Why can't my login and password be remembered? Ways to save your password in Yandex Browser. A systematic approach to remembering passwords

When surfing the Internet, you have to register on many sites. Of course, you can’t remember all the passwords, and you can be too lazy to write them down. I solve this problem in two ways: by automating the memorization of passwords and by systematizing sites into groups with the same passwords.

1. Use a browser password manager: browser extensions (add-ons), for example, RoboForm Lite, PasswordBox – Free Password Vault, Show passwords or LastPass.

LastPass - automatically fills out forms, can be used to generate passwords, and take secure notes. The program is free and available in almost all browsers.

2. Download the program to your computer, for example, KeepPass or the same LastPass.

But on some sites, automatic filling of forms does not work and you have to enter passwords manually. The second method for remembering passwords is suitable for this.

A systematic approach to remembering passwords

Combine sites into groups and assign the same passwords to each group.

The first group is the most important sites: online wallets, mail, social network accounts, etc. Here you need complex passwords and, preferably, different ones. They need to be replaced every few months as they are susceptible to break-ins.

The second group are accounts that no one will hack and that you don’t particularly value.
We divide them into groups based on common characteristics and choose the same simple passwords for each group.

For example:
Group 1 – sites of TV series, music, entertainment portals.
Group 2 – shops and shopping.
Group 3 – work and everything connected with it.
Group 4 – software.

And so on, according to your interests and preferences.

Or, even simpler:

Group 1 – complex passwords for important accounts that are at risk of hacking.
Group 2 – one password of medium complexity.
Group 3 – one easy-to-remember password.

For convenience, come up with one login for all your accounts and use one email address where spam will be sent.

How to easily come up with and remember a complex password

It is impossible to crack a password consisting of letters, numbers and signs of 15 characters, but it is also impossible to recover it if you lose it.

But there is an easy way to come up with and remember a complex password.

For example, this is a 15 character password BpoVtmg9923^..^ I will not forget, because it consists of the first letters of the famous quatrain (“A lonely sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea”), the last numbers of my mobile phone and the cat's face.

Instead of a verse, you can use a saying, counting rhyme, capital letters names of the whole family. Numbers – car number, last four digits of a bank card. And be sure to add signs, at least a simple smiley face. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to guess such a password.

Save the infographic for yourself.

We need to log in to many sites with authorization by entering a login/password combination. Doing this every time is, of course, inconvenient. All modern browsers, including Yandex.Browser, have the ability to remember the password for different sites so as not to enter this data every time you log in.

By default, the browser has the password saving feature enabled. However, if you suddenly turn it off, the browser will not offer to save passwords. To enable this feature again, go to " Settings»:

At the bottom of the page, click on the button " Show advanced settings»:

In the block " Passwords and forms"check the box next to " Offer to save passwords for websites", and also next to " Enable form autofill with one click».

Now, every time you log into the site for the first time, or after clearing your browser, a prompt to save your password will appear at the top of the window:

Saving multiple passwords for one site

Let's say you have several accounts from one site. This may be two or more profiles in social network or two mailboxes one hosting. If you entered data from the first account, saved them in Yandex, signed out of the account and did the same with the data from the second account, then the browser will prompt you to make a choice. In the login field you will see a list of your saved logins, and when you select the one you need, the browser will automatically insert the previously saved password into the password field.


If you enable authorization for your Yandex account, then all saved passwords will be securely encrypted cloud storage. And when you log in to Yandex.Browser on another computer or smartphone, all your saved passwords will also be available. This way, you can save passwords on several computers at once and quickly access all sites where you are already registered.

I have already talked about what the password should be, and among other things, I drew your attention to the fact that you cannot use the same passwords on different sites.

But what if we spend a lot of time on the Internet and constantly register on various forums and sites? Indeed, in this case, the number of logins and passwords will constantly grow, and remembering them will be simply unrealistic.

Every user sooner or later faces the problem of remembering passwords, and everyone solves this problem in their own way.

In this lesson, I will talk about one of the ways to save passwords, which is available to absolutely everyone and does not require installing or mastering additional programs.

We will talk about the function of remembering passwords (password manager), which is available in almost every modern browser. The task of such a manager is not just to remember the password (and login), but also to remember the site with which given password(and login) linked.

Thus, when visiting a site that requires registration, we enter our registration data only once and save it in the browser, and then (on subsequent visits to this site) the browser itself substitutes the saved data, saving us from memorizing it and manually entering it.

Let's see how this is done in the browser Opera, and at the end of the lesson we will touch on other browsers.

So, first of all you need to check whether it is turned on this function. To do this, go to your browser settings ( Opera- Settings - General settings ) and on the tab Forms make sure the checkbox is checked Enable password management:

After that, click Ok and we can start remembering passwords.

For example, let's go to where we enter our data (username and password), which we used in this forum:

After the data has been entered into the appropriate fields, click the button Entrance and see a pop-up window:

Now, if at some point we are required to enter a login and password to enter this forum, we will see that the data entry fields will be highlighted and the key button will be active:

This indicates that the manager remembers the data for this site and is ready to work.

In such a situation, we just need to place the cursor in the very first data entry field and press the key button (or key combination Ctrl + Enter). Our data will be immediately inserted into the required fields, and we will automatically log in to the forum using our login.

If we don’t want the browser to save the password for this site and not offer to save it in the future, then check the box Remember and press the button Never:

In this case, information about such a site will also be saved (although this will no longer be registration data).

If you press the button Ready, then the password will not be saved, but the next time you log into this site, the browser will again show a pop-up window asking you to save the password.

Everything seems to be clear here!

However, now let's imagine a situation where we changed the password on some site, but our browser on this site constantly substitutes the old password (which it remembers).

Another situation: we decided to allow the browser to remember data on the site where we previously clicked the button Never(see above) and now the browser never shows us the pop-up window to save the password.

What to do in such situations?

In fact, there is nothing complicated here either - just delete all data about this site from the password manager.

To do this, go to the browser settings again and press the button Passwords...:

Thus, we have removed information about this page from the manager and now, the next time you enter this site, we will again see our pop-up window in which we can repeat (or change) the choice.

Other browsers also have their own password managers, and even if they are slightly different from each other, the meaning of their use still remains the same.

In Firefox it looks like this:

And password management in Firefox is in the settings ( Firefox– Settings – Settings) on the tab Protection:

In Chrome the popup looks like this:

To see the settings controls in Chrome in the settings window, you need to turn on the display additional settings:

After which we will see the settings we are interested in:

By the way, in Chrome you can even see all your passwords if you click Managing saved passwords, and in the next window click the button Show:

This feature may be convenient for quickly remembering your password, but it can also play into the hands of an attacker if he gains access to your browser.

At the end of the lesson, I would like to warn you that the password manager built into the browser is not a reliable storage and should be taken more as a convenient tool for entering passwords on sites and forums that are not very important. For example, I would not recommend storing passwords in the browser if these passwords are used to log into payment systems or Internet banking accounts.

In addition, if the browser malfunctions and is subsequently reinstalled, we may lose all the passwords that are stored in it, so just in case, it is necessary to duplicate such passwords so that you can recover them at any time.

Why aren't passwords saved in the browser?

When we actively use the Internet, we become tied to our browsers, as we store all the necessary information in them.

In addition to tabs and autofill forms, many people save passwords, as this is convenient when using different sites. But what if the browser does not save passwords?

Why aren't passwords saved in the browser? Most likely, you simply have this feature disabled in the settings. Some sites have scripts installed so that passwords and logins are not saved, but such resources are extremely rare.

If you don’t have passwords saved in your browser, use our instructions.

How can I save passwords in the browser?

1. Google Chrome.
After entering your browser settings, open Extra options and find the item “Passwords and forms”. Here you need to check the box next to the option to save passwords:

2. Mozilla FireFox.
Mozilla's settings also have a function for storing authorization data, which can be turned on and off. You can manage it through the settings, on the “Protection” tab:

3. Opera.
Setting up password saving in Opera is also easy. To do this, go to the program settings, then click “Security” and check the box next to the special item:

4. Internet Explorer.
To enable password saving in this browser, you need to go to Internet Options rather than Settings. Select the contents tab, go to settings and check the box:

In each browser platform, you can enable or disable the storage of login data.

If you use a browser that is not on our list, then it is better to uninstall it and install Google Chrome, after numerous tests it has been proven that this browser is the safest and has all the necessary functions.

The Internet resource "Gularis" aims to
creation of an Internet platform for bird lovers.

Initially, the site is not a completely completed reference book. The materials on the site are supplemented solely by user activity. When posting any type of information, the user fills out a special form, thereby determining the exact characteristics of what is being posted. Thus, the search is simplified, an accurate selection can be made, dynamic analysis all site content" Gularis"The administration specifically undertakes this practice to eliminate information chaos.

The site initially has a number of areas and technologies.

The main ones:

  • Classifier- dynamically updated directory (analogous to Wiki)
  • Groups- communities organized by users themselves, which include users, and groups are filled with materials on the stated topic.
  • Blog- individual and collective work with documents. All types of creating interest groups.
  • Marketplace- posting advertisements for the purchase, sale, exchange of birds and related pet products.
  • Forum- it is expected to discuss issues related to site technologies.
  • Personal Area- structured information posted by the user, personal, contact information.
  • User Relationships- by indicating his colleagues and friends, the user determines the degree of trust (not everyone sees everything at once...).
  • Ratings and ratings- various forms of voting are provided for priority placement of, in the future, more rating information.