What to do if your headphones hiss. What to do if your headphones hiss What to do if your headphones hiss

In September last year, rumors appeared that owners of iPhones of the seventh model began to increasingly notice that their gadgets were making strange sounds similar to hissing. Moreover, the iPhone 7 usually hisses when it previously experienced increased load on the processor or when normal startup applications.

What should you do if a problem like this occurs? In response to this complaint, Apple suggests that users replace the device with another similar one.

In the fall of 2016, on Internet forums dedicated to Apple devices, many messages began to appear about the occurrence of such a problem when the iPhone made a hissing sound. Moreover, the messages came from owners of iPhones of the seventh line. Users have noted that this strangeness appears during or after high load. The first time this was noted was by the author of the popular publication 512 Pixels, Stephen Hackett, who did not hush up the problem, but described it on the forum. Subsequently, other owners of Apple smartphones, who previously did not attach importance to the sounds emanating from their phones, began to write about a similar problem. It was also noted that sounds appear during the process of setting up device functions.

A number of users noted that the strange sound is somewhat similar to the hissing of the cooler in Apple laptops, which occurs when the load increases. Others noticed the device hissing during the gadget recovery procedure. But everyone who encountered such a problem unanimously stated that it was unusual and strange to hear this from a phone.

A minority of Seven owners said that the hissing comes from the gadget even without high loads, when running applications normally. But in this case, it is not loud, and in order to hear it, you need to bring the device to your ear.

What does the hissing coming from the iPhone 7 mean - a factory defect or the norm, and what to do if such a problem occurs, we will learn further from the advice of users and from the manufacturer itself.

iPhone7 hisses under load: owners' opinions

Some owners of the Seven were so discouraged by the misunderstanding that arose with their new device that they made videos and posted them on YouTube. Based on the abundant comments on these videos, we can conclude that the vast majority “blame” the situation on the cooling system of the device, which was introduced for the first time and was designed to help the operation of the A10 processor. This is the most powerful technology chip that was once installed in Apple devices. Its performance exceeds previous system almost 2 times, and if compared with the very first iPhone, then 120 times (iPhone 1, 2007).

Apple comments

As is often the case with Apple, the situation is either not commented on at all, or it is done dryly and briefly. Regarding the hissing problem, the developers did not answer users for a long time. But when Hackett contacted support, he was asked to exchange the device for another similar one. This reaction suggests a manufacturing defect or a common defect.

The problem is not worth a damn: the opinion of testers

A media outlet called iMore is the only company that decided to help users find the causes of the problem and devoted a whole day to testing not only iPhones, but also other mobile devices in order to detect the same defect. Based on the results of the work, the following conclusions were made:

  • Many devices make similar sounds, not just iPhones and other smartphones.
  • In 99% of cases they occur under increased system load.
  • Sound volume in different devices varies from barely audible to significant.

And if almost no one paid attention to this problem before, it was only because the power of most gadgets is not so great and the hissing was not loud. The sounds did not irritate the user, so he did not attach any importance to them. But with iPhones of the seventh line, the situation is different. The power of these phones is quite high, if not to say that they occupy a leading position in their category in the mobile technology market. Hence the loud sound when overloaded.

Problems with the home button

In addition to the problem described above, owners of iPhone 7 and 7 plus often experience difficulties in handling the home button, which in the new line of gadgets has been replaced from mechanical to touch. The company announced this innovation long before the new device entered the market, but nothing was said about possible inconveniences in this regard.

The whole point is that now the home reacts exclusively to the touch of objects that conduct current. Clicking it with the pad of your finger will be easy, but if you are wearing gloves, nothing will work.

For this reason, the developers have changed the algorithm for turning off line 7 devices. To do this, you need to press the power button for a long time, then, without releasing the press, add a volume down button. Let us remember that previously a similar function was performed by simultaneously pressing the home and power buttons of the device.

For those who actively use an iPhone in the cold season, one piece of advice can be given - get special conductive gloves.

Each of us has faced this problem at least once in our lives. Why does the ear “hiss”, and what should I do to get rid of this unpleasant sensation? Is there any reason to be afraid and what are the methods of treating the disease?

These include the following diseases and conditions:

  1. The presence of wax plugs, foreign bodies or insects (midges), liquids (water) in the ear canal. These are very common and most harmless causes of tinnitus, which can be easily eliminated with your own hands.
  2. Barotrauma of the ear resulting from pressure drops during diving, strong winds, blast waves, very loud noise from operating equipment or music. They affect the eardrum and middle ear, temporarily impairing their functionality. But they can also lead to serious injuries and even partial hearing loss.
  3. Problems of the body's cardiovascular system (hypertension, dystonia), causing circulatory disorders and surges in blood pressure. In this case, a characteristic sign is pulsating tinnitus, which coincides in frequency with the pulse rhythm.
  4. Diseases of the hearing organs directly. They can be either inflammatory (otitis) or a consequence of direct physical trauma: blows to the outer ear, severe head concussions, penetration of foreign objects into the ear canal.
  5. Other diseases affecting the hearing organs: scarlet fever, influenza, meningitis, vascular inflammation, osteochondrosis and many others.

Finally, there may be a psychological cause for tinnitus. In this case, the person no longer hears background noise (hissing, squeaking, buzzer), but auditory hallucinations (music, birdsong, people’s voices). However, this is a completely different topic.

Hissing, ringing, squeaking, buzzing, pulsating - people perceive this sudden, annoying and discomforting sound differently. For example, someone complains that it is as if a tiny electronic buzzer has turned on in their ear. But another patient has a rustling noise in his ear, as if he were dragging a feather across a sheet of paper. It happens that a person seems to find himself in some kind of bubble, from the walls of which the echo of his pulse is reflected. It also happens that there is definitely a noise in the ears.

In any of these cases, a person hears a sound that does not actually exist. All these hisses and squeaks are a symptom of the pathology of our hearing organs, resulting from physical impact or some kind of disease.

If noise in the ear occurs after swimming in the pool or a strong yawn, then the person does not need to rush to worry. First, you need to clean the ear canals from possible wax plugs and dry them. If tinnitus is caused by mild barotrauma, then taking a deep breath, then holding your nose and mouth and contracting your diaphragm to exhale can help eliminate mild dysfunction of the auditory organs. The old folk method is also very effective: carefully and shallowly insert your little finger into your ear and shake it slightly.

But what you shouldn’t do is slap your ears with your palms! Not only can this cause moderate barotrauma, but it also best way drive a foreign body that has entered deep into the ear canal - even to the point of injuring the eardrum. As for objects or insects that have gotten into the ear, this is already a good enough reason to seek help from a specialist rather than try to get them out yourself.

When tinnitus appears against the background of a hypertensive crisis, physical and nervous fatigue, or at elevated temperatures during a cold, this is also no reason to panic: it should disappear after eliminating these causes.

Noise in one or both ears, felt in the morning immediately after waking up, is already an alarming signal. If it does not go away within three or more hours, is accompanied by unpleasant sensations (and even more so pain) in the ear, dizziness, nausea - then you should urgently go for an examination to a doctor. Postponing this until “tomorrow” is not recommended, since the cause of noise in this case may be serious inflammatory processes or infectious diseases.

Another reason to go to the clinic is chronic tinnitus, which bothers a person too often.

Here, doctors can prescribe the patient a comprehensive, thorough examination, since such regular “hissing” in the ear may be a symptom of some developing illness that the person is not even aware of yet. These may be thyroid diseases, hypoglycemia, diabetes, brain tumors, heart valve insufficiency and much more.

Doctors will cure everyone!

The treatment that a doctor will prescribe for a patient with “hissing” or “ringing” in the ear will depend on the causes that caused it. If this is regular fatigue, then the body will be helped by vitamins and strengthening dietary supplements, a special diet and adherence to a regimen. Nervous overload will be relieved by proven methods of therapy: massages, water procedures, auto-training. The problems of osteochondrosis are alleviated by gymnastics, thyroid glands - medications with iodine. People with cardiovascular diseases may even require surgery!

To treat ear diseases directly, there are both medicinal and therapeutic methods, including pneumomassage of the eardrum and electrophonophoresis of the ear area. If all prescriptions are followed, they practically guarantee recovery and the return of normal hearing.

It should be understood that the prescribed treatment is intended primarily to combat not the “hissing” itself, but the problems and ailments that cause it. That’s why you shouldn’t lightly dismiss a “ringing” in your ear, which could be an alarm bell about a serious illness!

In order to begin eliminating the noise that has arisen in the headphones, you need to understand and find the cause of its occurrence. The reason may be in the headset itself, the amplification path, or the signal source.

Connection with a mobile gadget

If the headphones start to hiss when connected to an MP3 or smartphone, then the reason may be an insufficient level of reception of the frequency-modulated signal. Especially when it comes to hissing while listening to FM radio. In this case, it is necessary to unroll the cable to its entire length, and if this is not possible, then purchase a longer cable.

Try increasing the gain and decreasing the signal level. Did it help? This means the problem lay in the amplification path, it was simply overloaded.

Hissing also occurs when the signal level increases to the maximum possible. The defect can be eliminated by lowering the volume level and increasing the signal itself.

If the noise in the earphone resembles ringing, then the membrane has begun to beat against the body of the accessory. To fix this, simply lower the volume.

PC connection

The hissing sound can even be caused by an outdated sound card installed in the computer. Over time, electromagnetic interference appears in it, which provokes unpleasant noise in an analog device.

An equally common problem is the lack of grounding of the outlet. If the headphones are connected to the laptop, then there is no grounding of the system board.

Hissing also occurs when headphones and any other device are connected at the same time. USB devices. The transmission of information negatively affects sound quality.

What to do?

If hissing occurs when connected to a PC, then connecting the ground will help correct the situation. In cases with laptops, this method is not suitable.

A solution could be to use digital output. This will definitely prevent all noise, but for this you must be the owner of speakers with a digital-to-analog converter. Their use is also limited by the lack of a headphone jack in some systems.

I want to take back what I said about the 100% stability of Windows 7 - the electricians turned out to be cooler and could easily break what Microsoft engineers and programmers wanted to make reliable. So, one day, after another jump in the light, the computer turned off and after an incorrect shutdown, a check was carried out, as a result, some files were found and corrected, and after the reboot I heard a hissing sound as if from an untuned TV.

There was no need to guess here - hissing is a replacement for everything Windows sounds 7. Where the sound is long, it hisses for a long time, and where it is short, it hisses a little. What could I do with this hissing? I went searching on the Internet and didn’t find anything useful, I could give as much advice as I wanted, but buy a sound card because I didn’t want hissing instead of sound.
As a result, having corrected the situation, I still did not understand what was the reason for this behavior sound card, but it seems to me that it’s still not in drivers.

How I returned the sound instead of hissing is the story below.

What didn't work

The first thing I did, of course, was start with the drivers - at first I rolled back the drivers, then uninstalled and installed another driver, but as it turned out, all my attempts led to nothing, i.e. The driver was installed, the operating system signaled that everything was working fine, but there was no sound.
Next, I decided to restore the system.

I clicked “Control Panel”, then “All Controls”, “Recovery” and restored the system to the checkpoint made by the system two days earlier.
Of course, everything hissed the same way, I even checked the sound through headphones, but there was no sound.

Since I started restoring, I probably need to restore from the image, I thought and started restoring. I would like to add that all this time my light was blinking and the computer was rebooting, so the recovery did not work the first time.

Next, by clicking “Start”, “Control Panel”, “System and Security”, “Backup and Restore”, “Restore system settings or computer”, “Advanced recovery methods”, I selected “use a system image”.
Because the recovery lasted about twenty minutes, the computer rebooted after another power surge and stopped booting altogether.
The next step required an installation disk, I pressed Enter to hide the message about what to do if system recovery does not work and then pressed the space bar when the system asked to press any key i.e. any button on the keyboard. The download started and as a result I chose to archive the system, which was carried out last week on Sunday.
The restoration was successful, but the sound still hissed.
After that I had one more option...

What brought the desired result.

After writing the article, in the comments, readers suggested more simple ways solving the problem - good luck.

I decided to restore the operating system to a blank logical drive.
1. To do this, boot from installation disk(will do bootable flash drive), I clicked on the "Install" button, then accepted license agreement, chose the language.
2. Go to bookmark hard settings disk.
3. By clicking on the “Disk Setup” link, I selected and deleted (all information is deleted - be careful) local disk with the operating system (opposite it was written “Basic”), then clicked “Create” and applied the changes, and then selected the created disk and clicked “Format”. And then he closed the window and refused to install.
4. Next, I clicked on the “Recovery” link and indicated in the next steps that the recovery will be done from the image, selecting the archive image (more precisely, I just clicked next), I waited until the system was restored and as a result, instead of hissing, I heard a normal sound!

Of course, now everything is archived for me, updates are downloaded, but still this is not a complete reinstallation with a bunch of settings and even more updates and not buying a sound card. It's good that Windows 7 has automatic creation images and system recovery from images.

By the way, while I was sitting there restoring everything, I read the inscriptions on the box - it turns out that new hot keys appeared in Windows 7, and there was also an inscription that in operating system no Outlook and a link was given where to download... so I’m thinking about how to get rid of the habit of reading instructions last. I hope the article helped you.

Thank you for your attention.
This article was written for you, Sergey Titov.
