How to remove personal recommendations. How to remove Zen from Yandex browser and Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox). How to remove Zen from Google Chrome

The modern Internet is very huge, which provokes advertisers to penetrate deeper and deeper into it, which has resulted in such a huge abundance of various advertisements, even for children in the form of cases with in-game items on which they spend their school money, older people are fed up with advertisements for various equipment, telephones, even polling stations. There is also such a thing as the “Yellow Press”, which is replete with the entire Internet, every banner. In this article we will solve all these problems in one fell swoop, and also tell you about “Yandex Zen”, what it is, why it was created and, most importantly, how to remove it. The article is recommended for novice users of the Windows operating system.

What it is?

Every time you go online, any website, blog, social network, then be sure to leave your trace there in the form of IP, what you clicked, how long you spent on the site, etc. Then all the collected information is sold to advertisers, who will happily try to offer you the same thing several times in banners. Maybe you noticed that after viewing, for example, fishing gear, they immediately appear in the Skype banner, as well as others found throughout the Internet.

Yandex Zen is a personal recommendation service from Yandex, the main goal of which is to monitor the user, his preferences, and then provide various types of information right at the bottom of the new browser tab. Perhaps not everyone likes this, so in this article we will tell you how to remove “Zen” from Yandex. Browser".

It is also worth recalling that this procedure is absolutely free. If you are offered to do it for a fee, then these are real scammers, avoid them. Also, this kind of manipulation will significantly reduce the load on the Internet, which is very important for people using a limited Internet connection.

How to remove "Zen" from Yandex

After deleting this software The stability of the browser will not change, so there is nothing to be afraid of, and besides, the speed of the Internet connection will increase, as discussed above. However, it is worth noting that this will disable all advertising in the browser, as there is a possibility that your browser is infected with malicious permissions. They are easy to clean:

  1. Go to the “Extensions” item.
  2. Look at each point and read carefully.
  3. Remove unnecessary extensions or pause them.

In the paragraph about what “Yandex Zen” is, it was said about the relationship of this information collection service not only to the browser, but to the company itself, so if you are not satisfied with the services provided, then in the paragraph below we will tell you how to reinstall browser to another. Believe me, it won't take you too much time. At this point in time, you only need to pause Yandex Zen; this is done as follows:

  1. Click on the icon with three horizontal stripes, it is located in the upper right corner of the browser.
  2. Now, among the many settings, you need to select “Settings appearance».
  3. At the very end of the page there will be an inscription: “Show personal recommendations feed in the Zen tab,” and next to it there is a checkmark, uncheck it and restart the browser.
  4. Congratulations, now when you launch a new page you will no longer have “Zen” at the very bottom

If this method How to remove “Zen” from Yandex seemed dreary to you, then the next one is a little easier. We remind you that this article is recommended for users of the Windows operating system.

How to remove “Zen” from Yandex if the previous method did not help

Some may be surprised, but this is a simple removal. Everything is due to the fact that in the operating room Windows system It’s much easier to install an analogue than to bother with a specific application. In addition, each browser tends to accumulate a cache, and if you do not have the means to clean it, then soon your browser will become so clogged that it will be difficult to open the start page. Therefore, we strongly recommend installing cleaning programs.

By the way, in the topic that this is “Yandex Zen”, they talked about various types of surveillance, there are explanations for this, they say, we have much higher levels of protection, so such measures are mandatory, but not all users like this, which is why they switch to other browsers, for example, the fantastic Opera Neon. We recommend downloading it from the official website. During installation you will be asked: “Do you want to make this browser the main one?” If you answer “Yes,” then at the same time all your logins and passwords will smoothly flow into Opera.

Programs to disable advertising

If you want to save yourself and your loved ones from intrusive advertising, then the AdBlock application will help you with this. Smart algorithms of this application extension help block advertising at any level, even video. You can download it on the official website or in the online store of your browser.


We hope that after reading this article you understood that this is “Yandex Zen”, how to fix it, and also learned about alternative browsers. By the way, if you clean your browser software in a timely manner, everything will work like a new watch, so we strongly recommend that you carry out scheduled cleanings, as well as update the software to latest version.

Lost in information flow? The Internet nowadays offers tons of information for every taste and in any format. Filtering on your own can take a lot of time for the user. It's time to find ways for someone to help weed out and remove the unnecessary, turn off the unnecessary and present only useful information. One of these services is Zen from Yandex, which can be enabled and configured directly in the browser.

Zen will help you deal with the news

Zen from Yandex is a recommendation service that compiles all news into a long feed based on user preferences. In the era of social networks, the possibilities of flexible filtering of one’s own chronicle will no longer surprise anyone. But this service will do everything for you. Zen will analyze the sites the user visits, the videos he watches, the articles he reads and compiles a personal list containing exclusively useful and interesting materials.

At the same time, the service constantly performs analytical work, monitors changes in the user’s interests, and takes into account duplicate information. The feed begins to display information not only from sites that the user has already visited, but also from others with similar topics. With each subsequent stage of analysis, the Zen chronicle becomes more and more individual, and offers from the service more and more accurately correspond to a person’s interests.

If preferences change, more materials appear in the chronicle in accordance with the user’s new hobbies. Duplicate information is destroyed.

Video: service capabilities

How to add and connect

Where is

All Yandex services are conveniently integrated with each other, creating a unified information environment for the user. Therefore, when installing Yandex Browser, Zen will be available immediately, without additional steps. News will appear at the bottom of the search engine's main screen when you open a new tab.

You can scroll through the feed endlessly with a simple mouse wheel movement. The chronicle displays news announcements with links to the source. By clicking on the tile of a specific news, you can go to its full text.

Yandex differs from other similar services in that it checks all sites that are used in the search results for accuracy and compliance with age restrictions.

It happens that when you open your browser, you will not see news tiles - this happens if you started using Yandex.Browser only recently. It takes some time to conduct a preliminary analysis of preferences, collect a database of interests, and generate search results.

What to do if the service is not in the browser feed

Have you been using a browser from Yandex for a long time, but there are no recommendations there? Perhaps your Zen service is simply disabled. To enable Zen, go to your browser settings (usually hidden under the three-bar icon in the upper right corner of the search engine window).

  1. After clicking on the button with three stripes, select “Settings” from the menu.
  2. In the window that opens, find the section called “Appearance Settings”, there check the box in the item “Show Zen - personal recommendations feed in a new tab”.
  3. Can't find such an item? Dont be upset. This is probably because the new browser interface is disabled. In the appearance settings block there is a button “Enable new interface”. Click it.
  4. If your browser does not contain these settings at all, then it’s time to update it. In the search engine menu (button with three bars), find the item “About the browser” or with a similar name. It is usually at the end of the list of items.
  5. The next window will display the browser version and availability of updates. If updates are available, the Update button will be available. Click it. Once the update is complete, you will be prompted to restart your browser. Perform this action, after which the recommendations display should begin to function.

In the same way you can turn on Zen on mobile device with Android and iOS OS. For operating room MacOS systems Zen on this moment not available.

How to set up Yandex.Zen

In order for the analysis algorithm to work better and understand your preferences, its developers proposed an original scheme for independently limiting the range of interests of the user. This is not a mandatory step, but it will help the service quickly navigate the variety of topics. The user is asked to select the sources he likes in a minimum quantity of 5 pieces.

At the same time, the feed configured through the initial selection of resources of interest may differ significantly from the one that would have been compiled after some time only on the basis of a machine analysis of the user’s news selection.

In addition, under each news post there is an opportunity to like or dislike. But this rating does not relate to the essence of the content of the news; it shows Yandex that you want to see more or less of this content.

That is, if you are interested in material on a given topic, but you do not agree with one specific news, opinion or are outraged by it, your hand will reach out to dislike it. However, the browser will interpret this as your reluctance to see posts on such topics in the future. From time to time, the browser will display messages about reducing the number of unwanted publications in your feed or an offer to block the news source itself.

After using Zen for some time, it will learn to most accurately adapt to the user’s interests and show only materials that have caused a positive response from the user.

How to disable and remove

Of course, each technology has its side effects, which can sooner or later start to annoy the user. Zen is guilty of this too. Advertising blocks from advertising network Yandex (YAN), which you can click on quite by accident, carried away by a bright headline compiled by competent marketers.

Then the user decides to disable Zen in the browser. Doing this is as easy as turning it on. The action is carried out according to the reverse connection scheme.

  1. You need to go to the browser settings (the three-bar icon, then the “Settings” item).
  2. In the “Appearance Settings” block, uncheck the “Show Zen personal recommendations feed in a new tab.”
  3. After restarting the browser, the ribbon will disappear from the tabs.

Video: how to enable, disable and remove Zen

What to do if it goes missing or stops working

Sometimes a user is faced with a situation where Zen is enabled in the browser settings, the browser has been updated to the latest version, and the recommendations feed on the tabs is still not displayed, although everything was fine before. Probably, the work of some important system component browser.

Reinstalling it manually will help. Here's how it's done:

  1. Be sure to download the browser from an official source. You can go to it using the link -
  2. At this step, a message similar to the following may appear on your screen: “It seems that you already have Yandex.Browser installed.” Simply ignore this notification by clicking on the close cross.
  3. Download the file and close your browser used for downloading.
  4. Now go to your PC's Control Panel (accessed from the Start menu). Find "Programs and Features" in the list.
  5. In this case, if the window is displayed in a compact “Categories” form, you should select the “Uninstall a program” item.
  6. In the list of installed software, select your Yandex browser and click the “Delete” button. After a few seconds, a message indicating the successful completion of the removal procedure will appear. Restart your computer.
  7. Visit the folder in which the downloaded file with the Yandex browser was saved.
  8. Run the file by double clicking on installation.
  9. Once the installation is complete, the new instance of the browser should already have the Zen Ribbon enabled by default.

A comprehensive description of all possible ways to interact with Yandex.Zen - connecting, configuring, disabling, troubleshooting will allow the user to individualize their PC or get rid of unnecessary “information noise” and unobtrusive advertising.

An article about the concept of Yandex. Zen, enabling or disabling the service.


Yandex Zen, This services browser to find information.

Yandex tab. Zen


  • instant access to information
  • in-depth search
  • detailed, analytical, popular, news information

All information can be found at Zen Home Page– browser. Unlike the famous Yandex, the initial word in the search string, may be brief and incomplete, but the information will be provided in full, in different versions.

Yandex browser. Zen

Still, sometimes Yandex Zen may interfere with the user. Too much unnecessary information is being sent to keyword search.

Before we tell you in this article how to disable this browser, you should remember how to configure it.


Zen - browser provides an assessment of the material being sought. To do this, there are hints in the form of likes in each news window.
Setting scheme:

  • click like, the system will show you more information on your question
  • please select a site

Best offer when clicking like

  • click dislike if you want less information to be shown or to block unnecessary sites


  • Zen - the browser is installed by default complete with computer device.

Zen - the browser is installed by default in Yandex

  • installation requires availability mailing address in Yandex
  • installation takes place on mobile phone or computer

Note: If you do not have mail, you should wait a little while the system collects data, then it will install automatically.

If there is no mailing address in Yandex, such a picture may appear temporarily

An identical browser is in Chrome. Development is still ongoing. Full inclusion in the work lies ahead.


Still, the browser Zen, involves some interference with the user’s personal data. After all, information for the user is provided only if they have a postal address or browser history.

Therefore, if you want to disable the service, the diagram is provided below.

Standard method

The method is to disable Zen by settings:

  • enter the settings panel
  • find the option “Appearance settings” (indicated by arrow)

Option “Yandex appearance settings” (indicated by arrows)

  • disable the section “Show in Zen tab...”

The “Show in new Zen tab...” option should be disabled. The checkbox should be removed from the box opposite the option

  • Zen - browser disabled

However, such a browser has prospects for the future. Can be used for advertising purposes for commercial organizations, active news and more.

The second way to refuse Zen- browser, this account deactivation V Yandex. We think standard way simpler and more accessible.
The choice to turn on the browser or not is yours!

Video: How to remove the news feed in Yandex. Zen?

The creators of Yandex.Browser are trying to fill their product with all possible functions. One of the browser's special features is the smart news feed. Sometimes it is convenient, but in some cases it is better to turn it off.

What is “Zen” in Yandex.Browser

When you open your browser, you will see tiles quick access to sites, icon voice assistant Alice and the search bar are the main page. At the very bottom you can see blocks with news - this is a smart feed called “Yandex.Zen”.

Zen Smart Tape located at the bottom

It is called smart because the news contained in it is selected for each user separately. The algorithm developed by the company takes into account the interests of the user, is based on his actions on the Internet and tries to offer news that is relevant specifically for him.

Why you should turn off the feed

There are two reasons why you should turn off the smart feed:

  • it takes up part of the screen, loading the browser interface;
  • it eats up traffic, albeit in very small quantities.

By disabling, you will only notice an improvement in browser speed and performance if you use very weak computer or slow internet. Therefore, the main motivation for blocking the feed is one - to remove the extra element from home page browser.

Removing the tape on the computer

There are two versions of the browser: mobile and desktop. Mobile is used on devices running the operating system Android systems and iOS. The desktop version is installed on all computers and laptops with Windows.

You can disable “Zen” in both desktop and mobile version, but the steps will be slightly different. To disable the tape on your computer, you need to follow these steps:

Video: Disabling the Zen Ribbon

Removing the feed in the mobile version

On different mobiles operating systems Yandex.Browser has a slightly different interface. Therefore, select the version of the instructions for your operating system.


For Android devices, the steps will be as follows:

  1. Once in the main browser menu, expand the settings menu.

    Click on the icon with three dots

  2. Select "Customize Recommendations".
  3. Move the slider to the inactive state to disable the feed.

    Click on the slider for the line “Display recommendations feed”


For iOS we do the following:

  1. Once in the main browser menu, expand the “Zen” menu.

    Expanding the Yandex.Browser menu

  2. Select "Customize Zen".

It’s nice that the most popular domestic search engine, Yandex, does not stop in its development, constantly offering users more and more new opportunities.

One of the innovations from the Russian search engine became Zen - a service that appeared just a few years ago.

What is this service?

Yandex.Dzen is a so-called personalized feed of network publications. Its peculiarity is that it is selected taking into account the interests of the user.

That is, if a person often searches the Internet for information about any historical events, then the search engine will analyze his actions and start looking for exactly such materials in Dzen.

The daily army of ten million visitors to this service clearly indicates its good popularity among users. However, there are those who do not want to see it and prefer to remove Yandex Zen from the main page of the browser.

Naturally, you should know how to do this.

Naturally, the options for how to remove Zen from the start page of a particular browser may be slightly different. In addition, there are differences in the methodology that is suitable for a personal computer from the option applicable on a smartphone. Let's look at them all separately.

On the computer

There are three Internet browsers where you can most often find a similar system. Therefore, you need to know the possibilities for getting rid of it in each of them:

"Yandex. Browser"

  • Go to the main page of this software;
  • Click on the three horizontal stripes located in the upper right corner of the program;
  • Go to “Settings”, then to appearance settings;
  • A new window will appear with a small list. In it, find an item that suggests showing this Internet service in each new tab;
  • You must uncheck the box and save the changes.

In some situations, this technique does not work. If this is indeed the case, then it recommends completely demolishing hard drive online browser, perform a clean installation and repeat the method described above.

By the way, you can also log out of your own Yandex profile, but this will lead to a limitation of functionality that may be useful to the user.

Google Chrome

This software was once the basis for the Internet browser from Yandex, so the method for getting rid of Dzen is not much different:

  • Go to “Settings” in the same way;
  • Select “advanced options”;
  • Familiarize yourself with the proposed features and uncheck the box next to the functionality responsible for posting Yandex.Zen.

You can deactivate the work altogether visual bookmarks. But then this will remove everything, not just one Dzen. So it's better to do it this way:

  • In Google Chrome settings, select “Open at startup”;
  • Next – click on add next to the specified pages;
  • Delete all suggested search engine options, specify only the preferred one;
  • We set it as a priority search engine and remove all unnecessary things in the nearby settings;
  • All you have to do is take advantage system function“uninstall programs” to get rid of the Yandex button.

By the way, you can not only delete the Dzen tape, but also adjust it at your own discretion. For example, if you don’t like some posts, you can click “dislike” (thumbs down). This will allow you to show less of these types of posts. Get rid of them completely, replacing them with others? The same “dislike” with an additional click on “block” - you won’t see this channel again.

Mozilla Firefox

At the first stage, you need to clean the main page of the program from those publications that Yandex.Dzen added there. After this, repeat the same steps:

  • Go to parameters;
  • Then - to additional ones;
  • Unchecking the corresponding item from the proposed list of available functionality.

All this works great on PC. How do things go with this problem on smartphones?

On the phone

In this case, the technique should also not cause any special problems:

  • The user is required to go to the settings menu of the web browser used;
  • Find similar functionality in it that adds a “Zen” ribbon;
  • Set the slider to the prohibiting position.

The method works great on all major mobile operating systems. That is, both on Android OS and iOS OS.

Naturally, to return the ability to view the recommendation feed from Yandex, it is enough, both on a PC and on a mobile device, to return the changes made to the original version. Of course, not forgetting to save them after the change procedure.
