Flatbed scanners. Terms from the field of scanning and digital photography. What do all these letters and numbers mean?

To convert negatives or slides into digital format, a special device is used - a film scanner. It differs from a conventional scanner in that it is designed to process small transparent images that have high resolution. Although many are equipped with special modules that allow you to scan slides, the resulting product is of low quality.

Only CCD (CCD) scanning elements can provide the required image quality high resolution. That's why all film scanners are built using them. Some models have one CCD line. In this case, conversion to digital format requires three passes, which prolongs the scanning, but does not affect its result. Basically, a film scanner has a CCD matrix, and the image is digitized in one pass. Some models use multiple passes to reduce errors in the final image.

An important parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing a scanner is optical resolution. The width of the most common film is 35 mm, and the image itself is even smaller. Therefore, the optical resolution must be at least 2400 dpi (dots per inch). There are scanners that provide 4800 and 5400 dpi. And although the current level of technology allows us to achieve even higher values, this is impractical - the grain size of even a fine-grained film will be much larger than a pixel.

Particular attention should be paid to dynamic range or optical density. The higher the value of this parameter, the better the negative scanner can reproduce halftones and smooth color transitions. For high-quality film processing, the optical density value should be in the range from 3.2 D to 3.6 D. There is no point in purchasing models with any more, since the vast majority of films have exactly these values.

The quality of digitization is also influenced by the bit depth of light, which characterizes color rendition. A modern film scanner may have a 42- or 48-bit color representation, but processing in this format is used only inside the scanner and serves to reduce conversion “noise.” The resulting image has a standard computer equipment 24-bit color encoding.

In most cases, a slide scanner is connected to a computer via a USB interface. More expensive models can connect via SCSI-2 and (FireWire). In this case, quite often the kit includes a board with this controller.

A film scanner almost always has an image enhancement feature. These include Digital ICE, which allows you to remove specks of dust and scratches from an image without affecting the main image, and Digital GEM, which allows you to eliminate graininess, and Digital ROC, which allows you to restore colors in faded photographs, etc. Quite often, all these tools are combined in one package Digital ICE4 Advanced. The use of these technologies significantly prolongs scanning, but the result is excellent. Similar transformations in Photoshop will require much more time, and the result is by no means guaranteed.


  • The scanner is capable of normally, almost without distortion, perceiving densities of a transparent original up to 1.6
  • The scanner, introducing distortions and “noise”, is still capable of perceiving densities from 1.6 before 2.35
  • The scanner is blind to density 2.4 , he perceives any density above this value as black.

What to do?

Let's see what the scanner manufacturer offers us. In Xsane (to be precise, in the backend of Sane) it is possible to adjust the brightness using hardware. That is, the scanner seems to increase the brightness of the lamp in order to “break through” D max= 2.4 . In fact, no increase in the brightness of the lamp occurs; the scanner (or rather its firmware) processes the received values, as a result we should get a higher maximum density value, which the scanner interprets as black. So, we will use the opportunities provided by the manufacturer. We set the Brightness value in Xsane to the maximum that the hardware allows. In our case it is 3 .

As in the previous test, we build a graph based on the results obtained (in order not to overload the reader with information, I do not present them).

For comparison, the first characteristic curve (test 1) was left, a new curve (Brightness= 3 ) is indicated in red (test 2). Let's get started comparative analysis : scanner as hadΔD 2.4 scanner = it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area D 1.6 it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area D 2.4 test = it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area, since there are no new, higher values

The scanner cannot distinguish max_test. it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area D 1.6-2.4 has become smooth, which indicates that the scanner firmware, when the brightness increase option is enabled, converts the values ​​​​received from the matrix more correctly in terms of tone rendering. But judging by the images, this does not make the “noise” less, it only becomes more, as they become stronger, or perhaps the “noise” becomes more even. Most likely, the latter is true.

Now let's look at the area from it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area D 0.0 before it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area D 0.5 , the curve in this section has a low gamma value. That is, the lights will be transmitted softly, and lighter than they actually are.

Let's evaluate the result as a whole: the increase in brightness occurs not due to the effective use of densities, but due to changes in the level of all densities (note how the “black” value is conveyed in tone if in test1 it is at the value it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the areaΔD 1.4 , then in test2 on the value it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the areaΔD 1.2 ). There is no point in using this option. We won't get any useful increase in brightness. it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the areaΔD 2.4 The “gray field” will become lighter; the “white field” will remain the same as it was; The “black field” will also become lighter, but no new details will appear there. The scanner as “seen”

, and “sees” that way. it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area But the level of “noise” will increase. it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area To be honest, when I did this test, I thought that Epson would still “shift” the curve to the right, i.e. we will lose details in the highlights, but will gain in the shadows, i.e. it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area scanner will not change, but will work on a different site it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area test =( it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area max - 0.0-0.5 min). Perhaps the manufacturer was trying to implement this feature. This is indicated by the characteristic curve in the range


. I assume that this was done in order not to lose details in the highlights if the curve shifts to the right. In practice, only the average gradient decreased. 0.62 Scanning black and white negatives.

Let's try to prove the results obtained in practice. For the “purity” of the experiment, I will always use one single black and white negative. I note that the negative used has normal densities, and is also developed to a medium gradient : scanner as had, which is the de facto standard. In the film laboratory it is printed at 11 light, which is the norm. it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area As we have already found out, one of the problems with scanning both negatives and slides is the presence of “noise” in the image. This phenomenon is especially noticeable when scanning fairly dense (dark) originals. This is due to the limited range of optical densities scanner = max

-D 4.2 (I don’t want to upset anyone... about the Epson 1650, I already found it out : scanner as had=3.0 :-)). Simpler scanners have more modest performance.

Maximum range of optical densities of a b/w negative 2.5 , : scanner as had max slide = 3.0 , color masked negative about 2.5 , but due to the presence of a mask, this type of negative has a greater it does, on the basis of which we can judge that the “decibel level” (signal amplification mode) is always turned on and works in the area min.

I'm convinced that : scanner as hadΔD 3.0 quite enough for scanning anything, except, perhaps, X-rays. The problem is where in the negative (slide) is this : scanner as hadΔD 3.0 . I'll try to explain why.

» Minilab scanning devices

We continue to familiarize ourselves with the principles and features of the work of mini-photo laboratories. Let's try to understand how the density and color characteristics of a negative are measured and exposure parameters are calculated.

To see and analyze what you see (in our case, a negative image on film), you must, at a minimum, have “eyes and brains.” The functions of these organs in the minilab printer are performed by the scanner. Features of the image reading method and the algorithm for processing the received data determine the degree of reliability of calculating the exposure time to obtain a high-quality print.

As for the “eyes” of the scanner, the more detailed information they report the negative to the computer (the greater the resolution and dynamic range of the measuring system), the better. However, in reality, the amount of information processed is limited by the capabilities of the computer hardware and algorithm and the processing time, which must be consistent with the performance of the rest of the printer systems. Moreover, the task that the scanner is designed to solve is not only and not so much to compensate for the previously described factors associated with the negative, paper, optical and chemical paths of the printer. The scanner's algorithm should, ideally, classify the shooting conditions of the object and calculate the correction for its optimal reproduction on the print. It should be borne in mind that the task of determining the subject of photography often cannot be unambiguously solved not only by powerful software and hardware, but also by the operator himself, since ideal density correction for one area of ​​the image can lead to loss of detail in another area. For example, a face in the foreground “embossed” by a flash has a much higher density on the negative than background objects, which may be of no less interest to the shooter. In this case, a better compromise may be to print the foreground object slightly denser to reproduce background detail. The problem of reproducing details simultaneously from areas of the negative of high and low density is solved by adaptive masking used in the printer newest generation Agfa MSP DIMAX. A liquid crystal matrix is ​​introduced into the optical path, on which a masking image is automatically formed, compensating for the high contrast of the original negative.

Let's try to figure out how scanners of different printer models ( Noritsu QSS1401/1501/1201(2)/1701(2), Gretag MasterOne/MasterLab(+), Agfa MSC) cope with such a complex task, and to what extent their functioning can be optimized by tuning.

Through the eyes of a scanner Noritsu is a CCD matrix of 128x128 elements onto which a frame is projected through a lens corresponding to the film format. The image is read three times per filters R, G, B. Lenses and filters are located on coaxial turrets. After pre-amplification, the information in the form of an analog video signal is supplied to the scanner’s processor board, where it is digitized and analyzed. Despite the fairly high resolution CCD matrices and solid processing power, this scanner often makes mistakes when calculating exposure. This is due to both the imperfection of the algorithm and the properties of the measuring system: the characteristics of the filters are not adapted to the spectral sensitivity of photographic paper and are unstable over time (filters quickly burn out). The dynamic range of the measurement system is not sufficiently adapted to the full range of image densities on film. Setting up the printer when working with a scanner involves calibrating the signal amplification (with potentiometers on the pre-amplifier board), determining the area of ​​the CCD onto which the frame is projected (for each film format), and remembering the values ​​for the unexposed frame of the film. Practice shows that, to reduce the percentage of defects, operators Noritsu prefer to work in semi-automatic mode, when the scanner corrects only color shifts, and the operator enters density corrections. The color correction function deteriorates as the filters burn out, and often the role of the scanner is reduced to positioning the frame.

Scanner of mentioned models Gretag works much more effectively when determining correction for both density and color. Its measuring system is a line of photodiodes that scans the frame in 12 positions behind each of the R, G, B filters (for a full 135 format frame, an 8x12 data array of points is scanned for each color) ( Fig.1). Such a small resolution imposes certain limitations on the efficiency of recognizing small objects, but the processing algorithm does a good job of classifying typical scenes. The line of photodiodes is the only organ of vision of the printer (printers Noritsu, in addition to the scanner matrix, have three photosensitive sensor R,G,B, performing integral measurement of frame density). Therefore, working without a scanner is only possible in fixed exposure mode. Signals from the photodiodes, after adaptive amplification, are digitized by a 12-bit ADC, which provides a sufficient dynamic range of the measuring system. The algorithm classifies the image, trying to classify it into one of the groups according to shooting conditions (Flash-1, Flash-2, Back Light, Green, Snow). For each group, the probability of a subject being assigned to it is estimated, and the resulting values ​​are involved in the process of calculating the exposure time, along with the parameters in the printer’s memory that determine the degree of correction for each of the groups. The Flash-1 group includes scenes with a pronounced high-density object in the center of the frame (it is assumed that the foreground object was shot with flash and a plus density correction is required for its normal reproduction). Typical example- a face in the foreground, shot with flash. If one or more dense areas of the negative are off-center, the scanner analyzes them color balance and in case of closeness to the balance of human skin, it takes them as the subject of shooting, classifying the plot as the Flash-2 group, and, just as in the previous case, carries out a positive density correction. The scanner assigns a scene to the Back Light group (bright background) if it detects a sufficiently large area of ​​high-density negative, limited to the edges of the frame. This area is classified as a bright background and a minus density correction is applied. A typical example is a bright sky in the background. Scenes with objects against a brightly lit green background are classified as the Green group and require minus correction. It should be noted that although the scanner takes into account color balance when assigning scenes to the Flash-2 and Green groups, the corresponding correction is made only for density. The scanner classifies low-contrast objects on a uniform light background (snowy landscape, sky) into the Snow group. Such stories require negative correction. Special buttons on the keyboard allow you to “tell” the scanner which case it is dealing with.

When calculating color correction, the color shift limits set in memory are used for each of the color axes (Y-B, M-G, C-R plus additional axes for the color of incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps), beyond which the correction is not applied (the presence of a natural color dominant is assumed). The degree of correction is determined by the maximum value specified in memory (Color Correction Factor) and the amount of deviation from the “gray center”. It is maximum at small deviations and decreases linearly to zero as the set limits are approached. The balance of the “gray center” is individual for each film. The memory stores the average density of the normal negative and the mask for each configured film channel according to the DX code. Statistics are kept on these values, and the specified values ​​can be refined over time using statistical data. When calculating the density and color deviation of each frame, the measured integral density is compared with the density of a normal negative, taking into account the mask deviation.

The scanner shows acceptable results when operating in automatic mode. Errors in density average 5-10%. Here are typical cases of errors. When offset from the center until it touches the edge of the frame of a foreground object shot with flash, the scanner can classify the scene as Back Light, instead of Flash-1, and apply correction with the opposite sign. Human faces in a group photo may be too small for the scanner to detect. It will not apply the correction provided for the Flash-2 plot, and they will appear too light on the print. A scene containing white objects shot in evening or yellow-red artificial lighting (ship, building) can be classified by the scanner as Flash-2. In this case, the printer will print too dense, bringing white objects to the normal density of a human face. Often the scanner will try to normalize a light-colored shirt, mistaking it for the main foreground object (Flash-1). It is clear that the portrait turns out to be too dark. Significant color shifts caused by improper processing and storage of the film are almost not corrected. It is impossible to avoid some color distortion if there are small color dominants in the plot. In manual printing, an experienced operator can anticipate some of the situations mentioned and try to correct them. Optimizing the operation of the scanner algorithm is the process of finding a compromise by adjusting the parameters of the same name in memory, which are responsible for the degree of correction of each of the subject groups. Also, a compromise between the print quality of scenes with color dominants and the correction of unwanted color shifts is the adjustment of the correction limit values ​​and CCF.

Shows the best results with automatic printing TFS scanner printer families Agfa MSC. “Total Film Scanning” technology allows you to print all products in a channel common to all films with minimal operator intervention (only film loading). Even films with serious deviations due to violations of the processing and storage process are corrected quite satisfactorily. The procedure for setting up the printer is extremely simple. Let's try to figure out how this simplicity is achieved. The “eyes” of the scanner consist of three lines of 16 photosensitive elements, each of which is exposed to one of the main spectral components of light, as well as an additional line for analyzing the density of the negative ( Fig.2). The scanner filter block has characteristics adapted to the spectral sensitivity of the emulsion of the type of photographic paper used, and is made in the form of a replaceable clip. This allows the scanner to see the negative through the “eyes” of the photo paper. There are no moving parts - scanning occurs as the film is fed. When scanning a full frame of 135-format film, the computer obtains a 16x31-dot array of data for each of the three primary colors. When you load film, it is completely scanned. The data collected from the entire film is analyzed by the scanner's algorithm, and the identified features are taken into account, along with information about each frame. The information obtained is sufficient for the algorithm to correctly calculate not only the correction associated with the characteristics of the films different types and manufacturers, but also compensated for color shifts of films with various deviations from the norm. Classification of individual frames into subject groups is carried out similar to what happens in a scanner Gretag, but with a more reliable result, due to both the higher resolution and information about other frames of the film. The algorithm’s performance with scenes containing a dominant color is noteworthy. When calculating the color correction of an individual frame, the algorithm ignores areas with increased color shift, which makes it possible to obtain an undistorted color rendition of an object in a scene with a dominant color.

Setting the scanner parameters DL1, DL2, DL3, stored in the printer’s memory, allows you to optimize the scanner’s recognition and correction of specific shooting conditions. For example, if you notice that prints from high-contrast negatives containing a foreground subject taken with flash are underexposed, you should increase the DL1 setting slightly. The DL2 parameter is responsible for recognizing and correcting contrasting scenes with a bright background. As is the case with Gretag optimizing these parameters is a search for some compromise. Correction of negatives with low contrast, as well as scenes against the backdrop of large water surfaces, snowy landscapes, etc., is done by adjusting the DL3 parameter.

By correctly setting these parameters and adjusting the threshold for recognizing color dominants, the operator’s work in automatic printing mode becomes extremely simple and convenient, even if the film contains frames with significant deviations from normal exposure conditions.

Concluding a comparative review of the principles of operation of ML scanners and their capabilities for correcting the density and color of photo prints, I would like to note that even the most best scanner, equipped with a good algorithm, is not able to compensate for serious deviations of the technological parameters of film and paper processing processes from normal ones. In other words, you should always remember that the corrective work of the scanner is most effective provided that both the film processor and the paper processor are operating normally, from a chemical point of view.


Links to related topics:

Descriptions of mini-photo laboratories
A periodically updated section of the site dedicated to descriptions, first of all, of new, and also, whenever possible, old models of mini-photo laboratories.

2.6 Technical data

1) Resolution

Resolution tells us how many pixels or dots per inch can be captured and is expressed in ppi (pixels per inch) or dpi (dots per inch). The more pixels or dots are captured, the higher the detail in the scanned image. A resolution of 300 x 300 dpi corresponds to a total of 90,000 dots in an area of ​​one square inch.

Optical resolution

Optical resolution depends on the number of photocells on the photosensitive element (horizontal optical resolution) and on the step size of the carriage motor that moves the photosensitive element across the document (vertical optical resolution).

2.7 Interpolated resolution

Whereas optical resolution can be achieved by hardware, interpolated resolution is achieved by scanner software. Through algorithms, the software creates additional (virtual) pixels between the real pixels captured by the photosensitive element, thus achieving the highest possible resolution. These additional pixels are the average color and brightness values ​​obtained from adjacent pixels. Because these extra pixels don't actually represent the document being scanned, they are less accurate and don't enhance image quality. Therefore, in terms of image quality for a scanner, the optical resolution value is more important.

Sometimes, however, interpolation is important when the horizontal optical resolution, which depends on the number of photocells on the photosensitive element, is limited. For example, if the scanner were operating at an optical resolution of 300 x 600 dpi, the scanned image would be distorted because the horizontal optical resolution is lower than the vertical optical resolution. In this case, the optical resolution must be interpolated to achieve 600 x 600 dpi.

2) Color depth

Color depth, also called bit depth, indicates how many colors can be represented in a pixel. It depends on the sensitivity of the AD converter. An AD converter that uses 8 bit signals can represent 2(8) = 256 brightness levels for each color (red, green, blue) for a total of 2(24) = 16.7 million colors. In this case we have a color depth of 24 bits.

Internal and external color depth

Some scanners vary in internal and external color depth. The internal color depth indicates how many colors can be represented by the AD converter. External color depth indicates how many colors the scanner can actually render to the computer. The external color depth may be lower than the internal depth. In this case, the scanner selects the most appropriate colors and transmits them to the computer.

Color depth and quality

For scanning black and white documents, a color depth of 1 bit (0 or 1) is sufficient. Scanning color documents requires a much larger number of bits. Scanning a document at 24-bit color depth (16.7 million colors) results in near photographic quality, referred to as true color. Although at the moment most scanners on the market work with an internal and external color depth of 48 bits.

3) Optical density

Optical density is a measure of the opacity of an image area. It indicates the degree of light reflection of this zone. The darker area is a weaker reflection. The range from the brightest area (white) to the darkest area (black) in an image is the density range or dynamic range.

Optical density is measured with optical densitometers, and ranges from 0 to 4, where 0 is pure white (Dmin) and 4 is very black (Dmax).

With a narrow dynamic range, the scanner may not capture some of the image details and lose information. The brightest value that can be recorded is called Dmin, and the darkest value is Dmax. To get the best results, the scanner's dynamic range should include the dynamic range of the document that will be scanned.

In this case, the dynamic range of the scanner includes the dynamic range of the document so that numerous details in the white and black areas can be captured by the device.

The dynamic range of scanned originals varies from document to document.

As you can see from the table above, the scanner must have a particularly wide dynamic range to work with negatives or slides - these are the main properties inherent in photo scanners. The possible dynamic range of a scanner depends on several factors, such as the color depth of the AD converter, the purity of the lamp light and filters, and system interference (noise).

  1. CCD or CIS: scanner technologies

There are two technologies of photosensitive elements:

3.1 CCD– a photosensitive element based on CCD (charge coupled devices). Typically, it is a strip of photosensitive elements.

As the carriage moves, light from the lamp is reflected from the scanned media and passing through a system of lenses and mirrors, hitting the light-sensitive elements that form a fragment of the image.

While moving, the carriage passes under the entire media, and the scanner compiles an overall picture from sequentially “photographed” fragments - an image of the media...

CCD scanner technology is quite old and, I must say, leading at the moment. It has the following positive aspects:

1) The CCD scanner provides greater depth of field. This means that even if you are scanning, say, a thick book, the binding area, which is usually difficult to press completely against the glass, will still be scanned with acceptable quality.

2) The CCD scanner provides greater sensitivity to color shades. Although many people call this argument “FOR” CCDs controversial, often CCD scanners actually recognize more colors than scanners of other competing technologies, which we will look at below.

3) CCD scanners have a long service life. Typically 10,000 hours.

Main disadvantages:

1. Greater sensitivity to mechanical influences (shocks, etc.).

2. The complexity of the optical system may require calibration and/or cleaning of dust particles after a certain period of operation.

3.2 CIS (ContactImageSensor) – the photosensitive element is a line of identical photosensors, equal in width to the working scanning field, which directly perceive the light flux from the original. The optical system - mirrors, refractive prism, lens - is completely absent.

This is a fairly young technology that Canon is actively developing and promoting.

Main advantages:

1) The scanner turns out to be quite thin. Due to the lack of an optical system. The final product has a stylish design.

2) The scanner turns out to be cheap, because... CIS elements are cheap to produce.

3) Because in the CIS scanner, the mercury lamp is replaced by LEDs, we get several advantages: the absence of a separate power supply (the scanner receives power via a USB cable), constant readiness for work (no time is required to warm up the lamp - you can immediately start scanning after the user gives the command ); and a fairly high scanning speed (which again comes from the fact that the scanner does not need to heat the lamp).

4) The absence of the need for additional power from an outlet makes the scanner mobile: it is light in weight and compact in size, it can be carried with you along with a laptop; You can scan anytime, anywhere, even when your laptop is running on battery power.

5) CIS scanners are usually much quieter than CCD scanners.

6) It is believed that the absence of optics makes the CIS scanner less sensitive to external mechanical influences, i.e. it is more difficult to spoil it with careless handling. But you should also take into account that the tablet glass of such a scanner is often thinner than that of its competitor with optics.

Main disadvantages: CIS elements:

1) Due to the lack of an optical system, the photosensitive element has a shallow depth of field. Up to 10 times smaller than a CCD scanner. This means that scanning thick books is difficult because... The media should be pressed as tightly as possible against the glass.

2) The CIS scanner loses approximately 30% of its brightness after 500-700 hours of operation. Of course, usually for home use this is often not critical, but for those who scan often and a lot, this can be a decisive factor in their choice.

3) A CIS scanner, as a rule, has a smaller color gamut than a CCD, however, recently the gap between these technologies in color gamut is either insignificant or non-existent.

    3D scanning

Currently, tacheometric surveying is widely used to solve construction and architectural problems, which makes it possible to obtain the coordinates of objects and then present them in graphical form. Tacheometric surveying allows measurements to be made with an accuracy of several millimeters, while the measurement speed of the tacheometer is no more than 2 measurements per second. This method is effective when shooting a sparse area unloaded with objects. The obvious disadvantages of this technology are the low speed of measurements and the ineffectiveness of surveying busy areas, such as the facades of buildings, factories with an area exceeding 2 hectares, as well as the low density of points per 1 m2.

One of the possible ways to solve these problems is the use of new modern research technologies, namely laser scanning.

Laser scanning is a technology that allows you to create a digital three-dimensional model of an object, representing it as a set of points with spatial coordinates. The technology is based on the use of new geodetic instruments - laser scanners that measure the coordinates of points on the surface of an object at a high speed of the order of several tens of thousands of points per second. The resulting set of points is called a “point cloud” and can subsequently be represented as a three-dimensional model of an object, a flat drawing, a set of sections, a surface, etc.

A more complete digital picture cannot be provided by any other known method. The shooting process is fully automated, and the operator’s participation is limited to preparing the scanner for work.

Hardware and software

With the advent of digital cameras, this task has become indecently simplified. It is no longer necessary to develop, print and even scan, even the most budget models Be sure to write the shooting date in EXIF, and non-budget ones also write the coordinates of the location - all that remains is to copy the files from the memory card and use any viewer program you like. What if you had several generations of photographers in your family, even amateurs?

This article will discuss what to do with old negatives, slides and prints. I note that I did not open America and any more or less qualified user can easily do all this himself.

1. Equipment

Buying a professional film scanner was not part of the author’s plans: in addition to negatives and slides, the archive contained about 4,000 photographic prints, for which flatbed scanner, ideally with automatic feed. Of course, it is better to scan the original negative than the positive printed from it, but it was impossible to figure out for which photographs the negatives were preserved. Toad and common sense did not allow me to buy two scanners for what was essentially a one-time job.

As a result, for 5990 rubles. I purchased a mid-range Epson Perfection V350 Photo flatbed scanner equipped with an AFL (Auto Film Loader). Optical resolution of 4800 DPI allows you to scan negatives and slides. Of course, the dynamic range for this money is not the same as that of professional film scanners, and the speed leaves much to be desired, but...

In addition to the scanner, you will need a photo tank for washing old 35 mm films and a couple of clothespins for subsequent drying. You also need disk space: ~9000 photos scanned in adequate resolution (JPG of maximum quality) took 45 GB from the author. If someone decides to store data in a loseless format (TIFF/PSD/etc.), then even more.

2. Software

4. Background correction. In meaning, this is analogous to Levels correction in Adobe Photoshop. It works well, some frames can be “extracted” immediately at the scanning stage. The “high” level is almost never used: if the frame is initially dark, trying to apply a filter will reduce the contrast to unacceptable levels.

5. Removal of defects. The most controversial filter. In pictures with a large number of uniformly filled areas (sky, calm water, furniture) it really allows you to remove a large number of defects. In photographs with a large number of faces of a small size relative to the frame area (group portraits, demonstrations), parts of the face may be mistaken for a defect with all that it implies. He especially doesn't like the eyes :) The filter is resource-intensive and increases scanning time.

Sync Picasa Web Albums and Disk Catalog

After the first files from the scanner appear in the directory, you need to set up synchronization with Picasa web albums. In the album properties, select “Enable synchronization”:

After turning on the synchronization mode, do not forget to specify the size of the photos. For Reserve copy need to install " Images in original size" This will not affect the viewing speed, but it will greatly affect the synchronization speed (depending on your Internet connection speed). You can also turn on the “ private"if you don't want (I, for example, don't want:) for your photos to be publicly available. In "private" mode, you can grant viewing and editing access rights to the selected Google users(Google account required).

That's all. Now, if you have the desire and time, you can digitize everything that was filmed in the pre-digital era. The scanner scans, Picasa automatically uploads photos to the web, and you don't forget to do it from time to time. backups to other media.

Don't forget about backup!

Additional Information:

- : A wonderful resource with articles on film scanning.
- in the same place: “Why you shouldn’t scan films on a tablet” (I completely agree, but...)
