I can't replace the file in the system32 folder. How to replace system files (updated). How to install a DLL file

Like its many predecessors, Windows 8 defines strict access rights to important system files and folders. These rights restrict unauthorized access to users (including network clients, standard users, and guest users on local computer), and external sources (malicious scripts, viruses, malware etc.), to the main system folders and files. However, each of us may one day need to make some changes to the system, for example, to install a new Windows theme, we often have to replace some files to completely modify its appearance.

This can be done using the built-in tools of the operating system, as well as using various “” that modify files automatically, but as practice shows, this is not always safe for stable operation OS. Therefore, first of all, let's consider a way to gain full access to files without using third-party software.

An example would be two files that need to be replaced for installation new topic“eights” are ExplorerFrame.dll and imageres.dll located in C:\WINDOWS\system32. First, go to the directory where these files are located, find them and right-click to open the properties window:

In the window that opens, immediately go to the “ Safety" and press the button " Additionally" In the next window, click on the link “ Change" and then again " Additionally...»:

After which a more detailed user selection dialog will open, click the “ Search» and select the desired option from the results, confirm your choice with the button OK.

Now go to the tab " Audit" and press the button " Add»:

After confirmation open windows, you need to set full access to the selected user by checking this box and clicking OK:

Now that we are back in the file properties, we need to select current user and press the button " Change»:

Once again, select the user with the mouse and assign him full access rights:

We confirm all windows with the button OK And Yes, after which we proceed to replacing the file in the C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory:

The file was renamed and replaced with another one from the topic.

I note that any manipulations with system files can be dangerous for the performance of your OS, so before changing, always do backups and create system restore points.

By the way, advice in case of emergency situations, for example, when installing another theme, I received just a black screen instead of the usual interface and a mouse cursor that ran around the screen without knowing where to click... By pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys, I launched and in the menu " File"opened the item" New task" Clicked the " Review…"and used this window as an explorer, using the keyboard key - Back Space, went up several directories to drive C, went to the \WINDOWS\system32 folder and returned the source files to their place, which had previously been simply renamed ExplorerFrame.old. dll and imageres.old.dll, after a reboot everything worked as before.

For a programmatic method of quickly and completely gaining access to files, you can use special utility, called TakeOwnershipEx. The program will help you get full rights in a few mouse clicks, and return everything to its original state even faster. This option will be ideal for beginners and other users who want to save time. Before the first launch, TakeOwnershipEx may request the installation of the .NET Framework 3.5 package; we agree to this requirement and wait for the download to complete.

And I was wondering why I can’t replace the bootres.dll system file in the C:\Windows\Boot\Resources folder in a running Windows 8.1 and I have to boot into the recovery environment?

I go to the Resources folder, right-click on the bootres.dll file and select Delete or Rename, but the message “” appears. How to disable this TrustedInstaller and what is it even?

Installed on me operating system Windows 8.1, I work under account administrator.

Hello friends! Back in Windows XP, developers introduced a mechanism to protect important system files and folders from careless user actions, called this technology- Windows File Protection Windows files). Later, the development migrated to the Vista operating system and Windows 7, 8.1, but under a different name - Windows Resource Protection. Windows resources). How it works this mechanism protection?

In simple words, a special Windows service Modules Installer (Windows Module Installer) or TrustedInstaller.exe, which does not allow any user (even with administrator rights) to delete or change files and drivers that are critical for the operation of the operating system.

I must say that for an inexperienced user this is even a blessing, since many novice users often ask me what is in the C:\Windows\System32 folder, there are so many files with different extensions: .dll, .msc, .exe, and Isn't this a virus by chance and shouldn't it all be removed? If the operating system allowed you to easily remove its important components, then you would have to reinstall it several times a day.

But for an advanced user who knows what he is doing, this TrustedInstaller.exe service often forces him to perform unnecessary movements in his work. For example, at system administrators Often there is a need to change or delete a system file, of course this will not work right away and an error will appear " Request permission from TrustedInstaller to modify this file", so first you will have to obtain rights to change system files from the operating system, the same applies to the C:\Windows\Boot\Resources folder, because this folder and the files in it are an integral part of Windows and the question arises...

How to get rights to change system files in Windows 7, 8, 8.1?

Let's help our reader and change the rights to the Resources folder, which is an important system folder for the operating system containing serious system files, among which there is a bootres.dll file responsible for boot animation Windows screen 8.1. It was this file that we replaced in the last article with another, and as a result, when loading Windows 8.1, we are now greeted by a beautiful fish, although for this we had to boot into the operating system recovery environment. How can we do everything simpler and directly in a running Windows 8.1?

Friends, there are two ways, the first is simpler, and the second is more difficult, and we will look at both of them in this article.

Method number 1. Apply free and very a simple program TakeOwnershipEx is designed specifically for changing ownership and obtaining full access rights to files.

Method number 2. Use the operating system itself to obtain full access rights to system files.

As a result of the first and second methods, we will be able to delete, change and rename important system files.

We get full rights to files using the TakeOwnershipEx program

The program does not have an official website, so I suggest downloading it from the link on mine cloud storage-TakeOwnershipEx

Download the program in the archive, unzip it and run the installation.

After installation, launch the program and in the window that appears, select Get permissions.

An explorer window appears, find in it the folder for which we want to take away rights from the operating system, in our case C:\Windows\Boot\Resources, select it with the left mouse and click OK.

Processed successfully, which means you and I have received full rights to this folder and can replace or delete the files in it.

We go to the Resources folder and rename the system file bootres.dll to bootres2.dll or you can even delete this file, but I do not recommend you do this, since you may need it in the future.

Having received full rights to the Resources folder, we were able to copy files to it.

As I already said, the bootres.dll file is responsible for the animation loading screen Windows 8.1. Default screen Windows boot 8.1 looks like this

and we can replace it with a nicer one that was present in the preliminary Windows versions 8.1 Preview.

To do this, take the bootres.dll file from my archive

and place it in the C:\Windows\Boot\Resources folder, the file will be easily copied to the folder, because we have rights to it.

Restoring access rights to a folder to the operating system

Friends, if necessary, you can return the rights to the folder back to the operating system. Launch the TakeOwnershipEx program and select - Restore access rights

Check the box for our Resources folder and click on the button Restore rights.

Ready. Rights have been returned to the operating system.

When you try to rename or delete any file in a folder, you will receive the familiar warning “Request permission from TrustedInstaller to change this file”

We use the operating system itself to obtain full access rights to system files.

Many readers will prefer to change file and folder permissions manually. How to do this?

Right-click on the Resources folder and select Properties





Select Administrators with the left mouse, then click OK.


Check the box Replace owners of subcontainers and objects and OK

In the tab Safety press the button Change.

To the "Administrators" group we assign " Full access", check the required boxes. Apply and OK.

A DLL file is a component of a dynamic link library whose elements are used by almost all programs. Library DLL file ov is located in the root folder of the system. All components must be available and have digital signature, work correctly and be up to date with the version. If one of the requirements is not met, the user will receive an information notification when starting the program: DLL error. The malfunction indicates that the DLL file is missing, damaged, or outdated.

How to install a DLL file

In order for programs, applications and games to start working again, you must manually install the missing library components. Simply placing a file in a folder is not enough ─ you need to know how to register them.

Placing and registering library files

Before installing a DLL file on Windows 7,8,10, you need to download them, and exactly for the system bit size.

Let's determine what bit capacity your system has (if you know for sure, you can skip this step)

Step 1. Right-click on “My Computer” and select “Properties”

Step 2. In the window that opens, we can read the properties of the computer, the version of the operating system and its bit depth 32 (x86) or 64 bit. In our case, it is a 64-bit operating system. Windows system 10.


Step 3. After downloading the files, they need to be placed in the root folder and registered

for x32 (x86) systems, the component must be replaced or placed in the C:\Windows\System32 folder;

for x64 you need to replace it or move it to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder;

Step 4. The file must be registered in the system.

You can do this by opening command line using the combination “Win” + “R”, or click “Start” and “Run”;

in the window that opens, enter the following, separated by a space: regsvr32 file name.dll – where “regsvr32” is the command for registration, and “file name.dll” is the full name of the inserted component;

or you can specify the file location manually - regsvr32.exe + file path

Step 5. Click "OK" and restart your computer for the new settings to take effect.

I would like to note right away that errors may occur during registration. For example: "Failed to load module." They usually occur for 3 reasons

  1. The path to the file is incorrect, or the file was not moved to the System32 or SysWOW64 directory
  2. Not all DLL files need to be registered at all; sometimes it is enough to simply copy them to the System32 or SysWOW64 directory or place them in the root of the problematic game or program
  3. The files have already been registered before

Second registration method

Step 1. You can register the file using a command line, which must be run as an administrator.

Step 2. Writing a command regsvr32.exe + file path and press "Enter"

Step 3. A message will appear saying “Everything went well”, and just restart the computer

That's all, the file is registered, you can try to launch your game or program

Here are some tips that may be useful to you.

  • Place items only in the specified folder (it may be hidden by default). You need to uncheck the "Do not show" hidden folders» in display settings.
  • If administrator permission is required when replacing a file, confirm the action.
  • Select only the files that are relevant at the time of downloading and save them to your computer separately. They may still be useful to you. If the problem occurs again, you will quickly restore system functionality.
How to work