How to increase views on Periscope. Promotion of Periscope online broadcasts. Use special equipment

Periscope is a popular application developed by the creators of the Twitter microblog. The project allows you to watch broadcasts online from all over the world! To raise the rating of your own account you simply need get likes on Periscope for free. Previously, likes allowed you to raise a current broadcast to the top places in your city. On at the moment likes do not affect rankings, but they can be used to judge the popularity of an account.

Each registered user has the opportunity to receive virtual currency completely free of charge and activate the “increase likes on Periscope” service. To get started, you need to have a created broadcast on the page.

How to get likes on Periscope

At the moment, it is simply impossible to get a huge number of likes naturally. Only an authorized user of the application can like it by opening a live broadcast or a recently created one and tapping on the screen. Each viewer can send an unlimited number of hearts to the creator of the broadcast. Cheating likes on Periscope is available on many services, but only some allow you to fully control the entire work process. Getting likes on Periscope is completely safe. Nobody tracks such actions, since every second users of the application put tens of thousands of likes on various broadcasts. Using the services on this page you can get likes on Periscope in a few clicks. After registering for the project, go to the thematic section of Periscope and see what the service’s operating conditions are.

If you decide to gain subscribers on Periscope, always use in parallel the services on this page, which will increase the total number of likes on the page. Remember, from the outside it will be very suspicious to observe an account that receives followers and does not receive likes!

There are currently more than 4 million Periscope users, and this number is growing every day. If you are looking for ways to promote your art or business to showcase your work online, then Periscope would be the #1 platform.

Imagine the following situation: you just found a singer on an app and he only has 15 followers. Surely you are thinking: “He is not popular, perhaps not interesting, I will not subscribe to him.” Now imagine another situation: a user comes to your Periscope page and sees that you have more than 1000 followers, then he becomes interested: “There are a lot of followers on the page, apparently this user is interesting in some way, I’ll subscribe and take a look.”

For example: you log into an artist’s account, and he has few subscribers and no more than 5,000 likes. Most likely, this will also give you the same thought as with the number of subscribers and you will be reluctant to like it or not at all. Now imagine the following: a user visits your Periscope account and discovers that you have more than 500,000 likes, and again automatically there is interest in your account and there is a high probability that more and more people will follow you and will follow you in the future.

If you want to be seen by a large number of Periscope users, order the service - we will bring your broadcast to the top positions of the live broadcast.

Quality of followers and likes on Periscope

Our subscribers and likes high quality, we are constantly working to improve our services. Order your chosen service and take a look :)

Is it possible to get an account banned?

No, we do not violate any of Periscope's terms and conditions of use, and therefore we only use safe methods to promote your Periscope accounts.

We will help you in your business and create a high-quality presence by attracting new subscribers and likes.

Sociogramm is a close-knit team that works in the market for providing promotion services in social networks more than 3 years. Based on our work experience, we know what you need and offer only quality services and operational support.

Periscope is a platform that allows millions of users to view other people's broadcasts, as well as broadcast their own. People who have an account on Periscope have an excellent opportunity not only to have fun, but also to learn, gain interesting knowledge and simply find out how people live on the other side of the Earth. Periscope is an excellent tool for business and PR, but to increase efficiency, promotion on Periscope is necessary. Increasing the number of subscribers and likes will allow you to bring your profile as high as possible in the search results of the service, which will have a positive impact on the number of users interested in your broadcasts. How do you get subscribers on Periscope, and what methods allow you to do it most quickly and efficiently?

Ways to get likes on Periscope

Despite the fact that the Periscope service appeared relatively recently, users can use one of the many ways to get likes on Periscope. There are three methods of effective promotion and increasing the number of likes, from which you should choose:

  • use of special software;
  • use of special services;
  • interaction with users for the purpose of promotion.

The methods are presented in descending order of effectiveness, and the most effective and fastest way to get likes on Periscope requires financial investments, while less effective ways can only be used with the expenditure of free time without spending money. Choose what suits you.

Software to increase the number of hearts

Have you thought about how to get likes on Periscope? Often, software is used for these purposes that can increase the quantity in large volumes within short term. As a rule, such software is paid, and this is not its only drawback. An excessively large and rapid increase in likes using software can be detected by the service administration, which will lead to the account being blocked and all the work done being lost. However, if funds allow, you can buy a program for cheating on Periscope and use it at your own peril and risk. Sometimes it is better to choose other methods of promotion, especially if your account is too dear to you (business, etc.).

Seeking Professional Services

The Internet is literally replete with sites offering to buy Periscope subscribers and likes. Some of the services are really capable of raising your account in search results very quickly (from 30 minutes to 24 hours) through proper promotion. Obviously, you need to pay for such services, and the cost will depend on the number of likes and users. If you use this method, make sure that the subscribers are real - often low-quality promotion is used with the help of bots, which are dead weight and do not affect the popularity of your account. For real subscribers You'll have to pay more, but it's worth it.

Also, boosting readers on Periscope must necessarily be accompanied by an increase in the number of likes, since only in this case will the account look more natural. Many services provide comprehensive promotion– what is necessary for balanced profile promotion. This is important to consider if you need to popularize your account to further earn money on Periscope.

Interaction with users

Free promotion on Periscope is quite possible if you are willing to devote your free time to it. One effective way is to find popular broadcasts on a topic similar to yours and subscribe to speakers. With a high probability, a certain number of users will see you among the subscriptions, visit your profile and become interested in your broadcasts, subscribe and like. This method is one of the most natural ways of promotion, when truly interested people subscribe to your profile and will share your broadcasts, increasing your popularity.

If you have a lot of free time, you can contact users in private messages or through broadcasts with a request to subscribe and put a heart, be sure to indicate such reciprocal actions on your part. Perhaps some of the users are also interested in promotion, and therefore will take advantage of your mutually beneficial offer. Just try it!

What else can you do?

How to get readers on Periscope in other ways? In fact, the above promotion methods are far from the only ones. You can increase your popularity in these ways:

  • make broadcasts interesting and useful for viewers, choose relevant topics;
  • go to new level quality - shoot on good camera, use a monopod;
  • actively interact with your viewers and subscribers, accept suggestions;
  • post links to your broadcasts on social networks, especially Twitter;
  • broadcast regularly, do not allow long breaks in broadcasting.

Keep in mind that in order to get the most effective and natural way to increase likes on Periscope, you will either have to pay well or be serious about filming your broadcasts. In any case, profile promotion will require either time or money, and sometimes both at the same time.

On the Internet you can increasingly find services offering to promote your page in social network. Application Periscope appeared relatively recently, but it has already managed to acquire “craftsmen”, full of bright, promising headlines “ Increase subscribers and likes", "Fast and easy promotion", "Programs for promotion on Periscope", etc. This article will talk about how to independently promote your Periscope account in a few days. In order to promote your page in the streaming application Periscope It is not necessary to pay money and risk your reputation by trusting your personal data to strangers.

It is enough to competently build a policy for maintaining your profile. Below we describe step by step instructions, which will help you gain several hundred subscribers in a couple of days. The description will use screenshots from the version of Periscope for Android, which is practically no different from iOS versions, so feel free to use these methods.

Step one

Start with a competent profile design. Write your name in Russian letters if your target audience is the Russian-speaking population. In the “Name” field, add brief information about yourself; this will help you subsequently distinguish your profile from others in searches. Add detailed description in the “About Me” line. This could be your website and any other information that you think is valuable. It is important to know that the search Periscope does not find a person using Latin letters if his name was written in Cyrillic in his profile.

Using the example of Alexander Dyrz in the picture below, you can see that when searching or randomly popping up a list of users, the eye first falls on the one whose name contains and brief description yourself/occupation/interests. Remember this " chip"and use when registration on Periscope.

Step Two

Post to social networks about your page on Periscope. Publish posts about upcoming events in advance broadcasts on Periscope. This way, you can form a circle of interested people in advance who will be waiting for your broadcast and, importantly, will share the link with their friends who may also be close to your topic.

Step Three

If you have an online newsletter emails to your subscribers on other social networks, or to your clients, notify them by letter about the appearance of your profile on Periscope and send detailed instructions by installing the application and searching for you in it.

Step Four

Search your target audience by keywords. If you are engaged, say, in conducting business trainings and consultations on the topics of Internet sales, then search for applications “Internet sales” “Business on the Internet” and other related activities keywords and phrases.

Before the broadcast starts...

  1. Be sure to mark the location while shooting the video. This will help other users find you on the broadcast map.
  2. Repost broadcasts on Twitter.
  3. Keep the chat feature only between your followers so that any viewer can leave comments and ask questions.

How to choose the right title for your broadcast?

“What do you call a Periscope broadcast?” — current issue for many! In order to correctly name your video broadcast and attract attention, follow the 4U rule of marketers:





Be sure to post your video on popular service YouTube, after all broadcasts on Periscope are stored in total 24 hours.

It is possible that Periscope promotion is not yet as popular a service as, say, promotion on social networks or YouTube. But the situation is constantly changing. Moreover, in favor of Periscope. However, not everyone yet knows what is meant by cheating on Periscope and why it may actually be useful to the average user.

What is Periscope cheating and why is it needed?

As in other social services, cheating means primarily:

  • number of subscribers;
  • number of viewers and views;
  • the number of marks “I like” - the so-called “likes”.

And the great desire of many beginning periscopers is to gain the maximum possible number of views and viewers as soon as possible and as much as possible. Why do you need to increase subscribers on Periscope? After all, in essence, these are “dead souls” who signed up not of their own free will, so they are unlikely to take an active part in the life of the channel...

But this is not just a matter of satisfying one’s own vanity or boasting: look how popular I am! The fact is that even reputable bloggers and companies artificially gain subscribers in order to increase their status among clients and viewers. In addition, this is also a way to promote Periscope. After all, the channel with the largest number viewers will always remain in the TOP, and, therefore, attract new – already real – viewers.

And any user will subscribe to Periscope much more willingly if he sees that there are already many other subscribers. So the idea of ​​increasing views, “likes” and followers is not as meaningless as it may seem at first glance...

How to get subscribers on Periscope

You can, of course, exchange mutual subscriptions with other users. But this is quite long and unreliable: not everyone can be conscientious, many will soon unsubscribe successfully.

You can also resort to online services. The operating principles of such resources may differ from each other. Promotion services can be either paid or free. It all depends on each specific site. The main operating principle is, again, the principle of mutual subscription. The user subscribes and views, puts “likes” on the channels of other users, receives points for this, which can already be exchanged for the same subscribers and likes "I like". This method is similar to the previous one, but you don’t need to look for anyone on your own or negotiate: the system itself does all this.
