Incorrect profile user php. We remove the visual editor, color scheme selection and other details in the WordPress admin area. What is he doing

General questions

Q: The profiler shows server activity, but does not show all requests and sessions.

A: Don't forget to click the Start button to start capturing sessions.

Q: I managed to connect to MySQL, but Sessions are not shown.

A: Neor Profile SQL works as a proxy server. This means that only sessions passing through the profiler can be shown. Your application (or website) must be able to connect to the profiler as regular MySQL server. The profiler uses only TCP incoming connections. And then you will see the result in the Sessions tab.

Q: Why do some sessions have requests with zero time?

A: Zero-time queries are executed extremely quickly with no latency. Such queries could be cached by the DBMS or executed very quickly, for example, if you have a powerful server and well-optimized tables.

Q: What does % mean in time and duration in a session?

A:"Time %" is the percentage of the total session execution time. "Duration %" is the percentage of the longest request in the session (ratio to the longest request).

Q: I use JetProfiler and it is easier to set up.

A: JetProfiler receives information from the MySQL server through the "show status" command and cannot obtain all the information on the server, since it works discretely. Neor Profile SQL shows absolutely all queries to the database. And this requires configuring your application to route the request flow through the profiler.

Q: The Profile button in the SQL tab does not show the result

A: The profiling feature in the SQL Editor works through the SHOW PROFILES command, which was added to MySQL Community Server starting with version 5.0.37. Check your MySQL server version.

Q: Is it possible to make the profiler console-based?

A: For the console, use a combination of DBMS logs and tail, or special console tools, of which there are quite a few. Neor Profile SQL is a windowed OS application that is designed to be placed on the developer's system.

Q: The profiler works, but for some reason it does not display the main statistics graph?

A: The main graph uses the SHOW STATUS command for the main server. You may not have permission to run this command on the server. Make sure you have permissions for this command.

Q: How to run the installer in silent mode?

A: sqlprofiler-4.1.1.exe /S /D:C:Program Files (x86)Neor Profile SQL


Q: How to check the Profiler connection?

A: Use the MySQL console client to connect to the profiler. If you see your session in the Sessions tab, this means that everything is configured correctly.
For example:
Then run a simple SQL command:
show tables;
And look at what happened in the Sessions tab in the profiler.


Q: I can't connect via localhost.

A: Linux tries to associate localhost with a socket connection, but Neor Profile SQL only works with TCP connections. Set the server address in the profiler to instead of localhost. You can do the same in your application settings.
For example:
mysql --host= --user=LOGIN --password=PASSWORD --port=4040

Q: I can't connect to

A: Check the connection type in your application. You can also use the local socket connection type, which does not require you to enter a port value.

Q: How to install Neor Profile SQL under OpenSUSE?

A: Currently we only support the DEB package, which runs on Ubuntu, Debian and compatible Linux distributions. You can make an RPM file yourself and thereby help.

Q: Why can't I intercept Sysbench requests?

A: The profiler uses only TCP incoming connections. Run Sysbench with host and port parameters:
sysbench --test=oltp --mysql-host= --mysql-port=4040--mysql-user=root --mysql-password=password prepare

Mac OS X

Q: The profiler cannot connect to the MAMP MySQL server.

A: Network connection problem in MySQL configuration:

  1. MAMR
    Free version– copy the standard MySQL config to the folder
    Pro version– open menu FILE – EDIT – MySQL template
  2. in the my.cnf configuration, remove the skip-networking line
  3. in the Profiler Settings, change the database host address from localhost to

Changing the MySQL port in your script

In Neor Profile SQL the default port is 4040. For collection SQL queries you must change the default values ​​for connecting to MySQL host and port 3306 in your script. Below are examples of how to do this.

string connStr = " server=;port=4040; database=YOUR_DATABASE;user=YOUR_USER;password=YOUR_PASSWORD;";

Changing the port in popular CMS


File: wp-config.php
Code: define("DB_HOST", "localhost :4040 ");


File: config/
Code: define("_DB_SERVER_", "localhost :4040 ");


File: config.php
Code: define("DB_HOSTNAME", "localhost :4040 ");

I already wrote about WordPress users (see the link). But like any tool (except a sledgehammer), Adminimize is not ideal and it cannot remove everything completely, although this is thanks only to WordPress programmers.

This post was born spontaneously, you can thank the guest Blow. The gist of his question was this (more like a series of questions):

1. How to hide "Selection" color scheme» for the user?

2. How to hide “Hot Keys” and “Visual Editor” in the WordPress panel?

I'll get straight to the point. Using this method, you can hide any elements for the user in his profile and on other pages as well. The easiest way is to edit the display file!

For “Profile” this is a file user-edit.php, which is in the folder wp-admin. You need to edit it very carefully, otherwise you can “pay” well for your experiments.

Solution (unified):

1. Download the file to your PC and make a copy of it (safe....)

2. We are looking for the HTML code that is responsible for displaying the information we need.

3. Carefully comment on it and “fill” it back with a replacement.

Now practice (edit User-edit.php):

Honestly, I don’t remember what version of WP I have on the test site, but it’s definitely not lower than 2.8.2.

First, I downloaded the file to my PC and using the Viewer Chrome code"I looked at the code itself, and found the required code in Notepad++.

(two dashes on each side “-”)

1. Hide the “Visual Editor”

Change to code:


ps: do not copy this code, but change it yourself - there is a high probability of errors!!!

2. Hide “Select color scheme”.

You, I hope, noticed the difference between the codes - a total of 7 characters were added. To hide this item we are looking for if (count($_wp_admin_css_colors) > 1) and comment below the line all the code between to

3. Hide “Hot Keys”.

I would like to devote this lesson to creating a personal profile for registered users (addition to the lesson Creating user registration on the site). Now users will be able to add their avatar, change their first and last name, add their place of residence and birthday. To do this, in the table users let's add a few fields:

Now let's create a profile page profile.php and add it to the page index.php link to it

My profile"; Now the code for the page itself profile.php

Profile<?php echo $login; ?>


"; echo " ".$array["name_user"]." ".$array["lastname"]."
"; switch ($array["birthdate_month"])(//Convert the month number into the name case "1" : $month = "January"; break; case "2" : $month = "February"; break; case " 3" : $month = "March"; break; case "4" : $month = "April"; break; case "5" : $month = "May"; break; case "6" : $month = "June "; break; case "7" : $month = "July"; break; case "8" : $month = "August"; break; case "9" : $month = "September"; break; case "10" : $month = "October"; break; case "11" : $month = "November"; break; $month = "December"; echo "Registration date: ".$array[" reg_date"]."
"; echo "Gender: ".$array["sex"]."
"; echo "Birthday: ".$array["birthdate_day"]." ".$month." ".$array["birthdate_year"]."
"; echo "Country: ".$array["country"]."
"; echo "City: ".$array["city"]."
"; if($_GET["id"] == $id_user)(//Only the owner can edit the profile echo "Edit profile"; ) )else( print<<Entrance:
Login: Password:
RegistrationPassword recovery HERE; ) ?>

Naturally, by going to this page, we will see a standard avatar noAvatar.jpg and possibly a first and last name, if the user indicated them during registration, the remaining items will be empty. At the very end of this page there is a link to the profile editing page edit.php. The code for this page is very light and consists of data entry forms. Due to the rather large volume, I will not give it here in full, but will give only a part; it will be possible to get it in full in the source files.

All other forms are similar and will refer to one handler save_edit.php, which will make changes to the database. It also has a fairly large code, and I won’t present it here either, but will just tell you a little about what happens in it (you can also find the full code in the source files). First of all, we create an avatar, if the user has uploaded it, of course, otherwise we leave the standard one. If this is the case, then first of all we download it to the folder avatars(by the way, create this folder and give it write permissions 755) after checking with allowed extensions. Then a new image is created with a format depending on the selected mode: $rezim = 1 a square image is created, $rezim = 2 the picture is proportional to the original one. You also need to set the width of the created image $w and quality $quality. We save the created image in jpg format using the function imagejpeg and generate a random name for it. Now you need to delete the old image and update it in the database with a new one. That's all for the images.

All other items in this file are intended to update personal data about the user and are simple queries to the database to update fields. Before updating, the existence of incoming variables and their safety are checked using stripslashes And htmlspecialchars. If the update is successful, we immediately redirect the user to the profile page.
Now we will make sure that the logged in user can see all other registered users. To do this, let's create a page user.php, which will display all users in a loop.

In the second lesson we will write two more classes and completely finish the internal part of the script.


The goal of this tutorial series is to create a simple application that allows users to register, log in, log out, and change settings. The class that will contain all the information about the user will be called User and it will be defined in the User.class.php file. The class that will be responsible for input/output will be called UserTools (UserTools.class.php).

A little about class naming

The proper etiquette is to name files that describe a class with the same name as the class itself. This makes it easy to determine the purpose of each file in the classes folder.

It is also common to add .class or .inc to the end of the class file name. This way we clearly define the purpose of the file and can use .htaccess to restrict access to these files.

User Class (User.class.php)

This class will define each user. With growth this application The definition of "User" may change significantly. Fortunately, OOP programming makes it easy to add additional user attributes.


In this class we will use a constructor - this is a function that is automatically called when creating the next copy of the class. This allows us to automatically publish some attributes after the project is created. In this class, the constructor will take a single argument: associative array, which contains one row from the users table of our database.

require_once "DB.class.php"; class User ( public $id; public $username; public $hashedPassword; public $email;
public $joinDate;
//The constructor is called when a new object is created//Takes an associative array with the DB row as an argument. function __construct($data) ( $this->id = (isset($data["id"])) ? $data["id"] : ""; $this->username = (isset($data[" username"])) ? $data["username"] : ""; $this->hashedPassword = (isset($data["password"])) ? $data["password"] : ""; $this- >email = (isset($data["email"])) ? $data["email"] : ""; $this->joinDate = (isset($data["join_date"])) $data[" join_date"] : ""; )
public function save($isNewUser = false) ( //create a new database object. $db = new DB(); //if the user is already registered and we"re //just updating their info. if(!$isNewUser ) ( //set the data array $data = array("username" => ""$this->username"", "password" => ""$this->hashedPassword"",
"email" => ""$this->email"");
//update the row in the database $db->update($data, "users", "id = ".$this->id); )else ( //if the user is being registered for the first time. $data = array("username" => ""$this->username"", "password" => ""$this->hashedPassword"" , "email" => ""$this->email"", "join_date" => """.date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time())."""); id = $db->insert($data, "users"); $this->joinDate = time(); return true; ) ) ?>


The first part of the code, outside the class zone, ensures that the class is connected to the database (since the User class has a function that requires this class).

Instead of variables of the “protected” class (used in the 1st lesson), we define them as “public”. This means that any code outside the class has access to these variables when working with the User object.

The constructor takes an array in which the columns in the table are keys. We define a class variable using $this->variablename. In the example of this class, we first check whether the value of a certain key exists. If yes, then we set the class variable to that value. Otherwise, the empty string. The code uses the short form of notation if:

$value = (3 == 4) ? "A" : "B";

In this example we are checking to see if 3 equals four! If yes - then $value = “A”, no - $value = “B”. In our example, the result is $value = “B”.

We save information about Users in the database

The save function is used to make changes to the database table with the current values ​​in the User object. This function uses the DB class we created in the first lesson. Using class variables, the $data array is set. If user data is being saved for the first time, then $isNewUser is passed as $true (false by default). If $isNewUser = $true then the insert() function of the DB class is called. Otherwise, the update() function is called. In both cases, information from the user object will be stored in the database.

Class UserTools.class.php

This class will contain functions that are related to users: login(), logout(), checkUsernameExists() and get(). But with the expansion of this application, you can add many more.

//UserTools.class.php require_once "User.class.php"; require_once "DB.class.php";
class UserTools(
//Log the user in. First checks to see if the //username and password match a row in the database. //If it is successful, set the session variables //and store the user object within.
public function login($username, $password)
$hashedPassword = md5($password); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = "$username" AND password = "$hashedPassword""); if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) ( $_SESSION["user"] = serialize(new User(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))); $_SESSION["login_time"] = time(); $_SESSION["logged_in "] = 1; return true; )else( return false; ) )
//Log the user out. Destroy the session variables. public function logout() ( unset($_SESSION["user"]); unset($_SESSION["login_time"]); unset($_SESSION["logged_in"]); session_destroy(); ) //Check to see if a username exists. //This is called during registration to make sure all user names are unique. public function checkUsernameExists($username) ( $result = mysql_query("select id from users where username="$username""); if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) ( return false; )else( return true; )
//get a user //returns a User object. Takes the users id as an input public function get($id) ( $db = new DB(); $result = $db->select("users", "id = $id"); return new User($result ); ) )

login() function

The login() function is clear by its name. It takes the user arguments $username and $password and checks that they match. If everything matches, creates a User object with all the information and saves it in the session. Please note that we are only using the PHP serialize() function. It creates a stored version of the object that can be easily unserialized using unserialize(). Also, the login time will be saved. This can be used later to provide users with information about the length of stay on the site.

You may also notice that we set $_SESSION["logged_in"] to 1. This allows us to easily check on each page whether the user is logged in. It is enough to check only this variable.

logout() function

Also simple function. The PHP unset() function clears variables in memory, while session_destroy() will delete the session.

checkUsernameExists() function

Anyone who knows English will easily understand the function. It simply asks the database whether a similar login has been used or not.

get() function

This function takes the unique id of the user and makes a query to the database using the DB class, namely the select() function. It will take an associative array with a number of user information and create a new User object, passing the array to the constructor.

Where can I use this? For example, if you create a page that needs to display specific user profiles, you will need to dynamically fetch this information. This is how you can do it: (let's say the URL is

//note: you will have to open up a database connection first. //see Part 1 for further information on doing so. //You"ll also have to make sure that you"ve included the class files.
$tools = new UserTools(); $user = $tools->get($_REQUEST["userID"]); echo "Username: ".$user->username.""; echo "Joined On: ".$user->joinDate."";

Easily! Is it true?

The final touch on the server side: is required for every page on the site. Why? This way we will place all the usual operations that we will need on the page. For example, we will start session_start(). The database connection will also open.

require_once "classes/UserTools.class.php";
require_once "classes/DB.class.php";
//connect to the database $db = new DB(); $db->connect();
//initialize UserTools object $userTools = new UserTools(); //start the session
//refresh session variables if logged in if(isset($_SESSION["logged_in"])) ( $user = unserialize($_SESSION["user"]); $_SESSION["user"] = serialize($userTools-> get($user->id) ) ?>

What is he doing?

There are several things going on here. First of all, we open a connection to the database.

After connecting, we start the session_start() function. The function creates a session or continues the current one if the user is already logged in. Since our application is designed for users to log in/out, this feature is required on every page.

Next, we check whether the user is logged in. If so, we'll update $_SESSION["user"] to reflect the latest user information. For example, if a user changes his email, the old one will be stored in the session. But with auto update this will not happen.

This concludes the second part! Look out for the final lesson on this topic tomorrow.

All the best!
