Work as a security guard with a 6th category weapon. Security activities in the Russian Federation. The main differences in the ranks of security guards: choosing the right option

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Sample instructions for a 6th grade security guard

The sample job description is compiled taking into account the professional standard

1. General Provisions

1.1. A 6th grade security guard belongs to the specialist category.

1.2. The following person is accepted for the position of security guard of the 6th category:

1) having secondary general education;

2) completed vocational training under a vocational training program;

3) completed professional training under a retraining program;

4) having experience in the field of security of educational organizations at stationary posts for at least one year.

1.3. A person is allowed to perform the work specified in clause 1.2 of these instructions:

1) having a medical certificate based on the results of the examination confirming the absence of contraindications that would prevent the performance of the duties of a private security guard;

2) having a personal medical record with notes on preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of workers performing any type of work in educational organizations specified in the regulations of the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field healthcare;

3) having a private security guard certificate;

4) having a certificate of qualification of the 5th or 6th category;

5) has passed periodic tests in a timely manner for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means;

6) completed fire safety training;

7) has a driver's license;

8) having the skills to use physical force.

1.4. A 6th grade security guard must know:

1) conditions for the use of physical force, special means, civilian and service firearms, the limits of necessary defense;

2) methodological recommendations for the implementation of private security activities in terms of travel to provide force support based on reports from objects and the actions of private security guards in suppressing offenses and detaining violators;

3) instructions on anti-terrorism protection of educational facilities (if available as a local regulatory act);

4) a list of possible threats to educational organizations when committing extremist and other illegal actions;

5) labor legislation Russian Federation in terms of violations of labor discipline;

6) regulatory legal acts and methodological recommendations for the implementation of private security activities at educational facilities;

7) norms of administrative legislation of the Russian Federation relating to ensuring established public order at educational facilities;

8) a list of protected educational objects in the area of ​​responsibility;

9) provisions of the job description of employees mobile groups security and stationary posts on actions in emergency situations and measures to preserve traces at the scene of the incident;

10) requirements for ensuring the safety of the most valuable property of an educational organization;

11) an algorithm of actions to ensure the safety of students and workers in the event of emergency situations;

12) the nearest access roads to protected objects in the area of ​​responsibility;

13) specifications, design and principles of operation of special means and service weapons, rules of use and safety measures when handling special means and service weapons;

14) radio traffic rules;

15) basics of fire safety, rules for shutting off power grids, methods of shutting off water supply systems;

16) requirements for appearance and behavior of security guards of educational organizations;

17) post instructions on the protection of educational organizations for employees of stationary posts and mobile security groups;

18) rules for maintaining post documentation;

19) the limits of the powers of inspectors at educational facilities and the rules of communication with inspectors;

20) form and procedure of the report;

21) Internal labor regulations;

22) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

23) ……… (other requirements for necessary knowledge)

1.5. A 6th grade security guard must be able to:

1) use radio communications;

2) use primary fire extinguishing means;

3) provide first aid to victims;

4) use physical force, civilian and service weapons within the framework of the requirements of vocational training programs for the 5th or 6th category;

5) drive a car (for all crew members of mobile groups);

6) carry out internal checks of the readiness of security guards at stationary posts to perform labor functions at educational facilities;

7) notify the operational duty officer in the established manner and form about violations identified during inspections;

8) if necessary, perform the labor functions of security guards at stationary posts until the arrival of the reserve;

9) assess the situation in the event of emergency situations;

10) interact with police officers and city or regional emergency services;

11) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.6. A 6th grade security guard in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations regulating labor functions by position)

1.7. A 6th grade security guard reports directly to ……… (name of the manager’s position)

1.8. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Providing emergency support to stationary posts in the event of threats to protected educational organizations:

1) arriving at the security site upon receipt of reports of threats to educational organizations and taking measures within the protected area to detect persons who have committed unauthorized entry, with their immediate transfer to police officers;

2) carrying out random inspections of educational organizations in the area of ​​responsibility;

3) protecting the scene of an incident and the property of educational organizations in emergency situations together with employees of stationary posts.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. A 6th grade security guard performs the following duties:

3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) arrives at the educational organization upon receipt of information about the penetration of strangers into a protected facility, about fires, about man-made accidents;

2) suppresses attacks on the interests of educational organizations protected under the agreement and detains violators;

3) transfers persons who have unauthorizedly entered a protected educational facility or committed other illegal actions to the arriving police squads;

4) assesses the situation in the event of a terrorist threat or emergency and acts in accordance with the instructions of the regulatory legal acts of the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, regulatory legal acts of executive authorities specially authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technical emergencies, and recommendations of the federal executive body authorized in the field of security of the Russian Federation;

5) protects property during the period of emergency services and inspection of the scene of the incident;

6) takes measures to preserve traces of violators and objects left by offenders.

3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) receives from the operational duty officer the technical assignment (plan) for internal inspections for the shift;

2) checks the degree of readiness of guards at stationary posts to perform labor functions according to the plan;

3) checks the compliance of uniforms, signs and emblems with the agreed permitting documents;

4) informs the operational duty officer about gross violations identified with the temporary replacement of guards at stationary posts.

3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) protects the property of educational organizations during the work of emergency services or conducts an inspection of the scene of an incident together with employees of stationary posts until the special order of the operational duty officer;

2) informs the operational duty officer and the police about the signs of the escaped violators, their escape routes and stolen property.

3.1.4. As part of the performance of his job functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

3.2. When performing his duties, a 6th grade security guard performs work under the guidance of an operational duty officer with the individual responsibility of the employee.

3.3. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

A 6th grade security guard has the right to:

4.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.

4.3. Request on behalf of the immediate supervisor and receive from other employees of the organization necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the order.

4.4. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. A 6th grade security guard is held accountable:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation and accounting legislation;

Offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2015 N 1010n, taking into account ……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the magazine for familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

The very name of the profession “security guard” implies that he must protect the premises, territory and objects located in this territory. In 2009, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation added the profession “Security Officer” to the ETKS of works and professions of workers. 6 categories were established for this profession. The highest rank of a security guard is 6.

Rights and responsibilities of a security guard

An employee engaged in this profession must protect property and ensure access control in the entrusted territories. According to the directory, it is he who is entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the return of certificates on time, which were provided for entry into the territory.

The security guard can inspect imported and exported property and vehicles from the protected area. In addition, the security guard must control the means of protecting the health and life of individuals, ensuring order during public events on the entrusted territory. The security guard must prevent the theft of property from the protected area, and he can use various means, including those permitted in security activities.

He must know the regulations in the field of security activities, know how to detain offenders and hand them over to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how to use physical force and means of protection, must know the methodology for maintaining documentation relating to his activities, and how to use the special means with which he is endowed for carrying out professional activities.

Assignment of the qualification “Security Guard of the 6th category” involves the protection of the territories of objects, premises, property during its transportation using, if necessary, special equipment, including weapons permitted for private security guards.

Equipment of private security companies

A private security guard of the 6th category can work in a private security company that has special equipment, which includes handcuffs, a protective vest and helmet, barrelless weapons for self-defense, gas weapons, including aerosols with tear gases, electric shocks, and spark gaps. All this can be used by 5th grade guards. A bonus for the category in question is that the private security company is equipped with special equipment and weapons of a 6th category security guard, such as firearms.

Let's study

This rank is the highest for a security guard. However, the training is the longest with the highest training costs. A person who has completed training receives 6th grade. However, receiving it does not guarantee that the employee will be hired immediately after coming to work at the private security company. Positions corresponding to this rank may all be filled, and then you will be asked to work at lower ranks. But, if the position of a 6th grade security guard becomes vacant, you will be transferred to it.

Deciding on an educational institution to take courses

It must be licensed educational activities in the right direction. The application to the license will indicate the address where the training should take place. It must be compared with the actual address. If they do not match, and only tables and chairs are located at the actual address, it is better to look for another institution for training.

Training to become a 6th grade security guard assumes that you must fire 43 rounds of ammunition during training. At the same time, they may tell you that these include cartridges that must be shot during the exam. An additional 10 rounds of ammunition are allocated for the exam of a 6th grade security guard. Sometimes the comprehensive and final exams are combined, and then they say that 10 rounds will be allocated out of 43, but if you cut off on the first exercise, you will underuse the rounds, will not receive a certificate of training and will not pass the comprehensive exam for a 6th grade security guard.

You can ask the commission to assign the 5th category, but no one will return the money for training and unused ammunition.

Completion of training

After completing your studies at the chosen educational institution, you receive a certificate that records that you completed a course of study at this institution during a certain period of time. Training should be carried out according to the training program for private security guards. To obtain a security guard certificate, you must contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The concept of a qualifying exam

This exam is conducted in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not in an educational institution. The exam can be taken at your place of residence or registration, as well as at the place of registration of the private security company that is your place of work. Examination tickets for a 6th grade security guard involve testing theoretical knowledge for a maximum of 15 minutes, during which one person must answer 10 questions. In this case, the accuracy of the answers must be at least 90%.

The exam is taken in the form of tests for grade 6 security guards. Admission to the qualification exam requires the submission of the following documents to the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • a copy of the certificate from the educational institution;
  • certificate in form 046-1 (permissible statute of limitations is 1 year).

When submitting copies for comparison, you must present the original documents. In addition, you must have a certificate from an educational institution about training in a program not lower than the required level.

Passing the qualifying exam

After submitting the documents, the Ministry of Internal Affairs commission checks them, after which a specific date, time and place is assigned where the qualification exam will take place.

It contains a theoretical part, which includes, as already noted, tests for a 6th category security guard, as well as two practical parts. During the first practical part, skills in using self-defense weapons are tested, and during the second, skills in shooting from a service firearm are tested.

Grade 6 security guard exam papers are not that difficult. For those who understand the topic, everything is simple and easy.

If the exam was not passed, then, as a rule, after 8 days, it is allowed to retake it without retraining. If the exam is passed successfully, then the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs issues a “Certificate of qualification of a private security guard” of the required category.

Applying for a security guard certificate

To obtain it, you need to contact the licensing and permitting department (LRO) at the district Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration/residence of the citizen himself or at the place of registration of the private security company in which the citizen works.

In this case, the following documents are submitted there:

  • Russian passport;
  • a copy of the training certificate;
  • a copy of the received certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • a copy of certificate 046-1 with the same validity period;
  • photo 4x6 cm, 2 pieces;
  • a form for issuing a certificate (as a rule, its form is issued and filled out directly at the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Checking and making a decision on issuing a certificate

After submitting the documents, the information contained in them is checked. It is carried out by conducting interviews with the applicant for a certificate, sending requests to the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the applicant’s criminal record or the fact of his criminal or administrative prosecution.

In addition, requests are sent to licensing, law enforcement, supervisory and control authorities. Other activities provided for by current legislation may also be carried out.

No more than 20 days may pass from the date of submission of the application along with attachments until a decision is made to issue or refuse to issue a certificate. If there is a need for additional verification activities, the period, by decision of the head of the structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, can be increased to 10 additional working days.

The decision is issued with a reasoned conclusion. It must be certified by the signature of the employee issuing the decision, the head or his deputy of the licensing and permitting department.

Obtaining a license

Can occur in six digits. The first three categories do not require professional training or licensing. Security guards of the 6th category, according to current legislation, must obtain an appropriate license, which is understood as a private security guard certificate. It is issued for a period of 5 years. The applicant must be of legal age at the time of application. After this period, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for renewing the certificate.

The license for the right to carry out security activities is obtained by the private security company. The legislation of our country does not provide for the provision of security services by a separate security guard.

Periodic inspection of 6th grade guards

Receipt by an individual of a certificate containing information about the qualification of a private security guard gives the right to use firearms for service, special equipment and self-defense weapons. After successful completion, periodic verification is carried out.

For 6th grade security guards, it is carried out 1 year after successful completion this exam. For this category, periodic testing includes an examination in the theory of fire training, theoretical law and medical training, as well as practical shooting from a service weapon. After passing this check, the security guard receives an “Extract from the Commission Protocol”, according to which the management of the private security company petitions the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for permission to carry and store service weapons while performing official duties.

The Department of Internal Affairs issues the appropriate permit, which indicates the series and number of the weapon, which is placed on the security guard's ID and must always be with him. The security guard must receive a weapon while on duty and hand it over at the end of his shift. You cannot use weapons for personal purposes.


Thus, the position of a security guard, especially the highest rank, requires an initial expenditure of money on training, passing exams and periodic confirmation of suitability for the position held. If persons have had a criminal record, a criminal investigation was carried out against them, they were dismissed from the civil service for violating the law, if their license has already been revoked and less than 1 year has passed since its cancellation, if they are constantly brought to administrative responsibility, they do not have the right to obtain a security guard license.

One of the prerequisites for carrying out private security activities on the territory of the Russian Federation is obtaining the rank of security guard. This identifier is included in the official certificate, the receipt of which is the final stage of preparation for taking up the position. Our article describes the three existing categories of security guards, describes their features and stages of obtaining. Here is also given detailed information about the qualifying exam that is conducted to obtain the rank of private security guard.

The main differences in the ranks of security guards: choosing the right option

According to the order of the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development of 2009, three categories of private security guards are officially recognized in the country. To obtain each of them, separate requirements are put forward, different job responsibilities and opportunities. Let us consider in detail what the ranks of a security guard mean and what their differences are:

Security guard 4th grade vested with the authority to provide security services using special means. This category of equipment includes a rubber truncheon (stick) and handcuffs. Here, as in all other cases, the use of these means is permitted only in cases of need to stop the commission of a crime and detain a violator of law and order.

Security guard 5th grade, in addition to using the above means, receives the right to carry and use civilian self-defense weapons in work. This category includes gas pistols and cans, as well as stun guns. Please note that the list of permitted products of such a plan includes certain brands and models. Therefore, all civilian weapons used by specialists must strictly comply with acceptable standards.

Security Guard 6 rank has the right to use all the means permitted for the two previous categories of guards by rank. In addition, it is allowed to carry and use service firearms, which, as in the previous case, are permitted for use by regulatory legislation.

Before moving on to consider the question of how and where to obtain the rank of a security guard, we note that the exact choice must be made even before the start of this multi-stage procedure. The fact is that if the initially chosen option turns out to be insufficient for the requirements of your private security company, in order to increase the rank of a security guard you will have to completely go through all the stages from the very beginning.

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How to get the rank of a security guard: stages and their specifics

Having familiarized yourself with the information about what types of security guards there are and how they differ from each other, you can proceed directly to the obtaining procedure. First of all, it is necessary to check the possibility of working in this position, since security activities are not accessible to a certain circle of people. Such persons include incompetent persons, minors (under 18 years of age), convicted persons and persons accused of committing a crime. This also includes employees dismissed from government agencies for various violations, including security guards who were deprived of their certificates for administrative crimes. Another mandatory condition is passing state fingerprint registration.

Many people are interested in the question of up to what age they are given the rank of security guard. It should be emphasized here that there are no exact restrictions on this issue. However, in order to receive the rank of private security guard, you must pass a medical examination. In fact, a negative opinion from doctors is the age limit that is individual for each applicant. According to the authors of this review, this approach is quite objective - for some, the ability to perform responsible functions may be relevant at 60 years old, while others may not be able to cope with them for health reasons even at 30!

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Training and examination for the rank of security guard

The next important step in preparing to receive the rank of security guard is training. It is carried out in special certified educational institutions, where a separate program with a fixed number of hours is allocated for each category. This training is free of charge. However, its cost is quickly compensated for in the first months of work in the specialty. Upon completion of the course of lectures, cadets pass a qualifying exam to receive the appropriate rank. Please note that if you fail, the commission gives you the opportunity to try again, for which a date and time are specifically assigned.

The qualification exam for obtaining the rank of security guard consists of two parts. Initially, cadets answer theoretical questions (in writing or in computer testing format). For the 4th category exam, you are asked to answer 7 questions (2 errors are allowed), 5 - 9 questions (2 errors), 6 - 10 questions (1 error). Only if the theoretical part is successfully completed, the applicant is invited to take the practical exam. Here, depending on the chosen rank of the guard, the technique of mastering those tools that are approved for work is checked.

If the exam is successful, you will receive a certificate, which is included in full package documents required to obtain a security guard certificate. By contacting the services of Legis Group of Companies consultants, you can receive detailed instructions upon receiving the rank of security guard. It is likely, and the authors hope for this, that in the future you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate your skills by working in our private security company!

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The main legislative acts regulating this activity are:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation”;
  • Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs concerning security issues: dated December 31, 1999 No. 1105 (as amended on August 30, 2011); dated June 18, 2012 No. 589 (as amended on September 23, 2015); No. 960 of 08/22/2011, etc.;
  • Law of the Russian Federation on weapons.

What is security activity

Private security activities (PSAs) are the activities of non-governmental organizations and individual entrepreneurs that provide the following services to citizens and legal entities on a paid contractual basis:

  • protecting the life and health of citizens;
  • protection of property owners;
  • protection of property at sites with the implementation of work on the design, installation and maintenance of security devices and response to their signal information;
  • ensuring access control at various facilities;
  • consulting on legal protection against unlawful attacks;
  • ensuring order in places where mass events are held.

The activities of security institutions do not extend to objects subject to state protection (the list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation).

Who can provide services

According to Art. 11 Federal Law No. 2487-1, the right to provide security services is granted only to organizations that have a license issued by the Department of Internal Affairs. The license is granted for a period of 5 years. It specifies the types of services that the center can provide.

Not everyone can become an employee of a security agency either. And not only because this activity is not for everyone. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1, one of the prerequisites for carrying out private security activities on the territory of the Russian Federation is obtaining a certificate. It is included in the certificate that the future employee receives after training and passing the exam.

According to ETKS, there are 6 categories of security guards. Employees with grades 4 to 6 are considered the most in demand. The fact is that their owners can use special equipment during work (rubber stick, handcuffs, shockers, etc.). Workers with level 6 also have the right to use firearms in their work. How to get the 6th rank of security guard, and where to get training in this profession, read in the next section.

Profession training

Having familiarized yourself with the information about what categories there are and how they differ from each other, you can proceed directly to the receiving procedure. Let's look at the sequence in which 6th grade security guards are trained:

  • before looking for where to get training, it is necessary to check the possibility of working in this position, since for some people security activities are not accessible (Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 (as amended on December 5, 2017)) . Accordingly, there is no point in training to be a security guard in this case;
  • Also, before training, the future security guard should undergo a medical examination and obtain the necessary certificates (on form No. 002-O/u about the absence of medical contraindications for this work, certificates from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries stating that the citizen is not registered, document on form No. 003 -O/from the narcological clinic about the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the body);
  • The next important step is completing training. This measure will allow you to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. Training to become a 6th category security guard is carried out in special certified educational institutions of additional professional education (additional vocational education), where a separate program with a fixed number of hours is developed for each category. There are many such schools both in Moscow and in small towns (the address and telephone number can easily be found on the Internet). Courses are paid. However, the cost of training is quickly compensated for in the first months of work in the specialty;
  • Training to become a 6th grade security guard ends with passing a qualifying exam. It consists of two parts (theoretical and practical). Approximate exam questions security guard grade 6 2020 with answers can be found on the Internet. How to obtain a 6th grade security guard certificate: upon successful completion of training and passing the exam, the student will be issued a certificate, which is included in the full package of documents required to obtain a security guard certificate. If you fail, the commission gives you the opportunity to try again, for which a special date and time are set.

How to get a 6th category security guard license after training

Having completed training and having a security guard certificate in hand, you should go to the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) to obtain permission to conduct security activities.

You must also provide a package of documents to the LRO at your place of residence, which includes:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates issued educational institution;
  • conclusion of a medical examination (certificate in form 002 O-U, as well as document in form No. 003-O/u from a narcologist and a psychiatrist’s report);
  • 2 photographs measuring 4x6 cm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty. According to paragraphs. 112 clause 1, a 6th category security guard license costs 2,000 rubles.

After receiving the documents, the department will begin an inspection, after which a decision will be made to issue a license or refuse. Usually everything takes about 30 days. And all expenses from the moment of passing the medical examination to obtaining a license will amount to approximately 20,000 rubles.

The license obtained after training gives the security guard the right to work with firearms and use them as necessary.

Working as a security guard

Having received the certificate, a citizen can be hired as a security guard of the appropriate category in a security agency according to employment contract. We bring to your attention a sample resume for a 6th grade security guard. Using it as an aid, you can draw up a document that you will send to your manager for review.

While working at sites, security guards perform various responsibilities. For example, the responsibilities of a 6th grade security guard include:

  • ensuring the safety and integrity of property at the protected site;
  • access of personnel to the guarded facility;
  • inspection of visitors and their Vehicle when leaving the territory of the organization;
  • inspection of the territory in order to identify unauthorized persons, checking the serviceability of alarms and locks;
  • preventing property theft;
  • if we are talking about protecting a person, the employee is called a bodyguard. His responsibilities include ensuring the safety of the client.

An employee of a private security company must perform his work with full responsibility, in accordance with his job description and contract. It's worth knowing that:

  • if an employee appears at the workplace under the influence of drugs, his license will be revoked;
  • An employee faces administrative or criminal liability if, while performing his official duties, he exceeds his authority. For example, he will unreasonably use special equipment or weapons, or exceed the necessary measures when detaining an attacker.

Periodic inspection of a 6th grade security guard

Security guards must also undergo periodic aptitude tests. It is carried out after the date of passing the qualifying exam:

  • for 6th category - after 1 year;
  • for employees of the 5th - after 2 years;
  • For employees of the 4th, verification is required before renewing the validity of the private security guard's certificate.

For 6th grade security guards who are allowed to work with weapons and special equipment, periodic inspection includes:

  • passing a theoretical test (law, theory of fire training, medical training);
  • passing the practical test (practical shooting with service weapons).