Error 3194 when restoring iPad 2. What to do if nothing helps

When restoring or updating the firmware on an iPhone in iTunes, you often encounter an unknown error 3194, which, of course, greatly frightens owners of Apple smartphones. Moreover, it can appear on the old iPhone 4s, and on the “fresh” 7 and 8 models. However, panic and immediately run to service center not worth it. In half of the cases the situation can be corrected independently at home. The main thing is to know what to do. We’ll talk about this below.

Before we talk about how to fix error 3194, let's dwell a little on the problem itself.

  1. This “glitch” usually occurs when upgrading a device or trying to restore it. Therefore, the error warning popup is almost the same in both cases. They differ only in one word - “failed restore..." or "failed update…».
  2. The reasons for the appearance of error 3194 can be both software and hardware. To understand the exact nature of the problem you have, you need to pay attention to the moment it occurred. This allows you to diagnose the nature of the problem with up to 90% accuracy. So if the error interrupted the process of preparing for the update or recovery, that is, it “popped up” before the branded “apple” and the status bar appeared on the screen of the iOS device, then most likely you are faced with a software malfunction. When a bug makes itself known during an upgrade or recovery procedure (when the status bar exceeds 50-60%), a certain hardware problem is usually to blame.
  3. Which software glitches or situations can cause unknown error 3194? Often this outdated version iTunes or modified system hosts file, which sometimes contains a ban on accessing Apple servers. Antiviruses and similar programs, as well as enabled TCP/IP filtering in the router settings, can also cause an error.
  4. Most Frequent hardware problems, causing error 3194, are associated with the failure of the iPhone modem or with a defect in the operation of the power system. It's difficult to fix them on your own. Moreover, the maintainability of such models as 5, 5s, 6 and 6s is extremely low. It is better to contact a service center, where specialists will carry out qualified repairs. For example, they will restore the contact connections of the modem or replace it with a new one.

For reference! Quite often, error 3194 appears when the firmware is “rolled back”. For example, when a user wants to upgrade from iOS 11 to iOS 10.

How to fix error 3194 yourself?

So, if unknown error 3194 occurred due to hardware problems, then take a risk and deal with self-repair not worth it. The iPhone has a rather complex device and if you are not an experienced professional, then most likely you will simply seriously damage the device. In those cases when error 3194 appears due to software failures, the decision to try to fix it yourself is more than justified.

What is needed for this? Now we'll tell you:

  1. First of all, restart your iPhone and the computer itself from which you are updating or restoring the device.
  2. Update iTunes to current version. You can simply remove the program from your computer and download the most new option. At the same time, do not download iTunes from “left” and incomprehensible resources. Give preference to the official website.
  3. Update the software on your computer. There's nothing complicated here. True, this is done differently depending on the OS.
  4. Disable antiviruses, firewalls, firewalls and other security utilities. Various programs designed to protect against malicious software may prevent the device from communicating with Apple servers during the same update of the device via iTunes. Thus, they provoke the appearance of error 3194.
  5. Try to do without a router. That is, simply exclude the device from the computer-Internet chain by connecting the cable directly to a PC or laptop. If this is not possible, then at least turn off TCP/IP filtering in the router settings.

Eliminating error 3194 by editing the hosts file

If the steps listed above did not help, then there is one more option - updating the hosts file. We will not go into detail about what it is, why this file is needed, etc. We will only tell you what changes need to be made to eliminate the error.

So, if you have a Mac, then:

  1. Close iTunes.
  2. Open Finder. Next, click on the “Programs” section. After that, go to “Utilities”.
  3. Launch “Terminal” and enter the following command – “sudo nano /private/etc/hosts”. The hosts file will open. However, if there is a password on the computer, you will need to enter that too.
  4. Now we find the line “”. There will still be several numbers with dots in front of it. As a result, we put the hash “#” (without quotes!) at the very beginning and add a space after this symbol. Please note that there may be several such lines. In this case, we edit each of them in the described way.
  5. Press “Ctrl+O”, then enter and close “Terminal”.

If you have a Windows device, then do the following:

  1. Close iTunes.
  2. We follow the path “C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts”.
  3. Open the hosts file. We use Notepad for this.
  4. We find and delete from it the line that contains the address
  5. Save the changes. We reboot the device.

Now you know what error 3194 is, how to correctly diagnose it and how to deal with it. Feel free to try the recommendations described above in action! We wish you good luck!

Greetings, dear amateur and, undoubtedly, Apple user devices such as iPhone, iPad or iPod. In this article, we will try to get rid of error 3194, which occurs when restoring, flashing, or updating an Apple gadget.

There are cases when iOS update 7 or after flashing an Apple device (iPhone 5, 5s, 4, 4s and iPad), an error persistently appears in the iTunes program - error number 3194. I’ll make a reservation right away that this error is not critical and can be fixed literally in a few minutes.

First, let's look at possible reasons This error (3194) appears when working with an iPhone or iPad. There may be two reasons, you can read them below.


  • You tried to install on your Apple device(iPhone, iPad, etc.) old version operating system iOS, such as iOS 6 or lower. This version OSes cannot be installed without JailBreak, because... Apple has stopped signing older versions of iOS (now only 7). If you still want to install an old version of iOS on your device (iPhone, iPad), then you will have to do a JailBreak, i.e. “break”, open file system your device, this procedure is not safe and can turn your brand new iPhone or an iPad into a useless brick.
  • The second option is to change the Hosts file on your computer. This file is used to control Internet access for various programs. For example, by writing special lines in this file, you can deny access to the Internet to any program. In this case, as a result of your (or not your) actions, entries appeared in the Hosts file that block iTunes access to the Internet, thus, when installing or, error 3194 appears.

Solutions to the problem

Error 3194 can be resolved in several ways; this material describes three. If after applying the first solution, error 3194 still appears, then try the next method, and so on. (if any method helped you get rid of the error, then share it in the comments to this material).

Method 1

The first method, which at one time helped me a lot:

  • If you have iTunes open, I recommend that you close it and disconnect your Apple device (iPhone, iPad) from the computer. If this step is not followed, the result of applying this method fix error 3194 may be negative;
  • Find the “hosts” file on your computer. If you have an operating system installed Windows system, then the path to the file will look like this: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. If you have an operating system installed Mac system OX, then the path to the hosts file will look like this: Mac OS X - Go -> Go to Folder in Finder. /etc/hosts;
  • Next, open the hosts file in text editor: on Windows – notepad (required with administrator rights), on Mac OX – TextEdit;
  • Now you need to find this line After the line is found, you need to delete it, because... It is she who blocks iTunes access to the Internet. If after deleting the line you are unable to save the hosts file, then simply copy it to your desktop, change the copied file (delete the line), save it and transfer it to the folder where it is located C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\, when the system asks about the replaced file, agree;
  • Connect your Apple device (iPhone, iPad) to your computer and launch iTunes. Try repeating the operation that led to the error. With a high degree of probability the error will disappear. If the error does not disappear, then proceed to the next method.

Method 2

The next method involves using third-party tools; in this case, to resolve error 3194 we will use a program called TinyUmbrella. You can download the program from this link - In the side sidebar (located on the right) find the TinyUmbrella link and click on it, after this simple operation the process of downloading the program will begin.

  • Download and install the TinyUmbrella program (I will not describe the installation process of this program, because it is very simple and intuitive);
  • Now you need to go to the Advanced tab and uncheck the box next to Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit (this way you will mark the connection to Cydia servers);
  • Try to perform the operation that led to error 3194. If the error continues to appear, then try the third method to resolve the error.

Method 3

This method is both simple and effective. It lies in . Perhaps the error appeared because you are using an old version of iTunes. In general, I believe that updating iTunes to the latest version can correct ninety percent of all errors that arise during operation on iPhone, iPad, and in general on iOS.

  • Launch iTunes;
  • Select the “Help” menu, then the item called “Updates”. After this action, the program will check for updates and if there are any, it will offer you to update the program to the current, latest version;
  • After updating iTunes, try the same operation that caused the error.

I would like to remind you once again that if you are trying to install an old operating system iOS system to your device (iPhone, iPad), then no manipulations (except, of course, jailbreak) will help. For example, you will not be able to replace your iOS 7 with an earlier iOS 6, you will always get error 3194, simply because Apple no longer signs and does not support iOS 6.

Firmware Apple technology occurs through the proprietary iTunes application. Sometimes during the software installation process failures occur, one of which is “Failed to restore iPhone error 3194". Let's look at what this is connected with and how to fix it.


The appearance of error 3194 indicates that the flashing process at a certain stage was unable to obtain the necessary data. This failure can be caused by both software and hardware.


Most often, the error occurs because the user is trying to install a version of iOS that is no longer signed by Apple.

iTunes contacts the company's servers during phone recovery in order to obtain certificates for the installed firmware. If they are not available, an error appears.

Pay attention! Check that the software is up to date, as Apple only signs the latest version.

The occurrence of a failure is also affected by:

  1. Unoriginal USB cable.
  2. Outdated version of iTunes.
  3. Conflict with antivirus.
  4. Other factors.


If you couldn’t fix the software problem, then the problem is with the iPhone’s hardware. If the installation process reaches approximately 75% and displays error 3194, then the problem is with the device’s modem. In this case, you should contact a service center to replace the component.

Bug fix

Let's move on to fixing the error associated with software failures.

Pay attention! Check that the cable is working properly before proceeding with the following steps. Perhaps that is where the problem lies.

Update iTunes

Setting up a firewall and antivirus

Advice! If you use WiFi connection, then try connecting directly via cable.

Sometimes antivirus or windows defender does not provide network access for iTunes. As a result, process disruptions may occur. To fix the problem, you need to add the program to exceptions or disable the antivirus.

Pay attention! For example, we used Windows 10 and Avast antivirus.

  1. Open hidden toolbar icons.
  2. Right-click on antivirus software → Point to “Manage Avast Screens”.
  3. From the menu that appears, select “Turn off until you restart your computer.”
  4. Open the system search bar → search for “Windows Defender Firewall”.
  5. Open Allow an app or feature in Windows Defender Firewall.
  6. “Change settings” → find iTunes in the list → check the “Private” and “Public” checkboxes.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Try flashing your iPhone.

Correct the host file

Pay attention! The method is relevant if you have previously used the TinyUmbrella utility.

After using the utility to get digital signatures is automatically added to the “host” file new entry, which redirects requests to its servers. This results in iTunes being unable to access Apple data. You can fix the problem by deleting the line in the file.

Pay attention! The name and location of the elements may vary.

On Windows

If you have a computer with Windows on board:

On Mac

If you have an Apple computer:

If all of the above methods do not help, then the problem is a faulty modem. Contact the service center.

How to get iPhone out of DFU-mode

The firmware of Apple equipment occurs in DFU mode. If the error appeared during the software installation process (the download line has already moved), then it is impossible to exit recovery mode until the problem is resolved.

If a failure occurred before the installation began, you can restore it to functionality.

Updating (flashing) any operating system, including iOS, is a rather scrupulous process that requires maximum attention and precision in execution. The same applies to data recovery on devices. Apple. But there are times when errors appear regardless of your knowledge and correct execution of this procedure. Let's figure out what needs to be done if an unknown error 3194 occurs when updating iOS.

Error 3194 in iTunes when restoring and updating iPhone

Users of Apple devices periodically encounter errors when restoring or updating iOS. Most often, error 3194 is displayed. Do not rush to the conclusion that your device is broken: the unavailability of Apple servers, Internet connection settings, firewall restrictions, antiviruses, etc. may be to blame.

Brief description of error 3194 and its causes

This error appears in two cases:

1. Restoring an iPhone or iPad.

2. Updating the IOS operating system.

The messages in both cases look approximately the same

Typically, this error occurs when iTunes requests a firmware signature. The reason could be either software or hardware. If the update or recovery process did not start at all and error 3194 was shown, the problem must be identified in software. If the process has been started and this error is displayed before the end of progress, the reason is in the hardware.

The software segment includes iTunes software, the version of which is not the latest, or the hosts file on the computer contains lines that redirect to alternative servers updates. The reason may also be the setting of firewalls or antiviruses that prohibit visiting update servers.

Hardware errors include poor functioning of the power supply, as well as incorrect operation of the modem. These problems can only be corrected in service workshops, because replacing these elements at home is almost impossible.

Ways to fix error 3194

First you need to look at the iTunes version. If a newer version has been released, it must be downloaded and installed. Download this program from the official website or from trusted sources. Preferably before installation new version uninstall the old one.

Next, you need to look through the hosts file and make sure that there are no entries in it about mirror addresses. A natural question arises: how can these lines appear there if the user has not done anything like this? The answer is quite simple: if the user has used the TinyUmbrella program at least once, it independently makes these changes without the user's knowledge (if he has administrator rights).

How to work