DIY laser pointer. Laser pointer How a laser pointer works

Laser pointers are portable devices, in which there are emitters that generate waves of electromagnetic coherent and monochromatic origin in the visible range in beam form. The emitters can be laser diodes or full-fledged solid-state lasers.

There are several types of laser pointers, which differ in the types of emitters and come in the following colors:

  • Reds;
  • Greens;
  • Blue;
  • Turquoise;
  • Blue;
  • Violet;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange.

LU red color

These LUs are the cheapest and most common. They operate from a conventional button cell battery, based on red laser diodes with a radiation spectrum of 650-660 nm. They are equipped with driver boards that control power. To emit radiation in the form of a narrow beam, lenses convex on both sides, called collimators, are used.

Red LUs are mostly low-power up to 1-100 mW. Their characteristic feature is that the red diodes “burn out” quite quickly, reducing the intensity of the radiation, which is why most of these pointers, after a couple of months of operation, begin to shine worse, regardless of the battery charge.

Green laser

During the day, the human eye is more sensitive to green flowers than to red ones (about 6-10 times). Thanks to this, green laser shines more brightly. However, at night the opposite happens.

Green laser diodes are extremely expensive, so solid-state lasers with diodes are used to create green laser. They are not as expensive as green laser diodes, but more valuable than red ones. Green laser wavelength is 532 nm, with an efficiency of approximately 20%. Green LUs are more energy-consuming than red ones; as a result, it is difficult to select units powered by button batteries.

LU blue color

They began to be produced in 2006, the action scheme is similar to green laser. The wavelength of blue is 490 nm, turquoise is 473 nm, and blue is 445 nm. The emitter is a solid-state high-power laser. Blue LUs are very expensive, diodes are not so expensive, but are not widely used. Blue LU radiation is extremely dangerous for the eyes. Efficiency approximately 3%.

LU yellow color

The wavelength of yellow LUs is 593.5 nm. There are also their orange “colleagues” with a wavelength of 635 nm. Efficiency is just over 1%.

LU purple color

LUs with violet laser diodes have a wavelength of 400-410 nm. This is almost the limit in the range that the human eye perceives, so this light is seen as dim.

The light from violet lasers causes fluorescence, and the brightness of luminous objects becomes more intense than in the laser itself. The LU series was introduced with the advent of a drive for Blu-ray optical media, in which a laser diode with a corresponding wavelength of radiation was used.

LU: application

  • LUs are often used educational institutions, for example for physical experiments, as well as for presentations;
  • The point of light produced by the laser beam attracts the attention of pets. Cats and dogs react especially to them, which often leads people to play with these pets;
  • Green LUs are used in both amateur and professional astronomical research. Green LUs are used to determine the directions of stars and constellations;
  • LUs are used as laser target designators for precise aiming of firearms or pneumatic weapons;
  • LUs are used by radio amateurs as a communication element within visible boundaries;
  • Red LUs with disconnected collimators are used when creating amateur holographs;
  • Laboratory practice uses LUs (especially green ones) to detect in liquids, gases or any transparent substances in small quantities impurities or suspensions of mechanical origin that are invisible to the naked eye.

Laser Safety

Laser radiation is dangerous if it comes into contact with the eyes.

Ordinary LUs have a power of 1-5 mW, they are classified as hazard classes 2-3A. They can be dangerous when the beam is directed into people's eyes for fairly long periods or using optical instruments. LUs with a power of 50-300 mW are classified as class 3B. They are dangerous because they cause severe damage to the retina of the eyes, even with short-term exposure to a direct laser beam.

You should be aware that low power green DPSS pointers use significantly high power IR lasers which do not guarantee sufficient IR filtering. These types of radiation are invisible and, as a result, much more dangerous to the eyes of people and animals.

In addition, LUs can have extremely irritating effects. Especially if the beam hits the eyes of drivers or pilots, which can distract their attention or even lead to blindness. In some countries, such acts entail criminal liability. For example, in 2019, one American was sentenced to almost two years in prison for briefly blinding a pilot in a police helicopter with a powerful laser.

In recent years, there have been an increasing number of “laser incidents” in developed countries, caused by requirements to limit or prohibit drug use. Currently, New South Wales legislation provides for a fine for possession of medicinal drugs, and for committing a “laser attack” - imprisonment for up to 14 years.

The use of LU is prohibited according to the rules during football matches. For example, the Algerian Football Federation was fined 50,000 Swiss francs because fans used a laser pointer to blind the Russian national team goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev during the 2014 World Cup.

The most powerful laser pointer

Not long ago it became known about the appearance of the most powerful pocket laser, the “king” of the LU or the “Jedi sword”. The small, powerful laser can burn through thin plastics, explode children's balloons, set paper on fire, and blind people. Device Chinese manufacturer Wicked Lasers only vaguely resemble popular LUs, but have a larger body.

Often, a laser pointer with a tiny cylinder that emits a red laser beam is used by children for games or for presentations at school. However, Wicked Lasers' new generation pointer will not be a toy for children. And this is no coincidence, because the output power of a Chinese laser pointer is tens and hundreds of times greater than that of conventional inexpensive laser pointers.

It is surprising that the Chinese “green supermodel” with a beam power of 0.3 watts reaches an “exposure range” of up to 193 kilometers.

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The laser level is designed to determine the horizontal and vertical lines and planes during the construction of building structures and finishing. Using this device, the geometry of the element can be maintained with great accuracy. This is important for the strength and durability of the object being built. But it is not always possible to purchase an industrial device. However, a skilled craftsman is able to create a laser level with his own hands. Let's look at how to do this, and whether it is possible to repair a broken level at home.

What is a laser level

The body of this instrument contains LEDs, which are sources of laser radiation. Using a bright luminous line, you can mark any object in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Moreover, one person can easily cope with this work.

There are three types of lasers:

  • prismatic;
  • rotary;
  • point.

Prism devices create a linear beam projection. When the luminous line collides with an obstacle, the device records the data and displays the required markings. Such levels are equipped with an auto-leveling system necessary to compensate for errors of up to 6°. The laser beam projection angle does not exceed 120°.

A prism laser level has a short beam range - on average from 10 to 50 m.

A prism laser level allows you to obtain horizontal and vertical planes intersecting at right angles

Rotary devices are classified as professional instruments. They are equipped with point laser devices, but not fixed ones, but rotating with an adjustable frequency. Designed for marking very large areas, for example, on a construction site. The rotary level can project a plane 360°.

Rotary levels have a longer laser beam range - from 200 to 500 m.

By installing a rotary level in the middle of the room, you can mark all the necessary points along the entire perimeter

The point level is the simplest: the laser device is clearly fixed, and behind it there is only a focusing lens. It directs the light flux to one point. Set up the device manually. Such levels are equipped with one or more lasers. In the latter case, they are directed in different directions, which makes it possible to transfer markings from several planes - walls, floors and ceilings of a large area. The laser beam projection angle does not exceed 160°.

The operating range of the point level is from 15 to 50 m, depending on the model.

Compact and universal point laser level is designed for any leveling work at short distances

What is the device for?

The purpose of laser devices is varied. They are necessary for the following types of work:

  • layout of the territory and installation of equipment with horizontal and vertical position control;
  • marking and determining direction;
  • surface leveling of floors, walls and ceilings;
  • arrangement of concrete screed and assembly of floors with adjustable level;
  • construction of communication highways;
  • installation of bulkheads and hanging accessories;
  • installation of staircases.

In the latter case, the device’s ability to mark inclined planes is used. For example, it is necessary to install railings on a flight of stairs. By fixing a level with a laser on it, it is easier to install the railing parallel to the flight.

You can understand how to use a level using the example of common construction and repair work.

Leveling floor, wall and ceiling surfaces

When carrying out such work, additional control marks will be required. Then the laser beam is directed along the plane. The laser is adjusted according to the marks to more accurately determine the evenness of the surfaces.

When using a laser level and obtaining the same data, the floor turns out to be absolutely flat

Laying ceramic tiles

For such work, it is better to take a device with the function of cross-projection of rays horizontally and vertically. Thanks to them, even a novice master will be able to lay tiles flawlessly.

The intersection of the level lines is placed at the center of the proposed tile joints


The gluing process itself is quite easy, but using a level makes the work even easier. Focusing on the laser beam projected onto the wall, it is much more convenient to align the wallpaper.

Horizontal projection will facilitate the correct gluing of fillets and borders

Assembly of cabinet furniture

Even if there are straight walls in the house, which is a rather rare occurrence, the interior can be ruined by crookedly hung cabinets, shelves and other hanging accessories. And with the help of a laser that creates a circular level line, you will immediately see how to install hanging furniture without distortions.

The horizontal beam of a laser level will help when installing curtain rods


The plane builder allows you to simplify this process. To determine the exact placement of plasterboard walls and partition elements, you will need to install the laser so that its projection on the floor, walls and ceiling is a mark for the intended partition.

When installing a metal frame under a plasterboard wall, place the laser level on the floor, direct the beam upward so that it marks the profile installation line

A simple device can be used outdoors only in cloudy weather or at dusk.

If a lot is expected external works(digging trenches, laying communication lines, laying foundations), it is better to get a professional plane builder with a beam visible in sunlight.

How to make it yourself

The idea of ​​a DIY laser level is quite simple - the pointer is mounted on a movable platform. The use of such a mechanism allows marking by rotating it at the same level by 360°.

Required tools and materials

In addition to the laser pointer, you will need the following materials:

  • glue;
  • metal files;
  • jigsaw;
  • a piece of corrugated plastic (for example, a bicycle headlight).

Step by step guide

You can make a laser level with your own hands from a pointer in just an hour:

  1. Let's improve the pointer. We saw off its tip, leaving the threaded part.

    Laser pointer emits a dot

  2. From a piece of plastic we cut a circle with a diameter like the tip of a laser pointer.

    If you pass a pointer beam through corrugated plastic, you get a line

  3. Glue a plastic circle onto the tip of the pointer.

    The place where the parts are glued can be additionally coated with cold welding and ground

The imperfection of this version of the level is its one-sided mobility - only horizontally.

The laser level must be fixed perpendicular to the plane

If you need to mark not only horizontally, but also vertically, you can try to mount a more advanced device:

  1. A hole is drilled in a wooden post to create a long groove (or a ready-made plastic tube is taken). A pin, bolt or self-tapping screw is inserted and fixed into the hole in the center. The hardware is placed with the head down and secured with adhesive.
  2. A wide articulated fork is installed on the pin. To prevent it from loosening and twisting, a rubber gasket is installed between it and the rack. A base made of plastic or wood is placed in the fork. A screw fastener passes through it, securing the workpiece on both sides of the fork.
  3. The building level and an improved pointer are fixed on the base.

This type of assembly allows the device to change the location of the laser in the vertical direction. If you are smart and choose a suitable fork, you can actually assemble a device with a vertical rotation of 270°.

It must be taken into account that the larger the fork size, the wider the workpiece will be required to create a stable position.

This device is collapsible. To ensure stability of the base, you will need to find a fork with a hinged part of the required cross-section.

If a suitable plug is not available, you can make it yourself from a durable metal-plastic ring of the required cross-section.

You will need to drill three holes: two on the sides, opposite each other, and the third exactly in the center between the two future “teeth” of the fork. Then the ring is cut to form a semicircle with three holes.

A homemade laser can be modified: screw an ordinary nut or “wing” onto the mounting screw, which allows you to quickly loosen and fix the base, as well as change the direction of the laser up or down.

Video: DIY laser level

Setup and calibration

After assembling the homemade device, you need to configure the laser level yourself. It is necessary to check it - calibrate it for measurement accuracy. To perform the test, you will need an additional bubble level. Calibration is carried out as follows:

  1. The device is placed in the center of the room and marks are made on opposite walls at the point of intersection of the planes.
  2. The level is moved to one of the walls at a distance of approximately half a meter, another mark is made above or below the first one.
  3. The device is turned to the opposite wall and a mark is placed.
  4. The distance between the marks on both walls is measured and the error is calculated.

For example, the difference between the marks on the first wall is 4 mm, and on the second - 3 mm. The resulting error is 1 mm. If it is larger, then the device requires adjustment.

The measuring device, assembled independently, can be placed on a tripod or adjustable pedestal, which will give the product convenience and functionality

To carry out vertical calibration, mark two points in the vertical plane and check the marks against the bubble level.

If no deviations are noticed, then the plane builder is ready for use. If there is a discrepancy in the readings, the homemade laser device is adjusted by changing the location of the platform or articulated fork.

How to repair

If the laser mechanism fails, it may display the wrong level or not work at all.

Homemade device requires repair:

  • in case of diode failures;
  • when buttons and switches stick or fail;
  • when the emitter malfunctions, when the laser does not glow or the beam is very dim.

Most often, repair of laser levels is required after the device has been dropped. In this case, the settings are lost, which leads to the device producing incorrect indicators.

If you need to repair a homemade laser, you need to disassemble the device and reassemble it. If the problem is in the pointer, it is easier to replace it with a new one.

In order to avoid repairing a homemade laser level, it is important to be careful when working with it, especially outdoors.

To build level planes on large-scale construction sites, industrial levels with a large operating range have been created. For minor repairs, you can make a laser level yourself.

Laser pointers have long been firmly established in our lives. They are used not only in schools and institutes, but also in training centers for future sailors, pilots and astronauts. After all, in order to show something on a board the size of a mini-golf course, you won’t be able to use any pointer other than a laser one.

Laser pointers are also used in military operations to give signals. Collimator sights operate on their basis. Everyone probably remembers action films and the red dot aimed at the victim’s forehead - this is a laser pointer-sight. Military pointers are customized to issue specific commands and resemble more a laser projectile than a pointer.

How does a laser pointer work?

The principle of operation of a laser pointer is as follows: an infrared LED generates a continuous beam with a wavelength of about 808 nanometers, which passes through the lens and hits a crystal of neodymium, yttrium and vanadium oxides. There it is converted into a beam with a wavelength of 1064 nanometers.

Laser pointers are used not only in everyday life, but also in military affairs

Then the beam passes through the next crystal - potassium-titanium-phosphorus. There, radiation invisible to the human eye is converted into a beam with a wavelength of 532-670 nanometers. Then, using an infrared filter and a lens that concentrates the radiation into a beam, a laser pointer beam emerges.

Features of laser pointers

Many people have probably heard that shining a pointer into your eyes is unsafe. That’s right - if the beam of a laser pointer is directed frontally into the eye of a person or animal, then in a few seconds it will irreversibly damage individual cells of the retina. At the same time, you can shine the pointer on your skin or clothing as much as you want - nothing bad will happen. Remember:

  • Laser pointers are designed to long term work – up to 50,000 hours. Although, of course, cheap Chinese pointers break down very quickly. If you bought a laser miracle for pennies, do not expect that you will be able to use it for a long time. Children's disposable pointers in the form of keychains and flashlights can be used at school and for playing with a cat.
  • If you need a good laser pointer for a long time, you need to buy one that has a battery and can be charged from the mains. Battery-powered pointers are considered less reliable, and rechargeable pointers can last 12 hours without interruption.

The Myth of Laser Pointers

The main rumor about laser pointers is their effectiveness in fog. Alas, in fog, drizzling rain, snowfall or bright sun, a laser pointer is absolutely useless - the beam is not visible at all. But in classrooms, in dim and dark presentation halls, a laser pointer is capable of “piercing” a distance of up to 1.12 km.

In every home there is old equipment that has fallen into disrepair. Someone throws it in a landfill, and some craftsmen try to use it for some homemade inventions. So an old laser pointer can be put to good use - it is possible to make a laser cutter with your own hands.

To make a real laser from a harmless trinket, you need to prepare the following items:

  • laser pointer;
  • flashlight with rechargeable batteries;
  • old, maybe not working CD/DVD-RW writer. The main thing is that it has a drive with a working laser;
  • set of screwdrivers and soldering iron. It is better to use a branded cutter, but if you don’t have one, a regular one may do.

Making a laser cutter

First you need to remove the laser cutter from the drive. This work is not difficult, but you will have to be patient and pay maximum attention. Since it contains large number wires, their structure is the same. When choosing a drive, it is important to consider the presence of a writing option, since it is in this model that you can make notes with a laser. Recording is done by evaporating a thin layer of metal from the disc itself. In the case when the laser is working for reading, it is used half-heartedly, illuminating the disk.

When dismantling the upper fasteners, you can find a carriage with a laser located in it, which can move in two directions. It should be carefully removed by unscrewing; there are a large number of detachable devices and screws that are important to carefully remove. For further work, a red diode is required, with the help of which burning is carried out. To remove it, you will need a soldering iron, and you also need to carefully remove the fasteners. It is important to note that the irreplaceable part for making a laser cutter should not be shaken or dropped, therefore, it is recommended to exercise caution when removing the laser diode.

Once the main element of the future laser model is removed, you need to carefully weigh everything and figure out where to place it and how to connect the power supply to it, since the diode of a writing laser requires much more current than the diode from a laser pointer, and in this case you can use several ways.

Next, the diode in the pointer is replaced. To create a powerful laser, the original diode must be removed from the pointer, and a similar one from the CD/DVD-RW drive must be installed in its place. The pointer is disassembled in accordance with the sequence. It must be untwisted and divided into two parts, with the part that needs to be replaced on top. The old diode is removed and the required diode is installed in its place, which can be secured with glue. There are times when difficulties may arise when removing the old diode; in this situation, you can use a knife and shake the pointer a little.

The next step is to make a new case. To make the future laser convenient to use, connect power to it and use a flashlight body to give it an impressive look. The converted upper part of the laser pointer is installed into the flashlight and power is supplied to it from rechargeable batteries, which is connected to the diode. It is important not to confuse the polarity of the power supply. Before assembling the flashlight, the glass and parts of the pointer must be removed, as it will poorly conduct the direct path of the laser beam.

The last step is preparation for use. Before connecting, you need to check that the laser is securely fastened, that the polarity of the wires is connected correctly, and that the laser is installed level.

After completing these simple steps, the laser cutter is ready for use. This laser can be used to burn paper, polyethylene, and to light matches. The scope of application can be vast, everything will depend on your imagination.

Additional points

It is possible to make a more powerful laser. To make it you will need:

  • DVD-RW drive, can be inoperative;
  • capacitors 100 pF and 100 mF;
  • resistor 2-5 Ohm;
  • three rechargeable batteries;
  • wires with a soldering iron;
  • collimator;
  • steel LED flashlight.

This is a simple kit that is used to assemble a driver that, using a board, will drive the laser cutter to the required power. The current source cannot be connected directly to the diode, as it will instantly deteriorate. It is also important to take into account that a laser diode must be powered by current, but not voltage.

A collimator is a body equipped with a lens, thanks to which all rays converge into one narrow beam. Such devices can be purchased at radio parts stores. They are convenient because they already have space for installing a laser diode, and as for the cost, it is quite small, only 200-500 rubles.

You can, of course, use the body of a pointer, but it will be difficult to attach a laser to it. Such models are made of plastic material, and this will cause the case to heat up and it will not be cooled enough.

The manufacturing principle is similar to the previous one, since in this case a laser diode from a DVD-RW drive is also used.

During production it is necessary to use antistatic bracelets.

This is necessary to remove static from the laser diode; it is very sensitive. If there are no bracelets, you can make do with improvised means - you can wind a thin wire around the diode. Next, the driver is assembled.

Before assembling the entire device, the operation of the driver is checked. In this case, it is necessary to connect a non-working or second diode and measure the strength of the supplied current with a multimeter. Considering the speed of the current, it is important to select its strength according to the standards. For many models, a current of 300-350 mA is applicable, and for faster ones, 500 mA can be used, but for this a completely different driver must be used.

Of course, such a laser can be assembled by any non-professional technician, but still, for beauty and convenience, it is most reasonable to build such a device in a more aesthetic case, and which one to use can be chosen to suit every taste. It would be most practical to assemble it in the housing of an LED flashlight, since its dimensions are compact, only 10x4 cm. However, you still do not need to carry such a device in your pocket, since the relevant authorities may file a claim. It is best to store such a device in a special case to avoid dust on the lens.

It is important not to forget that the device is a weapon of its kind, which should be used with caution and should not be pointed at animals or people, as it is very dangerous and can cause harm to health, the most dangerous is when pointed at the eyes. It is dangerous to give such devices to children.

The laser can be equipped with various devices, and then a fairly powerful sight for weapons, both pneumatic and firearms, will emerge from a harmless toy.

Here are some simple tips for making a laser cutter. By slightly improving this design, you can make cutters for cutting acrylic material, plywood and plastic, and carry out engraving.

Man has learned many technical inventions by observing natural phenomena, analyzing them and applying the acquired knowledge in the surrounding reality. This is how man gained the ability to kindle fire, created a wheel, learned to generate electricity, and gained control over the nuclear reaction.

Unlike all these inventions, the laser has no analogues in nature. Its emergence was associated exclusively with theoretical assumptions within the framework of the emerging quantum physics. The existence of the principle that formed the basis of the laser was predicted at the beginning of the twentieth century by the greatest scientist Albert Einstein.

The word “laser” appeared as a result of the reduction of five words describing the essence of a physical process to the first letters. In Russian, this process is called “light amplification by stimulated emission.”

By its operating principle, a laser is a quantum photon generator. The essence of the phenomenon underlying it is that, under the influence of energy in the form of a photon, an atom emits another photon, which is identical to the first one in the direction of movement, its phase and polarization. As a result, the emitted light is enhanced.

This phenomenon is impossible under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium. To create induced radiation, various methods are used: electrical, chemical, gas and others. Lasers used in domestic conditions (laser disk drives, laser printers) use semiconductor method stimulation of radiation under the influence of electric current.

The principle of operation is that the air flow passes through the heater into the hot air gun tube and, having reached the set temperatures, enters the part being soldered through special nozzles.

If malfunctions occur, the welding inverter can be repaired with your own hands. Repair tips can be read.

In addition, a necessary component of any full-fledged laser is optical resonator, the function of which is to amplify a beam of light by reflecting it multiple times. For this purpose, laser systems use mirrors.

It should be said that creating a real powerful laser with your own hands at home is unrealistic. To do this, you need to have special knowledge, carry out complex calculations, and have a good material and technical base.

For example, laser machines that can cut metal get extremely hot and require extreme cooling measures, including the use of liquid nitrogen. In addition, devices operating on the basis of the quantum principle are extremely capricious and require the finest tuning and do not tolerate even the slightest deviations from the required parameters.

Required components for assembly

To assemble a laser circuit with your own hands you will need:

  • DVD-ROM with rewritable (RW) function. It contains a red laser diode with a power of 300 mW. You can use laser diodes from BLU-RAY-ROM-RW - they emit violet light with a power of 150 mW. For our purposes, the best ROMs are those that have faster write speeds: they are more powerful.
  • Pulse NCP1529. The converter produces a current of 1A, stabilizes the voltage in the range of 0.9-3.9 V. These indicators are ideal for our laser diode, which requires a constant voltage of 3 V.
  • Collimator for obtaining an even beam of light. There are now numerous laser modules on sale from various manufacturers, including collimators.
  • Output lens from ROM.
  • A housing, for example, from a laser pointer or flashlight.
  • Wires.
  • Batteries 3.6 V.

To connect the parts, it will be necessary to determine which cable is phase and where is neutral and ground. A tool like this will help with this.

This way you can assemble the simplest laser. What can such a homemade “light amplifier” do:

  • Light a match from a distance.
  • Melt plastic bags and tissue paper.
  • Emit a beam over a distance of more than 100 meters.

This laser is dangerous: it will not burn through skin or clothing, but it can damage the eyes.

Therefore, you need to use such a device carefully: do not shine it into reflective surfaces (mirrors, glass, reflectors) and in general be extremely careful - the beam can cause harm if it hits the eye even from a distance of a hundred meters.

DIY laser on video

Have you decided to make something incredible using simple details? Laser is not considered a new product these days, but making it at home is not difficult. We will tell you how to make a laser yourself using a disk drive and a regular flashlight.

Attention! The laser power reaches up to 250 MilliWatts. Before starting the experiment, take care of your safety and wear safety glasses (welder safety glasses). Never point the laser beam at people or animals, especially their eyes. Lasers can injure people.

In order to make a laser ourselves, we will need:

1. Device for DVD recording disks.
2. AixiZ laser pointer (you can take another one).
3. Screwdriver.
4. Flashlight.

How to find out the power of a laser diode?

The laser power can be determined by the recording speed characteristics of dual-layer discs:

1. Speed ​​10X, laser power 170-200 MilliWatts.
2. Speed ​​16X, laser power 250-270 MilliWatts.

Instructions. How to make a laser?

Step #1. Unscrew and open the lid. We release and remove the carriage (the structure of the drive may differ, but each drive has two guides along which the carriage moves) and disconnect all the cables.

Step #2. Having freed the carriage, we begin to unscrew the screws and parts to free the diode itself. The drive can have two diode lasers:

1. For disc reading (infrared diode).
2. For recording a disc (red diode).

The board is attached to the desired diode (red), use a regular soldering iron to release the diode.

Step #3. After a short process, we should get a diode in this form.

Many radio amateurs have wanted to make a laser with their own hands at least once in their lives. It was once believed that it could only be collected in scientific laboratories. Yes, this is true if we talk about huge laser installations. However, you can assemble a simpler laser, which will also be quite powerful. The idea seems very complicated, but in reality it is not difficult at all. In our article with video we will talk about how you can assemble your own laser at home.

DIY powerful laser

DIY laser circuit

It is very important to follow basic safety rules. Firstly, when checking the operation of the device or when it is already fully assembled, under no circumstances should you point it at the eyes, other people or animals. Your laser will be so powerful that it can light a match or even a sheet of paper. Secondly, follow our scheme and then your device will work for a long time and with high quality. Thirdly, do not let children play with it. And finally, store assembled device in a safe place.

To assemble a laser at home, you will not need too much time and components. So, first you need a DVD-RW drive. It can be either working or non-working. This is not important. But it is very important that it is a recording device, and not a regular drive for playing discs. The drive's write speed should be 16x. It can be higher. Next, you will need to find a module with a lens, thanks to which the laser can focus at one point. An old Chinese pointer may well be suitable for this. It is best to use an unnecessary steel flashlight as the body of the future laser. The “filling” for it will be wires, batteries, resistors and capacitors. Also, do not forget to prepare a soldering iron - without it, assembly will be impossible. Now let's see how to assemble a laser from the components described above.

DIY laser circuit

The first thing you need to do is disassemble the DVD drive. You need to remove the optical part from the drive by disconnecting the cable. Then you will see a laser diode - it should be carefully removed from the housing. Remember that the laser diode is extremely sensitive to temperature changes, especially cold. Until you install a diode in the future laser, it is best to rewind the diode leads with thin wire.

Most often, laser diodes have three terminals. The one in the middle gives a minus. And one of the extreme ones is a plus. You should take two AA batteries and connect them to the diode removed from the case using a 5 Ohm resistor. In order for the laser to light up, you need to connect the negative battery to the middle terminal of the diode, and the positive one to one of the outer terminals. Now you can assemble the laser emitter circuit. By the way, the laser can be powered not only from batteries, but also from a battery. This is everyone's business.

To ensure that your device is assembled to a point when turned on, you can use an old Chinese pointer, replacing the laser from the pointer with one you assembled. The entire structure can be neatly packed into a case. This way it will look more beautiful and last longer. The body can be an unnecessary steel lantern. But it can also be almost any container. We choose a flashlight not only because it is stronger, but also because it will make your laser look much more presentable.

Thus, you have seen for yourself that assembling a sufficiently powerful laser at home does not require either deep knowledge of science or prohibitively expensive equipment. Now you can assemble the laser yourself and use it for its intended purpose.

Many people know about the possibilities of laser technologies and their benefits. They are used not only in industry, but also in cosmetology, medicine, everyday life, art and other areas of human life. However, not everyone knows how to make a laser at home. But it can be built from scrap materials. To do this, you will need a non-working DVD drive, a lighter or a flashlight.

Before starting at home, you need to collect all the necessary elements. First of all, you need to disassemble the DVD drive. To do this, unscrew all the screws that hold the top and bottom covers of the device. Next, the main cable is disconnected and the board is unscrewed. The protection of diodes and optics must be broken. The next step is to remove the diode, which is usually done with pliers. To prevent static electricity from damaging the diode, its legs must be tied with wire. You must remove the diode carefully so as not to break the legs.

Next, before making a laser at home, you need to make a driver for the laser, which is represented by a small circuit that regulates the power supply to the diode. The fact is that if the power is set incorrectly, the diode can quickly fail. You can use AA batteries or a mobile phone battery as a power source.

Before you make a laser at home, you need to take into account the fact that the burning effect is provided by optics. If it is not there, then the laser will simply shine. As optics, you can use a special lens from the same drive from which the diode was taken. To set the focus correctly, you need to use a laser pointer.

In order to build a regular pocket laser, you can use a regular lighter. However, before you make a laser from a lighter, you need to know the construction technology. It is best to purchase a high-quality incendiary element. It needs to be disassembled, but the parts should not be thrown away, as they will still be useful in the design. If there is gas left in the lighter, it must be released. Then the insides must be turned out using a drill with special attachments. Inside the lighter body there is a diode from the drive, several resistors, a switch and a battery. All elements of the lighter need to be installed in their places, after which the button that previously lit the flame will turn on the laser.

However, to construct the device, you can use not only a lighter, but also a flashlight. Before you make a laser from a flashlight, you need to take the laser block from the CD drive. In principle, the structure of a homemade laser in a flashlight is no different from the structure of a laser in a lighter. You just need to take into account the power supply, which almost never exceeds 3 V, and it is also advisable to build an additional voltage stabilizer. It will increase the life. It is very important to take into account the polarity of the diode and stabilizer.

All assembled filling must be placed in the body of the disassembled flashlight. First, not only the inner part, but also the glass is removed from the flashlight. After installing the laser unit, the glass is installed in place.

In every home there is old equipment that has fallen into disrepair. Someone throws it in a landfill, and some craftsmen try to use it for some homemade inventions. So an old laser pointer can be put to good use - it is possible to make a laser cutter with your own hands.

To make a real laser from a harmless trinket, you need to prepare the following items:

  • laser pointer;
  • flashlight with rechargeable batteries;
  • old, maybe not working CD/DVD-RW writer. The main thing is that it has a drive with a working laser;
  • set of screwdrivers and soldering iron. It is better to use a branded cutter, but if you don’t have one, a regular one may do.

Making a laser cutter

First you need to remove the laser cutter from the drive. This work is not difficult, but you will have to be patient and pay maximum attention. Since it contains a large number of wires, they have the same structure. When choosing a drive, it is important to consider the presence of a writing option, since it is in this model that you can make notes with a laser. Recording is done by evaporating a thin layer of metal from the disc itself. In the case when the laser is working for reading, it is used half-heartedly, illuminating the disk.

When dismantling the upper fasteners, you can find a carriage with a laser located in it, which can move in two directions. It should be carefully removed by unscrewing; there are a large number of detachable devices and screws that are important to carefully remove. For further work, a red diode is required, with the help of which burning is carried out. To remove it, you will need a soldering iron, and you also need to carefully remove the fasteners. It is important to note that the irreplaceable part for making a laser cutter should not be shaken or dropped, therefore, it is recommended to exercise caution when removing the laser diode.

Once the main element of the future laser model is removed, you need to carefully weigh everything and figure out where to place it and how to connect the power supply to it, since the diode of a writing laser requires much more current than the diode from a laser pointer, and in this case you can use several ways.

Next, the diode in the pointer is replaced. To create a powerful laser, the original diode must be removed from the pointer, and a similar one from the CD/DVD-RW drive must be installed in its place. The pointer is disassembled in accordance with the sequence. It must be untwisted and divided into two parts, with the part that needs to be replaced on top. The old diode is removed and the required diode is installed in its place, which can be secured with glue. There are times when difficulties may arise when removing the old diode; in this situation, you can use a knife and shake the pointer a little.

The next step is to make a new case. To make the future laser convenient to use, connect power to it and use a flashlight body to give it an impressive look. The converted upper part of the laser pointer is installed into the flashlight and power is supplied to it from rechargeable batteries, which connects to the diode. It is important not to confuse the polarity of the power supply. Before assembling the flashlight, the glass and parts of the pointer must be removed, as it will poorly conduct the direct path of the laser beam.

The last step is preparation for use. Before connecting, you need to check that the laser is securely fastened, that the polarity of the wires is connected correctly, and that the laser is installed level.

After completing these simple steps, the laser cutter is ready for use. This laser can be used to burn paper, polyethylene, and to light matches. The scope of application can be vast, everything will depend on your imagination.

Additional points

It is possible to make a more powerful laser. To make it you will need:

  • DVD-RW drive, can be inoperative;
  • capacitors 100 pF and 100 mF;
  • resistor 2-5 Ohm;
  • three rechargeable batteries;
  • wires with a soldering iron;
  • collimator;
  • steel LED flashlight.

This is a simple kit that is used to assemble a driver that, using a board, will drive the laser cutter to the required power. The current source cannot be connected directly to the diode, as it will instantly deteriorate. It is also important to take into account that a laser diode must be powered by current, but not voltage.

A collimator is a body equipped with a lens, thanks to which all rays converge into one narrow beam. Such devices can be purchased at radio parts stores. They are convenient because they already have space for installing a laser diode, and as for the cost, it is quite small, only 200-500 rubles.

You can, of course, use the body of a pointer, but it will be difficult to attach a laser to it. Such models are made of plastic material, and this will cause the case to heat up and it will not be cooled enough.

The manufacturing principle is similar to the previous one, since in this case a laser diode from a DVD-RW drive is also used.

During production it is necessary to use antistatic bracelets.

This is necessary to remove static from the laser diode; it is very sensitive. If there are no bracelets, you can make do with improvised means - you can wind a thin wire around the diode. Next, the driver is assembled.

Before assembling the entire device, the operation of the driver is checked. In this case, it is necessary to connect a non-working or second diode and measure the strength of the supplied current with a multimeter. Considering the speed of the current, it is important to select its strength according to the standards. For many models, a current of 300-350 mA is applicable, and for faster ones, 500 mA can be used, but for this a completely different driver must be used.

Of course, such a laser can be assembled by any non-professional technician, but still, for beauty and convenience, it is most reasonable to build such a device in a more aesthetic case, and which one to use can be chosen to suit every taste. It would be most practical to assemble it in the housing of an LED flashlight, since its dimensions are compact, only 10x4 cm. However, you still do not need to carry such a device in your pocket, since the relevant authorities may file a claim. It is best to store such a device in a special case to avoid dust on the lens.

How to work