Macbook won't turn on without battery. How long does your MacBook last on a single charge? Heavy and continuous load

MacBook battery is not designed for many years of use: on average, its lifespan does not exceed a couple of years, although the manufacturer promises “mountains of gold.” After this time, the battery stops holding a charge, and the user can work without connecting to the network for 30-40 minutes at most. But if during operation the conditions recommended by the manufacturer were violated, then the device may fail even earlier. So, what could be the reasons why your MacBook is not running on battery power?

Contacts are damaged. Contacts battery may be damaged by impact or liquid. In the first case, eliminating the defect is quite easy: you just need to straighten them so that contact is restored. If the connectors are oxidized, then they need to be cleaned. It is better to straighten and clean the contacts at a service center, because they are fragile and can be damaged quite easily.

The battery has failed. If your MacBook isn't running on battery power, the battery itself could be faulty. To determine the malfunctionYes, you need a tester, but you can do a basic check at home if you have a second battery for this MacBook. Try changing the battery and turning on a known-good MacBook with a suspicious battery. Just make sure first that the output voltage and current match, otherwise the device may be damaged.

The motherboard (printed circuit board) and battery power circuits are damaged. The main reasons for its failure are impact, falling or liquid ingress. In this case, the MacBook does not work on battery power not because the battery is faulty, but because it simply “does not see” it. A thorough diagnosis is required.

If your MacBook loses power too quickly or won't run on battery power at all, take it to a service center. Our specialists will determine the exact cause of the breakdown and fix the problem as quickly as possible.

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Many people wonder whether a macbook can work without a battery. True, before moving on to this topic, it is necessary to say that in modern models Apple laptop batteries are very difficult to remove. Anyway, remove the battery to the average user It won’t be possible, and it’s not worth experimenting with it. As for earlier models, this is much easier there. Perhaps the reason is that in some laptops the macbook battery often swelled and had to be replaced. Having corrected this problem, the manufacturer decided that there was no need to remove the battery unnecessarily.

If we talk about whether it is possible for a Mac to work without a battery, then it should be noted that yes, this is quite possible. True, there is one nuance. It lies in the performance of the laptop. Unlike regular laptops, Apple's have their own device. When removing the battery, in order not to overload the power supply, one processor core is turned off. It is clear that the device will simply not be able to “pull” complex programs. The same applies to some “heavy” games.

Of course, if the work requires the use of one text document, then the user will not notice much of a difference between a MacBook with and without a battery. Another thing is the Internet with a mass open tabs, as well as searching and sending information.

Experts note that it is better not to use the device without a battery unless necessary, because it is not suitable for this. This is not prohibited, but it is not recommended to get carried away with experiments of this kind. Of course, if you want to keep the Mac in its working condition.

Using a Macbook without a battery is a last resort. Usually they resort to it when it turns out that the battery has unexpectedly failed, and there is no opportunity to buy a new one, or the element was ordered, but is still somewhere on the way. It is clear that people who have everything on their computer important information or their work is connected to the Internet, they have no choice but to adapt and use the laptop exclusively from the power supply. As for the possibility, everything is in order, but as for the quality of work, that’s a completely different question.

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I have MacBook Pro(2008). This is a secondary computer that I rarely use, so it was easy to last this long.

This long-lasting service has turned me into an Apple quality devotee. I'm looking forward to buying a new one, except...the battery is harder to remove these days.

My concern is not the "replaceable battery", it is more of a "removable battery". Once the battery dies, I would like to continue using the laptop using the power cord. However, I have seen all of my batteries swell and/or get very hot. I could be paranoid, but in those cases I just wanted to remove the battery and continue using a reasonably good laptop.

Is this possible with the new MacBooks? Can they work without a battery attached? Or could their batteries be ignored after they expire?

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I had a problem with a swollen battery on my MBB (13 inch) in 2011. While I was waiting for a replacement battery, I ran it at home with the old battery (it was swollen enough that the trackpad no longer worked). The machine worked without problems without a connected battery.

The only thing you should watch for is that the MagSafe plug comes off easily... by design, of course! Without a battery, this results in a hard computer shutdown, so make sure you're careful with the computer (or better yet, use it as a desktop so there's less chance of the power cable being jostled).

TL; DR: Yes, at least as recently as the 2011 MBP. Probably true for rMBP, not sure about the new ones with TB3.


As far as I understand, on the latest models the batteries are glued together, and in some models it is impossible to remove the battery without destroying the keyboard (you get a new one during service replacement too). Also all of them have an issue where the swollen battery pushes the trackpad and it stops working... so even more reason for me when you're battery free. Magsafe is no longer a problem today -

Any equipment is not immune from breakdowns. And laptops from Apple- not an exception. Therefore, today we will talk about the most common breakdowns of the most popular and current models.

MacBook Air 11 A1465 and MacBook Air 13 A1466

Computers of these models have virtually no manufacturing defects and break down mainly due to improper use. For example, when water gets into the device, in almost 100% of cases the keyboard stops working completely or partially. Also on motherboard Oxidations appear, which after some time lead it to a faulty state. Therefore, if you have flooded the device, we do not recommend using it, but we advise you to turn it off and take it to a service center as soon as possible.?

The second most popular problem that arises with MacBook Air- this is a battery. We recommend changing it approximately every two years. And this applies to all laptops that have batteries, as old batteries are prone to swelling. And if they are not changed in time, all components may fail. Cleaning after contact with conductive liquid costs from 2490?. Replacing the battery on a MacBook Air is 4990?.

MacBook Pro 13 A1278

The device was produced about 8 years ago, which is quite a long time for any equipment. These models were originally equipped with hard drives, which after a few years begin to fail. Therefore, in order not to lose important data, we recommend changing them every 3-4 years. You can also install an SSD in these models. This drive will give the computer new life, since any equipment runs much faster on an SSD. You can replace your drive with an SSD drive with a 60-month warranty for only 7490?.

These devices also have one design feature, due to which the cable fails hard drive. It consists in the fact that this cable is located near the bottom cover. And when you carry this laptop with you all the time, this cable gets frayed and starts to malfunction. Replacing HDD cable – 3490?.

MacBook Pro 15 A1286

Since this model is also quite old, then, like the MacBook A1278, it requires timely replacement of hard disk. But most often on this model the chip that is responsible for the operation of the video card fails. This mainly occurs due to overheating, since users do not carry out preventive maintenance (cleaning), and besides, this model does not have a very well thought out cooling system. The cost of replacing a video chip is 9990?.

MacBook Pro 13 A1502 (Retina)

These models do not have any design problems. Therefore, most often people contact the service center due to improper operation. For example, water getting inside or any mechanical damage. Unlike the MacBook Pro 13 A1278, subsequent models have a thinner body, which of course has a negative impact on durability.? Replacing the matrix on these devices (spare parts + labor) will cost 24,990?.

MacBook Pro 15 A1398 (Retina)

The devices of this model differ quite significantly from each other depending on the year of manufacture. For example, MacBook Pro 15 2012-2013 have problems with the video chip. The 2013-2014 models have recovered from the illnesses of their predecessor and have no particular tendency to break down. The main thing is to clean them and change the battery on time. But on 2015 models, the touchpad cable often stops working due to its unfortunate location. Just like in the MacBook Pro 13 A1278, the hard drive cable fails. Replacement of video chip - 11990?. Replacing the touchpad cable 4490?.

MacBook 12 A1534, MacBook Pro 13 A1706/A1708 (No touchbar), MacBook Pro 15 (A1707)

All these laptops are of the latest generation Apple computers and have a similar design. Often these devices begin to work incorrectly due to improper use. On the MacBook 12, the display very often breaks and the top case becomes unusable, since the laptop is very thin. Does a MacBook 12 display exchange cost 25,990? . And the cost of cleaning after water will cost on average 5000?.

The ModMac service center together with launches new promotion- when carrying out any work, we will carry out preventative maintenance on your laptop completely free of charge. You will also receive a 50% discount on accessories!

Have you ever wondered how long your MacBook/MacBook Pro can last on a single charge? Apple promises "all day offline mode“, but is this so in practice? There is an easy way to find out real time your MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.

We are talking about the real autonomy of the laptop, which is not predicted by the standard counter in the OS. To find out how long your MacBook can last on a single charge, you need to charge the device's battery to 100% and use it for normal tasks until it is almost completely drained. When the laptop warns you that the battery is about to be low, you can evaluate battery life.

This method is suitable for any version of the macOS or Mac OS X software platform.

How to find out the battery life of a MacBook

1. Charge your laptop to 100% and disconnect it from the power source.

2. Use your MacBook as normal until the battery charge reaches 1-5%.

2. When the low battery warning appears, open the Applications folder, go to the Utilities subfolder and launch the System Monitor program. Alternatively, you can use Spotlight - Command + Spacebar and type "System Monitor".

3. Go to the Energy tab.

4. At the bottom of the screen, find the “On DC” option. The counter will show real time battery life your laptop.

As an example, we used a 15-inch MacBook Pro model that we purchased a few months ago. On this moment The battery has completed 141 charging cycles. As you can see, its battery life is only about 3 hours. Numbers may vary depending on usage scenario, laptop age and battery condition.

How long does your MacBook last on one charge?
