How to copy Windows from disk to disk. Disk cloning with Macrium Reflect utility. How to copy files from a DVD to a computer

Greetings! Although CDs are no longer in fashion, because they are being intensively squeezed out by flash drives, I still decided to write an article today about how to copy an entire DVD/CD to a computer or other CD. I think many this instruction will be interesting and useful. We will copy the contents of the disks using the UltraIso program, thanks to which you can create disk images, write them to flash drives, hard drives, CDs, etc. The program is easy to learn and at the same time functional, so we will use it to copy disks .

Note: you can copy the contents of a disk to a computer and then write it to a blank disc standard means operating system. However, if you copy the contents in this way boot disk, and write to a new one blank disk, then the new media will not be bootable.

How to copy DVD/CD to computer

If UltraISO is not installed on your computer, then download and install it first. So, first of all, insert the disc into the DVD-ROM drive. Afterwards we launch the UltraISO program,

Now we need to click on the "Create CD image" button

An image creation window will open, where we need to specify the main parameters. First of all, let’s check whether the correct drive is selected, then indicate the location on the computer where you want to save the disk image (for example, I chose the Desktop). Click the "Make" button

The process of creating a disk image will begin,

When finished, you will see a window like this:

Click no.

The disk image is successfully created and saved on the local disk.

How to copy a DVD/CD to another CD

Using the method described above, we saved the disk image to the computer. Now if you want to make a copy of the disk, you need to burn this image to a blank CD/DVD disk. Well, let's get started.

Insert a blank disc into the drive. Now let’s open the previously created disco image in *.iso format,

Now on the panel we find the “Burn CD image” button and click on it,

The Burn Image window will then open. Select the CD burning speed and click the "Burn" button.

The disc will begin burning, you can occupy yourself for 10-15 minutes. Upon completion, remove the disk and check. It's as simple as that copy DVD disc to another.

Although CDs are no longer in fashion, because they are being intensively squeezed out by flash drives, I still decided to write an article today about how to copy an entire DVD/CD to a computer or other CD. I think many people will find this instruction interesting and useful. We will copy the contents of the disks using the UltraIso program, thanks to which you can create disk images, write them to flash drives, hard drives, CDs, etc. The program is easy to learn and at the same time functional, so we will use it to copy disks .

Note: You can copy the contents of a disk to a computer and then write it to a blank disc using standard operating system tools. However, if you copy the contents of the boot disk in this way and write it to a new blank disk, the new media will not be bootable.

How to copy DVD/CD to computer

If UltraISO is not installed on your computer, then download and install it first. So, first of all, insert the disc into the DVD-ROM drive. Afterwards we launch the UltraISO program,

Now we need to click on the "Create CD image" button

An image creation window will open, where we need to specify the main parameters. First of all, let’s check whether the correct drive is selected, then indicate the location on the computer where you want to save the disk image (for example, I chose the Desktop). Click the "Make" button

The process of creating a disk image will begin,

When finished, you will see a window like this:

Click no.

The disk image is successfully created and saved on the local disk.

How to copy a DVD/CD to another CD

Using the method described above, we saved the disk image to the computer. Now if you want to make a copy of the disk, you need to burn this image to a blank CD/DVD disk. Well, let's get started.

Insert a blank disc into the drive. Now let’s open the previously created disco image in *.iso format,

Dear friends, let's talk about how to copy music from a disk to a computer. Before moving on to this topic, you need to know that music on a disc can be recorded in several ways.

The first is recording mp3 files, like any other documents. With this method, there are no problems with copying music to your computer. Simply open the disk on your computer, select the files and copy them to the desired folder on your computer. It's very simple.

The second method is to record music onto an audio CD with copy protection. Such discs usually contain no more than 20 songs in good quality. Songs from such a disc cannot simply be selected and copied; only the shortcuts will be copied. That is, such songs will not be listened to in the future. Therefore, next we will talk about how to copy a CD to a computer.

We install the disk in the drive and start it. To do this, go to “My Computer” - “Devices with Removable Storage” and double-click on the disk icon.

The disk will start in Windows Player Media. In the upper right corner, click on the “Switch to Library” icon. Let's go to the library.

In the window that opens, you can change the parameters of the copied files from the disk, namely:

  • specify the folder to which the files will be copied;
  • select the format of the copied files, for example mp3, WMA, WAV;
  • change quality audio tracks, how better quality, the larger the volume of the sound file will be.

After making changes, click the “Apply” button and close the window.

We return to the library again and top menu Click “Copy to CD”. Here you can select the tracks that you want to copy or copy everything.

Now we get to the “CD Copy Options”. Here you need to select the two lower positions and click the “OK” button.

The copying process will be displayed in the library as a green bar opposite the track. The copying speed depends on the selected quality of music files.

In this way you can copy music from a disk to your computer in Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8 without installation additional programs, but by means of the operating system itself.

Programs for copying music

In addition to the method described above, there are many free programs with which you can easily transfer music from a disk to a computer. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Accord CD Ripper Freefree program to rip audio CDs to MP3 or WAV files. The program itself has an English interface, but the code is quite simple.

free converter audio and video files. To record audio files from an CD, just insert the disc into the drive and select “Audio” in the left sidebar, then select the format to which you want to convert the files. Let's do additional settings and copy. Let's enjoy the music.

- free converter of audio tracks from a CD to MP3, OGG, AAC, WMA or WAV (lossless audio) format.

As we see, there are many options, choose the one that suits you best and get to work!

Today you can find many videos on the Internet. We even shoot some videos ourselves to keep as souvenirs. Of course, nowadays it is very convenient to watch films and videos online or simply play videos saved on your computer, but sometimes you want to save films to your collection and watch them again and again. Also, sometimes it becomes necessary to make several copies of a film, which is why people increasingly began to wonder how to rewrite a video from

Which disks to use

To copy video to disk, you can use absolutely any disk. There are CD/DVD/Blu-ray disc formats. Each format differs in the amount of information it can hold. For example, a CD has only 700 MB of memory, and a DVD has 4.5 GB.

Also, we must not forget about the video file format; it can be either 700 MB or 4.5 GB in size. The difference is in the quality and volume of the video. But for purposes such as transferring video to a disk, it is better to use disks with a large capacity, since it is possible that you simply may not have enough space when recording to a disk, which is why it will be irrevocably damaged. Therefore, before you begin any actions, you need to take care of choosing a disk.

How to copy a video to disk

At least modern world I have almost forgotten about such media as cassettes or floppy disks, and have completely immersed myself in the new products of the industry; there are still people who do not know all the basics of using disks and digital technologies. Before asking yourself the question of how to copy a video from disk to disk, you need to find out how films and other videos initially end up on these same disk media.

It's actually very simple. This procedure can be performed by almost any user of a regular personal computer with a writeable drive. To do this you need to install special program, which will help you burn a disc (for example, Nero), insert the disc into the drive, select necessary files and click the corresponding “Record” button in the program.

How to transfer video from disk to disk

In order to transfer video from one disk to another, you will need: a blank disk, disk media with an already recorded film, and a program. To begin, insert the media with the film/clip into the drive, select required file, right-click on it, select “Copy” and left-click on it.

Now your video is in and in order to save it, select the desired folder, located not on the disk drive, but on the computer. Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V and your movie will be copied and saved in the selected folder.

Then you can remove the disk with the files and insert a clean one. If you haven't yet figured out how to transfer a video from disk to disk, read on. First, you need to save all the necessary films or other videos to your computer, and then you can burn them to another disk, in which case you will not need additional devices and expensive equipment. So, after you have inserted a new, blank media into the drive, select and drag all the necessary video files into the window of this disk and click the “Burn” button. But experienced computer users recommend using programs specifically designed for this, such as Nero. Of course, there are many others, but this program is quite simple and understandable even for an inexperienced user.


Unfortunately, it happens that the player simply refuses to read the film from the disc. This may be due to many reasons, such as: the CD/DVD media is damaged or poorly recorded during the session; or the player simply does not support the file format and therefore cannot play it. To do this, you need to have a special converter to convert the file to the required format and select the desired resolution. For example, Movavi. After opening the program, click “Add Video” and select the file that we want to convert. At the next stage, we select the format into which we want to convert the file. Having done this, click “Start” - after a couple of minutes the film/video will be converted to the desired format.

Now converting the format and burning video to disc will no longer be difficult for you, and you can enjoy your favorite films not only while sitting in front of a computer monitor, but lying on the sofa or bed in front of the TV after inserting the video disc into the DVD player.

The task is worth initial conditions such:

Or you can, on the contrary, install seven, copy ten, and swap the disks, this does not change anything.

What is this for? Well, for example, it’s high time to reinstall the system, but in the old OS a lot of things have been installed and configured since time immemorial. When you reinstall the OS, all programs and settings are lost. I would like to be able to run the old system and see what was there and how it worked. Well, or stupidly it’s problematic to transfer some licenses.

The whole difficulty is that existing programs can do it, but for the same logical partition. That is, from drive C: to drive C. But so that to the same physical disk and for the second section - they don’t know how. Everything is complicated by the fact that even if they learn, we can’t format the destination disk, because according to legend there are tons of information that there is nowhere to put or that is very time-consuming and painful to put.

We'll have to do some magic. The action plan is:

  1. Editing the boot menu
  2. Booting from a flash drive
  3. Copy system folders
  4. Changing drive letters

Windows boot menu

At booting Windows we will have a menu with the ability to select an operating system: the new (current) Windows and the copied current one. To add a new item there

Launch via the right button and select “Run as administrator”. Next, go to the “BCD” tab, where “BCD of current system” should be selected. Click on the “Easy mode” button

Now you need to configure new element menu:

BootDisk: our hard drive with current Windows

Partition: partition (drive D) to which the current Windows was copied

OStitle: custom menu item name

Language: ru-RU, Russian language

Timeout: seconds after which the default item will be automatically selected.

To record changes, click “Save current system”. All this can be done later, read below.

Preparing a flash drive

According to the article. We will need Paragon Hard Disk Manager and Acronis Disk Director. Therefore, we select an image for the flash drive that contains these programs. The image from Sergei Strelec suits. Instead of a flash drive, there can be a CD/DVD or an external hard drive, it doesn’t matter.

IN Windows environment PE is the Windows that runs from USB.

Now you need to copy the system folders to the root of drive D, namely:

  • Windows
  • Users
  • Program Files
  • Program Files (x86) – if available
  • ProgramData

All these folders are needed for Windows and that's it installed programs functioned on the second section. Some highly specialized programs are installed by default to the root of the disk, and not to the “Program Files” folder, so take a look at the root of the C: drive and if you see familiar folder names, you need to copy them too.

You can simply copy using file manager, For example, Total Commander. You can use the TeraCopy program, which is included in the Sergei Strelec image. It copies without stopping to error messages, if anything. And then at the end you can see what could not be copied and take action.

There may be problems with this step. Surprisingly, running Windows from a flash drive, it still protects system files Windows on other drives! Not always, but it happens. Therefore, there may be messages about access errors when copying registry files and its user branches (ntuser.dat). Namely the problematic folders:

  • System32\config
  • ServiceProfiles
  • Users\user folder\ntuser*.*

If you listened and chose an image from Paragon Hard Disk Manager, then we copy EVERYTHING or only the problem areas. Launch it, go to “Utilities” and select “Move Files”

Select the required folders or files and wait for the process to complete:

You can also copy using Acronis True Image, selecting there backup files, saving them to another drive, and then restoring them to your D drive.

If someone has only this program at their disposal, then please. But sometimes, for some reason, it freezes when copying large volumes, for example, all the necessary folders.

If there is a BOOTICE utility on the flash drive, then you can add another Windows to the menu item now, and not in the first step. All the steps are the same, but on the “BCD” tab, select “Other BCD file” and look for it along the path “C:\boot\BCD”. Now drive C is a hidden drive in regular Windows, but when you boot into Windows PE it is visible, and it should be 100-350 Mb in size. Or, if there is no such hidden disk, then this is a disk with the current Windows 7/8/10.

The final touch - letters

And now the highlight. The main problem with starting Windows from another drive is that it has a different letter, for example D, and most of the settings are firmly registered on drive C. We will change the drive letters in the copy of the operating system, i.e., so that Windows considers that drive D to where it is currently located, drive C.

So, let's launch Acronis Disk Director from a flash drive. Select the copied Windows from the list. Now, in theory, you should have two identical Windows, and you can distinguish a copy by the letter of the drive and its size on which it is located:

Now right-click on drive C and select “Change letter”. Select any free one, for example the letter G. Now we just need to free the letter C. Next, change the drive letter D to C, and the drive letter G to D:

All that remains is to apply the changes:

That's all.

Results, what happened

So, we created a new item in the boot menu, copied the system folders and swapped the letters. The trick is that now both Windows will work, and the one that remains on drive C, the current one, will continue to “see” drives C and D as they are now. And if you run the copied Windows, then in it you will see your disks “messed up” in places.

When you install Windows 10 on drive C, feel free to format the partition. New installation will replace the name in the menu old Windows 7/8 for 10 and will leave our new menu item.

But there may be a problem - most likely the activation of the copy of Windows will fail. You can reactivate again or do nothing if you only need it for a short time.

I haven’t found a simpler and “dumb” method to do all this, and if you know how else is possible, please write in the comments.
