How to restore a sony vaio laptop to factory settings. Sony vaio laptop system recovery. Sony Vaio. what you need to know initially

The Sony Vaio laptop series is a rather specific line of computer devices, if not unique. The fact is that in Sony Vaio laptop models you can do it even without installation or boot disk, the use of which is envisaged in most cases. However, not all owners of these devices fully understand how to perform such actions. As it turns out, everything is quite simple. This does not require any special knowledge.

Sony Vaio. what you need to know initially

The very first and most important thing is that most models in this series are equipped with a special Assist button directly on the keyboard panel, which activates the call to the corresponding menu.

If there is no such key, in Sony Vaio laptops or any other OS you can do this by accessing the main menu through a special section hard drive. Only in this case should you use (F12, F11, F10 or F9) when turning off the device. Which button is intended to be accessed depends solely on the model. As a last resort, you can simply read the technical documentation.

Using the Main Menu

So, we assume that when you press a key or a button, access to the main menu is achieved. System recovery on a Sony Vaio laptop can be done in several basic ways.

You can use a normal restore, diagnostics, or factory reset. Depending on the degree of damage to the OS or its system components and select the desired section.

And if with a regular rollback everything looks quite simple, then to return to the original settings you will have to work a little.

Restoring the system (Sony Vaio Recovery Mode) to factory condition

Let's consider the main algorithm using the example of resuscitation of Windows 8 (although this procedure can also be applied to the tenth modification).

After selecting the appropriate section, the download will begin (a logo will appear on the screen), and then you will be asked to select a keyboard layout. We select exactly what is required, after which we go to the diagnostics in the action selection menu.

In the new window you need to select the line to return to the original state. After this, a notification will appear indicating that all user data will be reset. Feel free to click the continue button and select the installed operating system.

Now the most important thing. You can only use delete user files, but it is possible to produce complete cleaning. As a rule, experts recommend choosing the second option. Select the appropriate section and click on the return button, which is located at the bottom of the window.

On a Sony Vaio laptop, system recovery will continue with the logo reappearing, and notifications will be displayed on the screen about the progress of the process and the degree to which the rollback is ready.

When all actions are completed, a sign of their successful completion will be the appearance of a notification prompting you to select the OS language. Actually, this completes all the actions necessary for the rollback.

How long will such actions take?

Unfortunately, many laptop owners of this model range will have to disappoint. The fact is that if you choose a full clean with a return to the initial state in Sony Vaio, system restoration will take about several hours (usually up to three). Therefore, whether you like it or not, you will have to be patient. It is also important to remember that the process must not be interrupted under any circumstances. You need to make sure that the power is connected in advance, because otherwise, if the restoration is not completed, no one will guarantee that it can be done again.

The problem of impossibility of recovery may also be that some kind of virus is firmly entrenched on the laptop. Therefore, before proceeding directly to it, it is advisable to check it using some disk utility like Kaspersky Rescue Disk. This program is considered one of the most powerful and is capable of loading its own interface even before the OS starts. In this case, you can choose a graphical shell or support command line in the form of DOS mode. Naturally, if you wish, you can specify the desired language (Russian is supported).

Instead of a total

It remains to add that the process of rolling back to any state is quite simple, as can already be understood from the material presented above. The most basic thing to pay attention to is the choice of means of accessing the recovery menu using a special button or function key. And, of course, when cleaning, you should think a hundred times about deleting only user data or applying a complete wipe. Perhaps, if the hard drive has extremely necessary information, it would be wiser to refuse deep cleaning. Well, the rest is up to the user.

On many laptops that come with a pre-installed Windows operating system, in the event of a system crash, it is possible to restore the state of the installed software when the laptop was first turned on. In this article we will talk about laptops from Sony and the pre-installed software on them software VAIO Care.

This utility is designed to restore Windows functionality by restoring it from a special hidden partition on which the image is stored. operating system with all pre-installed programs and utilities. In the system recovery field, from this image you will receive the operating system in the same form in which it was when you first started your laptop.

Typically, VAIO Care starts when you press special key Assist. First of all, before starting system recovery, connect to your laptop charger, in order for the process Windows recovery was not interrupted at the most inopportune moment due to battery discharge. In addition, restoring Windows from an image will destroy all information located on local disk C. Therefore, if you still have valuable information on this disk, then make sure to copy this data to external media.

So, the computer is turned off, the charger is connected. We press the Assist button and then the VAIO Care program starts in Rescue mode. If your laptop doesn't have separate key Assist, the VAIO Care program is launched in a different way. You need to turn on the laptop and when the VAIO logo is displayed on the screen, press the F10 button, which will launch the VAIO Care program.

After VAIO Care starts, you will be shown the main program window in which you will need to select “Start Recovery” or “Start Troubleshoot”, and then you will need to select “System Restore”. If you have previously backed up your system using VAIO Care, you will see a list of checkpoints with dates to which you can restore your system.

If you didn't backup copies, then you will have only one restore point in the list, and when you select it, the system will be restored to its original factory state. After selecting a restore point, you just have to click on the “Finish” button to begin restoring the system. The recovery process itself can take from 15 minutes to 1 hour so you will have to wait. During the system recovery process, your laptop may be rebooted several times, and after the recovery process is complete, you will be prompted to initial settings Windows.

In some laptop models, instead of a hidden partition with a system recovery image, one or more DVD discs, which the recovery program will require you to insert into the drive. Please note that if, while using your laptop, you deleted a special hidden partition with a Windows recovery image, VAIO Care will report an error and will not be able to restore your system.

In this case, you will have to resort to the services of a specialist or contact service center. And also, if you launch the VAIO Care utility and do not perform any actions with it for 5 minutes, the computer will automatically turn off. That's all, I hope that this information will help you restore the system on your laptop.

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Sony Vaio laptops have the ability to restore the system to factory condition. This can solve even serious problems associated with the operating system, but before you begin system recovery on a Sony Vaio laptop, you must be well aware that user data may be irretrievably lost.

How to restore system on Vaio

System recovery on Sony Vaio is launched with the Assist button. You can run the process on a switched off laptop or from a loaded OS. Running a recovery on a switched off computer allows you to restore its functionality even if the OS has completely stopped loading. System recovery is carried out in several stages:

  • After pressing the Assist button, a menu appears in which you need to select the desired item: system restoration and maintenance, diagnostics, return to its original state.
  • OS selection.
  • Selecting a disk cleanup option. It is better to use a full cleaning, although it will take longer.

If the laptop is not equipped with an Assist button, you can restore the system using a special hard drive partition. You can enter the section and launch the utility by pressing the F9, F10, F11, F12 button after turning on the computer.

Once the recovery process starts, information about its progress will be displayed on the monitor. During the procedure, the system reboots several times. Under no circumstances should you interrupt the process, which takes about three hours. Otherwise, the recovery will have to be started again. You can monitor the progress of the procedure by blinking the hard drive LED.

The completion of the procedure is indicated by the appearance on the monitor of an inscription prompting you to select the OS interface language. After this, the computer is fully operational, but all user settings and software that is not preinstalled must be reinstalled.

Cost of services:

System recovery~ Marina ~ 03/12/2018

Hello! My laptop is a little over 5 years old Sony Wayo I did a system restore, everything seemed to go fine, no alarming sounds or messages, but when it comes to the moment of logging into Windows, there is an endless message, please wait, and then a message that I can’t log into Windows, what should I do in this situation, please tell me!

Answer: Good afternoon, you need to bring it in for diagnostics, there may be a problem with the HDD

Restore files after restoring the system and installing factory settings~ Nina ~ 01/16/2016

Hello. Please tell me. I accidentally clicked on restore the SONY VALIO system, started the process and was afraid to stop. I was set to factory settings and all my files were deleted (photos, videos). How can I get everything back, and where to look for my old files. Thank you in advance)))

Answer: Hello, only software recovery, you won't be able to roll back.

Restore Sony Vaio to factory settings~ Vitaly ~ 01/09/2015

Good afternoon,

How much will it cost to restore a Sony Vaio laptop (VPCS11M9R) to factory settings?
So that all functions and the ASSIST button work

Answer: Good afternoon. Restoring a Sony laptop to factory settings will cost RUR 2,500


1. Press the ASSIST button on your VAIO laptop to launch the application VAIO Care (Desktop).

If a window is displayed User Account Control, select Yes.

2. Select Additional tools(Advanced Tools), Restore and recovery And Create Recovery Media.

3. Read the on-screen instructions carefully and select Next.

4. Select the desired media type (in my case, “USB flash drive”).

5. If we select the flash drive, a window appears:

6. Connect the USB, and make sure that it is detected in the “USB flash drive detected” section and click next..

7. Pay attention to the warning and click “Create media”.

And the process has begun:

And finally:


  • It may take some time for the current progress to be displayed.
  • Do not remove or disconnect the disk while creating a recovery disk, as this may prevent it from being created.
    • Keep the recovery disc in a safe place.
  • Notes on creating a recovery disc

  • The recovery tool is only intended for the VAIO computer on which it was created.
  • You cannot update your VAIO computer using a recovery disc.
  • Create a recovery disc as soon as you prepare your VAIO computer for use. The following are situations in which you may not be able to restore your computer using the recovery partition and will need a recovery disc:
    • - the data in the recovery partition was changed using a data modification application;
    • - an operating system was installed that was different from the operating system preinstalled on the computer;
    • - the built-in storage device has been formatted without using VAIO Care (rescue mode): recovery or maintenance systems (VAIO Care (Rescue Mode) : Recover or maintain your system) .
  • Do not touch or contaminate the surface of the discs. Fingerprints and dust on the surface of discs may cause read/write errors.
  • To create a recovery tool, you need free space on drive C that is more than twice the capacity of the media you are using. Depending on the model purchased, it is not possible to create a recovery tool during delivery due to limited free space, even if the drive optical disks Supports Blu-ray media or dual-layer DVDs.
  • If you are using a USB flash drive as the recovery drive, please read the help file included with the VAIO Care.
  • Laptops Sony series Vaio differs from other brands in its individuality, since the company's market was initially focused on the American user. Having its own unique recovery system, users of these laptops always have the opportunity to quickly and conveniently return the operating system to working condition with the ability to save any information.

    Types of resuscitation

    The system recovery method in Sony laptops is based on VAIO Care technology, which is a software package with which the user can manage the entire system. VAIO Care technology is divided into two types:

    1. Installed in the operating room Windows system a set of programs that is launched either through the menu “Start - All Programs - VAIO Care”, or with a special button on the keyboard “Assist”. When launched, the main window will open, where you can perform almost all key system operations that are in the panel Windows management. Here is a section for optimizing the system, by cleaning the registry and media for used system files, as well as its defragmentation. There is a separate section for system recovery, where you can return Windows to basic settings, “roll back” the system to a certain date or remove the necessary system drivers with updates. It is important to know that basic drivers for sony laptops are installed along with the VAIO Care version for Windows on installation disk or from the official website of the manufacturer;
    2. A version of VAIO Care that boots from MS DOS. In fact, this service is identical in functionality to the recovery environment, which is launched with the F10 button. Both utilities are similar to the so-called “hidden partitions” of recovery on laptops of other brands. You must immediately press the Assist key after turning on the computer, after which the VAIO recovery center menu will launch. Here select the desired keyboard layout language, then click “Diagnostics”. In the next window, select either “Restore” - in this case, user data will not be affected, or “Return the computer to its original state” - all data on drive C will be deleted. The final stage will be to wait for the action and log in;
    3. Recovery environment using the F10 button, which must be pressed immediately after turning on the Sony Vaio (important - in some models you need to press F10 together with the Fn key). As already mentioned, this set of utilities is practically equivalent to VAIO Care technology, since the result and recovery methods are similar. The choice is offered between saving the data or completely restoring it to the factory settings of the system and then erasing the information, as well as technical questions about the necessary partitions on the hard drive. The only differences are in the interface and some minor functionality.

    For "clean" Windows installations, when it is impossible to turn on and log in, you need to boot from external media that contains installation image operating system. To do this, go to Boot menu the F11 key, similarly the key to enter the BIOS is F2 (although if you have VAIO Care technology, you can enter the BIOS by pressing the Assist button and then selecting to launch the BIOS). In the BIOS you can also configure the priority of loading the media, for example, if in DVD drive disk, or USB port flash drive, loading will occur from there. These manipulations are carried out in the BIOS in the “Boot” section, having previously disabled the protection against changing settings by selecting the “Legacy” value opposite the “Boot mode” item in the “Boot” section.


    Drivers for a Sony Vaio laptop, for example for a Wifi module and a Web camera, are located in the system software. And if you take into account that some laptop models have hotkey turning on the camera (for example Fn+F12 in Fujitsu), and almost everyone has a wifi key, then in most Sony models VAIO does not have such keys. For example, if we consider the Sony VAIO T14 SVT14115CXS ultrabook, then the hot keys present here after installing the drivers have the following combinations:

    1. Fn+F1 - enables/disables the touchpad;
    2. Fn+F2 - turns off the sound completely;
    3. Fn+F3—reduce sound;
    4. Fn+F4 - increase sound;
    5. Fn+F5 - decrease brightness;
    6. Fn+F6 - increase brightness;
    7. Fn+F7 - control multiple displays when a monitor is connected to the laptop via HDMI/VGA/SVGA.

    Internet and video

    Some models of this company have a function for quickly switching to sleep mode, activated by the Fn + F12 key combination.

    Because hotkeys Wifi control and the camera are missing, for them to work properly you need to make sure that they are initialized and the drivers are installed. To check the Wifi module in Windows 7, you will have to go to “Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center shared access— Changing adapter parameters." In the window that opens, you can see all the network connections and wifi modules that are present on the Sony Vaio laptop. If there is no wireless Wifi connections You will need to reinitialize the device through driver installation.

    To turn on the Web camera, some users will have difficulty finding it, since many models laptop computers this device is not included in the “Scanners and Cameras” list because it is not an external camera with a separate driver. Therefore, to check it, you need to go to “Computer Properties (right-click on “My Computer”) - Device Manager - Imaging devices.” IN this list devices a Web camera must be present.

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