How to remove the limit on Instagram. Limits on Instagram. What information should not be published on your Instagram profile?

Like most social networks and services, Instagram has its own rules, following which is mandatory for all users, and violation of them will lead to unpleasant consequences from temporary account blocking to complete removal! As they say, “forewarned is forearmed,” which is why this article discusses restrictions on Instagram 2020: limits on subscriptions, likes, posts, comments!
So, on Instagram there are official limits on subscriptions and unsubscribes, comments, likes, which are set to combat bots, spammers and other inappropriate users who interfere and bother other users. Limits on Instagram are divided into:

  • Limits per hour - how many times a user can subscribe or unsubscribe, as well as how many comments, posts (publications) and likes can be left per hour;
  • Limits per day - there are already restrictions on likes and comments per day.

It should also be noted that the restrictions on Instagram are different for new accounts and for newly registered users. So, let's talk about everything in order!

How many people can you follow on Instagram per day?

So let's figure it out How many people can you follow on Instagram per day? or, in other words, how many subscriptions can you have on Instagram? do a day?
Accounts that have existed on Instagram for more than 6 months are considered more “reliable”, therefore the limits on subscriptions, unsubscribes, comments, and likes are less strict for them. So, restrictions on Instagram in 2020 for accounts older than 6 months:

Action Limits per hour Limit per day
Comments 60 1440
Likes 60 1440
Subscriptions and unsubscribes 60 1440

In addition, you must remember that the limit on mentioning the name of your own or someone else’s account is no more than 5 in any comment! Also, you should know that subscriptions and unsubscribes are counted together!

For newly registered users on Instagram, slightly stricter restrictions apply! So, the limits on Instagram in 2020 for new accounts:

Action Limits per hour Limit per day
Comments 30 720
Likes 30 720
Subscriptions and unsubscribes 30 720

The limit on mentioning an account in comments remains the same for new profiles - no more than 5 per comment. Subscriptions and unsubscriptions are also counted together - that is, having subscribed to 30 profiles within an hour, you will be able to make unsubscriptions or new subscriptions only after an hour has passed! Now you know how many likes can you put on Instagram? per day, as well as how many per day you can unfollow on Instagram and how many you can unfollow per hour!

Message limit on Instagram in Direct

How many messages can you send on Instagram? in Direct per day? On at the moment The message limit on Instagram in Direct is 100 messages per day: 50 to your subscribers and 50 to third-party users. There is also a limit of 10 messages per hour. However, it should be noted that these limits often change!

How many hashtags can you put on Instagram 2020?

How many hashtags can you put on Instagram 2020?? The maximum number of hashtags that can be used when posting a photo or video on Instagram in 2020 is 30! That is, you can put 30 hashtags in a row, if you exceed this limit, then Instagram simply will not allow you to publish the material until the extra hashtags are deleted!

Limiting the number of characters in an Instagram post

There is also a character limit for an Instagram post, which is 2000 characters including spaces. The limit of 2000 characters for publication is set with the expectation that this quantity is quite enough for the most complete and informative description of the post!

By the way, we must also not forget that it is important to observe the hourly limit, since the user cannot use the daily limit immediately without interruptions!

How many minutes of video can you upload to Instagram 2020

How many minutes of video can you upload to Instagram 2020? It's no secret that the maximum length of a video that can be uploaded and published on Instagram is still 15 seconds in 2020. Longer videos should be broken down into 15 second segments and published as such. However, once available, users can upload videos up to 10 minutes long!

Violating restrictions on Instagram

Violating the above limits on Instagram may lead to account blocking, and when the user tries to log into his profile, he will see the message “You are temporarily blocked from Instagram”!

Account blocking can last from several hours to several weeks - it all depends on the severity of the violation, as well as on whether the user has violated Instagram rules before! Thus, malicious violators of Instagram limits and restrictions receive longer blocks, and after 3 temporary blocks you can even get an eternal ban - and the user will no longer have access to his account!

Instagram restrictions that are often violated without consequences

There are also restrictions on Instagram, which are often violated without consequences, that is, without blocking the account. However, this does not mean that you can break some rules, which will be discussed below. This only means that a sufficient number of users are trying to bypass Instagram restrictions, and this can often be done without consequences, but for similar violations, sooner or later you can get your account temporarily blocked!

So, the restrictions on Instagram, which are often violated without consequences:

  • Prohibition on the use of services to increase subscribers, comments, likes;
  • Selling or transferring your account to another person. You can do this, which, however, Instagram can track sooner or later;
  • Prohibition on maintaining an account on behalf of another person or organization, unless this is officially authorized and notified to Instagram management;
  • A ban on publishing other people's photos, that is, photos of other Instagram users without mentioning them with the @ icon;
  • Prohibited from use domain name website in the account name (only possible with official permission from Instagram management);
  • Login to your account during the day with significantly remote friend from other territories. This may be considered as account hacking by attackers!

Thus, there are a number of restrictions in Instagram, the violation of which often does not carry any consequences. However, you still shouldn’t overuse it!

Now you know how many people

Limits were introduced to limit these actions. For excessive activity, the user now faces a ban (blocking).

Why are limits needed?

Why impose restrictions if activity indicates the popularity of the service, and blocking reduces the number of users. Most users are in no danger, since it is unlikely that anyone will mindlessly like everything. Limits were introduced to protect “real” people from spammers and commercial accounts, which thus attracted attention and increased sales of their goods and services.

Any user who is mistaken by the service for a bot or spammer can get their account blocked. That's why it's important to know the limits.

How can I find out the number of current limits?

Previously, Instagram kept this information secret, but now it is no secret. For current limits, see the section for programmers on the page

However, it is not so easy for someone uninitiated in the intricacies of web programming to understand the statuses, codes and limiting commands for users and groups. But don’t be upset – below is a transcript of this data.

Current limits on Instagram

The following restrictions currently apply on Instagram:

  • Likes – maximum 60 per hour.
  • Comments – maximum 60 per hour.
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe to a page – maximum 60 per hour.

Please note that Instagram does not separate, but rather summarizes the following and unsubscribing actions. That is, you can only subscribe to 60 pages in an hour or unsubscribe from the same number of profiles. You can also, for example, subscribe to 40 pages and unsubscribe from a maximum of 20 (or subscribe to 45 and unsubscribe from 15). The main thing is that the total number of actions in one hour does not exceed 60. This is the maximum limit of activity that will not arouse suspicion on Instagram.

How to avoid being banned on Instagram? How many likes and comments can we leave per day? And what privileges do the “old people” of Instagram have compared to new clients of the network? We will tell you about all this in more detail.

Every year, Instagram takes new users more seriously, imposing strict criteria to limit clicks on likes, follows/unfollows and comments. In order not to find yourself with such a hated sign: “you are blocked on Instagram” in front of your eyes, you need to know the limits of the number of actions that we can perform in a day. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Instagram limits

It just so happens that if you are a new Instagram customer (your profile is less than 6 months old), then your restrictions will be different from those of older users. Your activities will be monitored more strictly until you “enter the circle of trust” and get comfortable in your new place. The idea can lead you straight to a ban, so you should let the newly created profile “sit down” for three weeks, and then post all the new material manually, monitoring the natural growth of the audience.

How are limits calculated?

Officially, the network updates its data on restrictions on likes/subscriptions/unsubscribes/comments every hour. To get information about daily limits, you need to multiply this number by 12. But the entire daily limit cannot be used in one moment, because it is based on one hour. These limits must be respected. However, the restrictions imposed on the page may relate not only to the number of actions performed per hour/per day, but also to the age of the profile, its activity, the number of bans you received before, or other factors.

Which of actions user limit is visible:

  1. Subscriptions;
  3. Unsubscribes;
  5. Messages in Direct

Let's take a closer look at each type.

Limit of Instagram subscriptions per day

As mentioned above, restrictions for newer profiles and those that existed in the open spaces Instagram more than 6 months, differ significantly from each other. Let's look at the data in the table below:

Also, there is a maximum number of subscriptions - 7500, this rule cannot be circumvented. To make new subscriptions, you need to remove someone from the old ones, so the number of subscriptions will still not go beyond 7500.

Limit of likes on Instagram

V. T. Tretyakov “Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov”, about the Internet and social networks. "Where there are webs, there are spiders"

Likes are also limited in time. Their frequency should not exceed one click per 28 seconds. More frequent tagging may result in your profile being banned and your actions being recognized as viral.

Consider the data below:

Instagram unfollow limit per day

Unsubscribes have exactly the same nature as subscriptions. If you subscribed to 60 people in an hour and reached your limit, then you will be able to unsubscribe only after that very hour.

Let's look at the table below:

Comment limit

The golden rule for posting comments is diversity. If you leave the same set of emoticons under all your posts or write “nice”, then there is a chance that your actions will be taken as mechanized and you will be banned.

Again, let's look at the data in the table below:

The comment under the post also has character limit. For each photo you publish, you can only insert 2000 characters including a space.

Direct message limit

This item is the most unstable and it is better to check its criteria periodically so as not to end up with a banned account.

No more than 50 messages per day for third-party Instagram clients and 50 for your subscribers. We perform a simple action - addition and get a limit of 100 messages. No more than 10 messages per hour. No more than one message per 30 seconds.

These restrictions were created in order to protect users from spam commercial pages. It is worth noting that the limitation did affect the amount of distribution of advertising information. You just have to remember that Instagram is not a messaging network, but a streaming feed of visual information.

What can you get banned for?

What could be the reasons for getting banned? Let's consider below to protect your account from being frozen.

  • Violation of limits. There is either a block for specific actions mentioned above, or a temporary ban, or a permanent ban.
  • Pornography (not only full nudity, but also partial), violence.
  • Photo copyright infringement. A very common reason for complaints and even profile bans. Before publishing material that does not belong to you, you should first obtain permission to publish, but even in this case, it is better to indicate authorship by marking the publication or in a comment using “@”.
  • Autoposting. Any filling of your account not manually may result in a ban. You should be careful with this and, if possible, avoid it.
  • Cheating subscribers. A sharp surge in subscribers (usually bots) can attract the attention of Instagram workers to your profile, and subsequently, a ban.
  • Private information about other persons. You cannot publish personal information from documents, credit cards, telephone numbers and home addresses that do not belong to you.
  • Using the program for mass account registration. Well, everything is clear here - any mechanization of actions is not welcomed by the network and may cause your profile to be banned.

And remember that any ban for any reason can lead to permanent loss of your account. If response time to request exceeded on Instagram and you are banned, you can correct the situation by writing to technical support, explaining your situation and finding out the reasons for the blocking. Often, Instagram employees make concessions and return access to your page.


Mass following and mass liking - at first glance, it’s a simple matter, but in the end it can play a cruel joke on you. And the efforts that you put into developing your page will ultimately turn out to be meaningless, and your account will be banned. But, if you still decide to use cheating, then be prepared for constant blocking. A clear signal for a decrease in activity in the coming period will be the appearance of a sign: “The time limit for the Instagram request has been exceeded” - in this case, it is worth suspending your activities for a while.

Good luck in developing your page!

Today the topic of our article is limits on Instagram and their compliance. Limits are the maximum number of activities (comments, likes, subscriptions, unsubscribes, direct messages) that are allowed social network Instagram. Failure to comply with limits and exceeding activities arouses suspicion on the part of the social network and can first lead to a temporary freeze of the account, and in case of systematic violation - to permanent blocking.

Of course, Instagram does not have a special help section dedicated to restrictions on artificial activity. On the contrary, there is a mention that any suspicion of imitation of user actions can lead to blocking. In this regard, there is no exact data; rather, these are recommendations created based on the experience of thousands of users who are engaged in professional promotion on Instagram.

For further simplicity of description, we will determine the understanding of the following phrases:

  • authoritative accounts, old accounts, profiles with history - these are profiles that are more than 6 months old;
  • only registered accounts are profiles from the moment of registration of which no more than 1 week has passed;
  • young accounts - age from 2 weeks to 2 months;
  • adult accounts - ages from 2 to 5 months.

Restrictions on subscriptions and unsubscribes

These are the most common activities characteristic of .

The maximum number of users that can be subscribed to is 7500 (including requests sent to subscribe to closed accounts, which are not displayed in the total number until permission to subscribe is received).

Maximum number of subscriptions per day:

  • for old accounts - 1000-1100;
  • young - 300-500;
  • age - 500-900.

There are no such strict limits on unsubscribes:

  • for old and mature accounts - 500-1500;
  • for newly created and young people - 400-800.

Daily limits on likes

Automatic liking is used for and for mass following. Due to its effectiveness, this is also one of the most popular activities, but at the same time the most prohibited by Instagram itself. Forbidden in the sense that blocking most often occurs precisely for mass liking.

Maximum number of likes per day:

  • for old accounts - 1200-1500;
  • for newly created accounts - 100-200;
  • young - 200-400;
  • age - 400-800.


As well as subsequent activities, users themselves usually block them if they monitor who writes in their comments and what they write there. There are three main ways in which comments can be used so as not to cause negativity from users and not receive a spam complaint.

  1. We comment on our subscribers.
  2. We leave comments under celebrities' posts, because... They have a huge number of comments, but it’s simply physically very difficult to follow them and no one does it.
  3. We leave only positive, unique and meaningful comments.

Comment limits:

  • no more than 15 per hour;
  • no more than 100 per day.

Sending messages via direct message

It is effective primarily for its subscribers, because if the user is not subscribed to you, the message will end up in the requests section and simply no one will see it or it will be blocked.

The message limit is no more than 60 messages per day.

Marks in publication

Mass tagging in publications can be used to attract more participants for a draw or giveaway, promotion, sale or discount.

Limits on marks:

  • It is recommended to put no more than 10 marks per publication;
  • make no more than 100 marks per day from 1 account.


Carefully monitor compliance with limits, especially if bulk actions are performed from the main account. Losing a popular profile will cost much more than slightly less daily activity. Do not combine several types of activities in one day; if you subscribe, you do not need to run comments, if you unsubscribe, there is no need to put likes at the same time, and so on.

For , use the SocialKit program. In the program, in addition to setting up all of the above activities, on the creation page of each task there are reminders about observing limits, which will make it much easier to remember to comply with them.

Promoting an Instagram account, taking into account the limitations of Instagram, is a very difficult and demanding task large quantity time and effort. In most cases, this takes from several weeks to months. Long-term selection of subscribers, as well as permanent selection, is not an easy task. To significantly facilitate profile promotion on Instagram, you can use third-party services. With their help, you can automate many processes.

About restrictions

Automation of page promotion on Instagram may result in account blocking. This network has existed for several years and, due to the dynamics of its growth, is attracting more and more fans. And this becomes the reason that many users use viral methods to promote users. These include cheating bots and fakes, using viral comments and aggressive marketing. To stop this, the Instagram administration introduced certain restrictions.

Watch the video: Common Errors on Instagram

1. N You cannot like more than once every 28 seconds. More frequent flags are recognized as viral, which may result in account blocking.

2. P You can put no more than 1000 marks in a row. Once the specified limit is reached, the ability to like will be blocked for 24 hours.

3. H The frequency of subscriptions, like likes, is limited to 1 per 28 seconds. In total, you can make no more than 200 subscriptions per hour and no more than 1000 per day. Otherwise, the account will be recognized as a bot and may be blocked.

4. O messages from users are carried out from no more than 1000 non-reciprocal people and the same number mutual subscribers. Exceeding the daily amount leads to blocking.

5. N You cannot insert more than 5 mentions in one description with a frequency of 350 seconds.

Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram
