Examples of using blockchain. Where blockchain is used - the use of blockchain technology in different areas. Electronic document verification service

An educational program on the study and application of blockchain technology in the banking structure has been launched on the basis of the Academy of Technologies and the Sberbank Corporate University. The purpose of the course is to familiarize bank managers with new opportunities and teach top managers to make the most effective use of new technology in bank projects. The main objective of the program is to interest and attract more managers in the use of blockchain.

Every year humanity discovers more and more new information technologies

The general education course includes:

  • possibilities of application in the financial sector;
  • overview of the main blockchain platforms;
  • legal basis application of technology;
  • analysis of cryptoeconomics, which is the founder of the methodology;
  • studying Sberbank projects where blockchain is applicable.

The training program is designed for internal use, but the banking institution plans to further promote the training course.

Sberbank's interest in new technology is obvious: it is increasingly taking over the business world and is becoming indispensable in some of its areas. Sberbank is one of the first to conduct a pilot payment transaction using the IBM Blockchain platform this year. And he sees huge potential in using blockchain not only in the financial sector, but also in his projects.

Blockchain: the essence of technology

How blockchain works using electronic currencies as an example

The appearance of the very name of the technology is associated with the Bitcoin system and the method of storing information in it. All information on transactions was grouped into separate blocks, and the subsequent one contained a “digital fingerprint” of the previous one. This is how a chain of blocks was formed. All transaction blocks are interconnected in such a way that any change entails a change in others and becomes immediately noticeable. It's like a notebook with numbered pages, where you can check the sequence of each entry and its coherence with the previous ones. The very principle of the methodology is built on this - the transaction history is transparent and available for viewing by each participant, but cannot be changed without authorization, since all participants can immediately notice it.

Blockchain allows you to build a decentralized financial system, the work of which can be verified by everyone. Security is ensured by a decentralized server, resulting in a database that is managed in offline mode. It is accessible to all participants with a very high level of confidentiality. Blockchain is also called distributed ledger technology.

This technology is ideal for those who work with the same database, but practically do not trust each other. This scheme is also applicable in the financial sector during mutual settlements between financial organizations, when concluding transactions and checking counterparties. No hacker attack, which all banking structures are so afraid of, is possible when using blockchain.

But such an innovation could also “eliminate” banks as a link in making payments. In all financial transactions, the bank is an intermediary: it guarantees that the money from the payer will reach the recipient. The banking institution issues confirmation of payment and receives a commission for this. But at the same time, banks see quite a lot of advantages in blockchain.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine “RichPro.ru”! This article will focus on blockchain technology.: what is it and how does it work, what ways to make money on the blockchain exist.

After studying this publication from beginning to end, you will learn:

  • What is Blockchain and what are the advantages of the new technology;
  • Where is blockchain used and how does this technology work;
  • What platforms and projects exist based on Blockchain.

The article also contains instructions for beginners about how to get blockchain training.

Recently, there has been widespread talk about Blockchain technology. However, not even all people in the financial sector understand what it is. What can we say about ordinary people? The only thing many people know about blockchain– the presence of a relationship with bitcoins.

We could not allow such a gap in your knowledge. Therefore, we tried to outline most of the nuances in the presented publication. Don't waste time, start reading right now!

About why blockchain technology is needed and what it is in simple words how the blockchain system works and what advantages it has - read this article

1. What is blockchain in simple words - an overview of the concept + advantages of Blockchain technology 📋

When studying any topic, you should first understand the terminology. Word "blockchain" comes from an English phrase, the translation of which sounds like "block chain". This phrase conveys the basic meaning of the concept quite well.

Blockchain(from English blockchain)this is technology, which involves collecting information in a sequential chain of blocks protected by cryptographic encryption. In this case, data chains are not stored on a separate server, but are present simultaneously on all devices connected to the network.

Blockchain is a self-sufficient system that does not require third parties to operate. Moreover, the system under consideration is extremely open. In the process of creating blockchain, the main goal of the developers was to avoid intermediaries.

Experts say that the widespread use of blockchain technology will lead to significant changes in the information world. This is explained quite simply: decentralized data storage allows you to protect it from unauthorized changes, For example hacking, tampering or any control.

Another important plus (+) technology is that intermediaries (financial organizations, payment systems) are no longer needed for any data transfer operations. All information is transmitted using the protocol peer-2-peer, that is, directly from one user to another.

All participants in the system have the opportunity to obtain information about the history of operations, as well as about other participants. In this case, all system data is stored simultaneously in all network devices.

Only its owner has access to the funds in the wallet in the blockchain system. Money is not placed with intermediaries, which are usually banks. Thanks to this, transactions are not under anyone's control.

We wrote in more detail about what it is and how to open it in a separate publication.

Blockchain is able to secure any transactions that involve the risk of one of the parties to the transaction refusing to fulfill its obligations. That is why the list of areas in which the technology in question is used is constantly growing.

Blockchain technology can be used:

  1. when conducting financial transactions with money;
  2. when concluding contracts and agreements;
  3. during various commercial transactions;
  4. when purchasing goods and services;
  5. when exchanging confidential information;
  6. for issuing insurance policies;
  7. to protect property rights, as well as transfer them to the new owner;
  8. personal data management;
  9. to ensure the security of intellectual property;
  10. assistance in creating document archives.

Complex mathematical algorithms are used to connect individual blocks of information with each other. Each subsequent data link is attached strictly to the previous one. He is assigned unique signature, and also adds timestamp.

The addition of a block must be confirmed by all network participants. This procedure leads to the registry on all devices is automatically updated. It turns out that the appearance of each link leads to the appearance of data about it in all information bases.

Important! You can only hack a network if you gain access to at least half of the devices combined in it. Naturally, this is technically almost impossible to accomplish.

The attitude towards the latest blockchain technology today is absolutely ambiguous. Government bodies fear that the lack of control over financial transactions will lead to the flourishing of illegal trade, For example weapons, drugs and people.

Financial companies on the one hand, they are afraid, because the lack of need to use the services of intermediaries can leave them without work, at the same time, they are interested in blockchain from the point of view of application in their activities.

Over 40 large banking organizations have created consortium , which was called R3. Its goal is a large-scale study of blockchain. The consortium participants are confident that the new technology cannot be perceived as an unconditional evil for banking organizations.

Against, the use of blockchain makes it possible to significantly decrease↓ expenses. Banks propose to transfer interbank payments to new technology and abandon the one used today SWIFT.

In Russia Blockchain technology, as well as cryptocurrencies, are treated differently. The authorities constantly change their minds - sometimes they call for studying new technologies, sometimes they intend to ban them. We talked about this in one of our issues.

The Ministry of Finance proposes to introduce criminal liability for those who use cryptocurrencies. At the same time, the head of Sberbank and the head of the Central Bank publicly express support for modern technologies.

In fact, it has long been proven that there is no point in resisting progress and modern technology . Blockchain has already appeared and is working. It is important to learn to live with this and use technology for personal and universal benefit.

The main advantages of blockchain technology: no central server; fast and accurate transactions; transparency of transactions; availability of a complete copy of the database; data encryption

Benefits of blockchain technology

Blockchain technology has a lot of advantages, which every day attract everyone's attention to her more people.

Already today there is an opinion that new data storage technology will lead to the emergence of a new Internet - internet of values. This is associated with the significant advantages of blockchain, which will be described below.

Advantage 1. No central server

Blockchain represents a qualitative new way storage important information. Data is stored in the Blockchain system decentralized, there is no single repository. This makes it impossible to control information.

Changing even one block of information will require incredibly enormous power. Information is stored on all devices connected to the network simultaneously. Therefore, they remain practically invulnerable.

Before the advent of new technology absolutely all information was stored on servers . Including data on monetary transactions, purchase and sale transactions, and any other actions. Meanwhile, any server can be hacked. As a result, fraudsters can not only gain access to confidential information, but also change it.

Advantage 2. High speed and accuracy of operations

The lack of centralization, as well as built-in protection against unauthorized access, help to carry out transactions with high speed and accuracy, eliminating the services of intermediaries ( banking organizations, payment systems, notaries, exchangers). The authenticity of the transactions carried out is verified and confirmed by the network participants themselves.

It is on similar principles that they are based smart or smart contracts . They are fulfilled only if certain conditions are met. It is impossible to violate such an agreement or change its terms retroactively.

In contrast, traditional contracts establish the obligations of the parties to the transaction, the conditions of fulfillment, as well as the consequences of their non-compliance. However, a traditional contract always carries the risk that someone will violate the terms.

Advantage 3. Transparency of operations

The Blockchain network is in a state continuous monitoring . This means that she periodically checks herself.

Audit is used for this purpose digital system. At the same time, absolutely all information contained within the system remains transparent, data on all transactions is available to all participants.

Advantage 4. A complete copy of the information base is stored with each participant in the system

Each user of the system has a copy of the information base on his or her computer, which is updated regularly. Therefore, network participants do not have to coordinate data with each other. As soon as a new transaction is added to the blockchain, it is confirmed by each user.

In this case, it is impossible to change not only a single block, but also their sequence. Access to a specific information link is carried out using a key that is available only to the person to whom it belongs.

Advantage 5. Encryption of information

The information from which the link is formed is automatically encrypted. Complete protection of stored information is ensured cryptography .

Thanks to hashing in Blockchain, the immutability of the entire chain of operations is guaranteed. At the same time, the presence digital signatures , and also personal keys 2 -x types protect data within the link from unauthorized access.

The main ways of using blockchain technologies (storing digital certificates, organizing the DNS system, transactions with various goods, identification and confirmation of access rights, network management, operations with property rights, confirmation of copyrights, information management, organization of electronic voting)

2. Where is blockchain used - 9 options for using the technology 📑

Blockchain is increasingly being introduced into digital as well as real-life areas of activity. Theoretically, the technology can be used in any area where there is a risk of being deceived or receiving incorrect data due to errors in the transmission of information. It is also possible to use technology in the absence of trust between partners.

Blocks allow you to secure operations by creating smart transactions . Broadcast password carried out only if pre-agreed conditions are met. If they do not occur, each of the parties to the transaction remains with their own.

Below are the options in which the use of blockchain is most effective today.

Option 1: To store digital certificates

Blockchain technology provides reliable protection data from illegal studying, distribution, and also changes. Due to the fact that the certificates are stored on the network, it is impossible to access them unauthorized access.

It will also not be possible to illegally intercept access keys , belonging to the system participants.

Option 2. Organizing the DNS system

Blockchain helps make the distribution of names within networks completely secure. Thanks to this, any DDoS attacks (hacker) cease to threaten absolutely all network participants.

Option 3. Transactions with various goods

Risk always accompanies operations with valuable metals, raw materials, and also large quantities of various goods. If you use blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies when conducting such transactions, the danger can be reduced to a minimum.

Option 4. Identification and confirmation of access rights

Some serious corporations are already using Blockchain technology to identify employees as well as clients.

In addition, the system is used to provide access to inside information to those who have the right to it. This method of verifying rights turned out to be more reliable And cheaper .

Option 5: Network Management

When administering various networks, Blockchain acts storage a list of users, as well as access passwords, which turns out to be invulnerable.

The use of technology in this case helps to protect servers and networks from hacker attacks. It also solves another important problem– frees you from the need for administration.

Option 6. Conducting transactions with property rights

You can confirm and transfer ownership rights almost instantly , using Blockchain technologies. It is enough for the owner to enter data on changes in rights into his link so that they immediately become available in all blocks of the system.

Option 7. Confirmation of the author's rights

Subsequently, if there is a desire to transfer intellectual rights to third parties, you can smart deal. This will allow you to completely protect yourself.

Option 8: Information Management

Not only financial transactions, but also any information requires its owner to comply with all confidentiality rules. When using Blockchain technology, data is decentralized.

It is worth considering that when storing information simultaneously on a huge number of computers illegal modification, counterfeiting or deletion becomes virtually impossible.

This option for protecting and storing data turns out to be significantly cheaper than traditional ones. You won’t have to spend money not only on expensive equipment, but also on protecting your data from unauthorized access.

Option 9. Organization of electronic voting

Since it is impossible to change the information in the links, it is not possible to rig the results after the end of voting.

To make it easier to compare blockchain use cases, basic information about them is presented in the table.

Table of options for using blockchain technology, their practical application:

Application option What gives Current Status
1 Storing digital certificates Allows you to protect certificates from unauthorized actions Actively used
2 Organization of the DNS system Protecting domain names Several examples have been developed and are in operation.
3 Transactions with various goods Protecting transactions using smart contracts Some countries are actively using smart contracts
4 Identification and confirmation of access rights Allows you to ensure secure access to information, as well as its confidentiality Used by some large foreign companies
5 Network Management Security Used by multiple systems
6 Conducting transactions with property rights Possibility of confirmation and transfer of ownership rights Several platforms have been developed and are in operation
7 Confirmation of author's rights Storage of intellectual property, the possibility of secure transfer of rights to it A small number of platforms are available
8 Information Management Ensures secure storage of information Used by foreign organizations
9 Organization of electronic voting It is impossible to falsify voting results Used in practice by some network projects

3. How blockchain technology works - 5 stages of system operation 📝

It is not always possible to easily understand how something that cannot be seen works. But we will try to help figure it out.

How blockchain technology works: 1) creating a transaction and transmitting it to the network; 2) transfer of the operation to the P2P network; 3) Validation; 4) Transaction confirmation; 5) Adding a new block to the chain

Below is algorithm of blockchain technology using the example of operations with cryptocurrencies . In fact, this digital money is only a block of information, so the principle of action can be applied to any operations based on blockchain technologies.

Stage No. 1. Transferring a decision on an operation (transaction) to the network

6. Platforms on Blockchain – TOP 7 services for creating business products 💻

When creating business applications based on blockchain principles, it is impossible to do without specialized platforms. Below is an overview of the most reliable and popular of them.

Platform 1. Emc SSH

The platform in question is one of the SSH technology options. Its main task is Internet network administration .

In this platform, blocks act as ideal storage that allows you to secure access keys, and also user list.

In other words Emc SSH provides secure access to information, ATM and digital terminal networks, and servers. The presented platform allows for global control of the network, regardless of how far its individual components are from each other.

Platform 2. Emc TTS

Emc TTS – a platform that offers technology for fixing various documents . It is especially useful in resolving legal issues and in cases involving copyrights.

The platform allows accurate to the second record the time when the document was published. When resolving legal disputes, such precision can be very useful.

Platform 3. Emc SSL

This platform is an extension of the custom SSL protocol.

Blockchain developed on this platform is way to store digital fingerprints , which are owned by individual users and companies.

Similar technologies For example, help protect against hacking and leakage of information about banking clients.

Platform 4. Emc InfoCard

The Emc InfoCard platform is based on electronic business card system . The use of blockchain in this area makes it possible to achieve automatic changes in data at the card registration locations, if the information on the electronic business card itself has been changed.

Ultimately, an electronic business card becomes an analogue of a general registration on all digital platforms that are interconnected.

Platform 5. Emc DNS

The purpose of creating the Emc DNS platform was secure distribution of domain names within networks , as well as ensuring their protection from hackers. Blockchain technologies help make domain names practically invulnerable for intruders.

Platform 6. Emc Atom

The Emc Atom platform allows you to produce secure transactions between two sides, having refused from the participation of intermediaries.

In this case, financial organizations, notaries and other third parties become unnecessary. As a result, costs are significantly reduced ↓.

Platform 7. Emc DPO

The scope of application of the Emc DPO platform is proof of ownership of various property . In this case, the property can be like physical(vehicles, real estate, land), and intellectual m.

This technology makes it possible to significantly simplify the transfer of ownership rights. The owner who has legal access to information must add to the network new entry. After this, there is an immediate change in ownership information throughout the system.

Using the platforms described above allows you to create effective applications based on blockchain technologies.

Blockchain for dummies - step by step instructions how to get training

7. How to complete blockchain training - step-by-step guide for dummies 📚

All the previous information allows you to do very important conclusion: Blockchain is the future . This is why training in this technology is a necessity.

Below is step by step guide for beginners , which will help you understand the sequence of training using an example regular internet courses.

Step #1. Choosing a training center

First of all, you should choose professional training center. However, you should not believe tempting advertising. With growing demand for training, blockchain is gaining momentum scammers . For bright pictures and loud slogans can hide anything.

When choosing training courses, special attention should be paid to the following characteristics:

  • legal status of the company;
  • does the training center have a license and certificates;
  • level of knowledge and qualifications of teachers.

You should also carefully study

Blockchain is a technology for storing data, rights and obligations, protected by mathematical rules so that no outsider can take possession of them. The rights to your property cannot be stolen, forged or deleted. If you need a very simple analogy, I recommend reading the short tale about the Indestructible Chest.

If you need a more detailed explanation, read on:

It's no secret that blockchain technology is penetrating deeper into different areas of our lives. And if previously the blockchain was simply a database of Bitcoin cryptocurrency transactions, now it is an opportunity to revolutionize data storage and processing systems. In terms of influence, blockchain is compared with the development of the Internet or universal smartphoneization. Everyone and everyone is writing about blockchain. The number of startups planning to use the new technology has long exceeded a thousand. And in the very near future we will see the impact of blockchain on our lives.

However, there is one caveat: there are not so many real services on the blockchain. Most developers are still only talking about what they plan to do and what it will look like. But there are also pleasant exceptions. Blockchain platform Emer is such, it includes already running services for e-business and network security. The combination of these basic services makes it easy to create any blockchain-oriented applications with the highest levels of reliability and performance.

To begin with, you need to understand that blockchain is a completely new category of database and there is no point in using it where classic ones are used. Blockchain is like a diamond safe, in which anyone can put anything, anyone will see what is put there, but only the owner of the item can take it away or change it. You need to understand that its main properties are distribution, publicity and mathematical reliability. The sum of these properties opens the door for businesses to very low costs in a number of areas. As well as the emergence of completely new products for individual use, which are impossible without it (for example, this one)

The main components of the platform for building business applications are listed below:


An extension to the standard SSH network administration protocol. Makes network administration more secure by storing public keys and access control lists (ACLs) on the blockchain. Completely eliminates the possibility of a common hacker attack “man in the middle” (MIM), in addition, the problem of “single administrator” is solved.

In simple words: When using this technology, each user of the system has a secret file (if necessary, protected by a password), with which he logs into all computers to which he is allowed access. If a file is stolen, the user himself can instantly block access or change the key file to a new one. If an employee is fired, his access is immediately blocked. Additionally, the system is fundamentally invulnerable to a number of hacker attacks, to which almost all other systems are vulnerable. The technology is simply irreplaceable when you need to manage a large number of devices remotely. For example, a network of servers, ATMs, remote office terminals, etc.

Before using Ems SSH, the company had 20 servers. Each server had its own users registered. The servers were controlled by five different system administrators. To gain user access to the server, it was necessary to notify the administrator. The administrator created account and sent the keys. Each server had a separate procedure for adding a user. When an employee was dismissed, it was required to notify all system administrators of his departure. Upon dismissal system administrator it was necessary to recreate the keys all users, because they were potentially compromised.

If a user lost a laptop, it was urgently necessary to notify all administrators about the need for temporary blocking given user and regenerating keys.After implementing EmcSSH, all tasks will be solved by one employee, who simply registers which users (not their keys) have access to which servers. Users get access immediately, no changes are required to the server itself.

When an administrator leaves, no changes are required. Revocation of access for a user who has lost a computer is carried out instantly and immediately from all servers. The key is replaced in the same way. When putting a new server into operation, there is no need to register new users on it. It is important to note that the work of managing users is generally removed from system administrators.

The possibility of a MiM attack (“man in the middle”) on the communication channel is completely excluded. Network administration overhead costs are significantly reduced.No password is required each time you connect to a remote server.Essentially, you only need one key to log into an unlimited number of sites or devices, which can be indispensable for the banking industry, where you need to manage a large number of branches and ATMs.

Quickly change the key yourself if you suspect it has been compromised.A worldwide system, you can manage geographically distributed resources with the same security as in local network.
Allows you to quickly provide access to third-party agents, such as outsourcers, auditors, etc.
There is no need to have dedicated domain controllers, which significantly reduces the cost of administration processes.Reliability increases.

The performance of a login depends only on the performance of a specific server and does not depend on the domain controller and the network connection to it. Improves safety and controllability. There is no single administrator who manages all records. Here everyone has their own area of ​​responsibility, and the hierarchy is created by links between ACLs and keys within the blockchain. Ability to use emcSSH ACL for other services, such as emcSSL
Competitive Products(on-premise): Puppet and LDAP + Kerberos


An extension to the standard custom SSL protocol. Stores digital fingerprints of user certificates on the blockchain. Authorizes users and makes access to remote sites completely secure.

In simple words:
When a person logs into a website (for example, a banking site), information transmitted to and from the user can be stolen (for example, passwords can be stolen). Our solution makes data transmission completely secure and undetectable, even if the entire network is under the control of an attacker. In addition, actions are greatly simplified if a client loses certificates (for example, if a computer or key is stolen). The solutions currently used have inconvenient limitations. For example, they are paid. Registration and replacement of keys takes time. And most importantly, they are tied to a third party - a certification authority.

If your site uses EmcSSL technology, the user does not need to obtain special keys for your resource. The user can safely work with your site from an Internet cafe or any other unsafe place. And even if the network is completely controlled by attackers, the interaction will be safe.It will be much more convenient for the user to have one key for all sites (which can be easily and quickly changed, if necessary, it will be updated immediately on all resources). For many, this opportunity will be an additional argument in favor of your server. In addition, this technology is much cheaper than similar solutions and its operation cannot be blocked at the provider level as directed from above.

The possibility of a MiM attack on the communication channel is completely excluded. You do not need to enter a password each time you access the site.A single certificate for an unlimited number of sites.The certificates are self-signed, that is, the participation of a third party is not required, which: Makes the process of generating certificates fast, convenient and free. Speeds up and simplifies the revocation of a compromised or expired certificate and its replacement. Increases client security, since there is no need to trust a third party. Simple and convenient passwordless authorization (password can be used as part of double authentication) Compatibility with proven reliable industry standards: X.509, PKCS#11, PKCS#12, RFC2818. Already supported in browsers and web servers, that is, no additional plugins or other untested applications are needed.

Competitive Products: OpenID, OAuth, Facebook

Advantages over competitive products:
There is no transfer of trust to a third party, meaning that someone similar to Facebook cannot access your accounts and block them. The system cannot be blocked or compromised due to a failure on any authorization server or due to other problems and/or malicious actions of a third party. Placing data on the blockchain makes the system completely secure against man-in-the-middle (MiM) attacks, which is especially important for mobile applications.

Emc InfoCard

Electronic business cards that are stored on the blockchain and can be linked to client certificates EmcSSL. They allow you to store any information about the user in a structured manner, which adds convenience when visiting many sites.

In simple words:
In essence, this is an electronic business card with the ability to change data after its transmission. Imagine how convenient it would be if you could change the information on business cards that you've already given out (such as your job title, phone number, or mailing address!). A person or legal entity can create an information block about themselves, including all the desired fields - name or title, contact information, website address, physical address, telephone number, etc.) that cannot be replaced or faked. This block can be used for automatic creation personal account on web resources.

You create a card and fill in your contact details and other information. Further, when registering on any resource that supports this technology, your details can be loaded automatically (you won't have to enter them). In addition, when you change them, they will automatically change on all sites that support it. Anyone in the world will be able to find your company and the information you provide about it.

EmcTTS - digital time fingerprint

The service allows you to record the time of placement of any documents in the blockchain. Indispensable service for placing insurance and other similar contracts. Resolves issues of copyright priorities, patent issues, etc.

In simple words:
It is possible to register a document on the blockchain so that its existence on a specified date can be easily verified. It will be easy to verify that the document actually existed on the date of registration and was exactly as provided. The work of notary and patent offices is noticeably simplified, accelerated, and cheaper, and most importantly, any possibility of falsification is eliminated: now, simply by placing any document on the blockchain, you can register the priority of the invention or the date of conclusion of the contract. In this case, both the document itself and the date and time of its placement will be recorded forever, without the slightest possibility of falsification.

Examples of use:

  1. When concluding an agreement between companies A And B the agreement was registered on the blockchain. For this purpose, a company employee A took a photo/scan of the document and posted its checksum (“hash”) on the blockchain. At the same time, the company B did not perform any actions and may not even know about this operation.A year later the company B refused to comply with the terms of the contract, claiming that the copy of the contract available to the company A, allegedly was changed by the company A(additional points were added or numbers were corrected a considerable time after signing, when A found that these items need to be added). Employees B illegally make changes to their copy of the contract.Company A provides electronic copy(photo) of the contract and proves it using technology EMC TTS that the agreement at the moment immediately after its conclusion was exactly what it is now (that is, A reliably proves that the clauses were in the contract initially, and were not introduced later when the need for their inclusion arose).

  2. The author of a work of art places a photograph of his work with his signature on the blockchain. Thus, he confirms that on the date of this operation the work already existed and he had a copy of it, that is, he can easily prove his primacy in possessing a copy. Note that the checksum of the photograph is placed in the storage, and not the photograph itself, that is, it is fundamentally impossible to obtain data about the work from the blockchain (it simply is not contained there).

  3. An employee of the company saved signatures of documents related to the activities of his company in the blockchain. Subsequently, he can easily prove the authenticity of the documents and the fact that they were not made “retroactively” - that is, that they existed at the time when he placed their imprint. Note that the documents themselves do not end up on the blockchain and do not violate trade secrets in any way, that is, they do not put the company at risk.

Emc DPO - Digital Proof of Ownership

This service can be used to confirm rights to any type of property that has unique numbers assigned to it - VIN numbers of cars, cadastral numbers land plots, apartment numbers in the house, software license numbers and much more. When an asset is sold or transferred, the owner is automatically deprived of ownership rights and it passes to the new owner.

In simple words:
Based on this service, you can reliably and safely manage the ownership of any unique object (having a unique number or unique characteristics- location, name, etc.). To transfer ownership to another person, the previous owner performs a simple operation on the blockchain, and ownership passes to the owner he specified.

When purchasing a car, the right to own a car with a certain VIN number is taken away from the old owner and transferred to the new owner. Linking to a single register of unique numbers in the blockchain makes the possible theft of a car for the purpose of resale completely meaningless, because It is simply impossible to enter a fake VIN number. In addition, you can easily track the entire history of the car, starting from its release: change of owners, repairs, accidents, etc. The same applies to apartments and land plots. The Emc DPO service also resolves the issue of illegal licenses for software- you can’t sell the same thing license key for expensive programs (server applications, Autocad workstations, etc.) to different buyers.

Emc Atom - two-way transaction without third party participation

Used for sales in conditions where both parties do not trust each other. Eliminates the need for a third party guarantee (Escrow part).

In simple words:
Typically, when concluding a transaction, two trading parties are forced to turn to a third party (bank, independent law firm, etc.) to guarantee the execution of the transaction. The Emc Atom service allows you to immediately carry out the act of purchase and sale, when the seller receives the money and the buyer the right to own the property (see DPO).

If the software uses the EMC DPO service for licensing (the program, when launched, accesses the blockchain and checks whether it has current user right to use this program), then it is possible to make it possible for the user to sell his license to an interested party for EMC coins. In this case, the transaction will be protected.
For example, if user A has a license for a program, and B wants to buy this license, then a double transaction is created in which B transfers the agreed amount to A’s wallet, and A transfers to B the right to use the program. The transaction is completed automatically when both users have checked and confirmed that they are satisfied with everything. After the transaction, A receives funds, but loses the opportunity to use the program. B becomes the owner of the license to use the program.

Emc DNS for creating ultra-reliable networks and protecting against DNS spoofing

Distributed networks of organizations connected via the Internet can be disrupted due to failures or malicious attacks on the centralized domain name system (DNS). The alternative distributed domain name system Emc DNS removes the network's dependence on DNS public use, which makes the network virtually invulnerable.
In simple words: Blockchain-based DNS allows you to avoid blocking of Internet resources, as well as various types of DDOS attacks.

High-speed virtual transactions

All payment systems have transaction costs expressed either in money or in material resources consumed. The concept of virtual transactions is based on the technology of probabilistic aggregation of virtual micro-transactions into real ones. Since only virtual transactions take place in the system, the technology removes restrictions on network performance in the TPS metric, because This option is only applicable for real transactions.

In simple words:
This technology allows you to make micro-payments for ultra-small amounts (say, a fraction of a penny), with minimal transaction costs. You can pay for streaming traffic - telephony, video lessons, videos, real-time consultations, without a subscription, without creating an account.

Thus, the use of the totality of these services, like building blocks in a building, makes it possible now to create and use different operating schemes in the financial, banking, insurance and tax areas. It won’t be long before many people use blockchain, but only a few will be able to say that they were the first to use innovative technologies and improve their business and the quality of service for their clients and employees.

Example real application blockchain in business - Raketa watch factory

You can start using the above technologies now, we have collected them in one blockchain solutions platform

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. What is blockchain? Many people (including me at first) immediately experience association with bitcoins(or cryptocurrency in its general sense). On the one hand, these associations are true, but on the other hand, they are not. Why is this so? Let's figure it out.

This is partly due to the fact that the world's most popular service designed for is where tens of millions of users store bitcoins, only strengthens this connection.

First, let's go through the etymology of this word. It is derived from the English BlockChain, which means “chain of blocks”. But this doesn’t tell us much - just the name of the technology. However, we used the same keyword, which should explain everything.

What is BlockChain and what is the essence of this technology?

But virtual money is only one of many use cases, although it very successfully demonstrates the capabilities of this technology (there have not yet been cases of hacking or theft of bitcoins). Thanks to such an infallible reputation, blockchain is predicted to have a great future in other areas of human life that are just as critical in security matters as money circulation (information storage, transparent elections, etc.).

You probably already have some confusion in your head - how can you connect electronic money and elections? But here everything is easily explained. Blockchain is essentially just distributed and perfectly protected from hacking database. The whole point is how this whole thing is organized.

True, if you go into details, it will turn out tedious, and therefore I will try to convey the essence in simple words and concepts. By the way, the girl from the following video will help me with this, who clearly illustrates the process using blockchain to create cryptocurrency and not only:

Are you probably familiar with such technology as BitTorrent (at least indirectly)? What is remarkable about it (besides the fact that most of the exchange now takes place on its principles, including those with copyright violations)? And the fact that the data in it is stored distributedly - there is no central server, but at the same time everything works great (fast and reliable).

Advantages of blockchain

So, block chain is somewhat similar to it (distributed structure and popularity), but also has a number of other advantages:

  1. There is also no central server here - the entire database is distributed among the participants, which means it is almost impossible to hack it (other copies will immediately reject unauthorized changes made in one or a number of copies - more than half of all users of this system need to be broken).
  2. Each user will have a complete copy of the database (containing the entire chain of transactions) in encrypted form. Copies are synchronized (this is an algorithm for making decisions on conflicting versions of the blockchain).
  3. Anyone can track any transaction (operation with data) - the system is completely transparent (how do you think the media knew the exact amounts of bitcoins transferred to the owners of the recently sensational viruses?). This alone is worth it!
  4. Information is added to the database built using blockchain technology in the form of new blocks. Moreover, the addition is coordinated with other network users. If we take Bitcoin, then a new unit is created through resource-intensive calculations (essentially enumerating numbers and calculating a hash for them in order to fit into a predetermined pattern).

    So, a new unit of Bitcoin has been mined (essentially a new block of information) checked by other system participants(the hash is recalculated) and only after that the new block is added to all databases of all users of the system.

  5. All illegal attempts to make changes to the database based on blockchain technology (add new blocks, assign them to yourself, etc.) are stopped by comparing them with copies of databases stored by other users of the system. It is very difficult to hack the system due to decentralization and repeated copying of stored information. This is similar to the DNA in human cells - there are many of them, they carry all the information and can easily cope with failures in individual copies.

Analogies and example of using Block Chain to create cryptocurrency

If the above description hasn't cleared your mind about what BlockChain is, then I’ll try to explain using an example with simple associations.

Imagine cloud storage available to everyone in full indiscriminately (or its outdated analogue - FTP server with files in public access), where there are thousands of folders with files. On it you can view everything that is there at the moment uploaded and know where which file is located, who uploaded it and who downloaded it. But... You yourself cannot download everything, but only what you have the right to. Also, you can upload files only after fulfilling the conditions specified by the system.

Another an example from the field of money that will be closer to Bitcoin. Imagine that in the electronic money system there are no individual wallets (the data of which is available only to the wallet owner and system employees), but there is only one wallet, but with statistics completely open to everyone. You can see that Vasya transferred so much money to Petya, and he transferred so much money to him. But you won’t be able to interfere with the exchange process or steal anything.

You can only receive money that is intended exclusively for you. They are tied to special addresses, between which the transaction (transfer) occurs. The transfer is confirmed by a secret key (signed by it) compatible with this address (in fact, this is an analogue of a login and password). Data that you transferred money is sent to all copies of the database. Money is considered transferred when the records of its sending and receipt are reconciled.

The process is described in more detail at the end of this article, but for now I’ll give the floor to a young man who tells a very in simple words about a complex blockchain and implementation of cryptocurrency based on it.

Looks very easy, doesn't it?

Is BlockChain our future?

Currently, a technology called blockchain is undergoing quite a successful trial as a tool. virtual money, such as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Actually, this is where her triumphant march began, but it is unlikely to end this way.

Blockchain is not the same as Bitcoin

As planned, cryptocurrency is not even money, but a complete analogue of gold in the virtual world - their quantity is limited (calculated for many years in advance and the amount of “mined” is regulated by increasing/decreasing the complexity of the mining process), but they can be obtained (for example, c) or, or by mining (in a mine, which can be your computer or a specially assembled powerful system).

But Bitcoin itself is a rather controversial thing. It appeared in 2009 and since then has grown a thousandfold and continues to grow to this day (even at a rapid pace).

Doesn't it really look like a bubble? Will it burst? Very likely. In addition, there is an ambiguous attitude towards the state’s cryptocurrency.

But Bitcoin is only a product created on the principles of BlockChain, and all its shortcomings have nothing to do with the technology itself. Cryptocurrency is essentially a testing ground for blockchain and from a technical point of view everything is going just fine. And here the future fate of Bitcoin is not at all important, because it is just a “trial balloon”.

Based on BlockChain, you can easily create another cryptocurrency, for example, fully backed and legalized at the state level. Will it happen? We'll see, but it's very likely. The thing is convenient and not only due to the technical features described above.

Why is everyone talking about this technology now?

Let's take a look at the benefits that the introduction of blockchain technology will bring to our lives:

  1. “You don’t need a violinist” - remember this phrase from the legendary film? So, it is very applicable here. When using this technology, there will be no need to involve a “third party” when making a transaction, because the system, as I already said, is completely transparent to everyone. This can significantly reduce overhead costs and terms of transactions (transactions, i.e. operations with data).
  2. Blockchain is suitable for those systems where there is a risk of fraud and information security. Everything that huge amounts of money are now being spent on. Indeed, in addition to transparency, the technology has incomparable security and safety of use by all parties. Moreover, there is protection from fraud (and “keeping in check”) on the part of the system organizer due to decentralization (as in bittorent - technically there is no way to prevent downloading).

That's why they are active now experiments on implementing BlockChain, for example, in the election process. Transparency, security and safety are very important. Including from fraud on the part of those in power, spiteful people and other plotters. And no further talk about interference in elections (a priori). Beauty.

This technology can also be perfectly adapted for maintaining various cadastres, medical databases, legal databases, any logistics, as well as for conducting banking operations (this is certainly “the doctor ordered” - costs and processing time will be reduced significantly).

The whole question is that a strong-willed decision be made (many are not satisfied with the inability to “imperceptibly” interfere with the operation of the system after its implementation), and implementing all this and applying the blockchain in practice will be a secondary matter (fortunately, Bitcoin has provided an excellent established base).

Problems of implementing BlockChain in life

  1. For example, to maintain a high level of security, the system needs constant complex calculations, which can only be done with a very large resource base. In Bitcoin, this problem was solved simply - they assigned a commission to those who provide their resources ( computing power computers or specially assembled systems - mining farms) for this purpose (based on this principle, the main method of earning bitcoins is built - mining).
  2. It is also extremely important for the security of the entire system that these resources are distributed and not under the control of some group (for example, united by conspiracy), which can use the power concentrated in their hands for various bad manipulations.
  3. All this may deprive someone of work or profit (various intermediaries), and therefore they put a spoke in the wheels at the initial (most difficult) stage of introducing technology into life.

Blockchain using Bitcoin as an example

BlockChain is just a regular singly linked list of blocks with transaction information. Each new block changes the state of the entire distributed database. This means that if you replace something (with intent), then the hashes of the next blocks will change and the replaced piece will not take the place of the old one.

A generally accepted measure of integrity. You can calculate the hash of any number (by a certain formula), but it is impossible to restore the number from a hash, which means that counterfeiting in such a database becomes impossible.

Now real an example of BlockChain working in the Bitcoin system. Further briefly:

  1. Transactions in this system are signed (considered reliable) in batches (i.e. blocks).
  2. The frequency of the appearance (adding) of new blocks is built into the distributed algorithm of the system: in order to sign one block (issue a new monetary unit), you need to find the required hash (by brute force, because it is a priori impossible to recover a number from a hash and all that remains is to endlessly calculate the hash for numbers taken at random , until you accidentally come across the desired hash option).
  3. In this case, the complexity of searching for a hash is set algorithmically depending on the tasks of the system (the complexity of the template into which the hash must fit changes). In Bitcoin, the frequency of mining a new unit (the appearance of a new block) is approximately ten minutes. Accordingly, the greater the power of the miner’s system, the higher the likelihood that he will add the next block to the system and receive a reward for it.
  4. Clients of the system can generate at least a million transactions (transfers) per second, but the network of nodes will only accept them from the moment the next block is signed (the next unit is mined).
  5. Moreover, the transaction will be considered unconfirmed until the appearance of several new blocks (generation of monetary units), to protect against forks (proliferation of cryptocurrency units on “side branches of the block chain”, which appeared, for example, in the local network, but were then rejected by the main block chain ).
  6. To avoid its uncontrolled growth, the size of the transaction database is specially compressed (in fact, trimmed) due to “checkpoints”. Consensus algorithms periodically confirm the so-called “pivot” block, before which the chain of blocks need not be stored. Such control blocks are periodically created (marked). Otherwise, the Bitcoin base would be unaffordable.

I want to emphasize that cryptocurrency is not a thing in itself. In any case, bitcoins are quite a freely convertible currency.

For them quick exchange For rubles, dollars or other electronic money, you can use online exchange services, for example, these:

And for a more subtle game on courses and additional income, I can advise crypto exchanges:

This is what the great and terrible blockchain looks like, if you try to describe it more or less in simple language. Although you have to use words that are not entirely simple, what can you do - technology :)

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Sberbank developed and launched educational program, aimed at studying the possibility of applying blockchain technology in the structure of the work of a banking organization. The course was created to familiarize bank managers with new technologies, as well as to train leading managers to apply the acquired knowledge in their activities. The objective of the training course was to attract management staff to use blockchain technology.

Application of technology in banking

The training program includes:

  • consideration possible ways apply technology to the financial sector;
  • overview of the main blockchain factories and platforms;
  • an overview of the basics of cryptoeconomics, which laid the foundation for this technology;
  • legal and regulatory criteria for the use of blockchain;
  • analysis of Sberbank programs where blockchain can be used.

The course is intended for internal use; in the future it is planned to promote the training program in other areas.

The popularity of blockchain technology is growing every day, this determines Sberbank’s interest in launching a training methodology. Sberbank has already carried out the first payment transactions using the IBM Blockchain platform. Sberbank sees the future of technology not only in its application in finance, but also in design developments.

What is the essence of Blockchain technology?

The founder of the technology is the Bitcoin system and methods of storing data in it. Information on completed transactions is grouped into a block chain. Each block contains information about the previous one. If you change the data of one block, this will entail changes in subsequent ones. It is impossible to delete or edit information in a block unnoticed; this will inevitably affect the entire chain. Thus, the technology ensures transparency of transactions and also implies access to information to all participants in the payment process. In this case, neither party can change the information without the consent of other participants.

The blockchain methodology is aimed at building a non-centralized system of relationships, where each participant in the process can analyze and control events. There is a special server on the basis of which a database with autonomous control is developed. The database is available to all participants in the transaction, while maintaining the principle of confidentiality.

The technique helps a lot in cases where the parties have not built a trusting relationship, but you have to work with a single base. The technology is used in settlements between financial institutions, concluding contractual relations and checking counterparties. Any hacker attacks when using technology are not scary.

What does blockchain mean for the banking industry?

The introduction of blockchain technology may negatively affect the work of the bank, excluding it as an intermediary in the transfer cash. After all, the bank inherently acts as a link between the sender of the transfer and its recipient. It guarantees the successful completion of the transaction and charges a commission for this.

Sberbank saw a number of advantages in the blockchain methodology:

  • high-quality data synchronization;
  • transparent relations between counterparties;
  • protection from fraudulent activities and changes in information;
  • conducting an asset accounting system;
  • Safe and fast transactions reduce costs for participants in the process.

Despite the strengths of the technology, banking organizations today do not consider it an overwhelming competitor to the classical banking scheme. At the same time, leading Russian banks are beginning to use blockchain in new projects.

So, blockchain technology implies an electronic document management system, the main principles of which will be openness and accessibility to all participants, as well as the absence of centralized management information base. The technique will reduce human resources and also ensure a transition to a new method of verifying the authenticity of documentation. Blockchain will help speed up the processes of data transfer and mutual settlements between legal entities. Conducting transactions for large amounts now does not have to be delayed for a long time. It is noted that when making money transfers, the transaction is recorded to the recipient instantly, unlike the classical banking system.

Sberbank, as a leading bank in Russia, takes part in the development and implementation of new technologies in the work of a banking institution. The practical application of the blockchain methodology will make it possible to create a single database with simultaneous access to it by all participants in the relationship. The launch of the methodology will be reflected in the work of a banking organization in the form of transparency of concluded transactions and the impossibility of carrying out fraudulent transactions.
