Error 619 mts modem. Drivers are an eternal headache...

A system alert with this text that occurs when trying to connect to the global information web is one of the most common problems when using a modem.

In this case, this nuisance arises both with a cable connection with network equipment, and when connecting via a 3G modem of various mobile operators(Beeline, MTS, megaphone, etc.).

And in this article we will take a closer look at what the 619 Internet connection error means and what to do if “you can’t connect to remote computer».

619 pppoe connection error: why did the connection fail?

Here, first of all, it should be noted that the error code does not depend in any way on the type of Internet connection used by the subscriber: error 619 can occur both when connecting pppoe and when using pptp and vpn protocols.

Also, error 619 does not depend on what operating system installed on the computer of this subscriber: This is a universal system message for everyone windows versions and other OPs.

As a rule, an error connecting to a remote computer occurs due to the following:

  • - the operator has not yet activated or has temporarily blocked the ability to connect to the Internet for this subscriber;
  • - the modem receives a weak signal or there are technical problems on the line;
  • - the Internet access point settings are incorrect;
  • - the computer’s operating system does not “see” the modem (due to its breakdown or poor connection to the PC);
  • - the antivirus installed on the PC blocks access to the remote computer (if the antivirus program settings are incorrectly specified).

In addition, for providers such as Beeline, MTS and Megafon, error 619 when connecting to the Internet may indicate insufficient funds in the subscriber’s account to use this service.

The modem does not connect to the Internet: how to fix the error?

  • - First of all, try restarting your computer - in most cases this solves the problem;
  • - Disconnect the modem (or connecting it network cable) from the computer connector, and then carefully return it to its place (you can use another USB connector);
  • - Check the correctness of the network settings (login and password for connecting to the Internet, modem initialization settings, etc.);
  • - Check the security settings of the created connection. To do this, left-click on the network connections icon (in the bottom panel of your PC’s desktop), in the window that opens, right-click once and select the “Properties” menu item.

Here you should select the “Security” tab and set the following parameters there:

To connect pppoe to a remote computer, select:

At VPN connection to the Internet select:

You can check your security settings with your Internet provider: they will tell you what parameters you need to specify here.

Despite the global recognition of the Internet as not only a means of communication between individual citizens, but also as a way for government authorities to work with them, the communication situation in our country continues to be very strange: even in many medium-sized cities, residents do not have access to a normal network channel Internet.

If we talk about the private sector, then everything is very bad here: large providers are not eager to extend a line for the sake of several houses, and state-owned companies (Rostelecom, for example) often excuse themselves with the standard phrase about the lack of technical capabilities.

It is not surprising that USB modems are extremely common in our country. Despite the greed of operators cellular communications, only they are sometimes able to provide adequate Internet with a decent rate. Their distribution is also facilitated by internal competition among operators. YOTA has been gaining momentum in cities for several years now: its modems sometimes provide very decent speeds that other users cannot dream of. wired Internet in small towns.

But today we will talk about MTS modems. More precisely, about the errors that often accompany the process of their operation. Alas, almost every second user encounters them.

619 is an unpleasant number

Already from the title you could understand that the subject of our discussion will be error 619. Sometimes because of it, only every seventh or eighth connection attempt ends in success, since all the others only lead to the appearance of a boring dialog box with hateful text.

What does it even mean and how to eliminate it? Today we will discuss precisely these issues.

How can I decipher this error?

There is no clear answer to this question. Technical support and on the websites of the operators themselves say that error code 619 implies a whole range of problems, which together lead to the inability to connect to the Internet. In particular, when incorrect setting modem, poor connection or lack of money in your account, you will see a message about this particular error.

Most common reasons

As is usually the case, very often the reason is outrageously banal. Admit it, have you flashed your modem to use SIM cards from all operators, not just MTS? In this case, do not forget to change the Internet profile when replacing them! Often, even experienced users, not to mention beginners, get caught in this.

Very often lately it happens that error 619 pops up due to banal overload of the operator’s equipment. There are a lot of users, so companies simply do not have time to install new towers. Experts have long since carried out a simple check. It turned out that only MTS sold more modems than the equipment of two operators at once could physically support!

In this case, it can be useful to click on the “Repeat call” button, and sometimes the procedure has to be repeated many times. In addition, it often helps to disconnect the modem from the device and then connect it.

Do you even have any money on your balance sheet? Is it the beginning of a new month today, when it is usually written off? There is one more remark. Often SIM cards are immediately blocked after the subscriber’s balance goes into the negative. When you top up your account, voice data and SMS services are automatically resumed, while packet services are blocked for a long time. It’s no wonder that when you try to connect, error 619 pops up.

Another common mistake

Be sure to check if the MMS/GPRS service is activated. This can be done in two ways: either through your “personal account” on your operator’s website, or by calling their technical support service. If the service is available, but there is no real connection to the Internet, you will have to look for other reasons.

Understand your profile settings!

Please remember that your online login information may change from time to time. This especially often applies to the login, password, and dial-up number (which is less common). Keep in mind that the data for connecting to the Internet on older cards may differ significantly from those that the OPSoS (cellular operator) currently uses.

For example, not so long ago it was necessary to specify a login and password that corresponded to the name of the operator. They were the first to break this tradition with their SIM card that works without entering a password. In addition, MTS and MegaFon have plenty of regional branches in which APN settings completely different. If you don't have access to the Internet from someone else's computer, call technical support and find out all this information from them.


We have already said that error 619 sometimes appears due to a mismatch of dial-up numbers. The standard combination is *99#, which works for almost all operators. However, the opposite also happens. Try using the number *99*1# or *99***1#.

Check the connection quality!

Very often, the cause of all problems is unsatisfactory communication quality. Pay attention to the quality of the signal: if the antenna shows one or two “sticks”, then you should not count on any acceptable connection. It often happens that voice communication It works great, but it absolutely doesn’t work on the Internet.

There are several solutions. First, try walking around your house or apartment looking for a place with better connection. If this does not help, set the connection properties in the modem settings to “Prefer 2G connection”. When error 619 when connecting to the Internet does occur due to poor reception, it is also useful to use a phone rather than a modem to connect to the network: put it in a place with a better signal strength, and then connect to it via Wi-Fi.

Finally, an antenna can radically solve the problem. So, outside the city, the speed sometimes rises from 0.5 Kbps to 5-6 Mbps! Agree that for the sake of such a result, it is not a sin to spend a couple of thousand rubles on its purchase.

Other operator

It often happens that in an area where the signal of one cellular operator can barely get through, the signal of another is perfectly received. Try to find out which specific OPSOS gives best results exactly in the area of ​​your home. As practice shows, connection error 619 almost never appears provided there is a reasonable signal level.

Software problems

Now we will talk about some software problems, conflicts with which can provoke inappropriate behavior of your USB modem. You'll probably wince in annoyance at the mere mention of this reason, but try checking your computer for malware. Some samples of these utilities damage the main system files and libraries, due to which the MTS-Connect program and similar applications refuse to work normally.

Problems with COM ports can be classified in approximately the same category. Do you know when error 619 MTS often appears? If you once had (or still have) a program for connecting your computer and mobile phone, then all of the following probably has direct relevance to you.

Incredibly, mobile phone manufacturers, whose hardware has no complaints, often release completely inadequate software. Try installing the same application for Nokia and Samsung at the same time, and then admire the result. Error 619 almost always appears. MTS-Connect gets along with these utilities especially poorly.

Drivers are an eternal headache...

Did you happen to install drivers on your modem? manual mode? If yes, where did you get them from? If from some third-party sites, then this does not bode well. Their creators often do not monitor the normal operation of their programs on different versions of the OS, so anything can happen as a result.

Sometimes even the absence of something important can have a negative impact. Windows updates, so don't turn it off Windows service Update. In any case, it is better to first try to remove old versions of drivers, and then install their latest releases from the official website.

Negative impact of antivirus programs

This is not talked about very often, but due to the work of the antivirus, error 619 can also appear. Can't connect to a remote computer? Try disabling your security software completely. If after this everything works, contact technical support or try other software.

Old versions of Windows

Despite the popularity of Windows XP SP3, hardware and software manufacturers are gradually abandoning it. This does not always happen officially: sometimes a signal of obsolescence is a persistent reluctance of new devices (including modems) to work with your OS. Try installing all available updates. It wouldn’t hurt to check the operation of the modem under the new family of virtual OS.

In addition, satellite equipment, which the MTS modem is not very friendly with, also has an impact: error 619 (we have already discussed how to fix it) often appears for those users who use it as an outgoing signal source. Try using a special shielded cable for connection.

what does error code 619 mean on the modem??? MTS Connect??? and got the best answer

Reply from Zoxelo ypyyig[newbie]
Already discussed here, use

Reply from 23423 [master]
Negative balance
Check what your balance is. If the balance is negative, top up your account. After the balance becomes positive, be sure to restart your computer, then try connecting to the Internet again.
Insufficient cellular network signal level
Check the signal level in the modem program. If the signal level is low - less than 40 percent, use a USB extension cable. It is advisable to place the modem as close to the window as possible, this way you can achieve a better signal.
Incorrect profile settings in the modem program
Try creating a new profile to connect to the Internet
The modem is selected incorrectly in the connection settings. Open Start → Control Panel.
On Windows XP, open " Network connections»
IN Windows Vista open Network and Sharing Center shared access", then in the left column of this window open the item "Manage network connections"
In Windows 7, open Network and Sharing Center, then in the left column of this window, open the item “Change adapter settings”
Find your USB tethering connection, right-click on it and select Properties. In the connection properties window, check that the correct modem is selected.

Error 619, how to deal with it and what are the causes.

Cannot connect to the remote computer, so the connection port is closed. Click the "Advanced" button or contact the support center for assistance, indicating the error number.
It seems like I did everything right, but she just keeps climbing! Malicious filth under code 619! No matter what I did, she kept climbing and climbing!

Stop! Stop! Stop! Calm down. Take a deep breath, now exhale. But now everything is in order and without rushing!
This is not a glitch. And everything is fine with the modem. The connection simply failed to start.
We check everything point by point, look for the reasons and eliminate it.

1.1 The most common reason. I know from the experience of my clients. Everything is correct in the network settings, but highlight desired profile and forget to click “apply”. (to be honest, when changing SIM I sometimes forget to press)

1.2 Also, such an error can occur due to overload of the OPSOS network, this is especially true lately. More modems have been sold than the network can handle. Try just clicking the "Call again" button; you may have to repeat the procedure several times. Re-registering the device on the network can also help.

1.3 Second trivial reason, there is no money in the account. Have you checked? Eat!?
One more nuance. Perhaps the sim was blocked due to the balance going into minus. It happens that when replenishing the balance, voice services and SMS are automatically activated, and services MMS/GPRS remain blocked.
Then we check whether the service is connected MMS/GPRS. Yes, it is not always included when purchasing a SIM card. You can simply check: by calling the help desk or personal account on the OPSOS website.
Have you checked? The service is activated!? Then let's move on.

1.4 Known reason. Incorrect profile settings ( access point, dial-up number, login and password). Moreover, the access point of one OPSOS in one region on different SIMs can be different (also login and password).
Example: on SIM megaphone Caucasus purchased before 2006 period APN access internet .kvk, and they do not work with APN internet. Conversely, those released after 2006 only work with APN internet.
Small addition. Call number. Not always *99# works, there are a lot of objective and subjective reasons for it. There is no point in dealing with them. We're just trying other options. *99*1# or

1.5 Bad connection. Moreover, the signal level does not mean anything. It even happens that a voice call works fine, but there is a problem with GPRS. There are only two solutions here.
First, try moving the modem to another place, maybe not everything is so bad and you will be able to find a place where there will be reliable reception.
Second, try a SIM from another operator. Perhaps another OPSOS is doing much better. It depends on your luck. ( It may sound ridiculous, but one of my clients rearranged his room because of this. In another part of the room, the modem began to work perfectly, but there was not enough cable to that part of the room)

Everything was done, everything was checked. We are trying to start the Internet. Don't get confused, then we move on.

Part Two. Software room

2.1 Problems with COM ports due to malware (viruses, Trojans, etc.). You need to scan your computer with an antivirus. Have you scanned it? Is everything clean? What did you scan with? All sorts of grunts there don’t roll. As a rule, with cracks and patchers they slip in code that makes the antivirus blind. Or the databases are simply updated from the left server. But those databases are tricky, they insert into exceptions what the hacker needs and remove from the database what is not needed. In general, you need to check it with a licensed antivirus. No money, expensive? Download the trial (trial) version. Believe me, it's better than the cracked ones.

2.2 Problem with COM ports due to a conflict in driver libraries. This is a little more complicated, but everything is in order.

2.2.1 You may have installed software from your mobile phone. Manufacturers of some phones sometimes write crooked software (or deliberately do so), so much so that nothing except their product works at all. Don't believe me? Try installing software from SoniEricson, and then software from Nokia on top. Now try to start the connection through SoniEricson. What did you get? Right! Error 619. Which is what needed to be proven.
Conclusion. To be sure, you need to remove all software from mobile phones. And also here start = control panel = Network connections in section Remote access delete all connection profiles.

2.2.2 The previous software was uninstalled incorrectly. There are nuances here too. Don't forget to disconnect the modem before uninstalling. It is advisable to always remove software via Uninstall in the section start = all programs = Telstra Turbo Connection Manager = Uninstall. Uninstallation via the control panel is not always correct. And don't forget to delete here start = my computer = local drive: C = Program Files folder Telstra Turbo Connection Manager. And don’t forget to restart the system after removing the software.

2.2.3 You may have installed drivers manually. For example, to work with 3GMM v.2.x.x. There are pitfalls here. There are several driver versions and it may turn out that the same drivers in different OS builds may behave differently. Sometimes it can even be affected by some Windows updates. It is for this reason that the site a whole set of drivers included different versions. By the way, this set also contains a driver uninstaller. In this case, the easiest way is to use this set, specifically the driver uninstaller, and try installing other drivers.

2.3 There is one more problem that is not always mentioned everywhere. These are firewalls and antiviruses. Alternatively, temporarily disable the protection. If everything connects normally without them, then you just need to carefully review all the settings.
But this doesn't always help. There are some firewalls, when disabled, everything stops working altogether. This usually happens when a program installs virtual network devices and, accordingly, drivers for them. In such a situation, just try setting up the connection on another similar OS.
In general, you need to carefully study the instructions for the program or contact technical support.

2.5 You may have several active devices installed on your system or computer. Then the cause of the error may be another device installed by default. Go to = Start = Control Panel = Network Connections=, Select required connection RMB =properties=general=. If at point "connect via:" Several devices are indicated, select the one you need and use the arrows on the right to move it to the top of the list. Next OK and try to connect.

2.6 Perhaps you have Windows SP3 more than early version. There is such a problem. Not only the modem, not all types of phones are connected. Solution: either roll back to SP2 or update Windows.

Part three. Iron.

3.1 Oddly enough, sometimes the modem can be affected by interference from the computer. And most often, satellite equipment creates strong interference. Especially if the frequencies are coherent. Just use it here USB extension cable and place the modem as far as possible from the PC.

3.2 Lack of power to the modem. This happens on laptops and old motherboards. This is due to the fact that the modem consumes about 500 mA. On laptops, the amperage for USB is often reduced in order to extend the operating time without recharging. On old motherboards with using USB 1.1 with support 2.0 takes 5V standby power and they cannot supply the required current USB device. The solution in both cases is simple, use a USB splitter.

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Quite often, owners of 3G and 4G modems who use the MTS Connect Manager program are faced with a situation where, when trying to log into Global network A window with the message “Error 619” appears on the computer screen.

What is it? How to deal with this?

The message “Error 619” means that your computer cannot. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Let's look at the main ones:

  • The first and most common reason is a negative balance on your account, which is why your operator has blocked access to network ports. To remove the restriction, top up your personal account, restart your computer and be sure to make sure that your number is active and the GPRS service is turned on. This is easy to do: send an SMS without text to 8111.
  • Low or no signal. To resolve: Use the Connect Manager program to find out the signal strength. If this figure is less than 50%, you should reconnect the modem to the USB port located on the back of the system unit or move the modem to a window using a USB extension cable.
  • Incorrect data in the initialization line. The test requires a PC restart for all changes to take effect. Then open the “Start” menu → “Settings” → “Control Panel” → “Printers and other equipment” → “Phones and modems” → determine the modem we need → “Properties” → “ Additional options connections" →"Additional initialization commands". The window should show the following: AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,””.
  • Also, to fix the problem, you should check for GPRS updates. Dial from mobile phone *111*17#(remove) and *111*18#(add). Then the PC needs to be restarted.
  • Sometimes, to prevent an unpleasant entry from appearing, it is enough to simply check the registration of your SIM card on the network. This is easy to do: the information is contained in the MTS Connect Manager program at the top right.
  • It is worth mentioning this possible reason– as an erroneous security setting. To fix error 619, go to the “Start” menu → “Network Connections” → “Properties” → “Security” → uncheck “Data encryption required.”

The above list of reasons why the “Error 619” message appears and how to fix it is not exhaustive. This message will appear both when your modem is faulty and when incorrect installation Connect Manager programs. In the latter case, you should reinstall the program yourself (this works to eliminate most errors!). Before uninstalling, you should turn off your modem.

If you have tried all of the above methods and the problem remains, then you should not try to solve it by fixing the registries yourself. Contact hotline MTS by number 0876. For clients of the company there is no charge for calls.
