Performer Robot. Practical work in computer science. Performer Robot Teams in idol robot version 1.8 0

KuMir - software solution, created by NIISI RAS specifically to help high school students learn the basics of programming and test their skills in workshops. The full name of this system is the Set of Educational Worlds. It consists of several components. The first, called “Standard,” offers a traditional set of tasks and training materials. The second, with the prefix "Pro", complements the "Standard" with additional courses. There are also versions of the software for high schools and for teachers.


The software solution is used in computer science lessons. It implements a school algorithmic language, which is a kind of analogue of the syntax of old programming languages ​​like Pascal or Basic. Code structures are denoted in Cyrillic, which makes it much easier for students to understand the logic of performing certain operations. There is also some kind of compiler and interpreter, which the developers named Robot and Draftsman.

Each task consists of theoretical and practical parts. For some lessons, visualization of the result is provided, thanks to which you can clearly understand the impact of changes made to the code. All available lessons are structured into separate courses.

When performing particularly large tasks, KuMir allows you to save unfinished programs in its own KUM format. Execute them in Windows environment can't be achieved, but it can be done standard means BY. In general, the developers tried to split the work on large projects into several stages. They also introduced into KuMir a function that constantly monitors the correctness of the entered code, and a special assistant that displays the values ​​of logical expressions and the results of assignment operations on a separate panel.

You can download and use the system completely free of charge. It can be installed on an unlimited number of educational computers. By the way, in addition to the version for Windows, KuMir also has a version for UNIX systems.

The most important thing

  • approved by the Ministry of Education as educational material for computer science lessons in high schools;
  • uses its own code syntax written in Cyrillic;
  • divides available training materials into individual courses;
  • allows teachers to conduct workshops;
  • distributed under the free GNU 2.0 license;
  • has a rather pragmatic interface.

Performer Robot

KuMir programming environment

Often in lessons and in task 20.1 the “Robot” performer is required to go down or up the stairs. You must understand that going up or down the stairs is carried out one cycle. As a rule, to check the performance of the algorithm, it is necessary to add steps on the ladder. The algorithm must be executed regardless of the number of stages, for example, both for two stages and for twenty.


In an infinite field, there is a horizontal wall that continues indefinitely to the left and ends with a staircase that goes down from left to right. The height of each step is two squares, the width is two squares. The robot is on a horizontal wall to go down the stairs. The figure shows one of the ways to position the ladder and the Robot (the Robot is indicated by the symbol ).

Write an algorithm for the Robot that paints all the cells located on the steps of the stairs. It is required to paint only the cells that satisfy this condition.

For example, for the above drawing, the Robot must color the cells:

The final location of the Robot can be arbitrary. The algorithm must solve the problem for an arbitrary field size and any number of steps. When executing the algorithm, the Robot should not be destroyed.


We will solve this problem in the KuMir programming environment. Open the program and go to the Robot menu -> Edit environment

We are building a staircase. With the left mouse button we click on the walls of the cage. Move the diamond (robot) to the desired location by holding down the left mouse button

Exit the editing mode of the Robot menu -> Edit environment. Next, write the command “use Robot” on the first line.

First, let's remember some commands for the Robot performer.

The assignment says that

The algorithm must solve the problem for an arbitrary field size and any number of steps

This means that the Robot must move using the While loop. We reason like this: there is a wall below the robot, which means it is not free from below. On the 4th line of the editor we write the command

nts is not free from below yet.

Inside the loop, you need to execute the commands sequentially:

To the right, down, paint to the right, to paint, to the left, to bottom, to paint, to the right, to paint

Fully ready-made program looks like this:

Use Robot alg start nts until the bottom is free right down paint right paint left down paint right paint kts end

To test the algorithm, let’s add a few more steps and check the result

So, the algorithm paints cells for any number of steps on the ladder.

KuMir is a program for high school programmers created by the Research Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This software allows you to teach programming to schoolchildren in secondary schools and test your skills in practical classes.

KuMir stands for “Training Worlds Set”. The program is designed to teach the basics of programming. KuMir has been widely used in computer science lessons for high school students in secondary schools.

The program consists of several components. The “Standard” component is created with the usual set of tasks and training courses. The second “StandardPro” is expanded with additional lessons. KuMir has a course of practical work for high school students and teachers.


Workshops with lessons on programming languages ​​are popular in computer science classes. The program on the basics of programming is equipped with the school language of algorithms. This language is similar to the syntax that works in older programming languages ​​like Pascal or Basic.

The program code is written in Cyrillic, which makes the information easy to understand. Students understand logical operations and language algorithms more easily. KuMira has algorithms for “compilation” and “interpretation”. The developers of this program call them “Robot” and “Draughtsman”.

The program tasks are divided into theoretical and practical parts. In some lessons you can view the answer in a “visual form”. The visual shell allows you to clearly see the changes that have occurred to the program code. All lessons and practical work are created according to the structure with separate courses. When performing very large works, the program stores unfinished programs in the KUM format. Running these works on the Windows operating system is not available. Use special programs for compilation to run the created projects in KUM format.

The creators of the program divided the large project into several stages. KuMir has a function that monitors the correct entry of the code and the correctness of the values. A special assistant shows Boolean expression data and information after entering assignment operations in a separate panel.

The training program is available for download and use free of charge. The number of installations is unlimited. KuMir can be used on any educational computer. The software is installed on computers with operating system Windows and UNIX systems.

The most important thing

  • KuMir is suitable for teaching high school students in secondary schools;
  • its own syntax base, which is created in Cyrillic;
  • dividing workshops into their own courses;
  • contains practical work for teachers;
  • the program runs on free license GNU 2.0;
  • simple shell with Russian language.

KuMir is one of the most simple programs to learn programming. You can download the product for free and use it for free, and full compatibility with Windows 10 is guaranteed.

Currently, quite a lot of attention is paid to the education of high school students. In particular, not so long ago it was developed and released software specifically for these purposes. NIISI RAS was involved in this. The software package itself is called KuMir. And now you can download it from our portal and install it for Windows 10. This will help you or your children quickly master programming and at the same time see how the skills they acquire can be used in practice.

Who needs KuMir

As mentioned above, the program was developed for schoolchildren so that they quickly master programming. However, not only children, but also teachers can use it. This software has several editions or variants:
  • Standard;
The basic package, called "Standard", provides only a relatively small set of educational tests and practice problems. This option involves using middle school students as a base for further study of programming.

If you want to download the PRO package for Windows 10, you will have access to an option with additional courses, which is more suitable for deeper learning. Well, in high school the use of the software package is provided. It is designed for teachers as well as high school students.

The application in question uses algorithms similar to old school languages. Moreover, the code itself is implemented in Cyrillic, which creates great convenience for students. As a result, their learning efficiency increases to a great extent. The application implementation resembles a modern compiler and interpreter. They were named Draftsman and Robot.

If you also want to download KuMir for Windows 10, then your children’s programming will be much more effective than before. In this application, learning is implemented in the form of sequential presentation of information. That is, first some theoretical information is given, and then the student will have to consolidate the acquired knowledge and solve a certain test.

Feedback about use

The most important indicator that the product is excellent is people writing positive reviews. It was very difficult to find something negative among them, but we managed. But let's talk about everything in order. Let's start with the advantages.

The application has advantages:

  • Officially approved software for educational purposes;
  • The program has its own syntax, written using Cyrillic;
  • All classes are strictly structured according to specific courses;
  • The interface is simple and convenient.
There are some disadvantages, but in our opinion, they are completely insignificant and really allow us to call this product an excellent solution. The disadvantages include simplicity and the ceiling of knowledge that you can gain. We will agree with everything. If you already have primitive knowledge, then you probably shouldn’t download this tool. It will create more for those users who are just getting acquainted with the world of programming.

And if you are just getting acquainted with programming, then start by downloading Idol for Windows 10. You don’t need other programming environments until you figure out how everything works and how to work with it. And you can do it right here. In a simple and understandable visual interface, thanks to which even a child will learn to program. Moreover, the distribution itself was developed for schoolchildren, so from the point of view of training and education, the product simply has no equal.

Training tasks

1) Performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number line. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 4 – Grasshopper jumps forward 4 units, Back 3 – Grasshopper jumps back 3 units.

What is the least number of times the command “Back 3” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 27?

2) The performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 6 – The grasshopper jumps forward 6 units,

Back 4

What is the least number of times the command “Back 4” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 28?

3) The performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number axis. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 5 – The grasshopper jumps forward 5 units,

Back 3 – The grasshopper jumps back 3 units.

What is the least number of times the command “Back 3” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 21?

4) The performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number line. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 0. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 7

Back 5

What is the least number of times the command “Back 5” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 19?

5) The performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number line. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 10. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 7 – The grasshopper jumps forward 7 units,

Back 4 – The grasshopper jumps back 4 units.

What is the least number of times the command “Back 4” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 43?

6) The performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number line. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 15. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 17 – The grasshopper jumps forward 17 units,

Back 6 – The grasshopper jumps back 6 units.

What is the least number of times the command “Back 6” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 36?

7) The performer GRASSHOPPER lives on the number line. The initial position of the GRASSHOPPER is point 20. The Grasshopper command system:

Forward 3 – The grasshopper jumps forward 3 units,

Back 5 – The grasshopper jumps back 5 units.

What is the least number of commands to move the Grasshopper to point (-4)?

"Forward 4" (Grasshopper jumps forward 4 units),

What is the least number of times the command “Back 3” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 31?

9) Performer Grasshopper lives on the number line. The initial position is point 0. The grasshopper command system:

What is the least number of times the command “Back 4” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 31?


“Forward 3” (Grasshopper jumps forward 3 units),

“Back 4” (Grasshopper jumps back 4 units).

What is the least number of times the command “Back 4” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 32?

11) Performer Grasshopper lives on the number line. The initial position is point 0. The grasshopper command system:

“Forward 5” (Grasshopper jumps forward 5 units),

“Back 3” (Grasshopper jumps back 3 units).

What is the least number of times the command “Back 3” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 33?

12) Performer Grasshopper lives on the number line. The initial position is point 0. The grasshopper command system:

“Forward 6” (Grasshopper jumps forward 6 units),

“Back 5” (Grasshopper jumps back 5 units).

What is the least number of times the command “Back 5” must appear in the program for the Grasshopper to end up at point 33?
