iTunes errors when restoring, updating and synchronizing iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (error codes, causes and solutions). iTunes Errors (Causes and Solutions) Error 27 occurred when updating iPad 2

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 2 keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can lead to inoperability of your PC and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 2-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download] can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems and require Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from misuse Registry Editor can be eliminated. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with Error 2 (for example, Windows):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 2-related key (for example, Windows) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to select the folder where you want to save the backup Windows key.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, for example "Windows backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Windows-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

Sometimes when restoring, updating and iPhone sync, iPod Touch and iPad, unknown errors occur in iTunes, and it is impossible to perform the necessary actions with the iOS device. In our directory you will find an explanation of the error and possible options its elimination.

Errors that occur during the recovery/update and synchronization process can be either software or related to hardware problems in the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad: some can be easily fixed (by restarting the computer or changing the USB port), while others require hardware repair.

iTunes errors occur when:

  • , iPod Touch and iPad with iTunes;

iTunes Error Classification

  1. Communication problems (Network errors)
    iTunes Errors: 17, 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194, 3000, 3002, 3004, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3194, 3200.
    Notifications may also appear:
    • "While loading software An error has occurred".
    • "The device is not supported for the requested build."

    These errors and warnings appear when you have problems connecting your computer to the Apple update server or to your device.

  2. Problems with security software settings (firewall, antivirus, firewall)
    iTunes Errors: 2, 4, 6, 9, 1000, 1611, 9006, 9807, 9844.
    These errors are caused by your antivirus, Windows Firewall, or firewall blocking the connection to Apple servers.
  3. Problems with the device's USB connection
    iTunes Errors: 13, 14, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1643-1650, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 4005, 4013, 4014, 4016, "invalid response", repeated request for recovery after its completion.
  4. Hardware problems
    iTunes Errors:(-1), 1, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 53, 56, 1002, 1004 , 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667 or 1669.
    Occurs due to hardware malfunctions with the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch: with the modem, with the Wi-Fi module, power connector, battery, and so on.

Standard troubleshooting methods for iTunes errors

You can fix most errors in iTunes yourself:

  1. Remove or terminate programs on your computer that may be blocking iTunes from connecting to the Apple update server.
  2. Disable security software while restoring or updating iPhone and iPad.
  3. Use the original USB cable to connect iOS devices to your computer. Otherwise it is possible. Try replacing it.
  4. . On a desktop computer, you should use the USB ports located on motherboard. TO USB ports on the multimedia keyboard, USB hub, or front panel system unit It is not recommended to connect an iPhone or iPad - errors may occur when connecting the device.
  5. Completely remove iTunes and all its components using “uninstallers”, Uninstall Tool (for Windows), for example. Then install latest version programs.
  6. Restore/update iPhone/iPad on another Windows computer or Mac.

All known codes are deciphered in the table iTunes errors when restoring, updating, synchronizing and downloading content from the iTunes Store and provides possible solutions to resolve them.

iTunes Error Guide and How to Fix Them

Error number Most likely cause Recommended Solution
Error number Most likely cause Recommended Solution
1 The firmware is not supported by the device or the iTunes version is outdated Make sure that you are using the firmware specifically for your device model and
2 The firmware is recognized, but assembled and packaged incorrectly and therefore cannot be used. Occurs when working with custom firmware with hackactivation and unlocking that uses a bad ASR Patch (The problem is relevant for Sn0wBreeze versions below 1.7) Use different firmware
3 Problem with the modem part of the device
4 iTunes can't connect to Apple service servers Maybe third party programs block computer ports and prevent iTunes from connecting to Apple servers.
Check the settings in the hosts file in /windows/system32/drivers/etc/ for the presence of records like “”. If the line is present, precede it with a # sign and save your changes. Try again
5, 6 It is impossible to install the firmware because the boot logos are damaged, or because the device is turned on in the wrong service mode (for example, if the firmware is intended for DFU Mode, and you try to recover through Recovery Mode) , if it doesn’t help, create your own firmware or download another one
8 The firmware is not supported by the device (for example, you downloaded the firmware for the wrong generation of the device) Download the firmware supported by your device model
9 Kernel panic in an iOS device when working with firmware. Usually occurs when data transfer via the USB cable is interrupted, or when the firmware is incompatible with the selected recovery mode Restore the firmware via Firmware Update Mode (DFU Mode). Check the mechanical connection of the device to the computer. Connect the cable to a different port or replace the USB cable
10 The custom firmware was assembled incorrectly due to which the low-level LLB bootloader was damaged or completely missing
11 A number of files necessary for downloading were not found in the firmware ipsw file Create custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
13 There is a problem with the USB cable or 30-pin (lightning) connector, or an attempt to install a beta iOS version from Windows environment Replace the standard cable or change the USB port. IN Computer BIOS disable USB 2.0 support
14 During the flashing process, a violation of the integrity of the firmware ipsw file was detected Disable antivirus programs, disable the firewall, change the USB cable or connect the iOS device to a different computer port, download another firmware
17 Updating from one custom firmware to another custom firmware To update to custom firmware, use recovery mode () or firmware update mode (DFU Mode)
18 Your iOS device's media library is damaged In most cases, only flashing will help
19 "iTunes could not sync to iPhone '[iPhone name]' due to an unknown error (-19)." The error occurs after updating iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 to a later version of iOS, during Reserve copy while syncing your iPhone with iTunes. Uncheck “Sync automatically if iPhone is connected” on the “Browse” tab in the “Devices -> Connected device model” menu in iTunes, remove and connect the iPhone. Then sync again. If the error repeats, you need to restore the device to new firmware; before doing this, create a backup copy in iCloud so that you do not lose user data after restoration.
20 The device is enabled in Recovery Mode instead of DFU Mode Turn your device into DFU Mode
21 A DFU mode error occurred during the jailbreak process.
Error 21 occurs due to hardware problems (dead battery, low charge).
To enable the device in DFU Mode, use the Pwnage Tool, sn0wbreeze or redsn0w utilities.
If the above measures do not help, you should fully charge the battery; if this does not help, the device’s battery will need to be replaced.
23 Can't read device IMEI or MAC address (at least iTunes can't do that) If the problem persists on other firmware versions, there is most likely a hardware problem.
26 The custom firmware was assembled incorrectly and, as a result, an error occurred when accessing NOR memory Create custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
27, sometimes 29 Cyclic error in iTunes versions 8.0 to 9.1 Update iTunes to version 10 or later
28 Mechanical damage to the bottom cable or dock connector in the device Contact an authorized service center
29 Hardware problem with the battery, bottom cable, or power controller Contact an authorized service center to replace the battery, cable or power controller
31 It is impossible to take the device out of DFU mode. Most often occurs due to hardware problems Contact an authorized service center
34 Insufficient hard drive space to install software Free up space on the drive where iTunes is installed
35 Incorrect iTunes folder permissions in Mac OS X Run Disk Utility and restore access rights. (in enter the command: sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media, where is the username)
37 The low-level bootloader (LLB) in the firmware does not match the device model Create custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
39, 40, 306, 10054 No access to activation and signing servers Disable Windows Firewall and antivirus programs.
54 Software failure when transferring data from the device. In most cases it occurs on unauthorized computers or when transferring hacked applications Delete "old" backups. Deauthorize your computer from the iTunes Store (Store menu in iTunes) and try again
414 Age limit for downloaded content In yours, change the year of birth (in iTunes in the menu “Store -> View my account»)
1002 Unknown error when copying firmware files to the device Repeat the flashing procedure
1004 Temporary problems on Apple servers (SHSH hashes for the device were not received from the server) Repeat the flashing procedure later
1008 Apple ID contains invalid characters Change your Apple ID without using prohibited characters. Try not to use anything other than Latin letters and numbers in your Apple ID
1011, 1012 Hardware problem with the modem part of the iPhone or iPad Try it. If the error persists, contact the service center
1013-1015 iTunes trying to downgrade modem version on iPhone/iPad The flashing was successful, but the iPhone/iPad cannot boot to iOS on its own with a downgraded modem firmware. In the TinyUmbrella utility, use the “Kick Device Out of Recovery” function.
1050 Apple activation servers are temporarily unavailable Try activating your device later
1140 Problem syncing photos from iPhoto on Mac OS X Delete the iPod Photo Cache folder (in context menu iPhoto Library file, select Show Package Contents and delete the folder
1394 Damage to system files on the device as a result of an unsuccessful jailbreak Restore your device and repeat the jailbreak procedure
1413-1428 Error when transferring data via USB cable Check the USB connection of the device to the computer, the integrity of the cable and the working condition of the USB port. Change port
1430, 1432 Device not recognized May indicate a hardware problem. Replace the USB cable, connect the device to a different USB port, connect the device to another computer
1450 Cannot make changes to iTunes library file In Mac OS X, restore permissions; in Windows, check the owner and permissions of the iTunes library folder
1600, 1611 Recovery to custom firmware is carried out in DFU Mode, although it should be done from Recovery Mode Enter your device into Recovery Mode and try again
1601 iTunes cannot gain full access to the device Disable all background processes, change USB port or USB cable, reinstall iTunes
1602 iTunes was unable to detect your device while preparing to update Check the hosts file for entries like “”, if there are any, comment them out (insert a “#” symbol before the line). Disable all background processes, change USB port or USB cable
1603, 1604 Trying to restore a device without jailbreak to custom firmware Run on current firmware. Please note: jailbreaking using Spirit and on the JailbreakMe website is not complete and also leads to similar errors.
1608 iTunes components are damaged Reinstall iTunes
1609 The version of iTunes that works with your device is very outdated Update iTunes to the latest version
1619 iTunes cannot work with the device in DFU mode, but in normal mode it successfully recognizes it Update iTunes to the latest version
1644 The firmware file is accessed by third party programs Close all programs running in background, disable the firewall and antivirus, restart your computer
1646 iTunes could not recognize the device in active mode Reboot your iOS device, restart iTunes
2001 Problem with Mac OS X drivers Update Mac OS X to the latest version
2002 iTunes access to the device is blocked by other system processes Close running programs, disable your antivirus, restart your computer
2003 USB port problem Connect the device to another USB port or another computer
2005 USB cable is damaged Replace cable
3000, 3004, 3999 No access to the firmware signing server Access blocked third party application, disable firewall and antivirus
3001, 5103, -42210 iTunes can't load video due to hashing errors Update iTunes, find and delete the system folder “SC Info” ( Windows 7: ~\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes ; Mac OS X: ~/users/Shared/SC Info)
3002, It is not possible to request a suitable SHSH hash from the firmware signing server. The error occurs if the hosts file is configured to redirect iTunes to the Cydia server manually or using TinyUmbrella, but the server does not have saved hashes for this firmware Close TinyUmbrella and delete (comment out) from hosts file a string like “”
3014 The response from the Apple activation server takes too long to arrive Restart your computer, force update your Internet connection.
If the error occurs already during the recovery process (the status bar is filled on the device screen under the logo), download and install Hotspot Shield. Run the program and try recovery again.
3123 iTunes can't rent videos Deauthorize your computer from iTunes and log in again
3191 QuickTime components are damaged Reinstall QuickTime and its components
3195 Digital SHSH certificate is damaged Restore your device again via iTunes
3200 The custom firmware lacks the necessary images Create custom firmware yourself, or download another custom firmware
4000 Conflict with other connected USB devices Try disconnecting all USB cables from the computer, with the exception of the keyboard, mouse and iOS device
4005, 4013 Critical error when updating/restoring Try restoring the device in DFU mode, preferably using a different USB cable
4014 The device's connection to iTunes is broken during a restore or update. iTunes can't put iOS device into recovery mode Perform the restore/update on a different computer and/or with a different USB cable.
5002 iTunes Store Error: Payment Unable to Complete Check your credit card information
8003, 8008, -50, -5000, -42023 Unable to recover file download from App Store or iTunes Store Empty the contents of the iTunes Media/Downloads folder ( Windows 7: ~\Users\Username\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Downloads)
8248 iTunes plugins are incompatible with new version disrupt the program Remove installed iTunes plugins. Often the problem is related to the Memonitor.exe process, end it
9006 Problem uploading firmware to iTunes Disable firewall and antivirus, download iOS manually
9807 iTunes is not communicating with the digital signature verification server Disable your firewall and antivirus
9813 Keychain Access certificates are damaged or invalid in Mac OS X Clear the Safari cache (menu “Safari -> Reset Safari”)
11222 iTunes service connection timeout limit exceeded Disable your firewall and antivirus, update iTunes, sign in to the iTunes Store again with your Apple ID
13001 Permanent damage to the iTunes library system file Reinstall iTunes or delete the iTunes Library file and files with the extension .itdb in the iTunes folder
13014, 13136 The system is loaded with processes that interfere with the normal operation of iTunes Close background applications, disable firewall and antivirus, restart your computer
13019 iTunes library error when trying to sync Check your iTunes library for damaged or incompatible files
20000 iTunes conflict with Windows graphical shell On Windows, enable the default theme
20008 iTunes conflict with TinyUmbrella utility Update TinyUmbrella to the latest version and restart your computer
-1 Critical modem error Occurs when iPhone update without upgrading the modem firmware version. Use or to take your iPhone out of Recovery Mode.
If the utilities do not help, the problem is hardware and the iOS device requires repair by an authorized service center.
-35, -39 Can't download music from iTunes Store Update iTunes to the latest version, sign in to the iTunes Store again with your Apple ID, turn off your firewall and antivirus
-50 There is no connection between iTunes and Apple servers Update iTunes to the latest version, re-sign in to the iTunes Store with your Apple ID, disable your firewall and antivirus, reinstall iTunes and QuickTime
-3198 The integrity of the downloaded files has been compromised Retry downloading content through iTunes
-3221 Incorrect permissions on iTunes program file in Mac OS X Run Disk Utility and restore permissions
-3259 iTunes Store connection timeout limit exceeded Check your internet connection
-9800, -9808, -9812, -9814, -9815 iTunes Store purchase time error Set the correct date and time on your computer
-9843 iTunes Store download blocked by security system In iTunes, sign out of your account, restart iTunes, and sign back into the iTunes Store with your Apple ID
0xE8000001, 0xE800006B The device was unexpectedly turned off Disconnect your device from your computer, restart iTunes, and reconnect your device
0xE8000013 Error syncing iOS device with iTunes Re-sync
0xE8000022 Damaged (irreversibly) system iOS files Restore your device
0xE800003D Incorrect access rights to operator settings files cellular communications(Carrier Bundles) If your iOS device is jailbroken, correct the access rights to the settings files of cellular operators (on iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad: /System/Library/Carrier Bundles), delete all custom Carrier Bundles of operators, restore the device
0xE8000065 Error when flashing the device with a custom build of iOS. As a rule, this error occurs when working with firmware compiled in sn0wbreeze Restart your computer, try again, if unsuccessful, create the firmware again
0xE8008001 An attempt was made to install an unsigned (hacked) application. Occurs when installing applications on a jailbroken device Install AppSync from Cydia for your version of iOS
0xE8000004 (iPhone 4) The error occurs most often when iPhone activation 4. Solved using a linked downgrade to the GeekGrade_IPSW firmware followed by loading from Boot_IPSW to redsn0w.
The entire procedure is described in

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 2 keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 2-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download] can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you need to create a backup by exporting the part of the registry associated with Error 2 (for example, iTunes):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the key associated with Error 2 (for example, iTunes) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the iTunes key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "iTunes backup."
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your iTunes-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

iTunes is a stable and reliable program, and therefore many users who encounter this utility’s error for the first time are quite surprised. Unfortunately, no program is immune to failure, but fortunately, in the case of iTunes, in most cases there is a way to quickly fix this or that problem, unless, of course, it is some unknown error. The fact is that Apple engineers classified all kinds of bugs that iTunes can “please” with, assigned them numbers and provided guides for eliminating them.

In this article we will tell you why error 54 appears in iTunes and how to get rid of it.

Error 54 appears when certain problems arise with synchronizing iTunes and an iOS device, and in the vast majority of cases it is software rather than hardware in nature. So calm down, most likely nothing is broken, and you can get rid of the error yourself - just follow our guides and everything will work out. However, before you start with our recommendations, make sure that you are not trying to synchronize a very large amount of information at once - try exchanging files in parts, and perhaps the errors will go away.

Error 54: Troubleshooting

So, error 54 interrupted your work with iTunes; this happened (with a probability of 99.9%) while trying to synchronize certain content using the utility between a PC and an iOS device. An error window appears in front of you: “Cannot sync iPhone [ device name]. An unknown error occurred (-54)." The first and most simple measure to eliminate it, which is recommended, including on the Apple support page, click “OK” in the pop-up window - quite often this action helps synchronization to continue smoothly.

First aid

If this “trick” does not work, we perform the next one - also very simple instructions— restart iTunes and reboot the iOS device, and then make another synchronization attempt.

Merge Content in the iTunes Media Folder

Is the error still preventing you from syncing files? Let's move on.

If this is not your first time working with iTunes, then you know that in order to transfer content from a PC to an iOS device, you first need to execute the “Add file to library...” command. Using this very library, the program organizes your files in a special iTunes Media folder and, let’s say, gets permission to work with them. But sometimes library files, due to software glitches and/or incorrect user actions, are stored in multiple locations, which often leads to error 54. To combine files in iTunes Media:

Important point! If you are trying to transfer purchases from the iTunes Store to an iOS device through the program, and error 54 bothers you, perhaps your best bet is to try downloading them directly from the device itself - to do this, open the “iTunes Store” application on your iPhone/iPad/iPod. Tap the “More” section, then “Shopping” and click on the “cloud” icon.

Quitting iTunes

Is error 54 still there? Then we try to deauthorize - or, more simply put, log out of our iTunes account:

Now log into your account again and check if the error has disappeared:

Deleting old backups

Deauthorization didn't help? Let's move on. You've probably done this more than once with using iTunes backup copies of information stored on an iOS device. Every time you create one, iTunes does not update the old copy, but creates a new one; over time, they accumulate, which can cause errors of one kind or another. Therefore, it is advisable to get rid of them from time to time, and if you encounter error 54, then this is not only desirable, but necessary:

Resolving software conflicts

If all the above measures did not help you resolve the error, then most likely the problem is due to software conflicts. As a rule, conflicts of this kind arise if some program was not updated in time and/or security programs identified iTunes as a suspicious utility. Let's figure out in order what to do in both cases.

Software Update

First of all, we will update everything that is outdated.

Disabling security programs

If the updates do not help, we take the last “desperate” step - disable the antivirus and/or firewall. Do not worry! We will not force you to work without security programs; the main thing for us now is to check whether they are the problem or not. If, when you disable security utilities, the error disappears, then most likely iTunes somehow got into suspicious programs and you need to transfer it to trusted ones. Sometimes this measure does not help, then we recommend updating your security programs. If the update does not help, you will need to remove them completely and install them again.

Well, as a last resort, if the error appears after reinstallation, we advise you to simply disable your antivirus and/or firewall at the time of synchronization.

Instead of the result: if all else fails

Well, this is where the methods for eliminating error 54 come to an end. We hope you managed to “defeat” her. Otherwise, we recommend contacting Apple Support. If they don’t find the right solution there, then probably the cause of the error is hardware in nature - perhaps the iOS device is to blame, perhaps the PC. One way or another, in this situation you will have to contact a service center, unless, of course, you are 100% sure that you can handle the repair yourself. By the way, to check who is to blame - the PC or the iOS device, try synchronizing with another computer - if the error is there, the Apple is to blame, otherwise - the PC.

Almost every user iTunes I encountered that the program refused to perform any action and showed a pop-up window with the number of the error that had occurred...

What do these iTunes errors mean and how to solve the problems that arise - more on that below...

Reason for error 1: The iTunes version is too old or the firmware does not match the device.

Solution to error 1: Update iTunes to the latest version, download the firmware again (make sure you download the software version for the desired device).

Reason for error 2: The downloaded firmware is not packaged correctly.

Solution to error 2: Most likely, you are trying to install custom firmware (not the original build). Just download the original firmware, or use third party software for installing custom firmware.

Reason for error 3: This error user can observe upon completion iPhone firmware, iPad, which may indicate a faulty modem inside the device.

Solution to error 3: In fact, the error is similar to error -1, and if the latter is corrected by the recovery mode, then error No. 3 can only be resolved in a service center by replacing the modem.

Reason for error 5: The firmware is not installed in the mode for which it was intended. (DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).

Solution to error 5:

Reason for error 6: Error installing the firmware due to a damaged Boot/Recovery logo (occurs when installing custom firmware). Solution to error 6: Download the original firmware, or try installing it in different modes(DFU Mode/Recovery Mode).
Reason for error 8: iTunes cannot install the firmware because it is not suitable for this device(for example, installing firmware from an iPod Touch on an iPhone).

Solution to error 8: Download the original firmware for your device model.

Reason for error 9: Kernel Panic. Critical kernel error. Analogue blue screen Windows. This may occur if data transmission via the cable is interrupted during installation. Or when using poorly assembled custom firmware.

Solution to error 9: Check the USB port and connector on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.

Reason for error 10: LLB (Low Level Bootloader) was not detected in the firmware, installation is impossible.

Solution to error 10: Rebuild the custom firmware or use the original one.

Reason for error 11: Some files were not found in the firmware.

Solution to error 11: Rebuild the custom firmware or use the original one.

Reason for error 13: The cable or USB port is damaged. Or you are trying to install the beta version of iOS from Windows.

Solution to error 13: Change USB and cable. It may also help disabling USB 2.0 in BIOS.

Reason for error 14: The firmware file is corrupted. Either there is a problem with the cable or USB port.

Solution to error 14: Disable your antivirus. Change USB and cable. Try the original firmware.

Reason for error 17: An attempt to update non-original firmware (custom).

Solution to error 17: In this case, you need to restore the device from DFU or Recovery Mode.

Reason for error 20: The device is in Recoveru Mode.

Solution to error 20: In this case, you must enter DFU Mode.

Reason for error 26: Errors when assembling the firmware.

Solution to error 26: Upload another firmware.

Reason for error 27 and 29: An iTunes error that occurs in older versions of the program.

Solution to errors 27 and 29: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Reason for error 28: Malfunction of the 30-pin/Lightning cable or connector in the device.

Solution to error 28: Repair at a service center or replacement of the 30-pin/Lightning cable.

Reason for error 34: There is not enough space to install the software (on your hard drive).

Solution to error 34: Free up some space to install the software (on the drive where iTunes is installed).

Reason for error 35: Incorrect folder permissions (the problem occurs on Mac OS).

Solution to error 35: In enter:
sudo chmod -R 700 /Users//Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
, where is the username.

Reason for error 39: An error occurs when syncing photos.

Solution to error 39: Several of your photos are causing this error, you need to find them using the exclusion from synchronization method.

Reason for error 40, 306, 10054: Problems connecting to the server.

Solution to error 40, 306, 10054: It is necessary to disable anti-virus software, proxies, and clear the browser cache.

Reason for error 54: Occurs when transferring purchases from your device to iTunes.

Solution to error 54: There are a number of things you can try:

  • iTunes > Store > Authorize This Computer
  • Delete C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info
  • Exclude music from synchronization by deleting the folder (then you can return the folder to its place)
Reason for error 414: Content is intended for persons over 17 years of age.

Solution to error 414: Agree to these rules or change your date of birth in your account settings.

Reason for error 1004: Temporary Apple server problems.

Solution to error 1004: Flash later.

Reason for error 1008: Apple ID has invalid characters.

Solution to error 1008: To prevent this error from occurring, you must use only Latin letters and numbers in your Apple ID.

Reason for error 1011, 1012: iPhone/iPad modem problem.

Solution to error 1011, 1012: Hardware problem, requires repair.

Reason for error 1013, 1014, 1015: When checking the firmware after updating, a mismatch error occurred.

Solution to error 1013, 1014, 1015: You need to download the TinyUmbrella utility. In it, use the Kick Device Out of Recovery function.

Reason for error 1050: Apple activation servers are temporarily unavailable.

Solution to error 1050: Activate the device after some time.

Reason for error 1394: The device's operating system files are corrupted.

Solution to error 1394: Restore the device or try to jailbreak again if the error appeared after it.

Reason for error 14**: Cable transmission error.

Solution to error 14**: Either the firmware file is broken (you need to download another one), or the usb cable is broken.

Reason for error 1600, 1611: An error occurs when installing custom firmware via DFU mode.

Solution to error 1600, 1611: Try installing via Recovery Mode.

Reason for error 1609:

Solution to error 1609:

Reason for error 1619: iTunes is too old for your device.

Solution to error 1619: Update iTunes to the latest version.

Reason for error 1644: The firmware file is accessed by third-party programs.

Solution to error 1644: Restart your computer, turn off antiviruses if you are not working with the firmware file yourself.

Cause of error 2001: The error occurs on Mac OS. Driver problem.

Solution for error 2001: Update Mac OS.

Cause of error 2002: Third-party processes work with iTunes, thereby blocking access.

Solution for error 2002: If it is not an antivirus, then restart your computer.

Cause of error 2003: Problems with USB port.

Solution to error 2003: Use a different USB port.

Cause of error 2005: Problems with the data cable.

Solution for error 2005: Use a different data cable.

Cause of error 2502 and 2503: Installer errors due to limited access to temporary files. Found on Windows 8.

Solution to errors 2502 and 2503: The problem is solved by adding full access to the user to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. This is done as follows:

  • right-click on the folder C:\Windows\Temp;
  • follow the path “Properties – Security – Change” and select your user;
  • put a tick next to " Full access", then you need to save the changes.
Reason for error 3000, 3004, 3999: Error accessing Apple server.

Solution to error 3000, 3004, 3999: Access is blocked by some program. For example, antivirus. Disable them, reboot.

Reason for error 3001, 5103, -42110: iTunes can't load the video due to hashing errors.

Solution to error 3001, 5103, -42110: Update iTunes
Delete the SC Info folder:

  • Win7 – C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Vista – C:\Program Data\Apple Computer\iTunes
  • Mac OS – /users/Shared/SC Info
Reason for error 3002, 3194: There are no hashes stored on the server. (Apple or Saurika).

Solution to error 3002, 3194: Update to a stable firmware version. Remove the line: from the hosts file in:

  • Win – C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Mac OS – /etc/hosts
Turn off antiviruses, try restoring via shift. An error may also occur when trying to rollback to previous version iOS. Recently, downgrading is not possible, calmly update to the latest version of iOS. A complex error, the explanations for which were highlighted in a separate article -.
Reason for error 3123: Problems authorizing your computer in iTunes.
Reason for error 3195: Error receiving SHSH.

Solution to error 3195: Try updating the firmware again.

Reason for error 5002: Payment refusal.

Solution to error 5002: Look for errors in the completed bank card information.

Reason for error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: The firmware download session time has expired.

Solution to error 8008, -50, -5000, -42023: Delete the Downloads folder from your iTunes Media folder.

Cause of error 8248: The problem occurs if plugins for iTunes are installed that are incompatible with new versions of the program.

Solution to error 8248: Remove iTunes plugins. It often happens that the problem is in the Memonitor.exe process, close it.

Cause of error 9006: Something is blocking the firmware download.

Solution to error 9006: Download the firmware from another location, or solve the problem with antivirus software.

Cause of error 9807: Something is blocking the verification of signatures and certificates.

Solution to error 9807: Solve the problem with antiviruses.

Reason for error 11222: Access blocked.

Solution to error 11222: Disable your firewall and antivirus.

Reason for error 13014, 13136, 13213: Something is interfering with iTunes.

Solution to error 13014, 13136, 13213: Update iTunes, restart your computer, turn off your antivirus software. The problem should go away.

Reason for error 13001: The media library file is corrupted.

Solution to error 13001: Delete your iTunes library files.

Reason for error 20000: An error may occur when using a non-standard Windows themes.

Solution to error 20000: Install the default Windows theme.

Reason for error -39: iTunes can't download music from the iTunes Store.

Solution to error -39:

Reason for error -50: There were problems connecting to the server.

Solution to error -50: Update iTunes. Relog your account. Turn off your antivirus software.

Reason for error -3259: The connection timeout has been exceeded.

Solution to error -3259: Update iTunes. Check your internet connection. Delete unfinished downloads, logging out/signing into your iTunes account may help. If that doesn't help, try restarting your computer.

Reason for error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: The time and date in the system are not set correctly.

Solution to error -9800, -9812, -9815, -9814: Set the correct date and time in the system settings.

Reason for error 0xE8000022: iOS files are damaged.

Solution to error 0xE8000022: Restore the firmware.

Reason for error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050:

Solution to error 0xE8000001, 0xE8000050: Reinstall the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Reason for error 0xE8008001: The problem occurs when installing applications on a jailbroken device.

Solution to error 0xE8008001: Install the AppSync tweak from Cydia.

Reason for error 0xE8000013: Synchronization error.

Solution to error 0xE8000013: Resync your device.

Reason for error 0xE8000065: Error in the operating system.

Solution to error 0xE8000065: Restart your computer, use a different USB port. If it doesn’t help, then the problem is in iTunes and you will need to restore the firmware.

If you have not found an answer to your question or something did not work out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our
