How to fill out registration for Aliexpress. Registration on Aliexpress in Russian. How to register on Aliexpress in Russian? Video: Delivery of goods to Aliexpress

Step-by-step instructions for registering on Aliexpress. How to register for Aliexpress.

So, you have decided, like many active Internet users, to make profitable purchases online on the Chinese website Aliexpress. Registration on There is absolutely no difference whatsoever from registrations on other online stores; it is absolutely free, standard and simple. To successfully register, you will need an email and internet access.
The process from the moment you start reading this article and parallel registration on Aliexpress to the end will take you a couple of minutes.
Open the official page registration in Russian. Click on the link, a new page will open - Official registration page on in Russian >>>

There are two ways to register on the site.

The first way to register on Aliexpress (expedited).

You can register using your account on or VKontakte or via Google account In the upper right corner of the website, click login via

And select the icon of either Facebook, VKontakte, or Google

Login to Aliexpress via

A window will open where you confirm access “Sign in to Facebook to use your account in the AliExpress app.”

After logging in: The AliExpress application will receive the following information: public profile (profile photo, age, gender and other public information) and email address. mail.

The same goes for registration on Aliexpress using the site VKontakte A window will open asking you for access to your account. You have to press the button Allow. Now you can immediately use the website in full, without wasting time on full registration.

Remember that “The Application will have access to your personal data, the Application will have access to your list of friends, and the Application will have access to your photos.” This registration method is safe. The application will not know your login and password for the VKontakte or Facebook website. Only the necessary information to fill out your profile on Aliexpress will be known. You can later make the necessary adjustments and additional information in your opinion on your profile.

The second method of registering on Aliexpress (main).

The second way to register on is by entering information on a special page by filling out the form. We enter the information in English (in Latin letters).

1. First, fill in your email address. You must enter a valid address that you have already registered. It is very important to fill in the correct work email. It will subsequently receive notifications about registration confirmation, the status of your orders and other important information. You will use this email to log into your profile on

2. Fill in the columns First Name Last Name. Although the registration page for Aliexpress is in Russian, we write this information in English. You can see how your last name and first name are written in Latin, for example, in your international passport or in your International Driver's License, if you have one. Or use the translator

3. Create and enter a password. Must be at least 6 characters. Do not use numbers in a row, create a strong enough password. And write it down or remember it! If you lose your password to access the website, you can recover it via email. You should also always remember your email password! In the next line, you must enter the same password again to avoid an entry error.

4. Enter the code from the picture - letters and numbers. If the symbols are difficult for you to see, click Update Code. The previously filled in information about your last name and first name will remain, only the picture will be updated.

5. Confirm your free membership on AliExpress - check the box. If you wish, read the agreement in English about providing free membership.
6. Click on the big yellow button Create Your Profile

7. Now is the time to check your email address, the address of which you entered when filling out the registration form, and find a letter from Aliexpress with a greeting and a link to confirm registration. If you cannot find this email, try looking in your SPAM folder or search the emails by entering the word You must confirm your registration within 3 days, otherwise the link in the letter will not be valid.

8. After clicking on the link, you will receive a greeting about successful verification, your account has been confirmed and you can go to your account on Aliexpress, select products, participate in promotions and sales, make purchases and monitor the status of your order. Congratulations on your successful registration! Enjoy the shopping!

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Registration on in Russian registratsiya na registraciya na aliexpress com register how to register on aliexpress

To register on the official website of, click

The very first action you must take on Aliexpress if you want anything here is registration. I’ll tell you in this article how to register on Aliexpress and why you shouldn’t log in through accounts on social networks.

In fact, the registration process on Aliexpress is as simple as five cents. And this despite the fact that there is no sane person here. So, let's pay attention to the upper right corner, where we are asked to log in or register:

Obviously, if you already have an account on Ali, then click login, but since you are reading this article, you don’t have one yet. Therefore, we press the button “ register" and we get to registration page :

At the end of the article, I will tell you why I don’t log in via Facebook and don’t recommend it to you. Now about filling out the fields in this small form. In general, everything is visible in the picture, but I’ll comment.

Email address– your working email. You will subsequently receive an email with a link to confirm your registration on the site. You will receive all notifications from the system in the future. So please provide a stable email address here. I recommend mail from Yandex. Moreover, do not enter false “soaps” here, because all access to orders and other things in the future is tied to this mail.

Often asked: lost access to mail or forgot mail from Aliexpress - what to do? But do nothing... you can reset your password by email. But no one remembers your email login except you, so be careful when filling out this field and further orders.

Name– your first and last name. In general, in theory, you can write anything here, since when placing an order, the system still asks for your address and full name all the time. But it is better to indicate the present. Moreover, I don’t know how Ali will behave with a credit card. This information may need to match the information on your credit card.

Create password, Confirm your password– your password and its repetition. Come up with a good password. For example, I use md5 hashes of some words as passwords. It doesn't matter what it is, but here's how it works. We take some word that you associate with the service, for example “aliexpress”, and generate a hash from it. Here is the generator and a picture of how it works:

We paste our word into the first field, and copy the finished password from the second. Naturally, you won’t remember it, so save it in some text file. But you definitely can’t hack such a 32-letter colossus by selecting it. You can use this technique not only on Aliexpress, but also on any site where you need to enter a password.

Enter the code below– enter the numbers and letters from the picture in Latin to prove to the system that you are not a robot.

After that, click “ CreateNewAccount» — create a new account.

All is ready! Well, or almost everything. After a few minutes, check your mailbox. There you should receive a letter from Aliexpress confirming your registration.

To confirm your email, you must follow the link provided in the email. The link is valid for three days. If you did not manage to confirm the box within this period, you will need to register on Aliexpress again. If there is no letter for a long time, check the folder " Spam“Perhaps it was lying around there.

If nothing happens after that, you can try registering again or using a different mailbox. Some services may well evaluate a letter from Aliexpress as spam. Experiment.

Now you can log into the site using your email and the password you created. Registration on Aliexpress is completely completed.

Why I don’t recommend logging in through Facebook and other social networks

Now about why you shouldn’t access the site through Facebook and other social networks. Of course, this is my personal opinion, but here's what it's based on:

  • Accounts on social networks are now quite often “broken”; if you lose access to your Facebook account, you will also lose the ability to log into Ali.
  • If the Facebook website is unavailable (this is unlikely, but still), then you will also not be able to access this trading platform.
  • Facebook is still not very widespread today, so for most Russian users it is a useless thing.

That's all. As you can see, registering on Aliexpress is very simple and there is nothing complicated about it. By registering, you can find the product you are interested in, and, once you receive it, enjoy a good deal.

Read about the intricacies of working with this trading platform in other articles on this site.

In order to make purchases on, you must first register.

Find out how to register on AliExpress from simple instructions with a detailed explanation of each step:

1 Go to

At the top right of the screen you will see the words “Login” and “Register”.

2. Click "Registration".

You have three available options for logging in and registering: manually on the website, using your Facebook account, using your Vkontakte account.

The corresponding forms are available by hovering over the word “Registration”.

3. Select the method of registering on AliExpress and logging in.

Click the big orange “Register” button to register on the site directly.

A form will appear for you to fill out your personal data required for registration. All fields are required.

Facebook will prompt you to log in using your profile using this form.

VKontakte will offer its own form.

If you chose classic registration on the site, continue to follow the instructions.

4. Fill in your email address.

This address must be valid. You will receive a registration confirmation form, and all notifications from will be sent in the future. The email address is also the login to log into your profile on the site.

5. Fill in your First and Last Name.

Important! The first and last name on AliExpress must be filled in exclusively in English letters, since in the future they will be used for international postal delivery. To do this you need to transliterate. An example of the correct conversion of your first and last name into English can be found on your bank card or use any service convenient for this on the Internet. For example,

Remember, filling out your first and last name correctly will help you avoid subsequent possible problems at the post office upon receipt and loss of your parcels.

6. Fill in the password and confirm it.

Don't make the password too simple, like 123 or qwerty. For computer hackers, this is the easiest hacking option.

7. Confirm to the system that you are not a robot.

Enter the code shown in the picture in the appropriate field.

8. Click the “Create your profile” button.

You will see a page with a greeting from AliExpress and a message that a confirmation letter has been sent by email.

9. Confirm your registration.

An email will be sent to your email address to confirm your registration on AliExpress. It will contain a link that will complete the registration process and confirm your profile.

Congratulations, your account on has been created!

You can read more detailed information about your profile on the AliExpress website in our following articles:

You can also watch the official video about registration in Russian.

The number of services that allow you to make purchases while lying on the couch is growing exponentially. But even among this huge number of sites, those platforms that have been the undisputed leaders among online buyers for many years do not lose their positions. This is precisely the platform we will discuss in this article about registration.

Aliexpress is the largest marketplace in the world, with thousands of users making purchases. Here are collected products of various categories:

We will not exaggerate if we say that it is an online bridge between sellers and buyers from all over the world. This platform is one of the leaders in online trading; it hosts a lot of stores with goods that have a relatively low cost, which in turn attracts a huge number of buyers.

Almost everyone wants to buy goods cheaper than their usual price and save money if possible. This is why large sellers and stores organize promotions and sales - they are ready to make stunning discounts if only the buyer buys the product and leaves a positive review.

The global trading platform Aliexpress has not stood aside and also encourages its visitors in every possible way. She holds a huge number of promotions, gives coupons to customers, and creates big sales. In general, it offers the most comfortable and positive conditions for successful foreign trade and has a lot of advantages:

  • huge range of goods;
  • there is very high competition among participants in trade relations, so it is possible to make purchases with the most favorable conditions for you;
  • there is protection for buyers from unscrupulous sellers;

  • It is also possible to conduct a dialogue directly with the seller about the quality and other features of the product, you have the opportunity to agree on a personal discount or postpone the product for a certain period, as well as additional services;
  • you accumulate your rating with each subsequent purchase. If you order a lot of products through Aliexpress and do it very often, a high rating will help you accumulate discounts and gain favor with sellers;

Safety is not the last place on the buyer's list of priorities, because it is very unpleasant to lose your money or receive a low-quality product. takes the side of buyers and will not allow any injustice. When making a purchase, you can be sure that in case of any discrepancy with the product, the money will be returned to your account.

Register Aliexpress: step-by-step instructions

In order to start shopping, you need to register on. Registration will be simplified by the fact that the site has a Russian version, and anyone can create an account - it’s absolutely free.

First of all, go to

At the top of the page on the right, select "Registration":

There are two ways to register in the system. If you have an account in Facebook, then you can simplify your task and register using it:

On the next page you need to fill out the registration form and enter your personal data. When filling out the form, please indicate your real first and last name, as well as your current e-mail. For convenience, so as not to accidentally forget your password, copy it into a notepad or rewrite it.

Carefully fill out the registration form in English. This is very important, otherwise the sender may display your data incorrectly if he does not have the Cyrillic font installed on his computer. If you do not know how to correctly indicate your last name or first name, then use the services of an online translator:

In order to find out how the necessary data is written in English, enter the data in Russian in the left column. The translation will be displayed on the left - just copy it and paste it into the required line of the registration form. Please note that the default translation direction is “Russian-English”. If you are from another country, simply change the language in the left column.

Let's get back to filling out the registration form. After entering the data, you must enter the captcha and accept the user agreement by checking the appropriate box.

After you have entered all the data, click “Create your profile”, then an email will be sent to the email address you specified with a link (be sure to follow it) to activate your account on.

It is important to immediately fill in the delivery addresses to which sellers will send the ordered goods. Read more about how to correctly fill in the delivery address.

On the main page there is a control panel for your personal account, its main sections:

  • My Aliexpress– your personal account, here you can find all the information about your purchases and payments, disputes, delivery and much more.

  • My orders– this section displays all information about registration and about already placed orders.

  • Message Center– correspondence between you and the seller is displayed here. In this section you can also contact support. It is worth emphasizing that you can ask support at any time of the day any question you may have.

  • My desires– here you can bookmark the products you like and have access to them from any device.

  • Favorite stores– here you add your favorite bona fide sellers.

  • My coupons– coupons you received from Aliexpress or from the seller. Coupons provide a discount of $5 to $20 on one of your purchases.

  • My points– reward points earned and awarded for participating in promotions, which you can exchange for discount coupons and use them when purchasing any goods on Aliexpress.

  • My Alipay is an internal payment system of the Aliexpress platform. After registering, you will need to enter your payment information here.

After registering in the system and understanding the functions of your personal account, you can start making purchases on the platform.

How to register on Aliexpress as a seller?

Making purchases on Aliexpress is not the only opportunity this global platform provides. In addition, on the site you can register as a seller and sell your goods all over the world. A striking example of the hasty commerce of our compatriots is the Russian Shop, which was one of the first to appear on the site.

Video: Step-by-step registration on Aliexpress
