Possible errors. Using an existing attribute key

When launching the 1C Accounting program, the operator may encounter the message “License not found. The application's protection key was not found or the received software license" The occurrence of this problem may be associated with a change in the system configuration, as a result of which 1C recognized the system as qualitatively new, or with incorrect settings of 1C itself (in particular, the network settings of the nethasp.ini configuration file). In this material I will analyze in detail the reasons for this error, and also explain how to fix it.

Causes of dysfunction

The “License not found” error usually occurs in a situation where the 1C program did not detect a license file (usually with the .lic extension) on the local PC (or server), which makes it possible to fully launch the specified system.

This situation may arise due to the following factors:

How to fix “License not found” in 1C

Let's look at ways to get rid of the error “License not found. The program protection key or the received software license was not detected" on 1C user systems:

  1. Before starting the program, disable your firewall;
  2. Install “Alladin monitor” into the system. This product shows the use of licenses in the network version of the program. Use it to verify that your system has an installed license;
  3. When using a hardware license in a window information bases click on “Settings” and check the box next to the “Use hardware license” option if such a checkbox is not there;
  4. Edit the Nethasp.ini file, which is located at the following path:

Open this file and write there the IP addresses of client PCs and the names of license managers. To do this, in the specialized section, indicate:

Then in the section, specify the IP address of the license manager server (should look like NH_SERVER_ADDR = required IP), and the name of the license managers (NH_SERVER_NAME = manager name).

The name of the manager is preliminarily indicated in the section in the form NHS_SERVERNAMES = name 1, name 2, and so on.

  • Activate your existing license. If you receive a message about the absence of a detected license, click on “Yes” and indicate the path to install the license (local PC or server).
  • Then we select the option of obtaining a license initially, re-obtaining it, or updating it. We set the visibility of the license to “All computer users”, select the method of obtaining it - manual, automatic, digital media. We fill out the registration form, after which we save the data in a file that we place in the directory:

Key generation error 9: “The specified crypto provider was not found” occurs frequently and mainly among those users who have installed versions of Crypto Pro versions 4.0 and some releases of version 3.9. Therefore, if you have landed on this page, we dare to assume that you have problems with regenerating keys at Rosselkhozbank or another bank that uses a similar system for generating new user certificates that interacts with the Crypto-pro software product.

Less often error (code: 9) when executing the InitCryptoEngine.CurrentUID function (The specified crypto provider was not found) appears at the stage of authorization of users of the Sberbank subsidiary Service Desk, the visual part of the authorization window of which looks exactly like the authorization window of Rosselkhozbank and suggests that they work with similar software products. In this case, the solution will be different, but let's take it in order.

How to solve the problem?

1. If you are unable to generate a new user certificate. In this case, most likely you have version Crypto Pro 4.0 and higher. This version does not always install the sensor correctly random numbers, or rather puts another version of it, which does not interact with software banks. To make it clearer, a random number sensor is an option that is launched at one of the last stages of generating a user certificate and requires you to randomly move the mouse and press keyboard buttons to generate a certificate. So, you will need to do the following:

1. Go to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> CryptoProCSP -> "Hardware" tab -> "Configure RSD" button.
2. Remove the Sobol DSC.
3. Install the Biological RSD,
4. Restart your computer and try to generate a new certificate again.

If after performing these steps error 9 still appears, remove software product Crypto-Pro CSP and install it by selecting Custom installation and checking the box Compatible with CryptoPro CSP 3.0 (this component will be installed).

2. If an error occurs when logging into the client bank Service Desk or when signing documents at the client bank. The problem here is the need to update the Avest CSP crypto provider. Downloading current version(download from the official website - http://avest.by/crypto/csp.htm) and installed on the computer, then reboot and attempt additional authorization. If the error persists, follow the steps in paragraph 1 of this article.

And press the button "Next".

And press the button "Install".

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installation ActiveX components» and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

If you use eToken:

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

Errors when generating new keys

Error (Code: 128) Error on initialization cryptoengine for MessagePro

    After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

Errors when working in the Client-Bank system

Files are not loaded into the Client-Bank system or files are not uploaded from the system (when importing documents, exporting statements, attaching files to an arbitrary document in the Bank, etc.)

    After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

    Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

    After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.

After launch, select from the list the city in which your accounts are opened, check the box next to “Installing/reinstalling the system” and press the button "Next".

Check the box next to the item "Installing ActiveX Components" and press the button "Install".

After completing the Wizard, log in from the shortcut that appears on your desktop.
