Electronic designer Connoisseur Smart car - assemble and play! Electronic designer "Connoisseur" smart car Construction sets "Connoisseur" - a godsend for parents

Radio controlled The designer is a great gift for a young engineer. The kit includes parts, a charger and a remote control. The assembly process will captivate your child for a long time, because the result will be a colorful car with many accessories.

The body of the machine and its elements are made of durable plastic in bright colors. The parts are fastened together with metal elements. You can control the car and direct it left, right, forward and backward. While driving, the headlights of the car start to glow, as well as the device located on the roof. In addition to this, the car makes characteristic sounds while driving. It will be especially interesting to play with the car in the dark.

The machine has 3 control modes:

  • radio control- using the remote control
  • voice - voice commands
  • Autonomous - the car itself chooses the driving direction.

Attention ! This designer may not work with batteries (for the remote control) from Duracell, Energizer due to the reduced length of the positive contact of the batteries (1-1.5 mm).

Buy Electronic constructor Smart machine You can visit the online store website at an attractive price with the possibility of delivery in Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions of Russia!


We develop children together with the electronic construction set “Znatok” Smart machine

  • During the game, a love for electronics and physics is instilled.
  • The knowledge gained will be useful to any future car enthusiast, no matter whether it is a girl or a boy.
  • During the game, fine motor skills, thinking and emotions are involved.
  • Curiosity, interest and delight are the best ingredients for learning!

Why do children like “The Connoisseur”?

  • Bright and stylish, easy to assemble and disassemble. Interesting, colorful instructions are easy to read. Everything is clear without dad.
  • The result spins, shines, magnetizes and that's not all - just wow!
  • The box has special slots for parts in which it is convenient to store them.
  • You can invent and create your own fantastic device.

Why do adults like “The Connoisseur”?

  • Because you can rest assured that your child is doing something mega-useful.
  • Because nothing like this simply exists among educational games.
  • Because the construction set can be used to demonstrate physical phenomena in the classroom.
  • Because it’s also interesting to keep your son or daughter company, brush up on your skills in assembling electrical circuits, or show off your skills to your loved ones.

Designers "Connoisseur" are a godsend for parents.

They are fun, useful and interesting to play. You can buy an electronic construction set for your child for educational games just like that or as a holiday gift. This set will also make a great gift for a birthday or New Year for children of friends and relatives. The constructor will last for several years in a row and will bring great benefits to the child and the whole family!


Reviews from happy customers

Constructor Connoisseur Smart Radio Controlled Car

Constructor Connoisseur Smart Radio Controlled Car

The electronic designer Smart Car Expert invites you to build a truly smart car that can understand human language, listen to radio commands, turn on headlights, make various sounds, recognize obstacles and even measure the distance to them. All this is possible thanks to a modern digital signal processor (DSP), which is the “brain” of the machine. The designer comes with a color “User’s Guide” for assembling various projects. Also in the manual you will find a list and description of the elements of the constructor. To make it easier to assemble the parts into the box, the last cover shows a diagram of the arrangement of the elements. All elements of this construction set are compatible with other electronic construction sets from the Znatok series

The “Smart Machine” electronic construction kit is a continuation of the “Connoisseur” line of electronic kits, the newest and truly masterpieces in the field of electronics. It is great for home study, as well as for self-study in your free time.

What is this truly unique and smart machine? It is able to recognize a person’s voice, listen to radio commands, has the function of turning on headlights, playing sounds, detecting various obstacles and measuring the distance to them. All these functions are made possible thanks to the presence of the “brain” of the machine - the latest digital signal processor (DSP).

Rules and tips for operating the machine include colorful instructions for the electronic designer Connoisseur Smart Machine. Using it, the assembly process will become simple and fun. Let's take a closer look at them.

So, the machine has three control modes. The first is radio control. The machine must be controlled using a remote control, and in open areas this should be done from a distance of 30-50 meters.

The third operating mode is autonomous. Thanks to him, the car detects obstacles along the route, goes around and overcomes them.

As for collecting the construction set, by referring to the “User’s Guide”, the child will be able to assemble any kind of projects, be it radio-controlled special vehicles, undercover special vehicles or an accident-free vehicle, as well as even more diverse variations of models.

In addition, in the book that comes with the device, you can easily find a list and description of all the elements that the designer has. And at the very end, on the cover, there is an image of a diagram of the arrangement of elements for convenient collection of parts.

The proposed designer has a number of advantages. Firstly, as soon as you start using the toy, you will immediately find that the car has all the principles used in real cars.

Secondly, absolutely all the details of the construction set are compatible with other similar electronic construction sets of the Znatok brand.

Thirdly, you don’t have to deal with the soldering process - assembling the machine is easy and not dangerous!

Working in autonomous mode, the machine does not require auxiliary power supply, because its operation is provided by the battery offered in the kit. However, to be able to control the remote control, you will need to purchase three batteries (AA, 1.5V).

The weight of the machine is 2.20 kg, which makes it easy to move and not difficult for children.

Please note that the designer is intended for the age category from 5 to 7 years. It is at this age that the child is interested in the world around him, what comes from where and what it consists of, how electronic mechanisms work, in particular remote control.

By working with the electronic designer Connoisseur Smart Machine, you will make the learning process much more interesting, and your child will show considerable interest in the science of electronics and physics. Thanks to such a unique machine, even the most boring science will become exciting and fun, and presenting knowledge in a playful manner will help you better assimilate the information.

If you suddenly still have some doubts about the purchase, then we want to assure you that the reviews about the electronic designer Connoisseur Smart Machine are only the best. Many parents who bought it for their child cannot get enough of it.

It was noticed that children began to spend less time on computers and all kinds of electronic gadgets; they became more developed and interested. Some parents say that the child became interested in physics and began to read more, began to do homework faster, in order to pay more attention to working with the construction set.

The boys began to spend more time talking with their dads, because they had many questions about the structure of the car. Considering such positive trends in influencing a child, you should definitely consider having such a useful thing for your child.

Of course, you can buy the electronic construction set Connoisseur Smart Machine in any toy store, but our online store offers you to purchase it at a competitive price, with a guarantee of product quality from the manufacturer, including timely and fast delivery. The motto of our store is the customer is always right! Therefore, you can be sure of quality service; we will listen to your wishes and answer all your questions. Your child will be happy, and you will definitely want to come back to us again!

  • Educational construction set for children over 5 years old
  • Three machine control modes are possible:
    - Radio control - the car is controlled using a remote control
    - Voice control - the machine understands voice commands
    - Autonomous mode - the car, depending on the presence of obstacles in its path, chooses the road itself
  • Simple and safe assembly without soldering parts
  • Many of the principles inherent in this machine are used in real cars.
  • To operate the remote control remote control Requires three AA batteries, 1.5V (not included)
  • To operate the machine in offline modes no additional power sources are required - it runs on the included battery
  • Package size (WxHxD): 44x31.5x8 cm
  • Weight: 2,353 kg