How to disable the basic service on MTS. Paid MTS services: how to find out what is connected, disconnect and return money. Using USSD and SMS

Reading time: 3 min.

Many subscribers mobile communications use the telephone only for its intended purpose - making calls. They prefer to pay as they go and do not need large packages of minutes, traffic or SMS messages. The “Basic Internet Tariffing” option is ideal for those MTS users who rarely access the network from a mobile device and agree to pay for traffic only when they really need it.

Description of the service “Basic Internet tariffication”

On MTS tariffs, which are intended for calls - without subscription fees and service packages, Internet access is provided by default under the terms of the “Basic Internet tariffication” option. With an active service, traffic is connected and paid for in small packages only upon access to the network.

Option cost:

  • Connection is free
  • Package price 20 MB – 25 rubles

The 20 MB traffic package is charged and paid in full the first time you access the network within 24 hours. After one traffic package is used up, the next one is automatically connected, and the number of such additional packages is not limited.

The total volume of traffic connected during the day is not carried over to the next day and is rounded up to 20 MB.

Access to the Internet is considered to be a connection established by the user and registration of the device on the Internet. The Internet packages provided by the service are valid only for the current day. Traffic is recorded according to home region time - the day begins at 00:00 and ends at 23.59 home region time.

Terms of service

The “Basic Internet Tariffing” service is included in all modern MTS tariff plans without a subscription fee and cannot be disabled. If the number has other active Internet options or Internet packages, traffic under the “Basic tariff” is not connected and the service fee is not charged.

On the “” tariff, mobile Internet is provided by default with the “Everything Super” option. Tariffing of traffic on basic terms will be carried out only if it is disabled.

On the “Red Energy”, “” and “Guest” tariffs, the first 3 MB per day are provided within the framework of the “Basic Internet tariffication” with a 100% discount - free of charge. After 3 MB are used up, the “First Internet Package” option is activated, which provides 3 GB per month with daily payment and the possibility of extending the speed on favorable terms.

The “First Internet Package” option is enabled on the “Red Energy”, “Your Country” and “Guest” tariffs by default. It can be disabled using the command *111*936#, in your MTS personal account or through the mobile application. After it is disabled, Internet access will be provided under basic tariff conditions.

The option applies to the entire territory of Russia, provided that the subscriber is in the MTS network. In the Republic of Crimea, in the networks of other Russian operators, as well as when traveling abroad, it is not provided; in these cases, access to the network is provided at basic rates in national and international roaming.

You can check the remaining traffic in the My MTS application, personal account or on the official resource of the operator, which is entered automatically when using the mobile Internet from MTS, without authorization.

How to activate the service?

The option is activated automatically when you connect or switch to any tariff plan without a subscription fee. If the service was previously disabled or it was not initially included in your tariff, you can activate the “Basic tariff” in the following ways:

How to disable “Basic Internet tariffication” on MTS?

On all MTS tariff plans without a subscription fee, the service is included in the list of mandatory ones and it is not possible to disable it forever. Despite this, there are several indirect ways to disable “Basic Internet tariffing”, which allow you to block the activation of the service itself and traffic packages:

  1. Disable the Internet on the tariff. Through your Personal Account or mobile application, disable the service " Mobile Internet", which is active by default on all MTS tariffs. This way you will completely disable the ability to access the network and connect any options that provide traffic on your tariff plan.
  2. Block network access in settings. Remove or change the access point (APN) in the Internet settings on your phone. For example, standard APN parameters can be replaced by As a result, no matter what happens, your phone simply will not be able to connect to the network and, accordingly, the service will not be able to activate traffic.

The second method is the most convenient, since if necessary, you can restore the previous access point yourself at any time or get new settings by calling the free short number 0876.

In addition, instead of disabling the option, you can change your tariff plan to a tariff with more favorable conditions for accessing the network at any time. When changing the tariff, all existing options will be disabled automatically.

If subscribers cellular communications If they are not satisfied with the terms of the current tariff plan or even the previously selected service provider, then the question arises: how to disable the tariff for MTS? The most simple solution is simply not to use the SIM card if you no longer intend to use it this number for making calls and other operations.

However, such an approach can lead to the formation of debt on the number: depending on the tariff plan option and activated options, the subscription fee for them will be debited regularly, even in the absence of any actions on the number. How to disable the tariff on MTS correctly in order to avoid problems in the future will be discussed in this article.

Deciding on the fate of the number (SIM card)

The first thing you need to understand is whether the subscriber refuses the current tariff plan, or whether he, in principle, does not plan to use this number in the future. There is a big difference between these “wishes”. However, in neither case is it recommended to simply stop using the number. First, at a minimum, you should make sure that there are no options on the account for which regular debits are made or a tariff that implies a daily or monthly subscription is activated. fee.

What to do if the subscriber no longer plans to use the number?

How to disable the “Basic” tariff on MTS, for example, and stop using the number? If you have finally decided that the current number will be useless in the future, it makes sense to immediately go to the operator’s office and fill out an application to terminate the agreement between the parties. It is recommended that you request a duplicate application to successfully resolve potential future proceedings.

How to disable a tariff for MTS and activate another?

If the client is not satisfied with the current conditions of the tariff plan installed on the number and he would like to change it, then he should use one of the following methods:

  • Call the dedicated number 1116. Here you can listen to information on tariff plans that are available for switching to this subscriber, and perform a TP change online. It is important to understand that a certain amount of money will be charged for changing the tariff, which may depend on the specific choice or how often the client changes the tariff plan.
  • How to disable the “Non-Stop” tariff on MTS, for example, via the Internet? You just need to decide on the choice of a new tariff plan and use the connection options indicated on the operator’s website (as a rule, these are USSD requests or short numbers to which you need to call or send text message). You can also update the terms of service by visiting your “Personal Account” on the official portal of the service provider or by downloading an application for mobile gadgets. It is available on almost everyone modern devices in markets for operating systems.
  • Call a contact center specialist at the well-known number - 0890 and find out how to disable the “Smart Unlimited” tariff on MTS and activate another, more advantageous offer. Most likely an employee technical support will offer you to carry out these operations yourself, suggesting special commands and numbers, or offer your assistance.

Another way to stop using a SIM card

How to turn off the MTS tariff and refuse to use the number without visiting the office? If you do not have the opportunity to contact the operator’s salon, and you no longer want to use the number, you can do the following:

  • Check which tariff plan is connected to the number (this can be done through the “Personal Account” web interface, in the application for mobile devices, by dialing *111*59#, or by calling the operator). If the current TP does not have a monthly fee, you can proceed to the next stage. Otherwise, it still makes sense to visit the office to “close” the number, because charging will continue until cash the account will not run out. If your balance allows, you can switch to another tariff plan that does not involve subscription fees.
  • The next step is to check and disable those paid options that are currently available on the number. You can also check their availability by using the Internet or calling the contact center.
  • Only by turning off all services and options and abandoning the tariff plan that has a subscription fee, you can safely put the SIM card aside and forget about it. After some time, it will be blocked at the initiative of the operator due to the lack of activity on the number.


In this article we looked at how to disable the “Smart Unlimited” tariff on MTS and others tariff plans of this operator. If you do not plan to use SIM cards from other operators, but would simply like to switch to another tariff plan, it is enough to carry out the operation of changing the tariff plan. Otherwise, if you wish to terminate your relationship with this service provider, you should visit the office and document this.

Despite the fact that today it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine a comfortable life without the Internet, some cellular subscribers still remain committed to using services more conservatively and do not need prepaid traffic packages.

What should those users do who do not want to pay for web quotas that they do not even use by 10%? There is an answer if you are an MTS subscriber, because this company offers its customers the “Basic Internet Tariffing” service. We will consider it today as part of our article.

Who is suitable for “Basic Internet tariffication” from MTS

This option ideal for operator clients who are categorically against paying a monthly subscription fee for tariff plans with provided Internet quotas. In addition, it is worth noting that the option itself charges a fee from its users only on those days when they accessed the Internet from a mobile device. On other days there is no need to pay for using the service.

MTS option “Basic Internet tariffication”: detailed description

This option has the following basic conditions:

  • Subscription fee: 25 rubles, charged only upon access to the Internet;
  • Amount of traffic provided: 20 megabytes;
  • The option applies: throughout the country;
  • Service connection fee: none;
  • If you use the provided 20 megabytes of traffic, an additional connection to the next 20 megabyte package is made automatically, for which a monthly fee of 25 rubles is charged.
We went online within 24 hours - the money was debited, but we didn’t go online - the money was there.

Please note that before connecting to the service, you need to carefully consider your Internet needs, because a quota of 20 megabytes is really small given the modern volumes of content. Accordingly, the service is suitable for you only if you only need the Internet on your mobile device to check email, and indeed occasionally.

How to activate “Basic Internet tariffication” on MTS

Activation of the service can be done in three ways:

  • In the subscriber's personal account (registration instructions);
  • In the mobile application "My MTS";
  • By entering a USSD request like *111*1430# .

If you decide to use the USSD combination, after entering it, a menu will appear on the device screen in which you will need to select the 1st item.

How to disable “Basic Internet tariffication” on MTS

As for disabling the service, then this opportunity not provided by the operator. The service will be automatically deactivated if you switch to a tariff with a provided Internet quota, or when you connect to the Internet service “Internet-Mini, Maxi or VIP”, “BIT”, “Turbo-Knopok” or some other.

In order not to spend money at all for Internet access from a smartphone, you need to disable the very ability of the phone to access the Internet through an MTS access point, because very often the smartphone updates some applications or mail in background, you don’t see it, but the money is being withdrawn.

2 simple ways to completely disconnect mobile Internet from MTS

  • Disable the Mobile Internet service in your personal account or the My MTS application. It is connected to all subscribers by default and is in the list of free services. After disconnecting, the smartphone/tablet with the SIM card on which you disabled the “Mobile Internet” option will not be able to access the Internet through the MTS access point.
  • Just delete the MTS access point in the smartphone settings (follow the settings link, but you can also easily understand how to delete them).

A significant portion of people who own mobile phones use such technology not only for making calls and receiving/sending SMS messages, but also for accessing the Internet. Companies providing such services are well aware of this. Therefore, mobile operators always have a variety of tariff options designed for accessing the Internet. One of them is the basic MTS Internet tariff.

What is special about this tariff? How does it work? What is needed to connect or deactivate it? Read our article and you will get all the information you need.

Distinctive features of the tariff

Most Internet packages from MTS or other mobile operators allow you to receive a certain amount of traffic, designed for a certain period of use. For example, for a day. Or for a month. This is convenient when a person constantly uses the Internet and spends a lot of time on its open spaces.

But what if you only need short-term access to the Internet? For example, you just need to quickly view the sent mail. Or send someone a message using one of the Internet instant messengers. In such a situation, paying several hundred rubles for a package becomes unprofitable.

The same basic MTS Internet tariff comes to the rescue.

What kind of service is this? Its feature is as follows:

  • The service involves withdrawing money only at the moment when a person connects to the Internet;
  • Cost – 25 rubles. For this money, the user receives 20 megabytes of traffic. It is quite enough if you just need to check your email;
  • You don’t need to pay anything to connect to the service itself. Activation is free of charge;
  • The service is available throughout the territory Russian Federation, where Super MTS officially operates;
  • If the owner of a mobile phone has used up the twenty megabytes of traffic provided to him, then the next one of the same amount is automatically credited. And another 25 rubles are debited from the account.

That is, everything is very convenient for people who need access to the Global Web for a short time and not every day.

Service activation

There are three options to enable this feature:

  • In your smartphone, find the “My MTS” menu. It provides the possibility of such a connection;
  • Using one of the USSD commands. You need to dial *111*1430# on your phone. Do not forget to press the button responsible for the telephone call. After this, a special message will be sent to your mobile phone, where you should press “1”;
  • Through the company website mobile operator. You will need to log into your personal account and activate the service in the appropriate section.

A few important nuances that you definitely need to know about

There are quite a lot of people who thoughtlessly connect certain proposals without reading about their features and nuances, and then begin to complain about any consequences.

Therefore, it is important to study all the information before connecting to this tariff. And the nuances are as follows:

  • If a person is already connected to any package that provides access to the Internet, then the basic tariff simply will not apply;
  • The service is valid for 24 hours. That is, if the owner of a mobile phone decided to activate this feature five minutes before midnight and did not have time to quickly spend the provided twenty megabytes of traffic, then they are not transferred to the next day;
  • To take advantage of this offer, you first need to make sure that your phone is connected to one of the access points (APN): or All other options, including VPN, are not suitable;
  • The fee is always charged before the next volume is charged. Therefore, if you plan to spend more, you should make sure that you have a sufficient amount of money in your personal mobile account for this.

In what situations may such a service be unprofitable?

First of all, in cases where the owner mobile phone likes to spend a lot of time on the Internet. In this case, it will be more profitable to connect some other tariff, for example, with a fixed payment per day or month.

We should also not forget that a person’s smartphone can often contain many different applications. And some of them are constantly updated automatically. And this means receiving some packages with files that can weigh hundreds of megabytes. As a result, you may unexpectedly see at one point that a very large amount of money has been written off from your account.

What to do if the traffic provided is not enough, but you don’t want to connect to other tariffs

And the MTS company foresaw a similar situation. If the volume provided is not enough and a person is clearly going to spend more than the traffic indicated in the service, then you can additionally take advantage of an alternative offer - get another 100 MB for just thirty rubles. How to do it:

  • Using the next USSD command: *111*05#;
  • By sending an SMS message to the number “5240”. In the message itself you need to write “05” - without quotes.

How to deactivate the service?

It is important to understand one nuance here - you cannot simply turn off this service. That is, you cannot type any command or use the same personal account on the mobile operator's website to deactivate.

Then how to get rid of the basic Internet tariff if the need arises? There are several ways to refuse the service:

But what should you do if you want to disable only this functionality, but leave access to the Internet possible? This option is also available. And you could find out about it if you carefully read the information on the important nuances of this package. In particular, with the impossibility of using basic tariffs if other Internet packages are available.

That is, you will need to activate any other package from this mobile operator, which implies some other options for receiving Internet traffic.

In modern conditions, every person uses mobile device not only to talk with your loved ones, but also to gain access to the Internet. It is difficult to imagine a person who does not use a telephone in everyday life.

For several years, the well-known operator MTS has been developing new functions to improve services. Thanks to the online system, multi-million subscribers are able to make transactions and take advantage of the best offers without leaving the premises.

What you need to know in order to connect to the MTS basic tariff. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the main features of this service. The rules for transferring the basic tariff have been in effect since September 1, 2013. When connecting to a new service, the company offers subscribers a 15% discount.

Naturally, by using this service, anyone can increase the package and receive a permanent discount. To do this, you need to clarify the details with an online consultant who works around the clock and will answer all your questions.

Cost of services

When connecting to the “Basic” tariff, subscribers will have to pay 3.35 rubles daily. These services include:

  • free SMS messages (70 pieces).
  • In this case, the cost of incoming calls is indicated as 0.00.
  • For a paid outgoing call, a charge of 0.51 is fixed.
  • MTS subscribers can talk at a rate of 5.08 per minute.
  • For a local call you will be charged 6.10.

Subscribers can make calls to other regions of Russia. MTS customers can call and talk for an amount of 5.00. For other network operators, the tariff cost is 21.10.

Everyone knows that you often have to call to Europe, America, the CIS countries, Asia, etc. Especially for this case, tariffs have been established at reasonable prices.

  • For example, CIS – 31.10,
  • European countries - 51.10.
  • For the rest foreign countries, the amount for the service is 76.10.
  • If desired, you can use satellite system communications, the cost of which is 296.10. It is important to emphasize that there is no charge for a call lasting three seconds.

Now, we propose to consider the tariff for Internet connection. To connect 1MB of GPRS traffic – 8.74, however, 10KB WAP – 2.71. This applies to Internet connection from 08:00 to 00:00.

The initial packages of this service include call forwarding, Internet assistant, conference calls, and mobile office. All these services are provided to regular customers with good discounts. Therefore, you should not miss the chance to connect to new services.

For MTS subscribers who use Basic tariff packages, special offers are provided to make calls to any international country. In this case, you will need to use the free service:

  • "International access"
  • "Easy roaming"

Calls, in turn, are made without unnecessary problems. In the process of sending an SMS message, seventy letters are taken into account. After which the message is divided into two parts and thus sent to another subscriber.

The “International Access” tariff connection becomes active if a Russian citizen provides his own details. To do this, you need to contact the nearest MTS office with your passport. After confirming your identity, you will have access to this unique service.

Get additional information You can get access to the Internet after paying for the service. The cost for the information provided is indicated on the official website of the MTS network operator. Access to all resources opens immediately after payment. Despite the fact that the service became popular only in 2013, the developers created the system in 2009.

If you have no funds on your balance for sixty-one days, then you will be able to receive calls and SMS messages from other subscribers. After the expiration date, the number will be disconnected.

In order to resume the function of this service, you must deposit at least an amount of 3.35 rubles into your account. One-way mode starts immediately after 183 days. If during this period an amount of 0.00 was displayed on your balance, then there is a possibility that the number will be disconnected and transferred to another person.

Now, you can freely use MTS services and call any network operator at minimal cost. Many residents of Russia switched to using this network operator to take part in various promotions. Having used unique services, you will not have the desire to stop cooperating with MTS, which always offers special offers to its clients.
