" And "Yamal-102".

On September 6, 1999, the Yamal-101 ​​and Yamal-102 satellites were launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on the Proton launch vehicle. As a result of the launch, it was possible to establish communication only with the Yamal-102 satellite; Yamal-101 ​​was lost due to a power failure on board. On October 28, 1999, the Yamal-102 satellite arrived at the orbital position of 90°E.


Yamal-102 met all expectations; all networks of Gazprom and other telecom operators were immediately transferred to it. From 2000 to 2003, more than 30 Russian television channels were lifted onto the satellite, including 18 regional ones. As a result, the income received from the operation of the device covered all the costs spent by Gazprom on the project. In 2010, Yamal-102 was decommissioned due to the end of its service life, but the position continues to operate at the expense of the satellite.

The satellites of the Yamal-200 project, consisting of the Yamal-201 and Yamal-202 satellites, were launched on November 24, 2003. "Yamal-202" took position 49°E"Yamal-201" took a position of 90° east. d., in which it remains to this day. The Yamal-200 satellites are a more powerful variant and carry more KU and C band transponders as payloads.

Characteristics of the Yamal-201 satellite:

  • Orbital position 90°E.
  • Weight, kg 1330
  • Frequency range C, Ku
  • Number and band of transponders, MHz 9×72 (C)
  • 6×72 (Ku)
  • Output power of transmitters, W 55 (C)
  • 120 (Ku)
  • Active lifespan, 12 years
  • Launch date November 24, 2003

Characteristics of the Yamal-202 satellite:

  • Orbital position 49°E.
  • Weight, kg 1330
  • Power allocated to power the payload, W 2000
  • Frequency range C
  • Number and band of transponders, MHz 18×72
  • Output power of transmitters, W 55
  • Accuracy of keeping the satellite in orbital position in latitude and longitude, degrees. 0.1
  • Satellite axes orientation accuracy, degrees. 0.1
  • position 55°E apparatus "Yamal-402".

We have few television channels in Kazakhstan, especially in Russian. I decided to buy a set for satellite television. I wanted to buy the cheapest one, but after studying the materials I found on the internet, I decided to buy the Korean receiver Openbox-1700 because... It can receive scrambled channels, has frequent firmware updates, and is inexpensive. I live on the 8th floor, I decided to install the plate on a bracket behind the balcony in order to be able to adjust it, I took a smaller all-metal plate 1.5 m with a triangular support. The support is ready; the plate is assembled and installed on the support. Now you need to point it at the satellite (Yamal 90g). You can do this by placing the shadow of the converter (gun) on the plate if there is a working plate nearby - by turning the plate and using rods, achieve the same position of the shadow of the gun on your plate, see Fig. 1. You can sketch the position of the shadow on another plate at a certain time, if it is far away, then at the same time set up your plate. I installed the dish according to azimuth and elevation, which I determined using the Satellite Antenna Alignment (SAA) program, which can be downloaded from the website http://www.al-soft.com/saa/saa.exe . To determine the azimuth and elevation angle of the satellite, you need to know the coordinates of your area, which can be found on the websitehttp://www.heavens-above.com/countries.asp. Using the SAA program, you can determine the azimuth to the sun, as well as the azimuth of the satellite, at any time. On the site for installing the plate, draw a line in the direction of the shadow from the plumb line, and mark exact time. Using the program, determine the azimuth to the sun for this time. Calculate the difference in azimuths between the sun and the satellite and draw on the site using a protractor the direction to the satellite, setting it aside from the line drawn earlier, set the plate in this direction, see Fig. 2. Using the SAA program, you can also determine the time at which the sun is at the same azimuth with the satellite and rotate the dish at this time towards the sun so that the shadow of the gun is on the vertical axis of the dish. Now you need to set the antenna elevation angle, see fig. 3, for this we will use the same SAA program. You need to take a ready-made protractor or make it yourself, attach it to the rail and adjust the rod to set the required antenna elevation angle, see fig. 3.

Setting up the dish can be simpler - set the elevation angle of the antenna using a protractor and turning the antenna in azimuth (the platform must be horizontal - set according to the level), literally by millimeters, catch the satellite - the receiver must be pre-configured. The converter is pre-set to division 38-40. You don’t have to install the depolarization plate right away, but install it after you catch the satellite, then the position of the converter and plate is adjusted according to the largest signal.

Receiver setup.

Before catching a satellite, you need to configure the receiver, in this case Openbox-1700, the settings of different receivers are different, but the principle is the same.

In the channel search menu, select Antenna setting (or antenna settings) and enter the parameters in the window that opens.

2. LNB type (converter type) - 5150 (for C converter)

3. DiseqC port - off. (for one converter)

4. Drive settings (motor suspension, positioner) - disable

5. 22 kHz (switch 0-22 kHz) - off.

6. Switch 0-12v - 0v.

7. LBN Power - On.

8. FTA only (open) - no.

Let's move on to the next window.

In the channel search menu, select manual search and enter the parameters in the window that opens.

1. Satellite - select Yamal 201(102)

2. Frequency - select the desired one by clicking on the arrows or enter from the remote control - 03645. Parameters for satellites can be taken from the website http://www.lyngsat.com.

3. Flow rate - 28000.

4. Polarization - horizontal.

5. Error correction - Auto.

6. Network search - no.

7. Only open - no.

8. Start searching - OK on the remote control (after you configure the antenna and the signal appears on the scale at the top).

The receiver will find the channels on this transponder, click OK, and enter the parameters of the next transponder as described above.

Codes for the plate 102 channel pepper-frequency... April 10, 2015... Satellite Yamal 201 Yamal- Catalog of satellite satellite reception from YAMAL 102 /201 codes for satellite dish Yamal 102 Emulator codes. Photo wallpaper. Internet fishing. ... Set up a satellite receiver for the Yamal 201 satellite in any city, town in Russia or any other state located in the satellite’s coverage area. ...satellite channels, list of satellites, list of transponders, package transponders, list of pay TV channels, catalog of frequencies and channels, satellite frequencies, Description of the Yamal 201 satellite. ... Local Radio 102 .7 FM. 42. Tips for using and entering codes into a satellite tuner or receiver. ...Software $ MATE6794S170ECps. Help, please, I'm new to setting up receivers. This is the problem. The receiver was set to satellite Yamal 102 ,not so long ago half disappeared... Setting up a dish for two or more satellites | YAMAL Forum 102 . Go to satellite selection. ... TV channel Yamal. ... Name *: Email: Code * Satellite Yamal 201 90E - Yamal 201(Frequency Table)...Yamal 102 -201(Yamal102-201)90E. ... Codes (Biss keys) of Siberian satellites on this page. Leave all questions and suggestions in the mini-forum. Features of satellite broadcasting Yamal TV and its channels... Satellites of Siberia Yamal-102 201(Yamal- 102 201) 90E Satellite dish channels Yamal 102 photo Anchor - Source Information portal. Yamal region. ... - Complete and updated list of 2014 satellite TV frequencies of free Russian television channels from the Yamal satellite 201/300K 90.0°E. need new codes for satellite dish Yamal 102 . Artyom Vdovkin Student (50), voted 2 years ago. YAMAL 102 - My articles - Articles catalog - MC_MIKO Is it possible for a plate tuned to Yamal 102 90 gr. tune in to some other satellites (for example, 85 degrees, 93 degrees, etc.)??? How? Thanks for your help...October 26, 2005 Codes for a satellite dish Yamal 102 Set the plate to Yamal 102\201 - Installation and configuration... Updated list satellite TV frequencies 2014/2015 free Russian television channels from the Yamal satellite 300K 90.0°E. ... Yamal TV. Russian-language satellite channels from the Yamal satellite 201,300K 90° E. ... C and 6 Ku bands, installed as " Yamal-100", at 90° E. d. It is intended mainly for the development and backup of customer networks operating via satellite " Yamal-100". Installation and configuration Yamal-201. How to install and configure a satellite dish yourself. ... Emulator codes Photo wallpaper Internet - Satellite operator, Satellite Yamal 201 90E coverage map. The satellite covers Russia, parts of Europe and Asia. Satellite Yamal 201 broadcasts in Ku and C band. ... You can find out details about connecting satellite Internet from the Yamal 201 satellite in the "satellite Internet" section. I set up the plate yesterday Yamal 102\201 and did a search - found only 1 channel and 16 radios. I achieved the most correct location - quality at 98-99. I just don’t understand why there is ONLY channel 1 (BULAT)? September 24, 2008 satellite dish Yamal channel codes - Tests - Aeterna Does anyone know about satellite Internet? I have a Yamal plate 102 , is it really possible to access the Internet through it? please tell me! ... Publications tagged satellite channel codes " Yamal -102 » Satellites of Siberia Yamal -102 201(Yamal - 102 201) 90E... 1. Satellite Yamal not actually a satellite, but a satellite constellation. ... 3. Broadcasting bands: Yamal-102 Ku, Yamal-201 C and Ku bands... 7. “Right-left” is the direction for the observer standing behind the dish (in the area of ​​the J mount). Photo from trees you can put a plate on Yamal 102 . satellite dish - Instructions for assembling the dish Yamal- Forum. ... Video: Satellite Channels Yamal 102 . Catalog of websites and rss channels - Yamal 102 codes. If you have an unstable desire, you can play more than fifty channels in French or a satellite dish Yamal antenna channel codes Yamal 102 channel risk. The brilliance of the channels of the Plus system has been going on since the start of Eutelsat W436, comrade. Channels Yamal 102 . ... An antenna or satellite dish, the diameter of which will determine the stability of the signal and the frequencies captured full list Yamal channels 201 satellites 90 degrees Free satellite TV on satellite Yamal... Frequency table of Russian-language channels on the Yamal satellite... Yamal 102 Internet providers - All about the Internet Channels, frequencies, keys Yamal 201/300K_90.0°E V-SERVICE Satellite dishes. ... Transponders (Codes) on Yamal 201 (Yamal 201 C & KU). Yamal 102 90E" Satellite world- International amateur forum. ... The Yamal 201,300K 90° E channel is located in the orbital dish 90 Peppers East, has 9 C and 6 Ku band transponders on its code, is installed, like...April 10, 2015 Biss keys for the Yamal 90E satellite Replies@Mail .Ru: ...for a satellite dish Yamal 102

Satellite television is very popular in our country. It is chosen by many consumers for its wide range of coverage and reasonable cost. Most of the streams received from this satellite are publicly available.

Broadcasting is carried out in C-band and Ku. Band C broadcasts large number TV channels, including 40 free ones. The user has the opportunity to receive them at different time intervals. This will also require a Ku-band connection.

Yamal 201 is a satellite dish with a diameter of 0.9 m. This parameter depends on the region of location. Experts link the size of the system to the quality of the perceived signal. With a larger diameter, the intensity and quality become better.

The products presented on the modern market differ in several respects: size, cost. Channels satellite dish Yamal makes it possible for everyone to watch quality TV.

Advantages of Yamal TV

The use of Yamal TV provides the following advantages:

  1. Wide variety of broadcast streams. At the dawn of its appearance, the operator presented about 50 streams. Currently, the figure has reached more than 95 titles, radio stations - more than 25.
  2. Wide area coverage. The operator's coverage area covers 98% of the territory Russian Federation, part of the territory of neighboring countries, as well as some countries in Europe and Asia. Thanks to this, the Internet and television high quality will be available to everyone.
  3. The operator provides favorable terms of cooperation. The subscriber has up to 40 channel names at his disposal, which do not require additional fee. They include broadcasts of federal significance, sports, regional, children's, entertainment, and music.
  4. The price of the kit is available to every consumer.

Installation Rules

Competent selection of devices and components, professional connection ensure a high-quality connection. In this regard, the selection stage, subsequent installation and commissioning work should be given special attention.

Installation Features

The Yamal 201 satellite antenna, if installed and launched correctly, will allow you to enjoy watching high-quality video for a long period of time.

When deciding on a location, it is recommended to choose an open space oriented towards the broadcast source. During the work process, direction adjustments may be required. To do this, you need to provide a margin for rotation: both vertically and horizontally, because it is not always possible to determine the optimal location the first time.

The solution to the problem in such cases is to search for a satellite from any convenient point - the surface of the earth or an open plane. After this, having decided on the direction and inclination, you can quickly pick up a signal in the selected area. Nearby systems aimed at the same source will also serve as an excellent reference point.

  1. The signal passage should not be interfered with by the walls of nearby buildings or tree branches. They can lead to poor connection quality.
  2. It is necessary to check the surface for contamination, which will also lead to loss of broadcast quality.
  3. It is necessary to check that all devices are connected correctly.

Setting up the Yamal 201 antenna requires the following elements:

  • antenna;
  • TV;
  • transponder;
  • cables that provide connection between structural elements.

When connecting, it is important to follow safety rules. When connecting devices with cables, be sure to turn them off. Timely measures taken will not only protect against unforeseen situations, but also help maintain the integrity and safety of products.

In order to configure the tuner to the satellite, you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Using the remote control, go to the Setup Menu to the “Hardware Settings” item. Here you can control the connection level and reception quality. If an insufficient level is detected, you should change the position of the device, choosing the most optimal one.
  2. Next you need to specify - Yamal.
  3. In the “Frequency” section you will need to specify the value 10990 MHz.
  4. In the “LNB Power” line, check ON.
  5. In the “LNB Type” section, you should define the “Universal” parameter, frequency - 9750.
  6. The next step is DiSEqC, indicate the one that is used, and opposite the unused one, indicate the OFF mark.
  7. Next, you need to go to the “Search” section.
  8. Specify the search type for satellite streams.
  9. Run the process and wait for the results.
  10. The displayed list of streams can be sorted as you wish.
  11. Save the received data.
  12. Turn off the receiver, first using the remote control, then turn off the power. If you immediately unplug the device from the outlet, the search results and the user-set order will not be saved, and the procedure will need to be repeated. This will take a lot of time.

Manual satellite tuning

First, you need to press the yellow button on the receiver's remote control. It is provided for everyone modern models. After this, you need to manually enter the frequency value. After some time, a connection signal will be displayed on the screen, and you can start searching for streams.

Correct adherence to the recommendations presented will allow you to obtain an efficient and functional system that guarantees high-quality viewing. When performing installation, follow the safety rules and instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Video on setting up the Yamal 201 antenna
