Emergency boot windows 8. Login using F8

Hello! In this article, I want to tell you how to log into a secure Windows mode 8. This article arose in the morning when I was sleeping and I received a call from an acquaintance who knows a little about computers, but he could not get into safe mode in Windows 8.

The fact is that the methods that work in Windows XP and Windows 7 do not work in Windows 8. Apparently Microsoft decided to make these changes in order to somehow diversify our lives;).

When I first installed Windows 8 on my computer, I never even thought that Microsoft would change the familiar F8 key. By the way, guys, if you don’t know how to enter safe mode on other systems, then be sure to read the article: “” and “”.

Before I start talking about how to enter safe mode, I want to say that read the article to the end. For those who used Windows XP and Windows 7 and decided to switch to Windows 8, this information will be extremely important for them.

In the article I will tell you about different ways to enter safe mode, because windows 8 offers more than one or two. If one of them does not suit you, then move on to the next one. In any case, you need to know everything, since there are all sorts of situations in life.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 8. Doesn't always work

This method is the fastest, but it does not always work, as it depends on the version of Windows 8. Instead of the usual F8 key, which was used to enter safe mode, you now need to press the F8+Shift key combination.

As I said above, this key combination is not suitable for everyone Windows versions 8. Although, you should try, maybe you will succeed.

First of all, you can try it, but if for some reason you don’t succeed, then move on to another method.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 8. Method No. 1

If your computer boots, then you can do the following.

Move your mouse pointer to the very bottom left of the screen, wait a couple of seconds and select “Options”.

Click “Shutdown”, hold down the “Shift” key on the keyboard and, without releasing it, click “Restart”.

Now click " Additional options».

Click "Download Options".

On the next screen we will be given information on what we can do to restart the computer. In the 4th line you will see the inscription “Enable safe mode” - that’s what we need. Click “Reboot”.

In the boot options you will be offered a choice of options, which are assigned by the F1 to F9 keys. Safe mode is on the 4th line, so press F4 to boot into safe mode.

This will boot into Windows 8 safe mode.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8. Method No. 2

This method is simpler and a little faster. To do this, you need to run the command line as an administrator.

If you are an administrator and are on the desktop, then press “Win” + “R”. Type msconfig and press Enter.

If not, then while in Metro, start typing “command prompt”. Click on it with the right mouse button, thereby checking the selection box.

The actions you can perform with this object will appear below. As I said above, we need to run as administrator, click on the corresponding button: “Run as administrator.”

Type the msconfig command, followed by Enter.

A window will open in which we select the “Download” tab. Check the "Safe Mode" box and leave the default "Minimal" selection. Click “OK” and restart the computer.

After this, you will immediately be in safe mode. When you have completed all the necessary actions, immediately safe mode go to the system configuration and uncheck the “Safe Mode” box, saving the selection by clicking “OK”.

How to enter Safe Mode in Windows 8. Method No. 3

This method will appeal to those who want to return to the usual selection of Safe Mode, as in Windows 7. Best of all, now the F8 button will work to enter Safe Mode.

First, go to the command line as an administrator; read how to do this above. Enter the command bcdedit /deletevalue (current) bootmenupolicy. Without a period 😉 . Press Enter.

Note that the brackets are not square! If you enter with square ones, you will receive the message “The parameter is specified incorrectly.”

Restart your computer. When Windows 8 starts to load, press the F8 key - as we usually did in Windows Xp and Windows 7. A selection of additional boot options will appear, which we are used to seeing in other versions of Windows.

All that remains is to select “Safe Mode” or any other that you need.

If you want to return it to how it was, then go back to the command line as an admin and enter the command: bcdedit /set (current) bootmenupolicy standard.

I think that this method is the most practical and pleasant for users who have recently switched from Windows 7 to Windows 8. But there is a nuance - you must remember this command so that next time you can quickly use this option on another computer.

How to enter safe mode in Windows 8. Method number 4

If you have a Windows 8 distribution at hand, I think you have it available, then you can use it to enter safe mode.

Insert the disc into the drive tray and restart the computer. Set boot priorities to CD-Rom, as is usually done before installing Windows.

In the first window, where we are asked to select a language, time format, etc., click “Next”. In the next window, on the left, click “System Restore”.

A command line will open where you enter the command bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

Close the command line, then click “Continue”.

The computer will restart, and after that you can enter safe mode. But this sentence will appear every time Windows startup 8. To disable, enter the command bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions. This will return it to its original state.

Windows 8 didn't give users a choice for an easier option to enter Safe Mode. If unforeseen situations happen to your computer or Windows 8, for example, there are problems with the video card and you will not be able to log into your account. Then you will need a little dancing with a tambourine for the average user.

By the way, some users, in order to enter safe mode, turn off the computer emergencyly, so when you turn it on, a menu appears from where you can get into safe mode. I did not describe this option as a method, although it is one. But it’s worth taking note, because there are different situations in life.

In principle, there is nothing complicated. If you do it once on your computer, you can forget for a long time about how to enter safe mode.

That's all I have.

Most computer problems can be resolved using Safe Mode. You can even often hear the first thing recommended when a system crashes or if the computer slows down for unknown reasons, go in and check it there. Most users are well aware that to boot into safe mode, you need to repeatedly press F8 or Shift+F8 when starting the computer. True, with Windows release 8 (8.1), everything has changed, on their pressing Windows does not respond and loads as if nothing had happened. But why don’t the buttons work and how can I start it then?

I'll tell you about three ways to start your computer in safe mode:

  1. Booting using the shutdown menu
  2. Launch using the msconfig utility
  3. Booting into safe mode using the recovery disk.

How to start Windows 8 in safe mode using the Shutdown menu

This method is the simplest and fastest, at the same time it is the standard that replaced “F8”. The advantage of this option is that it can be used without going into the user profile. Calling side menu where we go to " Options» –> « Shutdowns"Move the mouse over the item "" while holding down the " button Shift"Left-click on "".

Also, there is a launch option with the participation of CMD. By typing the following on the command line shutdown /r /o /t 0. But, no matter which option you choose, in any case, the recovery menu will open in front of you, in which we click “ Diagnostics».

In additional parameters it is possible to fix many problems in various ways, but we need to boot into safe mode and therefore go to “ Boot Options" Next, you can get acquainted with what parameters the system can boot after you click “ Reboot».

Select the option for further download. Moving down to the fourth point, we see the usual three launch options:

To select, you can use numbers (4-6) or F4-F6, whichever is more convenient for you.

The result is obvious after reboot Windows 8, booted into safe mode.

How to start Windows 8 in safe mode using msconfig utility

The second option is also quite simple, but has one drawback. This option can only be used if you are logged into your user profile. If there is such an opportunity, then we move on. We will log in to BR using the utility msconfig . We can launch configuration settings in two ways.

1.In the “Run” window, enter the command msconfig.

2. Going to the search, we also enter msconfig and launch the utility.

Having entered the system configuration, you just need to check the “Safe Mode” box and select the startup type.

  • Minimum - Standard Safe Mode
  • Another shell – with command line support
  • Active Directory recovery - for domain controller

Having decided, mark the necessary items and save the “Apply” parameters. After the reboot, our system will start in safe mode.

After finishing work, do not forget to change everything back, otherwise operating system will always boot into safe mode. To set the standard boot, go to the configuration settings, just uncheck the box that you checked earlier and reboot.

How to Enter Windows 8 Safe Mode Using a Recovery Disk

The latest option is more suitable for users whose OS cannot fully start due to a system failure. For this option we need boot disk recovery, how to do it you can find out here. Having a recovery disk, it can be either a USB drive or an optical media, just insert it, having previously changed it, and reboot. The same recovery menu will appear in front of you, although in the additional parameters there is no such item as “Boot options”.

To get out of this situation, we will use the command line, which, as you understand, you need to select. Having launched the console, we will draw the following command: bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

Having received a message about a successful operation, close the command line and click “Continue”. If a window with boot parameters appears in front of you, then you have done everything correctly. By selecting an option and pressing the corresponding key, you will enter Windows 8 safe mode.

When you subsequently reboot the computer, a settings window will appear. In order for everything to be as before, you need to enter the following on the command line: bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions, which will restore all boot settings back.

In general, there are many ways to boot into Windows 8 safe mode, but which one to use is up to you, dear readers.

Disclaimer: this article was published on our website two years ago. However, the methods described in it then partially stopped working. On at the moment The article has been updated and relevant, everything written below has been tested on Windows 8.1 Updated.

I'll tell you about three ways How to boot into safe mode:

  1. Using the system shutdown menu - works when the system boots at least to the user selection screen;
  2. Through the msconfig utility - it works only if it is possible to run it;
  3. Using a system recovery disk is a more labor-intensive method and will help those who have a G8 that does not boot.

1. Boot into safe mode by shutting down the system

This is the easiest and fastest option. It works regardless of whether the user is logged into their account or not. Hover your mouse over the system shutdown menu, and while holding the Shift key, select “Reboot.”

After a short wait, the system recovery menu will open. An alternative way to launch this menu is to type the following command on the command line:

Here we are interested in the “Diagnostics” section. We go along the path “Diagnostics” - “Advanced options” - “Boot options”.

At the exit, we will be greeted by a boot options window with a detailed description of what we will get after restarting Windows.

Click “Restart” and select the key corresponding to the desired one from the proposed parameters:

  • F4 - to start safe mode;
  • F5 - to start safe mode with loading network drivers;
  • F6 - similar, only with command line support.

As a result, Windows 8.1 will boot into safe mode.

To return to normal mode Windows operation, just reboot the system.

2. Entering safe mode through the system configuration utility

You can get into safe mode in another way, which requires logging into your account. Windows entry 8. To launch configuration settings, open search, enter and run the utility.

Switch to the “Boot” tab and check the box next to Safe Mode.

You can also select the type of safe mode:

  • Minimal is normal safe mode;
  • The other shell is safe mode with command line support;
  • Network is a safe mode that loads network drivers.

After selecting the desired download option, click Ok and restart your computer. As a result, it will automatically boot into Safe Mode.

If you restart your computer again, it will go into safe mode again, and it will stay that way forever. To return to normal system boot, open msconfig and uncheck the box, click Ok, and reboot the system.

3. Using a recovery disk

The two methods shown above allow you to start safe mode while the system is running. But what to do if Windows 8 does not load at all and the Shift+F8 key combination does not work? In this case, you will need a recovery disk, which you, as a prepared user, created in advance. No? Then you need to create it and act according to the scheme described below.

Disk is being created Windows recovery 8 is very simple - the standard package of the 8 includes a creation utility. We launch it and act as directed by the program, everything is very simple and intuitive (the process of creating bootable flash drive can be seen in the video at the end of the article). The only requirement for the disk/flash drive is that the media must hold at least 256 MB of data.

So you have a recovery disk. You need to boot from it and select one of the proposed keyboard layouts. After this, follow the path “Diagnostics” - “Advanced options” - “Command line” (you will not see a direct link to boot the system in safe mode).

Select the command line and enter:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

After receiving a message about a successful operation, close the command line and select “Continue”.

The long-awaited menu appears before us.

We select what we need and load.

There is one point: after the steps described above, Windows 8 will always offer this menu when booting. To return to normal boot mode, enter the following command on the command line:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

We looked at three ways to launch the command line under Windows 8.1. I hope that they will help you bring a crashed system back to life or troubleshoot problems that have arisen.

Finally, a video that shows everything that is written in this article, only more briefly.

Subscribe to our channel on Youtube. See you!

I’ll show you how to boot into safe mode on Windows 8. Safe mode in Windows 8 is needed so that if Windows doesn’t boot in normal mode, you can boot into safe mode and check hard drive or go online and look for a solution to the problem, or fix the system not starting correctly, or disable components that interfere with startup.

There are several ways to use Safe Mode in Windows 8.

Method 1 - Windows 8 Safe Mode using SHIFT key.

Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the screen, then raise the cursor and select parameters.

Now click on power off.

Now hold down SHIFT and press power off and

After a few seconds, the action selection menu appears.

Continue. Exit and using Windows 8.1
Diagnostics. Restoring your computer, returning your computer to its original state, or using additional tools.
Turn off your computer.

Select diagnostics.

Restore. If your computer is not working properly, you can restore it without losing any files.
Return to original state. Your files will be deleted.
Additional options.

Select additional options.

System Restore. Restoring Windows using a restore point.
Restoring the system image. Recovering Windows using a system image file.
Startup recovery. Troubleshoot problems that prevent Windows from loading.
Command line. The command line can be used for advanced troubleshooting.
Download options. Configuring Windows boot options.

Selecting download options.

Reboot your system to:
- enable low resolution video mode
- enable debug mode
- keep a download log
- enable safe mode
- disable mandatory driver signature verification
- disable early launch of anti-malware driver
- disable automatic reboot in case of system failure

Click reboot.

A menu of nine download options appears.
Download options. To choose from following parameters press the appropriate key: use the number keys or F1-F9.

1) Enable debugging
Windows boots in advanced diagnostic mode, intended for system administrators.

2) Enable boot logging
Windows boots and creates a file, ntbtlog.txt, which records all drivers installed during startup.

3) Enable low resolution video mode
Windows boots using the video driver with low resolution and refresh rates. This mode can be used to reset your screen settings if you have set a resolution that your monitor does not support.

4) Enable safe mode
Windows starts with a minimal set of drivers and services.

5) Enable safe mode with loading network drivers
Windows boots in safe mode, loading network drivers and services necessary to access the Internet.

6) Enable safe mode with command line support
Windows starts in safe mode with a command prompt window instead of the normal Windows interface.

7) Disable mandatory driver signature verification
Allows installation of drivers containing incorrect signatures.

8) Disable early start of anti-malware protection
Disable early startup of the anti-malware driver, which allows you to install drivers that may contain malware.

9) Disable automatic restart after crash
Windows will not automatically restart if a fatal Windows error occurs.

I advise you to choose the fifth point.

Ready. Windows started in safe mode and we can go online to look for solutions to the problem or just for fun.

After rebooting, Windows will start in normal mode.

Method 2 - Windows 8 Safe Mode using msconfig.

Press the Win + R key combination to launch the Run utility.

Now we write msconfig and press OK or Enter.

The system configuration opens. Go to the download tab.

Now check the box for safe mode.

Click OK.

System setup. You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. Before rebooting, save everything open files and close all programs.

Now let's reboot. Done, now the system will always boot in safe mode.

To boot in normal mode, you need to re-enter the system configuration.

I'll show you how to enter it in another way. Move the cursor to the lower right or upper right part, then lower it (if you moved the cursor to the upper part) or raise it (if you moved the cursor to the lower part) and select search.

One of the common steps in solving computer problems is to boot the system into safe mode. For a long time, the F8 keys (Shift+F8) were used for this. However, in Windows 8 and 8.1, pressing them may lead to nothing. So how do you start Safe Mode?

05/12/2014 15:37, Pavel Agachev

Disclaimer: this article was published on our website two years ago. However, the methods described in it then partially stopped working. At the moment, the article has been updated and relevant, everything written below has been tested on Windows 8.1 Updated.

I’ll tell you about three ways to boot into safe mode:

  1. Using the system shutdown menu - works when the system boots at least to the user selection screen;
  2. Through the msconfig utility - it works only if it is possible to run it;
  3. Using a system recovery disk is a more labor-intensive method and will help those who have a G8 that does not boot.
  4. 1. Boot into safe mode by shutting down the system

This is the easiest and fastest option. It works regardless of whether the user is logged into their account or not. Hover your mouse over the system shutdown menu, and while holding the Shift key, select “Reboot.”

After a short wait, the system recovery menu will open. An alternative way to launch this menu is to type the following command on the command line:

Here we are interested in the “Diagnostics” section. We go along the path “Diagnostics” - “Advanced options” - “Boot options”.

At the exit, we will be greeted by a boot options window with a detailed description of what we will get after restarting Windows.

Click “Restart” and select the key corresponding to the desired one from the proposed parameters:

  • F4 - to start safe mode;
  • F5 - to start safe mode with loading network drivers;
  • F6 - similar, only with command line support.

As a result, Windows 8.1 will boot into safe mode.

To return to normal Windows operation, simply reboot the system.

2. Entering safe mode through the system configuration utility

You can get into safe mode in another way, which requires logging into your Windows 8 account. To launch configuration settings, open the search, enter and run the utility.

Switch to the “Boot” tab and check the box next to Safe Mode.

You can also select the type of safe mode:

  • Minimal is normal safe mode;
  • The other shell is safe mode with command line support;
  • Network is a safe mode that loads network drivers.

After selecting the desired download option, click Ok and restart your computer. As a result, it will automatically boot into Safe Mode.

If you restart your computer again, it will go into safe mode again, and it will stay that way forever. To return to normal system boot, open msconfig and uncheck the box, click Ok, and reboot the system.

3. Using a recovery disk

The two methods shown above allow you to start safe mode while the system is running. But what to do if Windows 8 does not load at all and the Shift+F8 key combination does not work? In this case, you will need a recovery disk, which you, as a prepared user, created in advance. No? Then you need to create it and act according to the scheme described below.

Creating a Windows 8 recovery disk is very simple - the standard package of the "eight" includes a creation utility. We launch it and act as directed by the program, everything is very simple and intuitive (the process of creating a bootable flash drive can be seen in the video at the end of the article). The only requirement for the disk/flash drive is that the media must hold at least 256 MB of data.

So you have a recovery disk. You need to boot from it and select one of the proposed keyboard layouts. After this, follow the path “Diagnostics” - “Advanced options” - “Command line” (you will not see a direct link to boot the system in safe mode).

Select the command line and enter:

bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

After receiving a message about a successful operation, close the command line and select “Continue”.

The long-awaited menu appears before us.

We select what we need and load.

There is one point: after the steps described above, Windows 8 will always offer this menu when booting. To return to normal boot mode, enter the following command on the command line:

bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

We looked at three ways to launch the command line under Windows 8.1. I hope that they will help you bring a crashed system back to life or troubleshoot problems that have arisen.

Finally, a video that shows everything that is written in this article, only more briefly.
