Valid ip parameters. Additional reasons that the network adapter does not have valid IP settings. Getting IP parameters

Windows users often encounter problems connecting to the Internet. When diagnosing a network connection, the error “The network adapter does not have valid IP settings” appears. Read how to deal with this problem in this article.

What is this error?

The mentioned notification appears after diagnostics Windows networks in the event that the network settings have fallen off or are incorrectly configured.


Let's skip the part where you already rebooted Windows and your router and it didn't solve the problem.

Network settings

First, look at what IP address is assigned to the network card. For this:

  1. Right-click Start and select Network Connections.
  2. Go to Network and Sharing Center shared access» → “Changing adapter settings.”
  3. Right-click on the connected network connection and select “Status”.
  4. Open Details.

Pay attention to the “IPv4 Address” - this field must not be empty. Also, there may be no access to the network if it is filled with an address like 169.254.Y.Y. Look at the Default Gateway and DNS Server fields.

If you are connected to the Internet through a router, they should also contain values. If the values ​​are not specified, the DHCP server probably failed. To fix this, enter the values ​​for these fields manually:

When connecting via a router, the IP can be found on a sticker on the device itself (bottom or back). This address will be the value of the “Main gateway” and “DNS address”. Specify the “IP address” exactly the same as the main gateway, only with a difference in the last digit (for example, 10). The subnet mask is adjusted automatically, its value is

If you are connected directly to your ISP via an Ethernet cable, there is a high probability that the network adapter error is entirely on the side of the Internet service provider's equipment. Therefore, please contact those. support.

Clearing the routing table, DNS cache and WInsock

If the first method does not help, try clearing all previous information related to network connections in Windows. To do this, you need to clear the dynamic routing table, DNS cache and reset the WinSock specification parameters.

For the cleaning:

  1. Right-click Start and select “Command Prompt (Admin).”
  2. Run the commands one by one:
    1. Clearing the routing table: route -f
    2. Clearing the DNS client cache: ipconfig /flushdns
    3. Resetting TCP/IP protocol parameters: netsh int ip reset netsh int ipv4 reset netsh int tcp reset
    4. Resetting Winsock settings: netsh winsock reset

After these steps, restart Windows.

Reinstalling the network driver

This error may occur after automatically or manually updating network card drivers. On the network card manufacturer's website ( motherboard) or laptop find the latest relevant official drivers and install them. In removing installed on this moment drivers, Device Manager will help.

Setting up security systems

Antiviruses and firewalls are means of protecting the system from unauthorized access. They do their job well because they are rooted in the system settings. Some perform their security functions so well that they simply do not allow the user to access the Internet (such miracles have often been observed by Avast users). To make sure that your antivirus and firewall are not causing your network to fail, disable them temporarily.

Antivirus can be disabled in the settings themselves. To disable firewall protection:

Check the network operation.

Starting Windows without startup items

Not only antiviruses can interfere with the proper operation of the network. The software installed in Windows could make adjustments to the network settings. To exclude the influence of software, run clean boot Windows:

If the problem is not resolved, the problem may be on the provider's side. To be sure of this, connect another computer to your network and check the network settings for errors.

Do you have any questions or are having difficulty troubleshooting an error? Leave your question in the comments so that site users can help you.

Not long ago, the author of these lines encountered an unpleasant situation - one of the computers, which had worked perfectly previously, was connected to the router in a new location using wired connection. Several devices regularly receive Internet from this router, but the newbie himself refused to work, giving the error: “The network adapter does not have valid IP settings.”

That is, a patch cord, also known as an Ethernet cable, perfectly provides a properly buzzing Internet connection. system unit, and when connected to a long-suffering system unit, the latter stubbornly ignores the connected Internet.

What is this error and how to get rid of it - let's figure it out together.

We try to turn it off and on

I’ll admit right away that in my case the good old method helped me. I simply unplugged the router and then reconnected it to electrical network, and everything worked on its own. However, before I tried this miracle method, I had to thoroughly study the problem.

Therefore, first of all, try to “turn off and then turn on again” your problematic device, and also reboot the router. Well, what if it actually helped me in the end?

You can also enable or disable the Internet connection manually. To do this, go to the “Change adapter settings” menu. You can find it in the following way:

Right-click on the connection icon and select “Control Center..”

You can also use the following method: press on the keyboard Win + R, dial ncpa.cpl and confirm your entry with the key Enter.

In the window that opens, select your connection and click disable, and then, in the same way, using the right mouse button, click enable.

Checking the connection. Did not help? Let's move on.

Update the IP address

We are trying to update the IP address automatically. For this we use command line.

Launch the command line and enter the following code:

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew

This method is the safest, and most likely the most useless.

Resetting the TCP/IP protocol

Let's try resetting the network settings. To do this, use the command line again, and then enter the following queries:

netsh int ip reset

netsh int tcp reset

netsh winsock reset

Afterwards we restart the computer. Wrong again? Let's try the following.

We try other ways to solve the error: “The network adapter does not have valid IP settings”

  • Try disabling your antivirus or third-party firewall.
  • Remove Network adapter V Device Manager, and reboot. After such an execution, the drivers will be automatically reinstalled. If this does not happen, try downloading drivers from the manufacturer’s official website.
  • Uninstall the program Bonjour from Apple, if you have it installed, sometimes it causes a crash.
  • Check if the network card is disabled in the BIOS.

I hope your problem will be solved as easily and painlessly as in my case. Just in case, it’s worth checking that the cable and network adapter are working properly. Try disconnecting and reconnecting the cable. Update drivers and operating system. If it doesn't help, maybe it's worth it

Very often, in the comments I am asked how to solve the error “The network adapter does not have valid IP settings.” This error appears during the process of diagnosing problems with your Internet connection. And we run diagnostics because the Internet on the computer stops working. And the error “There is no Internet connection”, “The page could not be opened” and something like that appears in the browser.

The error “The network adapter does not have valid IP settings” appears in Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 7. In fact, it makes no difference what system is installed on your computer or laptop. The solutions will also be almost the same. I will show the differences, and I will try to show them using Windows 10 as an example.

Also, the error may appear both when connecting to the Internet via a network cable (Ethernet), or via Wi-Fi networks. Most often, there are problems with connecting to the Internet, and this error in the diagnostic results appears due to the settings of the IP addresses of the adapter through which you are connected to the Internet. The error looks something like this:

It is written above that the “Wireless Network Connection” network adapter does not have valid IP settings. The same error may appear for the adapter " Wireless connection", or "Ethernet" in Windows 10. Or "Connect via local network" in Windows 7.

What should I do if my network adapter does not have valid IP settings?

To begin with, a few simple tips which you need to try first. If they don't help, consider other, more complex solutions.

  • If the Internet is connected through a router, simply reboot it. Turn off the power for a few minutes and turn it back on. Here .
  • Restart the computer on which the error with missing valid IP parameters appeared.
  • Remember what you did before this problem appeared, and after which the Internet stopped working. Maybe something was installed, configured, or removed. If the error appears after installing a program, remove it.
  • If your Internet is connected via an Ethernet cable directly to your computer (without a router), then it is possible that the problem is on the provider’s side. Call your provider's support and explain the problem.

If these solutions did not help get rid of the error, and the Internet did not work, then we try to follow the recommendations that I will discuss below in the article.

Resetting TCP/IP protocol parameters, DNS cache and WInsock

I thought for a long time about what decision to write first. You can first check the IP settings for the problematic adapter and try to enter the parameters manually. But I decided to advise you to first reset the network settings. We will clear the TCP/IP, DNS, and WInsock settings.

Important! This method will completely remove all network settings that you manually set in the properties of network adapters. There's nothing wrong with this, but you may need to re-configure some settings. Especially if it's not yours home computer, and the network was set up by specialists. For example, in the office.

This method allows you to solve many different problems in the operation of the Internet connection, including the error with the lack of valid IP settings for a wireless or Ethernet adapter.

If you have Windows 10, then you can reset the network through the settings. There is a separate section for this:

I wrote in more detail about resetting network settings in Windows 10 in a separate article:

Also, all this can be done via the command line. This method is useful if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8. In the "ten" these commands also work.

First, you need to run the command line as an administrator. The easiest way is to open Start and start typing “command prompt” in the search bar. In the search results, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator."

We execute the following commands in turn:

Resetting TCP/IP Settings

netsh int ip reset

netsh int tcp reset

Resetting the DNS cache

ipconfig /flushdns

Clearing Winsock Settings

netsh winsock reset

Resetting the routing table

This is what it all looks like:

Reboot the computer and see if the Internet is working. If it doesn’t work, then run the troubleshooting again and see if the error appears again that the adapter does not have valid IP settings. If the problem is not solved, then try another method.

Checking the IP and DNS settings of a wireless Wi-Fi and Ethernet adapter

If you have Windows 7, then this is written in more detail in the article:. And here we will look at the example of Windows 10.

Right-click on the Internet connection icon, select "Network Center...", and "Change adapter settings."

Next, right-click on the adapter through which we connect to the Internet (and the error appears), and select "Properties". For example, I opened the properties of the "Wireless Network" adapter (Wi-Fi connection).

In the next window, select the item “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button. Another window will open with the IP and DNS settings for this adapter.

If you have automatic receipt of addresses there, then you can try to register the addresses manually. And immediately set DNS addresses from Google. It looks something like this:

Now I’ll explain a little. You can try to register static DNS addresses ( / in any case, regardless of how your Internet connection is.

We register static IP only if we have a connection through a router (and not directly from the provider, only if the provider does not issue static addresses).

  • The default gateway is the IP address of the router. We look at it on the router itself, on a sticker. This is most likely, or
  • The netmask will be set automatically after you specify the IP address.
  • And the IP address is the same address of the router, only with the last digit changed. For example, I changed the number from 1 to 30.

After that, click Ok and restart the computer. If this does not help solve the problem and get rid of the error, then it is better to set the automatic retrieval of addresses back, or register only static DNS.

Avast Antivirus - the cause of the error with the lack of valid IP settings

Update. Messages began to appear in the comments that it was possible to get rid of this error only after uninstalling the Avast antivirus. Since such comments began to appear very often, I decided to check everything and add this information to the article.

I installed Avast with all components on my computer, but did not notice any problems. The Internet is working. And this is understandable, since the error most likely appears under certain circumstances. Which cannot do without Avast.

Sergey suggested in the comments that he Resetting Avast antivirus settings helped. After resetting the settings and restarting the computer, the error disappeared.

Before uninstalling your antivirus, try resetting it. In the settings, go to the "Troubleshooting" section and on the "Restore default values" tab, click on the "Reset" button. Confirm by clicking "Yes".

Restart your computer.

And so, if you have this error and Avast is installed, then try to remove it.

But without an antivirus it’s somehow not very good. Even if the Internet works.

Therefore, try downloading Avast again from the official website and installing it again. Only during the installation process disable all unnecessary components. In fact, no one needs them, they just load the system. And it is possible that because of one of these components the Internet stops working.

However, it is also possible that the problem is due to the “Web Screen” component.

Another option. Checking if there are components from Avast antivirus in the connection properties (Wireless network, or Ethernet). I already wrote about this in some article.

We open the properties of the connection through which our computer is connected to the Internet and see if the list of components contains the word “Avast” in the name.

If there is, uncheck the box next to it.

Update : in the comments Dima shared another solution related to Avast antivirus. This problem started for him after turning on "Offline mode". Check if you have it enabled offline mode in Avast settings. To do this, right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray.

Check, maybe this is your case.

Remove the network adapter and reinstall the driver

If all else fails, you can still experiment with the driver wireless adapter, or network card. Depending on which connection you are using, you get an error with missing valid IP settings.

Go to Device Manager, to the "Network Adapters" tab. Right-click on the adapter through which the Internet does not work and select "Delete".

After this, restart your computer. The adapter will be detected and installed on the system again.

You can also try downloading the driver for your wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired (Ethernet) adapter from the manufacturer’s website and start installing it.

  • Disable your antivirus and the built-in firewall in Windows.
  • As I already wrote at the beginning of the article, try to remember what you changed or installed before the Internet stopped working and this error appeared. Maybe the system installed updates. Think about what programs installed on your computer can affect the operation of network adapters.
  • Try disabling unnecessary programs from startup.
  • Check to see if Bonjour is installed on your computer. If installed, remove it.

If one of the proposed solutions helped you, write about it in the comments. Maybe you know another solution - write about it. Also ask questions about the topic of the article, we will figure it out together.

Windows 7 supports the vast majority of network cards. Moreover, most modern network equipment is designed specifically for Windows, with all the ensuing problems, because Windows is not famous for its stability. However, Microsoft quickly solves most of the problems that arise with network equipment, honor and praise to them, but those that inevitably arise will be discussed in detail in this article.

First of all: in order to expand the potential range of tasks that a client computer performs on the network, there is a need to change the basic parameters of the network card.

Here are examples of such tasks:

How to view a list of available network adapters (network connections) in Windows 7?

The list of available devices on Windows 7 can be seen in two ways:

The second method begins by opening Device Manager using the Run window:

Enabling a network card, including using the BIOS

Read the instructions for all BIOS versions in the article -

On laptops, turn it on and off network interface carried out by pressing a keyboard shortcut, on desktop computers - through the BIOS menu.

To turn on the wireless network adapter on laptops there is a combination “Fn + F12”, although some manufacturers do special key for this function.

Installing a network driver on Windows 7, including without the Internet

Since the network adapter is equivalent to the Internet, its absence makes it very difficult to download a driver to the network card. The issue is resolved by pre-recording drivers onto media.

  1. Drivers are downloaded and written to a flash drive, CD, etc.
  2. The media is connected to the PC.
  3. After this, the “Device Manager” opens using the “Run” window (called by pressing the “Win ​​+ R” keys), in which the “devmgmt.msc” command is entered.

  4. There is a section “Sound, game and video devices”, a subsection “Unknown device”, which has not yet been installed. You need to start installing drivers for an unknown device (future network adapter) after selecting it with the right mouse button and selecting “Properties” in the drop-down menu.

  5. Left click - “Update”.

  6. Manual installation is selected.

  7. The path to the media with drivers is registered or specified.

  8. Finally, the installation begins. It takes no more than a couple of minutes.

The network card without drivers was located in the "Device Manager" under the "Unknown Devices" section. After the update, it takes its rightful place - in “Network adapters”.

Video - How to install a network adapter driver without Internet access

Setting up a network connection in Windows 7

Although companies providing Internet services prefer to configure their own network hardware clients, sometimes you have to carry out more advanced configuration. This is typical for computers with multiple adapters.

For this:

  1. Go to the Start context menu and open Control Panel.

  2. In the “View” category, set the value to “Category”, find and open the “Network and Internet” section.

  3. Click on the "Network and Sharing Center" link.

  4. Click on the "Change adapter settings" link.

  5. Right-click on the network connection shortcut and select “Properties”.

  6. Check the box “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button.

  7. Check the box “Use the following IP address” and fill in the fields with data.

    On a note! The fields and “Default gateway” are in the agreement with the Internet provider, the remaining fields contain the same values ​​for all users.

Video - The computer does not see the network adapter

How to view and change network card settings (IP, Mac, etc.) in Windows 7?

It is easy to see the adapter parameters and its MAC address thanks to system programs.

For this:

How to reset all network driver settings?

If you want to completely roll back all settings to their original level, then do the following:

Is it possible to create two network cards?

Many users are thinking about getting a second network card. Physically there are no problems: most laptops and computers support the second network card. But there are exceptions, as well as damaged slots, as well as netbooks and tablet computers. In this situation, you need to use a virtual card, which distributes Internet traffic no worse than physical traffic.

Possibility to install such virtual card is in the Windows system itself:

  1. In the Start menu, type “manager” in the field, open “Device Manager”.

  2. In the "Device Manager" click on the "Network adapters" section, select in the top menu"Actions" item, and from the drop-down menu - "Install old device".

  3. The installation wizard will open. You need to select the manual option to gain access to the list of drivers for all devices.

  4. Scroll through the categories, highlight Network Adapters, and click Next.

  5. Then click on the “Microsoft” item, add “Microsoft loopback adapter” or “Microsoft loopback adapter”, which will then appear in the window network connections.

  6. Confirm. The network adapter should now appear in Network Connections.

Complete reset of network driver settings

If your Internet has been interrupted or most of the Internet pages cannot be opened, then resetting all parameters and the TCP/IP stack can be an excellent solution to this problem.

Disabling a network card

To disable the network adapter, the best way is to use the most standard and convenient Windows tool to contain all such equipment is the device manager. Do the following:

In this case, the shutdown will occur immediately; you won’t even need to reboot the OS.

Important! After the adapter is disconnected, the Internet connection will be severed along with it and a disconnection from the local network will occur. Therefore, it is recommended to finish all your Internet activities in a timely manner before disconnecting the network card.

The network adapter does not have valid IP settings

A common problem in Windows users 7 is when there are problems with Internet access and the network diagnostic tool displays a message that the network adapter does not have valid IP settings.

In this case, you can first try resetting the router. If you have a wired connection, then disable and then re-enable your network connection in the network connections menu. If this does not help, then you can move on to further steps.

Step 1. Update your IP address - this is the simplest method, although it does not always help in this case. To do this, open Command Prompt (as an administrator) and enter the following commands:

Check again to see if the error is still displayed? If yes, then move on.

Step 2. You can try resetting the network settings, namely the IP protocols. It is recommended to reset the TCP/IP protocol stack to factory settings in the most extreme cases, when problems arise as a result of actions malware and so on. To do this, open a command prompt in administrator mode and enter:

Network card settings are lost

When setting up a network, users may encounter the following situation: when they manually enter an IP address, gateway, DNS, the specified parameters are not saved, but are reset to factory settings, and thus it becomes impossible to change the network settings from automatically receiving addresses from the router. One of the common reasons for this is the incorrect removal of an antivirus that has firewall functions.

What should be done:

  1. Reset the TCP/IP protocol stack to factory settings (the article above indicated how to do this).
  2. Reboot.

If this does not help, then do the following:

After doing this, the problem should be resolved.

What to do if there are problems with the network card?

Many plug-in AC adapters, due to their vulnerability to electricity, may temporarily fail during periods of severe thunderstorms or building power outages. In most cases, difficulties arise in situations with wired equipment, since multi-story houses have long cable runs laid by Internet providers in places not entirely intended for this purpose, next to telephone and TV cables and high voltage wires. High humidity, dampness and low temperature in this area - all this has an extremely negative effect on the insulation of wires, so breakdowns appear in them .

Sometimes also, in more rare cases, breakdowns occur due to emergency situations such as a major thunderstorm. Network adapters quite often burn out, or users begin to experience difficulties logging into the network. In this case, the equipment will function, but there may be no Internet connection during such periods.

Unfortunately, this problem can only be solved by purchasing a different model of network adapter. For desktop computer Complies with the PCI standard, for a laptop - USB and PCMCIA.

It is also not recommended to include network cable into the router, and then connect the computer to it, because even if the router breaks down, replacing it will be relatively inexpensive compared to replacing the network card built into the computer (or even the entire motherboard).

Windows 7 does not see the network adapter

When integrated network equipment is not shown either in the “Network Connections” window or in the “Device Manager”, and is not even reflected in the “Unknown Devices” section (which would be explained by the lack of drivers), then most likely there is something wrong with it physically. It is quite possible that some transistors on the network card board have burned out, or a chip has fallen off - in this case, it is more advisable to buy a new card.

Video - How to configure a wired network card on Windows 7

Oddly enough, but many users operating systems Windows, starting from version seven and higher, very often encounter problems connecting to a local network or the Internet, and the diagnostic utility displays in the results a description that “the Ethernet module does not have valid IP settings.” The situation is not catastrophic, and the problem can be eliminated using several methods, which are proposed for consideration below.

The adapter does not have valid IP settings: what is the problem?

This situation can occur either when incorrect setting current connection (no matter whether Wi-Fi access or a wired Ethernet connection is used) or if problems arise on the part of the provider.

In both cases it will be reported that the connection does not have a valid IP.

To check in the network connections section from the RMB menu on the selected network, you need to select and then click on the details button in the new window. Next, you should see if the IP address, gateway and DHCP servers and DNS.

If the IP address contains a combination other than 192.168 and beyond (for example, 169.254, etc.), such a connection will not work, and the problem is that the protocol is incorrectly configured on the terminal itself. If there are no values ​​for the specified servers, we can assume that the problems occurred on the provider’s side (“the DHCP server crashed”).

Network has no valid IP settings: what to do first?

The connection problem may be temporary. Therefore, when it is reported that the Internet does not have valid IP settings, you can start by simply disconnecting from the network and then reconnecting.

This is done by clicking on the connection icon in the system tray or by calling the corresponding section with the ncpa.cpl command, where from context menu the disconnection line is selected, and then the reconnection line.

If you are using a Wi-Fi network, you can use as an additional measure full reboot router by disconnecting it from the power supply for about 10 seconds, turning it on again and waiting for it to fully boot.

Retrieving IP settings

However, the problem may also be due to incorrectly configured network settings. When the system reports that the adapter (or network) does not have valid IP settings, this is the most common situation.

To resolve the failure, you can use the tactic of retrieving the IP parameters. To do this, you will have to launch the command console with administrator rights, and then enter two commands in it, as shown in the figure below.

Then you should close the console and check the connection either by trying to connect or using the same diagnostic tool. The message that the network module does not have valid IP settings may no longer appear.

Setting parameters manually

But this may not help, in particular when automatic IP acquisition is set in the settings of the current protocol. In the description of the problem, a link may again appear that the adapter does not have valid IPs.

The way out of this situation is to set the correct values ​​in manual mode. To perform these operations, you should enter the network connections section and, using the properties bar, go to the protocol settings (usually IPv4). Here you will have to enter the IP address yourself (the address of the router in which the last number has been changed), the gateway (the value must match the router address in the case wireless network), and for DNS servers set values ​​from four eights or from two eights and two fours.

Resetting network settings

In some cases, previous surgery may not be necessary. When a network connection does not have valid IP settings, a factory reset can sometimes be used.

In this case, you will again need to call the command line and take the following steps by entering the appropriate commands, as shown in the images.

After executing all the commands, you can check the network status again. Sometimes a failure can be resolved without any problems using this method.

Clean boot system

Often, in correcting the situation with the appearance of a notification that the network module does not have valid IP settings, the so-called clean start of the system, that is, booting with the maximum disabling of unnecessary services, can help.

To perform such a download, you will need to enter (msconfig command in the Run console), on the tab general settings Set the selective launch line to active and uncheck the box for loading autostart items.

Next, in the same section, go to the services tab, check the box for hiding Microsoft services located at the bottom left, and for everything that remains, use the deactivation button (“Disable all”) at the bottom right. As a rule, when the system is restarted (which, by the way, must be performed without fail), the problem disappears.

Antivirus, firewall, third-party programs and drivers

However, the difficulties may not end there. The fact is that some antiviruses, the built-in Windows firewall and installed applications may also create connection problems.

In this case, you should first disable anti-virus protection for a while. In addition, using the firewall.cpl command, you can open the firewall settings and activate the lines to disable firewall protection, although this is not recommended.

Finally, you should check the list installed programs. For example, if the user installed iTunes, the Bonjour utility is installed with it, which can also cause a lot of problems. Perhaps her complete removal and fix the problem.

In the very last case, when nothing helps, you can try to completely remove the network adapter driver and install it again, after downloading the most latest version from the manufacturer's website. To remove it, use the “Device Manager”, and the driver can be downloaded, for example, from another computer, and then transferred to your terminal by copying it to removable media.

If this doesn’t give any results, you can use the NetShell utility from Microsoft, which can be downloaded from the company’s official website.


In conclusion, it remains to add that at least one of the proposed methods can still fix the problem. It all depends on what exactly was the root cause of the failure. But in most cases, updating the IP parameters or manually setting the correct values ​​in the protocol settings helps.

Of course, inappropriate equipment or incorrect installed drivers, some unnecessary applications, antiviruses (most often free Avast) and embedded system Windows protection can also have a negative impact on the state of connections, but if everything worked before and then stopped, most likely, this is not the problem.

The reasons did not indicate the impact of viruses, which can also lead to such failures. This is only due to the fact that each user, so to speak, by default must monitor his system himself and check for threats, since even the most powerful tools defenses are capable of passing through malicious codes or software modules, which have just appeared and are not yet in the antivirus databases.
