Dota 2 how to sell artifacts. How does a guarantor work?

Dota 2- one of the most famous games in modern world. This popularity is due to several factors: varied gameplay, dozens of heroes and hundreds of different items for characters.

Quite a lot of players prefer to sell extra items from Dota 2. For this, the game has a special service - an auction. Here players can buy or sell any items in their inventory. But how to sell things in Dota 2, and most importantly - how to make them buy? This will be discussed further.

Sales instructions

There are two ways to sell an item.
  1. Log in to Steam using your account.
  2. Click on the “Community” tab and select “Marketplace” from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the right corner, click on the sell items button.
  4. An inventory will open in which you need to select which item will be put up for sale. To make it easier to find the item you need, you can use the filter (located at the top of the screen with right side). With it, you can sort items by uniqueness, type, or only for a specific hero.
  5. Set a price (more details on this point will be written below) and check the box to accept the terms of the agreement.

And the second way:

  • Login to Steam.
  • Click on your nickname (at the top of the window) and click on the “Inventory” item.
  • A list of games will appear. Here you need to select a game whose items will be put up for sale.
  • In your inventory, indicate the item for sale. Here you can also use a filter to sort things.
  • When a new window appears, set a price, check the special box and click on the “Put for sale” button.

How to set the right price?

To successfully sell things in Dota 2– you need to learn to evaluate them correctly. Price is the most important component of any transaction. Even if you put up a super-mega-unique item for a very high price, there is unlikely to be a real buyer for this thing. Therefore, you still have to reduce the cost!

First of all, for a successful transaction, you need to know the minimum value of the item. To do this, you need to go to your inventory and click on the item. Information about the “item” will appear on the right side of the screen. The minimum auction price is listed below. It is this value that should be taken as a starting point.

For example, the minimum price of a certain item on the market is 100 rubles. If you set the cost at 150 rubles, then it is unlikely that anyone will agree to such a deal if they can get what they want much cheaper. In order to sell such an item as quickly as possible, it is best to set the minimum wage!

Items with the lowest value are always at the top of the auction list. This means that the buyer will first pay attention to the cheapest item. Even if it costs a couple of kopecks less than a similar one presented by another seller.

  • Not everything can be sold in Dota 2. Some of them are considered individual and prohibited for sale.
  • You can put things up for auction not only in rubles. To change the currency, just contact technical support with a request. support.
  • Please note that Steam charges a commission for selling items. Its size can be found out when setting the price.
  • It is better not to risk your things by selling them on the black market. It is far from certain that the buyer will be able to pay.
  • A sold item cannot be returned, so before putting this or that item up for sale, think twice.

The Steam system has long become extremely famous and popular. Now it is used by millions of players, buying games for themselves, making gifts, participating in promotions, etc. Most of the users appeared there thanks to games such as CS:GO.


Quite a long time ago, the system introduced additional items for such games. These things changed the hero or weapons, added certain effects and much more. Moreover, as it turned out, they could be sold for money. But at first, few people knew where to sell things. “Dota 2” became a pioneer in this matter, when the trading platform first began to be filled with items from this game. Over time, this has gained more development and popularity. However, even now, not everyone knows how to sell things in Dota 2.


In order to sell things, you will need to meet certain conditions. First, make a purchase on the Steam system, and then wait 30 days (the period for confirmation of your transactions), only after that you will have access to the trading platform as a seller. Next, the item you are selling must not be a gift, not received through a promotion, etc. That is, not all items can be sold or transferred. If you find an item that can be sold, then simply right-click on it in the game (or go to your inventory in the system itself and do the same). Click “Sell on the trading platform”, after which the system will redirect you to it. How to sell things in Dota 2 using trading platform, we'll tell you.


You will need to select the items from your inventory that you want to sell and also set the price (additional tax will also be shown to you). No one here limits you on how to sell. Things in Dota 2 are in free circulation, so you can set absolutely any price, the question is whether they will buy them from you (after all, buyers are other players). If an item contains runes, gems, etc., then such “bonuses” automatically increase its cost. You can also track the price dynamics of this item, which will show how much a particular artifact was sold for, where and how.

Selling things in Dota 2 is quite interesting; someone manages to make a business out of it. After setting the price and confirming your actions, your item will be listed on the marketplace. Now all that remains is to wait for other players to buy it. You can buy things in the game in the same way. With the money you received from selling items, you can buy other things, as well as any other item in the Steam system.

Everyone who plays Dota 2, a bunch of things have accumulated in the arsenal. Not everyone knows yet, but clothes (or gear) for Dota 2 heroes can be profitable sell using Steam.

This is easy to do, and, most importantly, buyers are found almost instantly.

With the proceeds you can buy tickets to Dota 2 tournaments or any games on Steam. A friend of mine, who plays Dota 2 only a few games a week, recently sold his clothes for 1,500 rubles and bought himself new games.

How to sell things in Dota 2 and make money?

1. Open Steam, select "Community", then "Marketplace".

3. Select an item and click the "Sell" button. By the way, at the top right there is a filter with which you can sort your items by rarity, type or heroes.

4. The most important thing is setting the price. To sell quickly, set the price approximately equal to the last price on the chart, but lower by a penny or two. Enter the price in the "price for player" field.

All! The item went to the trading floor. Now do the same with the other item. Sales can begin immediately. The money will be credited to your Steam account. You will also receive notifications by email.

Dota 2 is now perhaps the most popular multiplayer game. In addition, it is free, and therefore attracts a huge number of gamers. But over time it turns out that not everything in this game is “free”. In addition, you can make good money on it.


Before we learn how to sell things in Dota 2, it's worth understanding what we're talking about. For those who have never played this game, or have just started, it’s worth saying right away that things are just skins, that is, the so-called “wrapper”. They do not affect the abilities of heroes or the power of artifacts in any way. They only decorate the characters or add special effects.

However, even for beauty, many gamers are ready to pay hundreds and thousands of rubles. Moreover, there are both completely “harmless” items that cost 10 cents, and very expensive ones that cost $1000.

Can't sell

So, what things can be sold in Dota 2? In general, this issue was easier before. After the match, players received items that could either be simply sold and received money, or exchanged for other items.

Afterwards, Valve made some changes. And this happened after one of the New Year’s events. Then, in the fight against the dragon in a special mode, a huge number of things and even entire sets fell. But later it turned out that all these things cannot be sold and cannot be transferred. Since then, things have gotten a little more complicated.

To understand whether an item in your inventory can be sold or transferred, you need to select it and look at the description. If it states that it can be transferred and sold, then feel free to go to the “Marketplace”.


So, how to sell things in Dota 2? It turned out to be easy to do. And it can even be done in two ways. The first one is the safest. Steam has a Marketplace where players display their items. There you can buy any missing item or a whole set. You can also sell what you don’t need here.

To activate the Marketplace, you need to make a purchase in the Steam store. Most often, many players bought themselves promotional games, which literally cost 7-10 cents, and a month later they could go to “trade”. It is also worth activating Steam Guard, and only after 15 days everything will be able to function fully.

So, how to sell things in Dota 2? You need to go to your inventory. Select an item you don't need. If it can be sold and transferred, then the inscription “Sell” will appear in front of you. Click, set a price and click on the button.

If you don’t know what price to set, you need to copy the name of the item, go to the “Marketplace”, insert the name of the item into the search and find it. A list of everyone who is on this moment sells this item. This way you can decide on the cost.


When you already know how to sell things in Dota 2, you can learn some tricks. As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to sell an item. Money that is on Steam cannot be withdrawn, so there is no way to make money by selling things. But there are certain sites that allow you to sell items from games for real money. Then the earned funds can be withdrawn to electronic wallets.

You also already know that, in addition to selling, you can exchange items. You can also do this on a third-party site. There you can easily exchange the item for another one that will be a little more expensive. You can also bet on your favorite team's game and win additional items. Thus, your gatherings at the PC will not be so useless.

By the way, it happened that very cheap things were sold for a lot of money. For example, a courier cost a standard $2, but the charts from the trading platform show that its price at a certain time was $30. So some players could make good money from scratch.

Terribly expensive

As it turns out, there are also very expensive things in the Dota 2 game. For example, the famous courier “Golden Roshan” was sold for 360 thousand rubles. There is also the famous “Pudge” hook, which currently costs $200. There are many items that are similar to each other, but due to the additional effect, their price varies several dozen times.
