Display calls on another iPhone. Calls from one iPhone are displayed on another - how to remove synchronization? Disable duplicate FaceTime calls on MacBook or iPad

Usually in a large family they have a common account for simplicity. When you previously set up synchronized reception of calls from any iOS devices for convenience, don’t be surprised if incoming call All phones will ring at once. Therefore, it is quite a common problem for many users when several people simultaneously use an iPad, iPhone and a computer that are connected through a common Apple ID.

Sometimes this function quite convenient. For example, you use an iPad with headphones and may miss incoming call for iPhone, but if your iPad or Mac computer is connected to phone number, then you will also receive an incoming call directly on your iPad and, using the “FaceTime” option, you can receive the call.

Many people ask the question: how to turn off calls on the iPad, for example, when you are watching a movie or sleeping. For example, you can hear a simultaneous call for both the iPad and iPhone, so you won’t immediately understand where the call is coming from. Since the incoming call is synchronized simultaneously with both devices, the sound is accordingly amplified twice. Therefore, having synchronous connections is often inconvenient, and not always safe.

To turn off incoming calls on your iPad, you need to open the FaceTime video calls option in Settings and turn off the feature activity slider in the iPhone Cellular Calls subsection. In this case, the Wi-Fi connection must be activated on the iPad, iPhone or other device. In addition, all synchronized devices must be connected to the same Internet network with an enabled WI-FI connection.

Deactivating Handoff messages

Another popular method is to disable the Handoff continuity function in the General settings menu. ", which ensures the collaboration of devices with different places. The Handoff function is a tight connection with iOS devices. If an iPhone or iPad with iOS 8 is located near a Mac, then this function helps you start any action on the iPhone and finish it on the iPad.

If you have the forwarding feature set up on your iPad, duplicate calls will also send the same messages to all devices. To stop receiving messages on your iPad, go to the Settings menu and open the Messages section, where you turn off Message Forwarding.


If you want to reset all settings from your iPad, then activate the “Settings” menu, select the “General” section and turn on the “Reset” option. All previously configured calls and features will be reset, after which you can reconfigure the necessary features.

Additionally, duplicate calls may stop if you change WI-FI network or install a new one iOS firmware for iPad.

How to turn off iPad calls from iPhone

In order to disable duplicate calls to your iPad, you can do this directly from your iPhone, where the SIM card is installed. To do this, open the iPhone's Settings menu and open the Phone subsection, and then go to the On Other Devices option.

Next, select the smartphone option “Allow calls on devices” and turn off all connected devices that you no longer need: iPad, Mac computer or laptop. If you want to leave some iOS devices for a backup call, you don’t have to disconnect them. Disabling is done by dragging the activity slider to the passive state. Now calls incoming to the iPhone will not be duplicated on other devices that have a common ID.

IN latest version OS X Yosemite has a lot of new features for Apple devices. In addition to a complete redesign, we introduced interesting opportunities for the user. For example Handoff and Continuity.

Thanks to Continuity, your MacBook or iMac has learned to receive calls coming to you on your iPhone. Despite the convenience, the function turned out to be “crude”, because as soon as you receive a call, all the gadgets that are in your house and work under a single FaceTime account begin to ring. Over time, duplicate calls become annoying, although they are quite easy to remove.

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How to Turn Off Duplicate FaceTime Calling on iPhone

The easiest way is to turn off calls on the iPhone or iPad itself. To do this, go to “Settings” - FaceTime, and then turn off the “iPhone Cellular Calls” function.

Such a disabling of "Cellular calls" is radical way, which is not the best because the user will not be able to make calls from other devices with the same account. A more subtle approach is to leave the Cellular Calls slider on on your iPhone and off on your Mac.

Disable duplicate FaceTime calls on MacBook or iPad

To disable it, go to FaceTime on the Mac and use the CMD + keys< переходим в меню “Настройки”. Здесь надо убрать галочку, находящуюся рядом с iPhone (Сотовые вызовы).

The same actions must be performed with iPad tablet, it also has settings in which you need to enter the FaceTime settings, and then uncheck the box next to the iPhone.

That's it, now calls can't be heard, but Continuity continues to work. If you want to return the previous functionality, simply return the checkbox that was removed.

Another solution to the problem with duplicate calls

You can solve the problem in another way, without performing shutdown manipulations. This solution will also be useful to some of you.

Then on your Mac you need to go to the directory

There is a sound file called Blues.m4r. It needs to be renamed by adding brackets with “Old” to the name. The result will be Blues(Old).m4r. To rename, you will need to enter the administrator password, which is not at all difficult if you are the owner of the computer. Then you should copy the downloaded file to the specified directory. Thus, the sound file will be included in the set of standard melodies.

Owners of several Apple devices have already tried and even gotten used to some of the capabilities of the Continuity function. In fact, the functionality and idea behind Continuity are great, even if everything doesn’t always work 100%.

As practice has shown, not everyone was happy with the new functions. For example, many users are annoyed by the fact that phone calls from iPhone now arrive simultaneously on iPad and MAC. But not many people know how to turn it off... We’ll talk about this today.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, let me briefly describe what Handoff is. Starting with OS X Yosemite, a set of new MAC OS and iOS features were introduced that are designed to improve productivity on Apple devices...Increase efficiency, if you want.

So, if you start writing a message on your iPhone, you can finish it on your MAC or iPad using Universal Clipboard. Or, having in stock Apple Watch, you can set up "Auto Unlock" your MAC computer without entering a password.

You can also receive iPhone cellular calls on other devices... All these features and more are combined into one group called “Continuity”.

How the function works

The Continuity function operates under the following conditions:

  • Each device is signed in to iCloud using the same Apple ID
  • Each device is signed in to FaceTime using the same Apple ID ID
  • Each device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network
  • The Handoff function is activated in the settings of each device (on different devices this is done in different ways)

As I wrote above, NOT every user is delighted with three simultaneously ringing i-devices in the house when you receive a call on your iPhone. If you are one of such users, do not despair - there is a way to disable this feature. Below are short instructions for each type of device.

If you want to disable the "iPhone (Cellular Calls)" feature on ALL additional devices, then on the main iPhone go to and turn off the slider " Allow calls" Here, from the list below, you can specify on which devices you still allow calls.

Turn off cellular calls on another iPhone/iPad

If you still want to simultaneously receive cellular calls on some devices (for example, on a MAC), but disable the second iPhone (or iPad) from this function, then proceed as follows:

STEP 1 - Take the iPhone/iPad on which you want to disable the “iPhone (cellular calls)” function

STEP 2 - Go to Settings – Phone – On other devices and turn off " Allow calls»

STEP 3 - On iPad or iPod touch select Settings - FaceTime, then turn off the " Calls from iPhone».

Disabling Cellular Calls on MAC

If you need to turn off intrusive calls to MAC computer, do this:

STEP 1 - On your MAC computer, open the program FaceTime, go to Settings(from top menu FaceTime) and uncheck the box next to " iPhone (cellular calls)»

STEP 2 - That's kind of it...

Honestly speaking, on this moment Almost all of my devices have iPhone calling enabled. Apparently I’m not too bothered by the fact that “parallel” calls are heard on the second iPhone and MAC.

I even sometimes take calls on MAC and communicate with people that way. It's convenient... :)))

Well, it's up to you to decide. Anyone who found the article useful should definitely like it on social networks (buttons below).

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Greetings! When you have several iPhones in your family, then you are a very rich person, many people prefer to use one Apple ID account for all these devices. So what? At first glance, everything is really very convenient! For example, you downloaded a game (program) on one gadget, and it instantly became available on another device. Plus, you don’t need to remember the details of several accounts at once. It would seem that happiness has arrived. Live and be happy!

However, not in vain Apple company recommends creating your own unique Apple ID account for each iPhone. After all, there are also plenty of problems when using accounts at the same time (by different people on different iPhones). For example, backup iCloud copies. And in the event of theft of an Apple ID, all gadgets on which this identifier is activated are immediately at risk.

There is another problem that is associated with using one Apple ID on several iPhones - synchronizing the call log and calls. We'll talk about this today.

Brief description of the situation. When you make a call from one iPhone, the data instantly appears on the other. The same situation applies to missed and incoming calls. They called you, you didn’t pick up, and a notification about this is immediately displayed on all other iPhones with your account. It turns out that the call history and call log will be common for all iPhones on which your Apple ID is entered.

Comfortable? Certainly. But such call log synchronization is only good if all these iPhones belong to you. Otherwise, questions are possible - we are all curious and suspicious people :) But oh well, now it’s not about that, but about how to get rid of it.

Use different Apple IDs

The most correct and correct decision. We create our own unique account for each gadget and the problem will disappear on its own. Yes, this will require spending some time, and it is not always convenient for various reasons, but in the end this will have some advantages.

In addition to stopping syncing calls on your phone (which is good!), you will be able to use an iCloud account for each iPhone separately (which means extra space for Reserve copy), and in the future to protect yourself from various surprises (such as synchronization of SMS, tabs Safari browser and others).

Finally, here’s another instant way to get rid of repeated calls on different iPhones - “just” turn off the Internet and that’s it. No Internet means no synchronization.

Allows you to start working on one device and immediately continue on another, and also answer a call on a paired iPad or Mac while taking a call on your iPhone. But all the joys can fade if several home devices are associated with the account.

With an incoming call, the most literal apocalypse can begin, and in different rooms at the same time. We will tell you how to disable Continuity on certain devices in this material.

How to turn off incoming calls (Continuity) on iPad and Mac when iPhone rings?

1 . Open the application Settings on iPhone.

2 . Go to section TelephoneOn other devices.

3 . In field " Allow calls on devices» leave only those gadgets on which you want to see a duplicate incoming call.

Well, or turn off all calls by moving the toggle switch opposite the item “ Allow calls» to the inactive position.

How to disable FaceTime calls on certain devices?

Apple went a little further and allowed you to answer from any device not only cellular calls from the iPhone, but also -calls. Here it is no longer possible to block the “oxygen” from one device to another, so we turn it off on each one separately.

How to turn off FaceTime calls on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad?

1 . Open SettingsFaceTime.

2 . Move the toggle switch opposite " FaceTime» to the inactive position.
